Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Cheap tea bags contain frighteningly high fluoride levels: Study

By Jonathan Benson, August 5 2013
(NaturalNews) A new study published in the journal, Food Research International, has revealed that millions of people across the globe are at serious risk of developing tooth decay, bone loss, and other serious health conditions as a result of over-exposure to fluoride. Many inexpensive, store brand black and green teas, it turns out, contain dangerously high levels of fluoride that far exceed even the government's over-inflated maximums for fluoride exposure. Though it focused mainly on private...

Purple potatoes pack serious antioxidants compared to their white-fleshed counterparts

By Danna Norek, August 5 2013
(NaturalNews) You may or may not have noticed a new potato in town at your local grocer or more likely at your local health food store. It is native to South America and is called the purple potato, named for its deep purple skin as well as the purple flesh within it. There are several types of the purple potato including the Purple Majesty, Purple Viking and Purple Peruvian varieties. Purple potatoes are rich in antioxidant phytochemicalsThe rule of thumb with fruits and vegetables is that the...

FDA abandons science with new 'breakthrough therapy' designation for drugs that receive almost no testing

By Ethan A. Huff, August 5 2013
(NaturalNews) For years, the pharmaceutical industry has been searching for new ways to get its drugs to market faster and with fewer pre-approval testing and clinical trial requirements. And it appears that the industry has made significant headway with the 2012 passage of the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act (FDASIA), which allows some untested drugs to be rushed to market very quickly under the designation of being a "breakthrough therapy." According to a recent Reuters...

Appealing health benefits of apple cider vinegar

By Yanjun, August 5 2013
(NaturalNews) Apple cider vinegar is often looked upon by natural wellness enthusiasts as a panacea for all good things. Taking a tablespoon or two of it every day is said to cure everything from gout to allergies and more. It's said that it is important that the apple cider vinegar you take be organic and have the "mother" in it to be of most benefit to you. The mother is a stringy-looking ball of matter that either floats at the top or settles at the bottom of a bottle of the vinegar and is the...

Man dies from rabies after receiving infected transplant kidney

By J. D. Heyes, August 5 2013
(NaturalNews) As Natural News editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, has said often, the organ donor "business" in America is just that - a business - and it continues to endanger the living because of its profit-margin existence. Here is another example of how the system can fail those it was intended to serve. ABC News reported July 24 that a Maryland man had died from rabies after receiving a kidney from an infected donor. Citing a report on the occurrence from the Centers for Disease Control...

What is vaginal steaming?

By Lisa S. Lawless, Ph.D., August 5 2013
(NaturalNews) A popular, new trend in the United States is vaginal steaming and it is being offered through spas and holistic health centers from southern California to New York in order to address a variety of health issues. While it is technically not new as it has been used in ancient medicine for centuries, it is a re-emerging trend to those in the United States and is also known as 'chai-yok' in Korea and 'bajos' in Central and South America. For those not familiar with what vaginal steaming...

Are pharma commercials programming you to desire suffering and death?

By Mike Bundrant, August 5 2013
(NaturalNews) There you are, watching your favorite episode of My Life is an Embarrassment so we Thought You'd Want to Know the Details. You enjoy watching total idiots making fools out of themselves on TV, so you are content for now with your beer and bag of chips. Suddenly, a colorful commercial comes on full of happy people who have overcome all their problems in life. The music is sweet and the scenery is serene. Slow motion photography enhances the aura of bliss. You feel good... These...

Monsanto now overriding natural law by attempting to patent multiple common vegetables, fruits

By Jonathan Benson, August 5 2013
(NaturalNews) Global biotechnology megalith Monsanto is no longer content with simply manipulating and patenting its own genetically-modified (GM) counterfeits of nature. According to a new petition created by the human rights advocacy group Avaaz, Monsanto is right now attempting to exploit little-known loopholes in European law for the ultimate purpose of patenting common fruits and vegetables that exist naturally in nature - and the president of the European Patent Office (PAO) has apparently...

Iodized salt: Friend or foe?

