Results news, articles and information:
![](gallery/640/Misc/Chris-Wallace-Donald-Trump.jpg) | 10/20/2016 - If the American masses were just a little bit more awakened, they could see all this without hesitation. The scripting of debate questions to push a narrative of actual conspiracy to steal the U.S. election is blatantly obvious. Remember during the second debate when CNN's Anderson Cooper repeatedly...
![](gallery/640/Misc/Consumer-Wellness-Shilajit-Heavy-Metals-Results.jpg) | 9/21/2016 - The non-profit Consumer Wellness Center has just published heavy metals tests results for eight of the most popular brands of Shilajit, a black tar-like substance that oozes out from between the rocks of mountains. See published results here. Many U.S. dietary supplement consumers are eating Shilajit...
![](gallery/640/EditorialUse/Editorial-Use-Hillary-Clinton-Crazy.jpg) | 8/24/2016 - As biased as The New York Times has been against Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump, the paper has been equally biased in favor of his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton. Even to the point where Times' editors are willing to risk our national security and survival as a country which, frankly,...
![](gallery/640/Misc/American-Flag-Water-Sample.jpg) | 6/19/2016 - Americans sat in front of their television screens in horror when it was revealed that children were being poisoned by lead-contaminated water in Flint, MI. These reports provoked concerns about the quality of public drinking water on a national scale. In an effort to address these concerns, forensic...
![](gallery/640/Science/Lab-Results-Vial.jpg) | 6/3/2016 - She was once a billion dollar baby but now she's just known as a phony.
As reported by Zero Hedge, the largest-ever "multi-billion" private firm is now at risk of being targeted by regulators, criminal investigators and enforcers of the federal kind – an investigation that could end in jail...
![](gallery/640/Science/Science-Experiment-Lab-Testing-Beaker-Liquid.jpg) | 5/9/2016 - I wanted to give everybody an update on some of the key projects we're pursuing right now: Our science laboratory, the EPA watch water test results, our "Nutrition Rescue" vitamin C donations, and the status of our Ranger Buckets (storable organic food).
For starters, thank you for all your water...
![](gallery/640/Drink/Faucet-Water3.jpg) | 5/4/2016 - In recent days so-called "smoking gun" evidence has surfaced in the Flint, Michigan, lead contamination scandal. The Guardian is reporting that a state environmental official suggested that a water collection technician who was gathering samples for a suburban Detroit private water system 'bump out'...
![](gallery/640/Misc/CWCLabs-EPA-Water-Samples.jpg) | 4/11/2016 - We've just finished testing the first 100 water samples we received from Natural News readers via our EPA Watch program to monitor the nation's municipal water supplies. Because the EPA knowingly lies about lead contamination in water -- and because state water testing agencies routinely commit scientific...
![](gallery/640/Science/Periodic-Table-Lead-Element-Heavy-Metal.jpg) | 1/19/2016 1:10:52 PM - The evolution of a depressed, angry generation accelerates as the slow, steady mutilation of their minds increases. Brain cells are being shot to pieces silently, by weapons of mass destruction hidden in the waterways. An entire population is under attack. The violence is taking place out of sight....
![](gallery/640/LawEnforcement/Drunk-Driver-Test-Police.jpg) | 1/10/2016 - Most sane people – even a significant percentage of law enforcement authorities – now freely admit that the War on Drugs has been a complete and utter failure.
It's been a costly war, both in financial and human terms. Millions of Americans are serving time in prison for minor non-violent...
![](gallery/640/Misc/Zeolite-Myths-Busted.jpg) | 11/2/2015 - Much of what we've all been told about zeolites over the years is a myth. Sadly, even articles published on Natural News have inadvertently repeated this myth, although I am now directing staff to update all zeolite articles on Natural News to reflect the latest scientific findings I'm releasing on...
