Control news, articles and information:
| 11/16/2016 - Researchers have successfully tested a brain-spinal implant to allow the brains of paraplegic monkeys to once again control their legs. The study was conducted by researchers from the Ecole polytechnique federale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland.
In recent years, researchers have made great strides...
| 11/13/2016 - Members of the leftist media smugly claim they advocate love, compassion and progressivism, but any honest analysis of their content leads to the conclusion that their reporters are journo-terrorists. They deliberately fabricate falsehoods about their political enemies to effectively hypnotize their...
| 11/10/2016 - Both men and women are responsible for creating life, but often the burden of preventing pregnancy falls to women. As such, a variety of birth control options over the decades became available to women, while men have been limited to sterilization and using condoms.
Now, however, researchers are...
| 10/29/2016 - It's been nearly nine months since the word "Zika" flashed like a lightning bolt in the headlines of mainstream news. Before January 1, 2016, Zika was just one of many viruses that public health officials monitored. But suddenly in January of this year everything changed, as a nearly harmless virus...
| 10/22/2016 - A new study, recently published by JAMA Psychiatry, has linked the use of hormonal birth control to depression, especially in teenage girls. Of course, to many women, these findings are anything but surprising. Depression and mood swings have been well-known side effects of birth control for many years...
| 10/19/2016 - My Personal Introduction to Conventional Cancer Treatment Began in 1995
The surgeon pointed his pen at a large tumor on the CAT scan and began to explain the procedure for removing the colon cancer. He then paused for a moment and said to my wife, "This isn't your biggest problem." He then began to...
| 10/14/2016 - As parts of Canada continue to hobble through record-breaking drought conditions, multinational food giant Nestle has reportedly secured the takeover of yet another community water well from which it plans to extract up to 1.6 million liters (roughly 423,000 gallons) of water per day for private bottling...
| 10/14/2016 - As concerns grow about the number of Americans taking antidepressants, a new study out of Denmark points to one factor that could be contributing significantly to the problem: The study found that those taking a popular birth control pill had a 23 percent higher likelihood of being prescribed antidepressants...
| 10/2/2016 - One of the key principles our nation is founded upon is the concept of free speech, but increasingly free speech is being abandoned in favor of "politically correct" speech – and the end result may prove to be more disastrous than many people may imagine.
Political correctness is not a new...
| 9/27/2016 - In a stunning new documentary released just today, I reveal how politically correct speech control (thought control) gave rise to Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich. The film reveals how the phenomenon of progressive fanaticism -- safe spaces, social justice warriors, microaggressions, generation snowflake...
| 9/25/2016 - My new mini-documentary unveils exactly how globalist manipulators hijack the animalist control centers of your brain. If you're ever wondered how globalists manage to convince the masses that Islamic terrorism doesn't exist, that half the population is gay or transgender, that national security is...
| 9/18/2016 - After months of haggling, the Bayer-Monsanto consolidation will finally be coming to fruition. Yes, our worst fears are coming true: Monsanto will become an even larger, more powerful force in the world. Germany's Bayer cinched the deal by increasing their offer by another billion dollars. With an offer...
| 7/1/2016 - The longer the Left-wing government of Venezuela remains in power, the more economic destruction and social chaos there will be, but no one seems capable of convincing the socialist government of President Nicolas Maduro of those two realities. And so, like all authoritarians before him, he and his...
| 6/18/2016 - Sure, it's frustrating to think of the big picture sometimes, and the destructive elements of this world that it seems we have no control over and can't change, but what if you found out today that you have COMPLETE CONTROL over these forces, would you begin immediately to exert that capability? It's...
| 6/9/2016 - To be clear: There are no similarities between the brutal leadership of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria -- known more simply as the "Islamic State" (IS) -- and the government and people of California. That said, the connection between California's recent drought and the manner in which the Islamic...
| 5/31/2016 - When it comes to effectively preventing unwanted pregnancies, women simply don't have a lot of good options. Now, women who have turned to the permanent birth control procedure known as Essure in an effort to avoid the harmful effects of birth control pills, are finding that the alternative can actually...
