Oregano news, articles and information:
| 6/9/2016 - Antibiotics have been getting a lot of bad press lately – and for good reason. Besides their many harmful effects, they are vastly over-prescribed, and are leading to the evolution of deadly superbugs that can't be killed. This is leading many people to seek out natural alternatives, and one of...
| 6/4/2016 - Those who dare to raise questions regarding the current climate change narrative are often labeled as "anti-science" lunatics, but anyone who pays attention to the contradictions and absurdities being published on the subject by the mainstream scientific community has plenty of reason to become a bit...
| 12/18/2014 10:42:16 AM - For those concerned about crops being infected with fungus, as is the case in Argentina where the combination of slow-drying corn kernels and the area's wet weather conditions wreak havoc on corn, the solution may be in common essential oils. In particular, oregano essential oil has been found to protect...
| 12/8/2014 - Life on Earth is a stressful endeavor for all living things. This stress provides an adaptive stimulus for plant and animal life to become stronger and more resilient. Certain herbs have adapted over centuries to have incredible immune-enhancing properties. Garlic, oregano and ginger are a few powerful...
| 7/24/2014 4:26:39 PM - Culinary herbs are generally recognized for the unique flavors that they add to food. But new research published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (JAFC) has identified medicinal benefits as another distinction, particularly with the herbs rosemary, oregano and marjoram, all of which...
| 7/14/2014 - You may already be familiar with oregano. It's a warm and savory herb that adds great flavor to sauces in pasta or pizza. What you may not know is that the active component in this herb has impressive healing properties. The active component in oregano that is responsible for its health benefits is...
| 5/27/2014 - While plenty of herbs exist to help the body heal, some of the most effective ones are as easy to obtain as heading to the kitchen or going to the market. Forget ordering ancient healing herbs online, where days of waiting can delay combatting things like blood pressure or anxiety. And not everyone...
| 2/20/2014 - Dorothy Leibold had psoriasis for two years but ever since taking P73 wild oregano oil, she says she no longer has the skin condition. Her advice is to take it regularly and to make sure to take enough, which of course varies by an individual's situation.
The fact that her skin condition, which affects...
| 12/18/2013 3:03:48 PM - Standing tall and emanating with bright yellow petals, the sunflower looks to the light, holding its head of seeds up high into midday. These seeds, high in vitamin E, manganese, B1, B6 and magnesium, are also full of beneficial polyunsaturated fats that aid the cardiovascular system.
Full of vitamin...
| 11/12/2013 4:38:11 PM - If a major emergency were to strike suddenly and without warning, leaving you and your family without the normal comforts of life for an indefinite period of time, would you have the tools, supplies and knowledge necessary for survival? Having extra food, water and even first aid supplies on hand is...
| 10/14/2013 6:17:07 PM - Seductively aromatic and bountiful in flavor, oregano is one of the most commonly used herbs in the world. But beyond the rich zest it adds to food, oregano is also a nutritional and medicinal powerhouse, regarded by many as one of nature's perfect antibiotics. In fact, this amazing herb is loaded with...
| 5/22/2013 - Oregano is a popular herb employed as a pleasant addition to various dishes for many Italians and Greeks. It certainly seems like a very sensible idea to prepare certain meals using oregano, once you understand the important health benefits it brings to the table. This wonderful culinary herb is a symbol...
| 1/2/2013 2:30:47 PM - More conventional farmers, both small and large, are beginning to ease off antibiotic use on their animals. Pharmaceutical antibiotics had become popular as CAFOs (confined animal feeding operations) came into existence.
Antibiotics began being used to keep poultry and livestock free from infectious...
| 12/26/2012 5:29:03 PM - Chicken and oregano may seem like an obvious pairing to culinary enthusiasts, but at least one Pennsylvania farm is demonstrating its extraordinary health benefits in food production as well. For three years or so, chickens at Bell & Evans have been dining on a special feed laced with oregano oil and...
| 10/21/2012 - No need to bypass all the health perks of fresh superfoods this winter -- simply grow them inside on a sunny window ledge. As the weather turns colder, now more than ever it is important to fortify the body with nutrient dense foods. What better way than with unprocessed superfoods? An economical and...
| 4/3/2012 - Oregano is a wonderful, aromatic herb that is native to the Mediterranean. It is thought to have originated in the mountainous regions of Greece, Turkey and Italy. It was named by the Ancient Greeks "Mountain Joy." Oregano is one of the most powerful healing herbs and natural anti-biotics ever studied.
| 2/7/2012 - Oregano, a common ingredient in Italian and Mexican cuisine, comes from the leaves of an herb native to the Mediterranean (not to be confused with Mexican oregano, native to the Americas), is one of the most concentrated antioxidant sources ever studied. According to data from the U.S. Department of...
| 9/1/2011 - Pharmaceutical antibiotics do not work on viral infections. They can only be used for bacterial infections. But they also destroy the good bacteria, which creates all sorts of health problems down the road. And the more antibiotics are used, the more pathogenic bacteria become resistant to antibiotics....
| 12/25/2010 - A new report out of the University of Arizona (UofA) says that oil of oregano is a powerful nutrient for fighting harmful bacteria and preventing cancer. Sadhana Ravishankar, a food microbiologist at UofA, discovered that carvacrol, a phenol of oregano oil, exhibits powerful antioxidant and antimicrobial...
| 10/27/2009 - It's not widely known, but oregano extracts are extremely effective at eliminating parasites in humans. And a lot of people have parasites they simply don't know about.
So here, we've collected a number of supporting statements about the anti-parasitic properties of oregano. You'll learn a wealth...
| 11/3/2008 - Oregano is nature's antibiotic. It may be one reason why people who eat a Mediterranean diet tend to live longer and healthier lives. Besides making pizza, pasta and salad taste great, the oil of the wild oregano plant has been shown to kill unwanted bacteria, fungus, yeast, parasites and viruses. It's...
| 10/28/2008 - If you love Italian food, then you are most likely enjoying the bountiful benefits of oregano. Research is showing that oregano tops the list as the most potent culinary herb on the planet. This tasty herb contains many minerals like copper, niacin, and beta-carotene, as well as other nourishing nutrients.
Concept-related articles:Health food:Nutrition:Cancer:Prevention:Immune system:Cholesterol:Herbs:Drug companies:The FDA:Blood sugar:Vitamins:Vegetables:Insulin:Ayurvedic medicine:Arthritis:Superfoods:
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Recommended Resources
TV.NaturalNews.com is
a free video website featuring thousands of videos on holistic health, nutrition,
fitness, recipes, natural remedies and much more.
CounterThink Cartoons are
free to view and download. They cover topics like health, environment and freedom.
The Consumer Wellness Center is
a non-profit organization offering nutrition education grants to programs that
help children and expectant mothers around the world.
Food Investigations is
a series of mini-documentaries exposing the truth about dangerous ingredients
in the food supply.
Webseed.com offers
alternative health programs, documentaries and more.
The Honest Food Guide is
a free, downloadable public health and nutrition chart that dares to tell the
truth about what foods we should really be eating.
HealingFoodReference.com offers
a free online reference database of healing foods, phytonutrients and plant-based
medicines that prevent or treat diseases and health conditions.
HerbReference.com is
a free, online reference library that lists medicinal herbs and their health
NutrientReference.com is
a free online reference database of phytonutrients (natural medicines found in
foods) and their health benefits. Lists diseases, foods, herbs and more.