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remedy feature articles
Back-to-school natural remedy shopping list Published August 23 2012 | Concepts: natural, remedy, NaturalNews, flu, shopping |
| More than 80 reasons to use honey as a DIY home remedy for better health and good eats Published August 1 2012 | Concepts: honey, health, home, heal, remedy |
| Protect your child from the dangers of Ritalin - Four Homeopathic remedies to treat ADHD and ADD Published July 26 2012 | Concepts: child, adhd, homeopathic, homeopathic remedies, homeopathy |
| If you only choose one remedy for survival and pain relief, grab some Arnica Published June 16 2012 | Concepts: arnica, pain, remedy, pain relief, natural |
| How to create a natural first-aid kit for travel Published June 9 2012 | Concepts: natural, remedy, first-aid kit, how to, NaturalNews |
| Treat common childhood ailments with these effective homeopathic remedies Published May 31 2012 | Concepts: child, children, homeopathic, homeopathy, childhood |
| More than 101 reasons to use coconut as a home remedy to improve your health naturally Published May 31 2012 | Concepts: coconut, oil, health, natural, remedy |
| Popular homeopathic cold and flu remedy Oscillococcinum under attack in Canada Published May 19 2012 | Concepts: homeopathy, oscillococcinum, remedy, 5, flu |
| Nosodes: The Homeopathic Alternative to Vaccines - by Celeste Yarnall, Ph.D Published May 2 2012 | Concepts: nosodes, home, homeopathic, vaccines, dog |
| 2,000-year old Chinese herbal remedy could be used to treat autoimmune disorders, Harvard scientists find Published April 24 2012 | Concepts: autoimmune disorders, Chinese, herbal, remedy, scientists |
| Fermented red Asian ginseng a great natural remedy for allergy symptoms Published April 17 2012 | Concepts: ginseng, allergy, natural remedy, Asian ginseng, natural |
| Homeopathic prevention and treatment for whooping cough - 7 common remedies that work Published April 12 2012 | Concepts: whooping cough, homeopathic, remedies, homeopathy, prevention |
| A common vegetable cures skin cancer Published April 5 2012 | Concepts: skin, cancer, cure, eggplant, cures |
| Baby receives cocktail of seven vaccines, loses ability to speak, recovers with homeopathic shock remedies Published March 31 2012 | Concepts: cocktail, homeopathic, baby, vaccines, shock |
| The best homemade remedies to treat hay fever and seasonal allergies Published March 27 2012 | Concepts: remedies, fever, hay, home, hay fever |
| 8 natural remedies to overcome erectile dysfunction and impotence Published February 29 2012 | Concepts: dysfunction, erectile dysfunction, natural remedies, men, natural |
| For your pet - Natural remedies overcome fear of loud noises, thunder and fireworks Published January 2 2012 | Concepts: noise, remedies, pets, fear, fireworks |
| Make veterinarian visits easier on your pets - Use homeopathic remedies Published January 1 2012 | Concepts: pets, homeopathic, remedy, arnica, homeopathic remedies |
| Homeopathy for pets - safer and more effective than toxic drugs Published October 13 2011 | Concepts: home, symptoms, homeopathic, dog, homeopathy |
| Frankincense - Ancient herbal remedy proven to be effective against arthritis Published September 11 2011 | Concepts: frankincense, arthritis, herbal remedy, herbal, research |
| Cherries are an inexpensive natural remedy for pain Published August 28 2011 | Concepts: pain, cherries, natural, remedy, natural remedy |
| Study: Homeopathic remedy helps treat migraine headaches naturally Published June 25 2011 | Concepts: migraine, homeopathic, headaches, remedy, migraine headaches |
| The most irrational yet effective remedy in the world for radiation illness and its prevention Published May 31 2011 | Concepts: medical, radiation, homeopathic, remedies, medicine |
