Heavy metals news, articles and information:
 | 11/28/2016 - Chinese officials discovered nightmarish levels of lead and mercury in Jixi, a northeastern city, last month. After testing underground water in Jixi's Liumao Village in Heilongjiang Province, researches found mercury levels nine times the national standard, reported China Central Television.
 | 11/16/2016 - A glass-making plant on the southeastern side of Portland, Oregon, is under serious pressure to do something about all the pollution that's reportedly billowing into the sky and down its rooftop into the ground and nearby waterways. Reports indicate that, despite increased regulatory oversight and escalating...
 | 11/10/2016 - According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the average American has over 700 chemicals in his or her body – a terrible toxic burden, and one our bodies are ill-equipped to handle. Exposure to toxic chemicals and heavy metals is occurring at a level unprecedented in human history—...
 | 10/19/2016 - My forensic food laboratory (CWClabs.com) has just completed an automation upgrade, giving us the capacity to test more off-the-shelf nutrition products for heavy metals. So today, I want to know from Natural News readers: What do YOU want me to test next?
Based on the comments posted by readers...
 | 9/27/2016 - Could poo irrigation techniques be causing heavy metals to build up in produce? New research indicates that irrigating agricultural land with wastewater leads to an accumulation of heavy metals in the soil, which in turn leads to heavy metals in the food supply.
Recently published by a group of researchers...
 | 9/21/2016 - Following the publishing of accredited heavy metals test results showing the majority of Shilajit products containing concerning levels of lead, a toxic heavy metal, today I am officially urging health product retailers nationwide to pull all Shilajit products delivering over 1 microgram of lead per...
 | 9/21/2016 - The non-profit Consumer Wellness Center has just published heavy metals tests results for eight of the most popular brands of Shilajit, a black tar-like substance that oozes out from between the rocks of mountains. See published results here. Many U.S. dietary supplement consumers are eating Shilajit...
 | 9/15/2016 - As expected, my recent announcements about heavy metals in various unscrupulous superfood products has all the "dirty foods" propagandists running around at full steam, screaming to every corner of the internet that all heavy metals found in superfoods (or dietary supplements) are "naturally occurring"...
 | 9/13/2016 - I'm asking for your moral support on this story, because there are times in journalism when we must be extremely mindful of balancing the public's need to know the truth with respect for the privacy of those involved. So I ask you this serious question: What would you do in my situation?
What would...
 | 9/13/2016 - It pains me to realize how many millions of people have been harmed by toxic heavy metals found in unscrupulous dietary supplement products sold by hucksters and charlatans. Yes, that's a pretty big claim, but I've been in this industry for more than 15 years, I run an internationally accredited food...
 | 9/12/2016 - Recent tests in my internationally accredited science laboratory (ISO 17025 accreditation, the "gold standard" of analytical excellence) revealed a shilajit supplement to contain an astonishing 2,700+ ppb (parts per billion) of lead, a toxic heavy metal linked to cognitive damage.
This is the same...
 | 8/26/2016 - Millions of Americans have long known that though there might be a federal agency that is supposed to oversee and regulate certain activities within the country, such oversight is often done poorly, improperly and inefficiently.
Take as an example the Environmental Protection Agency. This is one...
 | 8/25/2016 - When the criminal, corrupt government isn't covering up high levels of lead in the public water supply, they're forcing children to be injected with toxic mercury via flu shots. While the FDA occasionally forces recalls of high lead products such as contaminated turmeric root powder, by and large the...
 | 8/11/2016 - It's the nation's largest natural and organic retailer, and for many people it's the best place in town to pick up some organic vegetables and a nice, juicy, grass-fed steak for dinner. But is Whole Foods Market really everything it claims to be in terms of providing safe, clean food to its customers?
 | 8/11/2016 - Harvard University scientists just published the results of an enormous scientific investigation that finds millions of Americans are exposed to deadly chemicals in the water supply. The study is described in this Harvard University announcement and says that researchers found toxic chemicals in the...
 | 8/10/2016 - Today I'm announcing heavy metals testing services for your vitamins, herbs, superfoods and supplements. With this heavy metals test kit from the Health Ranger Store, you can now find out the precise parts per billion concentrations of heavy metals, nutritive minerals and trace minerals in all your...
