Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

One in five businesses report having to reduce employment due to Obamacare

By J. D. Heyes, August 29 2014
(NaturalNews) In recent days, the Congressional Budget Office released a devastating report containing some really bad news for the U.S. economy: Gross Domestic Product had ticked up barely 1.5 percent last quarter, and that comes on top of additional depressing economic news and a series of quarters where poor growth has been the norm rather than the exception. Now, a new report has confirmed what many, including Natural News, predicted long ago: that the Affordable Care Act, with all of its...

The two party Mafia's 'good cop, bad cop' tactic

By Phil Pepin, September 5 2014
(NaturalNews) People who watch police shows on TV are well aware of the "good cop, bad cop" interrogation technique that police use on a "perp" to extract a confession. Both cops have the exact same goal, but one acts like he's the perp's friend looking out for his best interest. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth. What I find fascinating is how this rather unsophisticated tactic is used quite effectively by the two political parties in America. The lapdog media outlets provide the...

Grapefruit and helichrysum extract combat diabetes and obesity

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, September 5 2014
(NaturalNews) In the Nutrition Department at the University of Navarra in Spain, Professor Alfredo Martinez and lecturer Fermin Milagro made a clinical breakthrough. They found out that both grapefruit and helichrysum extract can effectively combat diabetes and obesity. The work was presented by Ana Laura de la Garza in a PhD thesis titled "Anti-obesity and anti-diabetic properties of two natural extracts rich in flavonoids (Helichrysum and Grapefruit): physiological and molecular mechanisms." The...

The unspoken link between GM-foods and cancer

By Cindy L. Tjol, September 5 2014
(NaturalNews) For those living in US, about 70 percent of the processed foods one consumes daily actually contain genetically modified (GM) ingredients. Should this be of concern? Yes! Studies, few as there are, show a strong link between GM-foods and cancer. And it is time to learn about them. Proponents of GM-foods have been claiming that these "new foods" are safe, but they are actually backed by little or no evidence, except the argument that GM-foods are "substantially equivalent" to non...

Exposure to common fungicide causes neurological problems across four generations

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, September 5 2014
(NaturalNews) To better understand mental disorders and neurological problems, scientists are beginning to take a closer look at the study of epigenetics and the endocrine-disrupting chemicals affecting DNA. This kind of study goes beyond just the study of genetics, which looks solely at changes in DNA sequence between generations. Epigenetics investigates the changes in gene expression caused by chemical reactions where certain base pairs in DNA or RNA are "turned off" or "turned on" again. For...

CDC scientist secretly blended lethal flu virus into 'non-lethal' vials used in open experiments

By Ethan A. Huff, September 5 2014
(NaturalNews) Details of another major safety breach at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have emerged after it was discovered that an agency worker carelessly sent a deadly strain of avian flu to the Department of Agriculture (USDA), supposedly by accident. Reports indicate that a relatively benign strain of avian flu became contaminated with a much more virulent one after a CDC scientist ignored standard safety procedures, the latest in a string of recent safety violations...

Heal cavities, gum disease, and whiten teeth with natural homemade toothpaste and diet

By Kali Sinclair, September 5 2014
(NaturalNews) The truth is, the most important action you can take to maintain oral health is to eat a healthy diet. Avoid all artificial additives (flavors, colors, preservatives), GMOs, pasteurized dairy, and refined sugars. Do not consume foods laden with herbicides and preservatives (especially the "dirty dozen") or animal protein (meat or dairy) from factory raised animals or farm raised fish. The healthiest diet consists of whole unadulterated foods, 80% of which are raw, organic vegetables...

Secondhand smoke from e-cigs is less unhealthy than traditional cigs but still contains toxic heavy metals

By S. D. Wells, September 5 2014
(NaturalNews) Electronic cigarettes, nicknamed "e-cigs," are devices that are available in over 3,000 American retail outlets and all over the internet. They cost anywhere between $10 and $75, depending on the type and brand, and sales have skyrocketed in the past year, exceeding $100 million. Smokers all over the world have new "bragging rights" when they switch over from regular cigarettes to e-cigs, claiming that they're ingesting far less chemicals and polluting the environment much less all...

