Pets news, articles and information:
| 5/9/2016 9:52:44 AM - An estimated 50 percent of families in the U.S. own a dog, and about one-third own a cat. If you fall into either of these categories, you are probably familiar with the annual notices you get from your vet, persistently reminding you to vaccinate your pet. But what they aren't telling you, is that...
| 1/13/2016 - A report by the ABC7 I-Team investigates whether or not vaccines administered to pets may be having long-term adverse health effects, an investigation that likely would not have taken place if the victim were human.
In the midst of the "Disneyland measles outbreak," the topic gained attention after...
| 7/10/2015 - Are you a dog lover who lets your dog sleep in your bed and shower you with kisses right on the mouth? After reviewing the potential diseases that you can catch from your dog, you might want to take it down a notch. Zoonotic illness is disease passed from animals to humans, and although that might not...
| 5/8/2015 - National re-legalization of marijuana is closer than it's ever been. The majority of Americans are starting to realize that cannabis is NOT an addictive, immoral and destructive drug. Americans are starting to see cannabis for what it truly is -- a harmless, useful plant with several healing virtues....
| 4/6/2015 - As yet another sign of the emerging police state brutality taking place across America, government-run animal control "mafias" (i.e. your local animal control department) are now murdering family pets if those families don't pay the ransom demands.
In essence, animal control departments are now running...
| 10/7/2014 - In recent days, after news that the Ebola virus had spread to our shores, several U.S. officials have said that, despite the desire of millions of Americans to close our borders to travel from the affected West African regions, that just isn't going to happen.
One of those to call for a travel ban...
| 9/24/2014 - Army veteran Stephen Simmons arrived home from his last tour in Iraq in 2008, but adjusting to civilian life has been difficult due to his post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). (1)
It's not uncommon for those suffering from PTSD to experience feelings of shock, guilt and anger, while also having...
| 6/17/2014 - Pet owners, listen up.
New research presented at the 28th annual meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies indicates that those who share a bed with their furry companions for more than four nights a week have poor sleep quality (1). Specifically, 63 percent of people aren't sleeping...
| 11/27/2013 - As the social stigmas and taboos about marijuana that largely emerged during the "Reefer Madness" generation continue to be stripped away from the public consciousness, an increasing number of people are beginning to look at this all natural herb with fresh eyes, recognizing its incredible potential...
| 7/11/2013 - Feeding your pets the highest quality food items with the most nutrition does not have to break the bank, especially if you already grow your own organic produce at home. There are many different fruits and vegetables, in fact, that cats and especially dogs will gladly eat that can help boost their...
| 6/30/2013 - It may sound like nonsense to some of you, but there are those who travel with their pets and in doing so would like to keep them safe when they are on the road.
Some innovative companies have honed in on this consumer "need" and have been working on products designed to lower risks to pets when...
| 3/18/2013 - Just when some naysayers and "science-based skeptics" ease off debunking acupuncture, or at least concede acupuncture offers a placebo effect, along comes some back page publicity regarding veterinarian acupuncture.
Yes, people are getting acupuncture treatments for the pets, and some veterinarians...
| 4/18/2012 - The New York Times came up with an article recently entitled "Can Fido and Whiskers Enrich Children's Lives?" Different medical researchers and scientists were consulted for this article, which begs the question: Does research money really need to be spent on this type of question?
It's one thing...
| 1/23/2012 - Nothing is more aggravating then finding fleas on the family pet. Even the best pet parents have their work cut out for them when flea season begins, and that doesn't include a possible infestation of chiggers or other creepy, crawling, mite-like invaders taking up residence in the home. Conventional...
| 1/2/2012 - Most dogs and cats dislike unexpected, loud noises from thunder or fireworks. What may be a festive time for humans, turns into a night of horrors for many pets, making them run for cover or cower in fear at our ankles. Calm and protect pets from feeling vulnerable and anxious during fireworks and thunderstorms...
| 1/1/2012 - Off to the vet again, amidst plaintive cries from the cat and a wrestling match with Fido as he backs out of his collar. Horrendous vet visits are easily soothed with a few doses of homeopathic medicine. Remedies are simple to administer and calm nerves, lessen fear and reduce the humiliation of being...
