Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

New alcohol guidelines: How is drinking linked to cancer?

By Jennifer Lea Reynolds, January 16 2016
(NaturalNews) In an effort to address ongoing good health practices, which includes keeping various cancers at bay, the UK's Chief Medical Officer (CMO) recently came forward with updated alcohol consumption guidelines. This wasn't just any update that changes with the wind either; the last time they were updated was in 1995, making many people interested in the new changes and recommendations.(1) The recent guidelines stress that alcohol consumption – even in small amounts –...

Feds try to suppress herbal molecule that makes your liver nearly 'bulletproof' against alcohol damage

By Mike Adams, January 15 2016
(NaturalNews) There are all sorts of ways the federal government actively poisons the population: • The EPA spills toxic waste into rivers. • The FDA keeps cancer causing additives in the food supply. • The CDC pushes toxic vaccines laced with mercury... even when that mercury gets injected into children in California. • The USDA approves toxic GMO crops that use deadly herbicide chemicals linked with cancer. And now there's a new one you've probably never heard...

American Dental Association threatens manufacturer of mercury detection equipment to stop talking about toxic levels of mercury in dental offices

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, January 15 2016
(NaturalNews) The American Dental Association (ADA) is the leading proponent for installing mercury-based fillings into the mouths of millions of people. The ADA states on their website that, "Dental amalgam is considered a safe, affordable and durable material that has been used to restore the teeth of more than 100 million Americans. It contains a mixture of metals such as silver, copper and tin, in addition to mercury, which binds these components into a hard, stable and safe substance. Dental...

Calif. Gov. Jerry Brown declares state of emergency over massive methane leak ... Worse than BP?

By Jennifer Lea Reynolds, January 12 2016
(NaturalNews) A gas leak coming from Southern California Gas Company's Aliso Canyon storage field in Los Angeles County, has led to California Governor Jerry Brown's declaration of a state of emergency. While a somewhat welcome announcement, many residents feel that such a decision is long overdue, considering that the problem began in October 2015, and has been leaking methane into the air on an ongoing basis ever since.(1) This means that for several months, dangerous gas fumes have...

Study shows Monsanto's Bt toxin kills human embryo cells

By Ethan A. Huff, January 15 2016
(NaturalNews) More evidence has surfaced showing that Monsanto's Bt toxin, which the company claims doesn't harm humans, is definitively poisoning the populace. New research out of Canada explains that Bt toxin not only accumulates in human tissue but also kills human embryo cells in pregnant women. For their study, researchers from the University of Sherbrooke Hospital Centre in Quebec looked at pesticides associated with genetically modified (GM) foods, and particularly Bt toxin engineered into...

FDA responsible for rapid rise of deadly pathogens in U.S. food supply

By Jonathan Benson, January 15 2016
(NaturalNews) Antibiotic-resistant superbugs are a major detriment to society, with the latest predictions estimating that by 2050 they will kill more people than the number who currently die from cancer. But the problem is not necessarily the drug companies that produce them or the corporate mega-farms that buy them, but rather the government regulatory structure that has been actively perpetuating their use for at least the past half-decade. Often missing from the conversation as to who is responsible...

Huge increase in U.S. families preparing for catastrophe as prepping goes mainstream

By Daniel Barker, January 15 2016
(NaturalNews) Although some still regard prepping to be an activity favored by survivalist "wackos" who fear a cataclysmic Armageddon-style event, more and more American families are beginning to see the value in preparing for a number of possible scenarios in which the stockpiling of food, water and other essentials could prove to be a very wise investment. The Oxford Dictionary defines "prepping" (in this usage of the term) as: The practice of making active preparations for a possible catastrophic...

Phytoremediation: plants that can clean polluted soil

By C.L. Doherty, January 15 2016
(NaturalNews) Polluted soil cleanup is under way in Elizabeth City, North Carolina, at a 50-year-old United States Coast Guard aircraft fuel depot, but the unconventional process probably wouldn't be the first thing to come to mind. There are no excavators, dump trucks, heavy machinery or people running around in HAZMAT suits. Instead, a forest of approximately 3,000 hybrid poplars and willow trees are getting the job done through phytoremediation. "Phytoremediation is the direct use of green...