By Nanditha Ram, August 5 2013
(NaturalNews) Take it with a pinch of salt. All the press about iodized sodium chloride being good for the health of your thyroid is not entirely true. Salt is so vital to life, that without it we would cease to be alive. Muscles would not function properly, your memory would fail you, and there would be no beating heart to boot. Yet why is salt the black sheep of the food world? Salt is of three fundamental types: rock salt, sea salt and table salt; each one of these main types comes with variations...

Massive security breaches in mobile phone technology are imminent

By J. D. Heyes, August 5 2013
(NaturalNews) As I've said often enough, technology has become a double-edged sword, improving our daily lives and making us healthier and safer while at the same time being utilized by our unscrupulous government to shred our privacy and destroy the Fourth Amendment. Problem is, those kinds of privacy breaches are only going to become more frequent. In fact, according to a United Nations group that advises countries on cybersecurity issues and as reported by Reuters, there exist "significant...

Texas organization will arm and train 500 mothers to use guns during 'National Empowerment Day'

By J. D. Heyes, August 5 2013
(NaturalNews) Some say there is no more naturally protective force than a mother looking out for her children, and one organization is doing all it can to make that task easier for moms - by teaching them how to handle and use a firearm. According to Breitbart News, the group - the Houston, Texas-based Armed Citizen Project - says it will sponsor a "National Empowerment Day" aimed at training and arming 500 single mothers and other women across the country. The date for the event is Aug. 10 and...

14-year-old teen GMO activist schools ignorant TV host on human rights, food labeling

By Mike Adams, August 4 2013
(NaturalNews) Her name is Rachel Parent, and she's suddenly an internet sensation for her cool-headed debate about GMOs on a popular Canadian TV show. (She's also the founder of the Kids Right to Know GMO Walk.) As you'll see in the video below, Rachel calmly argues for the basic human right to know what's in our food, even as the condescending bully of a host named Kevin O'Leary verbally assaults the girl and practically accuses her of murdering children. During the debate, Kevin O'Leary, co...

Fast food workers demand $15 per hour wages to serve you GMOs and other disease-promoting garbage

By Ethan A. Huff, August 3 2013
(NaturalNews) Thousands of service sector employees in at least seven major U.S. cities walked off the job recently in protest of wages they say are far too low to make an honest living. Workers at McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, and KFC locations across America skipped work in solidarity on July 29 to call for a near-doubling of the current average hourly rate for fast food workers, which hovers around $8 per hour. This latest walk-off piggybacks earlier ones that took place in both New York...

Experts endorse nutrient-packed pine nuts for weight loss, healthy heart

By Sandeep Godiyal, August 3 2013
(NaturalNews) Nutritionists from Washington recently announced the significant role of pine nuts in ensuring health and wellness over and above their value as a flavoring ingredient in Mediterranean and Italian cuisines. Results of a series of independent scientific analyses of its components revealed that the popular spice is packed with vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Among the many health benefits which may be derived from sufficient amounts of pine nuts in the diet are: anti-oxidative...

Seven dirty secrets that counselors and mental health pros will never reveal

By Mike Bundrant, August 3 2013
(NaturalNews) As a manager care insider and licensed mental health counselor for many years, I understand that what I am about to tell you harms the credibility of the industry. I'm glad, because the conventional mental health system is a cruel joke. What I am about the share comes from my personal experience working under the supervision of psychiatrists and clinical psychologists, as well as the bean counters that make the rules in standard mental health practice. It's ugly. Nevertheless...

Why you should not ignore bladder pain

By Jonathan Landsman, August 3 2013
(NaturalNews) Over 200 million people (worldwide) suffer with some kind of bladder pain or control issues. Technically, not a disease, this often embarrassing health condition is associated with a sudden urge to urinate - that's difficult to control; an involuntary loss of urine; frequent urination - usually more than 8 times in 24 hours and night time urination - more than 2 times per night. Conventionally speaking, to eliminate bladder disorders, doctors love to prescribe drugs - which have...

Six reasons garlic is an amazing healing superfood

By PF Louis, August 3 2013
(NaturalNews) There's a lot of data available in Natural News article archives and studies posted on that confirm the validity of garlic's "magic" with several health matters. It seems very few take advantage of the small amount of raw garlic needed to preserve good health. Even when plagued with colds, flu, and other pathogenic sourced ailments, the antibiotic, antiviral virtues of garlic are mostly ignored. Perhaps most can't fathom how such a small food item can offer...

