Fluoride toxicity - Protect yourself with selenium Published September 21 2012 | Concepts: fluoride, selenium, NIH, cancer, toxicity |
Vitamin C and beta-carotene help protect against Alzheimer's dementia Published September 21 2012 | Concepts: beta-carotene, Alzheimer's, vitamin C, health, antioxidant |
GMO rice illegally tested on Chinese children as part of US-backed research project? Published September 21 2012 | Concepts: rice, Chinese, children, research, vitamin A |
The most common lifestyle habits that create disease Published September 20 2012 | Concepts: habits, lifestyle, health, bra, disease |
Plant phytonutrients shown to alter genes that halt cancer metastasis Published September 18 2012 | Concepts: genes, cancer, phytonutrients, health, natural |
Latest research shows vaccinated children more chronically ill than non-vaccinated Published September 18 2012 | Concepts: children, vaccine, research, vaccinated children, vaccines |
Are experimental vaccines for soldiers causing premature aging? Published September 14 2012 | Concepts: veterans, soldiers, vaccines, aging, experimental |
Fish oils proven to slow aging and mobility decline Published September 13 2012 | Concepts: men, fish, aging, mobility, oil |
Scientists discover green tea boosts brain cell production, aids memory Published September 13 2012 | Concepts: tea, green, green tea, brain, memory |
'Junk' DNA found to play crucial role in health or disease Published September 13 2012 | Concepts: DNA, health, disease, human, gene switches |
Universities and cancer clinics are all on the take from Big Pharma payoffs Published September 11 2012 | Concepts: Big Pharma, cancer, universities, cancer clinics, doctor |
Why chemotherapy doesn't work - Cancer tumors confirmed to have stem cells that regenerate tumors Published September 11 2012 | Concepts: cancer, tumors, stem cells, chemotherapy, cancer tumors |
Jabs and more jabs - Combined 'anti-heroin' and HIV vaccine supported by National Institute on Drug Abuse Published September 11 2012 | Concepts: vaccine, HIV, vaccines, heroin, drug |
Sugar and high fructose diet slows brain and memory functions Published September 10 2012 | Concepts: sugar, memory, fructose, diet, brain |
Research uncovers whole foods method of defending against protein loss from a hard workout Published September 8 2012 | Concepts: protein, whole foods, research, workout, method |
Busted! Co-author of Stanford study that bashed organics found to have deep ties to Big Tobacco's anti-science propaganda Published September 7 2012 | Concepts: tobacco, Stanford, study, science, research |
Human lungs 'brush' themselves clean of contaminants Published September 7 2012 | Concepts: lungs, human, contaminants, respiratory system, research |
End your battle with bloating: Eat these four foods daily Published September 7 2012 | Concepts: foods, papaya, health, food, solutions |
Long Island congressman calls attention to danger of radiation exposure from airport x-ray scanners Published September 6 2012 | Concepts: radiation, safe, Congressman, exposure, airport |
Dietary proteins signal brain satiety to help prevent overeating and obesity Published September 4 2012 | Concepts: brain, satiety, overeating, proteins, protein |
An apple a day keeps diabetes at bay? Published September 4 2012 | Concepts: diabetes, fat, apple, health, obesity |
Another nail in the coffin for statin drugs - New research finds statins increase artery calcification Published August 31 2012 | Concepts: drugs, natural, heart, statin drugs, health |
Lost Egyptian pyramids found? Published August 31 2012 | Concepts: Egyptian pyramids, 5, discovery, Nile River, research |
Since 1950, reliable research has been suppressed to keep Americans in the dark about trans-fatty acids causing cancer and heart attacks Published August 29 2012 | Concepts: fat, food, 5, heart, cancer |
Young children more likely to be obese if given antibiotics as babies, study shows Published August 29 2012 | Concepts: antibiotics, study, children, body, exposure |
Shock discovery: Bacteria found in public water comes from the treatment filters, not from the water source Published August 28 2012 | Concepts: water, bacteria, filters, treatment, drinking water |
Apple peel extracts can help lower blood pressure Published August 27 2012 | Concepts: apple, blood, apple peel, blood pressure, research |
Myth busted: No-salt diets are NOT necessarily healthier Published August 25 2012 | Concepts: salt, health, hypertension, myth, diets |
Acupuncture for osteoarthritic knee pain - It's more effective than conventional biomedicine, research shows Published August 25 2012 | Concepts: acupuncture, pain, knee pain, research, treatment |
Children with healthier diets are smarter, research proves Published August 24 2012 | Concepts: children, IQ, 5, research, vegetarian |
Vegetarian cavemen died off while meat-eaters survived, according to scientists Published August 23 2012 | Concepts: vegetarian, meat-eaters, man, human, meat |
Cocoa flavanols from dark chocolate halt memory decline during aging Published August 23 2012 | Concepts: flavanols, cocoa, memory, memory decline, chocolate |
Walnuts improve the health of sperm, research suggests Published August 23 2012 | Concepts: sperm, health, walnuts, improve, men |
Mediterranean diet with extra virgin olive oil prevents bone loss and lowers cardiovascular risk Published August 22 2012 | Concepts: olive oil, diet, bone, mediterranean diet, health |
Cocoa consumption shown to reduce blood pressure Published August 21 2012 | Concepts: cocoa, blood, blood pressure, consumption, chocolate |
Spinach influences gene expression to cut colon cancer risk in half Published August 21 2012 | Concepts: cancer, colon cancer, gene expression, colon, spinach |
Eating grapes significantly improves heart health in men with metabolic syndrome Published August 18 2012 | Concepts: grapes, health, heart, heart health, men |
New research - Morgellons proven to be a real disease Published August 16 2012 | Concepts: Morgellons, research, fibers, skin, disease |
Chiropractic treatment improves functionality of individuals with rheumatoid arthritis Published August 16 2012 | Concepts: chiropractic, treatment, rheumatoid arthritis, posture, NaturalNews |
Synthetic artificial butter flavoring chemical promotes development of Alzheimer's disease Published August 13 2012 | Concepts: chemical, Alzheimer's, butter, food, popcorn |
Research proves stress really does shorten your life span by damaging DNA Published August 8 2012 | Concepts: stress, life span, life, health, research |
Can eating fruit help you quit smoking? Published August 7 2012 | Concepts: fruit, eating, vegetables, research, tobacco |
Alzheimer's is really just 'type-3' diabetes, new research shows Published August 6 2012 | Concepts: Alzheimer's, diabetes, research, brain, health |
Deadly anemia drugs like Procrit made billions - FDA kept their dangers a secret to protect pharma profits Published August 6 2012 | Concepts: drug, drugs, dangers, FDA, anemia |
Dolphins indulge in elite societies and cliques just like humans do, scientists find Published August 4 2012 | Concepts: dolphins, elite societies, humans, scientists, WHO |
Mindfulness courses that help practitioners reduce stress and relax Published August 4 2012 | Concepts: stress, mindfulness, reduction, stress reduction, program |
BPA tooth fillings linked to behavior disorders in children Published August 2 2012 | Concepts: BPA, behavior, behavior disorders, tooth fillings, chemical |
Synthetic vitamins fuel sickness while enriching the corrupt medical industry Published August 1 2012 | Concepts: vitamins, disease, synthetic vitamins, health, sickness |
Personal care products found to increase diabetes risk by 60 percent in women Published July 31 2012 | Concepts: diabetes, products, risk, increase, personal care |
Common parasite causes defects in newborns Published July 30 2012 | Concepts: parasite, research, causes, disease, birth defects |
Popular MS drugs don't prevent disability, research finds Published July 27 2012 | Concepts: disability, research, drug, drugs, MS drugs |
Breaking News - Cancer physician speaks out about cancer fraud Published July 26 2012 | Concepts: cancer, therapy, news, research, free |
Do you have a chemical intolerance? Study finds condition to be a common occurrence Published July 23 2012 | Concepts: chemical, intolerance, study, chemical intolerance, patients |
Does drinking coffee reduce the risk of skin cancer? Published July 23 2012 | Concepts: skin, coffee, cancer, skin cancer, drinking |
Candida overgrowth triggers your child's chronic ear infections Published July 21 2012 | Concepts: candida, overgrowth, infection, child, ear infections |
Lie-telling myth busted - Eye movements have no correlation to telling lies Published July 21 2012 | Concepts: eye, movement, eye movements, myth, study |
Big Pharma's Oxycontin addicts being forced to heroin; war on drugs is complete failure Published July 21 2012 | Concepts: heroin, oxycontin, drug, drugs, war |
Fresh vegetable diet protects against pancreatitis and risk of pancreatic cancer Published July 13 2012 | Concepts: pancreatitis, vegetable, diet, risk, vegetables |
Vitamin B6 deficit promotes inflammation, heart disease and cognitive decline Published July 12 2012 | Concepts: disease, inflammation, vitamin B6, heart disease, men |
Ward off cancer, protect against radiation, and ease irritable bowel syndrome with mint Published July 11 2012 | Concepts: mint, cancer, health, radiation, peppermint |
Was the discovery of Higgs boson actually the world's most successful experiment in the power of conscious intention? Published July 10 2012 | Concepts: conscious, intention, discovery, scientist, scientists |
Researchers commandeer military drone to prove how easy hi-tech hijacking can be Published July 8 2012 | Concepts: hijacking, gps, researchers, military drone, military |
Ecuadorian research into ancient diets unveils a new super food Published July 8 2012 | Concepts: diet, research, diets, food, Ecuador |
Mosquito-sized spy drones being developed by researchers Published July 6 2012 | Concepts: research, drones, researchers, combat, spy drones |
Momma's AIDS cure? Breast milk found to kill HIV Published July 4 2012 | Concepts: milk, HIV, breast milk, AIDS, study |
Wanna get fat fast? Stay vitamin D deficient! Published July 3 2012 | Concepts: Vitamin D, weight, women, study, fat |
Genetic weakness to cancer found to be reversible Published July 3 2012 | Concepts: cancer, RNA, Genetic, genes, damage |
Eight weeks of mindfulness meditation can rewire the brain and control depression symptoms Published June 27 2012 | Concepts: meditation, brain, the brain, mindfulness, depression |
Filthiest item in a hotel room isn't the mattress... it's the TV remote Published June 22 2012 | Concepts: hotel room, research, study, bacteria, researchers |
Meditation technique repairs the brain processes that aspartame destroys Published June 21 2012 | Concepts: aspartame, meditation, brain, the brain, health |
Mediterranean diet not only prevents heart disease and diabetes and improves quality of life Published June 20 2012 | Concepts: diet, mediterranean diet, quality, health, diabetes |
Dozens of autism brains at Harvard hospital found rotting after freezer failure Published June 20 2012 | Concepts: autism, brains, brain, Harvard, hospital |
Watermelon extract lowers blood pressure better than dangerous pharmaceuticals Published June 19 2012 | Concepts: blood pressure, blood, extract, watermelon, watermelon extract |
Water supply contaminated with antidepressants may cause autism Published June 17 2012 | Concepts: water, water supply, autism, antidepressants, environment |
Why we are three times heavier than we were in the '60s Published June 16 2012 | Concepts: food, corn, sugar, corn syrup, fat |
Vitamin D protects against colds, flu and viral infections Published June 14 2012 | Concepts: Vitamin D, flu, colds, health, sun |
Preliminary studies examine the effect of cannabis extracts on multiple sclerosis Published June 13 2012 | Concepts: cannabis, studies, multiple sclerosis, research, herbs |
Coconut Oil - Here's what you need to know about this amazing rejuvenation and healing oil Published June 12 2012 | Concepts: oil, coconut, coconut oil, fat, acid |
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funding research into bracelets that track mental, emotional responses Published June 12 2012 | Concepts: bracelets, bracelet, research, emotional, students |
Researchers zero in on a diet designed to support individuals with ADHD Published June 12 2012 | Concepts: diet, food, adhd, researchers, support |
Gattaca becomes reality as scientists start to screen, abort human babies based on 3,500 'genetic faults' Published June 11 2012 | Concepts: Genetic, babies, human, reality, natural |
Many grapefruit seed extracts are adulterated, non-profit research group finds Published June 10 2012 | Concepts: grapefruit, adulterated, products, non-profit, extract |
Vitamins more effective at Type 2 Diabetes treatment than pharmaceuticals Published June 8 2012 | Concepts: diabetes, vitamins, treatment, Type 2 diabetes, diabetes treatment |
Cheap calcium supplements can raise risk of a heart attack twofold: Are you at risk? Published June 7 2012 | Concepts: calcium, supplements, heart attack, heart, risk |
Rawesome bombshell: Lab test evidence against Sharon Palmer (Healthy Family Farms) found invalid; allegations unsupportable Published June 4 2012 | Concepts: chicken, Sharon Palmer, farm, tests, family |
The next catastrophic nuclear reactor core meltdown is much more likely than you suspect Published June 1 2012 | Concepts: nuclear, reactor, meltdown, nuclear reactor, research |
Ancient curry spice boosts innate immune response to fight infection and chronic disease Published May 31 2012 | Concepts: spice, infection, curcumin, curry, health |
We knew this day would come - Deadly strain of MRSA now resistant to last-line antibiotics for infections Published May 31 2012 | Concepts: MRSA, antibiotics, 5, infections, hospital |
New research reveals breathing pattern of smokers deepens the addiction Published May 29 2012 | Concepts: breathing, smoke, smokers, smoker, research |
Study: Massive bias toward pharmaceuticals at American Psychiatric Association conferences Published May 29 2012 | Concepts: conference, bias, American Psychiatric Association, news, pharmaceuticals |
Teenage diabetes more than doubles Published May 29 2012 | Concepts: diabetes, risk, teens, teenage diabetes, research |
Federal government says it's okay to lie about pomegranate juice, but not to tell the truth Published May 28 2012 | Concepts: pomegranate, federal, juice, government, health |
Can gardening cure depression? Published May 27 2012 | Concepts: gardening, health, garden, cure, brain |
Cannabis smokers show greater lung capacity and lower cancer levels than non-smokers Published May 27 2012 | Concepts: cannabis, smokers, cancer, smoke, lung capacity |
Red alert for humanity: Chemical damage can be inherited by offspring through unlimited generations Published May 24 2012 | Concepts: chemical, generation, chemicals, exposure, damage |
Killing ourselves softly: studies support food-depression link Published May 23 2012 | Concepts: food, depression, foods, health, research |
Big Ag, Monsanto take over research universities and turn them into pro-industry propaganda machines Published May 21 2012 | Concepts: research, universities, propaganda, Monsanto, food |
Big pharma 'research' suggests all people over 50 should take statins every day for life Published May 20 2012 | Concepts: statins, people, UK, Big Pharma, drug |
Government tyranny: Illinois Department of Agriculture secretly destroys beekeeper's bees and 15 years of research proving Monsanto's Roundup kills bees Published May 20 2012 | Concepts: bees, Roundup, Illinois, research, agriculture |
Gluten sensitivity in mothers linked to mental health issues for the child Published May 19 2012 | Concepts: gluten, sensitivity, schizophrenia, research, gluten sensitivity |
Baking soda, cancer and fungus Published May 16 2012 | Concepts: cancer, infection, fungus, man, baking |
Pentagon researching 'narrative networks' as way to hijack the brain with false stories Published May 15 2012 | Concepts: brain, people, Pentagon, the brain, research |
Dr. Nick Gonzales and Suzanne Somers get real about nutrition and cancer on the Robert Scott Bell Show Published May 15 2012 | Concepts: cancer, WHO, Suzanne Somers, people, Robert Scott Bell |
Federal government teams up with Big Pharma to scrounge up new uses for failed drugs Published May 12 2012 | Concepts: Big Pharma, government, federal, federal government, drug |
The top eight anti-aging foods available right now Published May 9 2012 | Concepts: health, foods, anti-aging, berries, oil |
Resveratrol vindicated for anti-aging benefits and prevention of heart disease Published May 9 2012 | Concepts: resveratrol, anti-aging, benefits, health, heart |
Wild tomatillo weed compounds may help fight cancer, study finds Published May 8 2012 | Concepts: cancer, tomatillo, weed, study, research |
Vaccine bombshell: Baby monkeys given standard doses of popular vaccines develop autism symptoms Published May 6 2012 | Concepts: autism, vaccine, monkeys, vaccines, safe |
Vitamin E from diet shown to protect against many forms of cancer Published May 6 2012 | Concepts: vitamin E, cancer, diet, prevention, research |
Discover a common yard weed that's proven to kill cancer cells Published May 3 2012 | Concepts: cancer, dandelion, tea, research, weed |
Swiss government report declares homeopathy is 'cost effective' in treating patients Published April 29 2012 | Concepts: homeopathic, Swiss, medicine, cost, report |
MIT computer simulation predicts total global economic collapse in less than 20 years Published April 27 2012 | Concepts: MIT, simulation, economic collapse, men, research |
Monsanto buys leading bee research firm after being implicated in bee colony collapse Published April 26 2012 | Concepts: Monsanto, research, colony collapse, GMO, honey bees |
Independent research identifies cancer-causing chemicals in food packaging, fabric coatings Published April 26 2012 | Concepts: chemicals, PFOA, chemical, food, packaging |
Fiberglass fibers cause lung diseases and cancer Published April 26 2012 | Concepts: fiber, fiberglass, cancer, health, asbestos |
Birth defects are one-third more likely in babies conceived with IVF, according to studies Published April 25 2012 | Concepts: IVF, babies, birth, birth defects, risk |
Celiac disease linked to infertility Published April 25 2012 | Concepts: disease, celiac disease, infertility, studies, research |
The healing effects of music proven in tests Published April 21 2012 | Concepts: music, healing, research, sound healing, medicine |
The Health Ranger interviews neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock on mandatory vaccine trials, fraudulent vaccine science and vaccine ethics Published April 20 2012 | Concepts: vaccine, vaccines, health, Health Ranger, child |
Cancer industry total fraud exposed: Nearly all 'scientific' studies fail to be replicated Published April 19 2012 | Concepts: studies, cancer, research, industry, cancer industry |
Pets are good for child health Published April 18 2012 | Concepts: child, pets, children, dog, health |
America's number one medical cannabis dispensary bypasses restrictions by outsourcing their research to the UK Published April 14 2012 | Concepts: research, cannabis, medical, health, medical cannabis |
Chiropractic and diabetes - The connection between blood sugar and the spine Published April 13 2012 | Concepts: diabetes, chiropractic, blood sugar, blood, connection |
Health Ranger interviews neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock on MSG and brain-damaging excitotoxins Published April 13 2012 | Concepts: MSG, health, brain, Health Ranger, food |
Dr. Andrew Wakefield reveals real story behind vaccines, autism and more Published April 10 2012 | Concepts: Andrew Wakefield, vaccines, vaccine, autism, Robert Scott Bell |
The Swiss government's exceedingly positive report on homeopathic medicine Published April 8 2012 | Concepts: homeopathic, Swiss, report, medicine, homeopathy |
Complex cancer industry trial literature is too confusing for patients to understand Published April 7 2012 | Concepts: patients, cancer, information, confusing, literature |
For many patients, cannabis may offer the best medicinal pain relief yet discovered Published April 6 2012 | Concepts: cannabis, pain, pain relief, research, patients |
Study finds the time of day can increase the risk of dying from sudden cardiac death Published April 6 2012 | Concepts: time of day, risk, study, increase, nature |
Five great herbs for fighting depression naturally Published April 4 2012 | Concepts: depression, herbs, natural, rhodiola, symptoms |
Research shows pharmaceutical side effects exceed adverse warnings 5X Published April 4 2012 | Concepts: warnings, research, side effects, medical, report |
Big Cancer foundation continues to crumble - Mainstream media admits most cancer studies cannot be replicated Published April 4 2012 | Concepts: cancer, studies, media, mainstream media, cancer studies |
Dirty kids are healthy kids - the Hygiene Hypothesis Published April 3 2012 | Concepts: kids, child, disease, research, healthy |
Dandelion gets scientific acceptance as an antioxidant and "novel" cancer therapy Published March 31 2012 | Concepts: dandelion, cancer, extract, antioxidant, scientific |
Study finds LSD has beneficial effects for treating alcohol dependency Published March 31 2012 | Concepts: LSD, alcohol, health, study, treatment |
Three benefits of dark chocolate that will help you lose weight Published March 30 2012 | Concepts: chocolate, dark chocolate, health, insulin, benefits |
Omega-3 fats lower systemic inflammation to slash cancer and heart disease risks Published March 30 2012 | Concepts: omega-3, fats, inflammation, heart disease, cancer |
Curcumin found to prevent brain degenerative diseases including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's Published March 28 2012 | Concepts: curcumin, brain, protein, Parkinson's, disease |
Are trans-fats linked to aggressive behavior? Published March 28 2012 | Concepts: omega-3, acid, men, aggressive, Harvard |
Consuming a variety of berries can prevent memory loss and improve cognition Published March 25 2012 | Concepts: berries, memory loss, memory, brain, improve |
Special hormone released by bone cells plays an important role in blood sugar regulation Published March 24 2012 | Concepts: bone, hormone, sugar, blood, blood sugar |
Vitamin D3 and curcumin synergistically clear brain tangles to help prevent Alzheimer's dementia Published March 23 2012 | Concepts: curcumin, Alzheimer's, vitamin D3, brain, Vitamin D |
A tragic and stunning case of scientific fraud in studies on red wine and resveratrol Published March 22 2012 | Concepts: research, resveratrol, fraud, scientific fraud, scientific |
Cancer industry trying to co-opt most recent potential natural cure - frankincense Published March 20 2012 | Concepts: cancer, frankincense, natural, oil, cure |
Vitamin D3 inhibits systemic inflammation to improve heart health markers Published March 20 2012 | Concepts: health, inflammation, Vitamin D, heart health, heart |
High manganese levels making air breathing hazardous in some residential areas Published March 18 2012 | Concepts: manganese, water, breathing, arsenic, research |
The Department of Homeland Security plans to build a high-risk virus research center in the heart of America Published March 16 2012 | Concepts: risk, research, Kansas, DHS, security |
Just a few minutes of daily exercise alters DNA to help prevent chronic disease Published March 16 2012 | Concepts: DNA, exercise, health, daily exercise, men |
Is seaweed the future of alternative energy sources like biofuel? Published March 16 2012 | Concepts: seaweed, biofuel, alternative energy, sources, alternative |
Just one soda per day can cause heart attacks in men Published March 16 2012 | Concepts: heart, soda, sugar, heart attacks, men |
Vitamin D prevents stress fractures in preteen and teenage girls Published March 16 2012 | Concepts: Vitamin D, stress fractures, stress, bone, teenage girls |
Want to be more attractive to others? Eat more fruits and veggies Published March 13 2012 | Concepts: health, attractive, fruits, fruit, eating |
Strong scientific evidence shows that eating berries benefits the brain Published March 11 2012 | Concepts: berries, health, scientific evidence, benefits, eating |
Three mind-body causes of weight gain Published March 10 2012 | Concepts: stress, weight, brain, emotional, causes |
Boku unveils Matcha Green Tea with extraordinary nutritional profile; 500% more antioxidants than goji berries Published March 7 2012 | Concepts: tea, green, green tea, natural, news |
Study: Bt toxin in GM crops kills non-target species Published March 6 2012 | Concepts: Bt toxin, GM crops, species, research, study |
Natural compounds in oranges may reduce risk of stroke in women Published March 3 2012 | Concepts: stroke, oranges, risk, health, men |
Can berries and herbs be used to preserve meat naturally without the use of chemical additives? Published March 3 2012 | Concepts: meat, berries, herbs, chemical, research |
Citrus fruit may help lower the risk of stroke in women Published March 2 2012 | Concepts: stroke, fruit, risk, citrus, flavonoids |
Aspartame withdrawal and side effects explained - Here's how to protect yourself Published March 2 2012 | Concepts: aspartame, side effects, withdrawal, WHO, health |
The great government hoax of public safety Published March 1 2012 | Concepts: men, government, safe, safety, public safety |
Anti-inflammatory antioxidants in citrus fruits reduce the risk of stroke Published February 29 2012 | Concepts: stroke, risk, fruits, citrus, fruit |
Chiropractic treatments improve sensory-processing disorders Published February 29 2012 | Concepts: chiropractic, natural, NaturalNews, child, SPD |
GMOs with 'stacked traits' exponentially more harmful to humans due to synergistic toxicity Published February 28 2012 | Concepts: GMOs, Monsanto, human, humans, toxicity |
Research shows disruptions of the circadian clock influence our susceptibility to infection Published February 27 2012 | Concepts: sleep, research, disorder, shows, influence |
Curcumin is a potent tool in the war against prostate cancer and dementia Published February 27 2012 | Concepts: cancer, curcumin, prostate cancer, Prostate, war |
Evidence shows diet soda is not a healthy weight loss product Published February 26 2012 | Concepts: soda, diet soda, weight, weight loss, evidence |
Vitamin D and cancer - nine facts "they" won't tell you Published February 25 2012 | Concepts: cancer, Vitamin D, men, NaturalNews, facts |
Why the medical establishment will never find a cause or cure for autism Published February 24 2012 | Concepts: autism, cure, medical, research, health |
'Science' editor says he plans to publish controversial H5N1 avian flu study in defiance of government recommendations Published February 24 2012 | Concepts: H5N1, flu, government, avian flu, research |
Is Big Pharma behind push to release critical details about H5N1 'super virus'? Published February 23 2012 | Concepts: H5N1, Big Pharma, research, virus, super virus |
Intermittent fasting promotes brain health Published February 22 2012 | Concepts: brain, fasting, food, intermittent fasting, health |
Mild dehydration can have serious effects on health Published February 22 2012 | Concepts: dehydration, men, research, moods, health effects |
Take artichoke, bean or vinegar supplements as an appetite suppressant for quick weight loss Published February 17 2012 | Concepts: vinegar, weight, supplements, appetite, artichoke |
Parasitic fly creates "zombie bees" -- a new factor explaining Colony Collapse Disorder Published February 16 2012 | Concepts: bees, colony collapse, parasite, zombie, research |
What is a direct democracy? Learn how We the People can bypass Congress and restore liberty Published February 14 2012 | Concepts: democracy, people, Congress, Gerald Celente, trends |
Walnuts help protect against prostate cancer, osteoporosis, and CHD, but the FDA does not want you to know Published February 13 2012 | Concepts: walnuts, prostate cancer, osteoporosis, Prostate, the FDA |
Women can smell STD infection in men, reveals new science Published February 13 2012 | Concepts: men, smell, infection, women, research |
Green tea helps maintain functional ability and prevent cognitive decline as we age Published February 12 2012 | Concepts: tea, green, green tea, cognitive decline, health |
HAARP and other government sponsored technologies that control our life experience Published February 9 2012 | Concepts: HAARP, government, technologies, technology, life |
Breastfeeding absolutely vital for strengthening the developing lungs of children, research finds Published February 9 2012 | Concepts: lungs, breastfeeding, children, research, asthma |
