HEALTH TIP: This is not a paid plug, just FYI, but I strongly recommend that everybody spray their sinuses at least twice a day with Xlear xylitol spray. You will nearly NEVER get sick, at least not through any respiratory routes. And for those of you who really, really know what's up, you'll realize it's the Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) in the formula that does the real magic. I also have GSE liquid in other forms for a multitude of uses. Xlear is in my everyday stockpile of medicine that I constantly use. I also use, around the home and ranch, chlorine dioxide instant tablets from Safrax (for external use, sanitation, etc.). I use those in chicken water troughs, in my dog's water buckets (yes buckets), etc. Heed this advice and you'll stay healthy. And also, FCK the FDA.
Just pointing out that my company built numerous free speech platforms, hundreds of content websites, a world-class AI language model, a decentralized social media platform, a free speech video platform, an online learning video streaming site and more... WITHOUT ANY GOVERNMENT MONEY AT ALL. While paying insane taxes and enduring insane censorship the entire time. Imagine what we could do without being censored or taxed. UNLEASH America's builders and we can truly Make America Great Again.
Here's a frame from a new music video I'm releasing next week, a musical poetry experience about human freedom. It will blow you away. Can't wait to share it with you. Some people have been brought to tears when hearing this, being touched by its message. The power of music and art!