Chia seeds news, articles and information:
 | 2/23/2016 - It's no secret that chia seeds are a powerful superfood. Through the years, people have eagerly added them to a variety of foods, from smoothies and yogurts, to oats and fruit. With three times more iron than spinach, and twice the amount of protein of any other seed or grain, it comes as no surprise...
 | 4/8/2014 - A lot of people love the nutritional profile of chia seeds -- the legendary Inca superfood -- but they don't necessarily know all the amazing different ways to use chia in their own diets and recipes.
I use chia seeds every day in smoothies and other recipes, and I've found chia to be one of the...
 | 4/6/2014 - A close relative of sage, chia (Salvia hispanica) has long been a major food crop of indigenous peoples from modern-day Mexico up through the modern U.S. Southwest. On long-distance runs, some native peoples would consume nothing more than chia seeds mixed with water. If anything deserves the title...
 | 12/15/2013 - Chia is a species of flowering plant that bears oval-shaped, multicolored seeds. These seeds, which have a neutral taste and crunchy texture, have been cultivated for centuries as a survival food in their native Mexico and Guatemala. Chia seeds had only just begun to enjoy recognition in the United...
 | 5/31/2013 - Many people know that flax seed is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and will be happy to know that they have another available source in the chia seed. This tiny seed has many advantages over flax; it doesn't need to be ground to access the nutrients, and the seeds can be stored for long periods...
 | 11/11/2012 - In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, there's a lot of renewed interest in preparedness. One thing we all learned from the disaster is that when the power grid goes down, starvation isn't too far behind for those who have failed to store food.
It's easy to store a 72-hour supply of food just by shopping...
 | 11/5/2012 - Organic chia seeds are back! They've been very difficult to find for the past year due to a wave of global crop failures caused by floods and drought. These crop failures, coupled with increasing awareness and demand for chia seeds, has caused chia supplies to dwindle while prices tripled.
In the...
| 9/8/2011 - Finding the right inexpensive source of omega-3 fatty acids is trickier than ever before. Fish are a great dietary source. But sea life has been exposed to many toxins lately. And seafood is not so cheap. Flax seeds or oils (organic) are good inexpensive, safe sources of omega-3. But chia seeds are...
 | 6/2/2011 - In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, there's a lot of renewed interest in preparedness. One thing we all learned from the disaster is that when the power grid goes down, starvation isn't too far behind for those who have failed to store food.
It's easy to store a 72-hour supply of food just by shopping...
 | 1/27/2010 - Organic chia seeds are back! They've been almost impossible to find for the past year due to a wave of global crop failures caused by floods and drought. These crop failures, coupled with increasing awareness and demand for chia seeds, has caused chia supplies to dwindle while prices tripled.
| 1/25/2010 - Years ago, we all saw the chia pets advertised on TV or on department store selves. Perhaps, you even have one of these sprout-covered clay sculptures sitting on your counter right now. But you might not know that the chia seeds that create that fluffy green afro are packed with amazing benefits for...
| 1/29/2009 - Chia seeds are one of these foods that, if you talk about them with other people, you'll inevitably get a blank stare back at you. That's fine because that gives you the chance to tell people about what is thought to be one of the healthiest foods you can eat. The name chia comes from the Aztec word...
| 11/30/2008 - Recently I have been putting chia seeds into everything. I have always been into flax and hemp, but I find chia seeds so much more versatile and easy to use.
Chia seeds are an ancient super food that has been used by the Mayans, Aztecs and Incas. In fact, Chia means "strength" in the language of...
 | 4/20/2008 - The following is part two of an interview with Dr. Wayne Coates, who is perhaps the world's foremost educator on chia seeds. Dr. Coates was among the first to grow chia seeds experimentally and later for commercial purposes. An expert in the field of new crops such as chia and jojoba, his career as...
 | 3/31/2008 - This is an exclusive interview with Good Cause Wellness founder Alan Friedman, who talks about antioxidants, superfood powders, agave nectar, chia seeds and his personal passion for health. Following the interview, I negotiated a discount for NaturalNews readers on one of Friedman's top-selling products....
 | 3/4/2008 - The following is part one of an interview with Dr. Wayne Coates, who is perhaps the world's foremost educator on chia seeds. Dr. Coates was among the first to grow chia seeds experimentally and later for commercial purposes. An expert in the field of new crops such as chia and jojoba, his career as...
 | 1/8/2008 - Chia seed is an ancient superfood that is currently experiencing a glorious renaissance. It is a member of the sage family (Salvia Hispanica). The little black and white seeds were once a staple of the Incan, Mayan and Aztec cultures, along with the Native Americans of the southwest.
"Chia" is actually...
 | 12/4/2005 - Mike:I'm here today with Ricardo Ayerza, an advisor to the Omega Tree.
Ayerza: That's right. We are advising people where to find good seeds, and, of course, our main job is to advise the grower on how to produce the seeds.
Mike: And for the readers and listeners, we're talking about chia seeds,...
Concept-related articles:Diet:Carbohydrates:Chia:Seeds:Water:Health:Foods:Body:Stomach:Heart:Acid:Raw:Nutrition:Omega-3 fatty acids:Omega-3 oils:Salmon:
Concepts related to Chia seeds
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