Bill Gates exposed for funding research, promotion of spraying geo-engineered 'chemtrails' across globe Published February 8 2012 | Concepts: Bill Gates, research, geo-engineering, exposed, chemtrails |
Regular vitamin and mineral supplementation lowers colon cancer risk more than eighty percent Published February 8 2012 | Concepts: cancer, colon, colon cancer, risk, men |
Vaccine study admits that PFCs and fluoride compounds suppress immune system Published February 8 2012 | Concepts: vaccine, PFCs, fluoride, study, vaccines |
Grape seed extract targets cancer cells by damaging DNA repair pathway Published February 7 2012 | Concepts: cancer, cancer cells, extract, DNA, grape seed extract |
Cocoa from dark chocolate lowers risk from colon cancer Published February 6 2012 | Concepts: cocoa, chocolate, dark chocolate, colon, cancer |
Luteolin blocks cellular signaling pathway to lower colon cancer risk Published February 6 2012 | Concepts: cancer, colon cancer, luteolin, colon, growth factor |
Omega-3 foods essential to treat nerve damage after traumatic injury Published February 3 2012 | Concepts: omega-3, nerve damage, fat, health, foods |
Microsoft buys eugenics technology from Merck, becomes drug development partner with top global vaccine manufacturer Published February 2 2012 | Concepts: vaccine, Microsoft, Merck, eugenics, technology |
Exercising your brain proven to help prevent Alzheimer's Published February 2 2012 | Concepts: brain, Alzheimer's, health, 2012, life |
Bill Gates funds technology to destroy your sperm Published February 1 2012 | Concepts: sperm, technology, ultrasound, Bill Gates, health |
Scientists created bird flu superbug that could set off next global pandemic Published January 31 2012 | Concepts: flu, superbug, research, scientists, bird flu |
High fiber, low carbohydrate diet dramatically lowers inflammatory disease risk Published January 31 2012 | Concepts: diet, disease, inflammatory disease, fiber, health |
Proof that the cancer industry doesn't want a cure - even if it's a pharmaceutical Published January 31 2012 | Concepts: cancer, cancer industry, cure, drugs, research |
Children's medicines coated with brain-damaging aluminum Published January 30 2012 | Concepts: food, color, aluminum, medicine, medicines |
Vaccine warfare! Texas carpet-bombs 7,000 square miles with air-dropped rabies vaccines Published January 19 2012 | Concepts: vaccine, Texas, vaccines, rabies, natural |
Optimum vitamin D blood saturation reduces all-cause mortality by nearly thirty percent Published January 18 2012 | Concepts: Vitamin D, mortality, blood, risk, health |
New scientific study links bee deaths to pesticides Published January 18 2012 | Concepts: bees, study, pesticide, pesticides, Bayer |
Researchers detail lifestyle changes that lower cancer risk by forty percent Published January 18 2012 | Concepts: cancer, lifestyle changes, lifestyle, risk, health |
Treating multiple sclerosis Published January 18 2012 | Concepts: magnesium, men, ALS, cannabis, patients |
Researching genetics as a cause of autism - An expensive attempt to marginalize vaccine causation Published January 17 2012 | Concepts: autism, vaccine, genetics, study, health |
Federal government limits chimpanzee research Published January 16 2012 | Concepts: research, chimpanzees, government, NIH, federal |
Marijuana smoking better for lungs than cigarettes Published January 13 2012 | Concepts: Marijuana, study, smoking, smoke, lungs |
Licorice root proven effective against oral infections Published January 12 2012 | Concepts: licorice, licorice root, medicine, herb, disease |
Network Spinal Analysis - Communicate with the nervous system to relieve tension Published January 11 2012 | Concepts: network, nervous system, network spinal analysis, chiropractic, life |
New studies reveal caffeinated coffee protects against Alzheimer's, diabetes, depression and prostate cancer Published January 9 2012 | Concepts: coffee, Alzheimer's, depression, diabetes, Prostate |
Publicly funded GMO research in India exposed as fraud to secretly sneak in Monsanto seeds Published January 9 2012 | Concepts: Monsanto, India, GMO, research, exposed |
Juicing medical marijuana the latest trend in amazing cures Published January 9 2012 | Concepts: Marijuana, medical, juicing, medical marijuana, raw |
Homeopathic alternatives to antidepressant drugs Published January 9 2012 | Concepts: homeopathic, depression, medicine, homeopathy, drug |
Mediterranean diet and reduced calorie intake promote brain health and longevity Published January 8 2012 | Concepts: diet, health, mediterranean diet, brain, brain health |
Vitamin B-12 and folic acid prevent memory loss and improve cognition as we age Published January 6 2012 | Concepts: folic acid, memory, memory loss, vitamin B-12, improve |
Busted! Scientists leave out data to produce bogus findings Published January 5 2012 | Concepts: BMJ, scientists, produce, clinical trials, research |
Study shows selenium may protect against pancreatic cancer Published January 3 2012 | Concepts: cancer, selenium, pancreatic cancer, study, patients |
Prostate cancer risk linked to a diet high in red and processed meats Published January 3 2012 | Concepts: cancer, prostate cancer, Prostate, meat, diet |
BPA may cause arrhythmia, heart attacks in women Published January 3 2012 | Concepts: BPA, heart, heart attacks, arrhythmia, women |
Low-salt diets increase risk of stroke and heart disease, study says Published December 31 2011 | Concepts: heart, stroke, salt, disease, risk |
Yes, you can prevent Alzheimer's with specific nutrients, say scientists Published December 27 2011 | Concepts: nutrients, Alzheimer's, nutrient, people, brain |
Proteins, not sugar, increase energy expenditure Published December 20 2011 | Concepts: sugar, protein, energy, food, increase |
Mainstream science validates healing properties of plants Published December 20 2011 | Concepts: plants, properties, healing, medicinal, science |
Eco-labels on fish may have little meaning Published December 19 2011 | Concepts: fish, farm, eco-labels, standards, salmon |
White tea, witch hazel proven by scientists to reduce inflammation and fight cancer Published December 17 2011 | Concepts: inflammation, tea, witch hazel, research, scientists |
Study says breast screening does more harm than good Published December 15 2011 | Concepts: screening, harm, cancer, surgery, study |
Low vitamin D in children behind current explosion of new diabetes cases Published December 15 2011 | Concepts: children, Vitamin D, diabetes, health, weight |
Resveratrol and pterostilbene team together to improve mental function Published December 14 2011 | Concepts: pterostilbene, resveratrol, mental, health, improve |
Science identifies powerful rejuvenating substance - Nitric Oxide Published December 11 2011 | Concepts: body, nitric oxide, science, health, herbs |
Removing unaffected breast in women with cancer results in little benefit, many problems Published December 8 2011 | Concepts: cancer, women, breast cancer, results, risk |
Research scientist confesses to falsifying numerous studies published in peer-reviewed journals Published December 8 2011 | Concepts: studies, research, scientist, falsified evidence, scientific |
Soluble fiber-rich foods protect against abdominal obesity Published December 7 2011 | Concepts: fiber, foods, fat, obesity, diet |
New research finds possible reason for obesity and type 2 diabetes epidemics in kids: lack of vitamin D Published December 6 2011 | Concepts: Vitamin D, diabetes, obesity, Type 2 diabetes, research |
Arginine lowers total body inflammation to help fight brain cancer Published December 4 2011 | Concepts: inflammation, arginine, cancer, body, brain |
Prevent cancer with green tea - know how much is needed Published December 3 2011 | Concepts: cancer, tea, green, green tea, risk |
How To Take Down A Giant Part 6 (Opinion) Published December 3 2011 | Concepts: Monsanto, Hawaii, Roundup, health, 5 |
Money and the Blame Game: Seeing Beyond 'Occupy Movements' and 'End The Fed' Published December 3 2011 | Concepts: federal, money, Federal Reserve, men, debt |
Fiendish pharmaceutical animal testing does not help humanity Published December 3 2011 | Concepts: testing, animal testing, animals, drug, pharmaceuticals |
Can you treat cancer with nutrition? Here's what doctors are doing right now Published December 1 2011 | Concepts: cancer, Vitamin D, sun, sunshine, natural |
Benefits of cinnamon - surprising health facts Published November 28 2011 | Concepts: cinnamon, health, benefits, study, health benefits |
The Magician Who Could Not Make Homeopathy Disappear Published November 21 2011 | Concepts: homeopathy, WHO, homeopathic, medicine, James Randi |
Menopausal women do not absorb enough vitamin D Published November 21 2011 | Concepts: women, health, food, raw, diet |
Nuts may fend off heart disease Published November 18 2011 | Concepts: nuts, heart, serotonin, metabolic syndrome, diet |
New evidence chemotherapy for breast cancer causes brain damage Published November 15 2011 | Concepts: cancer, brain, breast cancer, chemotherapy, women |
Raw foods fight pain Published November 10 2011 | Concepts: pain, raw, foods, health, food |
The disinformation myths against homeopathy Published November 9 2011 | Concepts: homeopathy, medicine, homeopathic, studies, homeopathic medicine |
Almonds can save your heart and reduce obesity Published November 9 2011 | Concepts: almonds, heart, raw, food, health |
Raw nuts lower elevated blood sugar levels and high blood pressure to fight metabolic syndrome Published November 8 2011 | Concepts: nuts, health, metabolic syndrome, blood, blood pressure |
Chocolate consumption lowers stroke risk and heart disease incidence by a third Published November 7 2011 | Concepts: chocolate, consumption, risk, disease, heart |
Omega-3 fats from fish oil and supplements prevent and slow arthritis progression Published November 3 2011 | Concepts: arthritis, omega-3, fats, fish, oil |
Green vegetable consumption stimulates immune system signaling to support optimal health Published November 2 2011 | Concepts: vegetable, immune system, green, health, diet |
New reasons discovered for supplementing with alpha lipoic acid Published November 1 2011 | Concepts: acid, health, liver, reasons, glutathione |
Ginger root reduces digestive inflammation markers to lower colon cancer risk Published October 31 2011 | Concepts: colon cancer, colon, ginger, ginger root, inflammation |
Officials admit link between nutrition and health, award $6 million contract to study nutrition for US troops Published October 29 2011 | Concepts: nutrition, health, study, research, military |
Green tea inhibits extra weight gain and can help prevent obesity Published October 25 2011 | Concepts: tea, weight, green, green tea, gain |
THC, found in cannabis, shown to be effective in the treatment of brain tumors Published October 25 2011 | Concepts: treatment, brain, cannabis, cancer, THC |
Study shows negative mindset dramatically increases risk of dementia Published October 24 2011 | Concepts: dementia, health, risk, study, WHO |
Green veggies enhance immunity during the flu season Published October 24 2011 | Concepts: green, health, diet, green vegetables, immunity |
Research shows apples prevent stroke Published October 23 2011 | Concepts: stroke, fruit, apples, fruits, shows |
World's top alternative cancer treatment experts unleashed in free online audio event beginning October 25 - register now to listen in Published October 20 2011 | Concepts: cancer, treatment, event, heal, natural |
Ginger root supplements may prevent colon cancer Published October 19 2011 | Concepts: ginger, colon, cancer, ginger root, supplements |
BPA may cause severe retardation in future generations Published October 19 2011 | Concepts: BPA, plastic, future, food, cleaning |
Women endangered by high rate of false-positive mammograms Published October 18 2011 | Concepts: women, mammogram, cancer, mammograms, study |
Vitamins are deadly? Media hoax exposed, part two Published October 17 2011 | Concepts: media, news, mainstream media, vitamins, WHO |
Antibiotic widely prescribed for decades has dangerous side effects which can kill Published October 13 2011 | Concepts: side effects, drug, antibiotic, dangerous, dangerous side effects |
Exposing the fraud and mythology of conventional cancer treatments Published October 12 2011 | Concepts: cancer, men, treatment, patients, chemotherapy |
Eating certain foods alters expression of heart disease genes Published October 12 2011 | Concepts: disease, heart, heart disease, research, eating |
Biotech's dirty tricks exposed in new documentary: 'Scientists Under Attack' Published October 7 2011 | Concepts: GMO, GMOs, scientist, corn, food |
BPA exposure before birth linked to breast cancer Published October 5 2011 | Concepts: BPA, exposure, cancer, DES, birth |
Monsanto is secretly poisoning the population with Roundup Published October 4 2011 | Concepts: Roundup, soy, men, Monsanto, GM soy |
Omega-3 fats DHA and EPA lower risk of premature death by more than eighty percent Published September 30 2011 | Concepts: omega-3, risk, men, EPA, DHA |
Sleep influences glucose levels and diabetes risk Published September 30 2011 | Concepts: sleep, diabetes, glucose, research, diet |
Research says eating walnuts improves critical thinking Published September 29 2011 | Concepts: walnuts, research, eating, brain, cleaning |
Cannabis oil is a highly efficient natural cancer cure Published September 28 2011 | Concepts: cancer, cannabis, natural, oil, cannabis oil |
CDC now calling U.S. households and demanding child immunization records as part of vaccine surveillance and tracking program Published September 28 2011 | Concepts: vaccine, CDC, child, vaccines, immunization |
Low vitamin B12 levels in elders cause brain shrinkage and possible dementia Published September 28 2011 | Concepts: brain, vitamin B12, deficiency, brain shrinkage, research |
Humane pediatrics and autism Published September 28 2011 | Concepts: vaccine, autism, child, children, pediatrics |
Forks Over Knives documentary reveals astounding health benefits of largely plant-based diet Published September 28 2011 | Concepts: documentary, health, food, disease, health benefits |
An unlimited supply of hydrogen energy from wastewater? New research suggests it's possible Published September 25 2011 | Concepts: hydrogen, energy, water, research, hydrogen energy |
Flax seeds - Amazing tiny seeds protect from radiation and improve health Published September 23 2011 | Concepts: flax, seeds, radiation, flax seeds, flax seed |
An apple a day slashes stroke risk in half, study finds Published September 21 2011 | Concepts: stroke, apple, risk, study, stroke risk |
Culinary spices can help lower triglyceride levels Published September 21 2011 | Concepts: spices, spice, study, culinary spices, research |
Cure acne at home with five lesser known home remedies Published September 21 2011 | Concepts: acne, home, research, bacteria, oil |
Increased vitamin D in blood adds years to life and helps prevent colon cancer Published September 20 2011 | Concepts: Vitamin D, blood, life, colon, health |
Researchers find side effect-free natural way to slash stroke risk by half Published September 19 2011 | Concepts: stroke, risk, natural, vegetable, stroke risk |
Treat cancer - Recent research shows natural combinations boost IV vitamin C Published September 16 2011 | Concepts: cancer, vitamin C, natural, research, NIH |
Medical societies maintain secret financial ties to drug companies Published September 15 2011 | Concepts: medical, drug, medical societies, harm, financial |
Online database lets you research the side effects of common psychiatric drugs Published September 15 2011 | Concepts: drug, side effects, research, drugs, information |
Acupuncture and pain relief - Discover how it really works Published September 15 2011 | Concepts: acupuncture, pain, pain relief, brain, research |
Breaking news: lawsuit filed against Duke for fraudulent cancer study Published September 13 2011 | Concepts: cancer, research, lawsuit, fraud, science |
Frankincense - Ancient herbal remedy proven to be effective against arthritis Published September 11 2011 | Concepts: frankincense, arthritis, herbal remedy, herbal, research |
A handful of walnuts each day significantly lowers breast cancer risk Published September 9 2011 | Concepts: cancer, breast cancer, walnuts, health, diet |
BMJ had secret financial ties to Merck during publication of articles attacking Wakefield Published September 7 2011 | Concepts: vaccine, Merck, BMJ, medical, financial ties |
Chocolate and cocoa polyphenols vindicated in the war against heart disease Published September 7 2011 | Concepts: chocolate, heart, risk, cocoa, health |
Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance Testing- Accurate or Misleading? Published September 5 2011 | Concepts: gluten, disease, celiac disease, sensitivity, intolerance |
Cancer breakthrough: scientists discover harmless bacteria in soil kills cancer tumors Published September 5 2011 | Concepts: cancer, bacteria, soil, scientists, natural |
Investigation panel concludes U.S. government conspired with doctors to commit murderous medical experiments in Guatemala Published September 1 2011 | Concepts: medical, experiments, vaccine, medical experiments, government |
Forks over Knives documentary reveals stunning healing power of plant-based diet Published August 31 2011 | Concepts: disease, forks, food, Forks over Knives, documentary |
Scientists announce amazing findings: chocolate offers huge protection from heart disease and stroke Published August 30 2011 | Concepts: chocolate, heart disease, heart, protection, scientists |
Be aware of the dangers of mammography Published August 30 2011 | Concepts: dangers, cancer, mammography, mammogram, mammograms |
NaturalNews exposes secret vaccine industry ties and military involvement with Institute of Medicine, reveals fatal conflicts of interest at IoM Published August 29 2011 | Concepts: vaccine, man, vaccines, news, NaturalNews |
Natural amino acid leucine may help burn fat and keep muscle tissue strong during intense exercise Published August 29 2011 | Concepts: leucine, muscle, fat, acid, natural |
Processed red meat consumption doubles the risk of developing diabetes Published August 29 2011 | Concepts: meat, risk, diabetes, health, red meat |
New hope for Alzheimer's disease: scientists find way to make brain-saving compound found in rare moss Published August 26 2011 | Concepts: Alzheimer's, scientists, medicine, natural, disease |
Oncologists are Confused Published August 26 2011 | Concepts: cancer, medical, research, mercury, disease |
Antioxidant-rich spices counter high-fat foods Published August 26 2011 | Concepts: spices, health, antioxidants, research, antioxidant |
Pregnant women now being dosed with toxic chemotherapy drugs Published August 24 2011 | Concepts: chemotherapy, cancer, women, pregnancy, pregnant women |
Breast cancer drugs may stop cancer, but they also cut life short due to toxicity Published August 23 2011 | Concepts: cancer, breast cancer, drugs, toxic, life |
Preventing Radiation Poisoning with Homeopathic Medicines Published August 23 2011 | Concepts: homeopathic, radiation, medicine, arsenic, homeopathic medicine |
Heat reduces bioactive compounds and diminishes free-radical scavenging in Mexican peppers Published August 22 2011 | Concepts: food, raw, peppers, research, raw foods |
Alpha lipoic acid prevents mitochondrial aging and boosts energy levels Published August 21 2011 | Concepts: mitochondria, energy, acid, lipoic acid, aging |
Global warming fraud: Iconic polar bear on melting ice cap a hoax Published August 19 2011 | Concepts: global warming, ice, paper, study, scientific |
How to curb junk food cravings naturally Published August 18 2011 | Concepts: cravings, food, health, junk food, fat |
New research: Moving for just 15 minutes a day can save your life Published August 16 2011 | Concepts: exercise, research, health, risk, men |
Major drug research company faked thousands of documents to get drugs approved, FDA says no big deal Published August 16 2011 | Concepts: FDA, drug, the FDA, drugs, companies |
Lutein lowers oxidized LDL cholesterol levels and can prevent atherosclerosis Published August 15 2011 | Concepts: lutein, LDL cholesterol, health, cholesterol levels, diet |
Pharma now pushing for 20 new vaccines in next decade Published August 12 2011 | Concepts: vaccine, vaccines, research, men, disease |
Many medical journals have no policies regarding conflicts of interest in published research studies Published August 11 2011 | Concepts: research, conflicts of interest, cancer, medical, drug |
Poor lifestyle habits in middle age cause brain shrinkage and cognitive decline Published August 11 2011 | Concepts: lifestyle, brain, lifestyle habits, brain shrinkage, health |
New research shows dementia is preventable with natural means Published August 10 2011 | Concepts: dementia, natural, research, sleep, shows |
Vitamin K is the missing link to prevent arterial hardening and cognitive decline Published August 10 2011 | Concepts: vitamin K, health, supplement, research, blood clotting |
Unneeded hospital blood tests giving heart attack victims life-threatening anemia Published August 10 2011 | Concepts: blood, hospital, heart, heart attack, anemia |
Phytochemicals shown to protect skin from sun damage Published August 10 2011 | Concepts: skin, sun, phytochemicals, damage, sun damage |
Pitocin induced labor doubles the risk of ADHD Published August 8 2011 | Concepts: labor, risk, pitocin, adhd, baby |
Cinnamon may hold the key to Alzheimer`s disease prevention and treatment Published August 6 2011 | Concepts: disease, cinnamon, research, disease prevention, health |
Law experts speak out - academics who "guest author" medical journal articles guilty of fraud Published August 3 2011 | Concepts: medical, article, WHO, experts, guilty |
Study on how eggs prevent cancer shows vast healing power of foods Published August 2 2011 | Concepts: cancer, eggs, power, antioxidant, healing |
Use of a big fork may make you eat less Published July 31 2011 | Concepts: food, restaurant, people, serving sizes, research |
Daytime naps improve performance Published July 31 2011 | Concepts: sleep, improve, performance, naps, athletes |
Artemisinin: A Cancer Smart Bomb Published July 31 2011 | Concepts: cancer, health, artemisinin, medicine, Malaria |
New research reveals how natural health approach, not Big Pharma, can prevent more than half of all Alzheimer's cases Published July 27 2011 | Concepts: Alzheimer's, natural, health, research, natural health |
Study pushes dangerous drug as urinary infection cure, but cranberries work better Published July 26 2011 | Concepts: cranberries, infection, cranberry, study, drug |
Grape and grape extract compounds help protect against Alzheimer`s disease development Published July 26 2011 | Concepts: disease, extract, diet, research, health |
Obesity causes over 100,000 cancers per year Published July 26 2011 | Concepts: cancer, cancers, obesity, causes, cases |
Gardening activities reduce lung cancer risk by 50% Published July 25 2011 | Concepts: cancer, gardening, lung cancer, risk, garden |
Laws of physics must be rewritten: Mysterious sun particles alter radioactive decay on Earth Published July 24 2011 | Concepts: radioactive decay, radioactive, sun, radio, particles |
Reduce refined dietary carbs to lower body fat and risk of chronic disease Published July 24 2011 | Concepts: fat, diet, body fat, body, risk |
A handful of nuts each day may prevent diabetes and associated complications Published July 21 2011 | Concepts: nuts, diabetes, men, prevent diabetes, health |
Astaxanthin prevents heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer's dementia Published July 19 2011 | Concepts: astaxanthin, heart, disease, health, heart disease |
Vitamin D discoveries keep growing -- lack of vitamin D linked to muscle injuries and Alzheimer's disease Published July 19 2011 | Concepts: Vitamin D, injuries, muscle, Alzheimer's, Alzheimer's disease |
Medical atrocities routinely committed against chimpanzees in the name of science Published July 18 2011 | Concepts: research, chimpanzees, medical, NIH, atrocities |
Vitamin D influences brain proteins to protect against Alzheimer`s disease Published July 18 2011 | Concepts: Vitamin D, brain, brain proteins, protein, health |
Biotech farm to milk mutant transgendered offspring of GM goats Published July 16 2011 | Concepts: milk, research, farm, biotech, mutants |
Meditation halts age-related degeneration throughout entire brain Published July 15 2011 | Concepts: brain, meditation, the brain, brains, men |
Casino workers wear flea collars and spray themselves with insecticides Published July 15 2011 | Concepts: casino, workers, flea collars, research, pets |
Sulforaphane from broccoli and cruciferous vegetables selectively destroys cancer cells Published July 14 2011 | Concepts: cancer, sulforaphane, cruciferous vegetables, broccoli, cancer cells |
Burzynski documentary reveals true agenda of FDA and cancer industry to destroy cancer cures that really work Published July 14 2011 | Concepts: cancer, Burzynski, FDA, industry, drug |
Air pollution causes harmful physical changes in the brain Published July 13 2011 | Concepts: pollution, air pollution, brain, changes, research |
New study - Half the elderly are prescribed drugs linked to death and mental decline Published July 11 2011 | Concepts: drugs, drug, study, health, death |
Regular olive oil consumption lowers stroke risk by forty percent Published July 10 2011 | Concepts: oil, olive oil, stroke, risk, consumption |
Cruel Medical Radiation Published July 7 2011 | Concepts: radiation, cancer, women, medicine, patients |
Strawberries boost blood antioxidant levels and prevent chronic diseases Published July 6 2011 | Concepts: antioxidant, strawberries, blood, health, antioxidants |
KFC and PepsiCo donate to diabetes research in exchange for your soda purchase Published July 6 2011 | Concepts: diabetes, soda, research, KFC, PepsiCo |
Meditation cuts risk of heart attacks by 50 percent Published July 5 2011 | Concepts: meditation, heart attacks, heart, risk, men |
A recent study finds connection between vaccines and higher infant mortality Published July 5 2011 | Concepts: study, vaccines, infant mortality, vaccine, connection |
City living intensifies brain stress response and increases mental illness risk Published July 4 2011 | Concepts: stress, brain, living, illness, mental |
Listening to radio healthier than watching TV Published July 3 2011 | Concepts: radio, health, television, research, study |
Living in the country really is healthier than city life Published July 2 2011 | Concepts: living, stress, WHO, cities, life |
Eating blueberries helps build strong bones, suggests study Published June 30 2011 | Concepts: strong bones, bone, blueberry, blueberries, eating |
BPA plastics chemical found to feminize males Published June 30 2011 | Concepts: BPA, exposed, chemical, plastics, behavior |
The true story of SV40, the cancer-causing virus hidden in polio vaccines Published June 29 2011 | Concepts: SV40, cancer, virus, vaccine, polio |
WHO classifies cell phones as possibly carcinogenic Published June 28 2011 | Concepts: cell phones, cancer, health, WHO, cancer risk |
Busted! Big Pharma epilepsy study rigged to push drug gabapentin Published June 27 2011 | Concepts: study, drug, Big Pharma, research, epilepsy |
Gluten then and now Published June 24 2011 | Concepts: gluten, celiac disease, people, food, grains |
Genetically modified organisms inject DNA into intestinal bacteria Published June 24 2011 | Concepts: Genetic, genetically modified, food, genetically modified organisms, health |
Natural cure discovered for debilitating heart syndrome POTS Published June 21 2011 | Concepts: heart, POTS, exercise, natural, natural cure |
Green tea polyphenols shown to prevent fatal autoimmune diseases Published June 21 2011 | Concepts: tea, green, green tea, polyphenols, disease |
Coconut Oil for Alzheimer's Published June 17 2011 | Concepts: coconut, oil, coconut oil, fat, health |
Low-carb diet may reverse kidney failure in diabetics, says new research Published June 16 2011 | Concepts: diet, kidney failure, reverse, diabetics, low-carb diet |
Greedy medical specialists refuse to treat most children with serious health problems if they have public insurance Published June 15 2011 | Concepts: children, insurance, health, child, medical |
US government spends millions administering street drugs to monkeys in the name of research Published June 14 2011 | Concepts: monkeys, drug, drugs, government, street drugs |
Researchers discover link between sugar consumption and mental illness Published June 12 2011 | Concepts: sugar, mental, consumption, mental illness, sugar consumption |
Complication from spinal product omitted from studies, reasearches have financial ties to product's producer Published June 12 2011 | Concepts: Medtronic, study, men, financial ties, studies |
