Corruption news, articles and information:
 | 10/22/2016 - Donald J. Trump just delivered an historic speech that lays out his plan for the first 100 days in office.
Highlights are listed here. Actual quotes from Donald Trump shown in italics.
The system is totally rigged and broken.
The dishonest mainstream media is a major part of this corruption....
 | 9/3/2016 - The new executive director of the UN Environment Program (UNEP), Erik Solheim, recently laid out key issues that are currently facing the international community. One of these issues includes the pollution crisis, which is having disastrous effects worldwide.
Solheim told reporters in Geneva that...
 | 8/24/2016 - It is now abundantly obvious that if America is to survive as a nation of law and order, Hillary Clinton must be arrested, indicted and prosecuted for her deep corruption and criminal racketeering. Furthermore, every individual still supporting Hillary Clinton for President needs to be rudely reminded...
 | 6/5/2016 - America is being destroyed by a cancer. That cancer winds its way through the politics of the federal government, the sleazebag lying media (that hates America, by the way) and the runaway criminality of regulators like the EPA, FDA and CDC.
The cancer is CORRUPTION... yet that word doesn't even...
 | 4/16/2016 - An "Anonymous" YouTube user named "TheAnonMessage" has just announced #Op_Pharma, a coordinated effort to expose the "lies and corruption of the medical system" and Big Pharma. Click here for the video.
The video introduction uses clips from a documentary that includes the voice of the Health Ranger...
 | 8/10/2015 - After the events of the past week, I'm more convinced than ever that Donald Trump is going to run third party. I don't think that was his intention from the outset, but now that the totally corrupt GOP establishment is shoving him to the margins in every way possible (Mayhem Kelly, anyone?), running...
 | 7/10/2015 - I don't usually cover pure politics here on Natural News, but watching the surge of Bernie Sanders (on the left) and Donald Trump (on the right) is so refreshing that I had to share it with you. It turns out these two have a lot more in common than you might expect.
They're both independent-minded...
 | 7/8/2015 - Robert Kennedy, Jr. has been very vocal across the U.S. opposing bills to end exemptions. Below is a transcript from Kennedy's press conference in Trenton, New Jersey. He focused on the corruption, collusion and malfeasance at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It was a scathing report...
 | 4/20/2015 - It is said that people will get the kind of government they tolerate, no matter what sort of system they initially adopt. For an increasing number of Brazilians, however, their tolerance has run out; apparently, they can only take so much corruption.
Recently hundreds of thousands of Brazilians poured...
 | 5/20/2014 - Big Pharma giant GlaxoSmithKline is investigating allegations of bribery involving some of its Middle Eastern employees even as the company continues to probe other allegations of corruption in China.
According to emails obtained by The Wall Street Journal, a person familiar with the pharma's operations...
 | 8/21/2013 - The pervasiveness of Wall Street corruption was laid bare at the outset of the Great Recession of 2009, when scores of banks and financial institutions were bailed out, compliments of the U.S. taxpayer. Hundreds of billions of dollars were doled out after most teetered on collapse because of bad investments...
 | 8/10/2013 - The Benghazi murders. TSA groping at the airport. NSA spying on innocent Americans. Unlabeled genetically-modified organisms (GMOs). Illegal wars in the Middle East. Unlimited printing of fiat currency by the privately-owned Federal Reserve Bank. Everywhere you look these days, the federal occupying...
 | 7/9/2013 - Most people grow up using at least a handful of prescribed pharmaceuticals, trusting doctors and believing what the FDA reports as safe and in the best interests of the country. Not too many people have read the truth about how the FDA, the AMA and the CDC are all in bed together, conning Western world...
 | 6/4/2013 - Michael Taylor, MD, of Oxford University Press has laid it on the line when it comes to the fraud, moral corruption and pure quackery of American psychiatry.
In a recent article Dr. Taylor, author of The Decline of American Psychiatry, shows example after example of how American psychiatry is filled...
 | 4/6/2013 - Chicago, during the days it was ruled by Mayor John M. Daley and his Democratic political machine, was considered a hotbed of cronyism and corruption unequaled anywhere in the country (except, perhaps, in the nation's capital, where such "qualities" are practically a requirement). And while things may...
 | 11/2/2012 - The population at large is finally starting to wise up about breast cancer awareness, not so much as it pertains to the prevalence of the disease -- you would have to be burrowed up in a hole day and night to not be aware of the existence of breast cancer these days -- but rather in regards to how all...
 | 7/6/2012 - If you have ever wondered why junk food is almost always artificially cheap compared to healthy food, you need look no further than federal agriculture policy. Little do most people know that the federal government funnels billions of taxpayer dollars via the "Farm Bill" into large-scale crop systems...
 | 5/23/2012 2:05:45 PM - We all know that medical doctors are in fantasyland when they wear their white coats always hoping they would somehow sprout a halo or radiate some transcendental effulgence to make the process complete.