![](gallery/640/Misc/Zeolite-Powder-Food-Lab.jpg) | 10/29/2015 - After publishing a short story yesterday that warned about high lead and aluminum levels in zeolites (while also pointing out the clinical use of zeolites for blocking cesium-137), I awoke today to a stream of legal threats from a zeolite manufacturer who didn't like what I had to say.
I'm used to...
![](gallery/640/Misc/News-Domain-Names.jpg) | 7/17/2015 - If you ever wanted to run your own news site, blog site or public opinion web page, your opportunity has now arrived. A valuable new top-level domain has just been announced this week called ".NEWS". It's a new alternative to .com, .net, .org and other top-level domains, and it makes instant sense to...
![](gallery/articles/Good-Gopher-logo-640.jpg) | 5/28/2015 - The official beta launch announcement is here! The world's first privacy-protecting search engine that bans corporate propaganda and government disinformation is now ready for webmasters to submit their sites for indexing. The name of the new search engine? Good Gopher! (
![](gallery/640/Infographics/Vaccine-Circular-Logic.jpg) | 2/5/2015 - While the mainstream media is busy making a mockery of itself with runaway hysteria "witch hunt" hate speech against parents who choose not to poison their children with toxic vaccines, the real story on the measles outbreak remains entirely unreported in any mainstream media outlet.
What story is...
![](gallery/640/Medical/Vaccine-Insanity.jpg) | 1/25/2015 - While the vaccine industry is exploiting the Disneyland measles outbreak to call for widespread MMR vaccination, nobody in the mainstream media is telling you how the MMR vaccine clinical trial results were faked by Big Pharma in yet another example of runaway scientific fraud by the vaccine industry.
![](gallery/640/Science/Test-Tubes-Science-Experiment.jpg) | 12/11/2014 - One of the problems with pharmaceuticals (as opposed to most natural remedies) is the fact that, whenever you swallow a pill or receive an injection, you are forced to place your trust in whoever manufactured the medication.
There is no way to determine beforehand whether or not the dose you are...
![](gallery/640/Misc/Water-Filter-Labs.jpg) | 11/12/2014 - Every household should have at least one gravity water filter that doesn't need electricity to function, but which water filters perform the best when it comes to removing toxic elements and heavy metals?
To help answer the question, Natural News has published detailed results of the scientific testing...
![](gallery/640/Misc/Water-Filter-Heavy-Metals-Testing.jpg) | 8/20/2014 - As promised, we've now published the results from testing countertop water filters for their ability to remove toxic heavy metals and elements with radioactive isotopes. The brands we tested are:
* Zero Water
* Pur
* Brita
* Seychelle
* Culligan
* Mavea
* Waterman Portable Alkaline Water Purifier
![](gallery/640/Misc/Cacao-Powder-Test-Results.jpg) | 6/12/2014 - Both and the Natural News Forensic Food Lab have simultaneously confirmed high levels of the toxic heavy metal cadmium in cacao powder products. High levels of lead have also been found by Natural News in one brand of cacao powder.
Takeaway points from this research:
• High...
![](gallery/640/Science/Scientist-Lab.jpg) | 5/23/2014 - If the findings of biomedical research tend to apply poorly in real-world environments, despite the "documented results" of controlled lab experiments, the scientific world has just been shocked to find out (at least one of the reasons) why.
In the paper titled, "The effects of experimenter gender...
![](gallery/300X250/Animals/Kitty-Cat.jpg) | 4/21/2014 - My food science research in the Natural News Forensic Food Labs has turned up yet another alarming discovery... and this time, it's about pet treats that may be poisoning your dogs and cats with toxic heavy metals.
Over the last several months, I've been testing popular brands of pet treats sold...
![](gallery/300X250/Science/Scientist-Microscope-Lab-Test.jpg) | 4/20/2014 - An Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) analysis published recently in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that medical researchers very often presented the findings of their clinical trials in a different way on a federal government website then they did in the medical journals where their studies...