| 10/13/2011 - Homeopathy is a specific form of alternative (holistic) medicine which was developed by Samuel Hahnemann, M.D., a German physician, in the late eighteenth century. At that time, people were being treated with poisonous substances to get the "bad humours" out of them by making them vomit, have diarrhea,...
| 7/20/2011 - In a seemingly diabolical plot, veterinarians and pharmaceutical companies have teamed up in a marketing campaign to frighten pet guardians into giving year-round heartworm preventatives to their cats, as well as dogs. These so-called experts say they're doing this to improve protection for individual...
| 6/28/2011 - The global commercial pet food industry is astonishingly profitable and continues to grow (sadly) by leaps and bounds. Let's define commercial pet food, for our purposes, as anything that is packaged in cans or bags, even if labeled holistic or natural. Hundreds of generations of pet guardians have...
| 6/23/2011 - "My veterinarian made me do it! I love my veterinarian so much, that I do exactly what he/she tells me to do. I hear all the alternative practitioners warning about the potential side effects and how vaccination is not a simple thing but is a true medical procedure with risks and benefits just like...
| 4/2/2011 - As radioactive clouds from Japan reach the United States, serious health concerns are raised for those of us living in the United States. While much of the public tried to stock up on dwindling potassium iodide and follow plentiful advice on other measures to take in the event of dangerous fallout levels,...
| 3/5/2011 - At one time, aggression in pets was more or less limited to trained guard dogs or the protective behaviour of a mother guarding her young. However, aggression in pets has become more common in latter years, especially in cats. There may be a multitude of reasons why this is on the increase, but perhaps...
| 10/21/2010 - When most people think about acupressure they tend to think only about the benefits it can have for people. However, acupressure can also provide great benefits for dogs and other pets. Dogs, for example, love to be touched, petted and massaged, and they respond very well to this type of therapy. Used...
| 1/7/2009 - Similar to Hollywood's Worst Dressed List or (if you're old enough to remember) Laugh In's Fickle Finger of Fate Award, Truth about Pet Food announces the first annual Biggest Stupid Act in Pet food Award. The Award will be given to the organization or manufacturer that during the year showed the most...
| 12/10/2008 - A report from the Royal Veterinary College in London, Professor D.L. Chan, points out that veterinarians should begin to look at nutrition to play a larger role in the health of pets. Similar to human doctors, most veterinarians don't write 'prescriptions' of nutritional supplements for their pet patients....
| 11/27/2008 - Governor Schwarzenegger of California has proposed a new tax on veterinary services; specifically on veterinary services and treatments. If the California bill gets passed, or if other states plan the same taxation, will the proceeds benefit pets and/or pet owners?
A new proposal in the California...
| 11/4/2008 - For many, the discussion of feeding your pet a raw food diet can be a scary thing. There is so much work and knowledge that is involved, not to mention all the health factors to take into consideration for both you and your pet. Or at least this is what your vet and mainstream media may lead you to...
| 10/17/2008 - The most recent pet food recall from Mars Pet Care - due to salmonella contamination - appears to be becoming habit. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) Mars Pet Care products have been having Salmonella problems for several years. Two years in a row, the same pet food plant has been known...
| 9/20/2008 - You come home from work and notice your dog or cat peeping at you from around the corner, you immediately know something's up. Regardless whether you discover a 'present' left on the living room rug or a broken vase from the cabinet they aren't supposed to be up on, pets can't lie -- they tell us the...
| 9/12/2008 - The FDA is supposed to protect our pet's food. Congress took note of the deadly pet food recall last year and mandated the FDA to clean up its act. Human food and pet food regulations are supposed to be updated and in working order by September 2009 according to the Amendments Act. I have my doubts....
| 9/10/2008 - Not to sound too 'out there' but I'm a big believer that pet food manufacturers and our pets show us 'signs'. The point being to urge you to always be aware of the signs presented to you with your pets and the products they consume.
