CNN news, articles and information:
 | 11/22/2016 - CNN is committing credibility suicide by the hour, now hurling desperate Hail Mary slurs against everyone in sight in a last-ditch effort to somehow remain relevant. (Hint: They're already too late. Intelligent viewers no longer turn to CNN for anything.)
In an apparent effort to accelerate the network's...
 | 11/19/2016 - CNN is the ultimate "fake news" network. There isn't a day that goes by where CNN doesn't deliberately fake a news story, distort a significant event for political purposes, or censor an important piece of news they don't want their viewers to discover.
To even call CNN a "news" network is uproariously...
 | 11/17/2016 - We have a dishonest North Korea-style, government-run, propaganda media that exists to be the far left-wing of the globalist movement.
They are a methodical machine that pumps out a constant stream of ideological garbage disguised as "unbiased" news.
(Article written by Amy Moreno, republished...
 | 11/1/2016 - Dirty Donna Brazile. Political filth on display. The stench of dirty democrat tactics has now reached a new, nauseating milestone in America with the revelation that "Dirty" Donna Brazile, a DNC operative working for Clinton, smuggled debate questions out of CNN and handed them over to the Clinton camp...
 | 9/14/2016 - For months, any writer, blogger or news publisher who dared talk about Hillary Clinton's collapsing health was denounced as a "conspiracy theorist" or "Hillary health truther." The strategy is obvious by now: The wholly dishonest and deceitful liberal media was trying to force people to stop discussing...
 | 9/7/2016 - It's not an admission you'd expect to hear from a cable news broadcaster that has lambasted presidential candidates and others when they have suggested that vaccines are not 100 percent effective or safe, but CNN has made one, contradicting earlier stances taken by contributors.
On it's website,...
 | 9/6/2016 - I'm one of the few independent journalists who has openly called the mainstream media a "mafia" cartel for years. Now, as revelations emerge surrounding Dr. Drew and his comments on Hillary Clinton's health, we're learning just how deeply corrupt and criminal the leftist media really is.
 | 9/2/2016 - With questions over Hillary Clinton's health issues growing every day, CNN has decided that the letter from the Democrat nominee's doctor "debunks" worries over her health but at the same time the cable network insisted that a similar letter from Donald Trump's doctor is not to be believed.
 | 8/29/2016 - When it was launched, the Cable News Network – CNN, as it would come to be known – was considered a bold experiment in journalism. Would anyone watch a 24-hour network dedicated strictly to breaking news?
As it turns out, the answer was yes, and CNN went on to command large audiences,...
 | 8/16/2016 - It has become obvious to anyone who is honest that much of the so-called "mainstream" news media has become little more than a platform to push certain political ideologies.
That's both left and right. But the difference is, some of the Left-leaning mainstream media outlets still ridiculously try...
 | 7/2/2016 - The mainstream media, as it is called, is becoming less and less trustworthy, as evidenced by its declining readership and viewership. One of the worst offenders of biased, politically lopsided and factually incorrect coverage is CNN.
When reporting on everything from likely GOP presidential nominee...
 | 4/13/2016 - Big Pharma-funded CNN has declared its own special war on women by assaulting any categorization of breastfeeding as "natural."
It's harmful to call breastfeeding "natural," says CNN in this astonishing demonstration of medical illiteracy, because it might encourage women to engage in other "natural"...
 | 1/3/2016 - Sometimes it is kind of funny to watch liberal news folks twist logic and defy common sense in their never-ending bid to infect the body politic with their Marxism. But sometimes the bending and twisting goes overboard and wanders into the realm of dangerous denial – the kind that can get Americans...
 | 12/25/2015 - For the secular, tradition-trashing editors and correspondents over at CNN, 'Tis the season to be bigots.
As reported by Newsbusters, a recent "This is Life" segment of the little-watched network's CNN Newsroom program actually highlighted the plight of Satanists who are trying to get more widespread...
 | 10/13/2015 - CNN has just been caught red-handed playing up a staged "crisis actor" attack on Donald Trump. The crisis actor, a woman named Lauren Batchelder, was an audience plant working for Jeb Bush, the Republican establishment candidate for President. At a Jon Huntsman "No Labels" event, Batchelder posed as...
 | 10/4/2015 12:38:07 PM - Another mainstream media outlet has bee accused of trying to manipulate the public's perception, likely for political purposes, in what will further erode trust of the network itself as well as the news industry in general.
Reported by The Gateway Pundit and The Conservative Treehouse, news channel...
 | 9/17/2015 - During the widely televised Republican debates hosted by CNN, debate moderators tried to destroy Donald Trump with a "gotcha" question about vaccines and autism.
As Natural News readers know, a top CDC scientist has publicly confessed to taking part in the CDC's fraudulent cover-up of data linking...
 | 7/27/2015 - Regular viewers of CNN - all 30,000 of them – were just treated to one of the biggest lies ever told by a cable network news organization.
Namely, that there are no "sanctuary cities" for illegal immigrants in the United States.
For the uninformed, sanctuary cities are those whose elected...
 | 7/3/2015 - Some stories are so unbelievable and over-the-top that you might swear they were fabrications – and this is one of them.
Sadly, for journalism anyway, this is not a fabrication.
