Vote news, articles and information:
| 11/27/2016 - Instead of stepping back for some self introspection after being handed a stunning defeat in the elections, the political left has declared that the whole world is wrong. These communist-leaning radicals now believe it's their job to correct the "errors" of the election by putting Hillary Clinton in...
| 11/8/2016 - Voter fraud allegations continue to mount, and it appears that the political class have reached a new low – new reports indicate that they are even taking advantage of mentally ill and mentally incapacitated individuals.
This morning in Broward County, Florida, a sworn affidavit was released,...
| 11/8/2016 - CBS News is now reporting that voting machines in Pennsylvania -- a hotly contested battleground state -- are immediately switching Donald Trump votes to Hillary Clinton.
Via CBS Pittsburgh:
Most of the issues came when people tried to vote straight party ticket. However, others said they specifically...
| 11/8/2016 - The same Democrats who gave you mandatory vaccination in California, oppose school choice, accept money from agribusiness giants like Monsanto and support GMOs are now wanting to make sure they steal every election possible from here on out.
Which means, they don't really care about democracy –...
| 11/8/2016 - The Democratic Party loves to ridicule anyone who suggests that voter fraud is real, and yet, especially during the current election cycle we've seen example after example of just how easy it is to commit.
Thanks to Project Veritas, known for its bombshell undercover investigations, we've got another...
| 11/6/2016 - The Democratic Party has long since gone over to the dark side politically speaking. There are no vestiges of your parents' and grandparents' Democratic Party, which once stood for the hardworking, ethical and moral Middle Class of America.
Today it is nothing but a hard-Left criminal cabal that...
| 11/6/2016 - The total lawlessness of Obama and the democrats is on display yet again today as President Obama is captured in a new video encouraging illegal aliens to vote and promising nothing bad will happen to them if they do.
In this video interview with leftist Latina propagandist Gina Rodriguez, Obama...
| 10/27/2016 - In recent weeks, Democrats have attempted to paint Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump as a lunatic for claiming that the election is going to be rigged in favor of his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton.
Even Republican politicians and former politicians are telling Trump to knock off...
| 10/25/2016 - The democrats have bribed electoral college representatives to "fix" the election outcome in favor of Hillary Clinton, admits George Soros in a recently unearthed video. Soros, the same globalist terrorist who funded Black Lives Matter executions of police officers in Dallas -- and who also funds hundreds...
| 10/24/2016 - My ANALYSIS of possible outcomes from the upcoming presidential election reveals that America only has a 5% chance of remaining peaceful after November 8. This does not mean the violence will occur on November 9th, but rather that events will be set into motion on that day which will lead to an escalation...
| 10/19/2016 - This is an urgent news flash to all Americans. Share widely.
It is now apparent that the same media which has rigged every debate, every question, every Clinton appearance, every act of "Trump rally" violence, every female accuser of Donald Trump and every poll is preparing to rig the voting results...
| 10/13/2016 - For many Americans, neither candidate for President, in their eyes, is suited for the job, and they'd much rather vote for Mickey Mouse than to choose from the current front-runners. But the main problem is that one of the candidates will surely infringe upon personal freedoms that make a huge difference...
| 9/19/2016 - This year's election could have sweeping impacts on cannabis legislation nationwide, as numerous states gear up to vote on important regulations regarding America's most beloved plant.
In roughly two months, citizens in five states will vote on whether or not to fully legalize recreational cannabis,...
| 6/26/2016 - It was my headline story on June 22, the day before the BREXIT vote: BREXIT PREDICTION: Globalists are going to steal the referendum with massive fraud....
Now we see exactly that taking place. As reports, a "remain" petition that has reached over 3 million signatures is being run by...
| 6/24/2016 - This might just be the most shocking news of the decade (so far), and I only cover it here on Natural News because it has paradigm-shattering implications for economies, nations and the very future of human civilization. According to published media results so far, the BREXIT vote appears to have won...
| 6/22/2016 - Here at Natural News, we fully endorse the BREXIT vote to leave the European Union. (Heck, we even support #Texit for Texas independence!) Yet I predict that "remain" will be declared the winner for a simple, obvious reason: The globalist slave masters of the EU will not voluntarily allow the peasants...
| 5/28/2016 - If you have been watching national and world events and have been thinking that there seems to be an excessive amount of turmoil around the globe, take heart -- sort of. According to a new survey, you're certainly not alone, which is the good news. The bad news is, you're right.
