Atrazine news, articles and information:
 | 11/27/2016 - While glyphosate has been the primary target of global concern, there are still plenty of other harmful herbicides and pesticides on the market to be worried about. Atrazine, for example, is the second most popular herbicide in the United States, and it's so toxic that it has been banned in Europe.
 | 9/3/2015 12:20:20 PM - The web's newest and most comprehensive news aggregation service covering all the issues that matter the most to you and your family is finally here – and it's already changing the world, one headline at a time! is your one-stop resource tool for accessing up-to-the-minute news stories...
 | 7/12/2015 - When a chemical has the ability to change the gender of frogs and completely warp the mating habits of amphibians, shouldn't that chemical be considered a threat to life on the planet and be forbidden from use? Why would the science community and government regulators want something this hazardous to...
 | 1/19/2015 3:39:08 PM - Dr. Tyrone Hayes, one of the most important scientists to expose the dangers of Syngenta's pesticide atrazine, was recently interviewed by the environmentalist blog TreeHugger. Dr. Hayes uncovered how the industry behind genetically modified organisms is also the industry that pushes agrochemicals....
 | 4/18/2014 - For more than a half-century, North American farmers have been spraying atrazine, an herbicide, on their crops -- most notably corn -- in the millions of pounds per year.
This widespread use of the weed killer has also created no small amount of runoff, ensuring that atrazine winds up in lakes, streams...
 | 4/7/2014 2:07:51 PM - A popular herbicide still being applied to conventional maize and other factory-farmed food crops by the tons annually has been thoroughly established in the scientific literature as a silent killer. This herbicide is known as atrazine, and researchers from across the world have found that it destroys...
 | 11/3/2013 - A popular crop herbicide that multiple studies have shown causes hormone disruption, reproductive mutations, birth defects and cancer now appears to also increase mortality rates, according to a new study out of the University of South Florida. Biologist Jason Rohr and his colleagues discovered that...
 | 9/20/2012 - Herbicide use in the United States continues to grow unabated and the health consequences are likely to become increasingly dire. Today, we take a look at three widely used herbicides which make up an axis of evil poisoning us, our environment, and our food.
RoundupRoundup has been around since the...
 | 9/7/2010 - Emerging research increasingly indicates that the U.S. water supply is widely contaminated with the endocrine disrupting chemical atrazine, but that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is taking almost no action on the threat.
Atrazine is an herbicide widely sprayed on corn fields in the Midwest,...
| 5/27/2010 - The dangers associated with pesticide and herbicide use have been receiving increased attention in the media these days. Everything from their contamination of local water supplies to their residue on food has been making headlines. But a new study has found that one popular weed killer is actually...
| 3/26/2010 - This year's annual meeting of the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM) will include research showing a link between the agricultural chemical atrazine and the birth defect gastroschisis. Gastroschisis has been on the rise over the past several decades, having increased up to four times the level...
 | 2/22/2010 - Gastroschisis is a birth defect in which the intestines, and sometimes other organs, develop outside the fetal abdomen and poke out through an opening in the abdominal wall. Long considered a rare occurrence, gastroschisis has mysteriously been on the rise over the last three decades. In fact, the incidence...
 | 8/19/2008 - A common weedkiller in the U.S., already suspected of causing sexual abnormalities in frogs and fish, has now been found to alter hormonal signaling in human cells, scientists from the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) report.
The herbicide atrazine is the second most widely used weedkiller...
 | 8/27/2007 - Pollutants such as pesticides and toxins damage the ecosystem and cause a variety of damaging ailments in humans. One particular herbicide, Atrazine, has now been found to turn male frogs into hermaphrodites, rendering them impotent by causing their gonads to produce eggs.
A subject of great scientific...
Concept-related articles:Herbicide:Drinking water:Water supplies:Water:Drinking:Scientist:University:Weed:Indiana:Supplies:Public health:Pesticides:EPA:Science:Health:Studies:
Concepts related to Atrazine
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