Illegal news, articles and information:
 | 11/6/2016 - The total lawlessness of Obama and the democrats is on display yet again today as President Obama is captured in a new video encouraging illegal aliens to vote and promising nothing bad will happen to them if they do.
In this video interview with leftist Latina propagandist Gina Rodriguez, Obama...
 | 11/4/2016 - Monsanto is finally being held liable for genetically engineered wheat that was found growing illegally on an Oregon farm in 2013. The "Roundup Ready" wheat genetically modified to withstand applications of glyphosate has been tested in 16 states, including Oregon, from 1998 to 2005, but has never been...
 | 10/21/2016 - When an American child is born in a hospital, a Social Security number is given to document that the child is a US-born citizen. Today, parents might want to think twice before registering their child as a number in the US system. Surprisingly, being an undocumented alien has more advantages now than...
 | 10/6/2016 - Tenet Healthcare Corp. has agreed to pay more than $514 million to settle a federal lawsuit involving two of the company's hospitals in Atlanta that were found guilty of participating in a Medicaid kickback and bribery scheme.
Two corporate subsidiaries of the Texas-based health system, Atlanta Medical...
 | 9/16/2016 - Farmers in 10 states have now reported damage to their crops as result of other farmers illegally spraying dicamba on newly approved genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The new GMO cotton and soybeans are able to withstand application of a chemical cocktail made from dicamba and glyphosate, the ingredient...
 | 8/30/2016 - Hysteria over the Zika virus continues to spread – with the help of government health authorities and the media – and the latest scare tactics could lead to the legal banning of sexual intercourse for those who become infected.
On August 26, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...
 | 8/29/2016 - When people from other nations cannot provide any proof of legal residence, such as even a green card, there should be no problems with not granting inexpensive or free healthcare to them. A green card allows someone to work and live in the USA, but it is one level below full citizenship.
It was...
 | 8/12/2016 - Buried in a trove of emails from the campaign of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee, and mysteriously obtained by WikiLeaks, was an email newsletter sent to political insiders that contained something interesting: a paid advertisement from the alcohol...
 | 8/10/2016 - Farmers throughout the Midwest are having to battle a new pest that's not a weed or an insect, but an illegal chemical manufactured by the Monsanto Company as a pairing for "2 Xtend," the next generation of genetically-modified organism (GMO) that requires even more and harsher chemicals than first...
 | 8/1/2016 - Private members of a golf club in Rye, New York, are up in arms after pesticide misuse destroyed the course, causing a "mysterious green residue" to begin coating players' shoes. The obnoxious goo started off as a joke, but tensions began to escalate "as the lush course transformed into a field of dustbowls,"...
 | 7/26/2016 - Vegan food company Mary's Gone Crackers manufactured its crackers through the use of illegal labor. Perhaps this is why the company's products always taste burned?
Back in 2012, Mary's Gone Crackers was audited by ICE and found to be employing 49 illegal aliens. After firing all but one, the company...
 | 6/11/2016 - Another nail in the coffin of the once-great nation that was America occurred just recently, thanks to a ruling by a federal judge in a case that should never have even made it to court.
As reported by The Associated Press (AP), U.S. District Judge David Campbell cleared the way for thousands of...
 | 5/27/2016 - Researchers at Imperial College London recently went to great lengths to obtain psilocybin and use it in clinical tests to investigate its medicinal value for treating severe depression. It took 32 months for the research team to meet all the licensing requirements to even conduct the trial. They also...
 | 5/2/2016 - It isn't something that many people talk about or are even aware of, but the day of the robot is coming. And when it finally arrives, hundreds of millions of people will no longer be able to earn a living – at least not in the "old-fashioned way." That's because robots are coming to take them.
 | 4/12/2016 - A Delaware family vacationing in the U.S. Virgin Islands in 2015 didn't return home with the usual memories typically associated with having an enjoyable time. Instead, they learned that they were a victim of illegal pesticide exposure after staying in a St. John resort room – for eight days –...
 | 4/8/2016 - In retaliation for its work in exposing the machinations of the biotechnology industry, the environmental group Greenpeace has been subject to illegal probing by the public relations firm representing the world's largest purveyor of chemicals and genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), a lawsuit claims.
 | 3/29/2016 - As news of an illegal vaccine distribution scandal in China continues to emerge, outraged citizens are demanding to know why the government waited so long to inform the public that their children were at risk.