 | 7/22/2016 - Cinder blocks are a common building material for raised garden beds, as they are inexpensive, durable and easy to build with. Yet, what many people don't realize is that cinder blocks are made with a toxic byproduct of coal combustion that may contain high levels of heavy metals – metals that...
 | 7/6/2016 - One of the most bold, artistic ways to make a statement about your life is to get a permanent tattoo inked on your skin. Tattoos give us the freedom to express who we are, whether it's by defining a belief, commemorating a loved one, or for some other personal reason. It's estimated that 25 percent...
 | 6/21/2016 - Our citizen-powered EPA Watch program has now resulted in the open source publishing of heavy metals contamination tests of 230 municipal water samples across America. The results show that two to three per cent of the U.S. water is highly contaminated with toxic heavy metals, poisoning an estimated...
 | 6/15/2016 - Drinking bottled water might seem like a healthier option than tap water, but a new study confirms previous findings that show this very much depends on the bottle itself and where you keep it.
The alarming new report shows just how prevalent chemical contaminants are in the plastic bottles commonly...
 | 6/14/2016 - At long last, we are now officially announcing the availability of heavy metals analysis and nutritive minerals analysis services at my laboratory, CWC Labs. This announcement is for commercial clients and health care professionals who have five or more samples to analyze, but we will be launching testing...
 | 6/14/2016 - A series of "unusual" landslides that have released massive amounts of toxic sludge into British Columbia's Peace River are suspected to have been caused by fracking operations in the area.
Thanks to these fracking operations,plumes of toxic waste containing heavy metals including lead, arsenic,...
 | 6/2/2016 - As promised, I've now published the first 100 EPA Watch water test results in a scientific paper you can find at the Natural Science Journal.
There, in a science research study I conducted at my analytical laboratory (CWClabs.com), you'll find the full details of toxic heavy metals contamination...
 | 5/23/2016 - The US Food and Drug administration (FDA) recently proposed a maximum limit for inorganic arsenic, after several rice cereals for infants and toddlers were shown to have alarming levels of the substance. Although the proposal would seem to be cause for celebration, the FDA's suggestion trails behind...
 | 4/21/2016 - America's space program has long stood as a national icon of pride and technological progress. But NASA's Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida, where 135 space shuttles have been launched since 1981, has also been a major environmental polluter, dumping untold tons of heavy metals into nearby swamps...
 | 4/13/2016 - In our modern life we ingest, absorb and inhale all sorts of chemicals and heavy metals on a daily basis, and often without even realizing it, which is why many of us have recurring problems with our health.
As noted by Organic Lifestyle Magazine, all kinds of bad bacteria and Candida produce massive...
 | 3/18/2016 - You've probably heard food companies and nutritional supplement manufacturers claim that high levels of lead found in their products is "naturally occurring." But they're LYING.
The truth is that high levels of toxic heavy metals show up in foods, superfoods and supplements due to industrial pollution......
 | 3/2/2016 - Between eating unhealthy foods, exposure to harmful environmental factors, and a host of lifestyle situations that vary from person to person, it's not a surprise that dangerous heavy metals are lurking in our bodies. There are tons of reasons for this build-up of toxins in our system: continual indulgences...
 | 11/2/2015 - Much of what we've all been told about zeolites over the years is a myth. Sadly, even articles published on Natural News have inadvertently repeated this myth, although I am now directing staff to update all zeolite articles on Natural News to reflect the latest scientific findings I'm releasing on...
 | 11/2/2015 - While most of the natural products industry produces very healthful, nutritious products that help prevent disease in millions of people, the "detox branch" of the industry is rather sketchy. There's no better example of that than the zeolite marketers who claim zeolites function as "oral chelators"...
 | 11/2/2015 - Based on my recent articles revealing the composition and function of zeolites, some readers are asking questions to gain a deeper understanding of what zeolites are made of, how they work, and where they don't work.
Below, I present three of the most common questions, along with informative answers.
 | 9/22/2015 - New research out of Sri Lanka has demonstrated a toxicological aspect of glyphosate that many scientists and laymen alike have overlooked or never even investigated. Besides its inherent toxicity, glyphosate, the primary herbicide chemical used in Monsanto's Roundup formula, actually makes other toxins...
 | 9/2/2015 - Despite government assurances to the contrary, the heavy metals accidentally released when the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) breached a mine tailings dam in Colorado are likely to continue poisoning people and the environment for years or even decades to come, scientists have warned.