Earlier in the year there were reports of pets becoming sick from...
| 9/3/2008 - A recent study performed by Environmental Working Group (EWG) proves our pets are exposed to chemicals and toxins in far greater amounts than people. In a ground breaking study, EWG found dogs and cats to be contaminated with 48 different chemicals –- 43 of which were at higher levels typically found...
| 8/16/2008 - A recent article in the Leaf Chronicle, Clarksville, TN newspaper has got the fur flying. The Leaf Chronicle reported on euthanizing procedures for the county Animal Control. Horrendous standard procedures flatly euthanize particular breeds regardless of the dog's history or circumstances. Simply because...
| 7/28/2008 - Just when you think you've seen it all and nothing would be too shocking to learn or read about the pet food industry, you stumble across something that causes your jaw to drop. I stumbled across something that proves once again –- you can't be too careful about the food and treats you give to your...
| 6/18/2008 - There is now evidence showing that domestic animals not only provide great companionship, but they can also help prevent illness. A recent study conducted by the University of Minnesota has highlighted the importance of regular contact with pets. The study showed that having a cat for a pet can reduce...
| 12/30/2007 - The following is part five of an interview between Mike Adams and Dr. Hand Liers, the chief formulator of products sold by Health Products Distributors, Inc. (HPDI) ( To see all parts of this interview, search this site for "Dr. Hank Liers."
Dr. Liers: I feel our animals...
| 12/16/2007 - It is not surprising that almost 65 percent of households have at least one animal companion. There is more than ample evidence that having companion animals can have all kinds of benefits. According to the Center for Disease Control, pets can decrease your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, triglyceride...
| 11/17/2007 - How does the person with the most stressful job in the country relieve the pressure? President George W. Bush does it by playing with his dog. Stroking a pet, holding a purring cat, hearing a bird sing and chirp, and even watching a fish swim in a tank can have a calming effect. Playing with pets or...
| 7/17/2007 - Big Pharma has successfully completed its takeover of veterinary medicine in the United States and other first-world nations. Knowing that massive profits could be generated through the bodies of pets, drug companies have spent two decades pursuing an aggressive campaign of rewriting vet school curricula,...
| 8/14/2006 - Pet owners can combat animal illness with cleanliness and educated observation, and wellness veterinarians from Purdue University recommend the same procedure in the case of bird flu.
"Commercial products can kill viruses because the flu is not resistant to disinfectants," said Steve Thompson, director...
| 12/22/2005 - Mike: Whenever I talk to pet owners, whose pets have joint problems, pain or disease, I hear a distorted line of reasoning -- the same in human medicine -- which is that it's just genetic. I hear that all the time.
Newman: Oh, I know.
Mike: What's your take on that?
Newman: My take on it is...
| 12/18/2005 - Mike: Let's talk about supplements for a minute. You have a line of supplements. What is unique and interesting about these supplements?
Newman: First of all, we have the most concentrated supplement line on the market. Concentration is very important. A dog or a cat doesn't want a tablespoon of...
| 10/21/2005 - If you check the labels on grocery store foods, you've probably already begun to see that the list of ingredients doesn't always tell the whole truth about what's in your food. The same goes for your pets' food. Behind innocent-sounding words like "meat byproducts" and "meat meal" are horrific manufacturing...
| 12/5/2004 - Veterinarians know far more about nutrition than most doctors. Pets generally don't have health insurance, and it's much cheaper to prevent disease in your pet through good nutrition than it is to treat it with drugs and surgery down the road. Veterinarians both understand good nutrition and preach...
| See all 123 pets feature articles.Concept-related articles:Animals:Home security:Dogs:Security systems:Lifestyle:Movement:Home:Security:Cats:Nutrition:Obesity:Diabetes:White rice:SAMe:Veterinarians:Dog food:
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Recommended Resources is
a free video website featuring thousands of videos on holistic health, nutrition,
fitness, recipes, natural remedies and much more.
CounterThink Cartoons are
free to view and download. They cover topics like health, environment and freedom.
The Consumer Wellness Center is
a non-profit organization offering nutrition education grants to programs that
help children and expectant mothers around the world.
Food Investigations is
a series of mini-documentaries exposing the truth about dangerous ingredients
in the food supply. offers
alternative health programs, documentaries and more.
The Honest Food Guide is
a free, downloadable public health and nutrition chart that dares to tell the
truth about what foods we should really be eating. offers
a free online reference database of healing foods, phytonutrients and plant-based
medicines that prevent or treat diseases and health conditions. is
a free, online reference library that lists medicinal herbs and their health
benefits. is
a free online reference database of phytonutrients (natural medicines found in
foods) and their health benefits. Lists diseases, foods, herbs and more.