Vitamin D news, articles and information:
 | 12/2/2016 - Depression comes in many forms and is experienced differently from one individual to the next. Depression can be caused by spiritual, mental, or emotional factors and can be exacerbated by specific experiences. It can be of biological origin, of nutrient deficiency or even hormone changes. Modern psychiatry...
 | 11/16/2016 - Most of our health problems stem from simple deficiencies that go undetected, and the consensus of five studies is that bladder cancer is linked to low vitamin D levels. One of the basic necessities of life, sunlight, is key to the production of vitamin D within the skin. When vitamin D is produced,...
 | 10/17/2016 - Exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals, including bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates, has been linked to a wide array of health problems, including infertility, diabetes, obesity and neurological problems, according to a scientific statement by the Endocrine Society.
Endocrine disruptors are chemicals...
 | 10/13/2016 - Tens of millions of people are deficient in vitamin D largely because they don't get enough natural sunlight every day. But a new wearable device can help with that.
Researchers at the University of Southern California, in noting that the sun is vital for the production of vitamin D, which in turn...
 | 10/11/2016 - Vitamin D supplements reduce the risk of severe asthma attacks by 50 percent, according to a recent research review by the world-renowned Cochrane Collaboration.
The Cochrane Collaboration is an independent, international network of researchers, health professionals and patients who work together...
 | 9/23/2016 - When humans are exposed to sunlight, their skin produces vitamin D, a fat-soluble vitamin that offers many health benefits. These benefits include helping maintain a healthy immune system, and the growth and development of bones and teeth.
The following excerpt from the book, Solar Power for Optimal...
 | 8/29/2016 - Although sunscreens are promoted as the best way to protect yourself against skin cancer, the FDA has admitted that it is "not aware of data demonstrating that sunscreen use alone helps prevent skin cancer." In fact, many of the toxic chemicals found in sunscreens have actually been shown to increase...
 | 8/1/2016 - The British medical establishment is finally acknowledging the importance of vitamin D and the fact that exposure to sunlight is actually good for you.
A new report from the Government's Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition recommends vitamin D supplements, a diet that includes foods rich in...
 | 7/6/2016 - Students attending St. George's Preparatory School in Jersey won't be going to the beach this year for their annual field trip, thanks to the pervasive spread of anti-sun propaganda, reports the UK's Telegraph. Fearful that the youngsters might develop skin cancer, teachers at the school reportedly...
 | 6/26/2016 - The most comprehensive study conducted on the subject found recently that vitamin D levels make a big difference when it comes to your risk of developing dementia.
In 2014, a multidisciplinary team of scientists and researchers from some of the finest universities and other institutions of higher...
 | 5/9/2016 - Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, plays a significant role in the absorption of calcium. Our bodies need calcium to build bones and keep them strong. Despite the name, vitamin D is actually considered a hormone and not a vitamin.
Unlike other vitamins, our bodies are capable of producing...
 | 5/8/2016 - As sunlight shines through the sheets of rain, we stare in awe at the arcing rainbow of colors appearing across the sky. Perhaps this beautiful geometry and spectrum of colors is an indication of an eclectic palette of medicines existing in the sun's rays. For a moment, as the rainbow comes into view,...
 | 12/20/2015 - The neurotransmitter serotonin may be one of the main mechanisms by which vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids help improve mental health, according to a paper authored by researchers from Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute and published in FASEB Journal.
"In this paper we explain how serotonin...
 | 11/20/2015 - Spending time outdoors soaking up the sun is beneficial not only for a healthy-looking tan, but for your heart's health as well. Studies have shown that vitamin D, which is primarily obtained through exposure to the sun's rays, can help in preventing coronary artery disease, heart attacks and strokes.
 | 11/14/2015 - A new report from the American Cancer Society shows that more black women are being diagnosed with breast cancer than ever before. The cancer rate for African Americans has risen exponentially over the past decade. One contributing factor is that mammograms and oncologists are not making distinctions...
 | 9/29/2015 - All nutrients have a role to play in health. When we are found to be deficient in particular vitamins or minerals, it could be that we are not eating enough foods that provide them or our state of health may be such that we are unable to properly metabolize and process them.