On August...
 | 8/12/2015 - The incompetence of big government never ceases to amaze me. The EPA -- now known as the "Environmental POLLUTION Agency" -- recently managed to spill 3 million gallons of toxic sludge into the Animas River. The actual composition of that toxic sludge is being kept a secret by the EPA, which is why...
 | 7/19/2015 - It's no secret that, while many people in the United States continue to forge on with harmful agricultural sprays, unnecessary deforestation and creating foods loaded with heavy metals, other parts of the world are dedicated to stopping such horrors in their tracks.
For example, France just announced...
 | 4/29/2015 - Last week I published a story promising coverage of an extraordinary water purification breakthrough technology that's about to be released. We've now been given permission to go public with the news on this system called AquaTru.
I've been testing the AquaTru unit in my lab for six months, and in...
 | 4/19/2015 - Experts with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in Virginia say we could be wasting millions of dollars by failing to extract and utilize precious heavy metals that are excreted through human poo. Speaking at the 249th National Meeting and Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS), scientists...
 | 3/23/2015 - Four residents in California are reportedly suing wine makers for selling products that contain what the lawsuit claims is a "dangerous" level of arsenic. The lawsuit lists 28 California wineries as defendants, including companies like Franzia, Mogen David and Almaden.
"According to the lawsuit,"...
 | 3/22/2015 - A Seattle architect named Katrina Spade has proposed a new solution for urban food production: convert the recently deceased into nutritious compost to feed the food crops.
The project is called the Urban Death Project, and it describes the process of turning dead humans into food as follows:
 | 3/20/2015 1:36:00 AM - Turn over a brick or a board that has been lying in the yard for a while and underneath you may find a collection of pill bugs scurrying about. Also known as "rollie pollies" or woodlice, these grey-colored creatures can be found in many dark, moist environments feeding on decaying matter. What's interesting...
 | 3/5/2015 - Today I'm publishing the laboratory test results that document the levels of lead, cadmium, arsenic and aluminum found in popular cigarettes and cigarette rolling paper. The good news is that the concentrations of metals are very low in the rolling paper.
Below, a series of graphics show the cigarette...
 | 1/29/2015 - We're bombarded with heavy metals from the chemicals in our environment that began in the 20th Century and proliferated exponentially since WWII.
Of those estimated 50,000 chemicals used by consumers, industry, and agriculture 300 have been tested by the EPA, with restrictions placed on only five....
 | 11/26/2014 - In today's toxic world, we absorb, inhale, and ingest chemicals and heavy metals on a daily basis. Bad bacteria and Candida ooze toxins as a part of their metabolism and as they die off. Bi-annual detoxes help to cleanse your body and remove these highly toxic substances, but what about the other 363...
 | 10/23/2014 - When it comes to the removal of heavy metals and toxic elements from water, Big Berkey water filters easily beat ProPur, according to independent lab tests conducted at the Natural News Forensic Food Labs and published online today.
Full details of the tests conducted with parts-per-billion accuracy...
 | 10/23/2014 - Low concentrations of various pharmaceutical drugs are making their way into our water systems and soil through improper disposal, such as flushing, and through human excretion.
When people take antibiotics, or other medications, they are often passed through the urine unchanged, active and in their...
 | 10/7/2014 6:52:27 PM - If you choose to vaccinate (or believe you have no choice), it's time to detoxify. This is not an article intended to debate the efficacy of vaccinations, but merely to address the toxicity from vaccinations and advise on elimination of the toxins.
Regardless of what your position on vaccinations...
 | 9/7/2014 - Because so many Natural News readers have asked about the status of our water filter laboratory testing, I'm posting this update.
I've completed ICP-MS testing of the heavy metals removal capabilities of several popular gravity water filters including Big Berkey, ProPur, Doulton, Zen Water Systems...
 | 8/20/2014 - As promised, we've now published the results from testing countertop water filters for their ability to remove toxic heavy metals and elements with radioactive isotopes. The brands we tested are:
* Zero Water
* Pur
* Brita
* Seychelle
* Culligan
* Mavea
* Waterman Portable Alkaline Water Purifier
 | 8/20/2014 - In just a few days, Natural News will be exclusively announcing the results of unprecedented laboratory testing of water filters -- the kind of testing which has never been done before on off-the-shelf filters.