Monkeys discovered to use complex grammatical structures in their language

By David Gutierrez, January 15 2016
(NaturalNews) Monkeys have a much more complex linguistic ability than had previously been thought and are able to make use of grammatical structures such as roots and suffixes, according to a study conducted by researchers from France's National Center for Scientific Research and New York University, and published in the journal Linguistics and Philosophy in December 2014. The study, which focused on the alarm calls used to indicate various predators, also found that the same species of monkey...

Waiting two minutes before cutting umbilical cords improves early newborn development

By David Gutierrez, January 15 2016
(NaturalNews) Waiting for two minutes before cutting the umbilical cord following birth improves infants' antioxidant status and leads to better infant development in the first few days of life, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Granada and the San Cecilio Clinical Hospital, and published in the journal Pediatrics. Umbilical cord clamping is one of the most cross-culturally common medical interventions, and potentially one of the oldest. Yet great variation ...

Children being indoctrinated into surveillance police state with Elf on the Shelf toy

By Daniel Barker, January 15 2016
(NaturalNews) If you are one of the many people who have noticed something vaguely creepy about those immensely popular Elf on a Shelf toys, it turns out there may be a good reason for it. The Elf on a Shelf has now become a multi-million-dollar industry which has spawned a television special, a Macy's Christmas parade float and other spinoffs. The ubiquitous doll and its accompanying book have earned a place in the hearts of millions of children who believe in the magical powers that enable it...

Over-hyped 'smart drug' actually impairs brain function, shocked scientists discover

By Jennifer Lea Reynolds, January 15 2016
(NaturalNews) While some individuals -- mainly students striving to excel in classes and on exams -- have claimed that the drug Modafinil, more commonly known as the popular "smart" drug," has the ability to boost brain power, a new study shows that the drug actually does the opposite. That's right. It impairs brain function. The finding has shocked scientists and users of the drug, who have learned of the negative impact it has on response time regarding cognitive task performances. "We looked...

Procter & Gamble shut down in Argentina for alleged massive tax fraud scheme

By J. D. Heyes, January 15 2016
(NaturalNews) The Argentine government is accusing household products manufacturing giant Procter & Gamble (P&G) of defrauding it out of taxes, and as such the mega-corporation's operations in the South American nation have been suspended A recent statement issued by Argentina's taxing authority, the Federal Administration of Public Revenue (AFIP), announcing the action was unclear as to what exactly was meant by "suspended," and Reuters said that P&G refused to comment on whether or not its operations...

California hospital network to pay $37 million penalty for unnecessary procedures, overcharging patients

By Ethan A. Huff, January 15 2016
(NaturalNews) Another plaintiff has successfully taken advantage of the Federal False Claims Act (FFCA), recovering $6.25 million for herself and more than $30 million for the federal government after a large, Northern California-based hospital network agreed to settle a lawsuit alleging misconduct and fraud against the Medicare system. San Francisco-based Dignity Health has agreed to pay out $37 million to settle a 2009 whistleblower lawsuit filed by former worker Kathleen Hawkins, who says...

Before passing vaccine mandate, pro-eugenics California forcibly sterilized 20,000 Latina women ... Is that a microaggression?

By J. D. Heyes, January 14 2016
(NaturalNews) 2015 will go down in history for a number of things, including being the year that college campuses went crazy with Marxism. For instance, the concept of "microaggressions" – that is, uses of once-normal speech that the PC Police within school administrations and student body leadership have deemed harmful to select demographic and ethnic groups in some way – was introduced with much fanfare by liberals, who seek to use such declarations to actually chill speech they...

The zombie masses of America reach new record for emergency room visits due to walking into traffic while distracted by mobile devices

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, January 14 2016
(NaturalNews) Addiction to mobile devices is a growing problem in America. It's gotten to the point where people are so distracted that they will walk right into traffic, fall off train platforms, or even fall right off a cliff. As Americans plug their entire existence into their mobile devices, they give away the now, sacrificing the present moment, and sometimes sacrificing their lives. Mobile devices have become the heart, mind and soul of a generation that is infatuated with distraction...

Nutrition just got safer: Justice Department indicts criminal supplement companies endangering consumers' health

By Ethan A. Huff, January 14 2016
(NaturalNews) The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is cracking down on a number of dietary supplement manufacturers who are being accused of breaking the law by lacing their products with undisclosed, and in some cases illegal, ingredients; making false claims about their safety and efficacy; and deliberately misleading consumers as to their true contents. Benjamin C. Mizer, the DOJ's Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General, recently gave a press conference explaining how the agency is taking...

