Tomatoes news, articles and information:
| 6/28/2016 - It is no longer a secret that a diet rich in organic fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of many diseases related to the aging process and our fast-paced modern lifestyle. Fresh produce is a crucial source of essential minerals, vitamins, fiber and a variety of bioactive molecules, or antioxidants,...
| 5/6/2016 - Could ketchup be the hero of American condiments? In the U.S., 97 percent of all households report having a bottle in their fridge. While the origin of ketchup is anything but American, we seem to love this overly processed sauce.
Today, the main ingredient in ketchup is generally known to be tomatoes,...
| 12/4/2015 - What do you get when you splice the genes of an eel into the genes of a salmon to make it twice as big, and then eat it? Who knows, right? And what do you get when you put the genes of a flounder into the seeds of the tomato plant so the tomato will survive colder temperatures, such as during frosts?...
| 6/18/2015 - If you are a tomato lover, whether you chop them up for a salad, eat them whole as a juicy snack or cook them for a sauce recipe, you can be assured you are boosting your overall health in addition to enjoying their yummy goodness. Studies show that tomatoes fight the formation of free radicals (known...
| 5/31/2015 - Sun-drying is not only the oldest and simplest method of preserving food, it's also the cheapest and most environmentally-friendly choice. Humans have been using solar power to dry fruit, vegetables and meat for thousand of years, and the technique works just as well today, especially if you live in...
| 5/17/2015 - With spring in full swing, gardeners across North America have been busily tending to their gardens to prepare for another year of successful food production. Whether you are a seasoned gardener or just planting for the first time, there are always some tricks that can help make your garden the best...
| 4/11/2015 - The Food Rising Mini-Farm Grow Boxes are really rocking! As the pictures reveal below, I've been able to grow strawberries, peppers, tomatoes, lettuce, micro greens and much more using the Food Rising grow systems (now available at while exerting almost no effort at all.
The Food...
| 2/20/2015 2:30:48 PM - As technology advances, the development of ridiculous and mostly useless gadgets soar, many of which only receive attention due to their bizarreness. While wearable technology has grown increasingly popular, this latest invention leaves you wondering whether such a product will ever be in demand.
| 8/31/2014 - In 2014 alone, an estimated 233,000 men will receive a prostate cancer diagnosis, and nearly 30,000 of them will die from the disease. Prostate cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer among men worldwide, after lung or bronchial cancer, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...
| 8/7/2014 - Did yo know that tomatoes are the most popular vegetable grown in the world? They are hardy summer plants that give a high yield when taken care of properly. Tomatoes are loaded with many health benefits and life enhancing properties. They are a rich source of vitamins A and C and folic acid. Tomatoes...
| 6/14/2014 - Tomatoes -- that acidic fruit which tastes much more like a vegetable -- are very versatile in the kitchen. They can be added to sauces, soups and salads as well as eaten fresh from the vine. In addition to lots of added flavor, using tomatoes infuses foods with bright colors that make dishes as visually...
| 4/11/2014 - Carotenoids are what cause some fruits and vegetables to have bright colors, such as yellow, orange and red. Lycopene is the carotenoid that gives tomatoes their rich colors and is one of the most popular carotenoids found in the diets of many Americans and Europeans. Many carotenoids enable the body...
| 2/10/2014 - Genetically modified (GM) purple tomatoes are back, and British "Frankenscientists" want you and your family to consume them as a way to avoid developing cancer - seriously. Researchers from the U.K.'s John Innes Centre (JIC) are boldly claiming, based on laughably flimsy evidence, that GM purple tomatoes...
| 1/5/2014 - A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is one of the best ways to reduce your risk of cancer, and numerous studies have suggested that tomatoes in particular have a strong cancer-preventing effect. People whose diets contain more tomatoes have been shown to develop cancers at significantly lower rates,...
| 1/3/2014 - If you were to ask the vast majority of young and middle-aged adults if the type of foods they regularly consume had any effect on their risk of developing a host of different forms of cancer, most would indicate a passive ignorance, as they blindly believe that risk is predetermined by their genetic...
| 12/22/2013 - While the debate over whether tomatoes are a fruit, berry or vegetable rages on, their health benefits are well known. Their lycopene content has been linked to a reduction in the risk of certain types of cancers like stomach, oral and prostate cancer. They have even been shown to improve cardiovascular...
| 12/12/2013 - Heirloom tomatoes (also called heritage tomatoes) are tomatoes that have been passed down from generation to generation within a family, usually because they have desirable characteristics that the growers wish to maintain.
The term "heirloom" in application to plants was coined by Kent Whealy of...
| 9/29/2013 - Sauced, stuffed, deep-fried, or au natural - tomatoes are a key part of many people's diets. Now, new research suggests that eating this juicy fruit and its products could lower the risk of stroke in men, making it much more than a delicious ingredient.
Researchers at the University of Eastern Finland...
| 9/13/2013 - Tomatoes are quickly gaining recognition and acceptance for being a superfood in their own right. Eating tomatoes is great because this food has plenty of health benefits: It contains high amounts of lycopene, which is deemed to have antioxidant function; its a rich source of potassium; it is high in...
| 8/28/2013 - Men who like pizza, pasta with red sauce, and lasagna have a new excuse to eat more of those dishes upon discovering that lycopene in tomato sauce promotes prostate health. This news has been around for some time.
