Wisdom news, articles and information:
 | 10/3/2016 - For many years it's been standard operating procedure for dentists to recommend the surgical removal of wisdom teeth – even when there is no pain or symptoms. But is it really necessary or beneficial?
According to a recent study, the answer is "maybe not."
From Fox News Health:
 | 11/24/2015 - Aging is one of the most dreaded life experiences in western culture; however, it doesn't have to be. In her book Longevity: The Science of Staying Young, Kathy Keeton educates readers on the ups and downs of aging. The following is an excerpt from her book.
"Studies among people sixty-five and older...
 | 9/3/2015 6:08:41 PM - Set to launch September 28 and last through October 5, the Holistic Oral Health Summit will feature 34 of the world's leading experts on the link between oral health and whole body health as they lend their expertise on the importance of improving oral health, reversing gum disease and preventing cavities...
 | 6/26/2015 - A routine dental procedure suddenly descended into darkness for one Minnesota teen. When 17-year-old Sydney Galleger went in for surgery to have her wisdom teeth removed, she must have been nervous, but nothing could have prepared her for what she was about to face. No one saw it coming.
 | 5/1/2015 - In a cogent rebuttal to the vicious attacks levied against him after a recent episode of his show boldly brought to light the cancer-causing effects of Monsanto's Roundup herbicide, Dr. Mehmet Oz humbly exposed the hypocrisy of the "conventional-only" sects within modern medicine that have falsely condemned...
 | 3/25/2015 - Conventional information outlets -- the corporate-controlled media, government and medical institutions -- have no interest whatsoever in teaching you knowledge and skills that can save your life, keep you out of hospitals and even reverse serious disease. That wisdom comes entirely from independent...
 | 1/18/2015 - As 2015 got underway, Natural News declared this the Year of Self-Reliance, and I promised to bring you more practical solutions that touch on all the important areas of your life.
Several extraordinary events are beginning in the next 1-7 days that can help you attain extremely valuable wisdom and...
 | 4/25/2014 - According to reports from CNN, people who use pharmaceutical drugs, but who don't like having to remember, think, exercise their personal agency, or make their own proactive choices throughout their day, may soon be able to get their medications automatically administered via an implanted chip.
 | 3/23/2014 - Conventional dentists receive a huge percentage of their revenues by scaring patients into a procedure called "wisdom teeth extraction" which is usually medically unjustified. Across virtually the entire industry of conventional dentistry, this dangerous surgery scam is pushed on patients with unethical...
 | 12/1/2012 - Winter is the season of the kidney according to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). It is especially important to tend to these organs during this time. With a measure of proper care and attention, kidney health is strengthened while painful stones and infections are avoided. Through straightforward...
 | 12/27/2011 - It is a common procedure that roughly five million Americans undergo every single year, according to ABC News, but people need to understand the serious risks involved. Two teenagers recently died due to complications involved with having their wisdom teeth surgically extracted. Jenny Olenick, a 17-year-old...
| 2/11/2011 - A report by dentist Jay Friedman in the American Journal of Public Health reveals that 67 percent or more of preventative wisdom teeth removals are unnecessary. The article explains that most of the pain and illness surrounding wisdom teeth are not caused by the teeth themselves as one would expect,...
| 12/15/2010 - Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom quickly became an international bestseller, and for the past fifteen years it has remained the veritable bible of women's health. The NaturalNews Talk Hour will feature Christiane Northrup, M.D., a board-certified OB/GYN, past president of the American Holistic Medical...
| 11/7/2010 - A new study published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry reveals an interesting new medical fact about wisdom teeth. Far from being a useless annoyance, wisdom teeth actually hold valuable tissues inside them that are capable of creating therapeutic stem cells. In the event that a person needs them,...
| 7/19/2010 - Wisdom teeth, also called the Third Molars, are the furthest back teeth, erupt between the ages of about 16 and 25 years old and are the last teeth to come in. In a large percentage of the population, these third molars either come in improperly or get 'stuck' behind other teeth, leading to infections...
| 10/18/2009 - Have you ever wondered what is that stuff coming out of your nose when you have a common cold? Such nasal discharges are composed of dead viruses that were killed by the body`s defenses, dead white blood cells that were killed as a result of the infection, and of a liquid substance known as mucus which...
 | 6/9/2006 - Modern dentistry is a curious branch of conventional medicine, and like much of conventional medicine, it offers a strange mixture of both helping people (improving dental health) while harming them (filling cavities with mercury). Most dentists, like many doctors, believe in outrageous myths like the...
| 5/30/2004 10:47:26 AM - In a groundbreaking report from the British Medical Journal, researchers
who poured over thousands of studies detailing the efficacy of medical
and dental procedures have concluded that many popular surgical
procedures are completely worthless. Among those is one of the most
common procedures...
Concept-related articles:Surgery:Mercury:Mercury fillings:Dentist:Wisdom teeth:Dentists:Health:Beliefs:Patients:Research:Doctor:Studies:WHO:Removal:Teeth:Toxic:
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