Painkillers news, articles and information:
 | 11/1/2016 - When elderly patients with joint problems start taking common painkillers such as ibuprofen and naproxen, their risk of heart failure increases. This is the finding of a UK study published in the British Medical Journal. The study investigated 10 million people with an average age of 77 from the UK,...
 | 10/13/2016 - A leading pathologist is warning that one prescription painkiller is causing more deaths than cocaine and heroin.
The expert, Prof. Jack Crane – Northern Ireland's top pathologist – says Tramadol is currently "claiming more lives than any other drug," and as such ought to be upgraded...
 | 7/26/2016 - Use of many prescription drugs has plummeted following the legalization of medical marijuana, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Georgia and published in the journal Health Affairs.
The researchers found that Medicare prescriptions fell for conditions that can be...
 | 6/5/2016 - A good portion of Americans have been frightened into believing that having a gun in the home is a dangerous liability, but the truth is that you are far more likely to die if you have prescription opioids in your medicine cabinet than if you own a firearm.
Americans consume more prescription painkillers...
 | 3/28/2016 - Common painkillers are more dangerous than previously believed, especially for people with heart problems, cautions a new study.
NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) are frequently used to treat pain, fever, inflammation, headaches and arthritis. NSAIDs are not antibiotics, meaning that...
 | 3/25/2016 - In case you were wondering, dangerous opioid drugs cause addiction and can kill you. But the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is just now catching on to that.
"It is just staggering and heartbreaking to see the toll that abuse is taking," said Dr. Tom Frieden, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease...
 | 12/29/2015 - According to a survey conducted by the National Safety Council (NSC), a whopping 80 percent of employees in Indiana have felt the effects of prescription drug misuse and abuse. However, it's not just an Indiana issue, but one that is widespread across the United States. In fact, the president and CEO...
 | 9/2/2015 - In July, the FDA announced changes to the labels of nearly every medication in the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) class, warning that those drugs could cause fatal strokes and heart attacks even in young people with no known cardiovascular risk factors. Heart attacks could be triggered...
 | 8/15/2015 - A team from Vanderbilt University Medical Center has found that pregnant women who have been on opioid painkillers during pregnancy stand a higher chance of having small babies with birth complications or neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) -- better known as postnatal withdrawal syndrome.
NAS is...
 | 6/7/2015 - People taking antidepressants, tranquilizers and painkillers are all significantly more likely to kill another human being than similar people who are not taking those drugs, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Karolinsksa Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden, and published in the journal...
 | 4/28/2015 - The active ingredient in Tylenol might numb people's emotional reactions, according to a study conducted by researchers from Ohio State University and published in the journal Psychological Science.
"People who took acetaminophen didn't feel the same highs or lows as did the people who took placebos,"...
 | 9/12/2014 - Many Americans would argue that the U.S. is the greatest nation on Earth, a beacon of freedom and hope for the rest of the world to emulate. But when it comes to mental and physical quality of life here in the States, America appears to rank near the bottom, as evidenced by the nation's massive and...
 | 4/1/2014 - In a nation that seems to thrive on popping pills for a range of different health woes, it really should come as no surprise that deaths due to the overdosing of prescription drugs are on the rise in the United States, and will likely to continue to be so. Though there is a definite need for a number...
 | 1/2/2014 - Do you know what over-the-counter pharmaceuticals Tylenol, Excedrin, NyQuil, Theraflu and prescription painkillers Vicoden and Percocet have in common? They all contain an ingredient that has forced almost 80,000 ER (emergency room) visits, 26,000 hospitalizations and around 500 deaths annually.
 | 9/25/2012 - Taking a painkiller for that bad back or those bum knees? That could explain why you might be having so many headaches as well, according to new research from the United Kingdom.
According to doctors, up to one million people in the UK have "completely preventable" headaches that can be quite severe...
 | 9/24/2012 - According to a new report from Brandeis University, prescription painkillers -- opioid or narcotic pain relievers like Vicodin (hydrocodone), OxyContin (oxycodone), Opana (oxymorphone), and methadone -- are now responsible for more fatal overdoses in the U.S. than heroin and cocaine combined.
 | 3/30/2012 - As if some returning veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan didn't have enough problems already, many of them are now being prescribed risky painkillers that can have profoundly negative effects, especially for those with pre-existing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other physical ailments.
| 7/25/2011 - A single glass of pasteurized milk can contain a toxic chemical cocktail of 20 painkillers, antibiotics, and growth hormones, new research has shown. Using a highly sensitive test, scientists found drug-related chemicals used to treat human illness not only in cow milk, but in goat and human breast...
 | 4/28/2011 - A new report put forth by researchers from The Rockefeller University (RU) in New York City suggests that combining selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) like Prozac and Zoloft, with popular over-the-counter painkillers like aspirin and ibuprofen, can effectively weaken or negate the alleged...
| 11/2/2010 - Abuse of prescription painkillers continues to rise, according to a study conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
"We urgently need to take action," CDC Director Thomas Frieden said. "These prescription...
 | 10/26/2010 - A study conducted by researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has exposed drug factories as major sources of pharmaceutical pollution, revealing drug concentrations in the wastewater downstream of these factories more than a thousand times higher than those found in other wastewater.
| 12/31/2009 - Over-the-counter painkillers that are widely popular in the United Kingdom can become addictive with as little as three days of use, the country's Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has warned.
"We are really pleased that the MHRA are now sitting up and taking notice," said...
 | 4/3/2007 - The three most commonly used medicines in the United States - the painkillers acetaminophen, ibuprofen and aspirin - were found to increase the risk of high blood pressure in middle-aged men in a new study published in the "Archives of Internal Medicine."
Jump directly to: conventional view | alternative...
 | 11/27/2006 - Hard recreation drugs are being passed up many drug abusers in favor of prescription narcotics like morphine and OxyContin, according to a new study across seven Canadian cities.
A recent research report states that heroin continues to be the number-one illegal drug across cities such as Vancouver...
 | 10/25/2006 - Britain's Commission on Human Medicines is warning UK doctors that daily high doses of common painkillers such as ibuprofen may increase patients' risk of stroke and heart attack.
The British Medical Journal published research in June warning that prescription-strength daily doses of the painkillers...
| 8/3/2004 - New research published in the British Medical Journal is showing that arthritis creams used topically offer only temporary relief that fades within 2 weeks. This is the conclusion from a trial involving nearly 2000 patients, and it indicates that arthritis creams are basically useless. All they do is...
| 7/27/2004 - New research shows that long-term use of acetaminophen -- sold under the brand name Tylenol -- harms kidneys. This research was conducted on 1,700 women, and spanned 11 years. Overall, it showed that 10% of the women experienced a decline in their kidney function, indicating that their kidneys were...
| 11/19/2003 3:28:37 PM - A reported 40,000 people die each year from the use of over-the-counter painkillers like aspirin. This statistic goes largely unreported, of course, since it's not something the pharmaceutical industry wants people to know about. Think about it: each year, almost as many Americans die from OTC painkillers...
| See all 72 painkillers feature articles.Concept-related articles:Prescription drugs:The FDA:Oxycontin:FDA:Doctors:Herb:Prescription drug:Drugs:Drug:Ban:Prescription:Dangerous:Dangerous drugs:Pharmaceutical industry:Aspirin:NSAIDs:
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