Want to prevent diabetes? Take more omega-3, says new research Published June 11 2011 | Concepts: omega-3, fish, oil, omega-3s, diabetes |
New NASA research points to possible HAARP connection in Japan earthquake, tsunami Published June 10 2011 | Concepts: HAARP, earthquake, Japan, research, NASA |
Omega-3 fats hold the key to curing depression in the elderly Published June 9 2011 | Concepts: fats, omega-3, depression, fat, health |
US keeping secret stash of smallpox viruses at lab in Georgia to use for future bioweapons Published June 8 2011 | Concepts: smallpox, research, Georgia, viruses, future |
Miracle herbal supplement proven to aid victims of cancer treatments Published June 7 2011 | Concepts: cancer, supplement, herbal, study, survivor |
Studies linking XMRV virus to chronic fatigue system shown to be false, thousands needlessly taking antiviral drugs Published June 5 2011 | Concepts: XMRV, chronic fatigue, virus, studies, research |
Vitamin E tocotrienols significantly lower disease-promoting triglycerides Published June 4 2011 | Concepts: vitamin E, tocotrienols, triglycerides, health, research |
How doctors are bought off by medical device makers Published June 3 2011 | Concepts: medical, doctors, society, patients, money |
Maybe you aren't doomed to cancer or other diseases because of your genes; scientists find risk research is inaccurate Published June 1 2011 | Concepts: research, disease, risk, cancer, genes |
Mushroom compound heals cancer stem cells and prevents tumors Published June 1 2011 | Concepts: cancer, stem cells, PSP, Prostate, prostate cancer |
Research confirms butterbur efficiency against allergies Published May 31 2011 | Concepts: butterbur, allergies, research, health, efficiency |
Red meat and processed meat raise colon cancer risk, while fiber lowers it Published May 31 2011 | Concepts: meat, cancer, risk, fiber, colon cancer |
A Link Between Bat Deaths and Pesticides? Published May 31 2011 | Concepts: bats, deaths, pesticides, research, disease |
Most bottled waters are glorified tap water - Learn how to hydrate the healthy way Published May 29 2011 | Concepts: water, tap water, bottled water, health, how to |
Cocoa flavanols from dark chocolate improve vision and cognitive function Published May 27 2011 | Concepts: cocoa, flavanols, chocolate, improve, dark chocolate |
How to educate and motivate yourself - instead of getting medicated Published May 27 2011 | Concepts: natural, health, cancer, motivation, how to |
Research bees stolen from scientists trying to test effects of pesticides Published May 26 2011 | Concepts: bees, research, scientists, pesticides, theft |
New study finds that anxiety may originate in your gut, not in your head Published May 25 2011 | Concepts: gut, behavior, research, anxiety, bacteria |
Blueberries, resveratrol and cocoa flavanols aid weight management goals Published May 25 2011 | Concepts: weight, cocoa, weight management, resveratrol, health |
Research shows elderberries to be beneficial in treating infections and cancer Published May 25 2011 | Concepts: infections, elderberries, research, elderberry, shows |
British woman develops allergy to electricity following chemotherapy treatment Published May 23 2011 | Concepts: chemotherapy, cancer, woman, electricity, allergy |
Vitamin D intake in pregnancy prevents RSV infections in infants Published May 23 2011 | Concepts: Vitamin D, pregnancy, infections, infection, health |
Scientists discover natural therapies treat COPD Published May 23 2011 | Concepts: COPD, natural therapies, Vitamin D, patients, natural |
Frightening ultimatum - Choose between carcinogenic light bulbs or excessive prices Published May 21 2011 | Concepts: light, light bulbs, carcinogenic, health, danger |
The health benefits of phytochemicals Published May 20 2011 | Concepts: health, cancer, men, phytonutrients, food |
Coffee slashes risk of the most lethal type of prostate cancer Published May 18 2011 | Concepts: coffee, Prostate, risk, prostate cancer, men |
Recent study finds aspirin linked to erectile dysfunction Published May 16 2011 | Concepts: erectile dysfunction, study, research, aspirin, researchers |
New research shows liposuction is a big fat lie Published May 13 2011 | Concepts: fat, liposuction, research, shows, body fat |
ALS and Muscular Dystrophy associations recommend sugar to Lou Gehrig's disease patients Published May 13 2011 | Concepts: ALS, sugar, health, disease, research |
Government vaccine compensation payouts prove autism link Published May 12 2011 | Concepts: autism, vaccine, government, vaccines, study |
Studies show drinking coffee may reduce risk of breast cancer Published May 12 2011 | Concepts: cancer, breast cancer, coffee, risk, natural |
Low vitamin D levels linked to more aggressive breast cancers Published May 9 2011 | Concepts: Vitamin D, cancer, aggressive, research, study |
Omega-3 fatty acids lower heart disease and dementia risk markers Published May 9 2011 | Concepts: risk, omega-3, disease, heart disease, heart |
Cupping Therapy is effective for headaches Published May 7 2011 | Concepts: cupping, headache, therapy, cupping therapy, men |
Abdominal fat linked to increased risk of cardiovascular and Alzheimer`s disease Published May 6 2011 | Concepts: risk, fat, weight, disease, cardiovascular |
Melatonin effectively controls weight gain, obesity and associated heart disease Published May 5 2011 | Concepts: melatonin, weight gain, weight, health, obesity |
Expensive, risky surgery for periphery artery disease pushed by doctors who ignore better alternatives Published May 5 2011 | Concepts: surgery, disease, doctors, periphery artery disease, WHO |
FDA approved Big Pharma drugs without effectiveness data Published May 4 2011 | Concepts: drug, effectiveness, FDA, drugs, Big Pharma |
Japanese Sweet Potato may Cure Diabetes Along with Coffee and Ginkgo Published May 4 2011 | Concepts: diabetes, sweet potato, coffee, ginkgo, blood |
Research finds non-prescription treatments and preventatives help Alzheimer's Disease Published May 3 2011 | Concepts: Alzheimer's, research, brain, disease, treatments |
Nutrients in blueberries may hold the key to fat cell formation and natural weight loss Published April 30 2011 | Concepts: fat, blueberries, weight, natural, weight loss |
Discover the role of hGH secretagogues in anti-aging therapy (Opinion) Published April 30 2011 | Concepts: HGH, anti-aging, health, therapy, hormone |
Conventional medicine finally admits MS caused by vitamin D deficiency Published April 29 2011 | Concepts: Vitamin D, sun, vitamin D deficiency, conventional medicine, research |
Polyphenols in blueberries inhibit the formation of fat cells Published April 29 2011 | Concepts: polyphenols, blueberries, fat, antioxidant, obesity |
Resveratrol and grape seed polyphenols combine to prevent diabetes Published April 29 2011 | Concepts: resveratrol, polyphenols, diabetes, insulin, health |
Echinacea purpurea proven effective against radiation Published April 28 2011 | Concepts: Echinacea, radiation, blood, herb, study |
Common blood pressure drug increases risk of breast cancer recurrence Published April 28 2011 | Concepts: cancer, breast cancer, risk, drug, blood pressure |
CDC vaccine scientist who downplayed links to autism indicted by DOJ in alleged fraud scheme Published April 28 2011 | Concepts: CDC, Thorsen, fraud, vaccine, research |
Periodic fasting increases fat burning and reduces the risk of disease Published April 28 2011 | Concepts: fasting, risk, health, fat, burning |
Potent antiviral nutrients are critical to disease prevention and longevity Published April 26 2011 | Concepts: disease, nutrients, health, cancer, prevention |
Three new studies reveal children are dumbed down by pesticide exposure in womb Published April 22 2011 | Concepts: pesticide, exposure, children, intelligence, studies |
Drinking green tea lowers body weight and reduces fat accumulation Published April 20 2011 | Concepts: tea, green, weight, green tea, fat |
Optimal vitamin D levels and acai fight arterial plaque, lower heart disease risk Published April 18 2011 | Concepts: Vitamin D, arterial plaque, health, acai, heart |
Black raspberries and anthocyanins demonstrate powerful cancer fighting power Published April 14 2011 | Concepts: cancer, raspberries, anthocyanins, black raspberries, research |
Memo from your brain: Please excuse this disruption in service Published April 13 2011 | Concepts: brain, mind, people, brain function, research |
Selenium deficiency increases heart disease and cancer incidence Published April 13 2011 | Concepts: selenium, disease, deficiency, cancer, heart disease |
CoQ10 improves hypertension and can prevent congestive heart failure Published April 12 2011 | Concepts: heart, hypertension, CoQ10, health, blood |
You're not alone: How underestimating others' negative feelings can increase your own Published April 9 2011 | Concepts: negative feelings, increase, students, research, SAMe |
Scientists issue urgent world-wide warning on bacteria with superbug gene Published April 8 2011 | Concepts: bacteria, superbug, scientists, warning, water |
Potent natural nutrients provide ultimate protection against colon and digestive cancers Published April 8 2011 | Concepts: colon, cancer, pterostilbene, resveratrol, health |
Children exploited for profit using fictitious mental disorders Published April 7 2011 | Concepts: children, child, adhd, drug, mental |
Strawberries may prevent esophageal cancer Published April 7 2011 | Concepts: strawberries, cancer, esophageal cancer, research, study |
High fructose corn syrup increases abdominal fat and insulin resistance Published April 6 2011 | Concepts: fructose, corn, high fructose corn syrup, abdominal fat, sugar |
Doctor pursues career exposing lies, quackery and fraud in "medical science" Published April 6 2011 | Concepts: research, doctor, lies, quackery, fraud |
Dark chocolate is brimming with antioxidants and heart-healthy properties, research finds Published April 5 2011 | Concepts: chocolate, antioxidants, dark chocolate, research, blood |
Politics v. Science: Understanding Cannabis Therapeutics Before it is Censored Published April 3 2011 | Concepts: cannabis, NCI, medical, Marijuana, research |
Eskimo study shows power of omega-3s to protect health, even in obese Published March 31 2011 | Concepts: health, omega-3s, study, Eskimos, fat |
Disrupting natural sleep-wake rhythms causes behaviour, metabolic changes Published March 30 2011 | Concepts: natural, causes, changes, life, brain |
Legume consumption offers powerful protection against cancer Published March 30 2011 | Concepts: cancer, consumption, legumes, protection, acid |
Herb fenugreek could be natural Viagra, new study finds Published March 29 2011 | Concepts: fenugreek, natural viagra, herb, study, men |
Pecans - Their antioxidants prevent heart disease and lower deadly LDL cholesterol levels Published March 26 2011 | Concepts: pecans, cholesterol, heart, disease, heart disease |
Researchers believe plant based food could be used as an effective treatment for cancer Published March 26 2011 | Concepts: food, researchers, cancer, treatment, chemicals |
Think red and take advantage of this functional food to lower heart disease and cancer risk Published March 25 2011 | Concepts: heart disease, cancer, tomatoes, food, heart |
Liquid zeolites provide cellular detox Published March 24 2011 | Concepts: zeolites, man, body, raw, detox |
An apple a day really does keep the doctor away Published March 23 2011 | Concepts: apple, heal, health, apples, doctor |
The dose is the poison Published March 22 2011 | Concepts: radiation, radon, cancer, exposure, people |
Discover the radiation protective benefits of Spirulina and Chlorella Published March 21 2011 | Concepts: radiation, spirulina, chlorella, 5, body |
New research: "smart" vitamin A plays multiple roles in the immune system, depending on the body's needs Published March 20 2011 | Concepts: immune system, vitamin A, immune response, research, gastrointestinal |
Super Omega-3 fat protects the heart and arteries and can prevent blindness Published March 20 2011 | Concepts: heart, DHA, omega-3, arteries, blindness |
Powerful mineral duo lowers blood pressure and improves heart health Published March 17 2011 | Concepts: blood pressure, blood, heart, health, potassium |
New study finds beetroot juice promotes brain health in older adults Published March 16 2011 | Concepts: juice, health, brain, study, brain health |
Diet soda linked to strokes and vascular disorders Published March 14 2011 | Concepts: diet, soda, aspartame, diet soda, strokes |
Research finds whole grain consumption linked to decreased visceral abdominal fat Published March 13 2011 | Concepts: whole grain, WHO, research, consumption, health |
The Stress of Inequality and its Powerful Effect on Health Published March 12 2011 | Concepts: health, stress, inequality, research, society |
This Indian spice packs a powerful anti-cancer punch Published March 11 2011 | Concepts: cancer, spice, curcumin, anti-cancer, men |
Big Pharma lies about R&D costs to justify illicit profits Published March 10 2011 | Concepts: drug, costs, cost, Big Pharma, industry |
Stress: good or bad? In your control or out of your control? Published March 10 2011 | Concepts: stress, cancer, Amazon, research, brain |
Scientists deliberately create 127 hybrid viruses from H1N1, then warn they are dangerous Published March 9 2011 | Concepts: viruses, hybrid viruses, H1N1, virus, scientists |
Sugar-sweetened drinks cause higher blood pressure Published March 8 2011 | Concepts: blood, sugar, WHO, blood pressure, research |
Bulk up on dietary fiber to lower all-cause risk of death Published March 8 2011 | Concepts: fiber, men, risk, health, dietary fiber |
Lung cancer study shows that nail clippings really are useful in identifying, assessing disease Published March 8 2011 | Concepts: lung cancer, study, shows, cancer study, nail clippings |
Research shows inflammation causes acne Published March 7 2011 | Concepts: acne, skin, inflammation, antioxidant, research |
Massive animal cloning research project ended due to 90 percent death rate and 'unnecessary suffering' Published March 3 2011 | Concepts: research, cloning, animals, project, death rate |
Pesticides wreak havoc on reproductive health in men Published March 3 2011 | Concepts: reproductive health, men, pesticides, chemical, chemicals |
8000 IUs of vitamin D daily necessary to raise blood levels of "miracle" anti-cancer nutrient, declares groundbreaking new research Published March 3 2011 | Concepts: Vitamin D, 5, cancer, blood, supplement |
Use cinnamon for colds, coughs and diabetes Published March 1 2011 | Concepts: cinnamon, coughs, colds, medicine, research |
Is It Time to Make Health Freedom a Constitutional Right? Published February 28 2011 | Concepts: medicine, treatment, freedom, health freedom, therapy |
Red meat linked to stomach, esophageal cancers Published February 27 2011 | Concepts: meat, red meat, cancer, stomach, risk |
Vitamin D and sun exposure work synergistically to prevent breast cancer Published February 25 2011 | Concepts: Vitamin D, sun, sun exposure, cancer, supplement |
Experimental cancer drugs killing far more people than they help Published February 24 2011 | Concepts: cancer, drugs, experimental, people, drug |
Lavender oil is a powerful antifungal that fights skin conditions, Candida Published February 23 2011 | Concepts: oil, antifungal, lavender, lavender oil, skin |
This amazing nutrient reduces Alzheimer`s plaque formation by ninety percent Published February 23 2011 | Concepts: nutrient, brain, resveratrol, health, disease |
Roundup, GMOs linked to emergence of deadly new pathogen causing spontaneous abortions among animals Published February 23 2011 | Concepts: GMOs, GMO, USDA, threat, abortion |
Mature brain or Alzheimer's brain - which do you have? Published February 23 2011 | Concepts: brain, Alzheimer's, the brain, research, memory |
Nearly all drug trials scientifically invalid due to influence of the mind; Big Pharma science dissolves into wishful thinking Published February 22 2011 | Concepts: drug, mind, drugs, patients, science |
Protect yourself with this vitamin to dramatically lower colon cancer risk Published February 22 2011 | Concepts: cancer, Vitamin D, colon, colon cancer, health |
Poor childhood diet lowers intelligence in later life Published February 21 2011 | Concepts: diet, intelligence, childhood, health, life |
Food affects behavior Published February 20 2011 | Concepts: food, child, diet, adhd, children |
Scientists admit dementia not a normal part of aging, refuse to acknowledge known causes Published February 20 2011 | Concepts: aging, dementia, scientists, Alzheimer's, disease |
Vaccine philosophical exemptions: A moral and ethical imperative Published February 18 2011 | Concepts: vaccine, vaccines, 5, disease, man |
This rapidly emerging nutrient can slow the aging clock and prevent cancer Published February 17 2011 | Concepts: nutrient, pterostilbene, aging, health, cancer |
Want to have a stroke? Keep drinking diet sodas Published February 17 2011 | Concepts: diet, soda, stroke, diet soda, research |
The face of a poisoned man - the human cost of pesticides Published February 16 2011 | Concepts: pesticide, pesticides, child, children, exposure |
Fibromyalgia: science validates homeopathy (again) Published February 16 2011 | Concepts: men, homeopathic, medicine, homeopathy, treatment |
HPV and Natural Alternatives to the HPV Vaccine Published February 15 2011 | Concepts: cancer, HPV, vaccine, cervical cancer, women |
Follow this ancient Chinese tradition to prevent chronic disease Published February 15 2011 | Concepts: tea, green, green tea, Chinese, health |
Added sugars linked to risk of heart disease in teenagers Published February 14 2011 | Concepts: sugar, sugars, heart disease, added sugars, heart |
A glass of wine a day helps prevent diabetes Published February 14 2011 | Concepts: wine, glass, diabetes, research, food |
GM chicken - Scientists create flu-resistant chickens that may end up on your dinner table Published February 13 2011 | Concepts: chicken, chickens, scientists, GM chicken, dinner |
The vital role of antioxidants in achieving optimium health and longevity Published February 11 2011 | Concepts: heal, free, food, acid, longevity |
Eight servings a day of fruits and vegetables keep the doctor away Published February 11 2011 | Concepts: vegetables, fruits, fruits and vegetables, heart, health |
Crucial vitamin D discovery: deficiency alters lung growth, harms lung function Published February 10 2011 | Concepts: Vitamin D, deficiency, lung function, vitamin D deficiency, research |
Discover the cancer-fighting power of raspberries Published February 10 2011 | Concepts: cancer, raspberries, power, research, antioxidants |
A loving, joyful heart shown to encourage vibrant health Published February 10 2011 | Concepts: heart, health, vibrant health, stress, love |
Mainstream media discredits itself over Wakefield claims, defends medical paradigm Published February 7 2011 | Concepts: medical, media, mainstream media, claims, findings |
Mindfulness meditation benefits and changes brain structures in 8 weeks Published February 7 2011 | Concepts: brain, meditation, changes, mindfulness, the brain |
Rejuvenate your energy levels with this powerful nutritional agent Published February 7 2011 | Concepts: energy, mitochondria, Rejuvenate, health, cellular energy |
The smell of pumpkin is a real turn-on for men Published February 5 2011 | Concepts: pumpkin, smell, arousal, men, research |
Nobel Prize Winner Luc Montagnier Supports Science of Homeopathy Published February 4 2011 | Concepts: homeopathy, homeopathic, 5, medicine, research |
Chiropractic boosts immunity Published February 4 2011 | Concepts: chiropractic, immunity, disease, research, cancer |
Vitamin D fights urinary tract infections Published February 3 2011 | Concepts: Vitamin D, urinary tract, infection, urinary tract infections, research |
Lack of vitamins C and E linked to metabolic syndrome Published February 2 2011 | Concepts: vitamins, metabolic syndrome, men, research, Ecuador |
Melatonin is a powerful agent in the fight against cancer, dementia and premature aging Published February 1 2011 | Concepts: melatonin, cancer, free, aging, dementia |
Era of leaded gasoline still poisoning vegetable gardens across America Published January 30 2011 | Concepts: lead, gardens, vegetable, poisoning, gasoline |
Medical research proven to be mostly flawed Published January 27 2011 | Concepts: research, medical, medical research, studies, fraud |
Call it vegetable or fruit - This functional food prevents heart disease Published January 26 2011 | Concepts: food, heart, fruit, disease, heart disease |
Antioxidants offer natural help for men who are infertile Published January 25 2011 | Concepts: men, antioxidants, natural, WHO, antioxidant |
U.S. government launches pharmaceutical division Published January 24 2011 | Concepts: drug, government, drugs, health, U.S. government |
Shut off the light at night to reduce cancer risk Published January 24 2011 | Concepts: light, cancer, sleep, health, melatonin |
Latest research links autism to vaccines Published January 20 2011 | Concepts: vaccine, vaccines, autism, research, links |
Hair loss in women - Support hormones and stop inflammation Published January 17 2011 | Concepts: hair, hormones, men, women, hair loss |
Discover four fantastic benefits of stevia Published January 15 2011 | Concepts: stevia, sugar, smoothie, health, blood |
Gardasil Exposed - Deadly vaccine pushed on millions of young boys and girls worldwide Published January 13 2011 | Concepts: Gardasil, men, vaccine, girls, boys |
Green tea better at preventing cancer and dementia than previously thought Published January 12 2011 | Concepts: tea, green, green tea, cancer, dementia |
Vaccinations and allergy shots causing allergies to aluminum Published January 11 2011 | Concepts: allergy, aluminum, vaccinations, allergies, vaccines |
Coconut boosts brain function Published January 11 2011 | Concepts: brain, coconut, the brain, oil, coconut oil |
Resveratrol and quercetin tame inflammation and prevent insulin resistance Published January 10 2011 | Concepts: quercetin, resveratrol, inflammation, insulin, health |
Obesity costs USA $168 billion every year Published January 6 2011 | Concepts: costs, obesity, cost, USA, health |
Blueberries and grape seed extract shown to rejuvenate the aging brain Published January 6 2011 | Concepts: blueberries, grape seed extract, aging, brain, Rejuvenate |
Vitamin D levels found to be extremely low in women with breast cancer Published December 29 2010 | Concepts: Vitamin D, women, cancer, breast cancer, research |
Pomegranate juice components block cancer cell migration Published December 29 2010 | Concepts: cancer, pomegranate, juice, pomegranate juice, cancer cells |
Magnesium slashes risk of sudden heart failure in women Published December 28 2010 | Concepts: magnesium, men, diet, heart, heart failure |
Junk science alert: researchers declare alternative therapies dangerous to children based on scant evidence Published December 28 2010 | Concepts: children, therapies, alternative, child, researchers |
Natural diet lowers disease risk after just thirty days, study finds Published December 24 2010 | Concepts: diet, disease, health, natural, risk |
Junk food as addictive as street drugs Published December 23 2010 | Concepts: food, junk food, addictive, health, addiction |
Magnesium prevents diabetes Published December 22 2010 | Concepts: magnesium, diabetes, research, risk, study |
Protein found key in resolving obesity and depression (Opinion) Published December 19 2010 | Concepts: protein, depression, diet, obesity, weight |
Think purple and prevent Alzheimer`s Disease, Parkinson`s and Multiple Sclerosis Published December 18 2010 | Concepts: brain, iron, health, disease, research |
Teens who play sports feel significantly healthier and happier about life Published December 18 2010 | Concepts: sports, WHO, teens, research, health |
Vision breakthrough: eye exercises improve elders' vision in two days to see as well as college kids Published December 18 2010 | Concepts: vision, improve, eye, college, exercises |
Drink your sleep troubles away: tart cherry juice helps beat insomnia Published December 17 2010 | Concepts: sleep, juice, insomnia, research, natural |
Cinnamon may be a treasure of green nanotechnology Published December 16 2010 | Concepts: nanotechnology, green, cinnamon, nanoparticles, gold |
Microbes easily survive travel in outer space Published December 16 2010 | Concepts: microbes, travel, bacteria, research, outer space |
Pomegranate juice and extracts lower inflammation, oxidative stress and free radical damage Published December 15 2010 | Concepts: pomegranate, inflammation, juice, cancer, free |
Sunscreen chemicals absorbed into body, found in 85 percent of human milk samples Published December 14 2010 | Concepts: chemicals, milk, human, sunscreen, body |
Vitamin D deficiency linked to cognitive decline, increased risk of Alzheimer`s disease Published December 14 2010 | Concepts: Vitamin D, deficiency, decline, cognitive decline, risk |
Principle of astrology proven to be scientific: planetary position imprints biological clocks of mammals Published December 11 2010 | Concepts: astrology, scientific, moon, earth, science |
Heart disorder rises 200 percent in Australia over last 15 years Published December 11 2010 | Concepts: heart, Australia, disorder, research, hospital |
Taking bone drugs may give you cancer Published December 9 2010 | Concepts: drugs, cancer, bone, bone drugs, risk |
Research links consuming microwaved food to cancer Published December 9 2010 | Concepts: microwave, food, research, microwaved food, cancer |
Organic farms have better soil (thanks to microbes) Published December 8 2010 | Concepts: soil, farms, organic, organic farms, farm |
Walking beats cancer all by itself (even without pink ribbon fundraisers) Published December 8 2010 | Concepts: cancer, walking, risk, exercise, report |
Artificial 'nano-food' could soon show up at a store near you Published December 6 2010 | Concepts: food, store, nanotechnology, research, particles |
Discover the benefits of Ashwagandha Published December 5 2010 | Concepts: Ashwagandha, benefits, health, herb, India |
Chemical food additives can be replaced by natural extracts Published December 2 2010 | Concepts: food, natural, chemical, meat, food additives |
Revitalize cellular energy and slow aging with super nutrients PQQ and CoQ10 Published December 2 2010 | Concepts: energy, cellular energy, mitochondria, aging, nutrients |
High levels of natural plant antioxidant alpha-carotene are associated with fewer deaths from all causes Published November 30 2010 | Concepts: alpha-carotene, antioxidant, natural, risk, deaths |
Food for thought: compound in licorice may protect brain cells from Alzheimer's and other diseases Published November 29 2010 | Concepts: brain, estrogen, licorice, brain cells, Alzheimer's |
Psychiatric researcher pleads guilty to research fraud Published November 29 2010 | Concepts: research, guilty, Paxil, fraud, child |
Menstrual cramps actually change women's brains Published November 26 2010 | Concepts: pain, changes, menstrual cramps, women, research |
The American Cancer Society runs with the money and away from the cure, Part IX Published November 26 2010 | Concepts: cancer, cure, WHO, American Cancer Society, ACS |
Lactobacillus reuteri is necessary for good health Published November 24 2010 | Concepts: Lactobacillus reuteri, research, health, milk, study |
Omega-3 fatty acids prevent and may reverse gum disease naturally Published November 24 2010 | Concepts: gum disease, omega-3, fatty acids, omega-3 fatty acids, reverse |
(Part II) The FDA is a clearing house for Food and Drug Corruption Published November 20 2010 | Concepts: drug, FDA, corruption, the FDA, food |
Problematic weed could be valuable new source of biofuel Published November 20 2010 | Concepts: weed, pennycress, oil, biofuels, research |
Milk thistle, vitamin E and fish oil fats can prevent and reverse fatty liver disease Published November 19 2010 | Concepts: liver, vitamin E, fat, fatty liver, fats |
Younger schoolchildren more likely to be falsely diagnosed with ADHD Published November 16 2010 | Concepts: schoolchildren, child, younger, adhd, WHO |
Daily dose of beet juice promotes brain health in older adults Published November 16 2010 | Concepts: brain, brain health, beet juice, blood, dementia |
Blacks have more serious cancer due to vitamin D deficiency caused by skin color Published November 14 2010 | Concepts: cancer, Vitamin D, women, skin, deficiency |
Honeybee collapse due to toxic combination of pesticide chemicals Published November 12 2010 | Concepts: toxic, pesticide, collapse, pollinators, research |
Broccoli nutrient halts growth of cancer tumors Published November 12 2010 | Concepts: cancer, broccoli, nutrient, Prostate, research |
Cancer is a man-made disease, research concludes Published November 11 2010 | Concepts: cancer, research, disease, man-made, UK |