According to a poll...
| 3/18/2016 - The agrichemical industry and Big Food took a major hit yesterday after the Senate blocked a bill aimed at preempting states' rights from enacting GMO-labeling laws; it also would have reversed any labeling laws currently in place, such as the one Vermont passed in 2014, which is scheduled to go into...
| 3/3/2016 2:17:39 PM - A piece of legislation that would prohibit states from enacting GMO-labeling laws, as well as make it difficult for companies wishing to voluntarily label GMOs, is expected to hit the Senate floor for a vote today. The Senate vote has been dreaded by the Right to Know movement ever since it passed the...
| 11/23/2015 - Liberal progressive Democrats routinely deny that voter fraud is taking place in the United States, but that is usually because the fraud that is occurring benefits their party.
The position taken by the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University's School of law is typical of the Left's denial...
| 11/23/2015 - Democrats in and around the nation's capital city are looking for new ways to solidify and legitimize their hold on power, with three council members proposing to lower the federal voting age from 18 to 16.
According to Washington, DC's Fox 5 News, the proposal was introduced by chief author Charles...
| 11/20/2015 - Democracy – a cornerstone of American constitutionalism – seems to be fading fast in many quarters around the country, and that includes the very Red State of Texas, unfortunately, where iron-fisted political liberalism is about to trump the will of the people.
In recent weeks, voters...
| 11/20/2015 - Most of us were raised to believe that the United States is the "land of the free," but after a few years of adulthood – not the kind of pampered, privileged pseudo-adulthood existence you might find on an American college campus these days – those of us living in the real world understand...
| 11/6/2015 - For nearly a decade, the Travis County Commissioner's Court has been trying to decide where to build a new family and civil courthouse complex. Where did they choose? Well, the most expensive piece of dirt in Austin, Texas, of course.
On Election Day, Travis County asked voters to approve $287.3...
| 10/17/2015 - If liberals on the New York City Council get their way, the privileged right to vote will no longer be limited only to actual citizens of the United States. They will be extended to anyone who can walk, crawl, or be dragged to a voting booth in the Big Apple, regardless of where they hail from.
| 9/20/2015 - Prior to the 2004 presidential election between President George W. Bush and Democrat challenger Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, David N. Bossie, head of Citizens United – the organization that successfully sued to end corporate campaign donations limits – wrote a book titled The Many...
| 9/9/2015 - Progressives in government at all levels have bent over backwards to ensure that anyone who wants to vote gets to vote – even if they have never become citizens or have lost their right to vote by abusing civil society through the commission of crimes.
President Obama is a huge backer of both...
| 8/26/2015 - Thank you to all those who voted in our Natural News 2016 Presidential poll! Donald Trump easily dominated the top spot, more than doubling the support for our second-place candidate, Rand Paul.
Here are the results, followed by some surprising discussion points below:
Donald Trump: 44.3%
| 8/12/2015 - A rider attached to a federal funding bill for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) would make it mandatory for sellers of genetically-modified (GMO) salmon to label the product as such in the interest of transparency and consumer confidence.
With overwhelming...
| 7/30/2015 9:16:36 AM - The Senate is set to vote on a cybersecurity measure that critics say will dwarf previous efforts by government to gather electronic information on all Americans without first obtaining a court-issued warrant as required by the Fourth Amendment.
What's more, the legislation – officially called...
| 6/22/2015 5:42:33 PM - [Editor's note: The U.S. Senate voted Wednesday to pass the TPA, giving Obama fast-track authority for the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Now it is more urgent than ever to contact your representatives and tell them to vote against the Trans-Pacific Partnership and related trade deals when they reach the...
| 6/22/2015 - Something truly terrible has happened in America. It didn't take place overnight, and the truth is that what went wrong happened so gradually -- so incrementally -- that most people didn't see it coming until it was too late.
But I'm getting ahead of myself. I want to talk about two problems, actually,...
| 6/16/2015 - Bowing to trade retaliation pressure from the Mexican and Canadian governments, the House voted just days ago to overturn an American law requiring labels denoting country of origin on packages of beef, pork and poultry.