| Baking Soda remedy shrinks tumors Published April 14 2011 | Concepts: soda, baking soda, baking, cancer, tumors |
| Remedy dry skin, itchiness and various skin conditions with tissue salts Published March 24 2011 | Concepts: skin, salt, tissue salts, conditions, skin conditions |
| Helping someone in the hospital Published February 24 2011 | Concepts: magnesium, hospital, doctor, medicine, health |
| Use tea tree oil as a natural remedy for acne Published February 3 2011 | Concepts: oil, tea, tree, tea tree oil, acne |
| Magnesium provides a natural remedy for anxiety Published January 18 2011 | Concepts: magnesium, anxiety, natural, remedy, natural remedy |
| Fraudulent herbal immune supplement fails to reduce flu symptoms for 99 percent of people Published December 20 2010 | Concepts: flu, vaccine, vaccines, flu vaccine, flu vaccines |
| Use Homeopathic Remedies for Acute Diarrhea, Nausea and Vomiting Published October 22 2010 | Concepts: diarrhea, homeopathic remedies, homeopathic, nausea, home |
| Pumpkins Remedy Seasonal Ailments Published October 13 2010 | Concepts: pumpkin, remedy, pumpkins, seasonal, lungs |
| Homeopathic Remedies Treat Insomnia Published September 19 2010 | Concepts: homeopathic, sleep, remedies, homeopathic remedies, remedy |
| Homeopathic Remedies Treat Insect Stings and Snake Bites Published July 5 2010 | Concepts: homeopathic, remedies, homeopathic remedies, insect stings, natural |
| The Real Milk Diet: An Old-School Raw Remedy Treats Modern Disease (Opinion) Published June 22 2010 | Concepts: milk, raw, diet, disease, men |
| Home Remedies Remove Warts: Banana Peel, Vitamin A and Homeopathy Published June 17 2010 | Concepts: warts, home, remedies, vitamin A, home remedies |
| Home Remedies with Garlic Quickly Relieve Ear Aches and Ear Infections Published June 8 2010 | Concepts: garlic, oil, remedies, home, aches |
| Homeopathic Remedies Treat Shock Published June 5 2010 | Concepts: homeopathic, shock, remedies, homeopathic remedies, medical |
| Use Home Remedies to Quickly and Safely Eliminate Athlete's Foot Published June 4 2010 | Concepts: feet, home remedies, athlete's foot, home, heal |
| Homeopathic Remedies Help Allergies and Hay Fever Published June 3 2010 | Concepts: homeopathic, allergies, remedies, hay, homeopathic remedies |
| Newly Discovered Old Russian Folk Remedy Prevents and May Cure Cancer Published March 11 2010 | Concepts: chaga, cancer, cure, mushrooms, remedy |
| Protect Homeopathic Remedies from Televisions, Microwaves, and Computer Monitors Published February 2 2010 | Concepts: remedies, homeopathic, homeopathic remedies, radiation, microwaves |
| Use a Natural Home Remedy for Athlete's Foot Published January 21 2010 | Concepts: home, remedy, natural, athlete's foot, feet |
| Ancient Chinese Herbal Remedy More Powerful At Killing H1N1 Than Prescription Antivirals Published January 18 2010 | Concepts: H1N1, prescription, Chinese, herbal, remedy |
| Use Herbal Remedies for Headaches Published December 30 2009 | Concepts: headache, herbal remedies, headaches, herbal, tea |
| Ear Infections: Use a Home Remedy of Garlic Juice Published December 18 2009 | Concepts: garlic, juice, health, bacteria, home |
| Ancient herbal mint remedy is effective, safe pain reliever, new study finds Published December 16 2009 | Concepts: pain, mint, herbal, study, remedy |
| Stop stomach ulcers with the miracle remedy of cabbage Published November 11 2009 | Concepts: cabbage, ulcer, ulcers, natural, juice |
| Natural remedies for acne Published October 14 2009 | Concepts: natural, acne, book, remedies, dairy |
| Fig Leaves Provide a Natural Health Remedy for Diabetes Published September 18 2009 | Concepts: figs, health, natural, natural health, remedy |
