Measles news, articles and information:
 | 11/3/2016 - The children of Syria, by far the biggest losers in the brutal, gruesome and deadly civil war in that country, are even being victimized by international organizations that are supposed to be there to help them.
An immunization program administered by the World Health Organization was suspended after...
 | 7/12/2016 - TIME magazine, along with several other mainstream media sources, is blaming a recent measles outbreak in Arizona on unvaccinated workers at an immigration detention center located near Phoenix, but is the story accurate?
The mainstream press version of the story claims that what's being called "the...
 | 6/2/2016 - SB277 is the rule of law in California. The state is no longer allowing most vaccine exemptions for children hoping to attend public schools. The law, at its very core, is designed to "smoke out" those who choose to resist all vaccines or just a some of them. The legislation hopes to bring fear to those...
 | 5/14/2016 - Children vaccinated against mumps and measles shouldn't have a reason to worry about contracting the two viruses, right? That's why they were vaccinated in the first place -- to have blanket immunity from these diseases.
So why are news outlets putting fear in the heads of the vaccinated, warning...
 | 3/1/2016 - I've been dismayed by the national brouhaha characterized by the Four Horsemen of Vaccine Hysteria: Fear, Anger, Blame, Hatred. (Story by Louise Kuo Habakus, republished from
The unvaccinated must be hunted down and punishedMeasles is deadlyWe need a federal mandate for the measles...
 | 2/8/2016 - Question number one: How many kids have died shortly after getting a vaccine, whether the measles, mumps, rubella or even just the flu shot? What is that total statistic?
Second question: How many kids have actually died from infectious diseases and influenza who received inoculation for the very...
 | 1/29/2016 - It isn't as if the current civil war in Syria has not already taken a ravenous toll on the Middle Eastern country's children, but so, too, has a recently administered measles vaccine that the Assad government claims was sabotaged.
According to a mid-September report by Britain's Telegraph newspaper,...
 | 1/12/2016 - Just as rapidly as it emerged, the "Disneyland measles outbreak" essentially vanished less than sixth months after it began, leaving no fatalities, but that didn't stop lawmakers (and their handlers) from using the episode as an excuse to try and implement forced vaccinations nationwide.
Though not...
 | 1/11/2016 - WASHINGTON, D.C. -February 2, 2015- [ GlobeNewsWire] Health officials are blaming unvaccinated children for the recent measles outbreak that started at Disneyland. However, with no blood tests proving the outbreak is from wild measles, the most likely source of the outbreak is a recently vaccinated...
 | 1/6/2016 - Measles and enteroviruses are making a comeback in the United States, slipping through the cracks of a poorly managed immigration system. Proper health screening of immigrants is nearly impossible now, because we have a system based on fear that encourages illegal immigration. This police state system...
 | 12/26/2015 - Never mind the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and other basic freedoms that uphold parents' rights to make decisions about the health care their children receive. (Story by Mac Slavo , republished from
Never mind the evidence that vaccines aren't as effective as...
 | 12/3/2015 - Although cases of measles and mumps declined after measles and mumps vaccines were introduced, scientists now realize that childhood infections serve a valuable function and may be necessary for normal development of the immune system. For example, earlier this year, a large Japanese study found that...
 | 12/3/2015 - Mainstream media clamor for mandatory vaccines, ignoring official statistics that show the drug is more dangerous than the disease. Should government force parents to vaccinate their children?
The deaths of more than 100 children have been officially linked to receiving a measles vaccine during the...
 | 10/16/2015 - As published in the Clinical Infectious Diseases journal, the 2011 measles outbreak in New York has been confirmed to have originated from a fully vaccinated woman, according to a study conducted by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, the Westchester County Department of Health...
 | 7/7/2015 3:44:16 PM - The truth is out there and is plain enough for anyone with an open mind to see: The mainstream media and the progressive Left are vaccine advocates, and will do whatever they can, including lying and forcing their views on others by law, to push their pro-vaccine agenda.
The latest example of this...
 | 7/6/2015 - Ever since a woman from Washington state sadly passed away last week from what was reported as "measles," the vaccine zealots have been in a frenzy, declaring that everyone needs to be vaccinated against the measles or more people might die.