Many studies have shown...
 | 9/9/2015 - One in three American adults has high blood pressure, a condition that increases the risk of heart disease (the number one cause of death in the U.S.) and stroke (the number three cause of death) as well as aneurysm, metabolic syndrome, impaired vision, kidney disease, and mental deficits.
Risk factors...
 | 7/2/2015 - A recent study showed individuals living in sunny countries near the equator had only one-sixth the incidence of pancreatic cancer compared to those that live in cloudier climates farther away from the equator. The study, published in The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, looked at...
 | 6/30/2015 - Crohn's disease is a difficult digestive condition marked by chronic inflammation, abdominal pain and bouts of diarrhea. According to the Centers for Disease Control, this disease effects around 200 out of every 10,000 adults here in America and can lead to serious, long-term health problems as well....
 | 6/25/2015 - As the dog days of summer approach and the sun starts to beat down, it becomes vitally important to know how to use the sun effectively. Far too often people use it in ways that create negative consequences, and as a result, they become jaded, afraid, and end up blocking the healing benefits of the...
 | 6/1/2015 - It is well established that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) dramatically inflates the numbers of people who are killed each year by the flu, seemingly in order to push the influenza vaccine. But in its haste to promote vaccination, the CDC may be overlooking a potentially major...
 | 4/30/2015 - Vitamin D is one of the most basic and easily obtained nutrients in existence, yet millions of people today are grossly deficient in it. But, a public health promotion organization working to increase awareness and education about the importance of vitamin D, is changing the game...
 | 4/8/2015 - Doses of vitamin D equivalent to those from daily sun exposure were able to slow and even cure low-grade prostate cancer in a new study conducted by researchers from the Medical University of South Carolina and presented at the annual meeting of the American Chemical Society in Denver on March 23.
 | 4/1/2015 - A chemical extracted from licorice root may help protect the skin from the damage caused by the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation - without blocking that radiation and interfering with vitamin D synthesis - according to a study conducted by researchers from Beiersdorf AG in Germany and published in the...
 | 3/20/2015 - Just as the "cholesterol causes clogged arteries" myth is finally being put to rest, a new study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism reveals what may be a much more likely cause of modern heart disease: inadequate vitamin D intake.
Researchers from Finland found that adults...
 | 3/17/2015 - Children with insufficient levels of vitamin D are more likely to have hardened arteries as adults, and more likely to develop cardiovascular disease, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Turku, Finland, and published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.
 | 2/3/2015 - More details on the cancer-preventive benefits of vitamin D have been revealed in a new study published in the journal Gut. Researchers from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston found that vitamin D plays a critical role in supporting immune system function, including in the prevention and treatment...
 | 1/26/2015 - Exercise is invaluable when it comes to maintaining a healthy body composition. But a new study out of South Korea has found that both physical activity and vitamin D supplementation combined can do wonders for reducing abdominal fat, normalizing lipid counts and improving insulin resistance, particularly...
 | 1/19/2015 - Researchers from Boston's Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School have discovered that inadequate vitamin D supplementation among surgical intensive care patients can increase the amount of time needed on respiratory support.(1)
The study, titled "Plasma 25-Hydroxyvitamin...
 | 1/17/2015 - At the root of any health issue is typically some type of deficiency that is compromising the proper functioning of the body. With continuously tilled soils, heavy processing, poor absorption, and excessive cooking, it is extremely easy for the body to become depleted of essential nutrients and other...
 | 1/3/2015 - Living away from home for the first time and having to manage a whole new workload without childhood friends or family nearby is tough for many college freshmen. But a new study published in the journal Nutrients also links vitamin D deficiency to this oftentimes overwhelming mental and emotional burden,...
 | 12/12/2014 - Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins needed by our bodies to maintain optimum health. It facilitates calcium absorption in our stomachs, modulates cell growth, regulates our mood and much more. When we are deficient in vitamin D, we often begin to suffer from bone pain, muscle weakness, cardiovascular...
 | 11/28/2014 - Vitamin D may reduce prostate cancer risk by acting on a gene that lowers inflammation, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Colorado Cancer Center and published in the journal Prostate.
