Cotton news, articles and information:
 | 9/10/2016 - A scientist from India is about to give Monsanto a run for its money. A team of researchers, led by Deepak Pental, has been working for 10 years on a genetically modified mustard variety, which was recently granted approval by a government committee that determined the product is safe for "food/feed...
 | 5/2/2016 - The 10th largest cotton producer in the world is giving up on Monsanto's genetically modified Bt cotton. Burkina Faso, Africa's top cotton producer, has been having some serious problems with the quality of the cotton being produced from Monsanto's GM seed. The strands of cotton being produced are far...
 | 4/24/2016 - We like to picture doctors as caring, compassionate souls whose existence is dedicated to helping others. Unfortunately, not all physicians complete the rigorous schooling to satisfy an innate love for humanitarianism. Instead, some individuals enter the field seeking financial gains, power and an elitist-type...
 | 11/29/2015 - A shocking new study out of Argentina made headlines recently when researchers revealed that 85 percent of cotton-based feminine hygiene products contained glyphosate, the primary ingredient in Monsanto's herbicide Roundup. The findings are especially concerning considering that glyphosate was declared...
 | 10/22/2015 - In the late 1970s and early 1980s, over 50 American women were killed by their tampons. Although the FDA and the feminine hygiene industry have gone to tremendous lengths to try to memory hole this true history (and label it just a "rumor"), tampons made from certain non-natural fibers were found to...
 | 10/13/2015 12:01:40 PM - Agricultural violence is running rampant in India, harming both the physical and financial health of its farmers. As it happens, Monsanto and the government simply sit back and continue to relish in the profit that comes from genetically modified seeds and poisons such as glyphosate.
People are dying?...
 | 7/19/2015 - The growing epidemic of farmer suicides in India can be directly traced to the introduction of genetically modified (GM) Bt cotton by multinational corporations, reveals a new paper published in the journal Environmental Sciences Europe. A research collaborative spanning multiple continents found that...
 | 9/6/2014 - In India, eggplant is known as brinjal. It's the same fruit. Monsanto, through associates and subsidiaries, offered free Bt brinjal saplings to poor farmers as an open experiment to gain more GMO acceptance in South and Southeast Asia. Seems this field test backfired.
Bt genetic technology claims...
 | 7/30/2014 - Biotech giant Monsanto promises farmers that, if they buy genetically modified (GM) seeds, their crops will exhibit herbicide-, insect- and drought-tolerant characteristics.
Through time, research and field trials, this has proven to be a false promise. All over the world, plants and insects are...
 | 7/28/2014 1:19:48 PM - Federal regulators with the Environmental Protection Agency have denied a request from the state of Texas to permit its farmers to use a very powerful and dangerous herbicide against invasive "superweeds" that are threatening to overtake cotton crops.
EPA officials cited added risks to drinking water...
 | 7/12/2014 - In a press release issued on July 4 by the organization Commons for EcoJustice, 19 separate civil society organizations and an organic vegetable farmers group have called on the government of Malawi to reject Monsanto's application to commercially plant genetically modified (GM) cotton.
The list...
 | 5/20/2014 - We may not associate much risk with seemingly "inedible" genetically modified crops like cotton, but the dangers are very real. GM cotton actually poses a triple threat -- Bt pollen, widespread use of cottonseed oil in the food industry and cottonseed cake fed to animals. Researchers are now concerned...
 | 5/16/2014 - Vegetable oil sounds harmless. You would think that oil coming right from pressed seeds of this earth would be healthy, but in this modern day of hyper-processing and genetic modification, this couldn't be further from the truth. So what's the deal with cottonseed oil, other than that which comes from...
 | 4/17/2014 - Genetically modified (GM) Bt cotton produced by Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Company (Mahyco), a collaborator with international biotech kingpin Monsanto, has officially been banned from the Indian state of Karnataka, a major cotton-producing region of India, after the heavily hyped transgenic crop failed...
 | 12/4/2013 - A practice being promoted on YouTube as a fad diet is actually a form of disordered eating that can pose serious health risks, health professionals are warning.
In videos promoting "the cotton ball diet," young girls soak cotton balls in lemonade or orange juice and then swallow them. The girls claim...
| 5/13/2013 - My friend, Andrea Donsky, that has the website, wrote an incredible article that is extremely relevant to all women that have a monthly cycle. She has given me permission to submit it here. As you read the article and become upset there is a link to go to to sign a petition. It...
 | 2/22/2013 - So, if you're a farmer and your yields are consistently lower each year, it's your fault, right?
If you're using a Monsanto product, then the company would tell you yes, indeed it is your fault.
But what happens when Monsanto-designed Bt cotton in India, which is supposed to be resistant to the...
| 2/9/2011 - Remember the promises made by Monsanto that genetically-modified (GM) crops would bring higher yields and a better quality of life to the world? A recent study put forth by anthropologists from Washington University (WU) in St. Louis has revealed that Bt cotton, a type of GM cotton that produces its...
| 12/19/2010 - Consumer concern over environmental destruction has turned organic cotton into a hot commodity for top textile brands from Nike to Levi Strauss.
"There's a paradigm shift in the textile sector," said John Mowbray, editor of the magazine Ecotextile.
"Three years ago sustainability was not on the...
| 10/1/2010 - Cotton is everywhere - clothing, towels, blankets, even diapers and feminine hygiene products. It's used more than any other natural fiber including wool. The cotton industry produces an estimated 20 million bales of cotton a year. It's ironic that the "fabric of our lives," as the commercial goes,...
| 9/26/2010 - The wide scale adoption of genetically modified (GM) cotton crops in China has led to an explosion of insect pests, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and published in the journal Science.
"This is a massive issue in terms of the environment,...
 | 7/30/2010 - At a biotech industry conference in January 1999, a representative from Arthur Anderson, LLP explained how they had helped Monsanto design their strategic plan. First, his team asked Monsanto executives what their ideal future looked like in 15 to 20 years. The executives described a world with 100...
| 11/18/2009 - Most people think that cotton only comes in the color white and then needs to be dyed, but in reality cotton can be grown in a variety of colors including tan, green, yellow, red, and brown.
Colored cotton agriculture began in Indo-Pakistan, Egypt, and Peru around 2700 B.C. It was the Industrial...
 | 3/10/2008 - You know that if you eat that sugar-filled cookie, it might spike your insulin, and if you put on cosmetics with chemicals in them, they will probably end up in your blood. But have you ever thought twice about putting on your favorite T-shirt, or snuggling into your cotton sheets?
A growing number...
 | 8/10/2006 - A warning to readers: this is a gruesome story. Do not read this if you are squeamish. It's a hard-to-believe (but true) account of the horrors of conventional medicine and its barbaric surgical procedures, many of which are still practiced today.
We begin by examining the astonishing practice of...
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