In May, the globalist-centric World Trade Organization tossed out a U.S. appeal,...
| 6/10/2015 - Thanks to a treasonous President and a cabal of backstabbing, spineless Republican leaders, America stands tonight on the verge of plunging into outright "trade totalitarianism."
The Drudge Report (see below) is headlining the news today, announcing "Republicans rush vote on Obamatrade before anyone...
| 4/23/2015 - Knowing that they would likely be unable to pass their new Orwellian mandates for childhood vaccinations the procedural way, California legislators who support forced jabs without informed consent or exemption options resorted to overt rigging and fraud in order to get Senate Bill 277 rushed through...
| 4/23/2015 - A measure to ban parental choice over the vaccination of children in the state of California survived a key vote in the Senate on April 22 and will now advance to the full chamber for consideration.
As reported by The Sacramento Bee, the measure was passed on a second vote by a committee that, just...
| 11/26/2014 - In a victory over GMO-favoring agriculture companies Monsanto and Dow AgroSciences, the residents of Maui County, Hawaii, have won a ballot initiative to temporarily halt genetically engineered crops in the county. The effort against the companies was not only the first of its kind for Maui residents...
| 11/26/2014 - Just as we predicted, the mainstream media announced Oregon's GMO-labeling initiative as defeated prior to counting all the votes, a suspicious move considering the measure was trailing just 49 to 51 percent on the evening of voting day.
Measure 92, an initiative that would require genetically modified...
| 11/26/2014 - Prior to the Nov. 4 midterm elections, a number of civil libertarians, conservatives and constitutionalists brought up concerns about voter fraud, though Democrats insist that there is no such thing or, if there is, it is extremely rare.
Only, it's not. In example after example, as Natural News and...
| 11/9/2014 - The corporate food system has once again pulled the wool over the eyes of low-information American voters with the recent defeat of GMO-labeling bills in Colorado and Oregon. Just like in California and Washington, the factory food industry, drug companies and GMO kingpins like Monsanto poured tens...
| 11/3/2014 - A new Project Veritas video by guerrilla documentarian James O'Keefe has once again caught liberal activists working to commit voter fraud, just the latest in a string of such incidents, even though Democrats are the most vocal in claiming that such fraud is nonexistent.
The video, which can be viewed...
| 10/30/2014 - California's Proposition 37, an initiative proposed in 2012 that would've required the mandatory labeling of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), set the precedent for other states attempting to pass similar legislation.
Prop 37 failed because of illegal, unethical and snake-like tactics carried...
| 7/16/2014 - "We are all connected. We can't just build a wall or a fence and say no more. This is America. Our doors are open." These are the words of U.S. House of Representatives John Lewis, (1) one of many democrats who seem to be stampeding over each other to see who can offer the most enticements to accelerate...
| 6/29/2014 - Membership-only warehouse club chain Costco is asking the general public a question: "Should our drinking water be fluoridated?" The company wants you to vote on that question, which you can do here.
As part of the debate, Costco's publication, the Costco Connection, features opinions about the issue...
| 11/11/2013 - No question that there are definitely political aspects of the Obamacare law, but would its authors and most ardent defenders really create something so destructive to entire industries just to commit massive voter registration?
Yes, according to some conservatives who say the Obamacare online exchange...
| 6/21/2013 - The destruction of the America our founding fathers fought and died to create is now nearly complete as yet another U.S. Supreme Court decision turns a fundamental right of citizens on its head - the key word being citizen.
In an unbelievable 7-2 ruling that included Justice Antonin Scalia, who has...
| 6/17/2013 - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled today that Arizona's state law requiring potential voters to show proof of citizenship while registering to vote is illegal. The court ruled that Arizona, like every other state, cannot add ID requirements to the federal voter registration form which simply asks the person...
| 5/31/2013 - Like many Natural News readers, I was astonished when Sen. Rand Paul voted against a recent amendment that would have allowed states to enact their own local laws regarding GMO labeling. Rand Paul's answer to why he voted against the amendment, however, is a coherent argument that deserves additional...
| 4/28/2013 - The article which originally appeared here has been removed because it is no longer aligned with the science-based investigative mission of Natural News. In late 2013 / early 2014, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of Natural News, transitioned from outspoken activist to environmental scientist....
| 4/2/2013 - The article which originally appeared here has been removed because it is no longer aligned with the science-based investigative mission of Natural News. In late 2013 / early 2014, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of Natural News, transitioned from outspoken activist to environmental scientist....
| 3/19/2013 - Following the uproar over the Cyprus government's plan to raid private bank accounts and literally steal up to 10% of account balances from private citizens, Cypriot MPs have just voted down the measure in the face of extreme anger on the part of the public.