Back in 1990, scientists first suggested that vitamin D might be the common variable...
 | 11/6/2014 - Spending more time in the sun to boost your vitamin D levels may help stave off the cognitive decline associated with aging, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Kentucky and published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on September 29.
The study...
 | 11/2/2014 - Maintaining good health through nutritious foods isn't just important for every day well-being but can be crucial when the body needs to repair itself following an injury. Our bodies have miraculous healing capabilities, which can be heightened with a little extra help from nature's vitamins.
 | 10/25/2014 - The truth about vitamin D is finally leaking out into the mainstream media. While Natural News has led the way for years, showing various ways one can empower their own immune system, the mainstream media outlets have been hell bent in covering up the fact that something as simple as vitamin D can help...
 | 10/3/2014 - Google searches for mental health related issues drop dramatically during summer months. This is according to new research published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
John W. Ayers, PhD of the Graduate School of Public Health at San Diego State University explains, "The Internet is...
 | 10/3/2014 - Fibromyalgia is a debilitating disease affecting around 5 million Americans. The two primary symptoms of fibromyalgia are muscle pain and fatigue. Other symptoms include sleep disturbances, "brain fog," irritability, and anxiety or depression. Nearly one third of those suffering from fibromyalgia suffer...
 | 9/4/2014 - Deficiencies in vitamin D3 and K2 are a current epidemic in our society today. There are very serious health problems associated with long-term vitamin D3 and K2 deficiencies. Vitamin D3 and K2 deficiencies will impact the development and stability of the immune system, the skeletal muscle system, the...
 | 8/13/2014 - The most comprehensive study yet to be conducted on the subject has revealed that vitamin D levels really do affect dementia risk. An expert, multidisciplinary team of researchers hailing from some of the best schools in the world found that elderly folks severely lacking in vitamin D are more than...
 | 8/5/2014 - It's an absolute miracle, an alliance of divine life, how the Earth is positioned, so delicately in relation to the sun. Two stellar bodies communicating with such intricacy and harmony in space and time, one sphere rotating in seasonal rhythm, the other projecting flares of brilliant heat and light.
 | 8/3/2014 - Vitamin D deficiency may double the risk of schizophrenia, according to a study conducted by researchers from Isfahan University of Medical Sciences in Iran and published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.
According to some estimates, that may mean that 75 percent of the US population...
 | 7/28/2014 - Previous studies have proven that maintaining adequate levels of vitamin D in the bloodstream increases our emotional well-being, encourages longevity and offers relief to patients suffering from chronic pain.
Researchers at the Mayo Clinic concluded that sufficient levels of the sunshine vitamin...
 | 7/2/2014 - Imagine a line stretching across the U.S. from Philadelphia in the East to just north of San Francisco in the West. That's about 40 degrees latitude. If you live north of that line, chances are, you're not getting enough vitamin D. And even if you live in the more southerly latitudes, if you're not...
 | 7/1/2014 - A lack of vitamin D might be linked to early death. Vitamin D is common in milk, cheese and other dairy products. It is known by most to come from the sun, and getting sunlight is a part of many exercise regimens. The lack of this vitamin may be more detrimental than first noted by scientists. Without...
 | 6/22/2014 - The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Institute of Medicine are now recommending that all babies be given 400 IU (international units) of oral, liquid supplemental vitamin D, shortly after birth, whether the baby is exclusively breast fed, partially breast fed or formula fed.