Mandatory vaccine legislation will lead to compulsory organ harvesting from Americans' bodies

By Ethan A. Huff, January 14 2016
(NaturalNews) Health freedom is a sacred right that strikingly few people in America today seem to recognize as vitally important to a free society. This is evidenced by the largely manufactured measles crisis, which has sent some into a tailspin of draconian fervor as they call on the government to literally force the entire populace into getting vaccinated for the "greater good." But the moment we allow government to decide one aspect of how we must live our lives is the moment we allow government...

Biotech shills continue spouting lies to push GMO imperialism

By Julie Wilson staff writer, January 14 2016
(NaturalNews) When it comes to food science research, the most common debates are about science and which sources or studies are correct, or more legitimate. Fact checking and deciphering which studies are biased and which ones aren't can be exhausting as well as confusing. However, sometimes the truth is blatant. An example of a blatant truth are the facts surrounding the ineffectiveness of the Golden Rice Project, which was launched by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), a group...

Pesticides, antibiotic-resistant bacteria could be spread by raindrop aerosols

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, January 14 2016
(NaturalNews) Rain storms naturally produce aromatherapy and researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are finding out how. Using high speed, slow motion cameras, the researchers' documented how raindrops hit a surface of the Earth and create aerosols that can be carried through the wind. The aroma-therapeutic phenomenon has been known as petrichor, which is a term for the earthy scent that is released when rain hits dry soil. When water drops hit a surface, tiny air bubbles explode...

Plastics chemicals BPA, BPS linked to altered brain development

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, January 14 2016
(NaturalNews) Many plastic product manufacturers are starting to put "BPA-free" labels on their products. The plastic industry is slowly moving away from BPA, removing it from baby bottles and plastic food storage containers. This is progress, especially since BPA has been shown to worsen obesity, cancer and behavioral problems. However, as manufacturers move away from BPA and assure consumers that their plastics are safe, they ultimately replace it with something just as sinister -- BPS. BPS...

Maintaining your eye health and vision is imperative for survival during the coming collapse

By Ethan A. Huff, January 14 2016
(NaturalNews) When considering how to best prepare for the coming economic collapse, it is important not to forget about any medical conditions you might have that are sure to affect your ability to function in a survival situation. One of these is vision, something that we all rely upon but that many of us take for granted every single day. If you wear prescription glasses, for instance, think about how you'll get around if you lose or break them. Disposable contacts will also likely be in short...

Obamacare architect Gruber admitted it would NOT be affordable healthcare

By J. D. Heyes, December 30 2014
(NaturalNews) The self-admitted architect behind the onerous Affordable Care Act has admitted that the law was going to be anything but affordable when he was writing it in conjunction with the White House. MIT prof Jonathan Gruber, Obama's healthcare adviser (despite the president's denials) is continuing to withhold requested documents as he awaits being called back for additional testimony by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee in this, the new year. But as the people's representatives...

A single dose of antibiotics can cause long-term gut damage

By Jonathan Landsman, January 14 2016
(NaturalNews) The statistics are sobering: in the United States alone, antibiotic-resistant bacteria cause 23,000 fatalities and at least 2 million new cases of disease annually. But if you think antibiotic resistance only comes about with massive and repeated rounds of antibiotics, think again. Science shows that just one dose of antibiotic 'therapy' not only contributes to antibiotic resistance, but also brings about long-term damage to the microbes living in the gut. Many of the intestinal...

Researchers identify previously unknown mystery virus that killed Kansas man in 2014

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, January 14 2016
(NaturalNews) Have you ever heard of wild-type viruses? When the mainstream medical system tries to eradicate a virus from the population using singular-mode antiviral drugs and vaccines, they are only increasing a virus's mutating ability. For example, the antiviral drug Tamiflu has been clinically proven to be an absolute failure, speeding up the evolution of tougher, more resilient wild-type viruses. These newer, more adaptable viruses are a prime example of survival of the fittest. The germ's...