Dying cancer patients subjected to expensive, meaningless cancer screening tests Published November 10 2010 | Concepts: cancer, screening, patients, cancer screening, tests |
Laptop computers cook your testicles Published November 8 2010 | Concepts: laptop, computers, laptop computers, men, sperm |
Top Researcher Finds Medical Studies to be Largely Wrong or Fraudulent Published November 8 2010 | Concepts: medical, studies, research, medical studies, health |
Low vitamin D levels linked to Parkinson's disease Published November 7 2010 | Concepts: Vitamin D, Parkinson's, Parkinson's Disease, research, health |
Vitamin E helps prevent dementia Published November 4 2010 | Concepts: vitamin E, dementia, 5, research, diet |
B Vitamins shown to lower risk of Alzheimer`s Disease Published November 4 2010 | Concepts: risk, B vitamins, disease, diet, health |
Amino acids are latest in growing list of nutrients shown to extend life span Published November 3 2010 | Concepts: amino acids, acid, life, longevity, nutrients |
Super nutrient shown to stop cancer in its tracks Published November 3 2010 | Concepts: cancer, nutrient, vitamin K, health, diet |
Fish oil lowers risk of breast cancer by 32 percent Published November 3 2010 | Concepts: fish, oil, cancer, fish oil, breast cancer |
After Medicare slashed payments to doctors, doctors simply "treat" more patients to make up for the shortfall of revenue Published October 30 2010 | Concepts: doctors, patients, medicare, research, drugs |
Tobacco might be bad for health, but new research says it's good for crops Published October 30 2010 | Concepts: tobacco, health, pesticides, research, pesticide |
Beta carotene may treat eye disease called retinitis pigmentosa Published October 29 2010 | Concepts: beta carotene, eye, disease, eye disease, retinitis pigmentosa |
Medical science discovers remarkable yet simple way to instantly increase your willpower Published October 28 2010 | Concepts: muscle, muscles, increase, science, medical |
Having a big head may protect you from Alzheimer's Published October 27 2010 | Concepts: brain, research, head size, researchers, the brain |
Surprising new research shows that fish actually talk to each other under water Published October 27 2010 | Concepts: fish, shows, research, researchers, communication |
Turn off the lights when you go to bed - Even dim light at night may trigger obesity Published October 27 2010 | Concepts: light, obesity, lights, weight, gain |
Research shows that walking can protect your memory down the road Published October 26 2010 | Concepts: walking, memory, research, shows, Alzheimer's |
Anxiety can be treated with herbs and nutrients, says new research Published October 22 2010 | Concepts: anxiety, herbs, nutrients, research, herbal medicine |
Drinking tea cuts risk of heart disease by one-third Published October 20 2010 | Concepts: tea, heart, risk, disease, drinking |
Fascinating research says the objects you touch and feel directly impact your perceptions of others Published October 17 2010 | Concepts: touch, perceptions, research, people, researchers |
Breast cancer breakthrough: watercress turns off signal that causes tumors to develop Published October 13 2010 | Concepts: cancer, watercress, tumors, breast cancer, causes |
Honeybee researcher who blames virus for CCD has financial ties to pesticide manufacturer Published October 13 2010 | Concepts: pesticide, Bayer, pesticides, bees, virus |
October is Vaccine Injury Awareness Month Published October 13 2010 | Concepts: vaccine, October, awareness, injury, vaccines |
Get your children away from the TV - Physical fitness makes smarter brains Published October 12 2010 | Concepts: children, physical, brain, physical fitness, WHO |
Treat Rosacea: New Research Sheds Light on Possible Role of Vitamin D Published October 9 2010 | Concepts: Vitamin D, research, skin, light, Rosacea |
B vitamins cut risk of lung cancer by 50 percent Published October 9 2010 | Concepts: cancer, lung cancer, risk, vitamins, B vitamins |
Ginger effectively relieves even severe muscle pain, new research shows Published October 8 2010 | Concepts: ginger, pain, muscle pain, muscle, research |
Eating hamburgers linked to asthma Published October 8 2010 | Concepts: asthma, hamburgers, eating, children, research |
Researchers Discover the Cause: IBS is Not in the Mind Published October 8 2010 | Concepts: IBS, researchers, health, gut, research |
Military about to drug soldiers with male bonding hormone? Published October 7 2010 | Concepts: soldiers, Oxytocin, men, military, drug |
You don't have to hurt as you age! Eat broccoli and avoid arthritis Published October 6 2010 | Concepts: broccoli, arthritis, natural, avoid, research |
Calcium and vitamin supplements reduce breast cancer risk Published October 4 2010 | Concepts: breast cancer, supplements, calcium, vitamin supplements, DNA |
Dark chocolate prevents damage from strokes Published October 4 2010 | Concepts: chocolate, damage, dark chocolate, research, strokes |
Guatemalan STD medical experiments were just one crime in a long history of medical-government collusion to use humans as guinea pigs Published October 2 2010 | Concepts: men, 5, news, experiments, NaturalNews |
Chemical pesticides linked to ADHD in children Published October 1 2010 | Concepts: adhd, pesticides, pesticide, chemical, children |
Age related hearing loss halted with folate nutrient Published September 30 2010 | Concepts: folate, hearing loss, homocysteine, research, risk |
Calorie Restriction Extends Lifespan and Promotes Natural Weight Loss Published September 30 2010 | Concepts: lifespan, weight, life, natural, health |
Vitamin D Cuts Cancer and Heart Disease Risk by Up to Fifty Percent Published September 29 2010 | Concepts: Vitamin D, disease, risk, heart disease, cancer |
Processed meat causes heart disease, diabetes Published September 27 2010 | Concepts: meat, processed meat, heart, heart disease, diabetes |
Urban pollution found to raise blood pressure Published September 24 2010 | Concepts: pollution, blood, blood pressure, research, air pollution |
High fat meals worsen asthma Published September 24 2010 | Concepts: fat, asthma, meals, research, researchers |
Babies given pneumococcal vaccination risk infection with serious drug resistant respiratory disease Published September 23 2010 | Concepts: infection, vaccination, babies, risk, drug |
This low-sugar fruit cuts your risk of diabetes, high blood pressure Published September 23 2010 | Concepts: diabetes, blood, risk, cuts, fruit |
Be careful or you might catch obesity, suggests new study Published September 22 2010 | Concepts: obesity, children, study, weight, antibodies |
Warning: Bisphosphonate drugs to prevent osteoporosis double the risk of esophageal cancer Published September 22 2010 | Concepts: drugs, osteoporosis, risk, cancer, drug |
News coverage about a flawed omega-3 study reveals truth about media's inaccurate health reporting Published September 21 2010 | Concepts: omega-3, study, heart, omega-3s, research |
Marijuana Benefits Cancer: Two Studies You Probably Never Read About Published September 20 2010 | Concepts: cancer, Marijuana, benefits, studies, study |
Caffeine intake leads to smaller babies Published September 20 2010 | Concepts: caffeine, research, researchers, babies, women |
You can change your fat destiny, turn off genetic predisposition to obesity Published September 16 2010 | Concepts: Genetic, fat, genetic predisposition, research, obesity |
Cancer: Why There is No Mainstream Cure Published September 16 2010 | Concepts: cancer, cure, health, natural, cancers |
Why all pregnant women should take 4000 IU of vitamin D a day Published September 13 2010 | Concepts: Vitamin D, pregnant women, research, birth, researchers |
Male fish now exhibiting female traits due to toxic chemicals and pharma runoff Published September 12 2010 | Concepts: fish, chemicals, chemical, water, toxic |
Medical Marijuana Debate: Science is Ignored Published September 9 2010 | Concepts: Marijuana, medical, science, medical marijuana, research |
Successful low-carb dieting requires the right type of protein Published September 8 2010 | Concepts: protein, low-carb, dieting, diet, low-carb dieting |
Gender bender chemical atrazine widely contaminates U.S. public water supply Published September 7 2010 | Concepts: Atrazine, water, chemical, EPA, the EPA |
Prevent Childhood Leukemia Published August 28 2010 | Concepts: childhood, leukemia, children, risk, turmeric |
Scientists report first evidence berries keep brains young, protect from memory loss Published August 26 2010 | Concepts: berries, memory, report, brains, scientists |
Electromagnetic pulse can be used to disrupt morality in the human brain Published August 25 2010 | Concepts: electromagnetic pulse, human, brain, people, research |
Gender-bender chemicals causing early puberty in girls Published August 24 2010 | Concepts: chemicals, puberty, girls, research, estrogen |
New Research Continues to Support Health Benefits of Turmeric and Curcumin Published August 20 2010 | Concepts: turmeric, research, health, benefits, curcumin |
Science Finally Discovers the Anti-Bacterial Abilities of Honey Published August 19 2010 | Concepts: honey, science, bacteria, medical, research |
Scientists discover that radiation causes breast cancer (gee, really?) Published August 18 2010 | Concepts: cancer, radiation, breast cancer, risk, scientists |
Cholesterol Level Predicts Heart Disease Risk in Young Adults Published August 18 2010 | Concepts: heart disease, heart, risk, cholesterol, health |
Scientists discover how polyphenols in green tea may protect health of diabetics Published August 17 2010 | Concepts: tea, green tea, green, health, EGCG |
Newly Discovered Herbs Revealed for Healing Cancer and Other Diseases Published August 16 2010 | Concepts: cancer, graviola, health, herbs, healing |
Eating well-done meat doubles your risk of developing bladder cancer Published August 13 2010 | Concepts: meat, risk, cancer, bladder, eating |
Resveratrol promotes health and longevity; study shows it suppresses inflammation, free radicals Published August 12 2010 | Concepts: resveratrol, inflammation, study, health, free |
White button mushrooms enhance the immune system to fight infections and cancer Published August 10 2010 | Concepts: immune system, mushrooms, research, infections, cancer |
The Case for Homeopathic Medicine: Consider the Historical and Scientific Evidence Published August 10 2010 | Concepts: homeopathic, homeopathy, medicine, 5, studies |
New Study: Chocolate during Pregnancy Lowers Risks of Hypertension Published August 10 2010 | Concepts: chocolate, pregnancy, risks, preeclampsia, study |
Research fraud: Dr. Reuben now claims he had "bipolar disorder" which caused him to fake clinical trials Published August 9 2010 | Concepts: research, claims, research fraud, disorder, bipolar disorder |
HFCS - the poison that promotes obesity and liver damage Published August 7 2010 | Concepts: fructose, liver, corn, corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup |
Junk food-addicted rats chose to starve themselves rather than eat healthy food Published August 5 2010 | Concepts: rats, food, junk food, research, addiction |
Heart failure breakthrough: placebo controlled study shows major improvement with acupuncture Published August 5 2010 | Concepts: heart, heart failure, acupuncture, study, placebo |
Few drug studies offer comparative findings Published August 4 2010 | Concepts: drug, studies, drug studies, medication, research |
Brains that are relaxed are able to learn and remember better Published August 3 2010 | Concepts: brains, research, brain function, brain, photos |
Research team develops new 'organic' solar cell technology Published August 3 2010 | Concepts: solar cell, research, solar cells, film, energy |
Eat Walnuts Daily and Improve Cholesterol Profile in Persons with Type II Diabetes Published August 2 2010 | Concepts: walnuts, diabetes, health, cholesterol, diet |
Black Raspberries Inhibit Progression of Oral Cancer Published July 31 2010 | Concepts: cancer, raspberries, black raspberries, oral cancer, men |
Music benefits the brain, research reveals Published July 30 2010 | Concepts: music, brain, research, the brain, benefits |
Antibiotics May Make Us Fat Published July 30 2010 | Concepts: antibiotic, homeopathic, 5, antibiotics, medicine |
Monsanto: The world's poster child for corporate manipulation and deceit Published July 30 2010 | Concepts: Monsanto, 5, food, farm, farmer |
Pharmaceutical drug contamination of waterways threatens life on our planet Published July 29 2010 | Concepts: drug, water, harm, contamination, drugs |
Reduce Hypertension with Chocolate, Beets, Oats and Lavender Published July 28 2010 | Concepts: blood, chocolate, blood pressure, hypertension, home |
90 percent of scientists backing Avandia diabetes drug had financial ties to drug companies Published July 23 2010 | Concepts: Avandia, drug, financial, diabetes, diabetes drug |
Expectant mothers who take probiotics have healthier babies Published July 21 2010 | Concepts: probiotics, probiotic, WHO, mothers, pregnancy |
Stem cell therapy becoming more widely accepted Published July 21 2010 | Concepts: stem cell, therapy, stem cells, research, stem cell research |
Cranberry juice fights infections at molecular level Published July 20 2010 | Concepts: cranberry, cranberry juice, infections, molecular, urinary tract |
Fructose results in more belly fat and less insulin-sensitive fat Published July 15 2010 | Concepts: fat, fructose, belly fat, results, fat cells |
New Study: B6, Methionine and Folate Slash Lung Cancer by Two-Thirds Published July 15 2010 | Concepts: cancer, lung cancer, folate, green, risk |
Natural compound in broccoli and Brussels sprouts halts breast cancer cell growth Published July 15 2010 | Concepts: cancer, natural, broccoli, sprouts, breast cancer |
Soda consumption linked to pancreatic cancer Published July 15 2010 | Concepts: consumption, pancreatic cancer, soda, soda consumption, sugar |
Vitamin D promotes memory and cognitive function in seniors Published July 13 2010 | Concepts: Vitamin D, memory, cognitive function, research, brain function |
Restaurant sushi tuna loaded with mercury Published July 13 2010 | Concepts: tuna, sushi, mercury, species, restaurant |
A diet loaded with antioxidant rich foods improves insulin resistance Published July 12 2010 | Concepts: antioxidant, insulin, diet, foods, insulin resistance |
Science Paper Calls for More Research Into Perennial Grain Crops Published July 9 2010 | Concepts: science, paper, research, crops, grains |
Acupuncture treats depression during pregnancy (without chemical drugs) Published July 6 2010 | Concepts: acupuncture, depression, pregnancy, men, chemical |
Brown rice and other whole grains can prevent type 2 diabetes Published July 6 2010 | Concepts: rice, brown rice, diabetes, grains, whole grains |
Deet Finally Exposed as Neurotoxic Published July 5 2010 | Concepts: DEET, chemical, exposed, research, toxic |
Bitter melon extracts block breast cancer Published July 2 2010 | Concepts: bitter melon, cancer, breast cancer, extract, research |
Flu Vaccines, pharma fraud, quack science, the CDC and WHO -- all exposed by Richard Gale and Gary Null Published July 2 2010 | Concepts: flu, vaccine, CDC, health, WHO |
New Cancer Causing Agent from Household Products Found in our Water Published July 1 2010 | Concepts: cancer, household, products, water, research |
95 percent of "preventive" mastectomies offer no benefit, study finds Published June 30 2010 | Concepts: cancer, women, study, mastectomies, decision |
Industry Funded Cell Phone Study Ignores Evidence, Whitewashes Results Published June 30 2010 | Concepts: study, evidence, cell phone, report, health |
A healthy diet cuts Alzheimer's risk by 40 percent Published June 29 2010 | Concepts: Alzheimer's, diet, risk, disease, healthy |
Vitamin B6 and methionine slash lung cancer risk by 50 percent Published June 29 2010 | Concepts: cancer, lung cancer, risk, vitamin B6, cancer risk |
New Research Blasts Supposed Efficiency of Corn Ethanol Published June 26 2010 | Concepts: ethanol, corn, fuel, corn ethanol, research |
New research: probiotic found in breast milk benefits nerves in gut, calms digestive disorders Published June 25 2010 | Concepts: probiotic, breast milk, gut, probiotics, benefits |
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia breakthrough: green tea extract halts cancer progression in majority of patients Published June 23 2010 | Concepts: green tea, cancer, leukemia, green, extract |
Cancer cells killed by chemotherapy may cause cancer to spread Published June 22 2010 | Concepts: cancer, chemotherapy, cancer cells, research, body |
Consent form gobbledygook: Are medical research subjects adequately informed? Published June 20 2010 | Concepts: form, research, consent, consent forms, medical |
Evidence mounts on links between cell phones and brain tumors Published June 20 2010 | Concepts: brain, cell phones, cell phone, health, evidence |
Meditation Improves Cognitive Skills in Just Four Days Published June 17 2010 | Concepts: meditation, cognitive skills, students, mind, study |
New research: chocolate milk beats sports drinks for post-exercise muscle recovery Published June 17 2010 | Concepts: milk, chocolate, chocolate milk, sports, muscle |
Chemical in antibacterial soaps produces toxic dioxins Published June 16 2010 | Concepts: triclosan, dioxins, antibacterial, chemical, antibacterial soaps |
New research: flavonoid quercetin fights viral infections, protects against
chronic lung diseases Published June 12 2010 | Concepts: quercetin, infections, viral infections, news, COPD |
New research: Electropollution can cause diabetes (type-3) Published June 10 2010 | Concepts: diabetes, pollution, EMF, man, study |
Antidepressants dramatically raise risk of cataracts Published June 10 2010 | Concepts: risk, antidepressants, cataracts, SSRI, SSRIs |
Cancer Charity Continues Fear Mongering against Sun Exposure Published June 10 2010 | Concepts: sun, cancer, men, charity, fear mongering |
Study shows how radiation causes breast cancer Published June 9 2010 | Concepts: radiation, cancer, breast cancer, study, exposure |
Breast cancer cells destroyed by peach and plum extracts Published June 8 2010 | Concepts: cancer, plum, cancer cells, breast cancer, fruit |
Support the Free Speech About Science Act and restore freedom of health speech Published May 27 2010 | Concepts: heal, health, FDA, the FDA, food |
Look into the Lyme Disease Mysteries, Part III Published May 26 2010 | Concepts: disease, lyme disease, plum, bioweapon, research |
Doctor beats swine flu with vitamin D and elderberries Published May 26 2010 | Concepts: Vitamin D, flu, swine flu, doctor, research |
Natural health news gets nuttier: research shows eating nuts lowers cholesterol Published May 20 2010 | Concepts: nuts, news, natural, research, cholesterol |
Poor Health Makes Osteoporosis Common in the U.S. Published May 20 2010 | Concepts: health, osteoporosis, bone, drugs, men |
Breast cancer breakthrough: broccoli component zaps cells that fuel tumor growth Published May 19 2010 | Concepts: cancer, broccoli, breast cancer, sulforaphane, stem cell |
BPA plastics chemical damages intestines, study shows Published May 19 2010 | Concepts: BPA, intestines, study, chemical, plastics |
New research: olive oil can prevent ulcerative colitis Published May 18 2010 | Concepts: oil, ulcerative colitis, olive oil, acid, disease |
Psychiatric Drugs Cause Rapid Weight Gain in Kids Published May 13 2010 | Concepts: weight gain, drugs, weight, drug, psychiatric drugs |
Drinking coffee may lower the risk of severe form of prostate cancer Published May 8 2010 | Concepts: coffee, risk, Prostate, cancer, prostate cancer |
NIH panel foolishly insists Alzheimer's can't be prevented (are they demented?) Published May 7 2010 | Concepts: Alzheimer's, health, disease, food, aluminum |
New research shows grapes reduce risk for heart disease and diabetes Published May 6 2010 | Concepts: heart, research, grapes, disease, heart disease |
Eat brown rice to prevent high blood pressure, lower heart attack risk Published May 3 2010 | Concepts: rice, high blood pressure, blood, brown rice, heart |
Rheumatoid arthritis linked to vitamin D deficiency, researchers find Published May 1 2010 | Concepts: Vitamin D, arthritis, vitamin D deficiency, health, rheumatoid arthritis |
Want some cancer with that burger? Eating meat linked to bladder cancer Published April 29 2010 | Concepts: cancer, meat, bladder, bladder cancer, research |
Bananas May Provide Key to Preventing Spread of HIV Published April 28 2010 | Concepts: bananas, HIV, health, research, drugs |
Natural substance in breast milk destroys cancer cells Published April 27 2010 | Concepts: cancer, milk, breast milk, natural, research |
Heal and Prevent Heart Disease with Nutrition, Part II Published April 27 2010 | Concepts: heart, disease, nutrition, heart disease, health |
Milk thistle herb protects liver from damage caused by chemotherapy Published April 25 2010 | Concepts: milk thistle, liver, milk, damage, herb |
Psychiatric Drugging of Infants and Toddlers in the US - Part I Published April 23 2010 | Concepts: child, children, drug, infants, disorder |
Alzheimer's drugs cause brain damage and actually worsen memory loss Published April 21 2010 | Concepts: Alzheimer's, brain damage, brain, drugs, memory |
Puberty in Girls Hastened by Harmful Chemicals Published April 21 2010 | Concepts: girls, puberty, chemicals, chemical, health |
Pistachios cut cancer risk Published April 20 2010 | Concepts: cancer, pistachios, nuts, research, diet |
Vitamin D deficiency linked to more aggressive lymphoma Published April 19 2010 | Concepts: Vitamin D, deficiency, vitamin D deficiency, aggressive, research |
Green tea prevents eye disease Published April 17 2010 | Concepts: tea, green tea, green, eye, research |
Physical health leads to good mental health, too Published April 17 2010 | Concepts: mental health, physical, mental, physical health, research |
Migratory birds are teaching humans about the benefits of superfood berries Published April 14 2010 | Concepts: birds, migratory birds, berries, humans, superfood |
BPA hormone disruptor now contaminates Earth's oceans, scientists warn Published April 13 2010 | Concepts: BPA, plastic, oceans, scientists, hormone |
Central Figure in CDC Vaccine Safety Studies Investigated for Fraud Published April 12 2010 | Concepts: vaccine, CDC, Thorsen, studies, safety |
Secrecy in science is corrosive Published April 9 2010 | Concepts: secrecy, science, research, drug, researchers |
New hope for MS patients from UV light from the sun (beyond vitamin D) Published April 8 2010 | Concepts: light, sun, Vitamin D, UV light, patients |
Latest Study: Diabetes Drugs Do Not Work; Diet and Exercise are Still Best Published April 7 2010 | Concepts: diabetes, exercise, health, diet, drugs |
New study: Breast cancer deaths lower in areas without mammograms Published April 7 2010 | Concepts: cancer, breast cancer, deaths, cancer deaths, screening |
Prostate cancer drug boosts heart disease risk Published April 6 2010 | Concepts: cancer, heart, Prostate, prostate cancer, heart disease |
Chocolate lowers blood pressure and slashes risk of heart disease Published April 6 2010 | Concepts: chocolate, blood pressure, blood, heart, risk |
AIDS vaccines stop working after a few months, shocked researchers discover Published April 3 2010 | Concepts: AIDS, vaccines, researchers, vaccine, research |
NIH researchers are up-front about their support from drug companies, right? Wrong! Published April 1 2010 | Concepts: drug, researchers, NIH, companies, drug companies |
Genetic breakthrough findings often bogus, even when in medical journals Published April 1 2010 | Concepts: findings, Genetic, medical, research, scientific |
Obesity: Trouble is Caused by Eating Quickly Published April 1 2010 | Concepts: eating, obesity, research, weight, food |
Metal hip replacements in pregnant women leach chromium and cobalt into babies Published March 31 2010 | Concepts: women, pregnant women, chromium, hip replacements, blood |
Common Seaweed May Provide an Important Cancer Cure Published March 30 2010 | Concepts: cancer, seaweed, fucoidan, health, research |
New field of nutrigenomics reveals how what you eat now can prevent future disease Published March 27 2010 | Concepts: nutrigenomics, disease, future, food, Genetic |
Stunning Research Shows High Potential for DNA Damage from Nanoparticles Published March 27 2010 | Concepts: research, DNA damage, DNA, particles, shows |
Eating Processed Food Leads to Depression Published March 26 2010 | Concepts: food, depression, WHO, processed food, eating |
Hospital superbugs kill 48,000 patients a year Published March 25 2010 | Concepts: hospital, infection, infections, superbugs, patients |
Omega-3s linked to longevity Published March 25 2010 | Concepts: omega-3s, omega-3, telomeres, study, sources |
Honeybee Colony Collapse Disorder Finally Explained: Too Many Chemicals Published March 24 2010 | Concepts: disorder, colony collapse, colony collapse disorder, chemicals, research |
Non-stick chemical in cookware linked to thyroid disease Published March 23 2010 | Concepts: thyroid, cookware, chemical, non-stick, thyroid disease |
Home Insecticides Linked to Autoimmune Disorders Published March 21 2010 | Concepts: home, insecticides, women, autoimmune disorders, exposure |
The Scientific Fraud Pandemic: Few Honest Scientists Remain, Part I Published March 21 2010 | Concepts: scientific, fraud, scientists, 5, scientific fraud |
Virtually all kidney disease patients on dialysis have vitamin D deficiency Published March 18 2010 | Concepts: Vitamin D, patients, dialysis, disease, kidney disease |
Junk Food Nearly as Addictive as Heroin Published March 18 2010 | Concepts: food, junk food, addictive, rats, addiction |
Media Twists Research and Distorts Health Supplement Effectiveness Published March 17 2010 | Concepts: supplement, health, media, research, nutritional supplements |
Peruvian Nazca Civilization Was Destroyed by Deforestation Published March 13 2010 | Concepts: civilization, research, human civilization, pollen, tree |
Epidemic of Vitamin D deficiency sweeping the world Published March 12 2010 | Concepts: Vitamin D, deficiency, cancer, vitamin D deficiency, disease |
Vitamin D Improves Insulin Sensitivity, Helps Prevent Diabetes Published March 12 2010 | Concepts: Vitamin D, insulin sensitivity, men, insulin, diabetes |
Consider a Few Things about Dr. Wakefield, the GMC and the Autism-Vaccine Link Published March 10 2010 | Concepts: autism, study, vaccine, Dr. Wakefield, news |
90 Percent of African American Children Deficient in Vitamin D Published March 7 2010 | Concepts: children, Vitamin D, 5, research, health |
Stay Healthy and Lose Weight with the Health Benefits of Grapefruits Published March 6 2010 | Concepts: fruit, grapefruit, health, lose weight, fruits |
Natural compound in marine sponges could halt cancer metastasis Published March 3 2010 | Concepts: cancer, natural, marine sponges, research, NaturalNews |
Glaxo Birth Defect Litigation Reveals Paxil Promoters on Speed Dial Published March 3 2010 | Concepts: doctor, Glaxo, Paxil, women, drug |
Eating chocolate regularly may prevent strokes Published March 2 2010 | Concepts: chocolate, stroke, eating, strokes, risk |
Added Sugar can Wreak Havoc on Your Health Published March 1 2010 | Concepts: sugar, added sugar, health, fructose, sugars |
Artificial Leaves Turn Sunlight Into Fuel Published February 27 2010 | Concepts: sunlight, research, energy, fuel, researchers |
Bitter melon stops breast cancer cells from growing and spreading Published February 26 2010 | Concepts: cancer, breast cancer, bitter melon, cancer cells, extract |
New research: no good scientific evidence flu shots are effective or safe for elders Published February 25 2010 | Concepts: flu, scientific evidence, vaccine, flu shots, scientific |
Sara Lee accused of greenwashing marketing hype with its "EcoGrain" bread Published February 22 2010 | Concepts: organic, Sara Lee, farm, bread, marketing |
Big Pharma researcher admits to faking dozens of research studies for Pfizer, Merck (opinion) Published February 18 2010 | Concepts: research, scientific, drug, medical, studies |
Mental illness breakthrough: fish oil prevents psychotic disorders Published February 18 2010 | Concepts: mental illness, omega-3, fish oil, fat, fish |
Beet Juice Boosts Athletic Performance by up to 16 Percent Published February 18 2010 | Concepts: athletic performance, juice, beet juice, research, beetroot |
ADHD symptoms caused by lead exposure, new study claims Published February 16 2010 | Concepts: lead, adhd, exposure, child, symptoms |
Anti-Aging Pill: Super Gene Discovery Leads to Fruitless Attempts to Mimic Nature Published February 16 2010 | Concepts: discovery, anti-aging, increase, research, disease |
Thirty-six predictions for the world: 2010 - 2012 Published February 15 2010 | Concepts: news, natural, 2012, man, vaccine |