According to the government, an illegal vaccine ring in operation since 2011, distributed...
 | 3/19/2016 - The number of illegal immigrants arriving via the Obamabus program to a New Mexico facility already housing and caring for thousands of others who came before them is expected to increase in the coming weeks, according to reports. And with this will come more disease, as many of the fresh detainees...
 | 3/15/2016 - Taxpayers are on the hook for providing health insurance coverage, via the Affordable Care Act, to hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens, thanks to the Obama Administration's lack of effort to prevent them from being covered by ensuring that they remain in the country.
According to The Washington...
 | 2/7/2016 - Billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump tapped into a vein of seething anger when, as he announced his bid for the Republican presidential nomination, he addressed the issue of illegal immigration.
Trump's plan, in a nutshell, was radical but just what a vast swath of Americans wanted to hear...
 | 1/7/2016 - Some analysts have said that the 2016 election is a make-or-break for the survival of our republic. While there has been such negativity before, following two terms of lawlessness, insane domestic policy initiatives, division and creeping socialism, it is hard to argue that America is politically, spiritually...
 | 1/6/2016 - Measles and enteroviruses are making a comeback in the United States, slipping through the cracks of a poorly managed immigration system. Proper health screening of immigrants is nearly impossible now, because we have a system based on fear that encourages illegal immigration. This police state system...
 | 1/4/2016 - A strange virus that began to spread rapidly after multiple waves of illegal immigrant children were shipped into the U.S. from Latin America last year has been shown in a new study to be directly related to the "polio-like illness" that's reportedly infected at least 112 children in 34 states, and...
 | 12/15/2015 - Is the Obama Administration intentionally trying to create chaos within the immigration system? Is the chaos being deliberately instigated to coerce the population to support a new system of mass government surveillance? Socialists' controlling ideas are often welcomed in this way -- through chaos.
 | 12/2/2015 - In recent days, a 25-year-old white female drove her automobile into crowds of people who were gathered in Stillwell, Oklahoma, to watch the annual Oklahoma State University homecoming parade. When the ensuing chaos subsided, it was learned that Adacia Avery Chambers, the driver, killed four people...
 | 12/1/2015 - The demise of Europe has begun and hardly anyone has noticed. You can tell because there is little discussion of it in places where such events traditionally would be discussed, such as in the news media.
The continent is being overrun by peoples from many different countries, most of them poor....
 | 11/29/2015 - Regarding the debate over reform of U.S. immigration laws – a debate that has never been settled amid reforms that have never been adopted – Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman, in response to an editorial advocating "open borders" in The Wall Street Journal, admonished the paper's...
 | 11/3/2015 - When a New Jersey social worker showed up unexpectedly at the home of Christopher and Nicole Zimmer and demanded entry to question them and their son, Chris, about the boy's homeschooling, the Zimmers weren't sure how to react.
When Christopher Zimmer initially called the police to find out what...
 | 10/16/2015 - More often than not, when the subject turns to U.S. immigration policy, the debates can be really passionate.
On the one hand, Americans know and understand that our country was founded as a "nation of immigrants," and continues to be a destination for most of the world's "downtrodden" who are looking...
 | 10/14/2015 - In a stunning development with horrific implications, scientists whose work was published in the journal Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience were able to achieve "magnetic lobotomies" that deactivate higher brain function without using surgery, radiation, fluoridated water or mercury-laced vaccines.
 | 10/7/2015 - President Obama's decision to disregard federal immigration statutes calling for the deportation of illegal aliens and Congress' refusal to hold him accountable through constitutional processes are having deadly results.
As reported by Breitbart Texas, six illegal immigrants from Honduras and Guatemala...
 | 10/2/2015 - No shooting crisis in America -- real, staged or otherwise -- ever takes place without law enforcement exploiting the crisis to indoctrinate the local population with police state totalitarianism.