The vote was 36 against the measure, with...
| 3/18/2013 - The relentless Brad Friedman of TheBradBlog ran this story down and broke it. There was, indeed, a recount of the Prop 37 vote.
Prop 37, the ballot measure that would have mandated labeling of all GMO food sold in California, went down to defeat last November, under suspicious circumstances.
| 2/23/2013 - Prior to the November elections, Republican efforts to overhaul voter identification laws, according to the White House, congressional Democrats and most of the mainstream media, were nothing more than thinly veiled attempts to prevent legal Americans (especially minorities) from voting.
These entities...
| 1/9/2013 - On November 6, in the wake of one of the most expensive and scurrilous smear campaigns in history, six million voters scared the hell out of Monsanto and Big Food Inc. by coming within a razor's edge of passing the first statewide mandatory labeling law for genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
| 12/12/2012 - It is the ultimate example of how you reap what you sow: Huge numbers of American workers who voted for Obama are now seeing their own jobs slashed below 30 hours a week as employers desperately try to avoid "Obamacare bankruptcy."
Obamacare mandates for businesses only apply to those working 30...
| 12/10/2012 - The cat is jumping out of the bag.
Food Democracy Now is weighing in on Prop 37 vote fraud, having discovered that the California Secretary of State, in charge of all elections in CA, has stopped posting updates on the ongoing vote count.
From November 6 all the way to up to December 4, these...
| 11/18/2012 - Late yesterday afternoon, I consulted a map of California counties on the secretary of state's website. You can see it here:
This page has a summary of the Prop 37 vote-count so far.
This is an ongoing figure, because the state of...
| 11/16/2012 - You want to go inside the Prop 37 campaign? I can take you there for a peek.
The foot soldiers on the ground are flat broke. They're exhausted, played out, they've spent their own money and in many case they haven't been reimbursed. Some of them are now without homes. They've given everything to...
| 11/15/2012 - The verdict is in. You would be a fool to accept the vote-count in the California Prop 37 election. I'll show you why.
Apparently, the CA secretary of state's office has been getting hit by a lot of calls. People are asking them about the ongoing Prop 37 vote-count. As of last night, there were still...
| 11/14/2012 - In the weeks leading up to the Nov. 6 election, there were scattered concerns from across the political spectrum that vote fraud could occur in some sections of the country. While many of those fears did not come to fruition, based on final vote tallies in some polling districts, it's hard to fathom...
| 11/14/2012 - An email sent to one person from a significant member of the YES ON 37 campaign thinks I'm getting in the way.
"I find John's [sic] article to be disrupting to the healing that has to take place." That's the quote.
Healing? You're kidding, right?
Whose healing? The staff of the YES ON 37 campaign?...
| 11/12/2012 - When the networks and other media outlets made the early call on election night, claiming Prop 37 had gone down to defeat, there were millions of votes still uncounted.
I just checked the California Secretary of State's website, which is the official center for vote results, and there are 3,334,495...
| 11/12/2012 - Lying down on the road in front of a truck isn't the best way to end a political campaign, but that's what the YES ON 37 forces are doing.
In an email sent out on Nov. 9, the PR people for 37 wrote: "They [the leaders of YES ON 37] assume these [millions of uncounted] ballots won't be in our favor....
| 11/10/2012 - "So look, there are fifteen million votes out there we haven't counted yet. What do you want to do?"
"How long have the polls been closed?"
"Let's see. Two hours."
"The hell with it. Let's call it a defeat for Prop 37."
This isn't over.
We're not just looking at how many votes...
| 11/8/2012 - Hold your horses.
On election night, not long after the polls closed in California, the announcement came out: Prop 37 was losing. A little while later, it was all over. 37 had gone down to defeat.
But is that the whole story? No.