| Use Basil for Natural and Homeopathic Remedies Published September 9 2009 | Concepts: basil, remedy, relief, natural, tea |
| The Father of Oleander Soup - Part 2 of the Oleander Series Published August 7 2009 | Concepts: Oleander, soup, cancer, doctor, drug |
| Pu-erh Tea is a Chinese Cholesterol Remedy and Overall Health Tonic Published August 1 2009 | Concepts: tea, Pu-erh, cholesterol, Chinese, health |
| Turmeric Shown to be Natural Remedy Against Alzheimer's Published July 15 2009 | Concepts: turmeric, natural, disease, natural remedy, Alzheimer's |
| Ten Homeopathic Remedies to Use during the Flu Season and Swine Flu Epidemic of 2009 Published May 15 2009 | Concepts: flu, remedies, the flu, epidemic, homeopathic |
| How to Build Natural Immunity against the Swine Flu Published April 30 2009 | Concepts: natural, flu, immunity, heal, how to |
| Miracle Cure for Gout and Arthritis Pain? Six Cherries a Day Published April 21 2009 | Concepts: 5, cherries, gout, Amazon, natural |
| Homeopathic Medicines for Traumatic Head Injury Published April 15 2009 | Concepts: homeopathic, injury, medicines, medicine, remedy |
| World Homeopathy Awareness Week has Arrived Published April 15 2009 | Concepts: homeopathy, world, awareness, homeopathic, allergy |
| Coconut Oil: A Natural Remedy for Pneumonia Published December 9 2008 | Concepts: coconut, child, oil, children, coconut oil |
| Homoeopathy Can Also Be Used to Treat Psychological Problems Published November 9 2008 | Concepts: medicine, remedy, anxiety, symptoms, grief |
| Dispelling the Myths Surrounding Homeopathy Published November 1 2008 | Concepts: home, homeopathy, homeopathic, medicine, heal |
| Homeopathic Alternatives to Antibiotics Published July 9 2008 | Concepts: homeopathic, medicine, homeopathy, disease, people |
| The Recipe for Oleander Soup - Make Your own Cancer and HIV Remedy (Part 1) Published July 2 2008 | Concepts: Oleander, soup, cancer, oil, recipe |
| How to Beat and Prevent the Avian Flu and Other Influenzas Published April 23 2008 | Concepts: flu, tea, oil, 5, herb |
| Natural Remedies for Treating Arthritis Published April 18 2008 | Concepts: arthritis, pain, tea, oil, anti-inflammatory |
| The Father of “Oleander Soup” - Part 2 of the Oleander Series Published April 6 2008 | Concepts: Oleander, soup, cancer, drug, doctor |
| Herbal Remedy Essiac® and Cancer (press release) Published October 9 2006 | Concepts: essiac, herbal, cancer, remedy, herbal remedy |
| Ancient Chinese Remedy Shows Potential in Preventing Breast Cancer (press release) Published September 13 2006 | Concepts: cancer, artemisinin, breast cancer, Chinese, remedy |
| Major Study Confirms Effectiveness & Safety of Tibetan Remedy for Vascular Pain (press release) Published August 15 2006 | Concepts: pain, safety, remedy, study, effectiveness |
| Ancient health remedy 'rediscovered' by Weill Cornell and others (press release) Published August 11 2006 | Concepts: garlic, remedy, health remedy, health, medical |
| Controlling Constipation the Natural Way: Ancient Asian Remedy Provides Healthy Alternative to Laxatives (press release) Published August 2 2006 | Concepts: constipation, remedy, natural, healthy, alternative |
| Ancient health remedy 'rediscovered' by Weill Cornell and others (press release) Published July 17 2006 | Concepts: garlic, remedy, health remedy, health, medical |
| Folk Remedy May Yield New Treatment for Psoriasis (press release) Published July 6 2006 | Concepts: psoriasis, treatment, remedy, America, medication |
| The common cold is no match for natural healing therapies: minerals, herbs and foods stave off colds and flus Published October 24 2005 | Concepts: common cold, the common cold, men, colds, infection |
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