All posts categorized with Fitness

  • Couple-Love-Bicycles
    (Natural News) Maybe you’ve heard the phrase, “it’s just like riding a bike.” That’s exactly what the American Heart Association suggests you do, as opposed to placing your feet onto your automobile’s gas pedal. And while you practice balance, rhythm and stamina in the bike lane, you’re also preventing certain risk factors for cardiovascular disease, which may translate into a longer life, as reported […]
  • Hands-Heart-Love
    (Natural News) Heart disease is a growing problem in the United States and across the world. In the US alone, over 610,000 people succumb to heart disease, annually. That’s 1 out of every four deaths each year! Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. The CDC estimates that at […]
  • Brain-Damage-
    (Natural News) When brain cells are damaged, dementia can result. This damage can cascade, causing an impairment when neural cells attempt to communicate with each other. Memory loss is just one symptom of dementia; others include difficulties with language and communication, visual perception, attention problems and troubles with focus, reason and judgment. reports that although “Alzheimer’s disease accounts for 60 – 80% […]
  • Fitness-Class-Weights-Dumbbell
    (Natural News) Ashwaganda root extract is known to be one of the principle herbs of Ayurvedic medicine. But new studies suggest that it may be more than that soon. The study, reported in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Medicine, suggests that supplementation of the root may improve muscle size and strength, as […]
  • beets-944596_960_720
    (Natural News) Beets are extremely distinctive vegetables. Their bright, red color, slight sweetness and soft, buttery texture either makes people fall in love with them, or turn the other way. Of course, if people knew how incredibly nutrient-rich beets were, perhaps more people would diligently try to include these precious root vegetables in their diet […]