The brain news, articles and information:
 | 11/4/2016 - If you're unfamiliar with the term "superaging," you are likely to begin hearing more about it in the coming years as scientists and researchers delve into the phenomenon.
For most of us, living our twilight years will be characterized by gray hair, wrinkles, and declining memories, the latter even...
 | 11/2/2016 - New technology has been developed that may allow blind people to see, using an implant that transmits visual signals from the retina directly to the brain.
A group of researchers from the University of Pisa published a study in the journal PLOS Biology detailing the development and use of the implant,...
 | 5/19/2016 - A class of drugs that includes dozens of common over-the-counter and prescription medications, has been linked to an increased risk of the development of dementia .
Based on the results of two recent studies exploring anticholinergic drugs and their effects on the brain, seniors are now being advised...
 | 4/25/2016 - If you find yourself forgetting more than usual, or you sometimes feel like your mind is not as sharp as it once was, you might want to take a look inside your medicine cabinet.
Older people in particular are being advised to avoid some common over-the-counter medications, as evidence piles up of...
 | 4/7/2016 - When was the last time you gave your brain a good workout? In reality, most people never think about their brain when they think about exercise and a healthy lifestyle. But it's a mistake to take brain health for granted, according to psychologist Paul Nussbaum, Ph.D.
Discover strategies for a strong,...
 | 1/8/2016 - It doesn't matter if you consume it accidentally in food, inject it via vaccine, or let it leech for years into your mouth from a dental filling; mercury is toxic to the body in all its forms. Gratefully, the negative effects of mercury can be mitigated by essential fatty acids. New research suggests...
 | 6/13/2015 - Medical professionals everywhere may be stunned by a new discovery that overturns decades of textbook teaching. Researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have recently discovered that lymphatic vessels do in fact go up into the brain, but it is no surprise to those who have studied...
 | 3/17/2015 - Gluten is the common protein molecule found in wheat, barley, rye, kamut and spelt. Gluten is a sticky, storage protein that binds to the small intestinal wall where it often causes digestive and immune system disorders. The most common condition associated with a gluten sensitivity is celiac disease...
 | 1/9/2015 - A diet high in healthy fats may actually slow the aging process, including stemming off the brain degeneration associated with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Center for Healthy Aging, University of Copenhagen and the Nationals Institute of...
 | 11/17/2014 - For many people, it's difficult to break their pattern of reaching for unhealthy, processed foods that are laden with chemicals and a high sugar and fat content. While they're aware that eating more fruits and vegetables is necessary to fight obesity, diabetes, skin conditions and a slew of other health...
 | 8/5/2014 - Low energy, poor memory and brain fog are common day epidemics. Lowered cognitive function results in lowered working efficiency, relationship disputes and significantly reduced quality of life. Certain compounds, such as CoQ10, borage oil and phosphatydlcholine have the potential to boost brain function...
 | 7/25/2014 - As humans age, brain cells lose some of their volume and the brain shrinks slowly, subtly over time. Brain cells and their connections are scaled back especially when they are not used. This process of atrophy usually begins after age 30 and continues each year. According to a new study spearheaded...
 | 5/31/2014 - Is it possible to predict a mood swing or control psychological outcomes? The Pentagon is betting that, someday soon, it will possess the technology to do so, and with it develop the ability to treat anxiety, depression, memory loss and all of the other symptoms associated with post-traumatic stress...
 | 2/17/2014 - "This is your brain . . . and this is your brain on the couch," is Dr. Patrick Mueller, associate professor of physiology at Wayne State University's approach to highlighting the detrimental effects that inactivity has on our brains and hearts.
A recent study published in the Journal of Comparative...
 | 1/20/2014 - The naturally occurring metal copper plays an essential role for certain functions of the body; however, underutilized copper can accumulate in the soft tissues of the body and actually be toxic.
Too much copper can roam freely and accumulate in the liver and the brain, eroding necessary cellular...
 | 7/11/2013 - I recently interviewed Cynthia Perkins, M.Ed., author and expert on addictions. Cynthia's knowledge of brain chemistry as it relates to addictions is worth understanding, given that this kind of information is rarely available in conventional addiction treatment.