![](gallery/articles/Perfect-fit-protein.jpg) | 3/7/2014 - Unlike whey protein, hemp protein and pea protein, every rice protein product we've tested so far has been found to contain significant levels of lead and cadmium, along with varying levels of the heavy metal tungsten. This has been found true across the product category, regardless of the product packaging...
![](gallery/300x250/Misc/Iodine-Bottles-Lab-Test.jpg) | 2/18/2014 - The latest heavy metals analysis by the Health Ranger, editor of Natural News, shows that all liquid iodine supplements tested were remarkably clean of toxic heavy metals including lead, arsenic, cadmium and mercury.
Products and brands tested include:
- J Crow's Iodine
- Magnascent Nascent Iodine
![](gallery/300X250/Government/US-Senate-Building-Congress-Meeting-Law-America-Flag.jpg) | 2/17/2014 - A new federal rule to be issued by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will make calling your physician's office for your lab results a thing of the past.
The rule, which was first proposed by the Obama administration in 2011, will give patients direct access to their results. As reported...
![](gallery/300x250/Misc/Heavy-Metals-Lab-Results-Seeweed-Sea-Vegetables.jpg) | 2/11/2014 - Continuing our mission to inform and empower consumers with heavy metals transparency for foods and superfoods, Natural News has just published heavy metals laboratory testing results for over 20 seaweed and sea vegetable products.
All results are available at the Natural News Forensic Food Lab,...
![](gallery/300X250/Food/Powders-Protein.jpg) | 2/8/2014 - It's been a whirlwind week of activity on heavy metals in rice protein. Over the last week, here's a summary of what happened:
• Natural News released exclusive breaking news on tungsten, cadmium and lead in rice protein products.
• Over a million grassroots readers and food advocates...
![](gallery/300x250/Logos/Garden-of-Life.jpg) | 2/4/2014 - UPDATE: The story which originally appeared here is now irrelevant and has been replaced with this groundbreaking, history-making announcement:
I'm thrilled today to be able to announcing a groundbreaking "industry accord" agreement which will have dramatic, positive ramifications for the future...
![](gallery/articles/sproutein_protein.jpg) | 1/27/2014 - Responding to urgent requests from our readers to let them know which vegan proteins we've tested so far are showing the better results, we've begun posting protein product results at Many readers were overjoyed when we posted our very positive lab results for One World Whey protein...
![](gallery/300x250/Products/One-World-Whey-Protein-Powders.jpg) | 1/22/2014 - IMPORTANT UPDATE APRIL 18, 2014: Based on a product investigation, Natural News has now been informed that sales of the current production lot of One World Whey Protein will be halted by its manufacturer, Synergistic Nutrition.
What we now know for certain is that the label of the product is incorrect....
![](gallery/articles/Clean_Superfoods_Lab_tests.jpg) | 1/14/2014 - Word is spreading about -- the place where you can now get heavy metals test results for foods, superfoods, herbs, spices, supplements and much more! Although we've only posted about 20 products so far, we're posting new products almost every day, and some of the results are quite...
![](gallery/300x250/Logos/NaturalNews-Science-Logo.jpg) | 1/7/2014 - In conjunction with the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center (, Natural News ( has begun publishing heavy metals lab reports for off-the-shelf food products. With industrial pollution worsening and many "organic" foods now imported from China, heavy metals and toxic...
![](gallery/300X250/Business/Business-Signs-World-Wide-Web.jpg) | 9/7/2013 - If you're like me, you think Google is a double-edged sword: Very handy search engine when you're looking up a product, searching for a football fact, referencing a news story or trying to find a recipe, but a site that returns far too much useless "noise" when you're trying to, say, conduct research...
![](gallery/300x250/Misc/Clean-Chlorella-Lab-Test.jpg) | 5/23/2013 - As Natural News readers know, we recently announced the availability of Clean Chlorella and explained how it was cleanest chlorella on the planet. Today I'm happy to share with you the actual lab test results which have now been repeated across multiple production batches. These results show the astonishing...