The tests I've conducted in the Natural News Forensic Food Lab determine the ability of...
 | 8/12/2014 - There are many good reasons to add more cilantro, also called coriander or Chinese parsley, to our diets. This aromatic green herb, which is popular in Mexican cuisine, is bursting with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients. It is also a proven antiseptic, antifungal and anti-inflammatory,...
 | 8/6/2014 - History's largest mass poisoning of a human population has occurred in Bangladesh. Because of it, 35 million people have been exposed to lethal levels of arsenic. Mortality rates are estimated at 13 per 1000, which means that this poisoning has ended as many at 455,000 lives.
It happened simply enough....
 | 7/29/2014 - The sodium fluoride added to U.S. water supplies is contaminated with the toxic elements lead, tungsten and aluminum, a Natural News Forensic Food Labs investigation has revealed. Strontium and uranium were also found in substantial quantities in some samples, raising additional questions about the...
 | 7/17/2014 - Late last year as I was conducting atomic spectroscopy tests on foods and nutritional supplements, I publicly asked whether juicing would turn out to be a safe practice due to the removal of all the fiber during the juicing process. Many heavy metals, it turns out, stick to plant fibers such as fruit...
 | 7/17/2014 - As part of my ongoing scientific research into heavy metals, elemental retention and metals capturing (see explanatory videos here), I have identified and documented anti-heavy-metals substances which have a remarkable natural affinity for binding with and "capturing" heavy metals.
This is especially...
 | 7/14/2014 - Whole Foods Market (WFM) is knowingly selling dietary products which are significantly contaminated with toxic heavy metals such as lead, cadmium and tungsten. Some of these contaminated levels exceed California Proposition 65 limits by nearly 2000%. Click here to see some of the laboratory results...
 | 6/3/2014 - Mercury tests conducted on vaccines at the Natural News Forensic Food Lab have revealed a shockingly high level of toxic mercury in an influenza vaccine (flu shot) made by GlaxoSmithKline (lot #9H2GX). Tests conducted via ICP-MS document mercury in the Flulaval vaccine at a shocking 51 parts per million,...
 | 5/28/2014 - In response to Natural News releasing accurate, scientifically-validated information about toxic heavy metals found in rice protein products, there has been a sustained disinfo campaign to try to distort the truth by claiming everyday fruits and vegetables contain high levels of toxic heavy metals.
 | 5/27/2014 - Along with radiation poisoning, heavy metal toxicity is one of the most pressing health issues of our time. Our environment is absolutely saturated with mercury, aluminum, lead and other metals that constantly enter our bodies through the food we eat, the skies we pollute and countless other ways. Unsurprisingly,...
 | 5/26/2014 - Scientists from the University of the Philippines, Los Banos, and the University of Melbourne have discovered a new species of plant that is able to absorb nickel from the soil at concentrations up to 1,000 times higher than most other plants, as reported in the journal PhytoKeys. The researchers hope...
 | 5/16/2014 - There's been a whirlwind of change taking place across the protein industry lately. Companies are scrambling to roll out low heavy metals formulas in the wake of Natural News releasing laboratory results finding high concentrations of lead, cadmium and tungsten in organic rice protein products.
 | 5/15/2014 - You can now watch the full episode of the Doctor Oz show that's making huge waves across the natural products industry. In this episode, watch the Health Ranger and Doctor Oz reveal shocking truths about toxic heavy metals found in rice protein and other organic products.
Click here to watch the...
 | 5/14/2014 - On the heels of Natural News spearheading the issue of toxic heavy metals contamination of rice protein products -- and the Doctor Oz Show giving it global attention -- almost every protein manufacturer in the industry is rapidly reformulating to produce cleaner, ultra-low-heavy-metals products.
 | 5/13/2014 - This is an extraordinary day for all of us who believe in the Clean Food Movement: I'm appearing on the Doctor Oz show today in a segment that discusses toxic heavy metals in rice protein, ginkgo herbs, cacao and other products. Thanks to Doctor Oz, this story is now exploding in awareness, causing...
 | 5/13/2014 - When it comes to purchasing protein supplements, buyer beware! As Natural News has now exhaustively documented, rice protein products sold right now across health food stores like Whole Foods are contaminated with toxic heavy metals.
This story is now going global, with mainstream media now picking...
 | 5/12/2014 - A Natural News Forensic Food Lab investigation has discovered that Ginkgo Biloba herbs imported from China contain shockingly high levels of the toxic heavy metal lead.