What follows are Cynthia's words.
 | 6/16/2013 - More than just a modern cultural fad, mindfulness meditation is increasingly proving to be a powerful healer both emotionally and physically. As evidenced by an accumulation of scientific research on the subject, mindfulness meditation has been shown to help repair damaged neurons in the brain and form...
 | 6/2/2013 - Anti-aging is one of the major concerns among "baby-boomers" and others as well. This is bad news for social security and other pension plans, but it can't be helped. Everyone wants to stay young forever.
If not actually youthful, at least spared the ravages of debilitating health issues and dementia...
 | 5/6/2013 5:03:53 AM - A study reported by scientists at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York announced that they have found the region of the brain responsible for aging and can target it to increase longevity in mice. The research, published in the journal Nature, reported that the hypothalamus, the area...
 | 3/2/2013 - Our Brains are under siege from all angles. From the dumbing down of the education system, toxins and hormones in food and water, the covert reduction of people's attention spans and information saturation, to endless stimulant induced peaks and troughs - times are hard for your grey matter. Over stimulated,...
 | 2/22/2013 - The Obama administration has just announced a far-reaching 10-year program to map the human brain down to the last neuron of activity.
So let's begin with this:
"The mind is not a material object at all. The mind is not the brain."
If you made that statement to a modern neuroscientist, the...
 | 10/20/2012 - A new study has shed light on the neurological underpinnings of the "power nap," a short nap during the middle of the day that refreshes the mind and often helps illuminate the solution to thorny problems.
The study was conducted by researchers from the Center for Functional and Molecular Imaging...
 | 9/25/2012 - Diabetes has become a burden on the healthcare system and taxpayers. In 2007, the national cost of diabetes was calculated to be $174 billion. We can assume this figure has since increased since then and may well be approaching $200 billion. There are three main types of diabetes: Type I - Juvenile...
 | 7/3/2012 - While it's admirable for research to inform communities about which foods are good and bad for their health, another barrier plays a larger role than awareness. Taste preferences are considered to be the major motivator that causes people to consume low nutrient, high fat, and high sugar foods. It's...
 | 6/27/2012 - Is it possible to sort of "rewire" your brain so you can better control imposing symptoms of depression and angst? The short answer, according to recent new research, is yes, and it all it takes in large part is some "mindfulness meditation."
According to a study which appeared more than a year-and-a-half...
 | 6/21/2012 - Research has shown that with as few as 11 hours of mindful meditation, the white matter of the brain that aspartame destroys, can begin to grow back. Research into the brain damage that aspartame causes, has revealed lesions to the nerve fibers known as white matter. This is due to the by-products created...
 | 6/9/2012 - There are four major systems that control most bodily functions and when these systems are out of balance, disease will eventually manifest. These systems include in order of priority: the nervous system, hormonal system, digestive system and the detoxification system. Since the brain rules all, first...
 | 5/15/2012 - If someone - or some government entity - were able to figure out the science behind what makes people violent, what do you suppose they would do with that knowledge? It's a legitimate question, because the Pentagon is trying to find out.
According to a recent report by the BBC, the Defense Department...
 | 4/13/2012 - In the following interview, Dr. Russell Blaylock, renowned neurosurgeon, author and researcher, talks to Mike Adams about MSG, aspartame and other brain-damaging excitotoxins that are widely used in our food supply today. Dr. Blaylock is the author of Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills and other important...
 | 3/13/2012 - Some people are literally stumbling through life thinking they are a klutz when really gluten is to blame. Before gastrointestinal symptoms like upset stomach appear, neurological damage may already be done, according to the Center for Peripheral Neuropathy. The Gluten Free Society calls gluten a "potential...
 | 1/22/2012 - Today I begin to introduce my Batman and Robin Medicine for the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Magnesium is Batman and Cannabis is Robin and they do make for a holy medical combination.
In Multiple Sclerosis marijuana can limit the
muscle pain and spasticity caused by the disease,
as well as...
 | 1/18/2012 - There are many people, an estimated 350,000 people in the United States that are living with this painful, debilitating, and sometimes fatal disorder of the central nervous system. Western medicine has not come up with good treatment strategies for this disease and the United States government keeps...
 | 12/28/2011 - Nuts, especially walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts, combined with the potent polyphenol resveratrol team, together improve mood and protect the aging brain, thus helping to maintain memory and cognition. Researchers reporting in the New England Journal of Medicine have found that nuts consumed over a period...