Exercise can fight aging Published February 15 2010 | Concepts: aging, exercise, telomeres, WHO, athletes |
Meditation may be the Future of Anti-Aging, Part II Published February 14 2010 | Concepts: DHEA, anti-aging, meditation, melatonin, stress |
Meditation may be the Future of Anti-Aging, Part I Published February 14 2010 | Concepts: meditation, aging, anti-aging, 5, future |
Don't forget to eat blueberries: Scientists find they help memory Published February 12 2010 | Concepts: blueberries, scientists, memory, NaturalNews, research |
Gluten Intolerance Leads to Cancer, Heart Disease and Death, Research Shows Published February 12 2010 | Concepts: gluten, disease, gluten intolerance, cancer, research |
Mediterranean Diet Prevents Depression Published February 10 2010 | Concepts: diet, mediterranean diet, depression, research, risk |
Research Suggests Marine Oil may Prevent Alzheimer's Disease Published February 9 2010 | Concepts: oil, Alzheimer's, research, marine oil, disease |
Breast cancer virtually "eradicated" with higher levels of vitamin D Published February 8 2010 | Concepts: Vitamin D, cancer, breast cancer, research, health |
Computer Games may Increase Brain Power and Cure PTSD, Research Shows Published February 6 2010 | Concepts: brain, research, PTSD, increase, computer games |
Plant-Based "Eco-Atkins Diet" Boosts Health, Drops Body Fat Published February 6 2010 | Concepts: diet, health, body, research, body fat |
Green Tea Extracts Halt Growth of Prostate Cancer Tumors Published February 5 2010 | Concepts: prostate cancer, Prostate, tea, green tea, green |
Air Pollution Can Reduce a Child's IQ Published February 5 2010 | Concepts: pollution, air pollution, exposure, IQ, research |
Drugs for HIV Infection and AIDS Might Prematurely Age Brains Published February 2 2010 | Concepts: HIV, brain, AIDS, drugs, the brain |
Radiation Therapy Harms the Brain, Causing Memory and Attention Problems Published February 1 2010 | Concepts: brain, therapy, radiation, radiation therapy, memory |
Obesity Causes Increased Risk of Kidney Cancer, Kidney Stones, and Stroke Published January 29 2010 | Concepts: obesity, kidney stones, cancer, risk, kidney cancer |
Vitamin D Promotes Weight Loss Published January 29 2010 | Concepts: Vitamin D, weight, weight loss, increase, deficiency |
Coffee Lowers Risk of Diabetes and Liver Fibrosis, Hepatitis and Prostate Cancer Published January 27 2010 | Concepts: coffee, diabetes, risk, Prostate, hepatitis |
Even medical students want conventional medicine to include alternative therapies Published January 26 2010 | Concepts: medicine, medical, medical students, alternative, conventional medicine |
New evidence shows selenium and omega-3s prevent colon cancer Published January 25 2010 | Concepts: cancer, colon, selenium, research, evidence |
Natural form of vitamin E protects the brain after stroke Published January 22 2010 | Concepts: brain, stroke, the brain, vitamin E, form |
New study: mango prevents and halts growth of colon and breast cancer cells Published January 21 2010 | Concepts: mango, cancer, colon, breast cancer, cancer cells |
Nightshade Vegetables may Cause Adverse Reactions in Some People Published January 20 2010 | Concepts: nightshade, vegetables, arthritis, research, food |
Chlorophyll blocks absorption of toxic carcinogens Published January 18 2010 | Concepts: chlorophyll, absorption, toxic, research, carcinogens |
Most hospital patients are unaware of what drugs they are given Published January 18 2010 | Concepts: drugs, hospital, patients, hospital patients, drug |
Nutrient-rich, low-calorie diets actually reprogram fat cells to keep the body thin Published January 17 2010 | Concepts: fat, fat cells, body, diets, diet |
Nutrients stimulate brain connections, could treat Alzheimer's Published January 17 2010 | Concepts: Alzheimer's, brain, nutrients, nutrient, memory |
Use Hypnosis to Study Moral Judgment: The Role of Reason and Emotion Published January 17 2010 | Concepts: hypnosis, emotion, research, study, researchers |
Pomegranates may prevent estrogen-driven breast cancer Published January 15 2010 | Concepts: cancer, pomegranates, breast cancer, estrogen, research |
New study: omega-3s may treat schizophrenia, ADD, Huntington’s and other nervous system diseases Published January 11 2010 | Concepts: nervous system, omega-3s, omega-3, schizophrenia, DHA |
Herbs Help Treat Diabetes: Bilberry, Gymnema, Ginkgo and Salt Bush Published January 8 2010 | Concepts: diabetes, gymnema, ginkgo, herbs, salt |
Broccoli Protects Your Arteries Published January 6 2010 | Concepts: broccoli, vegetable, vegetables, sulforaphane, heart |
Drug Side Effects Blamed for 20 Percent of Hospital Readmissions Published January 4 2010 | Concepts: hospital, side effects, drug, drug side effects, harm |
Scientists discover how Cordyceps mushrooms fight cancer Published January 4 2010 | Concepts: cancer, cordyceps, scientists, mushrooms, research |
New Study Confirms: Organic Food is Far Healthier Than Conventional Published January 2 2010 | Concepts: organic, food, produce, organic produce, organic food |
Pistachios Slash Lung Cancer Risk Published January 1 2010 | Concepts: pistachios, cancer, lung cancer, research, health |
2009 in review: A year of FDA censorship, Big Pharma crimes and celebrity drug deaths Published January 1 2010 | Concepts: natural, news, NaturalNews, vaccine, health |
New SSRI warning: antidepressants increase risk of stroke and death Published December 31 2009 | Concepts: antidepressants, SSRI, stroke, women, risk |
Scientists find turmeric and black pepper spices may prevent breast cancer Published December 30 2009 | Concepts: piperine, cancer, turmeric, curcumin, black pepper |
Use Hypnosis to Research Creativity and Imagination Published December 26 2009 | Concepts: hypnosis, research, study, imagination, WHO |
More Evidence Supports the Importance of Vitamin D in Heart Disease Prevention Published December 24 2009 | Concepts: Vitamin D, disease, heart disease, heart, disease prevention |
Newly Researched Soy Component could be Nutritional Cancer Treatment Published December 22 2009 | Concepts: soy, cancer, men, protein, nutrition |
New research: natural exposure to everyday germs may protect kids from disease as adults Published December 21 2009 | Concepts: disease, exposure, research, germs, natural |
New Research Proves Western Medicine Remains Clueless about Alzheimer's Disease Published December 18 2009 | Concepts: research, Alzheimer's, medicine, western medicine, Alzheimer's disease |
Green tea nutrients prevent and treat brain disorders Published December 17 2009 | Concepts: brain, green, green tea, nutrients, chemical |
Cancer researchers announce breakthroughs in natural prostate cancer prevention and treatment Published December 15 2009 | Concepts: cancer, Prostate, prostate cancer, men, research |
When you eat can promote weight loss and fight diabetes, researchers find Published December 15 2009 | Concepts: weight loss, researchers, weight, diabetes, health |
Nutty news from scientists: pistachios reduce lung cancer risk Published December 14 2009 | Concepts: cancer, pistachios, lung cancer, news, nuts |
Studies find copper may help protect against MRSA and other hospital superbugs Published December 13 2009 | Concepts: copper, MRSA, hospital, bacteria, studies |
C-Reactive Protein Screening Found Virtually Useless Published December 11 2009 | Concepts: protein, c-reactive protein, screening, disease, risk |
Big Pharma greed: free drugs are being pushed on the Internet to hook consumers Published December 10 2009 | Concepts: free, drug, drugs, information, internet |
An antioxidant in broccoli and cauliflower may treat cystic fibrosis and other diseases Published December 7 2009 | Concepts: thiocyanate, antioxidant, broccoli, cauliflower, cystic fibrosis |
Vitamin D prevents heart disease Published December 7 2009 | Concepts: Vitamin D, disease, men, heart, heart disease |
Study finds new method of using bone marrow stem cells to rapidly heal complex bone fractures Published December 4 2009 | Concepts: stem cells, bone, heal, method, technology |
Scientists create protein to help probiotics work more effectively Published December 4 2009 | Concepts: protein, probiotics, scientists, research, probiotic |
Potential of Pterostilbene in Human Health is Promising Published December 4 2009 | Concepts: pterostilbene, health, cancer, human, human health |
Meditation slashes risk of heart attack, stroke and death in heart disease patients by half Published December 3 2009 | Concepts: heart attack, heart, meditation, risk, stroke |
Mammograms cause breast cancer, groundbreaking new research declares Published December 2 2009 | Concepts: cancer, breast cancer, women, mammograms, radiation |
Flavonoids From Fruits, Veggies Help Halt Dementia and Alzheimer's Published December 2 2009 | Concepts: dementia, flavonoids, disease, fruits, Alzheimer's |
Flaxseed oil could reduce the risk of osteoporosis Published December 1 2009 | Concepts: osteoporosis, flaxseed, flaxseed oil, risk, health |
Vitamin D prevents diabetes, improves insulin sensitivity, say multiple studies Published December 1 2009 | Concepts: diabetes, Vitamin D, insulin, sensitivity, insulin sensitivity |
HRT Drugs Promote Ovarian Cancer Published November 30 2009 | Concepts: HRT, ovarian cancer, drugs, HRT drugs, women |
Research Shows Effectiveness of Hypnosis Published November 30 2009 | Concepts: hypnosis, research, therapy, effectiveness, hypnotherapy |
Common Pain Medication Fuels Cancer Growth Published November 27 2009 | Concepts: cancer, pain, pain medication, patients, opiates |
New Research shows powerful tumor-destroying effects of Chrysanthemum extracts Published November 26 2009 | Concepts: research, cancer, Chrysanthemum, shows, tumors |
Stop eating processed and fried foods and you'll restore the body's natural defenses, study finds Published November 26 2009 | Concepts: health, foods, study, disease, natural |
Vitamin D prevents heart disease Published November 25 2009 | Concepts: Vitamin D, men, disease, heart, natural |
Green tea eases stress and fatigue from overworking Published November 23 2009 | Concepts: tea, stress, green, green tea, fatigue |
Making Mouths Smile: Green Tea may Help Prevent Oral Cancer, Researchers Say Published November 20 2009 | Concepts: cancer, tea, green, green tea, oral cancer |
Uva Ursi herb reverses urinary tract infections Published November 20 2009 | Concepts: uva ursi, herb, urinary tract, natural, infection |
Vitamin D Emerges as Treatment for Prostate Cancer - Cuts PSA Levels by Half Published November 19 2009 | Concepts: Vitamin D, prostate cancer, Prostate, men, PSA |
Do Not be Fooled: Observations Find Full Fat Leads to Thinness, Not Fatness (Opinion) Published November 19 2009 | Concepts: fat, milk, natural, calories, health |
More evidence brews about green tea's benefits: it may prevent oral cancer Published November 19 2009 | Concepts: green, tea, cancer, green tea, oral cancer |
Men can slash risk of highly lethal prostate cancer naturally Published November 18 2009 | Concepts: cancer, Prostate, prostate cancer, risk, men |
Drugs used in the young for mood disorders, pain and epilepsy may cause adult psychiatric disorders Published November 17 2009 | Concepts: drugs, disorders, epilepsy, mood, pain |
More Research Reveals the Role of Hypnotherapy on Irritable Bowel Syndrome Published November 17 2009 | Concepts: hypnotherapy, IBS, research, hypnosis, symptoms |
American Medical Association Urges Federal Government to Support Medicinal Marijuana Published November 16 2009 | Concepts: Marijuana, medicinal, medical, federal, support |
Carrots going into space to help nourish astronauts with phytonutrients Published November 14 2009 | Concepts: carrots, astronauts, research, cancer, food |
Facebook crowdsourced investigation exposes vaccine denials of SIGA Technologies Published November 13 2009 | Concepts: vaccine, vaccines, technologies, SIGA Technologies, news |
Health Experts Increasingly Worried About BPA (Plastics Chemical) Published November 13 2009 | Concepts: BPA, health, experts, health experts, chemical |
The Cervical Cancer Vaccine may Not Work, but Broccoli Does Published November 12 2009 | Concepts: cancer, cervical cancer, vaccine, broccoli, health |
Stop stomach ulcers with the miracle remedy of cabbage Published November 11 2009 | Concepts: cabbage, ulcer, ulcers, natural, juice |
Oily Fish Consumption Halts Eye Disease Published November 10 2009 | Concepts: fish, oily fish, consumption, eye, fish consumption |
Apigenin Phytonutrient Cuts Ovarian Cancer Risk Published November 10 2009 | Concepts: ovarian cancer, risk, women, cuts, research |
World Health Organization Says Cell Phones can Cause Brain Cancer Published November 10 2009 | Concepts: brain, cell phone, health, cell phones, cancer |
Genes Have "No Clinical Relevance" in Predicting Disease, Scientists Admit Published November 9 2009 | Concepts: disease, Genetic, risk, genes, scientists |
Sleeping in a dark room may prevent depression Published November 9 2009 | Concepts: light, sleeping, research, symptoms, depression |
Breast Cancer Deception Month: Hiding the Truth beneath a Sea of Pink, Part VI Published November 9 2009 | Concepts: cancer, breast cancer, heal, health, WHO |
Associated Press declares war on alternative medicine (opinion) Published November 7 2009 | Concepts: medicine, cure, harm, news, cures |
Learn the Truths and Myths of Morgellons Published November 7 2009 | Concepts: Morgellons, men, fiber, myths, medical |
Pomegranate Extracts Treat Diseases of Inflammation Published November 6 2009 | Concepts: pomegranate, inflammation, extract, research, researchers |
Potassium normalizes high blood pressure Published November 6 2009 | Concepts: potassium, blood, blood pressure, natural, men |
Chinese herbs may prevent diabetes in high risk people Published November 5 2009 | Concepts: diabetes, Chinese, prevent diabetes, herbs, risk |
Chromium prevents diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity Published November 5 2009 | Concepts: chromium, diabetes, insulin, natural, book |
Women with breast cancer have low vitamin D levels, scientists discover Published November 4 2009 | Concepts: cancer, Vitamin D, breast cancer, women, scientists |
Prenatal exposure to BPA in plastics makes young girls aggressive Published November 3 2009 | Concepts: BPA, exposure, girls, plastics, prenatal |
New research from Japan: Green tea fights blood and liver cancer, as well as pneumonia Published November 2 2009 | Concepts: tea, green, green tea, cancer, research |
Sedatives Increase Risk of Suicides in Elderly Published November 1 2009 | Concepts: risk, increase, suicide, suicides, research |
Profit Driven Swine Flu Propaganda - Pump Up the Volume - Part VI Published October 31 2009 | Concepts: mercury, flu, vaccine, child, children |
Learning to use the internet could help elders avoid dementia Published October 31 2009 | Concepts: internet, brain, the internet, learning, avoid |
Wooly fern plant could treat osteoporosis, new research finds Published October 30 2009 | Concepts: osteoporosis, bone, research, natural, NaturalNews |
Swine flu vaccine shots eliminate wrinkles, bad breath and varicose veins, too (opinion) Published October 30 2009 | Concepts: flu, study, flu shot, breath, drug |
The AIDS myth exposed: Why experts are challenging conventional AIDS mythology Published October 29 2009 | Concepts: AIDS, natural, HIV, immune system, book |
Curcumin inhibits cancers of the head and neck Published October 28 2009 | Concepts: cancer, curcumin, cancers, research, neck cancer |
Profit Driven Swine Flu Propaganda - Pump Up the Volume - Part Four Published October 27 2009 | Concepts: flu, vaccine, research, news, swine flu |
Breast Cancer Deception Month: Hiding the Truth beneath a Sea of Pink, Part IV Published October 27 2009 | Concepts: cancer, breast cancer, research, health, women |
Fly High with Fat: Student Pilots Demonstrate Why Fat is Crucial to Health Published October 26 2009 | Concepts: fat, health, pilots, diet, brain |
Breast Cancer Deception Month: Hiding the Truth beneath a Sea of Pink, Part III Published October 24 2009 | Concepts: cancer, breast cancer, NCI, research, health |
Flexibility exercises like Pilates and yoga could prevent, treat stiff arteries Published October 24 2009 | Concepts: flexibility, pilates, yoga, exercises, research |
Mesothelioma, lung cancer and nutrition Published October 24 2009 | Concepts: cancer, asbestos, natural, mesothelioma, lung cancer |
Research Reveals that Certain Forms of Astragalus Contain Molecules that Reverse Aging Published October 23 2009 | Concepts: astragalus, research, reverse, aging, extract |
Profit Driven Swine Flu Propaganda - Pump Up the Volume Part 3 Published October 23 2009 | Concepts: flu, swine flu, child, report, Tamiflu |
Medicinal mushrooms like reishi, maitake can help fight cancer Published October 23 2009 | Concepts: mushrooms, cancer, medicinal, medicinal mushrooms, natural |
Breast Cancer Deception Month: Hiding the Truth beneath a Sea of Pink, Part II Published October 23 2009 | Concepts: cancer, breast cancer, ACS, the ACS, health |
Living with a pet each day helps to keep the doctor away Published October 22 2009 | Concepts: human, living, research, doctor, pets |
Profit Drive Swine Flu Propaganda - Pump Up the Volume - Part 2 Published October 22 2009 | Concepts: flu, death, report, swine flu, vaccine |
Consider the Questionable Efficacy of Flu Vaccines (Opinion) Published October 21 2009 | Concepts: flu, vaccine, vaccines, influenza, vaccination |
Omega-3s beat depression Published October 20 2009 | Concepts: omega-3, fat, depression, acid, natural |
More good news about bad times: the Great Depression increased US life expectancy Published October 20 2009 | Concepts: life, health, news, depression, Great Depression |
High-Fructose Corn Syrup Produces Toxic Chemical "HMF" When Heated Published October 20 2009 | Concepts: food, HFCS, chemical, bees, honey |
Natural substance in melons relieves stress and fatigue Published October 17 2009 | Concepts: stress, melons, natural, research, scientist |
Mediterranean Diet Reduces Depression Risk Published October 17 2009 | Concepts: diet, depression, mediterranean diet, natural, health |
Eight Remedies Treat Diabetes Naturally Published October 16 2009 | Concepts: diabetes, oil, remedies, natural, raw |
Conflicts of Interests Haunt Doctors who Promote Pharmaceuticals Published October 16 2009 | Concepts: WHO, doctors, research, companies, commentary |
Growth Hormone Restores Muscle Strength in Adults Published October 15 2009 | Concepts: growth hormone, muscle, strength, adults, deficiency |
Men not being informed about low benefits and high risks of PSA prostate cancer screening Published October 15 2009 | Concepts: men, Prostate, cancer, PSA, prostate cancer |
Flu vaccines revealed as the greatest quackery ever pushed in the history of medicine Published October 14 2009 | Concepts: vaccine, flu, vaccines, WHO, people |
Capsaicin could stop a heart attack in progress, scientists find Published October 14 2009 | Concepts: heart, capsaicin, heart attack, scientists, cayenne |
GM Soy Herbicide Linked to Birth Defects Published October 13 2009 | Concepts: herbicide, soy, birth, GM soy, research |
Nicotine gum linked to mouth cancer Published October 12 2009 | Concepts: nicotine, cancer, smoking, nicotine gum, research |
Who got to Dr. Diane Harper? Cervical cancer researcher retracts story warning about HPV vaccines (opinion) Published October 12 2009 | Concepts: vaccine, cancer, cervical cancer, WHO, news |
Astragalus "super herb" protects, supports immune system function Published October 12 2009 | Concepts: astragalus, immune system, natural, herb, Chi |
Asthma Caused by Deficiency in Vitamins Published October 10 2009 | Concepts: asthma, deficiency, people, research, risk |
On-the-job pesticide exposure is linked to Parkinson's disease Published October 9 2009 | Concepts: pesticide, Parkinson's, exposure, pesticides, pesticide exposure |
Green Tea could Naturally Prevent and Treat Osteoporosis, Scientists Say Published October 8 2009 | Concepts: tea, green, green tea, osteoporosis, bone |
Over A Million Men Overdiagnosed for Prostate Cancer, Treated Unnecessarily Published October 8 2009 | Concepts: men, cancer, Prostate, prostate cancer, treatment |
High-Fructose Corn Syrup May Raise Bad Cholesterol Levels Published October 8 2009 | Concepts: high-fructose corn syrup, corn, cholesterol, bad cholesterol, fructose |
New Danger: Medical Industry Pushes Brain Scans for Healthy Published October 7 2009 | Concepts: brain, medical, brain scans, medical industry, health |
Vitamin C Provides Powerful Health Benefits Published October 6 2009 | Concepts: health, vitamin C, colon, health benefits, research |
Conventional Scientists Conclude Homeopathy Really Works to Ease Cancer Treatment Symptoms Published October 6 2009 | Concepts: treatment, cancer, cancer treatment, homeopathy, scientists |
Learn the History of Hypnosis Published October 6 2009 | Concepts: hypnosis, history, research, hypnotherapy, doctor |
Vaccines cause autism: Supporting evidence Published October 6 2009 | Concepts: vaccines, autism, vaccine, natural, child |
Cinnamon spice helps prevent diabetes Published October 5 2009 | Concepts: cinnamon, diabetes, blood, natural, sugar |
Vitamin B12 Just as Important as Folic Acid for Mothers-to-Be (Opinion) Published October 5 2009 | Concepts: acid, folic acid, vitamin B12, health, deficiency |
Essential Oils in Common Spices Kill Sickness-Causing Germs in Food Published October 3 2009 | Concepts: oils, food, spices, spice, allspice |
Hypnosis is Used in Study of Emotions Published October 3 2009 | Concepts: emotions, emotion, hypnosis, study, research |
Resveratrol, the miracle nutrient to prevent heart disease Published October 2 2009 | Concepts: resveratrol, heart, disease, heart disease, natural |
Elderly Need More Nutrition From Sunlight, Say Experts Published October 2 2009 | Concepts: Vitamin D, sunlight, elderly, nutrition, research |
How to Stay Sharp as a Tack Published October 2 2009 | Concepts: men, 5, memory, brain, WHO |
Warning: Epilepsy Drug Harms Babies' IQ Published October 1 2009 | Concepts: drug, epilepsy, children, women, research |
Type 2 Diabetes Breakthrough: The Mediterranean Diet Published October 1 2009 | Concepts: diabetes, diet, Type 2 diabetes, fat, drug |
Home Births Proven as Safe as Hospital Births Published September 30 2009 | Concepts: home, hospital, birth, safe, home births |
Curcumin and Vitamin D3 may Dissolve Plaques of Alzheimer's Disease Published September 30 2009 | Concepts: Alzheimer's, vitamin D3, disease, curcumin, research |
Diabetes Drug Could Cause Pancreatic Cancer Published September 28 2009 | Concepts: diabetes, drug, diabetes drug, Januvia, research |
Long-term Tamoxifen Use Increases Risk of Aggressive Breast Cancer Published September 28 2009 | Concepts: cancer, Tamoxifen, risk, breast cancer, aggressive |
Merck employees had "hit list" of doctors they sought to "neutralize", court documents reveal (opinion) Published September 28 2009 | Concepts: Merck, vaccine, harm, doctors, news |
The State or Non-State of Hypnosis: Debate Continues Published September 26 2009 | Concepts: hypnosis, debate, consciousness, brain, research |
Royal Rife: Cancer Cure Genius Silenced by Medical Mafia Published September 26 2009 | Concepts: medical, man, cancer, WHO, cure |
Removing Ovaries Ups Women’s Lung Cancer Risk Published September 26 2009 | Concepts: cancer, lung cancer, ovaries, women, UPS |
Apricot Seeds Kill Cancer Cells without Side Effects Published September 24 2009 | Concepts: cancer, laetrile, cure, cancer cells, health |
Dangerous Mercury Contamination of Human Body Increasing, Study Finds Published September 23 2009 | Concepts: mercury, study, organic, human, human body |
New Study Finds Antioxidants Do Not Increase Melanoma Risk Published September 22 2009 | Concepts: melanoma, study, men, antioxidants, supplement |
Study Finds Breast Cancer Fighting Properties within Mushrooms Published September 22 2009 | Concepts: cancer, breast cancer, mushrooms, study, properties |
Vitamin C Deficiency May Damage Babies’ Mental Development Published September 20 2009 | Concepts: vitamin C, deficiency, vitamin C deficiency, learning, damage |
Hypnosis Shown to Reduce Medical Cost of Sedation Published September 19 2009 | Concepts: hypnosis, cost, sedation, medical, research |
Viktoras Kulvinskas Part III: Learning Longevity and Nutrition from Cultures around the World Published September 18 2009 | Concepts: nutrition, longevity, raw, green, man |
Viktoras Kulvinskas Part II: Effects of Enzymes, Cancer, Athletics and Raw Food Healing Published September 17 2009 | Concepts: enzymes, raw, food, heal, raw food |
Fish Oil Benefits Even After Heart Attack, New Study Finds Published September 16 2009 | Concepts: heart, fish, study, omega-3, heart attack |
Fatty Foods Boost Memory Published September 15 2009 | Concepts: fatty foods, research, memory, fat, study |
Routine Consumption of Aspirin to Prevent Heart Attacks and Strokes "A Big Lie" Published September 14 2009 | Concepts: aspirin, risk, heart, people, event |
Use Hypnosis to Research Conversion Disorder Published September 12 2009 | Concepts: disorder, hypnosis, research, therapy, WHO |
Hypnosis Impacts the Amygdala Published September 11 2009 | Concepts: hypnosis, the brain, research, body, emotion |
Diesel Exhaust Causes Cancer to Grow Published September 10 2009 | Concepts: diesel exhaust, causes, blood, cancer, exposure |
Home Births with Midwife Safe As Hospital for Babies, Fewer Infections and Less Bleeding for Moms Published September 9 2009 | Concepts: home, birth, home births, safe, hospital |
New Research: Yoga Better Than Western Medicine for Back Pain Published September 8 2009 | Concepts: yoga, pain, medicine, western medicine, back pain |
High Blood Pressure Linked to Mental Decline for Young and Old Published September 8 2009 | Concepts: blood, blood pressure, health, high blood pressure, mental |
Greatest Health Risk Isn’t Cancer or Heart Disease; It’s Lack of Exercise Published September 7 2009 | Concepts: health, risk, cancer, heart disease, men |
Healthy People Taking Antibiotics May Spread Superbug Infection Published September 3 2009 | Concepts: antibiotics, antibiotic, people, infection, bacteria |
Study Finds Illness, Medical Bills Root Cause of Majority Of U.S. Bankruptcies Published September 2 2009 | Concepts: medical, health, bills, medical bills, study |
Graviola Shows Promise in Cancer Cures and Arthritis Published August 31 2009 | Concepts: graviola, cancer, shows, cancer cures, heal |
Chemo Fails to Treat Pancreatic Cancer Published August 31 2009 | Concepts: cancer, tumors, research, pancreatic cancer, chemotherapy |
CT Scans Cause Cancer Published August 31 2009 | Concepts: CT scans, radiation, cancer, men, risk |
Tamoxifen Reported to Cause Aggressive Cancer Tumors Published August 28 2009 | Concepts: cancer, Tamoxifen, aggressive, report, breast cancer |
The Mothers Act Disease Mongering Campaign - Part V Published August 28 2009 | Concepts: men, risk, women, WHO, drug |
The Mothers Act Disease Mongering Campaign - Part IV Published August 27 2009 | Concepts: men, depression, drug, disease, website |
Statins Cause Serious Structural Muscle Damage Published August 27 2009 | Concepts: muscle, statins, natural, drugs, damage |
Trace Mineral Lithium Substantially Reduces Suicides when Present in Local Water Published August 27 2009 | Concepts: lithium, suicides, water, suicide, research |
Windows to the Soul: An Interview with Iridologist Susan Laing Published August 26 2009 | Concepts: body, iridology, acid, dairy, food |
When It Comes to Good Health, Vitamin D Delivers Published August 26 2009 | Concepts: Vitamin D, health, men, sun, cancer |
Another Danger from High Glycemic Foods: Research Shows They Damage Arteries Published August 25 2009 | Concepts: foods, research, damage, shows, heart |
Breast Cancer Discovery: Vitamin A Derivative Normalizes Cell Growth Published August 23 2009 | Concepts: cancer, breast cancer, Retinoic acid, estrogen, vitamin A |
Suicide Prevention Drug Pushing Racket - Part II Published August 21 2009 | Concepts: suicide, drug, 5, men, report |
If You Have Chronic Fatigue, You Might Just Need L-Carnitine Published August 21 2009 | Concepts: carnitine, fatigue, L-carnitine, chronic fatigue, patients |
Eating Curry Fights Dementia Published August 20 2009 | Concepts: curry, eating, curcumin, research, diet |
Yoga: Research Finds Natural Way to Control Weight, Beat Middle-Age Spread Published August 19 2009 | Concepts: yoga, weight, research, mind, WHO |
Green Tea Prevents Prostate Cancer Published August 18 2009 | Concepts: Prostate, tea, green, green tea, cancer |
One in Seven Scientists Say Colleagues Fake "Scientific" Study Results Published August 17 2009 | Concepts: research, scientists, study, researchers, WHO |
