Balance news, articles and information:
| 11/19/2016 - The terms alkalinity and acidity will be familiar to everyone who has taken a high school chemistry class. Now this concept is being applied to the human diet, and it's shedding some light on the right foods to eat if you want to avoid health problems and keep your body in balance.
As you might recall,...
| 8/26/2016 - With over 29 million Americans currently suffering from diabetes - and a staggering 86 million with blood sugar high enough to be classed as "pre-diabetes" – this health issue has reached epidemic proportions. Even the slow-to-respond CDC states that 15 to 30 percent of those with pre-diabetes...
| 3/24/2016 - Three out of every four women of childbearing age suffer from premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in some form or another. Approximately 3 to 8 percent of them will experience symptoms so severe, it will destroy their day-to-day routine. But there are steps women can take to naturally lessen the impact of PMS...
| 6/17/2015 - Due to the American diet, nearly every person in the United States who is in poor health or suffers from any disease is living with an overabundance of Candida.
Candida is a very opportunistic. Once this fungus takes over, it can spread throughout the body. Candida burrows into the gut lining creating...
| 2/24/2015 - People that suffer from an overabundance of yeast like Candida, or any other type of fungal infection, need to cut out sugars. This protocol has worked for many people, and it works faster and better than any medication as long as the diet is right, refined sugars are not ingested, and the body is not...
| 1/20/2015 - Most people in our society carry an excess of acidic wastes. This creates a significant burden in the body. The blood stream must be at a 7.365 pH level, if it rises or falls one tenth of a pH unit it creates an extreme emergency. If blood pH moves two tenths either way, it's lethal. Research indicates...
| 11/29/2014 - Sitting on top of each kidney, the adrenals are responsible for producing four main hormones - catecholamines, aldosterone, cortisol and androgens - which help to deal with everything from stressful situations, digestion, gender traits to blood pressure regulation. Gaining weight usually involves overactive...
| 9/5/2014 - Ways to kill candida and balance your intestinal flora
Most people ingest too many refined, processed foods. Even us health nuts have a tendency to do this. In this fast paced world, with the body biologically programmed to desire sweets and other easy carbohydrates that are so much harder to find...
| 3/24/2014 - If you're a fan of synthetic butter products that somewhat resemble the real thing yet contain no animal products, then you may be interested to know that the popular butter alternative brand Smart Balance is converting its entire "Buttery Spread" product line to ingredients that are free of genetically...
| 3/11/2014 - On Monday, Smart Balance, a Colorado-based company announced that they will stop using GMO ingredients in 15 of their "butter" spreads. Stephen Hughes, chairman and CEO of Boulder Brand, the parent company of Smart Balance, is hoping that others will follow his lead. According to Hughes the Non GMO-labeled...
| 11/17/2013 - When Tosha Nichole, who suffers from polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), had gone eight months without menstruating, she turned to maca powder to jump start her cycle. Her past experience and success with the powder led to this decision, and today, she recommends women suffering from PCOS to use maca...
| 10/23/2013 - Reiki, a Japanese energy modality, may seem difficult for the logical mind to understand, but that is because, in the western world, we tend to comprehend only what we can see. When we look at the human body, we see the biological aspects of bones, skin, hair etc. as well as the chemical components...
| 8/18/2013 - Ever heard of leptin? It just happens to be a master hormone that influences weight, energy and cardiovascular health. When this hormone is imbalanced, a cascade of health issues are provoked - creating a path of general ill health. If you feel fatigued, fat or unwell, proper leptin metabolism might...
| 6/7/2013 - Hormone issues have increasingly become more a focus of health discussions over the last couple of decades. It's almost as though hormones didn't even exist for some time until connections made to hormone imbalances were linked or associated with cancer.
Mainstream medicine's response with synthetic...
| 12/21/2012 - The digestive tract is loaded with trillions of microorganisms that form a natural ecosystem commonly called the gut flora. Certain lifestyle stressors throw off the natural symbiosis and cause a rise in pathogenic microbes, chronic gut inflammation and damage to the gut lining. Healthy micro flora...
| 6/13/2012 - Contemporary scientific culture has fed us the mantra that depression is the result of a chemical imbalance for so long now that the premise is rarely questioned by the general public. On the other hand, there are many in the alternative health community who have been aware of this for a long time (1).
| 2/1/2012 - Re-boot your health in 2012 by letting go of the allopathic medical model of waiting until illness occurs and then treating it. Instead, learn to enhance and encourage health with Ayurveda.