![](gallery/300X250/Science/Dna-Lab-Tech.jpg) | 5/3/2013 - Most Americans have little-to-no medical training whatsoever, so it's nigh-on impossible for them to figure out what is and is not "normal," in terms of lab results and so forth.
What's more, your doctor may not be providing you with complete information either, regarding what is and is not "normal"...
![](gallery/300X250/Food/Brown-Rice-In-Glass-Container.jpg) | 4/21/2013 - A recent scientific paper that concluded imported rice was heavily contaminated with lead has been suddenly withdrawn by its author. Natural News has confirmed from the author, Monmouth University Chemistry Professor Tsanangurayi Tongesayi, that the paper is "recalled until further notice."
The paper,...
![](gallery/articles/Sandy-Hook-United-Way-page.jpg) | 1/11/2013 - The article which originally appeared here has been removed because it is no longer aligned with the science-based investigative mission of Natural News. In late 2013 / early 2014, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of Natural News, transitioned from outspoken activist to environmental scientist....
![](gallery/dir/Celebrities/RonPaul-Enough-Video.jpg) | 11/17/2012 - Ron Paul's recent farewell speech is arguably the single most important speech in American history. Dr. Paul lays out the fatal problems facing America while pulling no punches. This speech is a must-read piece by anyone who seeks to understand the real reasons why America remains in a downward spiral...
![](gallery/dir/concepts/Atoms-Mind-Consciousness.jpg) | 7/10/2012 - The recent discovery of the Higgs particle -- the "God" particle -- will go down in the history of science as one of the greatest discoveries ever made. But what was discovered, exactly? Was it a discovery of a "particle" that grants mass to other elements of matter, or was it the discovery that thousands...
![](gallery/dir/Medical/Merck-Document.jpg) | 6/28/2012 - Breaking news: According to two Merck scientists who filed a False Claims Act complaint in 2010 -- a complaint which has just now been unsealed -- vaccine manufacturer Merck knowingly falsified its mumps vaccine test data, spiked blood samples with animal antibodies, sold a vaccine that actually promoted...
![](gallery/dir/Animals/Roosters-Chickens-Hens.jpg) | 6/4/2012 - Following our coverage of Sharon Palmer, owner of Healthy Family Farms, and James Stewart, the "raw milk man" and founder of Rawesome Foods in California, I received a tip from an anonymous source. The tip said that I was defending the wrong parties. The source stated that Sharon Palmer was a fraud...
![](gallery/articles/RonPaul.jpg) | 9/8/2011 - The article which originally appeared here has been removed because it is no longer aligned with the science-based investigative mission of Natural News. In late 2013 / early 2014, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of Natural News, transitioned from outspoken activist to environmental scientist....
| 2/18/2011 - Alternative practitioners have been advocating a dietary approach for ADHD children with the understanding that chemical food additives, intestinal permeability and processed foods have a dramatic impact on brain function. The medical community has been slow to recognize this connection despite the...
| 2/16/2011 - Fibromyalgia is a chronic ailment without a known cause and without a safe, effective conventional medical treatment. However, the three to six million Americans who suffer with fibromyalgia will be pleased to know that several studies published in leading medical journals have found outstanding results...
| 10/5/2010 - Personal genetic testing company 23andMe has admitted that it mixed up the results of nearly 100 customers' tests, delivering incorrect information to them about ancestry and supposed disease risk.
The company, which is funded by Google and Genentech, has customers send in a saliva swab and then...
![](gallery/articles/Scientific-Formulas.jpg) | 9/2/2010 - As someone with a good deal of education in scientific thinking and the scientific method, I have put considerable effort into attempting to find any real scientific evidence backing the widespread use of influenza vaccines (flu season shots). Before learning about nutrition and holistic health, I was...
![](gallery/articles/Woman-Measure-Stomach.jpg) | 7/15/2010 - High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is hard to avoid if you eat processed foods -- it's used to sweeten soft drinks, candy bars, bread, salad dressings, fruit drinks and thousands of other items. But it's worth the effort to read labels and avoid the stuff. The reason? Research has mounted over the past...