Calls for Further Research into Medicinal Marijuana Gain Momentum Published August 15 2009 | Concepts: Marijuana, medicinal, research, gain, medicinal marijuana |
Hypnosis Leads to Heightened Brain Waves and Levels of Consciousness Published August 15 2009 | Concepts: hypnosis, brain, consciousness, states, hypnotherapy |
Specific Pesticide Directly Linked to Parkinson's Disease Published August 14 2009 | Concepts: pesticide, disease, Parkinson's, pesticides, patients |
Proton Pump Inhibitors to Treat GERD Cause Heartburn Problems Published August 13 2009 | Concepts: heartburn, acid, GERD, drug, proton pump inhibitors |
Resveratrol - The Miracle Nutrient for Cancer, Cholesterol and Longevity Published August 12 2009 | Concepts: resveratrol, Amazon, cancer, natural, wine |
Chinese Herbs Treat Endometriosis Better Than Western Medicine Published August 12 2009 | Concepts: endometriosis, Chinese, herbs, Chinese herbs, 5 |
Infant Primate Study Links Vaccination with Autism Published August 12 2009 | Concepts: study, autism, vaccination, links, vaccine |
New Easter Island Mystery: Scientists Say Natural Compound on Island Extends Lifespan Published August 11 2009 | Concepts: Easter, scientists, Easter Island, natural, aging |
The Father of Oleander Soup - Part 2 of the Oleander Series Published August 7 2009 | Concepts: Oleander, soup, cancer, doctor, drug |
Suicide Prevention Drug Pushing Racket - Part I Published August 6 2009 | Concepts: suicide, drug, prevention, suicide prevention, 5 |
Prostate Cancer Testing Doesn't Help, It Harms Men Published August 6 2009 | Concepts: cancer, Prostate, prostate cancer, risk, screening |
Pre-Birth Vitamin D Levels Determine Your Health for Life Published August 6 2009 | Concepts: Vitamin D, health, disease, deficiency, women |
New Study: Fat in Meat and Dairy Products Increase Pancreatic Cancer Risk Published August 5 2009 | Concepts: cancer, fat, pancreatic cancer, meat, dairy |
Groundbreaking Study has Major Implications for Health of Women Published August 5 2009 | Concepts: cancer, hormone, estrogen, breast cancer, testosterone |
Hypnosis Offers Benefits in the Treatment of ADHD Published August 5 2009 | Concepts: adhd, therapy, treatment, hypnosis, disorder |
C-Reactive Protein Test for Heart Disease Found Useless - Researchers Published August 4 2009 | Concepts: heart, disease, heart disease, CRP, protein |
Caffeine May Prevent and Help Reverse Alzheimer's Disease Published August 2 2009 | Concepts: caffeine, Alzheimer's, disease, Alzheimer's disease, reverse |
Omega-3s From Fish Oil Protect Against Prostate Cancer Published August 2 2009 | Concepts: Prostate, cancer, fish, men, risk |
Naturally Preventable Metabolic Syndrome May Cause Breast Cancer Published August 1 2009 | Concepts: metabolic syndrome, cancer, breast cancer, risk, naturally |
The Mothers Act Disease Mongering Campaign - Part III Published July 31 2009 | Concepts: men, depression, disorder, disease, mothers |
Eight Fat Busting Supplements Backed by Science Published July 28 2009 | Concepts: fat, weight, supplements, tea, gain |
Breast Cancer Discovery: Vitamin A Derivative Normalizes Cell Growth Published July 28 2009 | Concepts: cancer, breast cancer, Retinoic acid, estrogen, vitamin A |
Potential Health Hazard may Exist in Your Drinking Water Published July 28 2009 | Concepts: water, health, drinking, EPA, health hazard |
TV Triggers Deadly Automatic Snacking Behavior Published July 28 2009 | Concepts: food, advertising, snacking, food advertising, child |
The Mothers Act Disease Mongering Campaign - Part II Published July 27 2009 | Concepts: disorder, health, disease, 5, mothers |
Marijuana Has Anti-Cancer Properties Published July 25 2009 | Concepts: Marijuana, research, anti-cancer, researchers, brain |
Obesity Breakthrough: Citrus Fruit Flavonoid Controls Weight, Causes Fat Loss Published July 25 2009 | Concepts: fat, fruit, weight, citrus, obesity |
Slimming Down Could Save the World, Says New Report Published July 24 2009 | Concepts: world, report, save the world, climate change, population |
Air Pollution Linked to Low IQ in Children Published July 24 2009 | Concepts: pollution, air pollution, IQ, research, cleaning |
Study Finds Illness, Medical Bills Cause Majority of U.S. Bankruptcies Published July 23 2009 | Concepts: medical, health, bills, medical bills, study |
Research Shows Children are Critically Susceptible to Pesticides Published July 21 2009 | Concepts: children, child, pesticide, research, shows |
New Study Shows Vegetarians Less Likely to Develop Cancer Published July 21 2009 | Concepts: cancer, vegetarians, study, risk, shows |
Music Possesses an Amazing Healing Power Published July 21 2009 | Concepts: music, heal, healing, brain, patients |
Curcumin may Prevent Breast Cancer in Women Who Took Hormones Published July 21 2009 | Concepts: cancer, breast cancer, curcumin, women, progestin |
Breast Cancer Linked to Obesity in Women of All Ages, Leptin Probable Culprit Published July 20 2009 | Concepts: leptin, cancer, breast cancer, obesity, women |
Vitamin D Crisis Unfolds as Americans Live Indoors: 97 Percent of African Americans Deficient Published July 20 2009 | Concepts: Vitamin D, crisis, african americans, sun, research |
The Mothers Act Disease Mongering Campaign - Part I Published July 16 2009 | Concepts: drug, drugs, report, mothers, treatment |
Simple Tea Creates Nano Gold Particles for Fighting Cancer Published July 16 2009 | Concepts: particles, gold, tea, chemical, research |
Canola Oil: There is the Good, the Bad and the Ugly Published July 16 2009 | Concepts: oil, canola, canola oil, olive oil, fat |
Meeting of Berry Experts Reveals New Benefits for Cancer, Heart Disease and More Published July 16 2009 | Concepts: heart, disease, cancer, benefits, heart disease |
Think Twice Before Using Pesticides: Strong Link Found with Pre-Cancerous Condition Published July 15 2009 | Concepts: pesticide, pesticides, study, risk, cancer |
Turmeric Shown to be Natural Remedy Against Alzheimer's Published July 15 2009 | Concepts: turmeric, natural, disease, natural remedy, Alzheimer's |
Statins Given to Prevent Pneumonia in Elderly Actually Increase Pneumonia Risk by 61 Percent Published July 14 2009 | Concepts: pneumonia, statins, risk, elderly, increase |
Colostrum Functions Like Human Growth Hormone to Reverse the Aging Process Published July 14 2009 | Concepts: Colostrum, men, hormone, growth hormone, human |
Nutrients Put Kids with Crohn’s Disease Into Remission Without Drugs Published July 13 2009 | Concepts: disease, nutrition, remission, kids, nutrients |
Two Natural Oils Induce Weight Loss, Lower Body Fat Published July 12 2009 | Concepts: fat, oil, body, oils, body fat |
New Evidence: Exercise Helps Heart Disease, Increases Survival Better than Angioplasty Published July 11 2009 | Concepts: heart, exercise, disease, heart disease, patients |
Shocker: Medical Research Frequently Bogus Published July 8 2009 | Concepts: research, medical, scientist, medical research, scientists |
Daily Dose of Broccoli Halts Ulcers and Cancer Published July 8 2009 | Concepts: broccoli, ulcers, research, sprouts, cancer |
New Research: Nitrates and Nitrites May Cause Alzheimer's, Diabetes and Parkinson's Disease Published July 7 2009 | Concepts: rates, nitrates, diabetes, Alzheimer's, disease |
Obscene Drug Profits: Where They Go Published July 6 2009 | Concepts: drug, companies, 5, doctor, drug companies |
St. John's Wort Again Proven Better than Antidepressant Drugs Published July 6 2009 | Concepts: herb, St. John's Wort, research, extract, depression |
Taurine Keeps Immune Systems Strong and Protects Organs Published July 3 2009 | Concepts: taurine, research, blood, chemotherapy, heart |
Use Hypnosis to Measure the Physiological Effects of Emotions on the Body Published July 3 2009 | Concepts: hypnosis, emotions, body, research, emotion |
Research Helps Breast Cancer Patients Arm Themselves before Visiting Oncologists Published July 2 2009 | Concepts: cancer, breast cancer, patients, cancer patients, 5 |
Artificial Sweeteners Stay in the Water Supply Published July 1 2009 | Concepts: water, men, sweeteners, artificial sweeteners, sweetener |
Red Yeast Rice Lowers Cholesterol: Study Backs Up Centuries of Traditional Use Published June 30 2009 | Concepts: yeast, rice, red yeast rice, men, study |
Folic Acid will Improve Your Wellbeing Dramatically Published June 30 2009 | Concepts: acid, folic acid, colon, supplement, improve |
Natural Aromatase Inhibitors are Best Prevention of Breast Cancer in Postmenopausal Women Published June 29 2009 | Concepts: cancer, breast cancer, natural, aromatase inhibitors, prevention |
Battle Autism with Bentonite Clay Published June 26 2009 | Concepts: clay, autism, environment, child, toxins |
Vitamins Slow Eye Degeneration in Senior Citizens Published June 26 2009 | Concepts: eye, vitamins, eye degeneration, study, AMD |
Cancer Drug Found to Promote Tumor Growth Published June 24 2009 | Concepts: drug, cancer, doses, research, tumor growth |
Use Hypnosis to Better Understand Brain Functioning Published June 24 2009 | Concepts: brain, hypnosis, the brain, study, research |
Reason to Smile: Natural Dental Health Strategies May Prevent Memory Loss Published June 23 2009 | Concepts: health, memory, natural, news, dental |
Research Reveals Which Conventional Produce Can be Safely Eaten Published June 23 2009 | Concepts: pesticide, pesticides, produce, 5, men |
Victoria Boutenko Part III: Raw Food Challenges and Green Revelations Published June 23 2009 | Concepts: green, raw, greens, food, raw food |
Fulvic Acid: Nature's Solution for Your Mineral Needs Published June 19 2009 | Concepts: acid, fulvic acid, soil, solution, health |
Traditional Chinese Food Ingredients Prevent Breast Cancer Published June 17 2009 | Concepts: cancer, Chinese, food, Traditional Chinese, food ingredients |
Fluoridation is the Ultimate Deception (Opinion) Published June 16 2009 | Concepts: fluoride, health, fluoridation, water, dental |
American Medical Association Promoted Tobacco, Cigarettes in its Medical Journal Published June 12 2009 | Concepts: tobacco, medical, research, men, smoking |
Watch Out for Flying Syringes, GMO Food Vaccines, and Forced Vaccinations Published June 12 2009 | Concepts: vaccine, vaccines, vaccination, flu, vaccinations |
Chlorophyll in Wheatgrass Proven to Fight Cancer Published June 10 2009 | Concepts: chlorophyll, wheatgrass, heal, research, skin |
Maca Restores Sexual Health without Raising Hormone Levels Published June 9 2009 | Concepts: maca, men, hormone, sex, health |
Research Links Coenzyme Q10 and Cancer Therapy Benefits Published June 7 2009 | Concepts: cancer, CoQ10, health, research, therapy |
Light Exposure Helps Long-Term Care Patients Housed With No Sunlight Published June 7 2009 | Concepts: light, exposure, research, patients, lighting |
Vitamin D Deficiency Causes Multiple Sclerosis in Children Published June 7 2009 | Concepts: Vitamin D, multiple sclerosis, research, children, deficiency |
Cottonseed Nutrient Halts Growth of Brain Cancer Tumors Published June 5 2009 | Concepts: cancer, brain, cottonseed, brain cancer, research |
Drug Companies Using Third-World People as Guinea Pigs Published June 4 2009 | Concepts: drug, people, companies, research, drug companies |
Effective Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis is Completely Free with Vitamin D Published June 4 2009 | Concepts: Vitamin D, treatment, multiple sclerosis, free, study |
Common Irregular Heartbeats are Completely Normalized by Taurine and Arginine Published June 4 2009 | Concepts: taurine, heart, arginine, people, acid |
Papaya is Tasty Way to Fight Cancer and Poor Digestion Published June 3 2009 | Concepts: cancer, papaya, protein, lycopene, enzymes |
Fish, Nuts and Olive Oil Reduce Age-Related Blindness Risk (AMD) Published June 2 2009 | Concepts: AMD, risk, olive oil, nuts, blindness |
Canola Oil is Another Victory of Food Technology over Common Sense Published June 2 2009 | Concepts: oil, canola, canola oil, rapeseed, food |
New Evidence: PPI Stomach Acid Drugs Cause Pneumonia Published May 31 2009 | Concepts: acid, drugs, drug, medication, 5 |
Drug Company Freebies Turn Medical Students into Drug Pushers Published May 27 2009 | Concepts: students, drug, medical students, medical, free |
GM-Soy: Destroy the Earth and Humans for Profit Published May 27 2009 | Concepts: soy, Genetic, glyphosate, research, form |
Red Meat Consumption Linked to Blindness Published May 27 2009 | Concepts: meat, red meat, consumption, meat consumption, 5 |
Foods and Vitamins that Improve Memory and Natural Brain Function Published May 27 2009 | Concepts: brain, the brain, improve, natural, memory |
Zinc and Selenium are the Minerals that Fight Breast Cancer Published May 24 2009 | Concepts: zinc, selenium, cancer, men, breast cancer |
Glutamine May Treat Ulcers, Prevent Stomach Cancer Published May 24 2009 | Concepts: glutamine, stomach, cancer, infection, ulcers |
Turn off the Lights for Healthier Sex Organs Published May 24 2009 | Concepts: lights, sex, cancer, body, melatonin |
Study Shows How Traditional Chinese Healing Technique Works Published May 24 2009 | Concepts: healing, Chinese, study, Traditional Chinese, research |
Cancer Studies Published in Respected Journals Biased By Medical Industry Money Published May 22 2009 | Concepts: cancer, medical, studies, research, industry |
Laugh Your Way to Health Published May 22 2009 | Concepts: laughter, humor, health, research, video |
Astaxanthin is Age and Disease Defying Miracle Nutrient from Microalgae Published May 22 2009 | Concepts: astaxanthin, cancer, research, disease, damage |
Animal Experimentation Increases in U.S. while Coming Under Fire in U.K. Published May 20 2009 | Concepts: animals, experiments, human, research, animal experimentation |
Blueberries May Take Care of Your Belly Fat Published May 15 2009 | Concepts: blueberries, colon, health, research, rats |
Treat ADHD with Hypnosis Published May 15 2009 | Concepts: adhd, hypnosis, neurofeedback, child, form |
Resveratrol Found to Treat Fatty Liver Disease Published May 15 2009 | Concepts: resveratrol, liver, fat, fatty liver, chocolate |
Scientists Developing Memory-Erasing Drug Published May 15 2009 | Concepts: scientists, drug, memories, research, researchers |
Spinach Knocks Out Cancer and Boosts Brain Power Published May 15 2009 | Concepts: spinach, cancer, brain, food, health |
New Study: Probiotic Strain Boosts Immune Response to Flu Virus Published May 14 2009 | Concepts: flu, probiotic, immune response, health, probiotics |
Grow Your Own Antioxidants with Aronia Berry Bushes Published May 14 2009 | Concepts: aronia, berries, aronia berry, antioxidants, juice |
Vitamin C Stops the Growth of Some Cancerous Tumors in Mice Published May 14 2009 | Concepts: vitamin C, colon, cancer, tumors, antioxidant |
Medical Mystery: Thyroid Cancer Rates Soar Published May 13 2009 | Concepts: cancer, thyroid, thyroid cancer, medical, cancer rates |
Acupuncture Beats Western Medicine for Treating Low Back Pain Published May 11 2009 | Concepts: acupuncture, medicine, western medicine, health, research |
More Pills Means Diminished Quality of Life for Kidney Patients Published May 11 2009 | Concepts: pills, patients, quality, pill, life |
Natural Vitamin E Slashes Lung Cancer Risk by 55 Percent Published May 11 2009 | Concepts: cancer, lung cancer, risk, vitamin E, cancer risk |
Meditation Treats Bladder Control, Incontinence without Drugs Published May 8 2009 | Concepts: incontinence, men, bladder, meditation, bladder control |
Stress Testing the MOTHERS Act Published May 7 2009 | Concepts: research, mothers, legislation, stress, testing |
Folic Acid May Prevent and Treat Allergies, Asthma Published May 7 2009 | Concepts: acid, folic acid, folate, allergies, people |
Sexual Functioning in Men can be Fully Restored Naturally Published May 7 2009 | Concepts: men, testosterone, rats, body, chrysin |
Small Amount of Wine Daily Boosts Life Expectancy Published May 6 2009 | Concepts: life, wine, men, life expectancy, health |
Business Opportunity: Demand for Purple Corn May Soon Explode Published May 6 2009 | Concepts: corn, purple corn, cancer, color, food |
Beware of Poisons from the Sky Published May 5 2009 | Concepts: health, poisons, chemtrails, contrails, war |
Research Suggests Alcohol Causes Breast Cancer in Women Published May 4 2009 | Concepts: cancer, breast cancer, alcohol, colon, research |
A Good Night Sleep may be the Best Protection against a Pandemic Published May 4 2009 | Concepts: sleep, hormone, cancer, men, 5 |
Study Predicts Huge Increase in Cancer Ahead Published May 4 2009 | Concepts: cancer, health, study, increase, news |
Timeline: World History of Viral Pandemics: 412BC to 2009 Published May 1 2009 | Concepts: flu, 5, man, influenza, bird flu |
Studies Show the Benefits of Breastfeeding Published May 1 2009 | Concepts: colon, risk, health, studies, cancer |
Swine Flu Smoking Gun? CDC was Combining Flu Viruses in 2004 Published April 29 2009 | Concepts: virus, flu, viruses, CDC, human |
Bee Propolis Stops Tumors from Neurofibromatosis and Cancer Published April 29 2009 | Concepts: propolis, tumors, cancer, infection, human |
Chlorella can Replace a Closet Full of Expensive Supplements Published April 28 2009 | Concepts: chlorella, cancer, body, blood, immune system |
Natural Compound Restores Normal Function to Mutant Gene, Fights Cancer Published April 27 2009 | Concepts: cancer, p53, natural, news, research |
Antioxidant in Berries Stops Wrinkles Published April 24 2009 | Concepts: skin, berries, acid, antioxidant, news |
Historic U.S. Government Summit on Integrative Medicine Convenes Published April 24 2009 | Concepts: health, medicine, summit, integrative medicine, homeopathic |
Eating Walnuts may Prevent Breast Cancer Published April 24 2009 | Concepts: walnuts, eating, health, cancer, research |
Vitamin D Levels in Kids are So Low that Rickets is Back with a Vengeance Published April 23 2009 | Concepts: Vitamin D, rickets, kids, children, bone |
Educator Lori Steiner Talks about Aging and Bioidentical Hormones Published April 23 2009 | Concepts: men, hormone, hormones, aging, health |
Optimists Enjoy Better Health and Longevity Published April 23 2009 | Concepts: health, natural, optimists, women, study |
Aldosterone Provides New Treatment for Age-Related Hearing Loss Published April 22 2009 | Concepts: hearing loss, men, people, research, sodium |
Miracle Cure for Gout and Arthritis Pain? Six Cherries a Day Published April 21 2009 | Concepts: 5, cherries, gout, Amazon, natural |
Many Doctors are Clueless about Alternative Medicine Research Published April 21 2009 | Concepts: research, alternative, medicine, health, alternative medicine |
Omega-3s - Fish Oils, Flaxseed Oil and Prostate Cancer - What do the Experts Say? Published April 20 2009 | Concepts: cancer, omega-3, Amazon, Prostate, oil |
Chiropractic Care Naturally Treats Colic Published April 17 2009 | Concepts: colic, chiropractic, chiropractic care, naturally, babies |
NIH Freezes Grants to Emory in Secret Drug Money Scandal Published April 16 2009 | Concepts: NIH, drug, grants, money, drug money |
Good Dietary and Lifestyle Health Habits can Drastically Cut Cancer Risk Published April 15 2009 | Concepts: cancer, health, lifestyle, healthy, dietary |
Depression Linked to Drugs Commonly Given to ICU Patients Published April 13 2009 | Concepts: patients, depression, drugs, health, WHO |
Common Table Grapes Reduce Blood Pressure, Repair Heart Damage Published April 11 2009 | Concepts: blood, blood pressure, grapes, heart, repair |
Natural Strategies Could Slash Colorectal Cancer Rate Published April 8 2009 | Concepts: cancer, colorectal cancer, natural, strategies, men |
Broccoli Sprouts Fight Cancer-Causing H. Pylori Published April 8 2009 | Concepts: broccoli, sprouts, broccoli sprouts, health, research |
Mediterranean Diet Cuts Risk of Alzheimer's, Dementia Published April 7 2009 | Concepts: diet, Alzheimer's, mediterranean diet, risk, cuts |
Interview with Dr. Boris Worm, Marine Biologist, on Overfishing, Aquatic Ecosystems, Aquaculture Farming and More Published April 6 2009 | Concepts: fish, ocean, ecosystem, people, ecosystems |
Laser Printers Emit Toxic Micro Dust Published April 6 2009 | Concepts: printers, laser, laser printers, toxic, emissions |
CT Scans Raise Cancer Risk Published April 5 2009 | Concepts: CT scans, cancer, radiation, risk, medical |
Vitamin B12 Deficiency in Pregnant Women Linked to Birth Defect Published April 5 2009 | Concepts: vitamin B12, women, health, natural, birth |
Obesity During Pregnancy Linked to Birth Defects Published April 5 2009 | Concepts: obesity, birth, pregnancy, weight, women |
Buckwheat: Gluten-Free Grain Substitute Offers Complete Vegetarian Protein Published April 2 2009 | Concepts: wheat, buckwheat, WHO, bacteria, grains |
Healthy Lifestyle Helps Head and Neck Cancer Survival Published April 2 2009 | Concepts: cancer, neck cancer, health, survival, healthy |
IP6 is Highly Effective Alternative Treatment for Cancer Published April 1 2009 | Concepts: IP6, cancer, treatment, natural, cancer cells |
Lack of Sleep Linked to Pre-Diabetes Published April 1 2009 | Concepts: diabetes, sleep, health, natural, study |
Broccoli Compound Found to Protect Against Lung Disease Published April 1 2009 | Concepts: broccoli, COPD, lungs, research, antioxidant |
Resveratrol is "Nature's Medicine" for Cancer, Heart Disease and Much More Published April 1 2009 | Concepts: resveratrol, Amazon, natural, cancer, book |
Statins Cause Heart Attacks in Some Users Published March 30 2009 | Concepts: heart, statins, heart attacks, cholesterol, research |
Eating Meat Kills More People Than Previously Thought Published March 30 2009 | Concepts: meat, eating, 5, cancer, men |
Rheumatoid Arthritis in Women Skyrockets 50 Percent in Ten Years Published March 29 2009 | Concepts: arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, women, research, researchers |
Daily Aspirin Useless in Preventing Heart Attacks in Diabetics Published March 29 2009 | Concepts: aspirin, heart, heart attacks, useless, research |
GFCF Diet Shows Promise as Natural Treatment for Autism Published March 29 2009 | Concepts: diet, autism, casein, gluten, natural |
Music can Restore Vision after Stroke Published March 29 2009 | Concepts: music, vision, patients, stroke, awareness |
Anesthesia Linked to Children's Behavioral Disorders Published March 28 2009 | Concepts: anesthesia, children, WHO, study, research |
Tai Chi Provides Natural Treatment for Stroke Damage Published March 28 2009 | Concepts: Chi, Tai Chi, stroke, health, natural |
Depression may Cause Heart Disease and Related Death Published March 28 2009 | Concepts: heart, depression, disease, health, heart disease |
Sunshine Crucial for Pregnant Women and Health of Newborns Published March 26 2009 | Concepts: health, women, sunshine, pregnant women, sun |
L-Carnitine may Prevent and Treat Liver Cancer Published March 26 2009 | Concepts: liver, L-carnitine, cancer, liver cancer, research |
Drink Red Wine and Keep Breasts, Livers and Brains Healthy Published March 26 2009 | Concepts: wine, red wine, polyphenols, resveratrol, ethanol |
Cold Fusion Proven True by U.S. Navy Researchers - Will Suppression of this Science be Repeated? Published March 25 2009 | Concepts: cold fusion, science, Amazon, energy, research |
Vitamin B and Folic Acid Supplements Prevent Migraines Published March 25 2009 | Concepts: acid, folic acid, supplements, migraine, vitamin B |
Vitamin D Deficiency Makes Young Girls' Muscles Weak Published March 23 2009 | Concepts: Vitamin D, deficiency, vitamin D deficiency, muscles, muscle |
Cooking Broccoli Destroys 90+ Percent of Anti-Cancer Compound Sulforaphane Published March 20 2009 | Concepts: broccoli, sulforaphane, research, cooking, vegetable |
Even Light Alcohol Consumption may Raise Cancer Risk in Women Published March 20 2009 | Concepts: cancer, alcohol, risk, study, consumption |
Chronic Pain in Women Linked with Low Levels of Vitamin D Published March 19 2009 | Concepts: pain, chronic pain, women, Vitamin D, research |
Prevent Myopia, Part III: Research Supports Prevention Published March 19 2009 | Concepts: myopia, research, eye, WHO, eyes |
Many Unaware that Dietary and Lifestyle Choices can Affect Cancer Risk Published March 18 2009 | Concepts: cancer, health, lifestyle, survey, risk |
Autism Link with Rainy Climates Points Squarely at Vitamin D Deficiency Published March 18 2009 | Concepts: autism, Vitamin D, rates, research, states |
Trans Fatty Acids Boost Risk of Colon Cancer by 86 Percent Published March 18 2009 | Concepts: fat, trans fat, fats, risk, cancer |
The Emperor's Guard: Green Tea Protects the Heart Published March 18 2009 | Concepts: tea, green tea, green, heart, Chi |
Traffic may Trigger Heart Attacks Published March 17 2009 | Concepts: traffic, heart, heart attack, risk, research |
Stress while Awaiting Biopsy Results Adversely Affects Health Published March 16 2009 | Concepts: biopsy, cancer, stress, results, health |
Research Shows Coal Burning Responsible For Arctic's Heavy Metal Pollution Published March 16 2009 | Concepts: research, burning, coal, shows, metals |
Negative Views of Old Age Translate to Poorer Health Published March 14 2009 | Concepts: health, old age, study, natural, life |
Common Pancreas Cells Transformed Into Insulin-Producing Cells in Breakthrough Medical Experiments Published March 14 2009 | Concepts: pancreas, medical, research, stem cell, researchers |
New Research: Overeating Could Feed Cancer Tumors Published March 13 2009 | Concepts: cancer, research, overeating, tumors, health |
The Quality of Your Health can Depend on Where You Live Published March 12 2009 | Concepts: health, child, quality, healthy, food |
Shootings in Germany, Alabama Underscore Violent Side Effects of Psychiatric Medications Published March 11 2009 | Concepts: antidepressants, 5, Amazon, book, suicide |
Potassium-Sodium Ratio is Crucial for Heart Health Published March 11 2009 | Concepts: sodium, heart, potassium, health, study |
Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Mental Decline Published March 10 2009 | Concepts: Vitamin D, vitamin D deficiency, mental, research, risk |
Supplements of DIM Stop Many Cancers in Their Tracks Published March 10 2009 | Concepts: cancer, estrogen, men, cancers, breast cancer |
Antidepressants Linked to Sudden Death in Women Published March 10 2009 | Concepts: death, heart, antidepressants, depression, sudden death |
Research Finds Adaptogens Reduce Stress Published March 10 2009 | Concepts: adaptogens, research, stress, adaptogen, plants |
Anti-Vitamin C Study Seriously Flawed and Misleading Published March 9 2009 | Concepts: study, vitamin C, cancer, flawed, patients |
BPA Plastics Chemical Linked to Neurological Problems Published March 9 2009 | Concepts: BPA, chemical, plastics, neurological, research |
Violent Video Games and Certain Internet Use Cause Aggression and Other Negative Outcomes Published March 9 2009 | Concepts: internet, video, video games, health, behavior |
Researchers Speculate Alzheimer's is New Diabetes Type Published March 9 2009 | Concepts: diabetes, Alzheimer's, insulin, disease, brain |
Six Baby Bottle Manufacturers Quietly Agree to Remove Bisphenol-A (BPA) from Baby Bottles Published March 9 2009 | Concepts: 5, BPA, AMA, bottle, Amazon |
The Dumbest Fundraising Event Ever? American Cancer Society Joins BBQ Meat "Cook Off" to Raise Money for Cancer Research Published March 8 2009 | Concepts: cancer, meat, event, Amazon, natural |
Bisphenol-A Lingers in the Body Longer than Previously Thought, Reveals Research Published March 7 2009 | Concepts: body, Bisphenol-A, chemical, research, bisphenol A |
Excessive Television for Teens Raises Risk of Depression as Adults Published March 7 2009 | Concepts: depression, television, natural, study, risk |
Wine Slashes Risk of Barrett's Esophagus Published March 7 2009 | Concepts: esophagus, risk, Barrett's esophagus, wine, health |
Benefits of Taijiquan Strongly Supported by Science Published March 6 2009 | Concepts: benefits, science, health, Chi, NIH |
Organic Solvent Exposure Raises Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Risk Published March 5 2009 | Concepts: lymphoma, exposure, organic, health, solvents |
Osteoporosis Drugs Linked to Rotting Jaw Disease Published March 4 2009 | Concepts: osteoporosis, drugs, osteoporosis drugs, bone, research |
Artificial Night Lights Increase Cancer Risk Published March 4 2009 | Concepts: cancer, melatonin, light, natural, health |
Natural Compounds in Vegetables plus Selenium Fight Melanoma Published March 3 2009 | Concepts: selenium, cancer, natural, vegetables, research |
Harmful Chemicals Found in Liquid Medicines for Babies Published February 27 2009 | Concepts: medicines, health, chemicals, babies, natural |
Drinking Coffee Reduces Risk of Stroke, Cancer and Dementia Published February 27 2009 | Concepts: coffee, risk, drinking, cancer, men |
Vitamin D Helps Ward Off Age-Related Mental Decline Published February 27 2009 | Concepts: Vitamin D, health, study, natural, mental |