| 5/19/2016 - Scale insects known as cochineals are a major problem for prickly pears in Mexico, and are commonly treated with noxious pesticides. Contrary to popular belief, however, chemical pesticides that are just as damaging to human health as they are to insects aren't necessary for bug control. A prickly pear...
| 5/18/2016 - The old saying "April showers bring May flowers" has never been more true, particularly in the Texas Hill Country, which has received its fair share of rainfall accompanied by hot and humid temperatures. Unfortunately, wildflowers aren't the only ones flourishing, as fleas and ticks also thrive in warm,...
| 5/16/2016 - The overwhelming number of health benefits associated with the practice of yoga is widely documented and has been proven by a great many studies. Not only is yoga one of the most popular forms of exercise today, but it is also recommended by doctors and scientists across the world for its range of health...
| 4/9/2016 - If you mention geoengineering to people you know, you're liable to either get a blank stare or an eye roll.
To most, the term is foreign, but to some who have heard about the concept as a "conspiracy theory to control the weather," they'll dismiss you as a loon. But the fact is, their denial makes...
| 2/13/2016 - Researchers from the Stanford University School of Medicine and the National Bureau of Economic Research have uncovered the path toward more affordable healthcare. The path doesn't consist of new government mandates, taxes and consolidated government insurance plans. The path toward healthcare prosperity...
| 12/9/2015 - Don't worry, folks: the government is here to save you from all those nasty terrorists just looking for the next opportunity to traumatize you and your family – because they're jealous of your "freedom," of course. The only stipulation is that you must first agree to hand over your firearms to...
| 12/2/2015 - The global warming being pushed on us by global governments is a science fraud. The satellite data purported to show a warming "trend" over the last hundred years has been fraudulently altered to show a warming trend where none exists.
What the data really show are an obvious cooling trend over the...
| 12/1/2015 - Assault tactics. Assault rifles. Assault weapons.
Assault machetes? Yes, there are such things, if you're a lunatic legislator from New York who believes a common tool used to clear brush and to cut sugar cane is the mass murderer's next weapon of choice.
As reported by the New York Daily News,...
| 11/22/2015 - Many experts, pundits and constitutionalists in the past have made impassioned and historically accurate defenses of the Second Amendment, but a recent one by independent investigative journalist Ben Swann was particularly poignant.
In this recent episode of Reality Check, Swann correctly notes that...
| 11/11/2015 - Two-time Republican presidential loser Mitt Romney misses the "good old days" when the mainstream media was unchallenged by the alternative media and able to craft narratives, spread propaganda and toe the corporate line completely unchallenged.
As reported by Breitbart News, Romney complained recently...
| 11/10/2015 - Birth control pills already known to increase the risk of stroke could also increase the risk of heart attacks in up to 25 percent of young women who take them, suggests the recent case of a 23-year-old nurse.
Sarah Brison woke up one day in excruciating pain, barely able to move and losing her vision.
| 11/10/2015 - University of Missouri president Tim Wolfe resigned from his post yesterday, not long after being threatened by a mob of overtly intolerant minority students who now perfectly demonstrate the very kind of intolerance they claim to oppose.
Here's what "tolerance" looks like at Mizzou: A mob of angry,...
| 10/31/2015 - A horrible thing happened the other day that news agencies stopped reporting on almost immediately a day after it happened is a lesson in the hypocrisy of the mainstream media and the Leftists who still believe in it. However, it is also a lesson in life that ought to apply universally, but for some...
| 10/30/2015 - To most Americans, it is unfathomable to think about living under a government that has banned guns. To them, the ability to provide for their own defense is one of the most important personal decisions they can make.
That's why they don't understand how people living in other countries, especially...
| 10/19/2015 - As reported by recent news headlines, the United States is facing an increased number of cyber attacks against its critical government and private sector infrastructure, two of the most recent being against the White House (in October 2014 and again in early April).