Click here to see the full lab results at Labs.NaturalNews.com.
Click here to watch the lab research video on YouTube.
 | 5/6/2014 - Go to Whole Foods today, pick a rice protein product off the shelf, and ask the store manager why they are selling rice protein containing toxic heavy metals at such high levels that they often exceed California Prop. 65 limits by over 1,000%! The answer you get may shock you: some Whole Foods employees...
 | 5/1/2014 - For the past few months, Natural News has been warning the world about toxic heavy metals found in foods, superfoods and dietary supplements grown in China. Our Natural News Forensic Food Lab has produced breakthrough results showing, for example, that rice protein imported from China is significantly...
 | 4/24/2014 - Fifty years ago, it was virtually unheard of. But today, diabetes mellitus, a serious metabolic disorder, afflicts more than 150 million people globally, with a bulk of this number hailing from North America. And researchers out of Asia, having published their findings back in 2009, exposed toxic heavy...
 | 4/21/2014 - My food science research in the Natural News Forensic Food Labs has turned up yet another alarming discovery... and this time, it's about pet treats that may be poisoning your dogs and cats with toxic heavy metals.
Over the last several months, I've been testing popular brands of pet treats sold...
 | 4/16/2014 - I can now report to you the extraordinary results of our efforts to drastically reduce heavy metals concentrations in rice protein products sold across North America. In a nutshell, we have now received confirmation from nearly every significant manufacturer in the industry that they have agreed to...
 | 4/1/2014 - USDA certified organic mangosteen powder imported into the USA from Thailand and sold as a bulk material to numerous superfood manufacturers and retailers has been confirmed at the Natural News Forensic Food Labs to be heavily contaminated with alarming levels of lead (see laboratory results below)....
 | 3/27/2014 - Add it up and what have you got? Genetically engineered food, fluoridated water and pesticides are leading America off a health cliff. Then come the heavy metals, and not the naturally occurring amounts, but the massive chemical overload ingested by humans who do not pay attention to the foods they...
 | 3/25/2014 - In the aftermath of the explosive revelation that vegan rice protein products contain significant concentrations of the heavy metals lead, cadmium and tungsten, the natural products industry has been scrambling to produce cleaner plant-based proteins that are substantially free of those metals. I am...
 | 3/21/2014 - College sports jerseys, key chains, seat cushions and other memorabilia have been found to contain shockingly high levels of toxic heavy metals like lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic.
The toxic products were sold by stores like Target, Walgreens and Wal-Mart, and they represent the University of...
 | 3/19/2014 - If you take chlorella, I've got great news for you today: I've just completed research across nearly a dozen chlorella brands and manufacturers, and I've conclusively documented the fact that they all bind with and capture dietary mercury with very high efficiency. They also show strong affinity for...
 | 3/18/2014 - As part of my ongoing scientific research into heavy metals, elemental retention and metals capturing (see explanatory videos here), I have identified and documented anti-heavy-metals substances which have a remarkable natural affinity for binding with and "capturing" heavy metals.
Why is this important?...
 | 3/16/2014 - Linked with a laundry list of disorders, heavy metal toxicity is the bane of modern health. To make matters worse, detoxifying from these metals can create more harm than good when the toxins are mobilized to more dangerous regions - such as the brain or heart. A painful healing crisis can also occur...
 | 3/11/2014 - The industrial contamination of farms has reached alarming levels in the United States, and Mike Adams, Editor-in-Chief of Natural News, is sounding the alarms. This is like Paul Revere carrying THAT message, but this is for your health and sanity, instead of just your right to your land and your income.
 | 3/11/2014 - What amounts of heavy metals are deposited in your body if you smoke a pack of cigarettes every day? What if you smoke two packs a day? Heavy metal toxicity feeds the vicious cycle of needing super-strong nicotine to provide temporary relief from heavy metal toxic overload, also known as the "aspirin...
 | 3/7/2014 - Unlike whey protein, hemp protein and pea protein, every rice protein product we've tested so far has been found to contain significant levels of lead and cadmium, along with varying levels of the heavy metal tungsten. This has been found true across the product category, regardless of the product packaging...
 | 3/3/2014 - The health industry is suddenly buzzing with more findings about heavy metals in protein products, and Dr. Oz is beginning to warn viewers about lead in some products. This is on top of Natural News finding substantial concentrations of the heavy metal tungsten in organic vegan rice protein products...
 | 3/2/2014 - Over the last month, Natural News rocked the dietary supplements industry by publishing laboratory research results which found significant levels of the heavy metals lead, cadmium and tungsten in popular rice protein products. The industry immediately responded to consumer concerns, and within days,...
 | 2/25/2014 - The big problem with functional mushrooms sold these days is that so many of them are contaminated with toxic heavy metals because they're grown in China. This is well known across the industry, but nobody talks about it publicly because they don't want customers to know the truth.