![](gallery/articles/Results_150.jpg) | 5/14/2010 - The drug industry is constantly trying to convince you that drugs are good for your health while nutritional supplements and healthy foods are somehow bad for you. This same line of nonsense is also repeated by the FDA, which goes out of its way to censor the truth about the healing properties of natural...
![](gallery/articles/Bestof2009.jpg) | 1/8/2010 - The votes have been cast: It's time to announce the results of the NaturalNews Reader's Choice "Best of 2009" Awards!
These awards are given to the top companies and products in seven categories: Best Health Products Retailer, Best Herbal Product Line, Best Natural Protein, Best Skin Care Line, Best...
| 11/20/2009 - In more than 7 percent of cases, doctors fail to report negative, abnormal or suspicious test results to their patients, according to a study conducted by researchers from Weill Cornell Medical College and published in the Archives of Internal Medicine.
"If you're a patient, it's often assumed that...
| 11/12/2009 - Of all the available treatments for infertility, acupuncture isn't one that people usually think of first. But as you'll see here, it's actually one of the safest and most effectiveness treatments for infertility known to modern science.
Why does it work so well? Because infertility isn't usually...
| 7/8/2009 - As many as one in four patients are not informed of abnormal medical results, with potentially fatal consequences, according to a new study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine.
Research headed by Dr Lawrence Casalino, chief of the Division of Outcomes and Effectiveness Research in the...
| 5/7/2009 - According to a 2009 review from The Cochrane Collaboration, an international not-for-profit and independent medical organization, stimulation of the acupuncture point P-6 (Pericardium-6) significantly reduces the symptoms of nausea and vomiting after surgery. The review was published in the second 2009...
| 3/16/2009 - The entire process of undergoing conventional medical testing for cancer can, by itself, be a very traumatic and health-damaging experience. This was affirmed by a study recently published in the journal Radiology, which found that the stress and anxiety arising from waiting for one's breast biopsy...
| 3/12/2009 - The culture of deceit and fraud that permeates conventional medicine became even more apparent today with the announcement that Howard Richman, the former vice president of a pharmaceutical company named Biopure, faked his own cancer and even impersonated a doctor in order to convince a federal judge...
| 1/28/2009 - Like with many other great things, hypnotherapy can be categorized into 2 different subcategories. They are hetero-hypnosis and self-hypnosis. The key to understanding the difference between the two can be the key to a successful session and subsequently, successful results.
Hetero-hypnosis is defined...
![](gallery/comstock/Red-confidential-several.jpg) | 9/4/2008 - Documents on the FDA Web site reveal that pharmaceutical companies Merck and Schering-Plough conducted numerous safety studies on the popular cholesterol drug Zetia but did not publish the results, which suggested that the drug may cause liver damage when mixed with statins.
Zetia is a trade name...
![](gallery/webseed/meeting-money.jpg ) | 8/26/2008 - In yet another example of pharmaceutical hubris, Biopure has ballyhooed a study it financed, claiming it shows that their product is successful and safe. Reading the study itself, though, shows a completely different result:
* The death rate was 1-2/3 times higher in those who received artificial...
![](gallery/comstock/folders-foreground-computer.jpg) | 8/20/2008 - More than 30 percent of studies conducted on antidepressant drugs go unpublished, apparently because they fail to show that the drug works as advertised, according to a new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
In addition, published studies often interpret the data as more favorable...
![](gallery/Webseed/Kids.jpg) | 7/24/2008 - No benefit exists in using the highly toxic drugs for eczema pushed by conventional medicine. Homeopathy has better results without the use of harmful products. A peer-reviewed journal reports that there is no reason to subject your children to life-threatening steroids for eczema.
The report, published...
![](gallery/webseed/happytreadmill.jpg) | 7/9/2008 - This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's The Healthiest Year of Your Life, which can be found at ( . In this excerpt, Jill Fleming shares on weight loss results; how to achieve them and how to keep them.