Besides targeting government and...
| 10/10/2015 - Over 90% of the school shootings in America take place at "gun free zones." The absolute lunacy of the very concept of a gun free zone -- that signs alone would magically keep crazy people from bringing guns to campus -- perfectly demonstrates the utter derangement and mental illness of the anti-gun...
| 10/9/2015 3:46:35 PM - The mainstream media – and liberal Democrats in general (same thing) – must be getting a little nervous about retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson's meteoric rise in the polls because they have focused their attention, and ire, on him in recent weeks.
The latest phony "gotcha gaffe" with which...
| 10/6/2015 - How do gun control advocates protect their yards? By surgically removing the teeth of their dogs and posting "Teeth-Free Zone" signs in their yards.
Or at least that's the proposition of a hilarious new infographic meme from (see below).
I've gathered a few of the most notable infographic...
| 10/5/2015 12:28:19 PM - Sadly, it appears that Americans have even been stripped of the freedom to coordinate genuine grassroots movements, as they are now routinely infiltrated by the enemy who operates above the law and free from accountability.
Distrust for an oversized government has now leached over into distrust for...
| 9/16/2015 - Fox News personality Geraldo Rivera must sometimes feel as though he has a lonely job being a liberal on a conservative-dominated cable news network (and one that tops the ratings year after year after year).
He must have felt particularly lonely recently when, as part of the five-person panel on...
| 8/28/2015 - Even avid Second Amendment supporters understand the need for some reasonable restrictions regarding the ownership and carrying of firearms, but a great many restrictions that are currently being imposed by a number of jurisdictions are not just anti-gun in general, but absurd in practice.
Such as...
| 7/30/2015 - Have the U.S. government and American researchers been toying with the notion of controlling, changing or otherwise adapting the weather? According to this comprehensive and exhaustive list of patents, the answer is yes.
In fact, researchers have spent the past century working to develop climate...
| 7/23/2015 - When Bill Gates, along with Paul Allen, began a little tech venture called "Microsoft" in a garage in 1975, he couldn't possibly have imagined that the company would grow into the largest personal computer company and most widely used PC operating system on the planet.
Or make him the richest man...
| 7/13/2015 - If you and your family still drink water right out of the tap, you might want to reconsider in light of a new study released by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). For the past several years, we've been warning our readers that pharmaceutical drug residues persist in unfiltered tap water, and the USGS...
| 7/9/2015 - The rodent feed used for control groups in laboratory studies -- including studies on the safety of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and pesticides -- is widely contaminated with those same GMOs and pesticides as well as toxic metals and PCBs, according to a study conducted by researchers from...
| 7/9/2015 - Increasingly, the so-called "mainstream" establishment media is being scooped up by just a handful of mega-corporations, not necessarily because the news business is insanely profitable, but more because the moguls doing the purchasing want to control what the American public hears.
Indeed, as noted...
| 7/8/2015 - Award-winning investigative journalist and conspiracy analyst Jim Marrs has just released a new book entitled Population Control - How Corporate Owners are Killing Us.
The phenomenal new book explores how the G.O.D. syndicate -- the "global monopoly of Guns, Oil, and Drugs" -- is destroying America....
| 6/12/2015 - The world's most evil corporation is trying to buy out another of the world's most evil corporations to become one giant, monopolistic force of unstoppable abomination throughout the globe. Monsanto, a household name in toxic chemicals and untested GMOs (genetically modified organisms), has asked Syngenta,...
| 6/3/2015 - While newer, "third generation" types of the Pill are said to come without the frustrations of weight gain and headaches that typically come with taking older types of oral contraceptives, it has an extremely serious drawback: the potential to cause clots and lead to death.
That's exactly what the...
| 6/2/2015 - Natural pest control is actually less expensive than using pesticides, and it's safer for your garden, your family, wildlife and the environment. Each year North American homeowners use a staggering 136 million pounds of pesticides on lawns, gardens and inside their homes. (
| 5/16/2015 - In the 23 years since she was diagnosed with HIV, 61-year-old Loreen Willenberg of Sacramento, Calif., has never taken any drugs to restrain the virus. She has never shown symptoms or become ill from HIV or AIDS. She has experienced no drop in her CD4 T-cells, the immune cells targeted by HIV.
| 5/10/2015 - What you're about to read here is a revealing look at the psychological mechanism presently being used by government and media to achieve near-absolute control over the population. I'm calling the concept the "crisis of the NOW," and understanding this is a lot like taking the RED pill.