As of 2:30PM today, Thursday, November 8th, two days after the...
| 11/7/2012 - It's not just George. All the network poll experts, like Chuck Todd, John King, and Michael Barone would flip out and start punching their sacred touch-screens randomly. Helplessly. Furiously. Looking for proof that this election, like every other election, is honest and above-board and righteous...reflecting...
| 11/7/2012 - I don't normally watch television (the "zombie tube"), but I couldn't resist on election night. So I tuned in and found myself reacting in total shock at the live news interviews with Americans who had just voted: These people were complete morons!
I don't mean that in a flippant derogatory way....
| 11/5/2012 - It's coming down to the wire on Proposition 37. After weeks of spending a million dollars a day broadcast outright lies, the Monsant-funded "No on 37" campaign has managed to crush the early lead of the YES campaign, making the ballot measure a very close race.
If you live in California, your YES...
| 10/26/2012 - I'm hearing grumblings through the grapevine that an effort may be underway to steal the election against Proposition 37. So far, these are just rumors, but knowing how these evil corporations trying to defeat the ballot measure really operate, there is NOTHING they won't do to protect their dirty little...
| 9/21/2012 - The Portland, Ore., City Council may be adamant about becoming one of the last major cities in the U.S. to add fluoride to the local water system, but citizens opposed to the move are equally adamant about stopping them.
A group that calls itself "Clean Water Portland" announced immediately after...
| 9/20/2012 - We here at Natural News have reported regularly on the dangers of adding fluoride to our drinking water, always citing the latest research on the issue to make our point that, quite simply, ingesting even small amounts of the chemical over time can cause medical problems such as brain damage, memory...
| 9/14/2012 - Websites like NaturalNews which actually report the truth about issues like vaccines, chemotherapy dangers, nutritional cures and fluoride are under constant assault. Not only are we routinely subjected to coordinated hacking attacks from Russian hacker gangs hired by U.S. pharmaceutical giants (which...
| 8/16/2012 - Let it be known that, in the interests of transparency, consumer knowledge and honest food labeling, NaturalNews has officially endorsed California's GMO labeling ballot measure. If you're in California, vote YES on 37, the "Right to Know" ballot measure.
Learn more at:
| 7/19/2012 - With so much more government "involvement" in the lives of ordinary Americans these days than our Founding Fathers would have put up with (by half), the last thing the country needs is to be forced to answer to a host of global bureaucrats.
And yet if "LOST" - the Law of the Sea Treaty - ever passes...
| 6/22/2012 1:18:03 PM - An amendment to the Agriculture Reform, Food, and Jobs Act of 2012 (S. 3240), also known as the 2012 Farm Bill, that would have "permitted" individual states to require that food, beverages, and other edible products containing genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) be labeled, has been struck down....
| 5/24/2012 6:54:18 PM - A sneaky, eleventh-hour attempt by Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) to essentially shut down the supplement industry alongside an amendment pertaining to prescription drug user fees has failed. In a vote of 77-20, the U.S. Senate voted to table Amendment No. 2127, which would have created "duplicative,...
| 2/18/2012 - Health freedom efforts have sealed yet another win, this time in Bolivar, Mo., where the Bolivar Board of Aldermen recently voted to stop fluoridating the city's water supply. The Bolivar Herald-Free Press reports that Mayor John Best cast the tie-breaking vote in favor of ending artificial water fluoridation,...
| 11/12/2011 - Residents of the Massachusetts coastal city of Amesbury have successfully defeated a measure that would have restored a policy to once again begin adding sodium fluoride chemicals to the city's water supply. In a vote of 1,677 to 1,352, 55 percent of area residents declared to city officials and to...
| 7/27/2011 - "If you put a label on genetically engineered food you might as well put a skull and crossbones on it." - Norman Braksick, president of Asgrow Seed Co., a subsidiary of Monsanto, quoted in the Kansas City Star, March 7, 1994
After two decades of biotech bullying and force-feeding unlabeled and hazardous...
| 5/10/2011 - Democracy is the worst form of government, Sir Winston Churchill once said... except for every other form of government. In other words, all forms of government are atrociously bad, and democracy may merely be the least bad of the bunch. I certainly wouldn't want to live under a dictatorship, socialism...
| 1/20/2011 - The U.S. House of Representatives has passed a repeal of Obama's health care reform, voting largely along party lines at 245 to 189 (three Democrats supported the vote). The bill now moves to the U.S. Senate where Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid promises to block it from ever coming to a vote there.
| 1/5/2011 - Which corporation deserves to win the "Most Evil Corporation of the Year" award for 2010? NaturalNews readers can voice their views on this question by voting in our online survey (below).