Following the mass shooting at the Umpqua Community College (UCC) in Oregon, students and staffers were...
 | 9/28/2015 12:34:58 PM - The left-wing extremists who run California operate by catering to specific demographics in order to remain in power — specifically, the state's immigrant population, whether staying in the country legally or illegally.
About nine months ago, the California Legislature authorized, and Democratic...
 | 8/18/2015 - New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has taken politically correct hypocrisy to new levels in criticism of the European Union and top GOP presidential contender and real estate mogul Donald Trump, both over the subject of illegal immigration.
As reported by, de Blasio - at the Vatican recently...
 | 8/12/2015 - An incident that occurred several years ago is worthy of a revisit, especially as the debate over genetically modified organisms heats up and the mainstream "scientific community" has become much more militant and demanding that everyone be compliant and obedient and never challenge conventional wisdom...
 | 8/11/2015 - The Migration Policy Institute (MPI), which Breitbart describes as a liberal think tank, has issued a new report on illegal immigration showing that nearly one million illegal aliens currently residing in the U.S. have criminal convictions on their records.
Countering the official narrative that...
 | 8/8/2015 - A new report says that the number of illegal aliens currently residing in the United States has surpassed the number of unemployed Americans looking for work, a statistic that is bound to become a factor in the 2016 presidential race.
As reported by the Washington Free Beacon, new data from the Pew...
 | 7/27/2015 - Hundreds of so-called illegal immigrant "sanctuary cities" have released thousands of criminal aliens over the past several months – some 50 percent more than previously revealed, according to a new report.
As reported by the Washington Examiner, at least 276 sanctuary cities released more...
 | 7/27/2015 - Regular viewers of CNN - all 30,000 of them – were just treated to one of the biggest lies ever told by a cable network news organization.
Namely, that there are no "sanctuary cities" for illegal immigrants in the United States.
For the uninformed, sanctuary cities are those whose elected...
 | 7/25/2015 - It might seem like a trick question but it's actually one that is very valid: What do the Democratic Party and Mexican drug cartels have in common? The answer: As it turns out, quite a lot.
Consider just two issues:
-- Progressive hate for Donald Trump. He is, after all, the one Republican presidential...
 | 6/22/2015 - Progressives have a lock on government in California and have for decades, so when the state nearly went bankrupt a few years ago, their high-tax, high-spending policies could be blamed.
In the past few years, an economic renaissance of sorts has taken place in the Golden State: A new (old) governor,...
 | 6/17/2015 - In recent days, the California Senate, long dominated by the party of the extreme Left (like the rest of California government) voted to send more taxpayer money down yet another rabbit hole because they seem incapable of not throwing good money after bad.
Not satisfied with ruining the state's finances...
 | 6/5/2015 - The United Kingdom has been moving politically to the Left for some time now, but even in our wildest dreams, never could we have imagined that it would become illegal to protect yourself there.
As reported by The New American, British subjects seeking advice about what are and are not permissible...
 | 6/1/2015 - Here is the face of judicial tyranny in Maricopa County, Arizona, where the juvenile justice system has completely run amok, illegally holding innocent children hostage while denying their parents' First, Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment rights as guaranteed under the Constitution. This face belongs...
 | 5/22/2015 - In President Obama's ongoing quest to "fundamentally transform" the country, the U.S. military has not been spared as now it is policy to recruit as many illegal aliens as possible -- young men and women who have no emotional ties to America and no fundamental understanding of how our constitutional...
 | 4/3/2015 4:17:33 PM - There are consequences when presidents break or ignore statutory law because it is politically expedient. There is also gross hypocrisy: Just ask Jose Chua Lopez.
Lopez, a 20-year-old from Mexico, was born with a heart defect. He has needed a heart and liver transplant for some time now. Friends...
 | 3/17/2015 - A massive influx of illegal alien children last summer is causing economic problems for some local school districts that were already suffering from scarce funding.