While breast milk...
 | 6/20/2014 - The sun is quintessential in facilitating life on planet Earth, meeting the biological requirements of species in all forms. In addition to making our existence possible, sunlight makes us feel good, and according to a new study, keeps us alive longer.
While some places on Earth experience endless...
 | 6/15/2014 - For years, the mathematical equation offered to those trying to lose weight seemed simple enough: Burn more calories than you consume. Piece of cake, right? Unfortunately, as with almost everything concerning the human body, it's not quite as simple as that. Over the years, more and more scientific...
 | 6/11/2014 - The importance of vitamin D is well known. As far back as the 1930s, doctors first recognized the link between a vitamin D deficiency and the skeletal disease called rickets. Rickets causes a softening of the bones and teeth. Even if someone's diet has adequate levels of calcium, without enough vitamin...
 | 6/5/2014 - Most clinicians and even many people understand that getting the right amount of vitamin D is important for good bone health. In fact, up until the 1930s, the bone disease rickets was a serious health threat, thanks to inadequate levels of the D vitamin. But until recently, few understood the other...
 | 6/4/2014 - More than 50 million Americans suffer from osteoporosis, literally "porous bones," a condition that occurs when your body doesn't replace bone cells that are lost naturally over time. (1) Lose too much bone, and your bone density drops, making you much more prone to fractures, especially as you age....
 | 6/3/2014 10:01:58 PM - Vitamin D deficiency has been linked with a broad range of health issues, including cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and even cancer. Because one of the primary roles of vitamin D is to help the body absorb calcium, low levels of the vitamin have also been linked with osteoporosis, osteopenia...
 | 5/28/2014 - A vitamin D deficiency has been linked to a host of health problems ranging from depression to increased levels of bone fractures in adults and even certain cancers.
One of the latest studies confirms the importance of having proper levels of vitamin D in the system, concluding that men with low...
 | 5/14/2014 - Scientists are now beginning to confirm what they have long suspected: boosting vitamin D levels may slow the progression of multiple sclerosis (MS) and prevent brain degeneration.
The most recent evidence came from a study conducted by researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health and published...
 | 5/13/2014 - The calcium craze has created quite a bit of confusion in the natural health community, with folks rushing to buy calcium supplements in the hopes of building strong bones and preventing osteoporosis. But loading up on just calcium alone may not provide the benefits you expect, and it could actually...
 | 5/12/2014 - Men with suboptimal or deficient levels of vitamin D are much more likely than other men to develop prostate cancer, according to a new study funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Department of Defense (DoD). Researchers from Northwestern University near Chicago found that vitamin...
 | 5/11/2014 - The merits of regular sun exposure for optimal health have been reiterated by one of the most comprehensive studies yet to look at the connection between vitamin D and early mortality. Researchers from Sweden, after compiling the results of a 20-year research project they started back in the early 1990s,...
 | 5/10/2014 - It's known in the health community that obesity increases one's risk of getting cancer, heart disease and diabetes, but there is more to the story than just weight gain. In fact, in a new study, blood samples of most obese individuals (70 percent) showed low vitamin D levels. That correlation is significant,...
 | 5/7/2014 - There is no shortage of things people can do in order to live a healthier lifestyle. In fact, the frustration often lies in how much there is TO do, and not knowing where to start! If that is the case, start with these three fundamental factors and get started on the path to true health.
 | 5/6/2014 - Babies born to mothers who consume low levels of vitamin D during pregnancy are more likely to have cavities, according to the latest research conducted by the University of Manitoba's dental school in Winnipeg, Canada.
