(NaturalNews) In a reversal that took Dr. Terry Wahls from physician to patient, she developed multiple sclerosis (MS) in 2000, and the road ahead looked bleak. (1) Within three years after her diagnosis, she was devastated to learn that, despite taking all the newest drugs, she now had second stage progressive MS even though she was told that spontaneous remission was not possible. So she continued with chemotherapy and miracle drugs, her health in a slow but sure state of decline.
These days, as she stands completely on her own to deliver speeches about her health, able to talk, think and function optimally, Dr. Wahls is the first to admit that "physicians know very little about nutrition." She says that although they know "even less about the root cause of disease... we are still in love with the newest drugs and the latest technology."(1)
Making changes in four key areas can lead to healing
What led to her incredible recovery, one that went from forgetfulness, use of a zero-gravity chair, wheelchair and exhaustion that set in as early as 10:00 AM, involved taking a closer look at controlling environmental factors that can impact health. She read intensely about four key areas: the foods people eat, the toxins they are exposed to, their physical activity and their stress levels. As soon as she made drastic changes in these areas, she started to heal.
Several cups of leafy greens, deeply colored fruits and vegetables like blueberries and beets, sulfur-rich vegetables in the cabbage, onion and mushroom category and seaweed are all foods she ate which she says are necessary to facilitate the body's recovery from its health-depleted state. (1) Seaweed, for example, has been found to help with everything from wound healing to killing cancer cells in some studies. (2) She notes that the excessive consumption of sugar by people today is alarming, as is the little exercise they get compared to humans' hunter and gatherer days that often involved walking several miles daily.
Additionally, she also encourages people to eat only organic foods so as to ensure that their bodies are not taking in harmful toxins. Today, she only eats organic foods and uses organic personal care products, advocating removal of heavy metals, pesticides and solvents from the environment. Dr. Wahls explains that such toxins disrupt hormones and severely compromise the chemistry of cells. (1) Heavy metals assessments have revealed that many popular
health food stores sell foods that have harmful concentrations of arsenic, mercury, lead and aluminum. (3)
She also engages in physical activity and meditates daily, noting that most people tend to sit all day at work only to end their day relaxing by sitting some more.
All of this healthy lifestyle creates a shift away from mental health problems, inflammation, neurological problems, obesity and much more to a vastly improved state of overall health.
Timeline of Dr. Wahls' healing after making lifestyle changes
After 6 months: Able to walk in hospital without a cane; doctors told her to lessen disease-modifying drugs.
After 9 months: Rode bike around the block.
After 12 months: Took 18-mile bike tour with her family.
Today, Dr. Wahls says she's changed personally and professionally. She maintains these healthy habits and even suggests the "Wahls Diet" to her patients, noting that, when they follow the plan, they often improve to the point of not needing medication anymore.
"Conventional medical care was not going to stop my slide into a bedridden and possibly demented life," said Dr. Wahls. By changing the foods people eat, reducing or eliminating their exposure to toxins, engaging in more physical activity and not allowing stress to take over, "we all could herald in an epidemic of health." (1)
Sources for this article include:(1)
http://www.naturalnews.comAbout the author:Raw Michelle is a natural health blogger and researcher, sharing her passions with others, using the Internet as her medium. She discusses topics in a straight forward way in hopes to help people from all walks of life achieve optimal health and well-being. She has authored and published hundreds of articles on topics such as the raw food diet and green living in general. >>>
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