A new report by the Federation for American Immigration Reform, or FAIR -- a think tank that favors stronger immigration laws and increased...
 | 3/10/2015 - In between breaths blaming the unvaccinated for spreading measles (and somehow putting the entire world at risk of suffering and death, depending upon which propaganda outlets you follow), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently admitted that illegal immigrants are likely...
 | 3/9/2015 - We've all been there -- stuck in that slow trickle of a queue at the Department of Motor Vehicles, patiently waiting to see the next disgruntled government worker who will begrudgingly hand us that registration tag. Well, if you live in California, the misery that involves any visit to the DMV just...
 | 3/4/2015 - As someone who was born and raised in Texas, has lived in southern California and traveled extensively in Mexico, I have developed what I consider to be a nuanced view on immigration. I speak a fair amount of Spanish and have a respect for the mostly hard-working, honest people who have come to the...
 | 2/25/2015 4:19:51 PM - The Obama administration's incessant pandering to illegal immigrants is continuing unabated, as many will be eligible to receive tens of thousands of your tax dollars as a reward for breaking U.S. laws and sneaking into the country.
A new Congressional Research Service (CRS) memo obtained by Breitbart...
 | 1/2/2015 - College campuses have long been bastions of liberal thought, largely because most of them are being run by countercultural hippies who are veterans of the "civil rights battles" of the 1960s and 1970s. Even kids who come from largely moderate or conservative families have their values vanquished by...
 | 12/4/2014 - A number of political and social issues were important to voters who cast ballots in the Nov. 4 midterm elections -- jobs, the economy, national security, healthcare...
But one of the issues that received a great deal of attention as well was immigration and, specifically, illegal immigration. According...
 | 11/26/2014 10:33:48 AM - As tens of millions of American citizens remain unemployed or underemployed or are seeing their wages stagnate, President Obama -- as well as Democratic and Republican leaders -- see no problem allowing millions more illegal aliens into the country to take jobs for less money.
In fact, public policy...
 | 11/26/2014 - Prior to the Nov. 4 midterm elections, a number of civil libertarians, conservatives and constitutionalists brought up concerns about voter fraud, though Democrats insist that there is no such thing or, if there is, it is extremely rare.
Only, it's not. In example after example, as Natural News and...
 | 11/26/2014 - The Department of Homeland Security's Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) division has put out an invitation for bids (IFB) for a variety of underwear for young boys and girls as well as adult men and women. The invitation, which is listed on, a site that houses a range of federal business...
 | 11/15/2014 - Immigration -- or, more correctly, President Obama's threatened executive action to legalize millions of people who came into the country illegally -- factored in heavily in a number of House and Senate races around the country ahead of the Nov. 4 midterm elections: As in, a majority of Americans hate...
 | 11/9/2014 - The mysteries surrounding enterovirus D68, or EV-D68 -- and particularly where it originated -- are in the process of being solved, as a major elephant in the room is slowly acknowledged. Prevalent in Central America, the sudden spread of enterovirus in the U.S. this past summer has one obvious cause...
 | 10/28/2014 - Another federal court has ruled that taxing and spending provisions at the heart of the Affordable Care Act are illegal, dealing yet another blow to President Obama's signature piece of legislation.
In a recent ruling, U.S. District Judge Ronald White determined that an Internal Revenue Service rule...
 | 10/10/2014 - Despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of Americans a) do not support providing amnesty to millions of illegal aliens and b) do not support conferring American rights to them, liberals in some states are falling all over themselves to provide legal protections and benefits to scores of people...
 | 10/9/2014 - A new survey shows that a wide majority of Americans are increasingly concerned about the negative effects of illegal immigration on the nation's culture and economy.
The survey comes as President Barack Obama hints that he may consider new actions to sidestep Congress and implement key provisions...
 | 9/26/2014 - For more than a year now, "unaccompanied" minor children from the Central American nations of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras have been streaming across our southern border and into our immigration courts in pursuit of permanent residency status as (sort of) promised by our own government.
 | 9/25/2014 - Scores of polls taken over the past few years have regularly shown that the majority of Americans do not want amnesty for illegal aliens, do not want the federal government to continue conveying taxpayer-supported benefits onto them and do not support legal measures that legitimize them in any way....
 | 9/8/2014 - The Obama Administration and, in particular, the biased and politically charged Obama Justice Department, will go to any lengths to boost Democratic voter rolls with illegal immigrants, using every means -- legal and otherwise -- to cater to them, usually at the expense of American citizens and taxpayers.
 | 8/28/2014 - Any American citizen attempting to board a commercial airliner will be prohibited from doing so if they do not produce a proper, acceptable form of identification. Ditto for most citizens of other countries.