Health benefits of pineapple include everything from tumor reduction to digestive improvements

By Raw Michelle, September 5 2014
(NaturalNews) Pineapple is a tasty fruit, typically enjoyed during the summertime and for its sweet, tropical flavor. However, the goodness of pineapple extends well beyond its taste, as it offers several health benefits worth exploring. The fact that it's listed on the World's Healthiest Foods website says a great deal, and there, it's noted as a way to improve overall health ranging from improving digestion to boosting the immune system. (1) At the center of its ability to bolster health is...

Why I refuse to watch ISIS beheading videos or view naked pics of Jennifer Lawrence

By Mike Adams, September 4 2014
(NaturalNews) We all have to be careful not to let popular content pollute our minds with images we don't want residing in our psyche. In honoring this, I repeatedly make conscious decisions to avoid viewing damaging material that's being widely circulated by others, and so far I have managed to completely avoid seeing any ISIS beheading videos. I have also managed to avoid seeing any pictures of Jennifer Lawrence in the nude, a feat which seems notable in this age of rapidly viral celebrity photos...

Mysterious, covert cell towers placed across U.S. cities found to intercept your phone calls and texts

By Mike Adams, September 4 2014
(NaturalNews) There's something really fishy going on with the mainstream media right now. Multiple outlets such as Reuters and CBS News are reporting a story which they would normally dismiss as a "conspiracy theory." According to these news outlets, rogue cell phone towers known as "interceptors" have been discovered across America, and they don't belong to communications companies, the NSA or the U.S. military. They reportedly snoop on your private phone calls by intercepting cell phone signals...

Drought apocalypse begins in California as wells run dry

By Mike Adams, September 4 2014
(NaturalNews) Water wells in central California have begun to run dry, reports the LA Times. (1) "Extreme drought conditions have become so harsh for the Central Valley community of East Porterville [that] many of its residents dependent on their own wells have run out of water." Tulare County has confirmed their wells have run out of water, and so far hundreds of homes have no running water. According to the LA Times, rumors are also spreading that Child Protective Services officials will...

35-year 'megadrought' to strike the American southwest

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, September 4 2014
(NaturalNews) In the summer of 2014, social media sites were awash with videos of people taking the "ALS ice bucket challenge." The ALS marketing stunt caught on like wildfire, prompting hundreds of thousands of social media users to pour buckets of ice water over their heads. As the organization gained attention, $12.5 million in donations over the course of a year were funneled to a staff of eleven executives sitting at the top of the ALS pyramid. As the team of executives raked in millions of...

CNN caught in denial over MMR vaccines even as CDC whistleblower confesses to scientific fraud

By Jonathan Benson, September 4 2014
(NaturalNews) After more than a week of total silence by the mainstream media, CNN has finally admitted that a landmark study recently published in a top scientific journal solidifies a link between the MMR vaccine and autism. But this was only after the journal that first published the study, Translational Neurodegeneration, arbitrarily decided to pull it on spurious claims that its findings "may not be in the public interest," suddenly making the topic "newsworthy." Failing to even get the facts...

Americans will soon be barred from boarding airplanes unless they surrender to federal 'Real ID' card

By J. D. Heyes, September 4 2014
(NaturalNews) Residents of nine states who attempt to use their driver's license to enter some government agency offices will be denied, because their legislatures have not agreed to accept a federal law called REAL ID. In fact, according to The Boston Globe, if those states do not accept the law, residents will also eventually lose their ability to use driver's licenses to board commercial flights. The paper reported that the federal REAL ID essentially forces compliance by states to ensure citizenship...

Clean your floors without store-bought chemicals - non-toxic cleaning recipe and instructions

By Kali Sinclair, September 4 2014
(NaturalNews) Our floors are the largest surface area in our homes that require regular cleaning. If we use chemicals, we breathe them in day and night until they dissipate. There is no need to add to our indoor air pollution when we can use simple and handy, homemade cleaning solutions. Wood, bamboo, and laminate floor cleaning instructions It would be so easy to clean every floor of our home with a steam cleaner. No muss, no fuss, nothing but water turned to steam. But regardless of the claims...