Top U.S. banks have pledged customers' deposits as collateral for derivative gambling debts

By J. D. Heyes, January 14 2016
(NaturalNews) Are banks in the world's great Western powers (and one superpower) preparing to confiscate your accounts in order to quench their insatiable appetites for your private property (i.e., your money)? That's very likely coming to a bank near you soon, says one observer. Seasoned journalist financial and geopolitical analyst Mark Nestman, of, wrote in a recent column that "Cyprus-style bail-ins" are on the horizon, as embattled Western and Asian governments eye ways to perpetuate...

British woman has stomach removed after being served two shots of liquid nitrogen at wine bar

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, January 14 2016
(NaturalNews) Peaking at a bone-chilling, negative 346 degrees Fahrenheit, liquid nitrogen is to be handled with extreme caution by someone trained in its application. From first glance, the clear, steaming liquid appears as boiling water, but upon first touch, it can cause extreme frostbite. Just a few pin-sized drops touching the skin can send chills throughout the entire body. What would happen if liquid nitrogen was served up in a drink and passed through the esophagus and stomach? A British...

Slate publishes the dumbest medical article ever: Don't boost your immune system to prevent the flu!

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, January 14 2016
(NaturalNews) Slate lost credibility after publishing an article by the misinformed Dr. Jeremy Samuel Faust. The medical doctor, trained to make a living delivering medical interventions, came right out and stated that he doesn't believe in the power of the human immune system. "Boosting your immunity is actually a pretty bad idea," he railed, stating that any methods of prevention are bogus snake oil. Instead of giving evidence against specific prevention methods, he bashed the body's innate...

Five reasons why you're totally crazy if you aren't growing your own food

By Mike Adams, January 13 2016
(NaturalNews) As things get ever crazier in the world, there are more reasons than ever to grow at least some of your own food. In fact, I say you're crazy if you don't grow some of your own food! Here are five huge reasons to back that up... or listen to my full podcast at #1) With food prices skyrocketing, you'll save money by growing your ownHave you priced organic romaine lettuce recently? Or a pound of beef? With food prices continuing to skyrocket, the economics...

Campbell's Soup Co. announces GMO labeling for its food products, supports mandatory GMO labeling and consumers' right to know

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, January 13 2016
(NaturalNews) A big THANK YOU goes out to Campbell's Soup Company for taking a step in the right direction and announcing GMO labeling for all their food products. All ingredients in Campbell's food products that contain genetically modified organisms will now be labeled. It's still unclear whether the labels will make distinctions on the kind of GMOs used, but one thing is for sure: customers are going to know which ingredients contain GMOs in general. This is a huge leap of progress for food...

Mafia running olive oil thefts, stealing 'liquid gold' extra virgin oil from Spanish orchards and processors

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, January 13 2016
(NaturalNews) In the Spanish village of Navalvillar de Pela, Christmas 2015 was a time to be on guard. The Extremaduran olive groves of central Spain are in high demand, and, as reported by the U.K.'s Telegraph, organized groups are starting to raid the olive groves, stealing the "liquid gold" in the middle of the night. Farmers must now enlist armed night patrols to protect their crop from thieves. The village of Navalvillar de Pela is home to 4,000 people, and almost every family in the village...

Mainstream media finally admits: Adding fluoride to water a 'useless scheme' with no benefit to public health

By Amy Goodrich, January 13 2016
(NaturalNews) Fluoride, long added to our drinking water to improve oral health, is probably useless and even harmful to public health. Its effectiveness is based on shaky science from the 1950s, yet big dental associations around the world keep promoting the addition of fluoride to our drinking water. "The sad story is that very little has been done in recent years to ensure that fluoridation is still needed [or] to ensure that adverse effects do not happen," says Dr. Philippe Grandjean, an...

This is why you're still broke: Obamacare alone is sucking away 10% of Americans' incomes

By J. D. Heyes, January 13 2016
(NaturalNews) Between members of Congress and the general population, the latter are still getting the shaft when it comes to paying for Obamacare, while the former are still getting their premiums subsidized (by the latter). Maybe now – you financially struggling American – you have a better understanding of why you're still having trouble making ends meet in this Obama economy. As cited by Zero Hedge, Obamacare costs are sucking up 10 percent of Americans' income, on average,...