But now the Daily Mail in the UK has revealed this woman...
 | 5/8/2015 - All the talk about the Jade Helm military exercises targeting Texas as "hostile territory" has turned the mainstream media into its usual self: finger-wagging denialists who pretend nothing is ever a threat unless they say so first. Jade Helm is no threat to your safety, they insist, but a tiny measles...
 | 5/7/2015 - There is nothing like a contrived "health emergency" to boost Big Pharma's sales.
As the measles "crisis" that officials believe originated at Disneyland in California built in momentum earlier this year, traditional health care providers urged scores of their patients to get vaccinated. Many of...
 | 4/24/2015 - The official story regarding the Ebola outbreak has gone from hokey to downright ludicrous with new reports claiming that, if Ebola isn't eradicated from West Africa soon, 100,000 people will get sick and 16,000 people will die -- from measles!
Yep, the measles scare campaign is now merging with...
 | 4/15/2015 - If it isn't completely obvious at this point that the Disneyland measles outbreak is the mainstream media's latest propaganda false-flag attack, then you're not paying attention. Like a calculated military mission, this coordinated attack against personal vaccine choice is deliberately misleading the...
 | 4/14/2015 - A new study published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics claims to delineate the source and spread of measles during the widely hyped Disneyland measles outbreak, of course blaming the unvaccinated for this ridiculous non-event. But the data points presented in the study reveal that the vast majority of...
 | 4/10/2015 - Suzanne Humphries, MD, is an internal medicine and kidney specialist who received conventional medical education. After seeing mainstream doctors and hospital staff categorically ignore routine vaccine injuries occurring in her patients, Dr. Humphries began researching vaccine science which validated...
 | 4/10/2015 - In the U.S. today, you can't even attend public school unless you're fully vaccinated for a battery of mostly mild childhood conditions (or unless you use an appropriate vaccine exemption that is in danger of being eliminated). But the federal government now feels that it's no big deal to ship in possible...
 | 3/24/2015 - The maniacal push by vaccine fanatics to force everyone on the planet to get injections whether they want them or not has truly entered the desperation phase. And the absurd.
A recent New York Times (NYT) op-ed, for instance, from a pro-vaccine physician who earns millions a year from childhood vaccine...
 | 3/22/2015 - The national news media have been hyping a Disneyland measles outbreak all winter long in an attempt to gain public support for mandatory vaccinations. Still, after looking at the ingredients in vaccinations, informed parents agree: MMR vaccines are one of the worst pharmaceutical products you would...
 | 3/19/2015 - A compilation of video clips from various popular television shows that aired back in the 1950s and 1960s is blowing major holes in the ongoing measles propaganda campaign, proving once again that measles infection is nothing more than a benign childhood condition like chicken pox that generally runs...
 | 3/17/2015 - Just recently during a five-week period in 2015, in fact, from January 1 to February 6, 121 people from 17 states were reported to have measles. In 2013, according to the World Health Organization, there were more than 145,000 measles deaths globally, which equates to about 400 deaths every day. If...
 | 3/14/2015 - Holistic physician Dr. David Brownstein has a message for the fanatical vaccine pushers: Relax.
In a recent blog post, Brownstein used the current measles outbreak that reportedly began at Disney Land in California to talk about the "hysteria" associated with it.
"I have seen the articles stating...
 | 3/12/2015 - A critically important, heavily-researched article by Barbara Loe Fisher of the NVIC has been published today. Click here for the original, which we are reprinting below.
As this article exhaustively documents and reveals, the vaccine war taking place in America today is actually a "culture war"...
 | 3/10/2015 - Efforts by some parents in California to impart natural immunity in their children by hosting so-called "measles parties" are being frowned upon by state health authorities, which would rather these children be injected with a potentially deadly vaccine instead.
The California Department of Public...
 | 3/10/2015 - Who's the bigger threat when it comes to spreading infectious disease: the vaccinated or the unvaccinated? If you listen to the mainstream media, unvaccinated children are the archetypal lepers of the modern age, a societal scourge responsible for all disease and the only real obstacle to peace on earth.
 | 3/10/2015 - In between breaths blaming the unvaccinated for spreading measles (and somehow putting the entire world at risk of suffering and death, depending upon which propaganda outlets you follow), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently admitted that illegal immigrants are likely...
 | 3/9/2015 - Instead of fearing diseases like measles and succumbing to pharmaceutical company propaganda, the average person should be asking questions like:
Does this vaccine lead to viral shedding?