How to Slash World Cancer Rates By 90 Percent: Healthy Foods, Exercise and Vitamin D Published February 26 2009 | Concepts: cancer, 5, men, heal, Amazon |
Newer Antipsychotic Drugs Raise Fatal Heart Attack Risk Published February 25 2009 | Concepts: drugs, heart, heart attack, antipsychotic drugs, risk |
Seven Tips for Healthier Hearts Published February 25 2009 | Concepts: health, heart, natural, men, risk |
Boost Your Memory with Brain-Boosting Supplements Published February 25 2009 | Concepts: 5, supplement, memory, brain, disease |
Break Out the Coconut Oil: It is Good for You Published February 24 2009 | Concepts: coconut, oil, coconut oil, health, disease |
Insufficient Sleep Triples Risk of Catching Cold Published February 23 2009 | Concepts: sleep, risk, research, men, people |
Arsenic May Be Linked to Increased Diabetes Risk Published February 23 2009 | Concepts: arsenic, water, diabetes, health, natural |
Vitamins Protect Against Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Published February 23 2009 | Concepts: vitamins, noise, health, supplements, hearing loss |
Green Tea and Breast Cancer Prevention: What the Experts Say Published February 20 2009 | Concepts: cancer, 5, tea, green, green tea |
Eat Natto and Care for Your Cardiovascular System Naturally Published February 20 2009 | Concepts: natto, men, soy, health, cardiovascular |
Milk Products may Destroy Antioxidant Benefits in Fruits, Vegetables and Grains Published February 19 2009 | Concepts: milk, tea, antioxidant, polyphenols, benefits |
Too Much Television for Teens Increases Chances of Fast Food Junkie Young Adults Published February 19 2009 | Concepts: food, health, study, natural, fast food |
Exercise and Clean Diet Boosts Cellular Longevity Published February 19 2009 | Concepts: exercise, diet, life, research, lifestyle |
"Brown" Fat Cells May Aid in Weight Loss Published February 18 2009 | Concepts: fat, fat cells, brown fat, weight, research |
Low Levels of Vitamin D Linked to Higher Death Risk Published February 18 2009 | Concepts: Vitamin D, death, research, researchers, risk |
Soaring Autism Rates Linked to Environmental Causes Published February 18 2009 | Concepts: autism, environmental, environment, natural, health |
Red Grapes "Wonder Cure" for High Cholesterol, Blood Pressure Published February 17 2009 | Concepts: cholesterol, diet, blood, grapes, red grapes |
Chromium Picolinate May Ease Hunger, Appetite Published February 16 2009 | Concepts: chromium, chromium picolinate, hunger, food, research |
Annatto Coloring Could Replace Deadly Sodium Nitrite Used in Processed Meats Published February 16 2009 | Concepts: sodium, sodium nitrite, research, meat, color |
Drink Tea and Reduce Risk of Breast Cancer by Thirty-Seven Percent Published February 16 2009 | Concepts: tea, cancer, risk, men, breast cancer |
Extra Virgin Olive Oil Fights Breast Cancer, Scientists Discover Published February 16 2009 | Concepts: cancer, oil, olive oil, breast cancer, extra virgin |
Vaccine Insanity: Doctors Push Vaccines During Eighth Month of Pregnancy Published February 13 2009 | Concepts: vaccine, flu, vaccines, women, doctors |
Mattress Chemicals may be Cause of Your Illness Published February 13 2009 | Concepts: mattress, chemicals, health, mattresses, chemical |
Key Nutrients Help Maintain Brain Function throughout Lifetime Published February 13 2009 | Concepts: brain, nutrients, supplement, nutrient, DHA |
Two New Studies Document Natural Breast Cancer Fighters Published February 13 2009 | Concepts: cancer, breast cancer, natural, studies, news |
Common Chemicals may Delay Pregnancy and Inflict Much Worse Published February 12 2009 | Concepts: PFOA, chemicals, chemical, food, health |
Why Vaccinations Harm Children: Health Experts Sound Off Published February 11 2009 | Concepts: natural, Amazon, vaccination, vaccinations, heal |
Anti-Cancer Properties of Olives Revealed in Two Recent Studies Published February 11 2009 | Concepts: cancer, olives, natural, health, anti-cancer |
Clean Your Air and Brighten Your Day with Houseplants Published February 11 2009 | Concepts: plants, NASA, indoor, formaldehyde, study |
Magnesium is Vital for Good Health Published February 9 2009 | Concepts: magnesium, 5, calories, men, heart |
Researchers Detail Statin Drug Dangers Published February 9 2009 | Concepts: drug, drugs, statins, news, health |
Early Mammograms May Trigger Genetic Breast Cancer Published February 8 2009 | Concepts: cancer, breast cancer, women, mammograms, health |
Hands Free Cell Phone Use Shown to Disorient Drivers Published February 7 2009 | Concepts: cell phone, cell phone use, free, cell phones, men |
Eating Meat Boosts Risk of Prostate Cancer by 40 Percent Published February 6 2009 | Concepts: cancer, Prostate, prostate cancer, men, risk |
Edible Food Film Made from Tomatoes Prevents E. Coli Contamination Published February 6 2009 | Concepts: film, food, edible, research, tomatoes |
The Hidden Dangers of Roundup Published February 5 2009 | Concepts: Roundup, research, researchers, human, toxic |
The Powerful Role of Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Preventing Diseases of Inflammation: The Experts Speak Published February 4 2009 | Concepts: omega-3, fat, Amazon, acid, inflammation |
Psychiatric Doctors Routinely Fail to Report Million-Dollar Incomes from Drug Companies Published February 4 2009 | Concepts: report, drug, doctors, university, psychiatric doctors |
Hands Free Cell Phone Use Shown to Disorientate Drivers Published February 3 2009 | Concepts: cell phone, cell phone use, free, cell phones, men |
Cancer Spreads Through Body Long Before Tumor Develops Published February 3 2009 | Concepts: body, research, researchers, tumors, healthy |
Health Ranger's Health Research Library Grows to 1200 Books; New Books Welcomed from Authors, Publishers Published February 3 2009 | Concepts: book, library, research, health, natural |
ADM, Monsanto to Study Converting Corn Waste to Biofuels Published February 2 2009 | Concepts: corn, study, Monsanto, waste, research |
Study Reveals Chemotherapy Hastened or Caused Deaths of Many Published February 2 2009 | Concepts: cancer, chemotherapy, study, treatment, natural |
Vitamin D Halts Growth of Breast Cancer Tumors Published February 2 2009 | Concepts: cancer, Vitamin D, 5, breast cancer, Amazon |
Wealth Opportunity: Blue Honeysuckle Berries are Hottest New Superfood Published January 29 2009 | Concepts: blue honeysuckle, berries, research, acid, produce |
Coriolus Versicolor is Potent Mushroom for Fighting Cancer and Autoimmune Diseases Published January 28 2009 | Concepts: coriolus, cancer, supplement, patients, supplementation |
High Fructose Corn Syrup Contaminated with Toxic Mercury, Says Research (opinion) Published January 27 2009 | Concepts: mercury, HFCS, corn, The CRA, fructose |
MSG may be Making Us Fat and Addicted Published January 26 2009 | Concepts: MSG, health, food, fat, obesity |
Genetically Modified Pigs to be Bred for Organ Transplant Harvesting Published January 26 2009 | Concepts: pigs, genetically modified, human, genetically modified pigs, organ transplant |
Root Canals Can Have Devastating Effects on Health Published January 26 2009 | Concepts: root canals, bacteria, root canal, infection, disease |
Hypnosis Improves Quality of Life for People With Dementia Published January 25 2009 | Concepts: hypnosis, quality, quality of life, people, therapy |
High Omega-6 Fatty Acid Intake Linked to Breast Cancer Published January 23 2009 | Concepts: omega-6, cancer, acid, breast cancer, women |
Study Shows Acai Berries May Kill Cancer Cells Published January 23 2009 | Concepts: acai, cancer, berries, acai berries, study |
Eating Apples Benefits the Heart Published January 23 2009 | Concepts: apples, health, apple, natural, benefits |
Deadly Bio-Weaponry Build Up Comes to the Heart of the U.S. Published January 22 2009 | Concepts: men, disease, plum, war, virus |
Inositol May Prevent Lung Cancer in Cigarette Smokers Published January 22 2009 | Concepts: inositol, cancer, research, lung cancer, smoke |
New Research Confirms Vitamin D Blocks Formation of Breast Cancer Published January 22 2009 | Concepts: Vitamin D, cancer, research, breast cancer, women |
Black Raspberries Kill Esophageal Cancer Cells Published January 22 2009 | Concepts: cancer, raspberries, black raspberries, esophageal cancer, cancer cells |
Americans Drug Their Children with 300 Percent More Psychotropic Meds Published January 21 2009 | Concepts: children, child, drug, states, United States |
Allergies Linked to Reduced Cancer Risk Published January 20 2009 | Concepts: cancer, allergies, natural, health, body |
Fatty Foods Disrupt Internal Biological Clock Published January 19 2009 | Concepts: fat, foods, diet, fatty foods, rhythm |
Breast Cancer Saliva Test to Make Dangerous Mammograms Obsolete Published January 19 2009 | Concepts: cancer, saliva, breast cancer, protein, mammograms |
Consuming Common Food Additive MSG Increases Risk of Weight Gain Published January 19 2009 | Concepts: MSG, food, brain, weight, the brain |
Smoking Increases Risk of Premenstrual Syndrome Published January 16 2009 | Concepts: smoking, health, smoke, risk, natural |
Incompetent Bosses Raise Risk of Heart Disease and Related Death Published January 15 2009 | Concepts: heart, health, disease, risk, men |
Insulin Mimickers in Black Tea Could Help Prevent Diabetes Published January 15 2009 | Concepts: tea, black tea, insulin, research, health |
Bras Shown to Cause Cancer Published January 14 2009 | Concepts: cancer, bra, breast cancer, men, WHO |
Folate Consumption Reduces Risk of Stroke by 20 Percent in Male Smokers Published January 14 2009 | Concepts: stroke, risk, folate, consumption, men |
Significant Proportion of Asthmatics May Have Been Over-Diagnosed Published January 14 2009 | Concepts: asthma, health, natural, asthmatics, research |
Excessive Antiviral Drug Use Increases Deadly Flu Risk Published January 14 2009 | Concepts: flu, drug, research, drug use, infection |
Brussels Sprouts Defend against All Types of Cancer Published January 12 2009 | Concepts: cancer, sprouts, types, bladder, body |
Study Suggests Fruits and Vegetables May Improve Bone Health Published January 12 2009 | Concepts: bone, health, study, fruits and vegetables, fruits |
Genetically Modified Crops Implicated in Honeybee Colony Collapse Disorder Published January 11 2009 | Concepts: bees, honey, crops, genetically modified, genetically modified crops |
Vigorous Activity Lowers Risk of Breast Cancer in Women Published January 9 2009 | Concepts: cancer, men, breast cancer, women, risk |
Three Studies on the Health Benefits of Living Near Greenery Published January 8 2009 | Concepts: health, green, child, children, living |
Eating While Watching TV Increases Total Caloric Intake Published January 7 2009 | Concepts: eating, research, television, children, researchers |
New Research Scandal: Scientist’s Hidden Tobacco Agenda Exposed Published January 6 2009 | Concepts: tobacco, research, health, agenda, WHO |
Preliminary Clinical Trial Shows Grapeseed Extract in Moxxor Reduces Exercise-Induced Oxidative Stress Published January 6 2009 | Concepts: Moxxor, exercise, extract, grapeseed extract, antioxidant |
Grape Seed Extract Kills Leukemia Cells Published January 6 2009 | Concepts: extract, cancer, grape seed extract, leukemia, news |
Go for Raw Published January 6 2009 | Concepts: food, acrylamide, cancer, foods, enzymes |
Omega-3s Reduce Risk of Recurring Stroke Published January 5 2009 | Concepts: risk, EPA, stroke, omega-3s, research |
Doctors Fail to Inform Patients of the Importance of Exercise Published January 5 2009 | Concepts: cancer, patients, doctors, exercise, colon |
Modern Birth Control: Blessing or Barbarism? Published January 5 2009 | Concepts: men, birth, man, method, pill |
Processed Foods Linked to Lung Cancer Published December 30 2008 | Concepts: cancer, processed foods, lung cancer, diet, food |
Red Wine May Improve Long Term Quality of Life Published December 29 2008 | Concepts: wine, red wine, improve, quality, resveratrol |
Beans: Fabulous Health Benefits, Weight Management and Nutrition at Very Low Cost Published December 28 2008 | Concepts: beans, cancer, men, study, diet |
Hairspray Exposure in Pregnant Women Increases Risk of Common Birth Defect in Boys Published December 26 2008 | Concepts: risk, health, hairspray, birth, women |
Swap Your Coffee for Green Tea Published December 26 2008 | Concepts: green, tea, green tea, health, coffee |
New Study Shows Natural Treatment Effective for Advanced Prostate Cancer Published December 24 2008 | Concepts: cancer, Prostate, prostate cancer, study, men |
Saturated Fats Also Linked to Small Intestine Cancer Published December 23 2008 | Concepts: cancer, health, fats, study, saturated fats |
NASA Research Identifies Areas Suitable For Offshore Wind Farms Published December 23 2008 | Concepts: research, NASA, ocean, power, farms |
Caring for Spouse Lengthens Life Published December 22 2008 | Concepts: health, study, natural, research, men |
JAMA Anti-Vitamins Studies Flawed Published December 22 2008 | Concepts: studies, men, cancer, news, JAMA |
Thiamine Found Important for Diabetics Published December 22 2008 | Concepts: thiamine, diabetics, diabetic, diabetes, patients |
Chicken-Carrying Trucks Leave Trail of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Published December 18 2008 | Concepts: health, chicken, natural, bacteria, study |
Breakthrough Solar Dye Coating Converts Glass Windows Into Solar Power Plants Published December 17 2008 | Concepts: glass, power, solar power, light, research |
Fish Oils Reduce Risk of Eye Disease Published December 17 2008 | Concepts: fish, risk, eye, fish oils, research |
It’s Nuts: Adding Nuts to Mediterranean Diet Zaps Metabolic Problems Published December 16 2008 | Concepts: diet, nuts, mediterranean diet, metabolic syndrome, health |
Lipoic Acid Leads the Pack of Antioxidants that Protect Youth and Slow Aging Published December 16 2008 | Concepts: acid, lipoic acid, body, research, antioxidant |
Red Clover Shown to Improve Bone Mineral Density and Lower LDL Cholesterol Published December 15 2008 | Concepts: men, red clover, estrogen, isoflavones, women |
Scientists Find Natural Help for Treating Colds Published December 15 2008 | Concepts: symptoms, flu, scientists, natural, research |
The Proven Cure and Prevention for Cancer the Medical Establishment Doesn't Want You to Know (Part I) Published December 13 2008 | Concepts: cancer, fat, body, oil, fats |
Research Proves Nutrition Plays Critical Role in Optimal Health for Pets Published December 10 2008 | Concepts: health, nutrition, food, pets, fish |
Study Shows High Fat Meals Cause Memory Decline Published December 10 2008 | Concepts: fat, memory, study, meals, shows |
Osteoporosis Drugs May Suppress Bones' Ability to Heal Published December 10 2008 | Concepts: drugs, osteoporosis, osteoporosis drugs, research, Fosamax |
Vitamin E Could Reduce Muscle Inflammation, Study Finds Published December 10 2008 | Concepts: vitamin E, muscle, inflammation, study, research |
Studies Provide New Hope for Alzheimer's Patients Published December 9 2008 | Concepts: Alzheimer's, studies, dementia, research, news |
Study Shows Active People Less Likely to Develop Cancer Published December 9 2008 | Concepts: people, study, shows, research, cancer |
Lack of Sleep Greatly Increases Breast Cancer Risk Published December 7 2008 | Concepts: cancer, sleep, breast cancer, men, study |
New Research Shows Antidepressants Increase Risk of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Published December 5 2008 | Concepts: research, antidepressants, risk, increase, shows |
Only One Chromium Supplement Helps People with Diabetes Published December 5 2008 | Concepts: chromium, men, supplement, people, diabetes |
Fight Disease with Garlic Published December 5 2008 | Concepts: garlic, disease, blood, risk, research |
Latest GMO Research: Decreased Fertility, Immunological Alterations and Allergies Published December 4 2008 | Concepts: corn, GMO, fertility, research, protein |
Selenium Curbs AIDS Virus, may Fight Cancer Published December 2 2008 | Concepts: selenium, protein, virus, AIDS, men |
Impact of Food on Mood Published December 2 2008 | Concepts: food, serotonin, brain, mood, foods |
Green Tea Benefits Type 1 Diabetes and Sjogren’s Syndrome Published December 2 2008 | Concepts: diabetes, tea, health, green, green tea |
Vitamin D Deficiency During Pregnancy Increases Risk of Childhood Dental Problems Published December 1 2008 | Concepts: Vitamin D, childhood, risk, pregnancy, dental |
Probiotics Improve Infant Immune Function Published December 1 2008 | Concepts: probiotics, probiotic, improve, research, researchers |
Ginseng Found Highly Effective for Weight Loss and Diabetes Control Published December 1 2008 | Concepts: ginseng, diabetes, research, weight, weight loss |
Study Shows How Meat Spurs Cancer Growth Published December 1 2008 | Concepts: cancer, meat, inflammation, man, study |
Chia Seeds: The Ancient Wisdom of the Aztecs Published November 30 2008 | Concepts: chia, seeds, chia seeds, food, wisdom |
Study Shows Hypnosis May Benefit Those With Ulcerative Colitis Published November 29 2008 | Concepts: hypnosis, shows, study, inflammation, research |
How Media Drives Obesity in Children and Simple Counter Tactics Published November 28 2008 | Concepts: child, children, obesity, media, health |
Polyphenols in Dried Plums Reduce Risk of Osteoporosis Published November 28 2008 | Concepts: polyphenols, dried plums, risk, plum, research |
Study Shows Peanut Protein Reduces Risk of Heart Disease Published November 27 2008 | Concepts: protein, heart, risk, study, shows |
Saw Palmetto Keeps Prostates Healthy and Helps Prevent Baldness Published November 26 2008 | Concepts: saw palmetto, Prostate, men, hair, health |
The Dangers of Nanoparticles Published November 26 2008 | Concepts: particles, nanoparticles, research, dangers, man |
Breast Cancer Rates Soar after Mammograms and Some Cancers may Heal Naturally Published November 24 2008 | Concepts: breast cancer, cancers, heal, rates, mammograms |
Great News for Holiday Travelers: Pine Bark Cuts Jet Lag in Half Published November 24 2008 | Concepts: jet lag, news, pine bark, holiday, pycnogenol |
Research Shows Gastrointestinal Bleeding Linked to SSRI Drugs Published November 24 2008 | Concepts: bleeding, gastrointestinal, gastrointestinal bleeding, research, shows |
Pesticide Exposure Boosts Parkinson's Risk by 60 Percent Published November 23 2008 | Concepts: pesticide, Parkinson's, disease, risk, exposure |
Your Beliefs Create the Marketplace Published November 23 2008 | Concepts: consumers, products, beliefs, environment, world |
Your Body's Amazing Filtration System Published November 21 2008 | Concepts: lymph, blood, man, heal, body |
Study Shows Green Tea Reduces Risk of Heart Disease Published November 21 2008 | Concepts: tea, green, green tea, study, heart |
Processing Chemical Used in Tofu May Increase Risk of Dementia in the Elderly Published November 20 2008 | Concepts: tofu, dementia, risk, increase, chemical |
Vitamin D Insufficiency Linked to Parkinson’s Disease Published November 20 2008 | Concepts: Vitamin D, health, natural, patients, study |
Researchers Find Natural Help for Arthritis and Parkinson's Disease: Curry Spice and Grapes Published November 20 2008 | Concepts: grapes, natural, arthritis, spice, Parkinson's |
Two New Studies Find Anti-Homeopathy Review Wrong Published November 19 2008 | Concepts: homeopathy, studies, review, Lancet, medicine |
Substance in Black Pepper Increases Nutrient Absorption up to Two Thousand Percent Published November 17 2008 | Concepts: piperine, black pepper, curcumin, nutrient, increase |
Cancer Drugs Make Tumors Grow Published November 17 2008 | Concepts: cancer, drugs, drug, tumors, blood vessels |
Dr. Gabriel Cousens, Raw Food Expert and Author, Shares the Benefits of Detoxification Published November 17 2008 | Concepts: people, food, toxins, fasting, 5 |
Meditation Benefits for Those with Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Published November 16 2008 | Concepts: meditation, benefits, stress, fatigue, chronic fatigue |
Exercising Just Once a Week Can Raise Life Expectancy of Coronary Heart Disease Patients Published November 16 2008 | Concepts: health, disease, heart, exercise, men |
Watermelon Found to Function as Natural Viagra Published November 16 2008 | Concepts: watermelon, natural, research, arginine, nitric oxide |
Study Shows Lutein and Zeaxanthin Protect Against Age-Related Macular Degeneration Published November 16 2008 | Concepts: study, lutein, zeaxanthin, shows, research |
Three Possible Health Dangers of Long-Term Cell Phone Use Published November 14 2008 | Concepts: health, cell phone, cancer, risk, children |
New Mad Cow Test Heightens Fears Published November 13 2008 | Concepts: disease, vCJD, mad cow, blood, meat |
AIDS Breakthrough: Astragalus Root Could Replace HIV Drugs Published November 13 2008 | Concepts: HIV, astragalus, AIDS, virus, news |
Antibiotic Use Is a Flashing Indicator for Cancer Risk Published November 12 2008 | Concepts: cancer, antibiotic, risk, antibiotics, breast cancer |
Media Reports on Pharmaceuticals may be Skewed towards Commercial Interests Published November 12 2008 | Concepts: health, news, article, drug, research |
New Study Shows Pregnant Women Benefit from Mediterranean Diet Published November 12 2008 | Concepts: shows, women, diet, pregnant women, mediterranean diet |
Mouth Piercings Increase Risk of Gum Disease Published November 11 2008 | Concepts: risk, increase, research, dental, researchers |
Fasting, Losing Weight and Quitting Smoking, with Dr. Gabriel Cousens Published November 11 2008 | Concepts: weight, fasting, heal, people, health |
There Is No Such Thing as the West Nile Virus Published November 9 2008 | Concepts: virus, disease, people, heal, poison |
Niacin May Lower the Risk of Heart Disease Published November 7 2008 | Concepts: niacin, heart, cholesterol, risk, research |
Simulin from Fruits Protects People From Diabetic Effects of Dietary Sugars Published November 7 2008 | Concepts: fruits, diabetic, people, dietary, research |
Harvard Psychiatrists Hide Millions of Dollars Received from Drug Companies Published November 7 2008 | Concepts: Harvard, drug, research, researchers, NIH |
New Study Shows Omega-3s Reduce Appetite Published November 7 2008 | Concepts: omega-3s, omega-3, study, shows, research |
Frequent Use of Talcum Powder Near Private Parts May Cause Ovarian Cancer Published November 4 2008 | Concepts: cancer, powder, talcum powder, risk, ovarian cancer |
Air Pollution Has Negative Effects on Heart Health Published November 4 2008 | Concepts: heart, pollution, health, air pollution, natural |
Yoga More Effective Than Other Forms of Exercise in Treating Diabetes Published November 4 2008 | Concepts: yoga, exercise, diabetes, insulin, stress |
Prostate Diagnosis and Treatment Lags, but Research on Lifestyle Yields Clues Published November 4 2008 | Concepts: Prostate, men, cancer, prostate cancer, estrogen |
Study Shows Vegetable Juice Helps Build Health Published November 3 2008 | Concepts: vegetable, juice, vegetable juice, study, health |
Dispelling the Myths Surrounding Homeopathy Published November 1 2008 | Concepts: home, homeopathy, homeopathic, medicine, heal |
Pollution Increases Allergies in Children Published November 1 2008 | Concepts: pollution, allergies, child, children, living |
Sea Water Applications for Drinking, Gardening, and Growing Crops Published November 1 2008 | Concepts: water, sea water, gardening, solution, drinking |
Study Finds Grapes Offer a Bunch of Ways to Help Hearts Published October 31 2008 | Concepts: grapes, study, heart, rats, blood |
Study Shows Grape Seed Extract (GSE) May Prevent Alzheimer's Disease Published October 30 2008 | Concepts: Alzheimer's, extract, grape seed extract, study, shows |
Importance of Happiness and Optimistic Attitudes in Preventing Breast Cancer Published October 30 2008 | Concepts: cancer, health, breast cancer, men, event |
IP6 Shines Brightly as an Alternative Cancer Treatment and Preventive Published October 29 2008 | Concepts: IP6, cancer, treatment, research, cancer cells |
Anxiety and Depression Linked to Overtime Work Published October 27 2008 | Concepts: depression, anxiety, men, WHO, research |
Eat Too Fast And You’ll Pack On Pounds, Scientists Find Published October 26 2008 | Concepts: eating, scientists, men, food, health |
Consuming Acrylamides Boosts Kidney Cancer Rate by 59 Percent Published October 23 2008 | Concepts: cancer, acrylamide, diet, kidney cancer, research |
Spices: A Wealth of Health Benefits that Make Food Taste Great Published October 23 2008 | Concepts: spice, health, spices, antioxidant, benefits |
Iodine May Be the Critical Mineral for Weight Loss, Energy and Beauty Published October 21 2008 | Concepts: iodine, thyroid, men, deficiency, iodine deficiency |
Human Brain Seeks Real Calories; Artificial Sweeteners May Cause Overeating Published October 21 2008 | Concepts: brain, calories, artificial sweeteners, human, human brain |
The Fabulous Five: Compounds Found Most Effective Against Cancer Published October 21 2008 | Concepts: cancer, men, estrogen, supplement, turmeric |
Mushrooms: The Underestimated Super Food Published October 20 2008 | Concepts: mushrooms, cancer, food, selenium, health |
Tune Up Your Immune System for Cold and Flu Season Published October 18 2008 | Concepts: astragalus, schisandra, immune system, men, flu |
Herb Officially Recognized In England as A Cure for Colds Published October 17 2008 | Concepts: flu, colds, health, cure, herb |
Use of Oral Contraceptives Reduces Peak Bone Mass, May Lead to Osteoporosis Published October 17 2008 | Concepts: bone, bone mass, contraceptives, oral contraceptives, 5 |
Protect Pets from Salmonella with Electrolyzed Water Published October 17 2008 | Concepts: food, salmonella, pet food, water, pets |
Lung Disease Medication Linked To Cardiac Deaths Published October 16 2008 | Concepts: COPD, disease, medication, lung disease, research |
The Health Benefits of Sea Water Published October 15 2008 | Concepts: water, sea water, health, man, SAMe |
Night Lights Cause Breast Cancer While You Sleep Published October 14 2008 | Concepts: cancer, breast cancer, light, night lights, research |
Fermented Wheat Germ Extract Beneficial in Cancer Therapy Published October 14 2008 | Concepts: cancer, wheat, wheat germ, research, extract |
Red Cabbage Found to Contain 36 Anti-Cancer Anthocyanins Published October 14 2008 | Concepts: cabbage, red cabbage, anti-cancer, anthocyanins, research |
Breastfeeding Boosts IQ of Newborns Published October 13 2008 | Concepts: breastfeeding, IQ, children, research, researchers |
Laser acupuncture effective against headaches in children Published October 13 2008 | Concepts: laser, headaches, headache, children, treatment |
Baby Birds Babble Brilliantly Before Boasting Beautiful Songbird Ballads Published October 13 2008 | Concepts: birds, baby, beautiful, human, research |
Psych Drug Handbook Written with Drug Industry Ties Published October 10 2008 | Concepts: drug, disorder, industry, drug industry, APA |
J.E. Williams Talks About Three Antioxidants You Should Not Do Without Published October 10 2008 | Concepts: antioxidants, health, vitamin C, antioxidant, body |
Licorice Heals Ulcers, Inflammation, and Skin Conditions Published October 9 2008 | Concepts: licorice, ulcers, extract, inflammation, skin |
Resveratrol Found to Halt Growth of Pancreatic Cancer Cells Published October 6 2008 | Concepts: resveratrol, cancer, pancreatic cancer, chemotherapy, research |
IMP Taste Enhancer Chemical May be the New MSG Published October 6 2008 | Concepts: taste, chemical, MSG, research, flavor |
Interview With Dana Ullman, An Expert on Homeopathy Published October 3 2008 | Concepts: home, homeopathy, book, people, homeopathic |
Interview with Sergei Zimin About Modifilan brown seaweed extract Published October 3 2008 | Concepts: seaweed, people, Modifilan, WHO, brown seaweed |
Medical Study Ghostwriting Common Throughout Drug Industry Published October 3 2008 | Concepts: drug, medical, study, ghostwriting, studies |
City Streets with Trees Reduce Asthma in Children Living Nearby Published October 3 2008 | Concepts: trees, asthma, children, living, rates |
Pycnogenol Reduces Heart Disease Risk in Diabetics Published October 2 2008 | Concepts: pycnogenol, risk, heart, disease, heart disease risk |
Mobile Phone Use While Pregnant Causes Neurological Problems in Babies Published October 2 2008 | Concepts: mobile phone, problems, children, neurological, neurological problems |
Drinking Milk Does Not Combat Obesity, Experts Conclude Published October 1 2008 | Concepts: weight, experts, dairy, obesity, combat |
Could You Be Poisoning Your Family? Published October 1 2008 | Concepts: arsenic, organic, water, chicken, rice |
Grow Your Own Probiotics: Kombucha Tea (Part 2) Published October 1 2008 | Concepts: tea, acid, Kombucha tea, heal, body |
Lignans Shown to Provide Great Benefits for Breast Health Published September 30 2008 | Concepts: flax, lignans, estrogen, flaxseed, women |