 | 9/29/2011 - Zinc is an essential mineral known to improve skin tone, aid wound healing, fight cancer and shorten the length of the common cold. Researchers publishing in the journal Neuron now identify the crucial role this super-nutrient plays in support of memory formation and cognitive stability. Additionally,...
 | 7/15/2011 - Getting older means you will not be as mentally sharp and, in fact, your brain will shrink. It's just the way life is and there's nothing you can do about it, right? Wrong. Now it appears we can take control of brain changes and even make our brains larger, not smaller, as we age and cause electrical...
| 5/3/2011 - Foods that have an incredible array of health benefits that go well beyond just their nutrient value are considered 'super-foods.' When we combine certain superfoods together it creates nutritional synergy that boosts the bioavailability of the nutrients found within. The new superfood omelet is an...
| 2/23/2011 - If you're over 50, chances are you've begun to notice some memory loss. Even in perfectly healthy adults with exceedingly active brains, the hippocampus - a part of the brain important to the formation of memories - begins to atrophy around the age of 55. As this happens, no doubt you begin to wonder,...
| 1/11/2011 - The human brain needs a continual supply of fuel. When this continual supply is interrupted brain cells begin to die. In the short-term, this can cause symptoms such as headaches, brain fog, & tiredness. Long-term exposure to environments that deplete sources of brain fuel from effectively getting into...
| 10/14/2010 - Cholesterol levels are not just affected by what you eat, but also by a hunger-regulating hormone released by the brain, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Cincinnati and published in the journal Nature Neruoscience.
"We have long thought that cholesterol is...
 | 7/30/2010 - Northwestern University scientists have pulled together a review of research into what music -- specifically, learning to play music -- does to humans. The result shows music training does far more than allow us to entertain ourselves and others by playing an instrument or singing. Instead, it actually...
| 7/29/2010 - Glutamates are substances that are present in food additives such as MSG and artificial sweeteners as well as occurring 'naturally' during the processing of foods or the browning of meats. Glutamates have led to toxic damage of the brain and nervous system and have been implicated in problems as diverse...
| 2/2/2010 - In a report just published online in The Journal of Infectious Diseases, scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and the University of California at San Diego say they've found a reduction of blood flow in the brains of people who are infected with HIV, the virus believed...
| 1/22/2010 - A stroke occurs when the blood supply to part of the brain is suddenly blocked by a blood clot or when a blood vessel in the brain bursts, driving blood into the spaces surrounding brain cells, or neurons. The result can be brain damage that leaves stroke survivors with disabilities ranging from one-sided...
| 6/24/2009 - Researchers are constantly performing studies and research to find out more about the brain. A human brain is extremely complex and although we have learned a great deal about the brain, there is still a lot more that remains unknown to doctors and researchers. In recent years, scientists have found...
| 5/27/2009 - The brain can maintain optimum performance if care is taken with nutrition to prevent age-related memory loss. Keeping the mind active is important, especially as the brain ages. Learning a new language or skill can help keep the brain plastic. Research shows that three hours a day of mental activity,...
| 2/14/2009 - Being more physically fit appears to slow down damage to the brain's memory centers in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Kansas Medical Center and presented at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference on Alzheimer's...
| 2/13/2009 - If you want to stay mentally sharp all your life, new research shows the time to intervene is now. Alzheimer's disease and dementia have complex causes that involve nutritional neglect as well as genetic risk factors and predisposition. Genetic risk factors for cognitive decline may remain dormant and...
| 1/19/2009 - Research has shown that a flavor enhancer found in many popular foods known as monosodium glutamate (MSG) causes weight gain and obesity in lab animals by damaging the appetite regulation center in the area of the brain known as the hypothalamus, causing leptin resistence. Leptin is the hormone that...
 | 1/9/2009 - The botulinum toxin injected into the face from the popular drug Botox can move into the brain, where it may cause damage to the central nervous system, according to a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience.
Allergan Inc.'s best-selling drug Botox, used to smooth out wrinkles by relaxing...
 | 9/23/2008 - Music, the universal language of mood, emotion and desire, connects with us through a wide variety of neural systems. Researchers have discovered evidence that music stimulates specific regions of the brain responsible for memory, language and motor control. They have located specific areas of mental...
 | 8/18/2008 - This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Fountain of Youth Summit, which can be found at ( . In this excerpt, Phoenix Gilman shares on the neurochemistry of why diets fail.
