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Originally published November 20 2015

Liberal hypocrisy: Why isn't voter ID required to vote when it's required to buy alcohol, drive a care, board a plane and buy medicine?

by J. D. Heyes

(NaturalNews) Most of us were raised to believe that the United States is the "land of the free," but after a few years of adulthood – not the kind of pampered, privileged pseudo-adulthood existence you might find on an American college campus these days – those of us living in the real world understand that there is little "freedom" we can actually exercise

Nothing makes this more obvious than the number of times we are required to prove who we are before we are "allowed" to engage in various life activities.

I'm not what most people would consider a "young" man, but the other day I happened to be in a local grocery store and a bottle of wine happened to be included among the items that I was attempting to purchase. As I raked the bar code across the laser beam at the self-checkout station, the device "dinged," which was followed by a woman's robotic voice that instructed me that I was required to show my picture ID to the nearby attendant.

First, I dismissed it because I don't look younger than 21 years of age – the "legal" age you must be in order to purchase and consume alcohol. I just figured the attendant, who was standing several feet away, would reset the self-checkout with her hand-held mobile device so I could continue ringing up the rest of my items. That didn't happen; to my surprise, the young lady walked over and actually asked me to produce a photo ID with date of birth, so I handed her my driver's license.

"Okay," she said with a smile after quickly glancing at my birth year. "Thank you, sir."

That incident got me to thinking about all the times I have been asked to prove who I am, even though I've been an adult of "legal age" for some years.

-- When I flew out to see a football game, recently I was required to show the prying TSA agent a photo ID. When I was in the military, my military ID was sufficient to get me through the faster line, but I still had to show it nonetheless – even when I was in uniform and flying to or from a war zone.

-- I have seen people buying cigarettes, and they, too, have had to show a photo ID.

-- Once, in recent years, I had to go inside the local courthouse for some legal business, and before I could even get to court I was required to pass through a metal detector and show the security officials my photo ID.

-- I'm an avid fan of firearms and a big believer in the Second Amendment, but every time I buy a gun so I can engage in my Constitutional right to keep and bear arms, I am not "permitted" to do so unless and until I show the gun retailer my photo ID.

-- I don't get "carded" for this anymore, but I have seen young people who were trying to buy theater tickets for an R-rated movie (you have to be 17 years of age to do that) be asked to show the ticket agent a photo ID to prove they were old enough to get into the picture.

And you know what else I have to do – over and over again? I have to show a picture ID when I want to exercise my Constitutional right to vote. But I understand why; it's because voting is a cornerstone of our democratic republic and a substantial political act reserved only for citizens.

Yet, for some reason, liberals/progressives believe that we should all have to present a photo ID for everything I mentioned above, except the most important act of all – voting. To them, that's "racist." But it's not "racist" to require an ID to fly, buy a gun, buy liquor or get into an R-rated movie.

I find that just a tad odd – and inappropriate. Don't you?


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