Thousands of New Yorkers on food stamps sending welfare-funded groceries to Jamaica, Dominican Republic

By Ethan A. Huff, August 3 2013
(NaturalNews) The more than half a billion taxpayer dollars the federal government sends to impoverished Caribbean countries every year as foreign aid is apparently not enough to fulfill the needs and desires of the people who live there, many of whom are now indirectly taking advantage of the American food stamp program as well. The New York Post (NYPost) reports that thousands of New Yorkers living on welfare regularly send their food stamp-purchased groceries to family members and other loved...

Factors behind the growing infertility epidemic affecting millions of Americans

By Dr. Megan Heimer J.D, N.D., August 3 2013
(NaturalNews) It seems as though everyone knows someone who struggles with infertility. It can be extremely devastating for any woman trying to conceive, when she looks at the little blue stick month after month only to see the same tell-tale negative sign. In the United States, a woman is considered to have infertility problems if she is unable to get pregnant after 12 months of trying to conceive without contraception. According to government statistics, 6.7 million women and two million married...

Kale can help you beat the blues

By PF Louis, August 3 2013
(NaturalNews) Kale is actually an earlier form of the cruciferous cabbage family. In addition to its high level of nutrients, now its carotenoid content is associated with mood elevation. Actually, Mother Jones health editor Tom Philpott reported on a late 2012 Harvard study that associated high carotenoid consumption with elevated moods. He whimsically chose kale to headline his article. But the study itself focused on nine different carotenoids and antioxidants from leafy green and orange...

Oregon readies to legalize retail medicinal marijuana following passage of House bill

By Ethan A. Huff, August 3 2013
(NaturalNews) The state of Oregon is about to join the ranks of about a dozen other states that have defied the federal government's onerous prohibitions on marijuana by allowing it to be sold in state-sanctioned retail stores for medicinal use. According to new reports, the Oregon House recently passed H.B. 3460, a bill that would establish a network of state-regulated businesses that can sell medical marijuana at the retail level, which means that a signature from Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber...

Are diet foods making you fat?

By Catrell Cooney, August 3 2013
(NaturalNews) You begin your day with yogurt and granola for breakfast followed by a wrap for lunch. You are able to work in an hour long fitness class after work then stop at a chain restaurant for a large salad for dinner. So why aren't you losing weight? Unfortunately, not all seemingly healthy foods are created equally. Five common dieter mistakes:Granola: Most people believe that this yummy cereal is diet friendly. However, few realize that in as little as one-half cup, more than 400 calories...

Advertising myths and slogan opposites

By S. D. Wells, August 3 2013
(NaturalNews) Let's face it, it costs an "arm and a leg" to run an advertising campaign these days, especially if it's on television during prime time or in the middle of some big sports event. Some companies and corporations run ads just about everywhere, including magazines, radio, billboards, and in the newspapers and journals. The up front cost of running advertising and marketing campaigns has to be recouped, and that usually comes from a heavy markup in price, or future "maintenance" profits...

Why air travelers should exercise to beat jet lag

By Christopher Babayode , August 3 2013
(NaturalNews) Scientific research is increasingly highlighting the benefits of exercise to help keep the body clock regulated. This information will be of particular benefit to jet lagged frequent fliers all over the world. One of the main problems of jet lag is that the time zone change causes the traveler to lose his or her body's natural entraining habit. The research points to the fact that exercise helps the body keep time and assists it in making adjustments using internal as well as external...

United Airlines employee and wife caught stealing luggage from plane crash victims

By J. D. Heyes, August 3 2013
(NaturalNews) How can you further insult airline passengers who have been diverted to another airport because of a tragedy? Answer: Steal from them. According to CBS San Fransciso, San Mateo County, Calif., prosecutors are charging an employee of United Airlines and his wife with grand theft and burglary for allegedly stealing luggage of passengers who were scheduled to fly into San Francisco International but who were diverted after the recent Asiana Airlines crash. Scores of flights were...

