(Article by Leo Hohmann republished from LeoHohmann.com)
After decades of ideological attacks on our gatekeeping institutions by globalists with no allegiance to this country, America’s sense of identity and purpose is dangerously close to dead.
A country without a cohesive identity is a country ripe for manipulation, division and ultimately war among its factions.
When the elites feel their power slipping, which I believe they do, that’s when they adopt a “burn it all down” mentality. Gaslighting in the media, finger pointing and scapegoating all play into the strategy and we’ve seen plenty of that over the last few years.
But it’s not just America. It’s Western civilization as a whole that is withering. And when civilizations implode, everyone suffers. The good, the bad, and the indifferent.
Many of my Christian friends say not to worry, everything will work itself out just fine. God’s in control. I read history and see that just because God is in control doesn’t mean that His followers won’t suffer persecution, even to the point of death.
But there is a difference between dying for your faith and dying just because you walked into an unfortunate situation in a public space that you thought was safe. Maybe it always was safe before, but now isn’t. Or, maybe you discover the hard way that your home appeared as low-hanging fruit for a professional criminal or gang of criminals. They attack and you’re caught off guard.
What I’m saying is, the world is about to become a much more dangerous place, both at home and abroad.
What starts in Europe eventually comes here, and civil uprisings are gaining steam across the European continent. France, Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands, Italy and Spain have all seen tremendous civil unrest as people are waking up to the global con being waged against them by power-hungry globalist Luciferians using the climate as a their excuse to drastically curtail freedoms of speech, press, assembly and movement, not to mention privacy invasions.
Farmers have been protesting against globalist climate policies in all of the above countries. And migrant populations have been also getting restless.
In the Netherlands last night, there were migrant riots with a little-reported connection to the United States. You won’t find any of this reported in the mainstream press but keep reading and you will see what I’m talking about on how now is the time to wake up and prepare for what’s coming.
At least four police officers were hurt during a riot that erupted on the streets outside The Hague on Saturday night, February 17, after two rival groups of Eritrean migrants clashed following a political disagreement.
Rioters torched police cars and a bus, and Dutch police officers were forced to use tear gas to regain control of the area.
Dozens of rioters were filmed surrounding the Opera Conference Hall in the Netherlands, as multiple police vans raced to the scene.
Another clip also showed the aftermath. The building had several smashed windows and parked vehicles were set on fire. The street was left looking like a war zone.
According to The Hague Municipality spokesman Robin Middel, a fight broke out between two groups of Eritreans that got “seriously out of hand.”
Police said that during the riots, two officers sustained injuries to their hand and another to her teeth. A fourth was hit by a police car in the chaos.
Now, for the U.S. connection.
Independent journalist Andy Ngo reported on X Saturday night that over 200 Eritrean migrants were holding a sympathy protest in Charlotte, North Carolina, for their brothers overseas and that protest also turned violent.
Breaking: African migrants & immigrants from Eritrea in Charlotte, N.C. are rioting & attacking police. The riot coincides with Eritreans in the Netherlands also setting fires and assaulting police. Warring Eritrean factions have taken their violence to the countries they claim… https://t.co/42xBBWec04
— Andy Ngô ???? (@MrAndyNgo) February 18, 2024
The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department confirmed Ngo’s report of violence breaking out in North Carolina’s largest city.
Crowds set a tractor trailer on fire. Charlotte Fire Department contained the scene quickly and extinguished it.
— CMPD News (@CMPD) February 18, 2024
So, you can add this to the growing list of American cities experiencing migrant violence. And it’s only going to get worse until we start seeing mass deportations. But I don’t hear any politicians talking much about mass deportations, do you? So don’t expect things to improve.
Read more at: LeoHohmann.com