Fluoride in private wells linked to decreased IQ

By Ethan A. Huff, September 4 2014
(NaturalNews) The United States is one of the only countries in the world that still advocates for artificial water fluoridation as a way to prevent tooth decay, despite its known dangers. And new research reveals that municipal water supplies aren't the only sources affected by this policy, as many private wells throughout America are also brimming with fluoride chemicals, oftentimes at levels that far exceed the maximum government limits for safe exposure. One such problematic area is Maine...

Humans are getting stupider by the generation; science shows we've lost 14 IQ points since Victorian Era

By J. D. Heyes, September 4 2014
(NaturalNews) Are humans getting dumber? That is the finding of a new study which says that our collective IQs have fallen over the last decade, even while technology keeps getting "smarter." According to a report in New Scientist magazine online, the study questions whether "our century-long rise in intelligence" is reversing itself: In Denmark, every man is liable for military service at the age of 18. Nowadays, only a few thousand get conscripted but all have to be assessed, and that includes...

Natural Homemade Deodorant Recipe

By Michael Edwards, September 2 2014
(NaturalNews) If you're like me, you have tried many natural deodorants. Many of them that claim to be natural are not natural and/or are not healthy. Most of them do not work. In fact, I've only come across a few that worked well, and they didn't last very long. These days I don't need it. The healthier I eat, the less body order I have. In fact, if I do stink, I know exactly what I ate to cause it. A healthy body with a balanced inner eco-system (a healthy gut) doesn't exude a foul body odor...

U.S. government bullied Vietnam into keeping GM foods unlabeled

By J. D. Heyes, September 4 2014
(NaturalNews) The Obama Administration has been accused of pressuring Vietnam into rejecting the labeling of genetically modified foods, despite the passage in June of a law by Hanoi that would require it, for the benefit of U.S.-based agri- and biotech giants. According to Thanh Nien News, the Vietnamese law required food makers to label all products containing more than 5 percent of ingredients from GMO substances, "including additives and flavorings." But the law had not been enforced, the...

D3 and vitamin K2, and the role they play in our health

By Dr. David Jockers, September 4 2014
(NaturalNews) Deficiencies in vitamin D3 and K2 are a current epidemic in our society today. There are very serious health problems associated with long-term vitamin D3 and K2 deficiencies. Vitamin D3 and K2 deficiencies will impact the development and stability of the immune system, the skeletal muscle system, the nervous system and the endocrine system. According to Vitamin D expert Michael Holick, 'We estimate that vitamin D deficiency is the most common medical condition in the world (1).'...

Sugar is poison, reveals physician author

By S. D. Wells, September 4 2014
(NaturalNews) Sugar is now considered the "devil's food" thanks to a brilliant physician and prolific author exposing the hidden truth about it in his new book. Dr. Robert Lustig studies what sugars do to entire populations around the world, so this is no "end the cravings" novel or "sugar for dummies" information piece we're talking about here. This is a compilation of clinical observations documenting the new "War on Sugar!" We must ask ourselves: Is sugar competing with tobacco for total victims...

Mothers' trust in online 'mom groups' and blogs could be easy target for manipulative propaganda

By Ethan A. Huff, September 4 2014
(NaturalNews) The power of online networking groups in impacting mothers' life decisions and purchasing habits is more substantial than virtually all other avenues of influence, suggests a new study out of Australia. And based on what we already know about how corporations and government agencies infiltrate online chat forums and comment sections in order to push their agendas, some are warning that more caution needs to be taken in assessing what is true versus what is false when it comes to virtual...

5 ways to increase your longevity and quality of life

By Derek Henry, September 4 2014
(NaturalNews) Deep down, we all have a deeply rooted desire to live a long and high quality life. Modern medicine is certainly enabling us to live longer, but often at a cost that creates a much lower quality of life. So how do we live a longer life and also enjoy the high quality that we all wish we could capture, so we can remain as youthful as possible up until our demise? These 5 tips are a great start. Improve your diet Eating a healthy diet is one of the primary components to a long...

Tick bite turns people into involuntary vegetarians

By PF Louis, September 4 2014
(NaturalNews) It seems that there is a decline in meat eaters throughout the nation, at least red meat consumers. But it's not out of compassion for animals or for nurturing their own health by keeping out secondhand antibiotics, hormones injected into cattle, or factory farm meat from GMO mush feed cattle with their attendant toxic herbicides and pesticides. Of course, some meat eaters are wise enough to avoid factory farm products and go with free-range grass-fed cattle that are not injected...