On Saturday, June 27, the Cable News Network actually reported that a man was flying an Islamic State of Iraq...
 | 4/30/2015 - In a moment of what may have been unbelievable candor, a CNN host demonstrated why hers is one of the least-watched cable news channels on the air today.
Her name: Brooke Baldwin.
As reported by Breitbart News' media critic John Nolte, Baldwin made the outrageous insinuation that veterans, somehow,...
 | 4/20/2015 - In a stunning piece of real journalism that nails the story behind the story, former NBC Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Bob Arnot went on CNN to expose the truth behind the quackpot attacks against Doctor Oz. This is the truth that, almost without exception, every other mainstream media outlet intentionally...
 | 4/9/2015 - The Ebola outbreak in West Africa has long since disappeared from the radars of the world's news media, with coverage falling off dramatically from its peak last year.
That is especially true in the United States, but that coverage could soon change if a policy being pursued by the federal government's...
 | 4/6/2015 - As yet another sign of the emerging police state brutality taking place across America, government-run animal control "mafias" (i.e. your local animal control department) are now murdering family pets if those families don't pay the ransom demands.
In essence, animal control departments are now running...
 | 3/6/2015 - A pair of globalist-minded academics is arguing for an idea that, just a few short years ago, was derided as conspiratorial -- and by the same cable news outlet where the two are making their case: CNN.
In an online column for the Cable News Network, Andres Martinez -- editorial director of Zocalo...
 | 2/26/2015 3:55:48 PM - The corporate media, which has acted as a Pretorian Guard of sorts for Big Government for years, is jumping the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) bandwagon after the agency released a report decrying the "dangers" posed by "sovereign citizens."
One of the report's biggest cheerleaders has been...
 | 12/2/2014 - Plagiarism for a reporter, broadcaster, researcher or academic is literally a career-killer, but for some mainstream media outlets, it doesn't seem to matter much, provided that the accused is well-connected to the politically powerful.
According to various reports, CNN host Fareed Zakaria is quite...
 | 9/13/2014 - It was the first 24-7 live all-news network: the Cable News Network, which was aptly named. But long gone are the "glory days" of the first Gulf War, when CNN's wall-to-wall coverage of the "video game war" was on for hours and hours in millions of homes all around the globe.
Now, scores of network...
 | 9/4/2014 - After more than a week of total silence by the mainstream media, CNN has finally admitted that a landmark study recently published in a top scientific journal solidifies a link between the MMR vaccine and autism. But this was only after the journal that first published the study, Translational Neurodegeneration,...
 | 8/29/2014 - We've just posted a Health Ranger Report interview with investigative journalist Jon Rappoport, one of the last remaining honest investigative journalists in America.
The full interview is available on YouTube. The interview was recorded right before Dr. Thompson made a public confession of a CDC...
 | 8/25/2014 - The CDC whistleblower who has come forward with proof that the CDC knowingly covered up scientific evidence linking the MMR vaccine to autism has now been revealed as William W. Thompson, PhD. To share this story, use tags #vaccinegate and #EndVaccineViolence
Natural News has acquired a letter from...
 | 8/25/2014 - While CNN salivates over the news potential of an African-American teen being shot by a police officer, the network deliberately censors any news of the systematic medical abuse of African-American children by the CDC and the vaccine industry. That's the startling revelation which has now surfaced from...
 | 6/12/2014 - You could call fracking the earth's combo "vaccine" chock full of 40,000 gallons of toxic chemicals that induce a violent reaction, but instead of a human being going into anaphylactic shock from an unnatural and forced immune response, the earth goes into its own "seizure" -- and it's not pretty.
 | 4/18/2013 - If you want to know the depth of the mainstream media deceptions and cover-ups happening today, look no further than CNN's announcement that Paul Joseph Watson's highlighting of a "Family Guy" episode is somehow a "hoax."
As CNN reports:
The online hoax spliced together two clips from the original...
 | 1/22/2013 - The war on guns is now in full swing and most of the corporate media has dutifully stepped up to play the role of liberal-progressive echo chamber, touting phony polls that asked pre-ordained "gun control" questions, featuring a parade of left-wing politicos and hacks reciting selected anti-gun talking...
 | 1/11/2013 - This is major network news coverage of a man exposing the attempt of the American Government at disarming the masses. Using the recent school shooting and theater shooting as a ploy to put some huge gun bill through the system, with thousands of pages most Congressmen admit they NEVER READ, the mass...
 | 10/4/2012 - Those of you who are regular readers of Natural News - and your numbers are many - may not always agree with points of view expressed here, but we believe you at least consider us a trustworthy news source, a point driven home by the tens of millions of page views we receive every month.
That said,...
 | 2/14/2012 - Ibu Robin Lim is a world-renowned gentle-birth midwife, and the creator of the Bumi Sehat Birth Clinic in Bali ( There, Lim offers guidance and midwifery services that result in the birth of over 600 babies each year.
Known as "Mother Robin," she was granted CNN's coveted "Hero...
 | 1/4/2008 - Do you ever wonder just to what degree mainstream media (MSM) organizations are influenced by food corporations? On January 2, 2008, CNN Health posted a story that claims pizza, burgers, Canadian bacon and ice cream are diet-friendly and good for your waist line!
Did they mean it's good for watching...
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