Is the vaccine I'm considering a live virus vaccine that could infect me?
How does the viral shedding affect...
 | 3/8/2015 - If you're worried about your child contracting measles, whooping cough or one of the other scary-sounding infectious diseases being hyped up by the mainstream media right now, you might want to steer clear of recently vaccinated children rather than the unvaccinated.
What you're not being told by...
 | 3/5/2015 - Without their sponsors and advertisers, the mainstream media wouldn't exist. The mainstream press ISN'T a free press at all. It's literally controlled by high-paying sponsors, which are primarily junk food companies like McDonalds, big agribusinesses like Syngenta and Monsanto, and giant drug-dispensing...
 | 3/4/2015 - The following announcement appeared on via Globe Newswire. It is extremely well cited and it shatters the lies and propaganda of the vaccine industry -- an industry that's losing the P.R. on every front due to their verbal abuse of vaccine-damaged children, strong-arm intimidation tactics and...
 | 3/3/2015 - The pro-vaxxers are angry. More and more parents are reportedly defying the propaganda machine and skipping vaccines for their children, which has sparked a full-fledged war in the mainstream media against medical choice, free thought and even basic logic.
As science is sacrificed on the altar of...
 | 3/2/2015 - The mainstream media is politicizing the recent measles outbreaks, using the disease to create a dichotomy to divide Americans. The vaccinated are being pitted against the unvaccinated and a blame game has been riled up. This pointless debate, gripping news headlines, is being used not to educate the...
 | 2/28/2015 - "Lacking any real science proving we have a serious 2015 measles outbreak, and lacking any science supporting the idea that the measles vaccine is safe and effective, we're looking at a psyop called The Disney Story. A fake horror movie happening at 'the happiest place on Earth,' Disneyland. It's a...
 | 2/27/2015 - Four children, aged 10 and under, may have MMR vaccinations forced on them in Michigan. The reports all say measles vaccinations, but single measles vaccines aren't used anymore. Merck is making multi-milllions off the MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) vaccine in the USA, while GlaxoSmithKline is making hay...
 | 2/26/2015 - All the mass hysteria in the mainstream media over Disneyland measles is blinding the public to the fact that MMR, the official vaccine for this generally mild, low-risk disease, actively spreads measles. And like all other vaccines, MMR permanently damages a child's immune system, warns a prominent...
 | 2/24/2015 - Editors' note: We published this article back in April 2014...when a previous measles scare was ongoing. Notice that the "outbreak" fizzled out...and no one died. Now, anti-vax and measles hysteria is back, so we felt this article was timely again. (Story by Lily Dane, republished from
 | 2/23/2015 - Over the past decade, there have been various measles outbreaks, but the CDC reports that there have been no deaths. Measles is something which the body can overcome, especially if it is fueled with the right vitamins, minerals, probiotics, etc. In fact, death by measles steadily declined before the...
 | 2/20/2015 - The scripted media is being used to scare and divide the public over new measles outbreaks. It's always the same unintelligent narrative being pushed: The unvaccinated are putting everyone in danger. Obviously, the push to sell more vaccines is on as fear is used to prey on the population.
 | 2/19/2015 - Parents, get your children vaccinated is today's public health mantra. Authorities continuously pound this blanket statement into the minds of parents, making them believe that this is the only way to make the immune system work. This blanket statement doesn't even consider what all the individual vaccinations...
 | 2/19/2015 - When pro-vaccine scientists and skeptics claim that they believe what they believe because of "science," it's important to remember that much of what is assumed to be science today is actually pseudoscience for the promulgation of special interests. Concerning vaccines, it continues to come to light...
 | 2/18/2015 3:01:23 PM - Vaccines are a total fraud; the public is waking up to this undeniable fact, and the mainstream media is now ferociously attempting to stuff the cat back into the bag through mass manipulation. Lacking any semblance of scientific backing, the official narrative appeals solely and obtrusively to base...
 | 2/15/2015 3:55:27 PM - The recent hysteria propagated by the dinosaur media regarding the latest measles outbreak is beyond illogical and simply based on a patchwork of lies and misinformation. News of the recent "Disneyland measles outbreak" has brought forth a sudden myriad of self-proclaimed "experts" on measles and vaccines,...