Chemistry professor corroborates whistleblower's claims; links mercury in vaccines to autism, neurodevelopmental issues

By Ethan A. Huff, September 3 2014
(NaturalNews) A retired professor of chemistry from the University of Kentucky has come out in condemnation of mercury in vaccines, corroborating information released by a top scientist-turned-whistleblower from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) who recently published a study confirming a link between vaccines and autism. Professor Boyd Haley, Ph.D., says thimerosal, the ethylmercury-based preservative commonly used in vaccines, is lethal to all forms of life and should...

Monsanto funds trip for Indian parliament members in bid to get GMO trial ban overturned

By J. D. Heyes, September 3 2014
(NaturalNews) Within weeks after India's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) negated an effort to conduct field trials for 15 genetically modified crops, a group of lawmakers from the party, as well as other Indian politicians, made plans to travel to the United States for a week-long junket sponsored by none other than GMO giant Monsanto. According to Business Standard, the MPs -- ministers of parliament -- first were to attend a "Farm Progress Show" in Iowa before visiting Monsanto's St. Louis-based...

China refuses to permit GM rice and corn to be grown by research groups

By J. D. Heyes, September 3 2014
(NaturalNews) The Chinese government will not permit the issuance of new biosafety certificates to research groups that were once allowed to grow genetically modified rice and corn, likely part of Beijing's ongoing effort to prevent the spread of GM crops in the world's most populous country. The Ministry of Agriculture, the issuing authority for such permits, said it would not renew permission for the groups to grow two varieties of GM rice and a single variety of transgenic corn. The current...

5 Home remedies for acid reflux, that work

By Jeanette Padilla, September 3 2014
(NaturalNews) Acid reflux can go from mild to chronic in a very short period of time. There are medications than can help manage the symptoms of acid reflux, such as antacids. However, they aren't necessary, because there are many natural remedies that are simple and easy to use. The following remedies can be used to remedy acid reflux as well as heartburn, a symptom of acid reflux. Eliminating trigger foods is also helpful when trying to eliminate acid reflux. In some cases, stress is also thought...

Killer robots must be outlawed immediately, warns UN official

By J. D. Heyes, September 3 2014
(NaturalNews) Robotics is a technology that has been around for decades, and indeed has been used to streamline manufacturing -- often at the cost of human labor. Over the years, robots have become much more sophisticated and capable, but not everyone believes that is a good thing. In fact, some think that the development of robotics is becoming a threat to the human race. Angela Kane, the United Nations' high representative for universal weapons disarmament, has said she believes that so-called...

GMOs likely to be approved by EPA and USDA will contribute to environmental degradation and human health decline

By Ethan A. Huff, September 3 2014
(NaturalNews) The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of Agriculture (USDA) are readying to approve a powerful new herbicide, as well as three genetically modified organisms (GMOs) engineered to resist it, that has not been adequately vetted for either safety or effectiveness. And at least 50 members of Congress have written a letter to the two agencies urging them to reject the chemical concoction, known as Enlist Duo, which threatens to increase 2,4-D usage by as much as 700 percent...

Saw palmetto can treat hair loss, enlarged prostates and urinary tract infections

By Michael Ravensthorpe, September 3 2014
(NaturalNews) Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) is a small palm native to the southeastern United States and is characterized by its sprawling trunk and large, spear-like leaves. The plant bears dark red, olive-sized berries that have a long history of use as both a food and medicine. American Indians particularly revered saw palmetto berries for their significant healing properties. (1) Though saw palmetto has been used throughout history to treat coughs and colds, asthma, migraines, bronchitis and...

Nuclear industry hides from public huge radiation spikes at power plant reactors

By Ethan A. Huff, September 3 2014
(NaturalNews) A nuclear insider has unleashed a bombshell about how radiation is actually released from nuclear power plant reactors -- and what he has to say might shock you. During a recent interview with Nuclear Hotseat host Libbe HaLevy, radiation biologist Dr. Ian Fairlie spoke about massive radiation spikes that occur when plant reactors are refueled, a common occurrence that the industry has long withheld from the public. From time to time, nuclear power plants require fresh infusions of...