Unfortunately, we also know that when they come out of medical school, where Big Pharma funds...
 | 4/22/2012 - When pharmaceutical drugs and medical devices are approved for use in medicine by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), their safety and efficacy are typically not the primary factors considered during the decision-making process. As pointed out by the Office of Medical and Scientific Justice...
| 12/14/2011 - The article which originally appeared here has been removed because it is no longer aligned with the science-based investigative mission of Natural News. In late 2013 / early 2014, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of Natural News, transitioned from outspoken activist to environmental scientist....
 | 7/12/2011 - In what is perhaps the largest school cheating scandal in US history, the Atlanta Public Schools (APS) system is in very hot water after a 413-page investigative report released by Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal revealed that teachers and administrators from more than 75 percent of schools in district cheated...
| 1/27/2011 - Investigators working on behalf of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, a United Nations (UN) alternative funding organization, have found that much of the group's $21.7 billion development fund has been lost to corruption. The celebrity-endorsed financing institution's inspector...
| 11/20/2010 - The virtual clearing house of corruption for Big Pharma, the AMA, Agribusiness and Big Dairy in America, is the FDA. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has tentacles in all that`s wrong with medicine and food. It has the authority to incorporate other agencies for its tyrannical actions on organic...
| 11/20/2010 - Anywhere from a third to one-half or more FDA internal committee members have Big Pharma or Agribusiness financial ties. Often, key industry executives act as FDA consultants. These are classic foxes guarding hen house scenarios.
Add this to FDA`s user fee policy, where Big Pharma is allowed to fund...
 | 8/19/2010 - Thanks to a lone, holdout juror, former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich narrowly escaped being found guilty of trying to sell a U.S. Senate seat. He was found guilty on only one charge: Lying.
Stop the presses! A politician lied? Say it ain't so...
If that crime were widely prosecuted, there...
| 4/30/2010 - The World Health Organization (WHO) recently issued a fact sheet warning about the corruption and unethical practices that are endemic to every step of the pharmaceuticals business.
"Corruption in the pharmaceutical sector occurs throughout all stages of the medicine chain, from research and development...
| 2/16/2010 - Congressional investigation over the unethical relationships between doctors and drug companies has led to a change in policy at Partners HealthCare, a Boston based hospital system affiliated with Harvard Medical School, that prohibits its physicians who sit on the boards of various biotechnology and...
| 11/19/2009 - The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently released a report indicting the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for allowing health professionals convicted of crimes to perform research for the agency and to supervise patients' safety during clinical trials.
The FDA is required by...
 | 7/11/2007 - What's interesting about China's execution of its top FDA official (Zheng Xiaoyu) for accepting bribes from drug companies is not that China executed a corrupt official, it's that such harsh actions demonstrate, in contrast, the complete lack of action against corrupt FDA officials in the United States....
 | 6/22/2007 - The U.S. government, once crafted as a system that would serve the interests of the people, has devolved into a system of plutocracy where corporations control both the government and the people. Virtually every government regulatory department, for example, is now run by the corporations it is supposed...
 | 4/16/2007 - More than four out of five Americans think drug companies have too much influence over the Food and Drug Administration, and 84 percent believe that advertisements for prescription drugs with safety concerns should be outlawed, reveals a striking new survey from Consumer Reports.
The survey results,...
| 8/24/2006 - Commercial Alert released today the Honest Government Agenda, a set of fifteen reforms to clean up corruption in Congress and the executive branch.
“The Abramoff scandal shows us how Congress really works, and what we see is venal, mercenary and ugly,” said Gary Ruskin, executive director of Commercial...
 | 5/24/2006 - If you work for a drug company, federal regulator, health insurance company, hospital, junk food manufacturer or any other organization related to health, a new opportunity has surfaced for you to make a lasting difference. Truth Publishing is now connected with key organizations (that shall go unnamed)...
 | 1/10/2006 - Mike Espy, Spiro Agnew, the Bolsheviks -- why, even Thomas Edison participated in bribery. African American civil rights activist W.E.B. DuBois exposed the connections between bribery, exploitation and the "new capitalism" of his day; however, bribery was an epidemic even in ancient civilizations, widespread...
 | 7/7/2005 - In 2001, 2.8 billion prescriptions were filled in the United States for an average of 9.9 prescriptions per person. This statistic taken from Ultraprevention, by Drs. Mark Hyman and Mark Liponis, certainly supports their point that "drug industry prescriptions have gotten far out of hand." The overabundance...
 | 2/18/2005 - Following the death of as many as 60,000 Americans from COX-2 inhibitors (source: British Medical Journal, author Dr. David Graham, FDA drug safety researcher), an FDA advisory panel has now voted to allow the drugs to return to the market with full FDA safety approval. The fact that a single COX-2...
| 7/15/2004 - The new cholesterol lowering guidelines are proving to be a windfall for statin drug manufacturers like Pfizer and Merck: most news articles and medical advice concerning the new guidelines recommend drugs -- and drugs only -- to reduce cholesterol level. As a result, the guidelines are perhaps better...
| See all 112 corruption feature articles.Concept-related articles:Cancer:Chemotherapy:Drug companies:The FDA:FDA:Doctors:Blood:Patients:Treatment:Companies:Profits:Body:Juice:Drug:Color:Cost:
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