You know all those people who were left behind inside the Twin Towers on 9/11 while the deep state engineered the event? Yeah, that's exactly what's going to happen to all the people left holding dollars when the U.S. dollar collapses. Try not to be left behind. Gold just hit $2569 today, an all-record high. That means the dollar is rapidly collapsing. Controlled demolition of the currency, folks. The U.S. dollar is the Building 7 of money.
How did all three have orange hair?
Gold hits another all-time high today. The #dollar is in a state of accelerating collapse. The corporate media is utterly ignoring it, hoping you don't notice. 100+ nations are embracing the BRICS currency, and throughout 2025, the dollar will be increasingly abandoned on a global scale. The American people still left holding dollars will find themselves impoverished, homeless and REPLACED in their own nation as the "shadow wealth" of the rigged stock market, Treasury bonds and bank accounts evaporates right in front of them. Those who know what's happening are surging their assets into #gold and #silver. Those who don't know are holding dollars and will be financially destroyed in short order. It has never been more obvious. Decide now which side of history you want to be on. Personally, I'm betting on the table of elements (gold and silver) as outlasting fake counterfeit man-made currency (the dollar).