(NaturalNews) After two years of laboratory compliance work and extensive quality control development, my laboratory -- formerly known as the
Natural News Forensic Food Lab and now called
CWC Labs -- has just been awarded the highest standard of international laboratory accreditation:
ISO 17025.
The achievement will not be believed by some scientists, for they labor under the delusion that science is an exclusive club, accessible only to the anointed few who spend years earning PhDs from academic institutions. They cannot imagine that a clean food activist, journalist, musician and creative comedy skit creator could launch a laboratory from scratch, master high-end analytical instrumentation and achieve the world's highest standard of laboratory accreditation... all
in less than three years.
Yet my message to Natural News readers and the whole world is quite simple:
SCIENCE belongs to all of us, not just the "scientific elite." We the People are each independently qualified to invoke the principles science in the quest for knowledge. Science is not solely the domain of wealthy corporations, universities, governments or arrogant members of the "cult of scientism." In fact, the more science gets conducted by independent scientists like you and me, the stronger and more authentic science becomes!
See below for proof of my laboratory's ISO 17025 accreditation. And welcome to a whole new era of
independent food science conducted by grassroots activists working in the public interest. From this day forward, MY laboratory is now YOUR laboratory, meaning that we are applying the techniques of science to serve the interests of the people (rather than the incessant greed of the poison-pushing corporations).
What is ISO 17025 and why does it matter?
ISO 17025 is an international standard for laboratory excellence that requires years of preparation and practice, extensive documentation, a detailed quality control procedure for all analytical methods, rigorous training of lab personnel, documented traceability of all instruments and reference materials, plus
proven competency and accuracy in analytical testing via high-end instrumentation.
Click here to read a summary overview of ISO 17025 from ISO.org, the international standards organization.
ISO 17025 accreditation is such a difficult standard to achieve that it is surprisingly rare in the world of laboratories.
Most university labs are not ISO accredited, and many do not follow the rigorous quality control processes required at ISO accredited laboratories. Surprisingly, most labs offering commercial testing services are also not ISO accredited because achieving that level of accreditation takes
years of dedication to analytical excellence.
The fact that my laboratory --
CWClabs.com -- is now ISO 17025 accredited means the analytical data we produce can be
cited in any court of law anywhere in the world. It also means that our analytical results are reliable, reproducible, traceable and authoritative. (Anyone attempting to argue with the laboratory results of an
ISO 17025 accredited lab is likely only making themselves look foolish.)
In giving credit to ISO standards, our pursuit of ISO 17025 accreditation
made us a vastly better laboratory than we could have achieved on our own. The rigorous compliance requirements of ISO "upped our game" and forced myself and our entire
laboratory team to function at an extremely high level of accuracy and technical proficiency. The result is that
we now demonstrate a commanding mastery of the analytical instrumentation used in our lab, and I am the director (chief operator analyst) of all the instrumentation, including ICP-MS and LC/MS-TOF.
Right now, I can take almost any unknown sample and detect mercury at concentrations as low as
50 parts per trillion. I can also take a sample of almost any
food, beverage or environmental sample and quantitate the concentrations of over 100 pesticides and herbicides... simultaneously!
At CWC Labs, we can analyze soils, compost, well water, sports drinks, vaccines, perfumes, snack chips, fish oil supplements and almost anything else you can imagine. In all these items, we can detect and quantitate very precise concentrations of individual elements (metals and minerals), hormone disruptors, pesticides, preservative chemicals, phytonutrients, chemical solvents, industrial contaminants, pharmaceutical drug residues and much more.
Now, the power of scientific technology is in the hands of proficient, intelligent clean food activists (that's you and me) who are
using the extraordinary tools of modern science to explore what's really in the products we're consuming.
This has never happened before in the history of science. This is truly a milestone for consumers... and it couldn't have happened without your support.