Gelatin: A protein rich superfood that conquers food allergies, insomnia, arthritis - plus much more

By Carolanne Wright, August 3 2013
(NaturalNews) Back in the 1950s, Jello molds were all the rage in the United States and many of us have disturbing memories of these artificial creations. Certainly not consumed for health, Jello actually has a little known secret buried amongst the sugar and toxic dyes: When gelatin is pure, it's actually quite good for you. Strip away the additives and a powerful healing food is revealed. Jump to the 1970s when people began to make the connection between plain gelatin consumption and lustrous...

Your car's location is being routinely tracked by the government as you drive

By J. D. Heyes, August 3 2013
(NaturalNews) Do you have an expectation of privacy when you step into your vehicle? Apparently you don't, because in case you didn't know, you're being tracked everywhere you drive. And for that, you can blame the double-edged sword of technology. The Information Age has made it much more affordable - and far too easy - for authorities and police to track your every move, in blatant violation of the Fourth Amendment's guarantee, which says "right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses...

US government whitewashed economic damage of BP oil spill

By J. D. Heyes, August 2 2013
(NaturalNews) A group of scientists and experts requested by Congress to assess the total damage caused by the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in April 2010 have said the government's current methods of putting a price tag on the most sweeping eco-disaster in a generation are inadequate. Further, the panel of 16 experts said in a report for the National Research Council, the government's bid to provide a full accounting of the accidental spill did not come close to capturing the full extent...

Glyphosate toxicity to humans: An overview

By Lance Johnson, August 2 2013
(NaturalNews) Monsanto's infamous Roundup contains the hotly debated compound called glyphosate. This merciless herbicide is also found in 750 or more U.S. products. An herbicide like this infiltrates the landscape and accumulates in mammals, especially bone, hindering cellular detoxification along the way. A destroyer, glyphosate annihilates a plant's building blocks of life, tearing apart amino acids. By disrupting the "shikimate pathway" in plants and microorganisms, glyphosate creeps inside...

Top 5 healthy foods that fight sugar cravings

By Sandeep Godiyal, August 2 2013
(NaturalNews) Sugar cravings and eating too many foods that contain sugar may cause health problems such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. If one gives in to his sugar cravings, the sugary foods that he ate will cause his blood sugar to increase quickly and then crash. The blood sugar crash then makes him crave for more sugar, so he eats more sugary foods and the cycle continues. According to Dr. Deirdre Rawlings of the Clayton College of Natural Health, one can break this unhealthy cycle...

Expensive medications rendered useless by gut bacteria

By Ethan A. Huff, August 2 2013
(NaturalNews) The human body appears to have its own built-in safety mechanism for breaking down questionable pharmaceutical components and rendering them inactive. A recent study published in the journal Science reveals that gut flora, which naturally populate human intestines for digestive and immune system purposes, render useless the active drug compounds in some heart failure and cardiac arrhythmia medications, a mechanistic action that has baffled scientists for decades. For the past several...

Mother's junk food diet predisposes children to a high fat, high sugar diet for life

By John Phillip, August 2 2013
(NaturalNews) Researchers are beginning to compile an impressive wealth of scientific evidence to explain how the nutritional status, and specifically the diet of a mother during gestation, plays a critical role in setting the initial gene set or expression for the newborn child that will determine susceptibility toward many chronic diseases throughout life. It is not only important for a mother to ensure they eat to obtain a full complement of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, but eating foods...

APA President urges cooperation with big pharma regardless of unethical advertising, bribery and suppression of scientific data

By Mike Bundrant, August 2 2013
(NaturalNews) In a recent message to subscribers, American Psychiatric Association President Jeffrey Lieberman urged members to support big pharma. He did this while openly admitting that the pharmaceutical industry makes a practice of advertising unethically, paying off doctors, and suppressing critical scientific data as to the dangers of their drugs. With calm and poise, President Lieberman reminded APA members that we need big pharma and they need us. In fact, he suggests we'd be lost without...

Big Pharma digs its claws deeper into academia under guise of research

By Ethan A. Huff, August 2 2013
(NaturalNews) Because the company has been unable to develop a steady stream of new "blockbuster" drugs on its own, London-based pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca has decided to expand its corporate reach by essentially merging itself with the publicly-funded academic realm. Reuters reports that AstraZeneca has made available to British academic researchers a slew of compounds that, as of yet, have no formidable uses within the drug industry, but that will be investigated using taxpayer dollars for...