The only exception to that second group is if you sneak into America illegally -- according...
 | 7/24/2014 - The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) has taken a new leap toward tyranny with a major federal lawsuit filed against parcel courier FedEx, bringing outrageous charges of conspiracy to distribute controlled substances and drug trafficking. The lawsuit, which seeks hundreds of millions of dollars in...
 | 7/22/2014 - The "affordability delusion" of Obamacare is set to be obliterated following the decision of a federal judicial panel which declared that most of the subsidies currently being paid toward individual health insurance policies are illegal. This decision has been characterized as a "devastating blow" by...
 | 7/20/2014 - All those illegal immigrant children being shipped into the U.S. right now by the federal government are bringing with them exotic diseases that threaten everyday Americans, suggests a board-certified otolaryngologist. Dr. Elaina George, who specializes in ear, nose and throat conditions, told Newsmax...
 | 7/19/2014 - An illegal alien that was released by U.S. authorities and handed a Notice to Appear later in federal court has been arrested and charged with the murder of a woman and the kidnapping of children on American soil, alleged crimes that occurred after his release.
As noted by The Associated Press (AP),...
 | 7/18/2014 - Governments have a tendency to use a crisis or a series of escalations as an opportunity to expand control and pass sweeping new laws. When the masses become frightened, insecure or frustrated, they become more willing to give up their rights, privacy and liberties for "government security."
 | 7/16/2014 - "We are all connected. We can't just build a wall or a fence and say no more. This is America. Our doors are open." These are the words of U.S. House of Representatives John Lewis, (1) one of many democrats who seem to be stampeding over each other to see who can offer the most enticements to accelerate...
 | 7/12/2014 - The latest insult to Americans will infuriate millions: while the TSA strictly enforces ID and security requirements on American citizens, illegal aliens are now being allowed to board and fly on commercial aircraft without having to show any ID at all, announced the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC)....
 | 7/11/2014 - America is in a de facto state of invasion, and it's an invasion that was deliberately engineered to "occupy" America with a flood of illegal immigrants known to be carriers of tuberculosis, scabies, lice, AIDS, Swine Flu and other infectious diseases, warn netizens.
A massive authoritarian censorship...
 | 7/9/2014 - Most Americans are aware that the Texas border is being overrun with illegal immigrants, but they don't have firsthand experience in what it really means for law-abiding citizens. Right now, those who advocate this wave of human migrants are living in a fairytale, denying the very real costs on society...
 | 7/9/2014 - The United States of America is under attack by its own corrupt government, which is working on behalf of unseen powers to destabilize and ultimately destroy the country from within. And one of the tactics being used right now for this end is the constant stream of illegal aliens being intentionally...
 | 7/2/2014 - As the flood of illegal immigrants continues across the nation's southwestern border, federal agents charged with securing our boundary with Mexico have become increasingly inundated, and some have begun to warn that the situation is becoming dire for a number of reasons.
Border Patrol agent and...
 | 7/2/2014 - The signs of America's plunge into police state insanity just keep coming one after another, and today a de facto medical police state has been declared in government-run immigration refugee camps where infectious disease is running wild.
Many people will not believe the statements contained in this...
 | 6/29/2014 - The federal government's policies of allowing the mass migration of infectious disease-carrying people into the United States while transporting them to America's largest cities is a "perfect blueprint" for seeding a deadly pandemic. Right now, we are witnessing the engineering of a public health and...
 | 6/27/2014 - Say what you will about former Alaska governor and 2008 GOP vice presidential contender Sarah Palin: When it comes to making a point, she is clever, biting and usually spot-on.