The "crisis...
| 4/30/2015 - Two widespread industrial chemicals can cause infertility in fish down to at least the fourth generation: The plastics chemical bisphenol A (BPA) and a key ingredient in human birth control pills, according to a study conducted by researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and published in the...
| 4/26/2015 - German scientists have developed a device that they say will help people navigate unfamiliar environments without the need to consult a map by directly stimulating their muscles, causing them to change direction without even being aware of it.
The "actuated navigation" system, also called "Human...
| 4/6/2015 - As yet another sign of the emerging police state brutality taking place across America, government-run animal control "mafias" (i.e. your local animal control department) are now murdering family pets if those families don't pay the ransom demands.
In essence, animal control departments are now running...
| 3/18/2015 - It's no longer a conspiracy theory. The most wealthy and powerful can control regional weather patterns using cloud seeding technology. The sky has literally become a sandbox, a playground, and the world's elite have access to technology allowing them to use the weather to their advantage.
The controversial...
| 2/25/2015 - Women who take birth control pills will not be pleased with a recent discovery that suggests a link between taking the contraceptive and brain tumor development.
Danish researchers have discovered that taking a birth control pill for over five years can more than double the risk of developing a rare...
| 2/17/2015 - In large part, the American people have been conquered through the principle of groupthink. Throughout history, groupthink has played a prominent role in coercing the public of any nation into going to war for the benefit of the elite ruling class and their financial bottom line. (Story by Dave Hodges,...
| 1/20/2015 - According to the document you're about to see, for the last eight years, government scientists have actively engineered viral vaccines designed to alter thoughts and beliefs by infecting the brain and suppressing genetic expression of neurological cells. Dispersal of these vaccines has been tested via...
| 12/27/2014 - An impending showdown between Utah and the federal government may set a precedent affecting future disputes regarding state vs. federal land ownership.
In 2012, Governor Gary Herbert formally challenged the feds over the right to control 31.2 million acres of Utah land when he signed the "Transfer...
| 11/26/2014 - Story by Michael Snyder, republished from
In some areas of the world, purposely cutting off someone's family line is considered to be one of the most wicked things that you can possibly do. But that appears to be precisely what the United Nations is doing. Two UN organizations,...
| 11/14/2014 - Thirty years ago, the diversity of the world's news media was broad. In 1983, some 50 companies owned "the media" in the U.S. and the world; obviously, with so many companies vying for listeners, viewers and readers, competition was intense -- not just for audience but for advertisers as well.
| 11/13/2014 - The worsening Ebola outbreak in West Africa is creating scores of orphan children, many of whom are likely infected as well, even as large numbers of carriers are "disappearing" from official tallies.
As reported by Britain's MailOnline, perhaps as many as 12,000 children have been orphaned by the...
| 10/17/2014 - Whether it's sitting in traffic or dealing with mounting frustrations in the workplace, everyone feels angry from time to time. However, exhibiting too much of this strong emotion, while it may seem to be a feel-good outlet, can negatively impact health. Anger is linked to muscle tightness, flushed...
| 10/1/2014 - All the disinformation being spread about Ebola by the U.S. government and the complicit mass media will unfortunately make the Ebola pandemic far worse. That's because the public isn't being told the truth about how Ebola spreads and how individuals can help prevent transmission of the disease.
| 9/22/2014 - He admits that his suggestion "sounds blatantly authoritarian," and that it "violates just about every core value we possess in a free society." But noted transhumanist author Zoltan Istvan believes that a transnational world government body should have the power to forcibly sterilize anyone "deemed...
| 8/19/2014 - Oddly enough, it is a study that was published in the Journal of Medical Ethics. What its author, Cristina Richie, of the Theology Department at Boston College, essentially concluded was that too many babies are having too much of a negative impact on the environment, so -- well, there should be fewer...
| 7/7/2014 - The internet erupted in protest last week over the revelation that Facebook ran a psychological experiment on 700,000 users designed to see just how easily information could be used to manipulate their emotions. "Facebook's ill-advised psychological experiment is alarming because it suggests that the...
| 5/17/2014 - The power to reverse type 2 diabetes begins with a well informed individual, someone self-empowered to make changes in their daily eating habits. A remarkable study from the University of Maryland has found that a physician's diabetes-management approach alone is ineffective and has no influence on...
| 4/29/2014 - Food freedom begins with land freedom, because if you have no control over your own property, you have no real control over what you can use it for, including growing your own organic foods.