 | 2/15/2015 3:54:00 PM - The general consensus among pro-vaxxers is that vaccines save lives, and if it weren't for their existence, infectious disease would be running rampant. But a closer look at the data reveals that the death rates from conditions like measles, scarlet fever, typhoid, whooping cough (pertussis) and diphtheria...
 | 2/15/2015 - In early 2015, Big Pharma has declared war on vaccine dissent. In case you haven't noticed over the last two weeks, US media outlets are running a highly coordinated and sensationalized propaganda campaign to hype-up a "national measles outbreak", while demonizing any American parents that dare to question...
 | 2/12/2015 - The corporate media machine is really showing its true (malevolent) colors with this latest measles outbreak delirium, openly announcing to the world that it hates personal freedom and individual choice, and would like for nothing more than federal and state governments to start rounding up and punishing...
 | 2/5/2015 - Parents concerned about their vaccinated children potentially contracting measles from unvaccinated children may want to consider the fact that the bigger health threat is technically the vaccine, not the disease itself. Comparative data provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...
 | 2/5/2015 - While the mainstream media is busy making a mockery of itself with runaway hysteria "witch hunt" hate speech against parents who choose not to poison their children with toxic vaccines, the real story on the measles outbreak remains entirely unreported in any mainstream media outlet.
What story is...
 | 2/5/2015 - While the media continues to spew emotionally charged tirades about how the anti-vaccination "movement" allegedly triggered the recent measles outbreak that health authorities believe started at Disneyland, actual science suggests that the most likely cause of this insanely overblown outbreak was a...
 | 2/4/2015 - Several dozen students at a public high school in Orange County, California, have been told that they can't return to school until the end of the month, because they weren't vaccinated for measles, a typically non-lethal infectious disease that is currently spreading throughout the region after an outbreak...
 | 2/3/2015 10:27:03 AM - With the measles and measles vaccine debate reaching a near frenzy on the Internet, it is always nice to throw some cold hard facts on the firestorm currently raging in the measles debate. (Story by Brian Shilhavy, republished from
So here are some easily verifiable facts regarding...
 | 2/3/2015 10:26:40 AM - I recently did an interview which was aired on NBC Phoenix.[1] I was asked my opinion on vaccinations in response to the current measles outbreaks that have occurred at Disneyland in California. My reply[2] has generated quite a bit of anger in thousands of people. (Story byDr....
 | 1/25/2015 - While the vaccine industry is exploiting the Disneyland measles outbreak to call for widespread MMR vaccination, nobody in the mainstream media is telling you how the MMR vaccine clinical trial results were faked by Big Pharma in yet another example of runaway scientific fraud by the vaccine industry.
 | 1/24/2015 2:03:44 PM - Hell hath no fury like a vaccine zealot during a disease outbreak, with this latest Disneyland measles fiasco a perfect case-in-point. While the corporate media foams violently at the mouth over a few children, some vaccinated, who allegedly contracted measles at Disneyland because not everyone chooses...
 | 1/23/2015 5:08:37 PM - All aboard the propaganda train with the mainstream media as your conductor. The destination: Fantasyland. Scare reports continue to spill across the web about the Disneyland measles outbreak, urging the public to get vaccinated immediately in order to make it all go away. But this latest psy-op is...
 | 1/23/2015 - The Disneyland measles outbreak has America in a panic -- a fact that's totally out of proportion to reality given that so far only 644 people have even caught the measles across the country during the entire year of 2014 vs. the 100,000+ Americans who die every year from the side effects of prescription...
 | 1/13/2015 3:24:20 PM - Maybe Mickey Mouse is responsible for spreading measles to children at Disneyland? This is a more likely hypothesis than health department claims that unvaccinated children are to blame for a recent outbreak that occurred at "the happiest place on Earth," in which 39 people -- and counting -- from at...
 | 7/8/2014 - It's perplexing: Conservative political thinking is naturally skeptical of big government while supportive of more individual liberty and personal responsibility. These positions have been cornerstones of constitutional conservatism since being defined by William F. Buckley, Barry Goldwater and other...
 | 6/23/2014 - The mainstream media is giddily engaging in a mass political orgy over measles after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that the disease is allegedly spreading in large part due to foreign travelers and the unvaccinated. But a recent slip by KYW Newsradio 1060 in Philadelphia...
 | 4/13/2014 - Public health officials in California are having a meltdown following confirmation that 32 children thus far have contracted measles in the Golden State this year, up from three confirmed cases this same time last year. And news reports obviously crafted to generate fear and push more people to get...
 | 11/11/2013 - Disclaimer: I am not an opponent of the theory of inoculation. Nor am I opposed to science. What I am opposed to is fraudulent science, and that's what this article is all about.