Her take on the current lawlessness taking place on the U.S. Southwest border, in which tens of thousands of illegal immigrants...
 | 6/24/2014 - Continuing illegal sales of genetically modified foods in parts of China has led the government's Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) to order local officials to crack down and track possible GMO testing facilities.
The South China Morning Post reports that a recently published government document spells...
 | 6/11/2014 11:19:39 AM - Lawmakers are quoting a little-noticed federal court ruling in December as evidence that a so-called "catch and release" immigration policy put forth by the Obama administration is primarily behind the current flood of illegal immigrants to the U.S. from south of the border.
One lawmaker, in an interview...
 | 6/11/2014 10:56:50 AM - It's not a hurricane, a massive tornado or a major earthquake, the wave of children that is currently overwhelming some southwest border states, but at least one law enforcement official is nonetheless calling it a "natural disaster" that is on par with Hurricane Katrina.
Nearly 1,000 illegal immigrants...
 | 5/9/2014 - A court case out of Edwardsville, IL, alleges that Dr. Abid O. Nisar obtained illegal, unapproved pharmaceutical drugs from Turkey and used them on a woman he falsely diagnosed as having "pre leukemia."
The patient, Rosemarie Wendler, is suing Dr. Nisar for falsely diagnosing her with 'pre-leukemia'...
 | 2/13/2014 - What if you discovered that a food you were consuming had the same effects on your body as a highly illegal drug and could lead to addiction, cravings, bingeing, chronic degeneration, and even death? In depth studies show that consuming sugar has the same effects on the body as taking heroin and cocaine.
 | 12/7/2013 - As you might imagine, the pest control industry is largely reliant upon the use of questionable chemical pesticides that, while effective against pests, may also be harmful to humans. And a recent investigation has found that, in the state of Indiana -- and likely elsewhere -- the illegal...
 | 10/18/2013 - As Natural News reported yesterday, the Grocery Manufacturers Association got caught red-handed violating Washington state fair election laws by running a money laundering slush fund designed to conceal the identities of food companies giving money to block I-522.
The CEO of the GMA, Pamela Bailey,...
 | 9/26/2013 - The Transportation Security Administration, created out of whole cloth as a division of the Department of Homeland Security following 9/11, has quickly become the most egregious of all federal agencies, with a history of criminality unrivaled among the vast bureaucracy in Washington.
The latest incident...
 | 8/25/2013 - It may not come as much of a surprise to our regular readers, but the biotechnology industry as we currently know it is intrinsically corrupt. And a government official-turned-whistleblower from Brazil recently admitted in a government report that every single industry-prompted approval for genetically-modified...
 | 8/23/2013 - With reduced enforcement of the nation's immigration laws, on the order of President Obama, the illegal alien population in America is becoming more open by the day. And why not? When you no longer fear discovery and deportation, might as well "come out of the shadows," as open-border advocates are...
 | 8/18/2013 - America is "a nation of laws," we are often told by our exalted leaders, but as most of us know, the laws are not applied uniformly. Some people seem to get away with more than others, and that is especially true if you happen to be in America illegally.
Though so-called "Gang of Eight" senators,...
 | 6/28/2013 - It is the responsibility of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to collect the taxes which fund the government, but increasingly, the agency appears to be one of the worst abusers of the money it collects from hard-pressed taxpayers.
Recent reports have documented the spendthrift habits of many mid-level...
 | 6/24/2013 - The reason why critics are so vehemently against so-called "immigration reform" legislation currently making its rounds in Washington, D.C., is because, irrespective of what its backers say, when all is said and done the bill is just another amnesty for illegal aliens - those who either broke our laws...
 | 6/21/2013 - As reports go main stream about the NSA spying on millions of Americans through massive phone and email surveillance programs, it seems like nothing is being done to stop this massive breach of privacy. As massive surveillance powers hover over Americans and people all across the world, how will this...
 | 5/10/2013 - At a time when the U.S. government is spending a trillion dollars more a year than it takes in, it makes no sense at all for our elected leaders to be considering any legislation that adds to the federal deficit, which is already more than 100 percent of our entire gross domestic product.