A different health paradigmMost people from western industrial societies first approach holistic health by...
| 10/18/2011 - Overuse and overprescription of antibiotic drugs has become a widely known culprit in causing the emergence of antibiotic-resistant "superbugs," as well as the onset of digestive and other health problems, caused by the elimination of beneficial gut flora. But a new review published in the journal Nature...
| 5/18/2011 - Increasing incidence of high blood pressure continues to be the most significant factor in death from a heart attack and advancing cardiovascular disease. Elevated blood pressure readings cause thickening of the coronary arteries as micro-cracks develop that the body attempts to correct with deposits...
| 4/16/2011 - In my health practice, I have found many people don't realize that oxygen is one of the primary catalysts for energy and optimal health in the human body.
Oxygen plays a vital role, not only in our breathing processes but in every metabolic process in the body. Nutrient compounds inside our cells...
| 3/28/2011 - Raw pine pollen is the richest seedbed of testosterone derived from plants; since it is the male sperm of pine trees, it fosters plush growth in all living creatures, from trees and plants, to animals, to humans. Some experts claim that pine pollen is an ingredient in certain pharmaceuticals designed...
| 3/27/2011 - Researchers from Ohio State University (OSU) have identified an important connection between stress and health. According to their study, which was published in the journal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, stress directly affects the delicate bacterial balance in the intestines that digests food, defends...
| 1/25/2011 - It is no secret that our society struggles with weight loss resistance. Researchers at John Hopkins University estimate that by the year 2015 over 75% of Americans will be overweight with a staggering 41% being obese. Many people claim the country's propensity to overeat and indulge on junk food on...
| 12/21/2010 - Everyone is in the process of growing and losing hair. Even the fullest head of hair loses anywhere from 50-150 hairs a day. Your hormones play a very large role in the process of hair growth. Many women commonly notice that their hair is at its fullest during times of pregnancy. After the pregnancy...
| 10/27/2010 - Hormonal imbalance, especially from estrogen dominance, is not limited to women. It is also a problem with men these days, thanks to the environmental hazards of environmental estrogen mimicking chemicals, known as xenoestrogens, in many chemically produced commercial products. A myriad of nagging health...
| 7/5/2010 - A well developed sensory-motor system is critical to life and health. Most exercise programs fail to adequately train an individual's balance & coordination. This leaves the individual with a disproportional level of fitness and predisposes them to injury. Incorporating specific functional exercises...
| 5/31/2010 - The concept of the balance of nature is very old and once ruled ecological research as well as governed the management of natural resources. When we talk about the natural balance of nature's remedies and treatments, we mean the interaction between the two. For every condition, there is a natural remedy....
| 10/20/2009 - The term pH stands for potential hydrogen. It is the degree of concentration of hydrogen ions in a substance such as water, blood and food. pH is measured on a scale from 0 to 14. The lower the pH reading - the more acidic a substance is. The higher the pH reading, the more alkaline the body is. A pH...
| 9/25/2009 - Mike Adams interviews Jan Lovejoy about superfoods, nutrition and healthy kids:
Mike: So we're talking with Jan Lovejoy here, the author of the new book, Get Balanced. She's also founder of Emerald Balance and the X-Balance product line formulator. How would you describe this book and who is it for?
| 8/5/2009 - The American diet is anything but balanced. The mass consumption of meat, grains and processed foods causes the body to become overly acidic, which strips it of minerals. Over the long haul, those who do not balance their diet with alkaline foods (fruits and veggies, primarily) become prone to weak...
| 6/4/2009 - Omega-3 fatty acids have been put to the test in a number of studies in recent years -- and the findings have provided strong evidence that having enough of this essential fatty acid (EFA) in the body is a key to preventing and even treating a long list of maladies. But why do 21st century humans seem...
| 5/1/2009 - When we think of hormones, we think of spotty teenagers and grouchy middle aged women. The truth is, we are all affected by hormones all of the time. Hormones play specific roles in our health and wellbeing. Some of our hormones are sexual in nature, but hormones play a whole range of other functions....
| 4/6/2009 - Stress is not a modern-day problem. It's something mankind has been dealing with since our very existence began. Our bodies even come built with a specialized hormonal response to stress: our adrenal glands trigger a burst of hormones like cortisol to help us deal with periods of stress. This release...
| 2/4/2009 - What do the top authors, doctors and health experts have to say about the realtionship between omega-3 fatty acids and inflammation? I asked my Private Research Library that question recently and was overwhelmed with the remarkable wisdom it revealed.