How to verify the ISO 17025 accreditation of the Consumer Wellness Center Labs
ISO 17025 accreditation is granted by third party accreditation bodies after extensive auditing, proficiency testing and other rigorous compliance activities. Not only is CWC Labs now accredited ISO 17025, but we have achieved this milestone
through one of the world's most recognized international accreditation bodies known as
Perry John Laboratory Accreditation, Inc. (PJLA).
PJLA has accredited a large number of laboratories all across the world, and it is one of the top recognized ISO accreditation bodies operating today. By visiting
this accreditation search link and entering the word "Consumer" in the laboratory name field (or enter certificate #
L16-224 in the certificate field), you can click "Search" and find our laboratory accreditation listing.
You'll see that we were accredited on May 25th, 2016, and that our accreditation is valid through August 31st, 2018. You'll also see that our ISO accreditation status is "active" and that I am the contact person on the accreditation listing.
JPLA has also accredited many other highly recognized science-based organizations around the world such as:
• University of Georgia Center for Applied Isotope Studies
• Alliance Analytical Laboratories
• Panasonic Corporation Eco Solutions
• Daiichi Kishimoto Clinical Laboratories, Inc. Tomakomai Head Office
• Daimler Vehiculos Comerciales, S. de R.L. de C.V.
• Japan Inspection Association of Food and Food Industry Environment
• Kitasato Research Center for Environmental Science
• Olympus Scientific Solutions Technologies Incorporated
Now, the Health Ranger's lab joins this list of accredited science organizations all across the world.
CWC Labs is now open for commercial customers
For myself and the entire staff at CWC Labs, we take ISO 17025 accreditation very seriously. We are committed to analytical excellence and the reliability of our authoritative results.
We're also now
open for business as a commercial testing laboratory. We're now welcoming commercial clients who need ICP-MS analysis (elements + heavy metals), and we'll soon be rolling out services for individuals to test their well water.
Anyone interested in our laboratory services may reach us via
this contact page.
I am also personally available on a very limited basis as a science consultant to help solve complex problems for companies involved in food, dietary supplements, personal care products or the beverage industry. I can provide expert, valuable advice on solving contamination problems, ensuring label compliance, meeting FDA GMP compliance, validating incoming raw materials or even setting up your own in-house laboratory.
Now, you can meet all the necessary FDA requirements for your products with the help of the founder and lab science director of an ISO 17025 accredited laboratory, which is exactly what the FDA recognizes as authoritative.
But our primary mission is to serve the public interest with independent science
When we're not running samples for commercial customers, we'll be using all the tools and expertise of CWC Labs to
conduct meaningful science in the public interest.

We've already begun that process, in fact, with the release of the first 100 water test results from across America. Find those results in our newly launched science journal called the
Natural Science Journal.
You can download the journal for free, or view the full text of my first published scientific study entitled
ICP-MS analysis of toxic elements (heavy metals) in 100 municipal water samples from across the United States.
(An expanded version of this science paper, covering hundreds more water results, will be submitted to more mainstream journals for publication later this year.)
Throughout 2016, we will be using our accredited science lab to conduct analytical testing of products like dog food, protein powders, chocolate bars, vaccines, dietary supplements, cosmetic products and much more.
All the results will be published for free at
Thank you for your ongoing support to help make all this happen!
Food Forensics: The new food science book from the Health Ranger

Over two years in the making,
Food Forensics publishes the heavy metals testing results from over 800 foods, supplements, spices and superfoods. Available now for pre-order on Amazon and Barnes & Noble,
click here for the Food Forensics website and book preorder links.
An amazing job on so many levels and an absolute must read." - Michael T. Murray, author of The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine
Mike Adams new book, Food Forensics, should be required reading for all the Big Food, Big Biotech apologists who continue to poison and mislead us." - Ronnie Cummins, Organic Consumers Association
Food Forensics is an essential reality guide to food and water in the 21st century." - Robert Scott Bell
Food Forensics is an incredible, ground-breaking book." - Ty Bollinger, The Truth About Cancer
Click here to preorder your copy now.
Related sites:CWClabs.comNaturalScienceJournal.comNaturalNews.comFoodForensics.com