(Natural News) In accordance with its stated agenda of making the “demon realm feel like home,” The Disney Channel is releasing a new program for children called “The Owl House” that glorifies demons, witchcraft, and hell.
According to Disney, the series centers around a teenage girl named Luz who “discovers a portal to another realm where humans are not well-liked, and she must disguise herself in order to fit in at witch school.”
This realm, the kids programming empire says, is referred to as “Demon town,” and in it Luz decides to live with a demon named Eda the Owl Lady who’s “the most powerful witch on the Boiling Iles.”
Luz’s character decides during one of the earlier episodes of the show that, “Someday, I’m going to be just like her” – meaning Luz wants to grow up not to be an honorable human woman, but rather a demon witch like Eda.
The purpose of this storyline, of course, is to teach children whose parents let them watch The Disney Channel that being normal human beings is passé, and that it’s “cool” to discover portals that carry you off to hell to live with demons, witches, and even Satan himself.
“Folks, if you think this latest ‘Owl House’ show is just ‘fantasy and fun’ think again,” reads a commentary written by Deborah Bunting for CBN (The Christian Broadcasting Network).
“The show tries to portray witchcraft as a positive tool to fight evil,” she goes on to explains. “That’s similar to what real-life witches have been promoting over the past few years as they’ve been putting hexes on President Trump and others in order to fight for their beliefs.”
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If you let your children watch The Disney Channel, you’re paving their way straight to hell
Many parents are simply unaware of this filth being peddled by Disney and The Disney Channel because they assume that the network resembles the Disney programming of old, which on its surface was clean and wholesome. In truth, Disney is actively indoctrinating child viewers into Satanism, using cartoon imaging as the lure.
“Over the years, Disney has gone farther and farther into the darkness of the spiritual world that opposes the living God, coming up with programming and characters that lead the vulnerable into that dark world of deception,” Bunting further warns. “This spiritual realm that opposes God is real. Demons are real.”
“And they are out to deceive your children and draw them in to be pawns of the enemy of their souls, the Devil, otherwise known as Satan,” she adds. “His devices and plans are to destroy your kids and grandkids spiritually, physically and emotionally. You must protect them from being enticed into this demonic world.”
Adam Hirsh, one of the voice actors on The Owl House, reportedly told Newsweek during a recent interview that the original pitch for the show was “girl hangs out with witch in hell.” Since most parents probably wouldn’t go for this, however, the network had to get creative.
It’s a lot like the Harry Potter book series, which is geared towards children with fun adventures, colorful storylines, and tailored writing specifically for little ears. But behind this thin façade is a world of darkness and depravity that sucks children in and consumes their souls.
“As ridiculous as the ‘demons’ contained in the book may be, there is nothing innocent or fun about even pretending to summon evil spirits,” says Elizabeth Johnston, also known as “Activist Mommy” on her blog.
“But who is to say it is pretend? The spirit world is real and is no laughing matter.”
A notable exorcist also told LifeSiteNews that this new Disney show is “a sign of the degeneration of our society,” which is pushing to make demons “acceptable” while ignoring “their malice and desire to do us harm.”
For more related news about Disney and the rise of Satanism in America, read Satanism.news.
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