Below, I share the top quotes from noted authors...
| 1/30/2009 - Sexual dysfunction is reaching levels not seen since the Victorian period. But today's difficulties stem not from the inhibiting power of social mores and taboos. Today's sexual dysfunction is an alarming indicator of the hormonal status of women and men. A recent study found that 31 percent of men...
| 1/16/2009 - Hormones fill us with the music of life. With proper levels of hormones, there is no end to how good life can feel and what can be accomplished. When hormones are abundant and balanced, we have the full backing of Mother Nature. She is on our side, wanting to keep us alive and healthy enough for reproduction....
| 1/13/2009 - People of today are seeking quality of life, in the midst of a polluted world, an onslaught of chemicals, and a medical establishment educated to reflect corporate interests rather than the interests of patients. They live in a country where the number one gross national product is stress. On top of...
| 1/6/2009 - People of today are seeking quality of life, in the midst of a polluted world, an onslaught of chemicals, and a medical establishment educated to reflect corporate interests rather than the interests of patients. They live in a country where the number one gross national product is stress. On top of...
| 10/20/2008 - Nature is all about balance. The human body, being naturally created, reflects this principle in every small aspect as well as in its main orchestration, the constant search for homeostasis. Yet mainstream doctors tend to overlook the primal theme of balance. They like to view each body part or system...
| 7/30/2008 - This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Fountain of Youth Summit, which can be found at ( . In this excerpt, Dax Moy shares the remaining steps for the Magic 100 program for success.
The Fountain of Youth World Summit with Dax Moy, one of the four most...
| 7/24/2008 - I had the distinct pleasure of reading a paperback book by Dr. Susan E. Brown and Larry Trivieri, Jr. called the Alkaline-Acid Food Guide. It is a short read and quick reference on the extent to which foods affect the pH balance in our bodies. The book is based on compiled research from a number of...
| 7/17/2008 - We all know that optimum weight is something everyone needs to be striving for if we are going to live healthy and harmonious lives. Research shows that the best foods for enjoying good weight are those that don't cause a sharp rise in blood sugar levels. Balanced blood sugar is associated with physical...
| 6/21/2008 - I had the distinct pleasure of reading a paperback book by Dr. Susan E. Brown and Larry Trivieri, Jr. called the Alkaline-Acid Food Guide. It is a short read and quick reference on the extent to which foods affect the pH balance in our bodies. The book is based on compiled research from a number of...
| 4/15/2008 - Nearly a half-century ago, Rachel Carson's Silent Spring exposed chemical insecticides as, "man-made solutions forced upon the natural balance of things that diminishes the experience of mankind". The din of outrage by chemical companies was deafening, yet dying of breast cancer she persevered. Eventually...
| 2/28/2008 - There's increasing awareness today about the health benefits of drinking superfood powders. Anyone who has been reading NaturalNews for very long knows that cruciferous vegetables prevent cancer, berries protect the nervous system and prevent heart disease, chlorella cleanses the liver and blood, curcumin...
| 3/16/2007 - Emerald Balance ( receives the "Best New Superfood Blend" award by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, following the Natural Products Expo West 2007 trade show in Anaheim, California. In this review, the Health Ranger offers a brief review of the company, its founder and product line:
| 6/14/2006 - Headaches, bloating, irritability, depression and fatigue are just a few of the unpleasant symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, which affects millions of women every month. But fortunately, PMS -- though widely believed to be a result of changes in hormone levels during a woman's menstrual cycle -- is...
| 6/5/2006 - Mike: Hi everyone, thanks for joining us. This is Mike Adams, the Health Ranger. I'm joined by Jan Lovejoy, the founder of Emerald Balance -- one of the most potent nutritional superfood powder products available on the market today. I love the taste of this product, I love the ingredient list and I...
| 6/1/2006 - When I first heard the news about the clinical results of Jon Barron's Glucotor formula, I was ecstatic. Having interviewed Jon Barron several times and recommended many of his products, I know that Barron is a genuine pioneer in the field of nutritional medicine. He's always ahead of the curve, formulating...
| 1/19/2006 - The following is the full text of a speech given by Al Gore at Constitution Hall, Washington, D.C., Monday, January 16, 2006. We feature it here due to its importance in explaining exactly why recent actions by President Bush are a grave threat to freedom. Bush's actions can only be described as a "war...
| See all 240 balance feature articles.Concept-related articles:Health products:Healthy food:Health food:Nutritional supplements:Health freedom:Superfoods:Food manufacturers:Nutritional supplement:Supplements:Spirulina:Wellness:Freedom:Chia:Superfood:Food:Health:
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help children and expectant mothers around the world.
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The Honest Food Guide is
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