What truth is...
 | 2/20/2014 - After having now analyzed over 1,000 foods, superfoods, vitamins, junk foods and popular beverages for heavy metals and other substances at the Natural News Forensic Food Labs, I have arrived at a conclusion so alarming and urgent that it can only be stated bluntly.
Based on what I am seeing via...
 | 2/19/2014 - Do you want clean protein products? Right now, many rice protein products sold across the USA and Canada contain significant concentrations of lead, cadmium and tungsten, all heavy metals. That's why we ask you to join the thousands of other Natural News readers and holistic food advocates who have...
 | 2/19/2014 - Perhaps I shouldn't be so easily amused, but I can hardly stop laughing at the theatrical attempts by some people in the natural products industry to convince their customers that eating heavy metals is good for you. Granted, most companies in the natural health space are very ethical and responsible....
 | 2/18/2014 - The latest heavy metals analysis by the Health Ranger, editor of Natural News, shows that all liquid iodine supplements tested were remarkably clean of toxic heavy metals including lead, arsenic, cadmium and mercury.
Products and brands tested include:
- J Crow's Iodine
- Magnascent Nascent Iodine
 | 2/18/2014 - It may seem like another pattern to break or drop while pregnant: first, smoking; then, wine sipping; and now - cosmetics? According to the evidence from independent researchers and lab analysts, the price of enhancing beauty with most commercial cosmetics goes beyond dollars and cents. The cosmetic...
 | 2/14/2014 - Immediately after Natural News shocked the natural products industry by revealing significant levels of heavy metals in rice protein products, several of the smaller manufacturers got together to try to figure out how to counter scientific facts with public relations spin.
Three nights ago, a secret...
 | 2/11/2014 - Continuing our mission to inform and empower consumers with heavy metals transparency for foods and superfoods, Natural News has just published heavy metals laboratory testing results for over 20 seaweed and sea vegetable products.
All results are available at the Natural News Forensic Food Lab,...
 | 2/10/2014 - The reaction to Natural News publishing heavy metals composition tests for natural products has brought to life shocking contradictions in the thinking of some people in the natural products industry.
The feedback on our publishing these data has mostly been positive, but the reaction among some...
 | 2/8/2014 - It's been a whirlwind week of activity on heavy metals in rice protein. Over the last week, here's a summary of what happened:
• Natural News released exclusive breaking news on tungsten, cadmium and lead in rice protein products.
• Over a million grassroots readers and food advocates...
 | 2/6/2014 - As Natural News fans and readers already know, we made history yesterday by reaching and publishing terms of an unprecedented agreement with Garden of Life and Sunwarrior to reduce concentrations of heavy metals in protein products, meeting specific targets by July 1, 2015.
In consideration of the...
 | 2/5/2014 - A history-making announcement has just been released by Natural News, describing a natural products industry agreement which would strictly limit the level of heavy metals allowable in popular raw vegan superfood protein products. Both Garden of Life and Sunwarrior joined the unprecedented agreement,...
 | 2/4/2014 - UPDATE: The story which originally appeared here is now irrelevant and has been replaced with this groundbreaking, history-making announcement:
I'm thrilled today to be able to announcing a groundbreaking "industry accord" agreement which will have dramatic, positive ramifications for the future...
 | 2/4/2014 - UPDATE: The story which originally appeared here is now irrelevant and has been replaced with this groundbreaking, history-making announcement:
I'm thrilled today to be able to announcing a groundbreaking "industry accord" agreement which will have dramatic, positive ramifications for the future...
 | 1/30/2014 - I've just posted an informative new video which explains why heavy metals are so toxic to human health, with details on how each heavy metal impacts particular organs in the body.
Click here to watch the video on YouTube.
