(Article by Jonathan Van Maren republished from LifeSiteNews.com)
In case you’re wondering, I did not make that up. Somebody else did. Being “gendervoid” is defined as a “term that is similar to agender, but specifically refers to not only a lack of gender identity but also a sense of loss or a void in not feeling that gender identity.” It made it to number 11 on Women’s Health’s recent list of 20 “common gender terms,” which are not common at all – I hadn’t heard of about half of them, and I write on this subject all the time.
A more frequent number of genders is 72, with MedicineNet providing a list which includes blurgender, boyflux, cavusgender, cendgender, epicene, gender witched (seriously), and, finally, omnigender, which is “having or experienced all genders.” We need a term for “gender exhaustion,” which expresses the feeling of tiredness that comes with having to deal with all of this nonsense. It is unsurprising that activists fervently adhere to this stuff; what is more depressing is that the people in charge take it so seriously.
The U.K.’s National Health Service, for example, has been “asking patients to choose from 12 genders before attending hospital appointments” in addition to selecting from 159 religions and 10 “sexual preferences.” According to GB News, “some patients were even asked if they are a ‘Goddess, Satanist, or Druid’ before accessing care.” The portal, which permits patients to view their medical records, appointment details, and test results, gives gender options including “male, female, genderfluid, questioning, agender, non-binary, demiboy and demigirl.”
Presumably “questioning” is included for those who had no idea there were so many options and just need to spend some time figuring it out.
According to GB News, the forms aren’t mandatory but declining to fill them out prompts the constant digital reminders we are all so familiar with. Sexual preferences available for selection are also expansive, including “pansexual, bisexual, gay, heterosexual, lesbian, queer, questioning, unsure, or asexual.” Presumably “unsure” prompts “questioning” that could be extremely uncomfortable – patients are also requested to note their “sex assigned at birth” and “legal sex.”
“MyChart is run by U.S.-based health software firm Epic and used by 160 million patients worldwide,” GB News reported. “Epic previously explained it introduced separate categories after a software developer, who is a transgender woman, received a hospital letter addressed to a ‘Mr.’ It said: ‘Lack of accurate information related to patients’ sex and gender identity can result in adverse health outcomes.’” In short, one gender-confused geek resulted in over 100 million people being forced into a massive selection process in which an undefined number of genders and sexual preferences are available.
How are we supposed to take these experts seriously when they ask us, with straight faces, whether we are a demigirl Druid or a pansexual Satanist prior to appointments? As I’ve noted before, I think that we will eventually come to recognize that nothing has done more to undermine faith in institutions more than the rise of the gender movement – because the acceptance of this ideology has made so many once prestigious establishments appear so ridiculous to normal, common sense people who have never asked themselves what their gender might be.
Read more at: LifeSiteNews.com