And yet,...
 | 5/7/2013 - The U.S. government is broke and $16 trillion-plus in the hole, spending hundreds of billions of dollars more per year than it collects in revenue, because Washington, collectively, is addicted to spending.
One thing lawmakers and President Obama love to spend money on is the cultivation of constituencies....
 | 5/5/2013 - A recent survey by the Pew Center for the People and the Press found that most Americans are much more satisfied with their state and local governments than they are with the federal government.
According to the survey, the results of which you can view here, 57 percent of respondents said they held...
 | 4/27/2013 - Documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) reveal the Obama administration is actively marketing the federal food stamp program (SNAP) to illegal immigrants. A Spanish-language flyer obtainer by Judicial Watch says, "You need not divulge information regarding your immigration status...
 | 5/30/2012 - Despite the cumbersome medication approval process of the Food and Drug Adminstration's (FDA) bloated, controlling bureaucracy, a number of good, proven drugs and treatments remain "legal" elsewhere in the world, but not in the United States. We are told that's because not all medication "out there"...
 | 5/24/2012 - America has some warts, no doubt, but it's hard to beat our Bill of Rights, which everyone knows includes the First Amendment right to freedom of speech and freedom to assemble peacefully. While Canada has no such document, the country still has a reputation of supporting such rights. So a new piece...
 | 5/18/2012 - Man's mismanagement of the earth, its wildlife, and environment continues along its headlong path to destruction. This is evident in many African and Asian countries, where wildlife poaching continues to increase. In South Africa alone, in the first four months of 2012, nearly 200 rhinos have been killed...
 | 1/31/2012 - An Argentine court has fined drug monolith GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) a piddling $90,000 for conducting illegal vaccine trials on third-world babies between 2007 and 2008 that resulted in 14 of those babies being killed. GSK's shocking and utterly horrific crimes against humanity are topped only by its heartless...
 | 11/15/2011 - The concentration of elite legislative power in America is well under way today as the new "supercommittee" is working on an end-run around Congress to put together a "secret farm bill" that would prop up failed agricultural policies with yet more billions in taxpayer dollars.
The "supercommittee"...
 | 11/12/2011 - A Greenpeace investigation has revealed that the European Union (EU) is actively subsidizing fishing operations in Spain and other places that are massively overfishing, and that have a history of bypassing regulatory protocols designed to protect fish stocks -- and the European authority is subsidizing...
 | 10/24/2011 - When the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) announced last year that it would soon begin setting up security checkpoints in places other than just airports, it definitely was not joking. News Channel 5 in Nashville, Tenn., has announced that Tennessee is the official inaugural state for...
| 9/19/2011 - The federal government has a little cash flow problem, which has led to somewhat of a national debt in the neighborhood of $14 trillion. A big part of that problem has to do with a government addicted to spending and a large portion of the workforce unable to find employment (and thus pay income taxes)...
 | 9/14/2011 - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration masterminded an illegal international abduction of an American citizen as part of its illegal war against natural cancer treatment products, NaturalNews can now reveal. (This is an exclusive NaturalNews story, so please credit NaturalNews as the source.) Gregory...
| 7/23/2011 - Earlier in the week it was announced that every crop field in Hungary that was known to contain genetically-modified (GM) corn has been plowed under and destroyed. According to reports, GMO seeds are illegal in Hungary, and authorities have been working hard to ensure that no illegal plantings or sales...
 | 7/19/2011 - Responding to a lawsuit filed by the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) back in November, the District of Columbia (DC) Court of Appeals recently ruled that the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) violated the Administrative Procedures Act (APA) by implementing naked body scanners...
 | 4/26/2011 - New developments in the case of Maryanne Godboldo -- the Detroit, Mich., woman whose house was recently raided by a SWAT team with a tank, and whose daughter was subsequently kidnapped by these armed terrorists -- are set to hopefully clear the mother of any wrongdoing in the matter (
| 12/6/2010 - For the first time in history, a judge has ruled that an illegally-planted, genetically-modified (GM) crop be destroyed. U.S. District Judge Jeffrey White of California ruled back in August that all future plantings of GM sugar beets cease until the U.S. Department of Agriculture conducts a valid environmental...
 | 10/22/2010 - On June 30, 2010, a group of armed government agents from local, state, federal and even the Canadian government illegally trespassed on private property and raided Rawesome Foods, a private food buying club in Venice, California. With guns drawn, these agents tore through the property stealing computers,...
| 9/20/2010 - A subsidiary of pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson (J&J) has pleaded guilty in federal court to misdemeanor charges of marketing a drug for unapproved uses.
