#1) The secret of the power of apricots to keep your body young is getting around quickly - Want to hear it?
by S.D. Wells
What's the biggest food and drug industry cover up of a cure for cancer and the perfect fuel for longevity? Apricots - the organic ones.

Why only organic? Because if you spray them with insecticide or herbicide, the nutrients are obliterated.

The peach-like power-fruit packs a potent anti-aging punch full of carotenoids, some of the most powerful antioxidants that reduce that BAD cholesterol. Want to hit that home run with your cancer prevention strategy. Apricot seeds kill cancer cells without side effects.

Our bodies convert the carotenoid beta-carotene into vitamin A. Say hello to healthy eyes and glands. It's research proven!

Apricots regenerate our body fluids. Their compounds help boost the immune system with a main function of protecting you from free radicals - the "killer sharks" of the food industry.


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