And if the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) gets its way, what property rights you still have may vanish...
| 4/28/2014 - The future of prescription drugging and birth control lies in a microchip.
Right now, chips with drug reservoirs can be implanted directly under the skin, delivering doses of pharmaceuticals or birth control hormones at the same time each day. The implanted chip is designed to be remote-controlled...
| 4/28/2014 - By now, people are well aware of the dangers behind eating foods that have been treated with pesticides. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that approximately 1.1 billion pounds of pesticide active ingredients are used annually in the U.S., and the EPA says up to 20,000 U.S....
| 4/28/2014 - The biotech industry, including the likes of DuPont and Monsanto, is taking control of agriculture to a whole new level.
Already engaged in controlling farmers' seed and turning crops into genetically modified science experiments, the biotech industry is taking control a step further by installing...
| 4/26/2014 - There are some folks on the fringes of society that intentionally seek to be controlled and get pleasure out of it. You can find them at sadomasochism conventions. I haven't been to one, but I understand they are quite an experience.
As you wander the aisles, you see scores of masters and slaves....
| 4/24/2014 4:27:20 PM - Animals with larger brains have more self control, according to a landmark study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on April 21.
The study is the first large-scale investigation into the evolutionary basis of self control, the researchers said.
"We talk a lot about...
| 4/21/2014 8:39:48 PM - Researchers from the University of Central Florida (UCF) have developed a new technique that can generate rain and lightning in a region by firing a laser at clouds.
According to Britain's Daily Mail, the technique involves firing a "double laser" into a cloud to stimulate certain particles within...
| 4/15/2014 - In the aftermath of round one of the Bundy Ranch armed siege by the U.S. government, I have decided to offer the federal government an intelligent analysis of the new rules of engagement. People like Daniel P. Love, Special Agent in Charge of BLM Region 3, desperately need to review and learn these...
| 2/25/2014 - Imagine a world where one person's brain could be used to control the hand movements of another through electrode stimulation... Imagine machines that could be triggered and told what to do just by one man's thought...
Remote control of living organisms becoming a realityScientists are on their way...
| 2/22/2014 - The first amendment of the Bill of Rights states that "Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom... of the press." The words are clear and understood, but what if it's not Congress trying to control the press? What happens when the President and departments of the executive branch go around...
| 12/10/2013 - It used to be the case that there were real choices involved in purchasing food from the grocery store, buying clothes from the mall or a department store and even watching the news on television. But today, the vast majority of what people consume in all spheres of life is owned or controlled by just...
| 12/7/2013 - As you might imagine, the pest control industry is largely reliant upon the use of questionable chemical pesticides that, while effective against pests, may also be harmful to humans. And a recent investigation has found that, in the state of Indiana -- and likely elsewhere -- the illegal...
| 11/18/2013 - The Tokyo Electric Power Co. announced it is delaying the relocation of fuel rods from its crippled plant reactors. Work was originally scheduled to begin today due to the fact that fuel rods remain highly vulnerable in the damaged storage pools. Right now, Fukushima is just one earthquake or tidal...
| 10/27/2013 - The federal government is working on a plan that would mandate black box tracking devices be installed in every vehicle, with real-time uploading of vehicle location, speed and mileage to government authorities. This Orwellian technology is already technically feasible and will be promoted as a way...
| 10/2/2013 - An Italian research institute has severed collaborative ties with British drug giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) following a major dispute over who should have access to a series of clinical trial data on antibiotic treatments. As reported by Chemistry World, GSK refused to allow raw data from an allegedly...
| 10/2/2013 - Researchers from the University of California at Irvine have made a breakthrough by demonstrating how specific memories can be implanted through the direct manipulation of the brain.
