Carbon news, articles and information:
| 7/9/2016 - Americans – especially the Millennial generation – have been brainwashed by the political Left into believing that carbon dioxide is some "greenhouse gas" that is destroying the world, when in fact any rational scientist will tell you that CO2 is essential for life on planet earth to exist.
| 5/12/2016 - Ten years after the release of Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth, none of the film's dire climate change predictions have come to pass. However, in the decade since the documentary was produced, its creator has raked in millions of dollars from the entire "global warming" scam, and is now poised to become...
| 5/3/2016 - A new study shows that Earth's vegetated lands or surfaces covered in plant life have greened "significantly" over the last 35 years. Using computerized models, scientists theorize that this so-called greening effect is in response to an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide, as well as other, less...
| 2/29/2016 - It used to be that pharmaceuticals were one of the biggest profiteering frauds in the global market (besides warmongering). But "climate change," and the ever-present fear of it, has created a whole new market for carbon dioxide "trading," that analysts at Thomson Reuters Point Carbon say is now worth...
| 11/30/2015 - As advanced as modern science professes to be, it has taken a new study to reiterate what practically every child learns in kindergarten -- that plant life uptakes carbon dioxide as food, releasing oxygen for animals and humans to breathe. And this process, known simply as photosynthesis, helps balance...
| 11/16/2015 - Tiny structures called carbon nanotubes are showing up in children's lungs, calling into question their safety in modern technical applications. Many researchers point out that carbon nanotubes look a lot like asbestos fibers under the microscope. Researchers have also shown that carbon nanotubes cause...
| 8/8/2015 - "Future generations will look back and wonder: What were we thinking? How could we possibly be so irresponsible?"
That's the voice of Hillary Clinton in a new video outlining her latest climate change platform. "I'm just a grandmother with two eyes and a brain, and I know what's happening in the...
| 2/27/2015 - The solution to widespread environmental destruction and perceived man-made climate change isn't to arbitrarily restrict humans from using the world's natural resources, but rather to alter the way humans use them. And a new program in California is doing just that by rewarding farmers who adopt clean,...
| 1/13/2015 3:23:58 PM - If you intentionally burned wood in your fireplace without opening the flue or some windows, your entire house would quickly become engulfed in smoke with nowhere for it to escape. This is akin to the current situation with man-made carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, which thanks to industrial...
| 7/18/2014 - For many decades, conventional cattle ranchers have pushed a monoculture model of production that has depleted soils, increased reliance on crop chemicals and created a situation where there is now too much life-giving carbon in the air and not enough in the ground. But a new short film produced by...
| 7/17/2014 4:32:36 PM - The misguided war on carbon, which has erroneously become the scapegoat for so-called "global warming," is showing signs of retreat in Australia, where a proposed carbon cap scheme was recently abandoned. Prime Minister Tony Abbott's government has reportedly agreed to scrap a plan that would have taxed...
| 5/22/2014 - Urban and small-scale farming is a growing trend that's healthy and sustainable for the environment. Luckily, this trend is catching on fast, not just in the U.S. but in Europe too.
Today there is a waiting list of more 90,000 people attempting to acquire allotments, or plots of land used for small-scale...
| 5/13/2014 - The next time somebody tries to tell you that cow farts, cars or too many people are the impetus behind disastrous changes in the climatic norms of the planet, you may want to point them to a new analysis paper published in Yale University's Yale Environment 360 that unveils two of the actual causes...
| 5/10/2014 - European researchers have overcome one of the first barriers standing in the way of being able to produce jet fuel from nothing more than sunlight, water and the carbon dioxide found in air.
The successful trial was conducted by researchers from oil company Royal Dutch Shell, the German think-tank...
| 4/10/2014 - There is a wave of wicked, control-hungry ideology-gripping prominent scientists around the world. Some scientists may cling to "climate change" and "global warming" propaganda as means to justify control and manipulation of life on Earth. Working together, scientists, governments and large companies...
| 3/27/2014 - The world's first "robotic" plants have been created by US scientists and can effectively absorb greater amounts of energy from the sun. These bionic plants are advanced at the cellular level, with new biochemical detection functions and improved photosynthesis capabilities. The MIT biochemists and...
| 9/10/2013 - For years, we've all heard that global warming is threatening our planet. But now, in a stunning turnaround, world scientists are warning that an era of global cooling seems to be upon us, complete with extraordinary expansions of ocean ice being recorded in just the past year.