Recent testing with lycopene from mostly tomato or tomato sauce sources has discovered...
| 7/31/2013 - The first commercially available, genetically modified crop was the tomato, which first made its debut in the United States in 1994 but which disappeared soon after under a cloud of controversy. New, giant breeds of GM tomatoes; however, are set to make a comeback at a grocery store near you, but not...
| 6/7/2013 - Growing up, your mother implored you to "eat your fruits and vegetables." You likely grew up with those same values because the both of you always know that fruits and vegetables are good for you.
Through better, more comprehensive research, we are beginning to learn more and more about just how...
| 4/30/2013 - Did you know that there are natural ways to lower your blood pressure safely and effectively? Scientific studies have shown that both ordinary tomatoes and the naturally occurring substance CoQ10 can provide benefits to people with high blood pressure.
Tomatoes and lycopeneOne study on the blood...
| 3/8/2013 - Organic tomatoes really are better for you, and they taste better to boot, according to the findings of a recent study conducted by researchers from the Federal University of Ceara, Brazil and published in the journal PLOS ONE.
Although most consumers assume that organic fruits and vegetables have...
| 1/9/2013 - A Finnish medical study conducted in the Kuopio region of Finland, the Kuopio Ischaemic* Heart Disease Risk Factor (KIHD), was conducted by the University of Eastern Finland in Kuopio and reported in the European Journal of Public Health December of 2012. * (ischaemic - lacking blood)
The study took...
| 11/18/2012 - Forget spirulina, pomegranates, blueberries, and the host of other natural "superfoods" with incredible nutritive and healing powers -- the biotechnology industry has developed a new purple "Frankentomato" that it claims can single-handedly halt inflammation, stop plaque buildup in arteries, and even...
| 10/28/2012 - You might just want to slice up a few extra organic tomatoes every day and throw them in your meals for added heart health, based on the findings of a new study published in the journal Neurology. Researchers out of Finland recently discovered that lycopene, a carotenoid antioxidant prominently found...
| 10/17/2012 - Stroke continues to rank as the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S., permanently disabling and needlessly taking the lives of hundreds of thousands of adults every year. Recent studies have demonstrated that the risk of stroke can be lowered by following simple lifestyle changes including regular...
| 10/11/2012 - According to Finnish researchers, a diet rich in carotenoids such as lycopene and beta-carotene may significantly lower the risk of stroke for men. Higher concentrations of carotenoids in the blood were associated with as much as a 55-59 percent decrease in the likelihood of having a stroke during the...
| 3/25/2011 - Tomatoes are one of the most popular food items in the typical American diet, yet few realize the powerful health-promoting benefits of this bright red fruit. Tomatoes yield a high concentration of the antioxidant lycopene, known to dramatically lower the risk from certain forms of cancer and heart...
| 5/13/2010 - Tomatoes have well-documented health benefits. The red pigment contained in tomatoes is called lycopene which acts as an antioxidant, neutralizing free radicals that can damage cells in the body. Tomatoes also contain large amounts of vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium and iron. Growing tomatoes at home...
| 12/28/2008 - Have you had your lycopene today? If you ate a green salad with fresh chopped tomatoes, then you not only got a healthy dose of this powerful antioxidant, but you have also taken significant action toward lowering your blood pressure. A 2006 double-blind study conducted in Israel has confirmed what...
| 7/11/2008 - Watching the FDA trip over its own clumsy self while groping for answers on Salmonella is a sad affair. Following the FDA-encouraged destruction of tens of millions of dollars of perfectly good tomatoes, this confused, bewildered agency admits that tomatoes may not have been the problem after all, and...
| 5/11/2008 - At some point in our lives we have all suffered from physical insecurities, thanks to the unwitting comments of the people around us, our faulty habit of comparing ourselves to others, and mainstream media's rigid standards of beauty. Depending on our environment, upbringing, and self-image we have...
| 4/29/2008 - Yesterday I was working in London, and as I waited for the bus I saw a sign that said "One man in Britain dies from Prostate Cancer every hour." As my dad, grandfather and great grandfather have all had Prostate cancer, it is of particular interest to me.
Combine these two Super Foods for Super Power
| 2/12/2007 - New research suggests that the human body absorbs lycopene better from orange-colored tomatoes than from the more popular red varieties.
Lycopene is an antioxidant commonly found in tomatoes and other red- or pink-colored foods, including watermelon, papaya, rosehips, and pink grapefruit or guava....
| 1/17/2007 - A recent University of Illinois study found that eating broccoli and tomato daily – both foods that already hold cancer-fighting properties – act as an effective one-two punch to fight prostate cancer in men.
"When tomatoes and broccoli are eaten together, we see an additive effect. We think it's...
| 9/28/2006 - Tomato extracts can boost heart health by deleting the accumulation of platelets that eventually lead to blood clots, heart attacks and strokes, according to two complimentary studies from British researchers. They say the aggregation of platelets is one of the three major components of heart disease.
| 7/17/2004 - Want to know how to beat prostate cancer? Your physician will probably tell you to take prescription drugs. That's the no-brainer answer from a professional who has been all but brainwashed by the pharmaceutical industry. But the real answer is far simpler and a lot less expensive: eat large quantities...
| See all 57 tomatoes feature articles.Concept-related articles:Diet:Pizza:Pasta:Nutrition:Cancer:Cancer prevention:Prevention:Disease prevention:Prescription drugs:Healing foods:Phytochemicals:Phytonutrients:Prostate cancer:Broccoli:Grocery healing:Lycopene:
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