Vermont quits hypocritical, failed War on Drugs; plans to treat heroin addiction epidemic as health issue

By J. D. Heyes, September 3 2014
(NaturalNews) Vermont is taking a novel approach to its treatment of epidemic heroin addition: State officials are beginning to treat the problem as a health issue rather than continuing to pursue the failed policies of uber-drug-enforcement with little emphasis devoted to rehabilitation -- the policy approach that best defines the 1980s-era "War on Drugs." It is the second "first" for Vermont; the state recently passed the first-in-the-nation law requiring any foods containing genetically modified...

Pistachios reduce the body's reaction to stress in type 2 diabetes

By J. Anderson, August 7 2014
(NaturalNews) We all have stress, but for people with type 2 diabetes, this can be especially hazardous, considering their high risk of heart disease. Any natural way to relieve or reduce their body's natural response to stress could be beneficial (that goes for all of us as well). A recent study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association has found that a natural way to reduce the body's response to stress especially in people with type 2 diabetes could be daily servings of pistachios...

Social media users are more likely to conform to the perceived group opinion, censoring their own unpopular views

By J. D. Heyes, September 3 2014
(NaturalNews) For any number of reasons, more and more people are beginning to shun social media, but nevertheless, billions of people continue to depend on it for a "daily fix" of interaction, much of it done anonymously. Increasingly, we are finding that, while aspects of that interaction, such as reconnecting with old friends and staying in touch with relatives, can be positive and productive, social media also has a dark side, and researchers are continuing to find out more about it. For...

Medical marijuana legalization reduces painkiller overdose deaths

By PF Louis, September 3 2014
(NaturalNews) A massive joint study (no pun intended) by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City was conducted to determine the impact on reducing prescription opioid deaths in states with medical marijuana. Would you have guessed that there was up to a 33 percent reduction in opioid overdose deaths among the 13 states that allow medical marijuana? The study's results...

Plastic bag ban may be signed into law in California

By Michael Edwards, September 3 2014
(NaturalNews) The California state legislature enacted a ban on single-use, plastic bags. Many cities, (several in California, Washington, and Texas) have made it illegal for grocery stores and restaurants to use plastic bags at checkout, but if the bill is signed into law, California would be the first to enact a statewide ban on plastic bags. Plastic bags take up to 1,000 years to decompose and are causing notorious environmental problems worldwide, from blocking drains that can lead to flooding...

Waking up confused is now called 'sleep drunkenness'; how long until we can buy a pill for that?

By PF Louis, September 3 2014
(NaturalNews) Infectious disease medicine and psychiatry have motivated Big Pharma with incentives to provide pills for everything real or imaginary. And only America and New Zealand allow TV advertising with Big Pharma's inventions for often made-up diseases. The made-up diseases or maladies that motivate all these often dangerous, usually ineffective chemical creations range from restless leg syndrome to restless kids. Now, even toddlers are prescribed Ritalin. Now, a new label for a claimed...

Dogs feel jealousy and seek attention just like humans

By Julie Wilson staff writer, September 3 2014
(NaturalNews) The debate over whether or not animals experience human-like emotions has been a subject of interest for many over the years. While skeptics insist that animals are only driven by instincts, others disagree, pointing out that all mammals share the same neural apparatus and are therefore capable of experiencing similar emotions. Some studies have compared portions of the brain that get fired up while experiencing emotions like excitement, anger and sadness, among others. "The amygdala...

Military intelligence confirms Natural News warning: Twelve missing commercial jets may now be deployed as weapons against U.S. cities

By Mike Adams, September 2 2014
(NaturalNews) On March 24 of this year, I wrote a story entitled Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 now clearly a government cover-up: All evidence contradicts official story. In that story, I wrote: now seems increasingly likely that the Flight 370 aircraft has, indeed, been delivered to a rogue nation where it is being transformed into a weapon. Whoever took control of Flight 370 now has a massive stealth weapon which an incredibly long flight range. This aircraft can now be outfitted with...