The Healthiest Year of Your Life with Jill Fleming,...
![](gallery/webseed/happyfriendsdining.jpg) | 7/1/2008 - This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's The Healthiest Year of Your Life, which can be found at ( . In this excerpt, Richard DiCenso shares amazing stories of results through nutrition.
The Healthiest Year of Your Life with Richard DiCenso, a leading...
![](gallery/Webseed/Surgeons.jpg) | 6/4/2008 - If you have been in an accident during the last ten years, you could have been a guinea pig for a medical product without even being told –- and the FDA approved it. The products are artificial blood, several types produced by different pharmaceutical corporations. Perfectly good human blood could have...
![](gallery/webseed/laser-eye.jpg) | 6/3/2008 - Perfect vision without glasses or contacts sounds wonderful. Before considering having Lasik surgery, though, it would be wise to ask how many people actually do have good results and how many will suffer bad effects years after Lasik surgery. The advertisements give the impression that it's a perfectly...
![](gallery/webseed/sick-woman.jpg) | 5/30/2008 - Asthma symptoms worsen on withdrawal of the drug Accolate (zafirlukast). Benefits are seen for only the first five weeks, after which symptoms return to their original state within seven weeks. These eye-opening results were reported in a well-designed Australian study published by the Journal of Negative...
![](gallery/webseed/herbconsult.jpg) | 5/1/2008 - Scientists have uncovered the therapeutic properties of bitter melon, a vegetable and traditional Chinese medicine, that make it a powerful treatment for Type 2 diabetes.
Teams from the Garvan Institute of Medical Research and the Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica pulped roughly a ton of fresh...
![](gallery/webseed/brain.jpg) | 4/19/2008 - During the concentration of prayer, the encompassing peace as we draw near death, a mystical revelation, or the sense that God is talking to us, we experience the most intense experiences of our lives. Since the beginning of time, people have imbued such experiences with religious significance. But...
![](gallery/comstock/Survey-Tablet-Computer.jpg) | 4/9/2008 - Last week, we posted a survey asking our readers to rate the "trustworthiness" of various health news websites, as well as the personality traits of some of the more notable invididuals in the industry, including Dr. Gary Null, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dr. Stephen Barrett (the Quackwatch doc) and several...
![](gallery/articles/lyingstats01.jpg) | 1/16/2008 - (NaturalNews opinion) The latest round of scientific fraud from Big Pharma arrives in the form of yet more junk science conducted by Merck on its blockbuster cholesterol drug Vytorin. Results of a clinical trial involving the drug were finally released this week, nearly two years after they were known...
![](gallery/articles/MikeAdams.jpg) | 1/2/2008 - As the realization that 2008 has arrived finally hits home, it's time to pause for a moment (but not for too long, or you might still think you're on vacation) and consciously consider your plan for 2008. What results do you wish to accomplish this year?
Do you wish to be healthier, happier and more...
![](gallery/Comstock/White-house-flag.jpg) | 9/19/2007 - The White House is taking steps to kill the FDA reform legislation recently passed in the House of Representatives that would require drug companies to publicly post clinical trial results so that doctors, researchers and the public could review them. According to a report in Inside Health Policy, the...
![](gallery/fotolia/sad-girl.jpg) | 1/31/2007 - The BBC television series Panorama accused pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline this week of covering test results that link the antidepressant, Paxil, with increased suicidal tendencies in teens.
Paxil, Seroxat or Paroxetine, as the drug is generically known, is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor...
![](gallery/fotolia/stacks-of-cash.jpg) | 1/16/2007 - Studies of beverages such as juice, soda and milk that are sponsored by the beverage industry are four to eight times more likely return favorable results than studies funded by non-industry sponsors, according to new research appearing in the online journal PloS Medicine.
Researchers from Children's...
