DDT news, articles and information:
 | 3/21/2016 - Females exposed to DDT in the womb may be more likely to suffer from obesity and diabetes in middle age, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of California-Davis and Mount Sinai School of Medicine, funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and published...
 | 7/8/2015 - Most people are aware that Monsanto is behind the cancer-causing chemical glyphosate, proud makers of the herbicide Roundup which contains the active ingredient. However, they're also the makers of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), which has been banned in the United States since 1972 after it...
 | 1/20/2015 - The Monsanto Company is responsible for redefining farming, making mainstream agriculture dependent on chemicals -- toxins that sterilize the human population. As food is subjected to chemical warfare all across the planet, militaries are busy searching for terrorists in the mountains. Why can't we...
 | 8/29/2014 - The people and wildlife of St. Louis, Michigan, continue to suffer from pollution left behind from Velsicol Chemical Corp., a DDT-producing chemical company.
The 54-acre plant shut down decades ago and is now under control of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), but the damages caused...
 | 8/11/2014 5:16:32 PM - A pesticide manufacturing plant responsible for one of the worst chemical disasters in history is still poisoning humans and wildlife in St. Louis, Michigan, despite it being shut down since the 1960s.
St. Louis, located within Gratiot County, is home to about 7,500 residents. The picturesque town...
 | 2/6/2014 - Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative condition that adversely affects cognitive functioning. With about 44.4 million people worldwide displaying some type of dementia disease, Alzheimer's is the most common disease of its type. While the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease can vary, some of the more...
 | 2/3/2014 - Even after being banned more than 40 years ago, the pesticide DDT continues to affect the lives of people today, beckoning infertility and other deeply concerning health conditions. Researchers are now finding out how the pesticide affects the nervous system. In 1972, when the US banned DDT from commercial...
 | 8/14/2013 - The infamous organochlorine insecticide, DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane), has been banned from agricultural use worldwide since 1972, after world leaders decided it was universally unsafe at the Stockholm Convention. At the time, DDT was linked to cancer and deemed a contact poison to wildlife,...
 | 9/12/2012 10:29:39 PM - There was a time when manufacturers of the infamous pesticide chemical DDT and the herbicide chemical weapon "Agent Orange" actually tried to claim that these two toxins were completely safe for human exposure, a contention that the world now knows is completely false. And today, these same companies...
 | 6/25/2012 - One of the most common arguments people often use to defend vaccinations alleges that vaccines are responsible for eradicating epidemic diseases of the past such as polio and smallpox. But a recent investigative review put together by Jeffry John Aufderheide over at VacTruth.com explains not only why...
 | 1/4/2008 - "You wouldn't spray your child's head with an aerosol can of roach spray because they had head lice. But you might as well if you use those bottles of stuff you get from the drug store". That was a comment made by Steven Tvedten, President of PEST (Prevent Environmental Suicide Today), during the course...
 | 1/30/2007 - The waters off the Los Angeles County coast still possess high levels of DDT contamination, according to a recent report.
The report, released by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, shows that the pesticide, which companies dumped into the water soon after it was banned from use in the United...
| 9/5/2006 - Since the 1970s, scientists have known that when DDT accumulates in a woman's tissues it can be transmitted to her developing fetus across the placenta. Now, a new study led by a team of researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, has found that such in utero exposure is associated with developmental...
| 7/5/2006 - As Africa considers using the pesticide DDT to combat malaria-spreading mosquitoes, new research from the University of California at Berkley shows a link between the chemical and developmental delays in infants who were in utero when their mothers were exposed.
The researchers analyzed the blood...
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