Consent news, articles and information:
| 5/20/2016 - Nearly two years ago, CDC senior scientist Dr. William Thompson admitted publicly that he and colleagues omitted vital information from a 2004 report which indicated that African-American males who received the MMR vaccine before reaching three years old were more at risk for developing autism.
| 11/23/2015 - Democracy is an incredibly successful long con. It works because of the illusion of consent. People actually believe they are "represented." (Story by Eric Peters, republished from
And so, they accept impositions that would otherwise be intolerable, if imposed on them by a king...
| 9/2/2015 - An anti-abortion organization that has released a slew of undercover videos showing a seedy side of Planned Parenthood, including officials who were caught allegedly negotiating the for-profit sale of aborted baby body parts, continues to make headlines with new revelations and allegations against the...
| 6/23/2015 - Ever wonder if most parents, if offered truthful evidence regarding the potential dangers of vaccines, would permit their children to be vaccinated? The fact is, if moms and dads were to ever be presented with a truthful consent form, most would never take the chance and subject their kids to vaccine...
| 5/30/2015 - It could be argued that informed consent establishes the basis of any doctor patient relationship. It is defined as permission given to a physician to perform any type of treatment after the patient has been told all of the possible risks and benefits of that treatment. It is permission granted with...
| 4/27/2015 - It is a fundamental and non-debatable scientific truth that all vaccines have inherent health risks. The spectrum of harm varies widely, from small skin rashes to full-blown neurological damage and lifelong debilitation. Some children have even been killed by vaccines, and the National Vaccine Injury...
| 4/26/2015 - California lawmakers pushing the mandatory vaccine initiative SB 277 are almost all Democrats. These are the same people who defiantly defend the right of "a woman's choice" to decide the issue of abortion. We are repeatedly told that abortion is the woman's choice alone, and that no government, no...
| 2/10/2015 - According to the "Informed Consent" section of the AMA Code of Medical Ethics posted at the American Medical Association website, the AMA is fundamentally and unambiguously opposed to mandatory vaccine programs in America. Read the AMA's Code of Medical Ethics statement here.
A mandatory vaccination...
| 6/11/2014 - Two U.S. states already have laws allowing children to consent to vaccines -- CA and NC -- and this could become a trend around the country, as more state legislatures, TX and NY to be specific, have introduced similar bills. Now, New York legislators are revising their prior attempt with House Bill...
| 3/23/2014 - Controversy has erupted in western Canada after public school nurses reportedly vaccinated a 14-year-old student without her parents' consent. reports that the Bootsma family of British Columbia is furious and demanding answers after their ninth-grader was pulled out of class one day and coerced...
| 8/15/2013 - First it was Gardasil. Then it was flu vaccines. Today, thousands of teenage girls as young as 13 years old living throughout the U.K. are reportedly being secretly injected with birth control vaccines at schools and family planning clinics, all without parental consent or even parental knowledge that...
| 3/17/2013 - This article may seem to be about abstract theory, but it isn't. It's about how populations are viewed by psychological-operations specialists.
More importantly, it's about how people are led to accept substitutes for their own highest ideals. The substitutes look like the real thing, but they're...
| 2/24/2013 - Every state legislator in the U.S. takes an oath to uphold their state and federal Constitutions. However, in the real world, those oaths can apparently be meaningless. Last year, I wrote about state laws that allow children to consent to vaccines and other medical treatments.[1] These laws clearly...
| 9/26/2012 - The Nanny State does it again... Girls as young as 14 years old can receive pregnancy intervention at 13 New York City high schools - and no parental consent is needed to get pharmaceutical drugs. Plan B morning-after pills and condoms are free for the taking in an unpublicized program that has been...
| 4/17/2012 - New York's A343 and S384, if enacted into law, will give children the right to consent to HPV and Hep B vaccines, without the knowledge and consent of their parents. Regardless of your position on vaccines, these bills set a disturbing precedent in violation of the U.S. Constitution. If you live in...
| 3/8/2012 - If you have ever seen the famous 1975 movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, you likely recall several disturbing scenes in which mental health patients are given frontal-lobe lobotomies, or the iconic scene where actor Jack Nicholson's character undergoes electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). Today, these...
| 2/15/2012 - Even from the campaign trail, where he, Rep. Ron Paul of Texas has not forgotten his roots, his vision and, most importantly, his liberty-first philosophy.
As a practicing physician, Paul has the most insight into what is right - and wrong - with the U.S. healthcare system...
| 10/12/2011 - After months of quietly making its way through both the California House of Representatives and the Senate, Assembly Bill 499 (AB 499) has now officially been signed into law by California Gov. Jerry Brown. The bill allows for children as young as 12 to be vaccinated against sexually transmitted diseases...
| 10/10/2011 - Insanity prevailed in California once again today as Governor Jerry Brown signed bill AB499 allowing 12-year-old children the ability to consent to being injected with Gardasil vaccines without their parents' knowledge; yet at the same time the Governor banned the use of tanning beds by anyone under...
| 9/20/2011 - Growing and widespread public awareness about the dangers associated with vaccines has naturally resulted in the steady decline of this once-lucrative sector of conventional "medicine." And in a desperate effort to preserve the financial viability of vaccines, Big Pharma has switched gears and is now...
| 6/12/2011 - A current California bill, AB 499, would "allow a minor who is 12 years of age or older to consent to medical care related to the prevention of a sexually transmitted disease."[1] That is, children as young as 12 will be able to get a Gardasil or other STD vaccine without their parents' knowledge or...
| 6/20/2010 - When a person signs up to participate in medical research, he or she is given a form to sign that is supposed to state the goal of the study as well as all the known possible risks of the drug or procedure being tested. But a new report by researchers from the University of Pennsylvania Law School and...
| 5/2/2009 - Rep. Ron Paul has introduced the Parental Consent Act to protect families from mandatory "mental health screening" -- a thinly-veiled attempt by Big Pharma to drug expectant mothers and new moms with dangerous psychiatric drugs.
Here's the full text of the speech given by Ron Paul in the House of...
| 10/21/2008 - NaturalNews has learned the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is running a criminal extortion racket designed to drain cash from health supplement companies and shift it into the pockets of top FDA contractors. This organized crime operation has been running for years, and it has operated with impunity...
| 12/14/2007 - Think U.S. health authorities have never conducted outrageous medical experiments on children, women, minorities, homosexuals and inmates? Think again: This timeline, originally put together by Dani Veracity (a NaturalNews reporter), has been edited and updated with recent vaccination experimentation...
| 3/7/2006 - "The concentration camps were used as a huge laboratory for human experimentation," says Wolfgang Eckhart, professor of Historical Medicine at the University of Heidelberg in Germany. During the Holocaust, Bayer, Hoechst, BASF and other German pharmaceutical and chemical companies combined into a powerful...
| 3/6/2006 - Introduction by the Health Ranger: The United States claims to be the world leader in medicine. But there's a dark side to western medicine that few want to acknowledge: The horrifying medical experiments performed on impoverished people and their children all in the name of scientific progress. Many...
| See all 61 consent feature articles.Concept-related articles:Hospital:Direct:Blood:Patients:Research:Treatment:Review:Injury:Medical:Study:Emergency:Pennsylvania:Informed consent:Consumers:Illegal:Employees:
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