![](gallery/fotolia/delete-key.jpg) | 12/1/2006 - Researchers rarely publish negative research results in mainstream medical journals, and even purposely suppress results that fail to prove links between diseases and drugs or genes, according to the Wall Street Journal's Sharon Begley.
To combat scientists' reluctance to publish negative results,...
| 10/12/2006 - Elevated cholesterol levels and liver enzyme levels appear to be more common than previously thought among patients taking the acne medication isoretinoin, including those who had normal blood test results before beginning therapy, according to a report in the August issue of Archives of Dermatology,...
![](gallery/interviews/EricHead.jpg) | 8/24/2006 - Steve Diaz: I'm speaking with Eric Head. He's the director of business development for Foresee Results, which is a company that uses the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) to integrate customer information for online retailers. Is that correct?
Eric Head: Yes. We essentially use customer...
| 7/27/2006 - Tour de France winner Floyd Landis has tested positive for higher-than-normal levels of testosterone during the race, his Swiss-based racing team announced Thursday.
Landis failed a test during the 17th stage of the race, during which he made a significant comeback to jump from 11th place to third...
![](gallery/PhotosCom/Fitness/Exercise/19183912.jpg) | 7/7/2006 - There's a great tendency in our society to look at the results of individuals who have achieved some sort of health outcome, and then to ignore all the effort that went into the creation of those results. We especially see this with professional athletes and celebrities. On television and in the media...
| 6/29/2006 - -- The former head of Merck & Co.'s research labs testified in a California Vioxx trial that the drug company failed to inform the FDA of two studies showing that Vioxx users were more likely to die than patients given a placebo.
Dr. Edward Scolnick testified in a videotaped deposition that he did...
![](gallery/people/MindBody/596063.jpg) | 6/1/2006 - When I first heard the news about the clinical results of Jon Barron's Glucotor formula, I was ecstatic. Having interviewed Jon Barron several times and recommended many of his products, I know that Barron is a genuine pioneer in the field of nutritional medicine. He's always ahead of the curve, formulating...
![](gallery/PhotosCom/Business/19184540.jpg) | 4/13/2006 - This is part three of the analysis of the NaturalNews readers' survey. The total number of responses for this section was 582. Here we asked people to rate whether their use of this health-enhancing information was positively impacting their work performance. The answer has come back as a resounding...
![](gallery/People/MindBody/596036.jpg) | 4/12/2006 - This is part two of the NaturalNews survey results analysis, continuing with healthy actions and healthy results. Sixty-five point four percent of NaturalNews readers reported experiencing an improvement of their overall health. It shows the incredible power of information to change people's lives for...
![](gallery/PhotosCom/People/Groups/30766892.jpg) | 4/11/2006 - The results are in, folks, and they are astounding. Readers are reporting major, significant, positive life changes after reading NaturalNews articles and commentary. The degree of these positive changes is revealed here in these survey results. More than 820 people participated in this survey, which...
![](gallery/PhotosCom/Medical/Drugs/7637110.jpg) | 2/22/2006 - In the world of health news, I'm not sure who's worse: Dishonest researchers or illiterate science reporters. But in this case -- lucky us -- we get both. The issue surrounds the reporting of a recent study on calcium supplements in post-menopausal women conducted by the Women's Health Initiative (WHI),...
![](gallery/Shutter/Herbs/HerbCapsulesBottleOnBlack.jpg) | 2/21/2006 - This is an article about the market for hoodia gordonii, the diet pills used to suppress appetite and now being sold by a variety of companies. To begin this article, I have to tell you that I can't reveal everything I've discovered in this market. It's extremely frustrating, but it's absolutely true...
![](gallery/shutter/human/BrainBlastBlue.jpg) | 1/9/2006 - The link between old age and forgetfulness is cliché enough to be the subject of greeting cards, sitcoms and jokes. We take it for granted so often that very few of us take the time to question why it happens. However, experts may have found the answer in an essential fatty acid called phosphatidylserine....