Published in the journal Pediatrics, the study assessed expectant mothers, all...
 | 4/29/2014 - Maintaining high blood levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D), which is said to be the most accurate indicator of vitamin D levels inside the body, appears to play a prominent role in mitigating inflammation and keeping cholesterol in check. Researchers from the Women's Health Initiative, publishing...
 | 4/27/2014 - In a highly-publicized scientific report (1), the CDC is now making a future-projection claim that immunization programs in the USA will prevent 732,000 deaths over the lifetimes of people born from 1994 - 2013. In analyzing this, I'm going to set aside the fact that the CDC quite literally functions...
 | 4/22/2014 - Vitamin D supplementation -- or just getting more time in the sun -- may help stave off cognitive decline in older adults, according to a study recently published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.
The study was conducted by researchers from Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, the...
 | 4/20/2014 - Children born to mothers with high vitamin D levels during pregnancy are significantly stronger at four years of age, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Southampton and published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism in January.
"These associations...
 | 4/17/2014 - A new study out of Scandinavia has affirmed the importance of maintaining high vitamin D levels for healthy bones. Researchers from Sweden, after observing more than 1,000 elderly women over a 10-year evaluation period, learned that those who maintained consistent blood levels of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin...
 | 4/11/2014 - Millions of Americans are unable to meet recommended daily intakes of calcium and vitamin D because of socioeconomic conditions, even though they are vital nutrients in bone health during all phases of life, new research indicates.
"Calcium is the fifth most abundant element in the human body, contributing...
 | 4/10/2014 - A simple, over-the-counter vitamin D supplement could provide dramatic relief for those suffering from chronic hives, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Nebraska Medical Center and published in the Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology in February.
Chronic hives...
 | 4/8/2014 - Supplementation with vitamin D might decrease the severity and slow the progression of multiple sclerosis (MS), according to a study conducted by researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health and Bayer HealthCare, and published in the journal JAMA Neurology.
The study was funded by the National...
 | 4/2/2014 - People need adequate amounts of vitamin D in order to maintain their health. This vitamin has been linked to stronger bones as well as a lower risk of obesity, depression and Alzheimer's disease. With the health concerns associated with too much exposure to the sun -- a primary way for the body to be...
 | 3/28/2014 - Although humans cannot produce energy from sunlight the way plants can, we do actually need sunlight to produce one essential nutrient, vitamin D.
The human body can also use vitamin D that it gets from its diet -- but like the sugars found in plants, the ultimate source of dietary vitamin D is also...
 | 3/27/2014 - Researchers from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), have made a fascinating new discovery with regard to vitamin D and the role that it plays in breast cancer survival. High levels of this prohormone, it turns out, more than double a woman's chances of surviving breast cancer, while low...
 | 3/19/2014 - The benefits of vitamin D have long been known, and there is no better way to get it than to let the sunshine provide it to you. Vitamin D has been linked to lowering blood pressure and treating or preventing Crohn's disease, and it can alleviate symptoms of fatigue and multiple sclerosis, among other...
 | 3/11/2014 - Blocked out of our modern lives with chemical lotions and chemtrail aerosols, sunlight is often disregarded and disrespected. Sedentary lifestyles keep people indoors, out of touch with the sun's living energy. As the main source of vitamin D, sunlight is often taken for granted and misunderstood for...
 | 3/6/2014 - As various amounts of aluminum begin showing up in food products tested at the Consumer Wellness Center Forensic Food Lab, it's becoming clear how metals like aluminum can build up unnecessarily in the body, taxing the organs over time.
A percentage of ingested aluminum is naturally retained by the...
 | 2/26/2014 - Getting the right nutrients and eating well when you're pregnant or breastfeeding is vital to your baby's growth and development. If you don't get enough vitamin D, the baby's bones can become soft and more vulnerable to breakage and rickets. Breastfeeding provides the baby with the most nutrients,...
 | 2/26/2014 - Getting the right nutrients and eating well when you're pregnant or breastfeeding is vital to your baby's growth and development. If you don't get enough vitamin D, the baby's bones can become soft and more vulnerable to breakage and rickets. Breastfeeding provides the baby with the most nutrients,...