Seven natural solutions to overcome morning fatigue and kick the coffee addiction

By Jonathan Benson, August 2 2013
(NaturalNews) Overcoming coffee addiction can be tough for many people, especially when the headaches, jitters, and other nasty withdrawal symptoms start kicking in. But finding alternative sources of daily energy to replace caffeine with just might be the best thing you ever do for your health. Here are seven alternatives to coffee that will help you overcome morning fatigue, gain lasting energy throughout the day, and ultimately defeat your coffee addiction. 1) Eat organic apples. You might...

U.S. Treasury now openly 'cooking the books' to fudge debt numbers in desperate move before collapse

By J. D. Heyes, August 2 2013
(NaturalNews) On the surface, it appears as though the federal government is finally making progress on the national debt. But in reality, when you apply some common sense and a little logic, it becomes obvious that what is really going on is no small amount of creative math. In case you didn't know it, the "official" national debt has been the same for more than 70 days. How is that possible, considering the national debt climbs about a million dollars a minute? According to, which...

Yet another reason to go organic - Research verifies it really is more nutritious

By Carolanne Wright, August 2 2013
(NaturalNews) While it's generally agreed in the natural health arena that organically produced fare is superior in safety compared to crops that utilize GMOs or chemical pesticides, the fact that it's more nutritious might be overlooked by consumers. Conventional growers insist there isn't a substantial difference between the two, yet several studies have found otherwise. The science behind nutrient rich organic ediblesIn the battle between conventional versus organic, research has shown the...

Doctors ignore back pain self-care guidelines and prescribe useless surgeries and meds instead

By Lance Johnson, August 2 2013
(NaturalNews) In today's current medical arena, the mass consumption of useless surgeries and medications is growing at alarming rates. A new study by Dr. Bruce Landon from the Harvard Medical School shows that many doctors today are ignoring back pain self care guidelines and are instead sending patients through unnecessary tests and addictive narcotic treatments. "Doctors should realize that back pain is not a lifelong condition," says Dr. Bruce Landon, pointing out that patients suffering from...

Low-calorie delicious summer foods

By Sandeep Godiyal, August 2 2013
(NaturalNews) Health magazines, both online and offline, always run articles about losing weight and staying fit. For the summer, tips abound on what foods to eat to maintain a slim figure. Compiled here are 5 delicious low-calorie summer foods from several online magazines that can help anyone achieve the ultimate summer figure. The secret to losing weight and staying healthy is to eat healthy foods. When one cuts down on the calories, you cut down on the fat so you stay fit and healthy. You...

One Colorado town's solution to Obama drones: Offer bounties to individuals who shoot them down

By Jonathan Benson, August 2 2013
(NaturalNews) The small town of Deer Trail, Colorado, is taking a progressive and admittedly novel approach to the threat of unmanned Obama drones entering its airspace. According to a recent Breitbart report, the town, located about one hour east of Denver, is considering the passage of an ordinance that would issue drone hunting licenses and offer cash rewards to people who successfully shoot the liberty-crushing spy and assassination vessels out of the sky. Authored by local resident Philip...

Top 10 health benefits of fiber

By Yanjun, August 2 2013
(NaturalNews) Dietary fiber provides numerous benefits to the human body. The top ten benefits include keeping the heart healthy, cancer prevention, it lowers cholesterol, prevents gallstones and kidney stones, promotes healthy skin, prevents stroke, aids in weight management, regulates bowels, increases energy, and it may affect the course of diabetes. Check the top benefits of dietary fiber:

1) Your heart.

Studies have shown that high fiber intake, 5 servings of fruits and vegetables...

Obama creates twice as many food stamp dependants than new jobs

By J. D. Heyes, August 2 2013
(NaturalNews) New government economic and employment figures released July 31 produced much enthusiasm among the corporate establishment media up and down the Washington, D.C.-New York City corridor, but outside the beltway in flyover country - that would be the rest of the United States - that there economy isn't looking nearly so glitzy. And what's more, the administration's spin on it is shockingly disingenuous, but we expect that from this White House by now. Ten days earlier, on July 21,...