![](gallery/Shutter/ReadingHealthPeople/FacialLinesOfWorry.jpg) | 12/7/2005 - Acetyl-L-carnitine may offer unprecedented hope for people suffering from Alzheimer's disease or the aftereffects of a stroke. The human brain is uniquely powerful and complex, but it is sometimes difficult for it to fully recover from damage. People who have been affected by stroke, traumatic brain...
![](gallery/Shutter/Medical/MadSurgeon.jpg) | 10/7/2005 - Every year millions of Americans go under the knife, but many of them are enduring great pain and shelling out thousands of dollars for surgeries they don't really need. In fact, the only people who seem to really benefit from these unnecessary medical procedures are the medical professionals who stand...
![](gallery/shutter/drugs/pillsmoneyclip.jpg) | 10/3/2005 - Can the medical journals be trusted to provide accurate, unbiased information about medicine even as they are almost entirely funded by drug companies? In her book, Vaccination, Peggy O'Mara writes that the current era of medical beliefs (or dogma) began to develop soon after Louis Pasteur's demonstration...
| 8/7/2004 - A new idea has surfaced in the medical community -- to publish the results of all medical studies on a publicly accessible website that would include results from both positive and negative studies. This proposal has been floated in response to the recent discovery by regulatory authorities and various...
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Today's Top Stories on NaturalNews
Today | Week | Month | Year
- BOMBSHELL: Los Angeles and Maui infernos likely started using PATENTED ENERGY WEAPON that lights anything on FIRE unless it's blue
- Dr. Leonard Coldwell on Decentralize TV: Only 0.8% of humanity will survive the coming GLOBAL COLLAPSE
- After meeting with Bill Gates, the Trump transition team sidelines two key figures spreading vaccine truth
- Team AGES and Mike Adams expose the LUCIFERIAN agenda behind Big Pharma’s TURBO CANCER treatments
- Biden grants BLANKET PARDON to ANTHONY FAUCI for crimes he and his co-conspirators have yet to be charged for
- Top 7 PRO-HEALTH changes should be noticeable with Trump and RFK Jr. overseeing FDA, CDC, HHS and the Censorship Industrial Complex
- Europe's war on FREE SPEECH is igniting a revolution, as populist movements demand truth, freedom, and accountability
- Biden's preemptive pardon of Fauci sparks outrage, sets dangerous precedent
- U.S. launches “One Health” framework amid concerns over global health governance and surveillance
- Federal Reserve, BlackRock retreat from climate coalitions as economic realities take precedence
- Merrick Garland's departure raises questions about Oklahoma City bombing cover-up and legacy
- Former Fake-President Biden PRE-PARDONS WORST CRIMINALS in U.S. history while claiming they're not guilty of anything
- If you are over 50 your government wants you dead
- Save the SMELT FISH but let the HUMANS DIE by FIRE - That's the method of operation in Los Angeles for the bureaucrats who embezzle funds and deplete resources
- “Cleansing the Bloodline” unpacks dark history of good versus evil in online teaching series
- Mike Adams and Dane Wigington expose the truth: Are homes being intentionally ignited in California?
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Recommended Resources is
a free video website featuring thousands of videos on holistic health, nutrition,
fitness, recipes, natural remedies and much more.
CounterThink Cartoons are
free to view and download. They cover topics like health, environment and freedom.
The Consumer Wellness Center is
a non-profit organization offering nutrition education grants to programs that
help children and expectant mothers around the world.
Food Investigations is
a series of mini-documentaries exposing the truth about dangerous ingredients
in the food supply. offers
alternative health programs, documentaries and more.
The Honest Food Guide is
a free, downloadable public health and nutrition chart that dares to tell the
truth about what foods we should really be eating. offers
a free online reference database of healing foods, phytonutrients and plant-based
medicines that prevent or treat diseases and health conditions. is
a free, online reference library that lists medicinal herbs and their health
benefits. is
a free online reference database of phytonutrients (natural medicines found in
foods) and their health benefits. Lists diseases, foods, herbs and more.