Pain-Relieving Drugs Linked with Accelerated Mental Decline Published September 30 2008 | Concepts: drugs, mental, research, Alzheimer's, researchers |
Top Five (Virtually Unknown) Reasons You May Need More Vitamin C Published September 30 2008 | Concepts: vitamin C, heal, health, reasons, research |
Documented, Proven Cure and Preventative for Cancer (Part I) Published September 27 2008 | Concepts: cancer, fat, body, oil, fats |
Kiwifruit Boosts Immune Function Published September 27 2008 | Concepts: kiwifruit, research, immune response, gold, researchers |
New Findings Show Astounding Cancer Prevention Effects of Black Raspberries, Blueberries, Olive Leaves and Green Tea Published September 26 2008 | Concepts: cancer, green, research, raspberries, researchers |
Aspartame Consumption Again Linked to Degeneration of Brain Neurons Published September 25 2008 | Concepts: aspartame, brain, consumption, research, lead |
Millions of Working Americans Have Chronic Diseases But Are Uninsured Published September 24 2008 | Concepts: health, americans, insurance, WHO, study |
Top Five Secret Reasons You May Need More Vitamin C Published September 24 2008 | Concepts: vitamin C, heal, health, reasons, research |
Music Shown to Facilitate the Development of Neurons in the Brain Published September 23 2008 | Concepts: music, brain, men, the brain, research |
Yerba Mate: South America's Health Drink Published September 22 2008 | Concepts: yerba mate, tea, health, extract, acid |
Granulocytes Determine a Person's Anti-Cancer Potential Published September 19 2008 | Concepts: granulocytes, cancer, anti-cancer, research, effectiveness |
Death Rate from Cancer Slashed 55 Percent with High Vitamin D Levels Published September 18 2008 | Concepts: Vitamin D, cancer, research, form, death |
Roses May Provide Nature's Most Effective Pain Reliever Published September 17 2008 | Concepts: hips, rose hips, pain, Bush, arthritis |
Research Links Plastics Containing Bisphenol A to Heart Disease and Diabetes Published September 16 2008 | Concepts: BPA, health, plastics, disease, plastic |
Running Towards Health - Study Shows Running Also Benefits Older Persons Published September 16 2008 | Concepts: health, study, running, runners, exercise |
Eating Cocoa Improves Blood Vessel Function in Diabetics Published September 15 2008 | Concepts: cocoa, blood, eating, research, diabetes |
Founder of the Living Water Institute, Iain Trousdell, on the Philosophy of Water Published September 15 2008 | Concepts: water, form, flow, WHO, living |
Human Behavior and Emotions Altered by Scents Published September 13 2008 | Concepts: human, health, emotions, brain, behavior |
Celery and Green Peppers Reduce Inflammatory Response in the Brain Published September 12 2008 | Concepts: luteolin, celery, peppers, green, brain |
Nonstick Cookware Chemicals Found in Human Breast Milk Published September 11 2008 | Concepts: chemicals, human, cookware, PFCs, cookware chemicals |
Schizophrenia Not Caused by Genes, Scientist Says Published September 10 2008 | Concepts: schizophrenia, genes, scientist, Genetic, research |
Cervical Cancer Spreads in Women with Chronic Stress, Weakened Immune Response Published September 10 2008 | Concepts: women, stress, cancer, cervical cancer, chronic stress |
Grape Seed Extract May Reduce Cognitive Decline of Alzheimer's Disease Published September 10 2008 | Concepts: Alzheimer's, extract, grape seed extract, disease, cognitive decline |
Grape Nutrients Found to Slow Progression of Type 1 Diabetes Published September 10 2008 | Concepts: powder, nutrients, research, diabetes, produce |
Toxins in the Bodies of Newborns Lead to a Contaminated Generation Published September 9 2008 | Concepts: chemical, chemicals, blood, newborns, toxins |
Despite the Hype, Statin Drugs Found Medically Useless in Preventing Alzheimer's Published September 8 2008 | Concepts: Alzheimer's, disease, statins, Alzheimer's disease, research |
Teens Should Increase Vitamin D Intake by 1000 Percent to Avoid Deficiency, Say Researchers Published September 8 2008 | Concepts: Vitamin D, deficiency, children, increase, teens |
Your Attitude Affects How Long You Will Live Published September 7 2008 | Concepts: heal, health, WHO, research, university |
Algae From the Ocean May Offer a Sustainable Energy Source of the Future Published September 4 2008 | Concepts: algae, ocean, energy, fuel, sustainable energy |
Bitter Melon Nutrients Fight Type 2 Diabetes Better than Prescription Drugs Published September 2 2008 | Concepts: diabetes, bitter melon, research, Type 2 diabetes, nutrients |
Drug Company Seeks Anti-Aging Molecules that Mimic Resveratrol Found in Red Wine Published August 31 2008 | Concepts: resveratrol, drug, anti-aging, research, chemical |
Vegan Diet Reduces Risk of Arthritis, Heart Attack and Stroke Published August 29 2008 | Concepts: diet, vegan, arthritis, risk, heart |
Bee Colony Collapse Could be Devastating to Food Companies Published August 28 2008 | Concepts: food, colony collapse, ingredients, research, bees |
Milk Thistle: The Herb for Liver Health and More Published August 27 2008 | Concepts: liver, milk, silymarin, milk thistle, herb |
Calcium and Vitamin D Proven to Stop Bone Loss in Men Published August 27 2008 | Concepts: bone, calcium, Vitamin D, men, bone loss |
Being Obese Accelerates Growth of Cancers Published August 27 2008 | Concepts: cancer, obese, risk, increase, men |
How Governmental Vaccine Policies Made Cancer Contagious Published August 27 2008 | Concepts: cancer, vaccine, virus, vaccines, vaccination |
Resveratrol Has Anti-aging and Anti-Cancer Properties, Linked to Cardiovascular Health Published August 26 2008 | Concepts: resveratrol, health, research, properties, cardiovascular |
Millions of U.S. Children are Vitamin D Deficient, Warn Researchers Published August 26 2008 | Concepts: Vitamin D, children, deficiency, research, researchers |
Vitamin B6 Deficiency Widespread Across U.S. Population, New Study Finds Published August 26 2008 | Concepts: vitamin B6, men, deficiency, study, population |
Smaller, More Frequent Meals Prevents Rise in Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure Published August 23 2008 | Concepts: blood, meals, cholesterol, research, sugar |
Drinking Water of 41 Million Americans Contaminated with Pharmaceuticals Published August 22 2008 | Concepts: water, drinking, drinking water, drug, drugs |
Taking Probiotics Greatly Reduces Infections in Athletes Published August 21 2008 | Concepts: probiotics, infections, probiotic, research, athletes |
Too Much TV Makes Your Kids Obese, Researchers Find Published August 21 2008 | Concepts: researchers, child, children, kids, obese |
Cardiac Patients Recover Better With Heart Surgery Nutrition Published August 20 2008 | Concepts: heart, surgery, heart surgery, patients, glutathione |
Drug Companies Routinely Bury Studies Showing Their Drugs Don't Work Published August 20 2008 | Concepts: studies, drug, results, companies, drugs |
HRT Drugs Found to Cause Abnormal Mammograms, Increased Breast Cancer Risk Published August 19 2008 | Concepts: HRT, women, cancer, mammograms, breast cancer |
Pine Nut Oil Extract Found to Reduce Appetite, Caloric Intake at Meals Published August 18 2008 | Concepts: oil, pine nut oil, extract, appetite, caloric intake |
Hormone Replacement Therapy Boosts Risk of Breast Cancer by 400 Percent Published August 18 2008 | Concepts: cancer, breast cancer, risk, hormone, therapy |
Swimming in Warm Water Eases Fibromyalgia Pain Published August 17 2008 | Concepts: Fibromyalgia, water, exercise, swimming, pain |
Marine Phytoplankton is Next Revolutionary Superfood for Disease Prevention and Extraordinary Health Published August 14 2008 | Concepts: phytoplankton, marine phytoplankton, ocean, food, disease |
Lack of Sunlight Found to Greatly Increase Risk of Lung Cancer Published August 13 2008 | Concepts: cancer, sunlight, risk, Vitamin D, increase |
Animals Spared by Using Laboratory Robots to Test Chemicals Published August 13 2008 | Concepts: animals, robots, laboratory, chemical, research |
Eating Legumes Slashes Type 2 Diabetes Risk by 40 Percent, Research Shows Published August 11 2008 | Concepts: diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, risk, diabetes risk, legumes |
Even Moderate Exercise Greatly Extends Men's Lives, Research Shows Published August 11 2008 | Concepts: research, exercise, men, risk, 5 |
How to Use Herbs Safely and Effectively Published August 11 2008 | Concepts: herb, herbs, men, man, heal |
A Healthy Mouth Equals a Healthy Body Published August 10 2008 | Concepts: disease, gum disease, health, dentist, heart |
Sun Exposure Saves Ten Times as Many Lives Via Vitamin D than Die From Skin Cancer Published August 8 2008 | Concepts: sun, Vitamin D, skin, exposure, sun exposure |
Low Vitamin D Intake Boosts Heart Attack, Stroke Risk by 60 Percent Published August 6 2008 | Concepts: Vitamin D, heart, risk, heart attack, stroke |
Probiotics Can Help in the Treatment of Hay Fever Published August 5 2008 | Concepts: hay, probiotics, probiotic, research, treatment |
A Cup of Black Tea Each Day Reduces Risk of Parkinson's Disease by Astonishing 71 Percent Published August 5 2008 | Concepts: tea, disease, Parkinson's Disease, Parkinson's, black tea |
Red Wine’s Resveratrol May Help Battle Obesity Published August 4 2008 | Concepts: resveratrol, fat, obesity, research, study |
TV Report Says Fluoride in Water Is Safe While Research Shows Otherwise Published August 3 2008 | Concepts: fluoride, water, research, shows, safe |
Free Drug Samples Usually Go to Wealthiest Patients Published August 2 2008 | Concepts: free, drug, drug samples, doctor, WHO |
Flax Shown to Be Effective Against Cancers of the Colon and Breast Published August 1 2008 | Concepts: flax, oil, flax oil, colon, cancer |
Natural Sweetener Stevia Loaded With Antioxidants; Protects Against DNA Damage Published July 30 2008 | Concepts: stevia, sweetener, natural, DNA, FDA |
Children at Risk From Current Low Vitamin D Recommendations Published July 28 2008 | Concepts: Vitamin D, children, health, risk, recommendations |
Chemical Causes of Diabetes: Overeating Is Not the Only Problem Published July 25 2008 | Concepts: diabetes, men, 5, food, chemical |
Lack of Physical Activity Causes Mental Decline Published July 25 2008 | Concepts: physical, physical activity, mental, causes, men |
Diabetes Drug Avandia Causes Brittle Bones, Researchers Declare Published July 23 2008 | Concepts: Avandia, researchers, drug, diabetes, bones |
More Good News on the Benefits of Drinking Green Tea Published July 21 2008 | Concepts: green, tea, green tea, drinking, news |
The Most Potent Intervention Known to Increase Longevity Revealed Published July 19 2008 | Concepts: longevity, life, damage, increase, health |
The Mind-Body Connection: Fear Manifests in Many Diseases (Part 1) Published July 19 2008 | Concepts: fear, mind-body, cancer, mind, stress |
Raw Broccoli, Cabbage Slash Bladder Cancer Risk by 40 Percent; Cooking Destroys Benefits Published July 18 2008 | Concepts: cancer, raw, food, vegetable, juice |
Exercise Slashes Lung Cancer Risk by 45 Percent in Former Smokers Published July 15 2008 | Concepts: cancer, risk, lung cancer, exercise, smoke |
Single Brain Neurons are Smarter Than You Think Published July 13 2008 | Concepts: brain, research, the brain, researchers, information |
Chimpanzees Beat Humans in Memory Test Published July 11 2008 | Concepts: humans, chimpanzees, human, memory, research |
Large Scale Study Finds Vitamin B6 Deficiency Common in the U.S. Published July 8 2008 | Concepts: vitamin B6, deficiency, men, study, nutrition |
Coccinia Indica Herb Lowers Blood Sugar Levels by 20 Percent in Type 2 Diabetics Published July 8 2008 | Concepts: blood, herb, blood sugar, blood sugar levels, research |
Cancer Prevention Research Journal Launched by American Association for Cancer Research Published July 6 2008 | Concepts: cancer, research, prevention, cancer prevention, cancer research |
Research Shows Disinfectant Wipes Spread Superbugs in Hospitals Published July 6 2008 | Concepts: bacteria, research, superbugs, shows, health |
The Many Benefits of Coconut Oil and Coconut Butter Published July 3 2008 | Concepts: coconut, oil, coconut oil, benefits, fat |
TV Violence a Threat to Public Health Published July 2 2008 | Concepts: violence, threat, TV violence, aggression, children |
Red Meat Consumption Linked Yet Again to Increased Cancer Risk Published July 2 2008 | Concepts: cancer, meat, red meat, risk, consumption |
Recent Study Finds Plant Foods Preserve Muscle Mass in Aging Adults Published July 1 2008 | Concepts: study, muscle, foods, aging, muscle mass |
GM Foods: The U.S. Fights Mandatory Labeling in An Untested Human Experiment Published June 30 2008 | Concepts: food, foods, labeling, mandatory, human |
The Acne Drug Accutane More Than Doubles Your Depression Risk Published June 26 2008 | Concepts: Accutane, acne, depression, drug, life |
Offices With Live Plants Make Employees Happier and Healthier Published June 25 2008 | Concepts: plants, employees, NASA, research, WHO |
ADHD Drugs Pose Heart Health Risks to Children Published June 25 2008 | Concepts: adhd, heart, drugs, ADHD drugs, risks |
Forget the Headlines - Keep Taking Your Vitamins and Minerals Published June 25 2008 | Concepts: men, studies, vitamins, supplement, natural |
New Research Shows Cocoa Can Help Diabetics' Hearts Published June 24 2008 | Concepts: research, cocoa, shows, diabetes, health |
Blood Transfusions Increase Risk of Heart Attack and Death Published June 23 2008 | Concepts: blood, heart, increase, patients, heart attack |
Silver Rings to Treat Arthritis Symptoms Validated Published June 23 2008 | Concepts: silver, arthritis, symptoms, university, research |
Pesticide Dangers to Human Health Carry Through Multiple Generations Published June 20 2008 | Concepts: rats, health, human, human health, pesticide |
Consequences of the American Processed Foods Diet Published June 18 2008 | Concepts: foods, processed foods, health, food, America |
Figuring Out the True Cause of Fibromyalgia Published June 17 2008 | Concepts: thyroid, Fibromyalgia, health, hormone, symptoms |
Flawed St. John's Wort Study on ADHD Failed to Use Active Form of Herbal Extract Published June 13 2008 | Concepts: study, herb, men, drug, adhd |
Biofuels from Switchgrass Offer 540 Percent Return on Energy Inputs Published June 12 2008 | Concepts: energy, biofuels, produce, research, researchers |
Alliance for Human Research Protection Condemns Psychiatric Researchers for Lack of Integrity and Hidden Financial Ties Published June 11 2008 | Concepts: man, child, children, drug, human |
American Chemical Council is now EPA's Lead Research Partner Published June 10 2008 | Concepts: research, chemical, EPA, lead, the EPA |
Top Psychiatric Researcher Dr. Biederman Caught Lying about $1.6 Million in Drug Money; Performed Medical Experiments on Children Published June 10 2008 | Concepts: child, drug, children, medical, experiments |
Lower Calorie, Nutrient-Dense Diet Slows Aging Published June 9 2008 | Concepts: diet, food, people, dog, life |
A Review of Recent Research Touting the Benefits of Therapeutic Massage Published June 9 2008 | Concepts: massage, therapy, massage therapy, study, research |
Green Tea Compounds Prevent Memory Loss From Lack of Oxygen Published June 6 2008 | Concepts: tea, green tea, green, memory, memory loss |
Sucrose and Fructose Found to Promote Pancreatic Cancer Published June 5 2008 | Concepts: sucrose, fructose, cancer, risk, sugar |
DIM Lowers Potential of Cancer Cell Metastasis, Invasion and Angiogenesis Published June 5 2008 | Concepts: cancer, men, estrogen, research, supplement |
Millions of Dollars Wasted on Useless Cancer Research, Dozens of Studies Invalidated Published June 4 2008 | Concepts: cancer, research, studies, useless, cancer research |
The truth behind the headlines about antioxidants and vitamins Published June 4 2008 | Concepts: headlines, antioxidants, harm, drug, pharmaceuticals |
Are You Vitamin D Deficient? Published June 4 2008 | Concepts: Vitamin D, health, recommendations, research, sun |
The Mediterranean Diet Reduces Mortality From All Causes Published June 3 2008 | Concepts: diet, mediterranean diet, mortality, fat, oil |
Spirulina: A Budget Friendly Super Food and Answer to Food Scarcity Published June 2 2008 | Concepts: spirulina, food, health, research, budget |
The ADHD Scam and the Mass Drugging of Schoolchildren (Transcript) Published May 30 2008 | Concepts: child, children, brain, drug, drugs |
Turmeric Found to Be Beneficial for Lung, Liver and Colon Health Published May 22 2008 | Concepts: turmeric, curcumin, liver, disease, colon |
Easy Conversion of Organic Matter to Hydrogen Discovered by Researchers Published May 21 2008 | Concepts: hydrogen, fuel, organic, energy, produce |
Aspirin Sold as a Wonder Drug for All That Ails, But Falls Far Short Published May 21 2008 | Concepts: aspirin, risk, drug, cancer, study |
A Magnesium Deficiency Increases Cancer Risk Significantly Published May 21 2008 | Concepts: magnesium, cancer, men, calcium, deficiency |
Leading Scientists Are Pushing for Politics to Be Removed From Research Published May 20 2008 | Concepts: scientists, research, politics, scientific, safety |
New Study: Low Vitamin D Levels Dramatically Raise Breast Cancer Risk Published May 19 2008 | Concepts: Vitamin D, cancer, breast cancer, health, women |
Aerobic Exercise Improves Memory and Brain Power in Older Adults Published May 18 2008 | Concepts: exercise, brain, aerobic exercise, memory, power |
Natural Ways to Prevent Alzheimer's Disease Published May 16 2008 | Concepts: Alzheimer's, natural, disease, research, mercury |
Recent Study: Tropical Mushroom Extract Fights Cancer Published May 16 2008 | Concepts: cancer, extract, research, cancer cells, study |
Broccoli Juice Proven to Protect Skin Better than Sunscreen Published May 15 2008 | Concepts: broccoli, skin, cancer, sunscreen, sulforaphane |
Arsenic Exposure During Pregnancy Activates Genes That Cause Cancer Later in Life Published May 15 2008 | Concepts: arsenic, exposure, cancer, genes, pregnancy |
Study: Drugs for Alzheimer’s Patients Do Harm Without Benefit Published May 14 2008 | Concepts: patients, drugs, Alzheimer’s, harm, Alzheimer's |
Genetically Modified Organisms – A Dangerous Experiment Published May 14 2008 | Concepts: organic, GMO, food, genetically modified, Monsanto |
Rosemary Can Protect the Brain From Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease Published May 13 2008 | Concepts: rosemary, brain, the brain, Alzheimer's, dementia |
Is Hair Colour Worth Dying For? Published May 12 2008 | Concepts: hair, hair dye, safe, hair dyes, cancer |
Study: Healing Clays 'Exterminate' Superbugs Published May 12 2008 | Concepts: clay, healing, form, research, bacteria |
Honeybee Colony Collapse to Devastate Food Companies, Result in Food Scarcity Published May 12 2008 | Concepts: food, collapse, human, bees, colony collapse |
Success Against HIV and Cancer in South Africa (Oleander Series Part 5) Published May 10 2008 | Concepts: cancer, Oleander, patients, HIV, Africa |
Food Compounds That Kill Test Tube Cancer Cells Analyzed Published May 7 2008 | Concepts: cancer, chemicals, cancer cells, food, test tube |
Morgellons: Biotechnology Gone Awry or Simple Psychosis? Published May 7 2008 | Concepts: Morgellons, fiber, disease, people, research |
New Studies Find Calcium and Vitamin D May Prevent Colon Cancer Published May 7 2008 | Concepts: colon, cancer, Vitamin D, colon cancer, calcium |
A Plan for Living a Long and Healthy Life (Part 2) Published May 6 2008 | Concepts: cancer, heal, health, oil, fruit |
Second Largest US Physicians Group Endorses Medical Marijuana Published May 6 2008 | Concepts: medical, physicians, Marijuana, paper, drug |
Nutrasweet - A Look at the History of Deception Behind Its Marketing (Part 2) Published May 6 2008 | Concepts: aspartame, FDA, the FDA, study, NutraSweet |
Deadly Animal Virus May Soon Come to U.S. Mainland Published May 2 2008 | Concepts: disease, virus, research, outbreak, livestock |
Olive Extract Protects Against Neurodegenerative Disorders Published May 1 2008 | Concepts: extract, olive extract, research, hydroxytyrosol, researchers |
New Anti-Cancer Compounds Discovered in Apples Published April 30 2008 | Concepts: apple, cancer, apples, research, anti-cancer |
New Legislation Calls for Government Ownership of DNA Published April 29 2008 | Concepts: government, DNA, research, ownership, legislation |
Research Reveals Natural Ways to Help Reduce Arthritis Pain Published April 28 2008 | Concepts: arthritis, natural, pain, research, exercise |
Analysis: Virtually Zero Alternative Cancer Research Occurring Published April 28 2008 | Concepts: cancer, alternative, research, treatment, treatments |
Indian Herbs Could Replace Synthetic Preservatives to Extend Shelf Life of Processed Foods Published April 28 2008 | Concepts: antioxidant, preservatives, herbs, life, Indian herbs |
Broccoli: A Natural Way to Build Immunity Published April 25 2008 | Concepts: broccoli, health, natural, study, research |
Skip the Bacon and Stay Thin to Avoid Cancer, Says World Cancer Research Fund Published April 25 2008 | Concepts: cancer, bacon, research, cancer research, world |
Ginseng helps cancer patients reduce fatigue, increase energy Published April 23 2008 | Concepts: ginseng, cancer, fatigue, patients, cancer patients |
An Overview of How Stress Kills and How to Develop Your StresSkills Published April 23 2008 | Concepts: stress, body, heal, men, mind |
Dr. Gabriel Cousens on the Importance of Supplementing With Vitamin B12 Published April 22 2008 | Concepts: food, kids, people, Gabriel Cousens, raw |
True Hope for Bipolar Disorder Sufferers? Published April 21 2008 | Concepts: men, supplement, disorder, health, man |
Taking Common Painkiller (acetaminophen) with Coffee is Extremely Toxic to the Liver Published April 21 2008 | Concepts: toxic, coffee, liver, caffeine, research |
Interview With Dr. Wayne Coates: Chia Seeds (Part 2) Published April 20 2008 | Concepts: chia, seeds, chia seeds, health, oil |
Discovery of the God Module Results in New Field of Science: Neurotheology Published April 19 2008 | Concepts: brain, God, the brain, spiritual, results |
A Magnesium Defficiency Increases Cancer Risk Significantly Published April 18 2008 | Concepts: magnesium, cancer, men, calcium, risk |
A Little Rosemary Can Go a Long Way in Reducing Acrylamides in Food Published April 18 2008 | Concepts: food, acrylamide, rosemary, antioxidant, acrylamides |
Scientists Find Blueberries Reverse Age Related Memory Deficits Published April 17 2008 | Concepts: memory, blueberries, scientists, reverse, research |
Natural Painkillers and Strong Antioxidants Found in Tart Cherries Published April 17 2008 | Concepts: cherries, natural, antioxidants, painkillers, tart cherries |
Vitamin D: The Silver Bullet Against Chronic Disease for African Americans Published April 16 2008 | Concepts: Vitamin D, supplement, sun, research, disease |
Vitamins A, C and E Increase Mortality! (and other nonsense from the realm of junk science) Published April 16 2008 | Concepts: vitamins, studies, science, review, antioxidant |
Research Shows Spinach Can Help Prevent Ovarian Cancer Published April 14 2008 | Concepts: research, cancer, vegetable, vegetables, spinach |
A New Vitamin D Deficiency Test That Can be Done at Home Published April 11 2008 | Concepts: Vitamin D, sun, skin, cancer, deficiency |
Melatonin: A Hormone That Protects Against Breast Cancer and Aging Published April 10 2008 | Concepts: melatonin, cancer, breast cancer, tumors, estrogen |
Chinese Herbs Relieve Menstrual Pain Better than Drugs or Acupuncture Published April 9 2008 | Concepts: menstrual pain, Chinese, drugs, herbs, Chinese herbs |
Curcumin Reduces Heart Enlargement and May Prevent Heart Failure Published April 8 2008 | Concepts: heart, curcumin, heal, heart enlargement, research |
British Doctors Continue Useless Prescribing of Antibiotics Published April 7 2008 | Concepts: infection, antibiotic, doctors, infections, antibiotics |
The Father of “Oleander Soup” - Part 2 of the Oleander Series Published April 6 2008 | Concepts: Oleander, soup, cancer, drug, doctor |
An Amazing Discovery in Turkey - Part 1 of the Oleander Series Published April 6 2008 | Concepts: Oleander, doctor, cancer, extract, research |
A Deeper Look At Drugs In Our Tap Water Published April 4 2008 | Concepts: water, drugs, drug, man, fluoride |
Natural Approaches for the Prevention of Oral Cancer and Periodontal Disease Published April 3 2008 | Concepts: mercury, men, disease, cancer, magnesium |
Anti-Cancer Fucoidans Extracted from Brown Marine Algae; May be Used in Functional Beverages Published April 2 2008 | Concepts: fucoidans, algae, extract, research, anti-cancer |
Extract of Broccoli Sprouts May Protect Against Bladder Cancer Published April 2 2008 | Concepts: broccoli, bladder, cancer, extract, sprouts |
Studies Show Goji Berries Are Among the Most Nutritious Foods on the Planet Published April 2 2008 | Concepts: berries, goji berries, foods, studies, goji berry |
New Understanding of the Role of Testosterone in Women Published March 28 2008 | Concepts: testosterone, estrogen, women, life, sex |
The Healing Benefits of Sunlight and Vitamin D Published March 26 2008 | Concepts: Vitamin D, sun, sunlight, supplement, cancer |
Raise Your Immunity Frequency With Essential Oils to Beat the Common Cold Published March 23 2008 | Concepts: oil, oils, essential oils, essential oil, virus |
New Studies Continue to Reveal the Health Benefits of Colostrum Published March 17 2008 | Concepts: Colostrum, men, 5, studies, health |
Rise and Shine: More Sunlight is Good for Your Health Published March 14 2008 | Concepts: Vitamin D, sun, skin, 5, exposure |
Oral Cancer May be Treated with Proanthocyanidins from Medicinal Plants Published March 12 2008 | Concepts: cancer, oral cancer, berries, proanthocyanidins, medicinal |
Blueberries control high cholesterol and prevent colon cancer Published March 12 2008 | Concepts: blueberries, cholesterol, colon, high cholesterol, research |
Fatty Acid Blood Tests Help Assess Risk for Heart Disease Published March 11 2008 | Concepts: acid, omega-3, risk, blood, fatty acids |
Aloha Aspartame? Unfortunately, Not Yet Published March 11 2008 | Concepts: aspartame, FDA, Aloha, ban, sugar |
The Link Between Obesity, Cancer, and Toxicity (Part 1) Published March 10 2008 | Concepts: cancer, obesity, fat, risk, toxicity |
The End of Antibiotics and the Rise of Iodine as an Effective Alternative Published March 10 2008 | Concepts: antibiotic, antibiotics, infection, bacteria, iodine |
Healing Illness - A Natural Anti-Cancer Protocol Published March 10 2008 | Concepts: cancer, heal, health, man, supplement |
Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World (Book Review) Published March 7 2008 | Concepts: mushrooms, mycelium, fungi, forest, world |
Review Finds the Herb Hawthorn Can Boost Heart Health Published March 7 2008 | Concepts: heart, Hawthorn, review, herb, patients |
Bee Pollen - A Budget Friendly Food for Health and Healing Published March 6 2008 | Concepts: pollen, food, bee pollen, man, health |
Diet Sweeteners Can Make You Sick and Fat Published March 6 2008 | Concepts: food, sugar, sweeteners, diet, body |
Common Prostate Cancer Treatment Causes Cancer to Spread Throughout Body Published March 4 2008 | Concepts: cancer, Prostate, prostate cancer, treatment, cancer treatment |
Interview with Dr. Wayne Coates: Chia Seeds (Part 1) Published March 4 2008 | Concepts: chia, health, seeds, chia seeds, food |
A Daily Dose of Beetroot Juice Can Beat High Blood Pressure Published March 4 2008 | Concepts: blood, blood pressure, juice, beetroot, beetroot juice |
DNA and Mitochondrial Time Bombs: Uranium and Mercury Published March 3 2008 | Concepts: uranium, diabetes, mercury, cancer, insulin |
Are Biofuels a Biofoolish Proposition? New Research Says Yes Published February 28 2008 | Concepts: fuel, carbon, biofuels, research, biofuel |
Study Shows Moderate Amounts of Caffeine Can Double Miscarriage Risk Published February 28 2008 | Concepts: caffeine, study, miscarriage, women, shows |
IP6 - A Rising Star in the Prevention and Treatment of Cancer Published February 27 2008 | Concepts: IP6, prevention, cancer, research, treatment |
Research Shows an Indian Herb May Prevent Liver Cancer Published February 27 2008 | Concepts: cancer, liver, herb, liver cancer, research |
Statin Drugs for Prevent Alzheimer’s? Forget About It Published February 26 2008 | Concepts: drugs, statin drugs, Alzheimer's, disease, news |
Scientific Evidence Proves Significant Anti-Cancer Effect of Milk Thistle Published February 26 2008 | Concepts: milk, liver, milk thistle, cancer, herb |
Raise Your Child's IQ With Adequate Amounts of DHA Published February 24 2008 | Concepts: DHA, fish, IQ, brain, child |
Negative Antidepressant Studies Routinely Buried, Research Shows Published February 24 2008 | Concepts: studies, |