The Fountain of Youth World Summit with Phoenix Gilman, the author of "Diet Failure...
 | 6/16/2008 - The human body is composed of 75 percent water and 25 percent solid matter. To provide nourishment, eliminate waste and conduct all the trillions of activities in the body, we need water. Most modern societies, however, no longer stress the importance of drinking water as the most important "nutrient"...
 | 5/30/2008 - Today I am bringing you news from the world of ADHD, because scientists claim they have found a difference in the brains of children with ADHD versus "normal" children. The brains of these children who have been diagnosed with ADHD were scanned with an MRI machine. They compared 40,000 different points...
 | 5/13/2008 - Rosemary is an herb with a distinctly woody taste and fragrant evergreen needle-like leaves that can deliciously transform our food. In addition to its food enhancing properties, rosemary is a potent brain protector. Ancient Greeks believed it profoundly improved memory. Greek students used to wear...
 | 4/19/2008 - During the concentration of prayer, the encompassing peace as we draw near death, a mystical revelation, or the sense that God is talking to us, we experience the most intense experiences of our lives. Since the beginning of time, people have imbued such experiences with religious significance. But...
 | 2/21/2007 - Neuroscientists at Auckland (N.Z.) University and the Carlsson Institute for Neuroscience in Sweden have found a cell pathway providing new evidence that the brain may be able to repair itself, according to the results of an eight-year study.
The research may yield new information for fighting Parkinson's...
 | 1/14/2007 - First, a warning: This article may be considered extremely gross or nauseating by some readers. It's about where red meat actually comes from and the mental distortions maintained by people who eat large quantities of animal products. So, a courtesy warning: If you're easily sickened by talk of meat...
 | 10/16/2006 - Drinking a couple of glasses of red wine every day may help protect the brain from stroke damage, according to new research by scientists from Johns Hopkins University.
The researchers -- led by Dr. Sylvain Dore -- fed mice a moderate amount of a compound found in red grape skins and seeds, then...
 | 9/27/2006 - Mike: I'm here with Dr. Russell Blaylock, and I'd like to explore some of the more advanced aspects of some of the things you are working on. Dr. Blaylock, I think readers know the basics of both MSG and aspartame, but can you review what you've already written about excitotoxins?
Dr. Russell Blaylock:...
| 9/6/2006 - While the theory that “mind over matter” exists is an ancient belief, the scientific studies to support this idea have remained elusive. A new study provides brain imaging evidence that positive thinking interacts with and shapes the sensory experience of pain. This study suggests that decreasing...
 | 8/7/2006 - Can some foods make you smarter? Research shows that nuts and seeds just might boost your brainpower and balance your moods. That's right, everything from the most common nuts -- such as walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews and almonds -- to the more exotic seeds and nuts can clear up that "brain fog" and enable...
 | 3/23/2006 - Pharmaceutical antidepressants aren't the best way to conquer our society's depression and anxiety epidemic, and they often have disastrous side effects, sometimes even increasing the risk for suicide. Taking the population as a whole, we're 100 times more depressed today than we were 100 years ago....
 | 2/12/2006 - The Americanization and Anglicization of the world has enabled many Americans to become overconfident in English as the world's langua franca. In contrast to other countries, where foreign languages like English are taught in elementary school, Americans often don't begin foreign language instruction...
 | 1/9/2006 - The link between old age and forgetfulness is cliché enough to be the subject of greeting cards, sitcoms and jokes. We take it for granted so often that very few of us take the time to question why it happens. However, experts may have found the answer in an essential fatty acid called phosphatidylserine....
 | 1/2/2006 - It's no secret that long-term diet and nutrition choices have an effect on the way we look and feel; but new studies show that nutrition can also affect the way we think. As it turns out, there really is such a thing as “food for thought.”
It may seem strange that what we put in our stomachs can have...
 | 12/7/2005 - Acetyl-L-carnitine may offer unprecedented hope for people suffering from Alzheimer's disease or the aftereffects of a stroke. The human brain is uniquely powerful and complex, but it is sometimes difficult for it to fully recover from damage. People who have been affected by stroke, traumatic brain...
 | 8/27/2005 - The following is a Street Spirit interview with Robert Whitaker, author of Mad In America: Bad Science, Bad Medicine, and the Enduring Mistreatment of the Mentally Ill. It is reprinted here with permission from the Street Spirit in Oakland, California. The interview is conducted by Terry Messman, editor...
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