The candidates for the "Most Evil Corporation of the Year" award include Monsanto, Pfizer, the Federal Reserve,...
| 11/29/2010 - Slammed by a barrage of phone calls and emails today that the mainstream media isn't even reporting, the U.S. Senate today has decided to postpone their vote on S.510 -- the Food Safety Modernization Act -- until Tuesday morning.
Internet reports that S.510 has already passed are incorrect. The final...
| 11/20/2010 - If there's one thing to give thanks for this year, it's the fact that the Senate floor vote on the so-called "Food Safety Modernization Act" has been delayed until after the Senate's Thanksgiving recess. This gives all of us -- the commonsense opponents of S.510 who don't want the FDA having authority...
| 11/18/2010 - U.S. Senate Bill S 510 is now on the Senate floor where a vote is expected shortly. Yesterday, the Motion to Invoke Cloture passed on a vote of 74-25 (see how they voted, below), sending the bill forward for a final vote perhaps as early as today.
US Senate offices are experiencing a huge backlash...
| 11/15/2010 - Last week we published a story urging our readers to vote NO on the GMO / biotech survey being hosted by The Economist ( Within two hours after our post went live and people started sharing it on Facebook and elsewhere, the Economist's poll servers...
| 11/11/2010 - A poll currently underway over at The Economist is asking people whether or not they believe biotechnology -- which refers to the use of genetic engineering in agriculture -- is compatible with sustainable agriculture. To cut to the chase, NaturalNews is petitioning all readers to drum up a resounding...
| 10/18/2010 - Ah, election season is upon us again, and the nation -- ever in dire need of some new disorder to treat with drugs -- is suffering from electile dysfunction. Nobody seems to know which political party or congressional candidates might lead us out of the national mess we're in today, with debt spiraling...
| 1/25/2010 - It's been two days since the Shorty Awards fraudulently deleted the votes from all NaturalNews readers and deleted the Health Ranger as a candidate in the health category. Dr. Joseph Mercola is now in the position as the most likely candidate to potentially beat the vaccine-pushing nominee and her supporters...
| 1/22/2010 - NaturalNews has learned that the Shorty Awards are being operated fraudulently and that the voting results are fixed to exclude candidates who the editors at the Shorty Awards don't want to win. In addition, the Shorty Awards, by refusing to police its own contests, actually encourages false and defamatory...
| 1/18/2010 - I don't ask for your help very often, but right now, I could really use your vote to help win the Shorty Awards for the category of health. These are awards given to publishers of the internet's best short-form content, and these awards are recognized throughout the mainstream media.
This is your...
| 1/8/2010 - The votes have been cast: It's time to announce the results of the NaturalNews Reader's Choice "Best of 2009" Awards!
These awards are given to the top companies and products in seven categories: Best Health Products Retailer, Best Herbal Product Line, Best Natural Protein, Best Skin Care Line, Best...
| 1/5/2010 - Our "Best of 2009" awards survey has attracted a tremendous amount of attention (and action) on the part of readers, health-conscious consumers and even some of the companies mentioned in the survey. The competition among the products nominated for these awards has been quite active.
This morning,...
| 1/3/2010 - With 2009 now over, it's time to vote on the "Best of the Year" awards! If you'd like to cast your vote, simply go to the voting page at
You can cast one vote for each category. The categories include Best Food Bar, Best Herbal Product Line, Best Health Products...
| 11/9/2009 - Given that the massive health care reform bill just passed by the House was one of the largest pieces of legislation in U.S. history, you might wonder why you didn't get to vote on it. When it comes to federal legislation, your vote doesn't count in America, didn't you know? You are dictated to by a...
| 8/3/2008 - It is not enough to have the right to vote. The people also need to know that their votes are counted in an open and fair manner. Without that transparency, there is no way to be sure that an election was fair or that one's vote mattered. The result of that lack is a people who have no faith in their...
| 8/2/2008 - On June 12th, 2008, Irish voters rejected the Lisbon Treaty by a large majority of 53.4% to 46.6%. This result is all the more incredible when one considers that all the main political parties, business groups, trade unions, and a national farming association presented a united front to campaign for...
