Voting news, articles and information:
| 11/8/2016 - CBS News is now reporting that voting machines in Pennsylvania -- a hotly contested battleground state -- are immediately switching Donald Trump votes to Hillary Clinton.
Via CBS Pittsburgh:
Most of the issues came when people tried to vote straight party ticket. However, others said they specifically...
| 11/8/2016 - Electronic balloting systems continued to plague voters throughout Election Day, including an instance in Colorado where the entire system was crippled for nearly a half-hour.
As reported by the Denver Post, the system failed for about 29 minutes shortly before 3 p.m., which delayed balloting and...
| 11/6/2016 - The Democratic Party has long since gone over to the dark side politically speaking. There are no vestiges of your parents' and grandparents' Democratic Party, which once stood for the hardworking, ethical and moral Middle Class of America.
Today it is nothing but a hard-Left criminal cabal that...
| 11/6/2016 - The total lawlessness of Obama and the democrats is on display yet again today as President Obama is captured in a new video encouraging illegal aliens to vote and promising nothing bad will happen to them if they do.
In this video interview with leftist Latina propagandist Gina Rodriguez, Obama...
| 5/7/2016 - The Defense Department has been sued by a nonprofit watchdog organization after failing for more than three years to divulge results of testing on the security of online voting systems that are used more and more often by Americans casting absentee ballots.
According to McClatchyDC, the Pentagon's...
| 11/23/2015 - Democrats in and around the nation's capital city are looking for new ways to solidify and legitimize their hold on power, with three council members proposing to lower the federal voting age from 18 to 16.
According to Washington, DC's Fox 5 News, the proposal was introduced by chief author Charles...
| 11/17/2015 - It'll likely never happen – at least not in today's overhyped, overly sensitive, politically correct environment – but it needs to: The voting age should be reset to 25 years old, and the sooner the better.
"How can students too spoiled to tolerate debate weigh opposing political arguments?...
| 10/17/2015 - If liberals on the New York City Council get their way, the privileged right to vote will no longer be limited only to actual citizens of the United States. They will be extended to anyone who can walk, crawl, or be dragged to a voting booth in the Big Apple, regardless of where they hail from.
| 12/18/2012 - I know how to stop the next school shooting, save the children and restore some sanity to America. Adam Lanza, the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooter, was on medication, we now know. So were previous shooters like the two students at Columbine High School in the 1999 Colorado shooting. Medication...
| 11/7/2012 - When I ran for a Congressional seat in 1994, I tapped into a small vein of the sleeping giant.
It takes a a great deal of effort to wake it up, but it can be done.
The Democrats don't want to do it. Neither do the Republicans. They sense the danger.
The sleeping giant is a rough and rebellious...
| 10/6/2012 - For decades, disaffected Americans have been trudging to the polls and voting for the lesser of two evils. That's how they register their preference for a presidential candidate.
Choices based on that dubious strategy seem to work for the short-term (at best). But in the long run, the law of diminishing...
| 12/20/2011 - A prominent expert in health-related issues and pharmaceutical drugs, Dr. Sidney M. Wolfe, Director of the Public Citizen Health Research Group (HRG) and member of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) Drug Safety and Risk Management Advisory Committee, was recently stripped of his voting power...
| 1/12/2010 - What we eat and what we buy affects our health, environment, and economy. When the economy turns bad or we lose a war, we throw out the president, but when an obesity epidemic grows to as high as 30 percent in children we make little noise at the political level. Instead it is left up to our elected...
| 1/8/2010 - The votes have been cast: It's time to announce the results of the NaturalNews Reader's Choice "Best of 2009" Awards!
These awards are given to the top companies and products in seven categories: Best Health Products Retailer, Best Herbal Product Line, Best Natural Protein, Best Skin Care Line, Best...
| 8/30/2008 - In a seemingly brilliant political move, John McCain has selected Sarah Palin as his VP running mate. She's 44 years old, which makes the average age of the pair somewhere around 75. Their average IQ is, thankfully, slightly higher.
Of course, that criticism isn't reserved for Republicans alone:...
| 8/3/2008 - It is not enough to have the right to vote. The people also need to know that their votes are counted in an open and fair manner. Without that transparency, there is no way to be sure that an election was fair or that one's vote mattered. The result of that lack is a people who have no faith in their...
| 7/28/2008 - You might think you have the right to vote. You might think your vote counts. You might think that there's a problem here or there, but that they're the exceptions. You might think that the 2000 presidential election was an aberration, in which the U.S. Supreme Court violated ethical and court precedents...
| 1/5/2007 - Last year, Public Citizen, a national non-profit public interest organization, exposed that while conflicts of interest at the FDA's drug advisory committees are common and often have serious dollars at stake, advisory committee members and voting consultants rarely step down because of them. If a new...
| 12/19/2006 - Direct record electronic voting machines (DREs) that are considered "software dependent" -- meaning an undetected bug could lead to undetectable changes in election outcomes -- have been under fire since their implementation. Last week, the Technical Guidelines Development Committee narrowly rejected...
| 10/25/2006 - As more voting processes across the country turn from the old-fashioned pencil-and-ballot to newer, computerized voting systems, the possibility increases that these new systems will be open to many kinds of electronic fraud.
Cheryl Kagan, a former Maryland Democratic legislator, was shocked when...
| 9/14/2006 - Voting machines have caused controversy due to studies that say they are vulnerable to hacking and vote tampering, but Princeton University computer science professor Edward Felten and two graduate students, Ariel Feldman and Alex Halderman, have escalated these doubts by actually obtaining a commonly...
| 7/24/2006 - Disclosures of conflicts of interest at Food and Drug Administration (FDA) drug advisory committee meetings are common, often of considerable financial value, and rarely result in the recusal of advisory committee members, but excluding those with conflicts would not have altered the overall vote outcome...
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