Measles and mumps are making a huge comeback in the United States, but doctors and journalists all make the same critical...
 | 4/23/2013 - According to the state-controlled media of the UK, Swansea is currently under the grip of an epidemic of a potentially fatal disease. A BBC report stated that the epidemic is the result of parents failing to immunize their children with the MMR vaccine due to concerns over autism. The BBC report then...
 | 9/14/2012 - In 1988, I was researching my first book, AIDS INC. Interested in the subject of vaccines, I delved into published accounts of vaccination gone wrong.
The following series of quotes from authors only begins to cover the territory of vaccine damage, deception, and failure. It is nevertheless the start...
 | 5/6/2012 - An article in the Daily Mail UK, has reported that there has been the highest rate of measles infection since 1988. It goes on to say that 214 cases have been reported in the Mersey-side area alone. In a blatant advert for the MMR vaccination, Dr Roberto Vivancos from the Health Protection Agency, said...
 | 4/20/2012 - In the following interview, Mike Adamsconducts a video interview with neurosurgeon, researcher and writer Dr. Russell Blaylock - an expert on excitotoxins like aspartame and MSG - about fraudulent vaccine science. Dr. Blaylock reveals the disturbing truth about vaccine trials and ethics, as well as...
 | 2/22/2012 - Mass hysteria over a measles outbreak in Hamilton County, Indiana, has led county health officials there to irrationally prohibit all unvaccinated children from attending two public schools. According to reports, 21 preschool-age students, seven elementary-age students, and 26 intermediate-age students...
 | 8/28/2011 - The Institute of Medicine, which has long functioned as a front group for the pharmaceutical industry and receives tens of millions of dollars in annual funding from drug companies and global elitists (like Bill Gates, Ted Turner, etc.), has issued a report that declares the MMR vaccine is not linked...
 | 8/22/2011 - Big Pharma, the CDC and other public health organizations tell the mainstream media (MSM) what to report about outbreaks and epidemics. So you may have the impression that recent measles outbreaks are occurring because of MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccination refusals.
According to official public...
| 2/18/2011 - It is not enough to be informed about the many problems with current immunization policy and practice. We must effectively apply that knowledge to expand our right to make informed choices. Where the rubber meets the road with vaccine rights is in the statutes and regulations that provide or restrict...
 | 1/6/2011 - According to UNICEF, about two million children die each year from diarrhea. And according to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 200,000 people -- mostly children -- also die annually from measles. But there's an effective way to reduce childhood sickness and death from these diseases. A new...
| 12/13/2010 - A pair of nine-month old twin girls died within minutes of being given a measles vaccine at a private clinic in Ghaziabad, India.
The girls were taken by their uncle, Akhil Sharma, to receive a measles vaccine at the Divya Nursing Home.
"I took them for the vaccination around 6 p.m. on Wednesday,"...
| 9/21/2010 - British government policy on measles vaccination for children has changed for no discernible reason notes Christina England, writing on, citing an internal document from 1968.
The document, titled "Notes On the Use and Storage of Measles Vaccine (Live Attenuated) for Routine Vaccines,"...
| 5/7/2009 - The Texas Department of State Health Services will require even more vaccinations for children entering kindergarten or seventh grade in 2009. Students must now receive vaccines for meningitis, tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough and chicken pox. Most of these viruses are rare or non-deadly, and the...
 | 1/16/2008 - For many decades, leading scientists and doctors have vehemently promoted the idea that immunization of children is necessary to protect them from contracting such diseases as diphtheria, polio, cholera, typhoid, or malaria. Yet evidence is mounting that immunization may not only be unnecessary but...
| See all 127 measles feature articles.Concept-related articles:Vaccines:Immunization:Pneumonia:CDC:Health:Children:Disease:Vaccine:Infection:WHO:Childhood:Doses:Federal:Technology:Cancer:Immune system:
Concepts related to Measles
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