Even the latest UN...
| 6/22/2013 - For only "pennies a day," any greenhouse owner can produce CO2 to help increase plant yields in their greenhouses. That's the message on CO2 generators sold by greenhouse supply companies across the United States and Canada. "1,500 ppm [of carbon dioxide] can be achieved... these generators automatically...
| 6/2/2013 - Thank goodness carbon dioxide levels are finally rising ever so slightly in our atmosphere, bringing much-needed carbon dioxide to the plants and forests of the world which have been starving for CO2. The lack of CO2 in the atmosphere is one of the most devastating limiting factors for plant growth...
| 5/22/2013 - Practically everything you have been told by the mainstream scientific community and the media about the alleged detriments of greenhouse gases, and particularly carbon dioxide, appears to be false, according to new data compiled by NASA's Langley Research Center. As it turns out, all those atmospheric...
| 3/31/2013 - If you talk to the global warming crowd, carbon dioxide -- CO2 -- is the enemy of mankind. Any and all creation of CO2 is bad for the planet, we're told, and its production must be strictly limited in order to save the world.
But what if that wasn't true? What if CO2 were actually a planet-saving...
| 3/14/2013 - Large British wind farms will actually release as much carbon dioxide as fossil-fuel power plants, according to a study conducted by researchers from Aberdeen University and published in the journal Nature.
The source of the emissions is not the windmills themselves, but the land on which they are...
| 12/18/2012 - For years, global warming advocates have argued that implementing some sort of carbon tax would substantially reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere by the heavily industrialized United States.
The idea, they say, is that a carbon tax would ultimately lead to fewer harmful,...
| 5/16/2012 - (NaturalNews)The cancer industry is closing in on baking soda and beginning to do research in earnest about sodium bicarbonate and how it is a primary tool in the treatment of fungus. Cancer is a fungus, can be caused by a fungus, or is accompanied by late-stage fungal infections, and now the Mayo Clinic...
| 4/7/2012 - Clean water is a fundamental part of a healthy lifestyle. The majority of our society relies on municipal water sources to supply their household needs. Most city water sources contain highly contaminated forms of water that are then sanitized with potent chemical agents. Water filtration is especially...
| 11/2/2011 - Perhaps now that I am living in Sanctuary surrounded by two rivers, which envelop us on three sides, I will get back to my Waters of Life book and finally finish it. Here we are reminded every day the importance of water and what it's like to drink it as it comes out the top of a mountain. We do have...
| 10/15/2011 - The so-called climate change "experts" that still cling to the mythical theory of man-made global warming are having an increasingly difficult time defending this flailing position. New findings published in the journal Nature reveal that plants, which absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) and release oxygen,...
| 7/4/2011 - We have all heard it before. Humans are supposedly producing too much carbon dioxide (CO2), which is contributing to "global warming" -- and the only solution, of course, is to have the United Nations (UN) distribute carbon use credits and implement carbon taxes to offset an impending global disaster....
| 4/4/2011 - The burgeoning natural and organic household product sectors are solid evidence that the public is becoming increasingly conscious of the importance of avoiding synthetic chemicals. But a new study presented at the 241st National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS) has revealed...
| 2/17/2011 - Leading scientists have called for World War II-style rationing in First World countries to avert catastrophic global warming, in a series of papers published by the United Kingdom's Royal Society.
"The Second World War and the concept of rationing is something we need to seriously consider if we...
| 11/26/2010 - An enzyme produced by a common soil bacterium may help produce usable automobile fuel from a vehicle's own exhaust pipe, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of California and the California Institute of Technology.
The bacterium in question, Azotobacter vinelandii, produces...
| 12/8/2009 - Carbon dioxide is a threat to human life, says the EPA under the direction of the Obama Administration. With this declaration, the agency has bypassed Congress and can now begin to regulate CO2 as a toxic substance.
The timing of this declaration was obviously planned to coincide with the Copenhagen...
| 11/13/2009 - The Journal of the American Medical Association has published a report conducted by the University of Chicago that estimates nearly 10 percent of U.S. carbon dioxide emissions come from the health care industry. Findings reveal that hospitals are the number one polluter with pharmaceuticals at a close...
| 9/6/2009 - More than half a trillion tons of carbon have been emitted into the atmosphere due to human activities since the Industrial Revolution, placing the planet more than halfway to the threshold signifying catastrophic warming.