The video covers the toxicity of:
• Aluminum
• Arsenic
 | 1/21/2014 - Would you knowingly inject dangerous heavy metals such as mercury, lead and arsenic into your body? How about carcinogens and endocrine disrupters such as phthalates and hydrocarbons? Chances are that is exactly what you have done if you have a tattoo, because those substances are commonly found in...
 | 1/21/2014 - A scientific study conducted at the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center (www.ConsumerWellness.org) has found that popular breakfast cereals such as Corn Flakes, Kix, Uncle Sam, Raisin Bran and Honey Bunches of Oats are relatively free of toxic heavy metals. These cereal products are made by companies...
 | 1/17/2014 - If you've wanted to know what really goes on inside the Natural News Forensic Food Lab, I've just launched a video providing a stunning visual tour. See how we digest food samples, prepare external standards and introduce samples into the Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry instrument (ICP-MS).
 | 1/10/2014 - Natural News has published the heavy metals lab tests results on Ecuadorian Cacao Powder (made by Pacari) as tested by the Consumer Wellness Center (www.ConsumerWellness.org). The lab results are available to view here.
This test is just one of a large number of heavy metals tests being conducted...
 | 1/8/2014 - With governments increasingly supporting the relentless greed of multinational corporations, with no apparent regard for people or the environment, we live in a toxic world with potentially serious, often fatal health consequences. How then can we flush out these toxins accumulating in the body, which...
 | 1/7/2014 - With so much press about the dangers of inflammation, many are already aware of its connection with a range of serious illness. And yet, the fact that heavy metal toxicity is at the root of inflammation oftentimes slips by unnoticed. The unfortunate truth of the matter is this: Until we address toxic...
 | 1/7/2014 - In conjunction with the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center (ConsumerWellness.org), Natural News (NaturalNews.com) has begun publishing heavy metals lab reports for off-the-shelf food products. With industrial pollution worsening and many "organic" foods now imported from China, heavy metals and toxic...
 | 9/4/2013 - Here at Natural News, we are spearheading a campaign of total transparency for superfoods and nutritional supplements, including publicly posting our Certificate of Analysis for Clean Chlorella and Clean Chlorella SL.
You can view these documents yourself by opening these PDFs:
 | 8/8/2013 - Commercial protein powders and shakes are a popular choice among fitness crowds as well as busy professionals, moms and pregnant women. On the surface, these expedient snacks and meals appear innocent, but upon closer examination, are fraught with health harming toxins. Whether contaminated with heavy...
 | 5/23/2013 - As Natural News readers know, we recently announced the availability of Clean Chlorella and explained how it was cleanest chlorella on the planet. Today I'm happy to share with you the actual lab test results which have now been repeated across multiple production batches. These results show the astonishing...
 | 3/22/2013 - Therapeutic baths are a simple, inexpensive and effective way to keep the body and spirit in top form. Radioactive poisons, heavy metals and other hazardous substances are safely removed from the system without overburdening internal organs or triggering an uncomfortable healing crisis. Stress and tension...
 | 3/4/2013 - Heavy metal toxins are all around us and in us to varying degrees. They tend to accumulate in tissue. Most household products have some sort of heavy metals that leach into our food and beverages.
See those lingering contrails in the sky? They are actually chemtrails filled with aluminum, barium,...
 | 1/14/2013 - Heavy metals in the human body contribute to serious health problems. Toxic heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium, lead, uranium and aluminum may enter the human body through food, water, air, or absorption through the skin. In today's world, it is difficult to avoid exposure to any one or more of these...
 | 8/28/2012 - Bentonite clay has a very strong negative ionic charge. This negative ionic charge attracts things that have a positive charge, such as heavy metals, toxins, harmful bacteria, pesticides, and other pathogens. By divine design, bentonite clay does not attach to anything beneficial in the body. The clumping...
 | 8/23/2012 - Detoxing can be hard on your body and cause a wide variety of alarming side effects. After all, the substances being removed are usually pretty horrible, consisting of toxic chemicals from Teflon, vaccines, pesticide residues, pharmaceutical drugs, chemotherapy residue, heavy metals, aluminum, radiation,...
| 5/10/2012 - Zeolite is a naturally forming microporous, aluminosilicate mineral combination that is found in rock deposits around the world. Zeolite comes from the Greek word for 'boiling stones' as they emit steam when heated. Zeolites have a very strong affinity for pulling out toxic debris from water, clothing,...
