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AstraZeneca's nasal flu vaccine to be given to ALL children in UK Published August 1 2012 | Concepts: flu, flu vaccine, children, child, vaccines |
| Texas Republican Party calls for mandatory GMO labeling, legalized raw milk, complete elimination of TSA Published July 18 2012 | Concepts: party, Texas, labeling, raw milk, natural |
| The case for mandatory GMO labeling - even if you believe in limited government and the free market Published June 18 2012 | Concepts: GMO, labeling, food, GMO labeling, government |
| The Health Ranger interviews neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock on mandatory vaccine trials, fraudulent vaccine science and vaccine ethics Published April 20 2012 | Concepts: vaccine, vaccines, health, Health Ranger, child |
| Millions against Monsanto: The food fight of our lives Published April 15 2012 | Concepts: food, Monsanto, GMO, Genetic, California |
| American Academy of Pediatrics backs mandatory HPV vaccine for boys Published March 15 2012 | Concepts: HPV, vaccine, Gardasil, boys, NaturalNews |
| AMA journal article suggests mandating participation in experimental vaccine trials 'for the greater good' Published January 20 2012 | Concepts: vaccine, article, experimental, vaccine trials, AMA |
| CDC considering mandatory HPV vaccination for all boys 11 and older Published October 31 2011 | Concepts: CDC, HPV, boys, vaccine, mandatory |
| Death blow to GMOs? California ballot initiative calls for mandatory labeling of all genetically engineered foods Published October 3 2011 | Concepts: GMO, labeling, news, California ballot initiative, California |
| Colorado joins national trend to implement unconstitutional restrictions on vaccine exemptions: your state could be next Published August 3 2011 | Concepts: vaccine, vaccines, form, 5, colorado |
| Monsanto Nation: Taking Down Goliath Published July 27 2011 | Concepts: food, Monsanto, foods, consumers, labeling |
| Organic Trade Association "Modified" By GMO Interests Published June 10 2011 | Concepts: organic, food, GMO, Organic Trade Association, foods |
| Vaccine rights attorney responds to school vaccine contest Published May 25 2011 | Concepts: vaccine, school, contest, vaccines, 5 |
| MSNBC poll: Nearly everyone supports mandatory GMO labeling Published March 3 2011 | Concepts: GMO, GMOs, mandatory, food, foods |
| Monsanto nation: Exposing Monsanto's minions Published February 9 2011 | Concepts: Monsanto, organic, food, GMO, farm |
| Patients injected with flu vaccine even if they don't want it Published December 28 2010 | Concepts: flu, vaccine, patients, flu vaccine, swine flu |
| US almond growers achieve court victory in fight against mandatory fumigation Published August 11 2010 | Concepts: USDA, farm, farmer, farmers, raw |
| Flu Vaccines, pharma fraud, quack science, the CDC and WHO -- all exposed by Richard Gale and Gary Null Published July 2 2010 | Concepts: flu, vaccine, CDC, health, WHO |
| Are mandatory vaccinations acts of violence against children? Published February 20 2010 | Concepts: vaccine, vaccines, WHO, people, CDC |
| Review of Health Ranger's predictions from 2008 Published January 18 2010 | Concepts: health, predictions, food, review, reform |
| As an American, I refuse to buy mandatory health insurance that supports corrupt conventional medicine Published January 4 2010 | Concepts: health, insurance, America, government, health care |
| Wake Up, America: Forced vaccinations, quarantine camps, health care interrogations and mandatory "decontaminations" Published August 28 2009 | Concepts: health, public health, WHO, quarantine, vaccine |
| Preliminary Injunction to Halt Mandatory Flu Vaccination in the U.S. Has Been Issued Published August 11 2009 | Concepts: mandatory, mandatory flu vaccination, flu, article, information |
| It is Official: WHO Recommends Mandatory Injections to Almost Two Hundred Countries Published July 28 2009 | Concepts: WHO, vaccine, health, men, injections |
| Vaccine Expert Reveals What You Should Know Before You Roll Up Your Sleeve Published July 1 2009 | Concepts: flu, vaccine, health, child, vaccines |
| Sign the Universal Declaration of Resistance to Mandatory Vaccination Published June 23 2009 | Concepts: flu, resistance, declaration, vaccine, mandatory |
| Speech of Ron Paul, Introducing the Parental Consent Act Published May 2 2009 | Concepts: mental, child, health, children, consent |
| The Mother's Act - Mandatory Screening of Moms for Depression is Like a Bad Movie Rerun Published April 20 2009 | Concepts: men, drug, drugs, depression, disorder |
| USDA Backs Off Mandatory National Animal Identification Registration Published January 27 2009 | Concepts: USDA, mandatory, world, ban, farm |
| Health Ranger Offers Thirty-One Predictions for 2009 - Health, Economy, Terrorism and More Published December 1 2008 | Concepts: men, health, harm, predictions, food |
| Midwest Health Mecca Makes Flu Shots Mandatory for All Employees Published November 2 2008 | Concepts: flu, vaccine, health, mandatory, Midwest |
| Stop the Mothers Act: Save Expectant Mothers from Mandatory Drugging with Antidepressants Published September 19 2008 | Concepts: mothers, drug, drugs, expectant mothers, women |
| Almond Growers Sue USDA to Halt Mandatory Chemical Fumigation of Raw Almonds Published September 10 2008 | Concepts: USDA, the USDA, raw, food, almonds |
| Codex Designates GMOs as Contaminants in Food Published August 12 2008 | Concepts: GMOs, GMO, CODEX, health, food |
| GM Foods: The U.S. Fights Mandatory Labeling in An Untested Human Experiment Published June 30 2008 | Concepts: food, foods, labeling, mandatory, human |
| Week in Review: Cloned Meat, Scientific Fraud and Mandatory Organ Harvesting from (Nearly) Dead Patients Published January 18 2008 | Concepts: drug, drugs, organ harvesting, WHO, meat |
| Merck backs off national push for mandatory HPV vaccinations Published February 22 2007 | Concepts: Merck, mandatory, HPV, vaccination, vaccines |
| Virginia law guaranteeing parents' medical rights routed by mandatory HPV vaccination Published February 20 2007 | Concepts: mandatory, HPV, parents, Virginia, vaccine |
| Cancer vaccines, little girls and the dirty business of Texas politics Published February 6 2007 | Concepts: vaccines, girls, vaccine, Texas, cancer |
| Lawmakers attempt to push mandatory sex disease vaccinations onto 11 year old girls Published January 24 2007 | Concepts: disease, mandatory, lawmakers, sex, vaccinations |
| Parents fights to save 9-year-old girls from mandatory HPV vaccinations Published January 11 2007 | Concepts: HPV, girls, parents, mandatory, vaccinations |
| Sixth grade girls to face mandatory cervical cancer vaccinations under Michigan bill Published September 13 2006 | Concepts: cervical cancer, vaccinations, girls, Michigan, mandatory |
| Mandatory AIDS testing proposal is public health lunacy Published February 16 2005 | Concepts: AIDS, health, testing, public health, WHO |
| Mandatory mental health screening program would dose pregnant women with prescription drugs that cause birth defects Published November 29 2004 | Concepts: drugs, pregnant women, mental, prescription, drug |
| The big Bush handout to pharmaceutical companies: mandatory mental health screening for entire U.S. population Published July 23 2004 | Concepts: mental health, mental, prescription drugs, Bush, drug |
| Senators pressure federal regulators to create mandatory database of drug trials Published July 12 2004 | Concepts: drug, drug trials, prescription drugs, pharmaceutical industry, federal |
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