The guilty plea comes as part of a larger, $81-million settlement signed by J&J to settle government allegations that it illegally marketed...
| 4/26/2010 - Billions of dollars from the illegal drug business was the only thing that kept the global financial system from collapsing at the height of the banking crisis just over a year ago, according to the head of the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime.
"In many instances, the money from drugs was the only...
 | 12/16/2009 - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today stands accused of taking part in the kidnapping and illegal extradition of a permanent resident of Ecuador, in violation of both international law and Ecuadorian law.
Greg Caton, owner and operator of Alpha Omega Labs (, an herbal products...
| 11/30/2009 - The federal government has indicted a Swiss medical device company and four of its top executives on charges of illegally marketing two experimental spinal cements without FDA approval.
While U.S. law allows medical professionals prescribe or use any treatment that they think would be effective,...
| 9/28/2009 - Recently the European Pesticides Residues Committee tested 4,000 fruits and veggies and found that a number of them contained more than the legal amount of pesticides. The levels of pesticides varied considerably, and imported fruits and vegetables were found to have the highest quantity.
 | 11/10/2008 - A report by the Florida Medical Examiners Commission has concluded that prescription drugs have outstripped illegal drugs as a cause of death.
An analysis of 168,900 autopsies conducted in Florida in 2007 found that three times as many people were killed by legal drugs as by cocaine, heroin and all...
 | 5/23/2008 - Latinos residing in the United States illegally are 50 percent less likely to use emergency room facilities than Latinos with legal migration or citizenship status, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) and published in the Archives of...
 | 12/23/2006 - A fence-building company in Southern California has agreed to pay nearly $5 million in fines for hiring illegal immigrants.
In addition to the fines, two executives from the company may also end up serving jail time. A company called Golden State was found to have hired and retained illegal immigrants...
 | 10/4/2006 - The U.S. government announced yesterday that it will no longer seize small shipments of illegal Canadian pharmaceuticals at the border, which overturns months of aggressive seizures that have resulted in 40,000 confiscations nationwide.
Though it is still illegal to import pharmaceuticals from Canada...
 | 8/15/2005 - Drugs are bad. Drugs destroy peoples' lives. Didn't you know that marijuana turns regular everyday people into zombie pot smokers? That's why we have a war on drugs in America: to protect our children from potheads.
Drugs are bad. Especially marijuana. I learned this the other day when I visited...
| 8/6/2004 - The proliferation of methamphetamine labs, also known as "meth labs," is a growing problem in the United States. Not only do these meth labs produce illegal drugs that harm those who choose to take them, these labs also occasionally explode, killing their inhabitants. But one of the most common ingredients...
| 5/28/2004 10:27:24 AM - The FDA, in its ever-present desire to placate industry at the expense
of public health, has now announced that veal growers who used illegal
hormones in the calves can go ahead and sell them for use in the human
food supply. The FDA admits the practice is illegal, yet allows it
anyway. If they...
| 5/18/2004 4:55:25 PM - In yet more news revealing the horrifying activities of the U.S. beef
industry, it has recently been publicized that ranchers are routinely
pumping veal calves full of illegal hormones in an effort to get them to
grow faster. The USDA acts "shocked" about this, but in fact, this
practice is...
| See all 271 illegal feature articles.Concept-related articles:Hemp:Canada:Farmers:Cotton:Profits:Industry:Drug:Drug war:War:Crop:RIAA:The RIAA:Lawsuit:Companies:WHO:Future:
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The Consumer Wellness Center is
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The Honest Food Guide is
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