| 7/28/2008 - You might think you have the right to vote. You might think your vote counts. You might think that there's a problem here or there, but that they're the exceptions. You might think that the 2000 presidential election was an aberration, in which the U.S. Supreme Court violated ethical and court precedents...
| 4/9/2008 - Last week, we posted a survey asking our readers to rate the "trustworthiness" of various health news websites, as well as the personality traits of some of the more notable invididuals in the industry, including Dr. Gary Null, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dr. Stephen Barrett (the Quackwatch doc) and several...
| 3/12/2008 - It looks like about 66% of Americans will be happy when January 20, 2009 rolls around and a new president is inaugurated. And you will be happier still if the new president is the one you voted for. You know, the one who promised to support the things you believe in. After all, that's the criteria that...
| 1/24/2008 - Charismatic democratic leader, Barack Obama had a stunning lead going into the New Hampshire primary, with a huge media blitz, and a lot of energy behind him. Then all of a sudden, despite exit polls showing huge leads for Senator Obama, despite no big moves for Hillary Clinton, Senator Obama looses...
| 7/7/2007 - I was watching Gandhi recently, as I do every year or two. It is inspirational to me. It tells the story of a man who could not possibly win the battles he chose to fight, but did anyway. There is no doubt that it is a propaganda film, funded in part by the Indian government. It scrambles his chronology....
| 5/16/2007 - The facts found in the report are almost as astonishing as the source of the report itself: USA Today, a mainstream media giant in the United States, has revealed the apparent financial conflict of interest by U.S. Senators who voted against the infamous S.1082 reimportation amendment. That amendment...
| 5/9/2007 - The U.S. Senate passed the FDA "drug safety" bill today (S.1082) with a 93-1 vote. A key amendment that would have called for genuine drug safety protections for consumers -- the Grassley amendment 1039 -- was defeated by a single vote (47 to 46). The new law deepens financial ties between Big Pharma...
| 5/8/2007 - Consumers expecting a miracle in the Senate that would end Big Pharma's monopoly and the FDA-enforced drug racket now operating in the United States will be sorely disappointed by yesterday's events. Fifteen Democratic senators (led by Sen. Edward Kennedy) abandoned consumer interests and joined a Republican-organized...
| 5/7/2007 - On May 3rd, 2007, U.S. Senators voted on an amendment to the 2007 Prescription Drug User Fee bill that aims to reform the FDA and enhance drug safety. This amendment, known as the "Dorgan Amendment No. 990," threatened to break Big Pharma's monopoly over pharmaceutical sales and allow U.S. consumers,...
| 5/1/2007 - The hotly-debated S.1082 legislation sponsored by Sen. Kennedy has now been renamed the Enhancing Drug Safety and Innovation Act of 2007, reports Brenna Hill of the Health Freedom Foundation and American Association ( The bill is being hotly debated and has been delayed by two...
| 5/17/2006 - If you have children, you may have wondered what would happen if all children were given voting rights to control the spending decisions of the household. What if that were true across the board? What if all children in all households were given the right to vote on what kinds of things their parents...
| 12/29/2004 - Former Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough is one of those people who likes to tell the truth. That's probably why he's no longer a Congressman. Telling the truth doesn't get you very far in Washington, but playing ball with the big boys does, and playing ball means spending away America's future...
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- Top 10 ways the Biden years were the WORST 4 YEARS in the history of our nation, and congratulations for surviving
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Recommended Resources is
a free video website featuring thousands of videos on holistic health, nutrition,
fitness, recipes, natural remedies and much more.
CounterThink Cartoons are
free to view and download. They cover topics like health, environment and freedom.
The Consumer Wellness Center is
a non-profit organization offering nutrition education grants to programs that
help children and expectant mothers around the world.
Food Investigations is
a series of mini-documentaries exposing the truth about dangerous ingredients
in the food supply. offers
alternative health programs, documentaries and more.
The Honest Food Guide is
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truth about what foods we should really be eating. offers
a free online reference database of healing foods, phytonutrients and plant-based
medicines that prevent or treat diseases and health conditions. is
a free, online reference library that lists medicinal herbs and their health
benefits. is
a free online reference database of phytonutrients (natural medicines found in
foods) and their health benefits. Lists diseases, foods, herbs and more.