Vaccine promoters mirror supporters of forced organ harvesting of humans for 'the greater good'

By Jonathan Benson, January 13 2016
(NaturalNews) The next time a vaccine worshiper tries to tell you that getting your children jabbed is necessary to support "the greater good," you might want to remind him or her that forced medical interventions of any kind are akin to the same types of human rights abuses that take place in communist dictatorships like China. Besides the fact that vaccines are loaded with various human byproducts – which in a forced vaccination scenario means that forced murder of the unborn in the form...

Mainstream media covers vaccine side effects in PETS, but never in humans

By Julie Wilson staff writer, January 13 2016
(NaturalNews) A report by the ABC7 I-Team investigates whether or not vaccines administered to pets may be having long-term adverse health effects, an investigation that likely would not have taken place if the victim were human. In the midst of the "Disneyland measles outbreak," the topic gained attention after several dog owners complained of their pets exhibiting unusual symptoms shortly after being vaccinated, leading them to question the safety of pet vaccines. The number of vaccines,...

Government merges closer with corporations to step up surveillance as US heads into total fascism

By J. D. Heyes, January 13 2016
(NaturalNews) For a while after former NSA contractor Edward Snowden blew the whistle on the spy agency's massive collection of personal data on tens of millions of Americans, it appeared as though there might be some genuine reform of how the intelligence community operates. In August 2013, weeks after Snowden first revealed the existence of the NSA's "Prism" spy program, several lawmakers called for reforms in the way the agency does its business. The calls came on the heels of a government...

Investing in infrastructure is how to feed the world; GMOs, chemical agriculture waste resources while corporations profit

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, January 13 2016
(NaturalNews) Right now, all the focus for increasing crop yields is centered on one method: Genetically modifying crops to make them resistant to pesticides and herbicides. In this model of farming, haste makes waste. Instead of working with the land, we poison it instead with chemicals like glyphosate. Even the World Health Organization now admits that popular herbicide glyphosate is a carcinogen. Year after year, the food on our plate becomes more saturated with cancer-causing chemicals but we're...

9 secrets from a veteran cop to protect your home from burglars

By Daniel Barker, January 13 2016
(NaturalNews) With more than two million burglaries (roughly one every 15 seconds) being committed each year in the U.S., it makes sense to do everything you are capable of to prevent it from happening to your home. It's not just a matter of losing material belongings (which hopefully you have insured to begin with), but also the fact that having your home invaded by criminals leaves families feeling violated and unsafe. Life is never quite the same again after a home has been ransacked by burglars...

Today's young generation too stupid to fix gadgets or mend broken objects, laments professor

By J. D. Heyes, January 13 2016
(NaturalNews) A British professor has warned that young people in her country -- and, by default, the world over -- are becoming a lost generation that lacks the capability to fix gadgets and appliances because they have been born and raised to merely dispose of goods instead. Danielle George, a professor of Radio Frequency Engineering at the University of Manchester, claimed during the annual Royal Institution Christmas lectures that people under 40 believe that everything should "just work"...

Campbell's calls for nationwide mandatory GMO labeling, revokes support for anti-labeling front groups run by biotech mafia

By Mike Adams, January 12 2016
(NaturalNews) Campbell's just made food history. It announced support for nationwide GMO labeling while revoking its support for biotech front groups that oppose GMO labeling ballot initiatives at the state level. In an announcement on its website, Campbell's CEO Denise Morrison threw down the gauntlet, declaring a new era of food transparency for the company, affirming the inescapable conclusion that consumers want to know what they're eating. Clean food activism has also rallied millions of...

Health Ranger video demonstrates the ultimate survival shovel you should have in your vehicle or home

By Mike Adams, January 12 2016
(NaturalNews) With things getting ever more dicey in the world around us, we can all benefit from the safety and protection of emergency tools. I've just launched the Ranger Gear Multifunction Shovels that provide a multitude of survival tools in a shovel format, and I've just posted a video demonstrating how to use this breakthrough tool to start a fire using nothing but grass and bark. The Ranger Gear Multifunction Shovel can save your life. You should keep one in every vehicle you drive, as...

Pharma Death Clock website launched: Find out how many millions of people Big Pharma has killed since January 1, 2000

By Mike Adams, January 12 2016
(NaturalNews) If you've ever wondered just how many people are killed every day with prescription drugs, chemotherapy and medical mistakes, our new website provides shocking numerical data based on cited sources. gives you a real-time count of all these deaths, aggregated from January 1, 2000. Sources for the numbers are cited at the bottom of the page and include medical fatality facts from the World Health Organization, peer-reviewed medical journals, Consumer Reports...