Free energy breakthrough? Holy grail of water splitting technology now achieved with sunlight, mirrors and seawater

By Mike Adams, August 2 2013
(NaturalNews) A team of scientists at the University of Colorado, Boulder, have achieved what appears to be the "holy grail" of water splitting technology for the production and storage of clean, abundant energy. Because sunlight is free, I'm calling this "free energy." To understand this breakthrough, it's important to first understand why solar power has so many limitations. Solar is great when the sun is shining, but storing solar power require the deployment of a large array of heavy, expensive...

Cancer breakthrough: Probiotics may save patients from deadly chemotherapy; antibiotics may cause chemo to be fatal

By Mike Adams, August 1 2013
(NaturalNews) If you or someone you love is facing the possibility of cancer or chemotherapy, make sure they read this story. Breakthrough new science conducted at the University of Michigan and about to be published in the journal Nature reveals that intestinal health is the key to surviving chemotherapy. The study itself is very difficult for laypeople to parse, however, so I'm going to translate into everyday language while also offering additional interpretations of the research that the original...

GlaxoSmithKline now admits executives involved in criminal bribery, days after denials

By J. D. Heyes, August 1 2013
(NaturalNews) First came the denials, then - finally - the admission that, yes indeed, some of GlaxoSmithKline's senior Chinese executives broke the law in a $484.8 million cash and sexual favors scandal. Britain's Guardian newspaper reported on July 22 that the mega-drugmaker's head of emerging markets, Abbas Hussain, had been sent to Shanghai in an effort to manage the crisis, where he apologized to Chinese authorities and pledged that his Big Pharma firm would be taking the charges against...

U.S. government routinely steals almost half of all raisin harvests from American farmers

By Jonathan Benson, August 1 2013
(NaturalNews) Recently declared by Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan to be "the world's most outdated law," a little known U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) policy that steals up to half of American raisin farmers' harvest while providing little or no compensation in return is currently being challenged in federal court. As reported by, a California couple has sued the USDA, claiming that the policy not only violates the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, but also threatens...

New bill aims to make 'smart' meters mandatory for entire nation

By Jonathan Benson, August 1 2013
(NaturalNews) There is a sinister agenda underway to forcibly convert every standard electric meter in the U.S. to the "smart" variety under the guise of promoting renewable energy interests. And one of the latest pieces of Trojan horse legislation pushing for this ominous transformation is the Smart Grid Advancement Act of 2013, introduced by Representative Jerry McNerney (D-Cal.) and co-authored by Rep. Matt Cartwright (D-Penn.), which would force utilities all across the country to convert their...

Enemies of America rejoice as U.S. Army switches to wimpy 'green' bullets that do less damage

By J. D. Heyes, August 1 2013
(NaturalNews) Is the U.S. Army getting ready to adopt a less-lethal round for its standard-issue M16A1 and M4 rifles? The answer is yes, according to some ballistics experts who are refuting the service's claims that its new, "green" ammo will be better at killing enemy combatants. "Special Operations Command and now the Marine Corps are fielding a deadlier 5.56mm round, but the Army says soldiers can't have it. Instead, the service is holding on to its dream of environmentally friendly ammunition...

Five restaurant mistakes you should avoid

By Sandeep Godiyal, August 1 2013
(NaturalNews) A recent article published in Health Magazine revealed some common restaurant mistakes that healthy people on a diet might make unconsciously, impeding their quest for weight loss. Listed here are 5 of the most common mistakes healthy people make. Mistakes you didn't realize you did

Most dieters believe that if they use a smaller plate they'll be eating less so they lose weight and stay healthy.

To debunk that belief, it is not about the plate; it's what one eats and how...

Treat hypertension naturally with vitamin D: Study

By PF Louis, August 1 2013
(NaturalNews) It seems the most studied and tested vitamin these days is vitamin D. Never mind that it is considered by many to not be a true vitamin. Some consider it more of a prohormone, which is an interglandular hormone precursor. Others consider it a prehormone that can be converted into a hormone. A few call it a hormone while most call it a vitamin simply because it's taken in from outside sources and a deficiency results in disease. [1] The process of metabolizing sunshine UVB rays...

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