 | 5/2/2012 - The anti-inflammatory and detoxification power of cilantro, a medicinal herb whose seeds are known as coriander, is greatly underrated and largely unknown in Western culture today. But if you suffer from a chronic inflammatory disease, which can manifest itself as arthritis, an autoimmune disorder,...
 | 11/3/2011 - With all the recent news about iron pills that might harm you (https://www.naturalnews.com/034021_iron_supplements_harmful.html) and a popular dietary supplement that was exposed as having surprisingly high levels of aluminum sulfate (https://www.naturalnews.com/034005_Adya_Clarity_consumer_alert.html),...
| 7/7/2010 - Fruit pectin is effective for removing contaminants from the body such as heavy metals and unwanted drug residue. When these substances deposit in the body's cells, they contribute to a variety of serious diseases. Detoxifying the body from heavy metals and contaminants optimizes health and allows the...
| 1/15/2010 - Heavy metals have inundated most of our bodies and they're a source of many serious health problems. In fact, when you understand how pervasive heavy metals are and the problems they cause, it'll probably become important to you to remove them from your body. Fortunately, with the help of a little cilantro,...
| 11/9/2009 - Heavy metals are extremely toxic to human neurology. Mercury, lead and cadmium all contribute aggressively to the deterioration of neurological function. Fortunately, there's a simple, natural way to detox your body and remove these toxic substances from your tissues.
The solution is cilantro. It's...
| 9/24/2009 - The modern environment is filled with many toxins. Thousands of new chemicals are invented and put into our environment and our bodies each year. A recent study showed that even newborn infants have over 200 chemicals in their blood and umbilical cord. It is impossible to avoid chemicals as they are...
| 1/14/2009 - An unfortunate result of the toxic environment we live in is that the human body accumulates microscopic pieces of heavy metal like mercury, lead, and iron. These small pieces of metal are very destructive to the human body and it is not wise to ignore their presence in the body. While there are several...
 | 3/3/2008 - Hyperinsulinemia may promote mammary carcinogenesis. Insulin resistance has been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer and is also characteristic of type 2 diabetes. Diabetes and cancer are both expanding almost exponentially in the world today and can in part be traced to the increasing radiation...
 | 1/31/2008 - As has been well documented on NaturalNews*, there is a clear link between mercury poisoning, especially through thimerosal in vaccinations, and autism, along with other neurological disorders. There is, though, another factor that has recently been clearly linked to autism: wireless technology.
 | 8/1/2006 - Natural Cellular Defense is a natural zeolite-based substance that is being increasingly studied for its near-miraculous ability to bind with heavy metals and toxic chemicals, removing them from the body. Dr. Gabriel Cousens, M.D., is leading the research on the use of Natural Cellular Defense to remove...
 | 12/1/2005 - You may not believe what you're about to read. Early indications are that this could be a significant breakthrough in nutritional medicine, cancer treatments and heavy metals detoxification. If early reports are to be believed, it far surpasses even the most miraculous cancer drugs from the world of...
 | 1/26/2005 - The headlines were recently ablaze with warnings about Ayurvedic herbal products. A survey of such herbal remedies sourced from India and Pakistan found that one in five of them were contaminated with dangerous levels of heavy metals like lead, mercury and arsenic. This is an important finding and worthy...
| See all 253 heavy metals feature articles.Concept-related articles:Salmon:Health:News:Eating:Toxic:Metals:Toxic chemicals:Fish:Pollution:Cod liver oil:Diet:Supplements:Fish oil:Bacteria:Seeds:Chemicals:
Concepts related to Heavy metals
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TV.NaturalNews.com is
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CounterThink Cartoons are
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The Consumer Wellness Center is
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help children and expectant mothers around the world.
Food Investigations is
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in the food supply.
Webseed.com offers
alternative health programs, documentaries and more.
The Honest Food Guide is
a free, downloadable public health and nutrition chart that dares to tell the
truth about what foods we should really be eating.
HealingFoodReference.com offers
a free online reference database of healing foods, phytonutrients and plant-based
medicines that prevent or treat diseases and health conditions.
HerbReference.com is
a free, online reference library that lists medicinal herbs and their health
NutrientReference.com is
a free online reference database of phytonutrients (natural medicines found in
foods) and their health benefits. Lists diseases, foods, herbs and more.