In an analysis published in the journal Nature, climate scientist Myles Allen...
| 7/31/2009 - For decades, people have begun to choose vegan and vegetarian diets over more resource-consuming standard diets. The last ten years have also given rise to an additional type of earth-conscious eater: the raw vegan. People choose these diets for health, environmental, animal rights, and also spiritual...
| 4/17/2009 - Every action you take in buying foods and beverages has an ecological footprint. There is a CO2 footprint associated with every item you buy. From the transportation of the food item to the fossil fuels spent in the farming, ranching or processing of the ingredients, it all adds up to an "ecological...
| 10/15/2008 - Atmospheric levels of the two major greenhouse gases leaped in 2007, according to a report by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. This increase is part of a wider trend of accelerating greenhouse gas emissions.
"The average [annual rise] over the last five or six years has been...
| 9/16/2008 - Touted as miracle ingredients that will revolutionize electronics, chemistry and materials science, carbon nanotubes may pose as great a threat to the human body as asbestos, according to a study published in the journal Nature Nanotechnology.
Carbon nanotubes are artificially created, tiny molecules...
| 9/3/2008 - This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Renegade Water Secrets, which can be found at (http:// . In this excerpt, Jim McMahon shares on water reports and water filters.
Renegade Water Secrets with Jim McMahon, ecologist and founder of Sweetwater LLC.
| 8/16/2008 - A series of recently published studies have determined that humanity must cease all emission of carbon dioxide by 2050 to avoid catastrophic climate change.
Currently, humans are responsible for roughly 10 billion tons of carbon emissions each year, a rate that continues to rise.
"The question...
| 6/29/2008 - Preventing irreversible climate disaster will require carbon dioxide emissions reductions big enough not only to prevent the atmosphere's carbon load from increasing, but to allow the amount of carbon in the atmosphere to actually decrease, according to a warning issued by scientists at the 2007 meeting...
| 4/4/2008 - Atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide have risen 35 percent faster since 2000 than scientists had predicted, according to a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The research was carried out by the Global Carbon Project, British Antarctic Survey and University of East...
| 4/4/2008 - Picture this: Three guys go into a bar. The batender asks, "What'll you have?" "A beer", says the first guy. Second one says, "Whiskey" and turning to the third guy asks, "what about you?" "Oh me, I really need a good strong kick, one with lots of punch to it... Yep, I think this day calls for a big...
| 2/28/2008 - Biofuels may be doing more harm than good, according to two new studies published in the journal Science. According to the researchers, production of most biofuels may actually cause more pollution than they offset when the production cycle is examined comprehensively.
Biofuels are any fuel made...
| 12/1/2006 - A case before the Supreme Court over whether the Environmental Protection Agency has the authority to refuse to regulate carbon dioxide emissions may actually be the first sign of impeding government regulation of greenhouse gasses, experts say.
The case -- brought by Massachusetts, New York, California...
| 11/16/2006 - The world's oceans are absorbing excess carbon dioxide emissions, turning them acidic and threatening all forms of sea life, according to climate experts at a recent UN conference on climate change in Kenya.
The oceans have trapped roughly a third of the world's carbon dioxide emissions, said professor...
| 11/13/2006 - In the past five years, growth of global carbon dioxide emissions was four times higher than the previous 10 years' growth, according to a new study by the Global Carbon Project.
The study, which exposes critical mistakes in worldwide efforts to avoid harmful climate change, found that the global...
| 11/6/2006 - Even as children we are taught that we use oxygen and expel carbon dioxide, and trees do the opposite, but a new program by conservation nonprofit company the Conservation Fund actually acts on that information by calculating how many trees are needed to offset a person or company's existence, and then...
| 10/13/2006 - Engineers who develop microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) like to make their tiny machines out of silicon because it is cheap, plentiful and can be worked on with the tools already developed for making microelectronic circuits. There is just one problem: Silicon breaks too easily.
For decades,...
| 7/18/2004 - Half the carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere by the burning of fossil fuels is actually winding up the oceans, says new research published in the journal Science. And that's threatening the health of the oceans and the diverse organisms living there, say researchers. This research presents...
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