The coming oil collapse will lead to global famine followed by food revolution and renewal

By Mike Adams, September 2 2014
(NaturalNews) The era we are all witnessing in our world right now may one day be called the "era of collapse." As is now evident to anyone paying attention, humans are rapidly using up all the world's finite resources. Water aquifers are being pumped dry, rare earth minerals are being depleted through aggressive mining operations, and fossil fuels are being burned up far faster than they can be replenished. The energy industry argues that they can always find more oil no matter how high the demand...

News highlights: Ebola exploding, UK medical police state, truth about CDC scientific fraud and more

By Mike Adams, September 2 2014
(NaturalNews) Strange things are happening in our world, and things seem to be getting more bizarre by the day. Here are six important stories unfolding right now that you need to be aware of. (Original sources cited as appropriate.) Ebola mutating and exploding; may reach 100,000 infections this year From Vespignani is not the only one trying to predict how the unprecedented outbreak will progress. Last week, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that the number of...

Ebola patients flee an isolation facility during a robbery, exposing a community of 50,000

By J. D. Heyes, August 18 2014
(NaturalNews) Liberia remains one of the nations most affected by the recent outbreak of the Ebola virus in West Africa, yet there has been a break-in there at an isolation center that held up to 30 afflicted patients, many of whom fled following the break-in -- and that has caused understandable concern among health authorities. Now, according to various reports, as many as 50,000 people who lived in the immediate area of the facility have suddenly become at risk of developing the virus and spreading...

Pesticide exposure can cause disease across four generations

By David Gutierrez, September 2 2014
(NaturalNews) A single person's exposure to pesticides may affect not just the person exposed but also three or more generations of their descendents, according to a study conducted by researchers from Washington State University and published in the journal PLOS ONE. The study looked at the effects of exposure to methoxychlor, a formerly widespread insecticide banned in the United States just over a decade ago. "What your great-grandmother was exposed to during pregnancy, like the pesticide...

Colorado's GMO labeling measure Prop 105 to be voted on in November

By J. D. Heyes, September 2 2014
(NaturalNews) Activists and concerned citizens in the state of Colorado have succeeded in having a proposal placed on the November ballot that, if approved by a majority of the general public, would make it mandatory to label genetically modified foods, according to a recent announcement by the secretary of state's office. As reported by The Washington Post, the measure's backers submitted nearly 40,000 more valid signatures to state officials than the required 86,105. The measure is called Proposition...

Pregnant women should be injected with mercury, says nurse organization

By Jonathan Benson, September 2 2014
(NaturalNews) Nearly every pregnancy and health advocacy group in the nation, including Consumer Reports, (1) advises pregnant women to avoid consuming products like canned tuna fish that contain high levels of neurotoxic mercury. But the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has released new guidelines urging pregnant women to get their seasonal flu shots, even though these vaccines often contain up to 25,000 times more inorganic mercury in the form of thimerosal than the U...

Conventional doctors vs. naturopaths - 3 distinct differences between them

By Derek Henry, September 2 2014
(NaturalNews) Conventional doctors have been controlling the health industry with medical dogma that has been taken as gospel for several decades. However, people are now beginning to realize the importance of other practices and therapies, many of which are rooted in much more history than those of today's conventional medicine. So what is the difference between conventional doctors and naturopaths, and what are the potential effects on the patient? EconomicsUpon graduation from medical school...

Nuclear waste explosion at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant spewed radioactive plutonium into the air through ventilation system

By Jonathan Benson, September 2 2014
(NaturalNews) It is still a mystery why a 55-gallon drum containing nuclear waste exploded in mid-February at the government's Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in New Mexico. But new reports indicate that, following the explosion, a large mass of what witnesses say looked like a cloud of whipped cream traveled up a ventilation duct and spewed into the air, exposing at least 21 workers to deadly plutonium. The media claims that the amount of plutonium in the mass was minimal, containing less...

Inexpensive, easy detox - the one gallon challenge

By Michael Edwards, September 1 2014
(NaturalNews) You've heard of the ice bucket challenge, and maybe even the Ferguson Challenge. Here's a new challenge: the one gallon challenge. Drink a gallon of cranberry lemonade a day, sweetened with stevia, and spiced with cayenne. This is one of the best ways to detoxify, lose weight, and clean out your system. It's also a much better choice for most people than The Master Cleanse. There's more. Exercise. Sweat. Get your heart rate going. Deep, heavy breathing helps detoxify the body...

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