GMO front group has ties to radical left-wing Marxism group called 'Living Marxism'

By Daniel Barker, January 12 2016
(NaturalNews) When one begins to attempt to peek behind the curtain of pro-GMO groups' agendas and methods, the facts revealed are almost as freakish and bizarre as the artificially-mutated products of the industry itself. Take, for instance, the pro-GM front group known as Sense About Science. On its website, the organization describes itself as "a charitable trust that equips people to make sense of scientific and medical claims in public discussion" and which seeks to "stand up for scientific...

Shameless vaccine pusher Paul Offit teaches doctors to bully parents into blindly injecting their children with mercury and aluminum

By Jennifer Lea Reynolds, January 12 2016
(NaturalNews) Like a playground bully who is determined to have everyone see things their way and who has an answer for everything, Dr. Paul Offit recently taught other doctors how to respond to parents who dared question their child's need for vaccinations. Dr. Offit, an established pediatrician at the University of Pennsylvania and a strong advocate for childhood vaccines (he's the co-inventor of the rotavirus vaccine), fired off a series of questions to doctors as part of several mock patient...

Scientists push for new wave of eugenics with genome testing for all newborns

By J. D. Heyes, January 12 2016
(NaturalNews) Soon, doctors and scientists expect to begin controversial genome sequencing of healthy newborn babies, part of a research program funded by the federal government on behalf of genetic science. As reported by The Wall Street Journal, the research will be conducted at major hospitals and health institutions around the country. The project "stems from a growing recognition that genome sequencing could someday be part of routine testing done on every baby," the paper said in its online...

You can still get the measles even if you are immunized against the measles

By Julie Wilson staff writer, January 12 2016
(NaturalNews) Just as rapidly as it emerged, the "Disneyland measles outbreak" essentially vanished less than sixth months after it began, leaving no fatalities, but that didn't stop lawmakers (and their handlers) from using the episode as an excuse to try and implement forced vaccinations nationwide. Though not unusual, as several small measles outbreaks have occurred over the years -- and with no fatalities -- governments used the event as an excuse to file more than 110 bills across 36 states...

Monsanto's whored-out journalists exposed: Amy Harmon, Keith Kloor, Tamar Haspel and more

By Jonathan Benson, January 12 2016
(NaturalNews) Connecting the dots between the writers of pro-agrichemical pseudo-journalistic pieces and the funding that fuels their endless propaganda isn't always easy work. But thanks to the efforts of the U.S. Right to Know group, which advocates for mandatory labeling of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), we now have the inside scoop about a few prominent journalists who have apparently sold their souls to the chemical industry in exchange for a cash payout. A new report focuses on three...

DOJ cracks down on low-quality supplement companies: see the ingredients list to learn why

By Jonathan Benson, January 12 2016
(NaturalNews) The federal government is finally taking notice of all the garbage dietary supplements flooding the market these days, many of which are loaded with synthetic fillers, artificial flavors and in some cases, illegal additives. As part of a massive sweep, the Department of Justice (DOJ) is indicting a number of supplement manufacturers that it says are breaking the rules and damaging the industry for all the honest players selling accurately-labeled, therapeutic grade supplements. One...

Houston Chronicle nothing more than a trash paper rag to deliver FOOD COUPONS to dumbed-down consumers

By J. D. Heyes, January 12 2016
(NaturalNews) A member of the legacy media – let's not call it "mainstream" anymore because it's not; it's becoming irrelevant – took another hit recently, when readers of the new Alternative media reminded the newspaper serving the country's fourth-largest city just how insignificant it had become. As reported by Breitbart News, readers of the news site lashed out at the Houston Chronicle after the paper attacked Breitbart for an article that accurately described an Islamic Tribunal...

Do you have a way to bug out from your vehicle and escape the freeway?

By Daniel Barker, January 12 2016
(NaturalNews) We tend to associate freeways with free movement – they are designed for efficient and rapid travel from one place to another, and in emergencies they may also serve as escape routes. But in some situations, freeways can become traps – even death traps. They can become hopelessly clogged in weather events such as hurricanes, when too many people try to escape a large city at one time, and they can also become impassable due to heavy snow, winter storms, wildfires, floods...

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