Building upon five decades of research, Neurobiology and Behavior Research Professor Norman M. Weinberger and his...
| 9/13/2013 - Everyone over 50 and anyone actively preventing biological harm in their youth may be wise to focus on the frontiers of gerontology. Telomere length may accurately report both healthy and unhealthy choices made in an individual's past. They cap the ends of chromosomes and are a functional unit measured...
| 9/10/2013 - Just when you thought that "man's best friend" couldn't get any better or any more loyal, here comes "science" with a better idea.
Scientists at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Auburn University in Alabama think that maybe you, as a dog owner, are tired of having your pet roll over, shake,...
| 9/5/2013 - More than a third of adults in the United States have high levels of triglycerides, but many do not even know what that means. Triglycerides are a type of fat in the blood that has been linked to a variety of serious conditions, including heart disease, stroke and heart attacks. The American Heart Association...
| 8/15/2013 - First it was Gardasil. Then it was flu vaccines. Today, thousands of teenage girls as young as 13 years old living throughout the U.K. are reportedly being secretly injected with birth control vaccines at schools and family planning clinics, all without parental consent or even parental knowledge that...
| 8/8/2013 - Those who supported the effort by President Obama and fellow Democrats to "reform" the nation's healthcare system likely did so because they believed these men and women were sincere about their desire to fix it.
But the fact is that Obamacare was never about healthcare reform in the normal sense...
| 7/27/2013 - As technology advances, it is becoming more of a double-edged sword, improving our quality of life while at the same time making us more vulnerable to hazards and unconstitutional behavior in ways we've never been.
Perhaps nowhere has technology had as much of an impact in our daily lives as in the...
| 7/24/2013 - What is a psychological attachment and how do attachments encourage you to do what you know you should not do?
A psychological attachment is a pervasive, largely subconscious tendency to seek out the negative or do things that cause you to be unhappy.
When you unwittingly and consistently behave...
| 7/18/2013 - The fictional character Jason Bourne is a covert intelligence operative who survives an intense mind control "reprogramming" process to become a government assassin. After being shot while on an assassination mission, he forgets his identity and tries to rediscover his true past. That's the storyline...
| 6/19/2013 - Technology is constantly expanding, and this is particularly true when it comes to unmanned aerial vehicles. Drones are quickly gaining popularity with the military, government institutions and in the civilian sector and uses for UAVs are expected to expand dramatically in the years to come - so much...
| 5/24/2013 - For centuries, the art of breathing has been one of a myriad of tools employed by Yoga masters in order to calm the body and mind, in preparation for meditation, contemplation or simply to remain in control of one's emotions. Long utilized as a spiritual practice, a recent study has now brought the...
| 5/19/2013 - The article which originally appeared here has been removed because it is no longer aligned with the science-based investigative mission of Natural News. In late 2013 / early 2014, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of Natural News, transitioned from outspoken activist to environmental scientist....
| 5/12/2013 - The state of Texas continues to fight back hard against federal intrusions, especially in the area of gun control as President Obama and some Washington lawmakers push for new laws infringing upon the Second Amendment's right of Americans to keep and bear arms.
In a vote of 100-47, the Texas House...
| 5/10/2013 - The 3D printing revolution has arrived, and it's freaking out governments around the world because distributed, non-centralized fabrication technology threatens their monopolistic controls over physical objects. For a few thousand dollars, anyone can purchase a 3D printer (an "additive" desktop fabrication...
| 5/2/2013 - In an interview with "We Feed the World," Nestle CEO Peter Brabeck touted that his company is the largest foodstuff corporation in the world, worth $65 billion. He went on to proclaim that water is not a human right and that corporations such as his should control water to preserve it for future generations.
| 4/30/2013 - I get this question all the time from readers: How can we know whom to believe? Who's really telling the truth? Which person should I support for political office at the next election?
What if I told you there is an incredibly simple way to tell not only who's good and who's bad, but also how to...
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