#2) POWER-FRUITS are all around you - at the fresh organic market - where berry phyto-chemicals and antioxidants protect the fountain of youth!
by S.D. Wells
Farmer's markets, whole food markets, local organic farmers - these are the hubs of a long, healthy life for you in the form of colorful, powerfoods. Western medicine underestimates this cancer free way of living!

Only kale and spinach can pack the values as high as fresh berries. Their colorful pigmentation is called anthocyanins and lower certain cancer risks while improving memory function! How about that?

Plus, berries are chock full of quercetin, the flavonol that is an anti-carcinogen. These are the food warriors you need in today's polluted food market full of GMO and pesticide-driven agriculture.

Don't sit back and let yourself "age." You have control of your cognitive maturation and you WILL NOT let it become deterioration. You can find an extensive list of scientific studies on this - it's just a click or two from here.


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