 | 2/26/2014 - Getting the right nutrients and eating well when you're pregnant or breastfeeding is vital to your baby's growth and development. If you don't get enough vitamin D, the baby's bones can become soft and more vulnerable to breakage and rickets. Breastfeeding provides the baby with the most nutrients,...
 | 2/24/2014 - Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin and one of the most important vitamins for our overall health. Though five forms of it are known to science (vitamins D1, D2, D3, D4 and D5), the two forms that matter most to us are D2 (ergocalciferol, a synthetic form made by irradiating fungus and plant matter)...
 | 2/19/2014 - In spite of years of bad press about the harmful effects of the sun, with its powerful ultraviolet rays, such as UVAs and UVBs, researchers are now pointing to its many benefits instead. For both mental and physical benefits, exposure to the sun is necessary for good health. Even the benefits offered...
 | 2/11/2014 - After years of horror stories and hysterical cautions by many media outlets about the harmful effects of the sun and the necessity of slathering on plenty of high SPF sunscreen, the benefits of the vitamin that humans make from their exposure to it continue to mount. Evidence of a vitamin D deficiency,...
 | 2/6/2014 - More than 100 Americans will be deliberately infected with live influenza viruses this year as part of a devious government medical experiment designed to help the pharmaceutical industry develop new flu vaccines. The Associated Press (AP) reports that the experiment, which is taking place at the U.S....
 | 1/23/2014 - A UK study very recently determined that expectant mothers' children demonstrated better muscular strength during early childhood to the degree that their mothers had vitamin D in their blood during pregnancy. So taking vitamin D, either from sunshine or D3 cholecalciferol supplements, is a healthy...
 | 1/22/2014 - Fibromyalgia is a state of inflammation and fatigue that causes muscle pains and sensitivity. It's a condition that tears down one's quality of life, bringing anxiety and depression. It's a condition that more people are experiencing; estimates show that 1 in 25 now suffer from this painful condition....
 | 1/16/2014 - There is a huge volume of research showing the relationship between vitamin D and cancer. The benefits of this vitamin, or hormone in this regard, apply to both cancer prevention and cancer survival.
Here is a rundown on some of the studies carried out on vitamin D and cancer.
Types of CancerBreast...
 | 1/14/2014 - Evidence continues to mount showing that vitamin D may help lengthen life span and decrease the risk of cancer, particularly colon cancer.
Scientists have long known that vitamin D is essential for the growth and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth, but recent research suggests that the vitamin...
 | 1/13/2014 - Vitamin D and its role in our health have received a prominent spotlight, and for great reason. So much of what makes up great health depends on it. Unfortunately, vitamin D has come under attack from many seemingly well-meaning avenues. Our incessant, fear-driven approach to controlling cholesterol...
 | 12/31/2013 - It is an unforgiving disease that reportedly kills more than 450,000 women every single year all across the globe. But breast cancer and the likelihood of developing it is not an inevitable risk dictated purely by chance, as virtually all of the latest science on the subject reveals that vitamin D deficiency...
 | 12/29/2013 - The UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) has grown to become today's most popular sport among America's youth. The sport features amazing athletes battling it out in an octagon, where competitors must combine high-level grappling skills, striking skills, fitness and a strong ground game to achieve victory....
 | 12/19/2013 - Regular sun exposure is one of the most basic human genetic requirements. Sunlight provides biophotons in the form of ultraviolet (UV) radiation. These biophotons help to energize our cells and stimulate vitamin D3 production. Biophoton absorption and rhythmic expression in our bodies enhances immunity...
 | 12/18/2013 - Supplementing with vitamin D can help mitigate the pain and depression often associated with type 2 diabetes, says a new study out of Loyola University in Chicago. Researchers there found that women with the disease who suffered from numbness, tingling and pain in their hands, fingers and legs, as well...
 | 12/10/2013 - A growing number of pregnant women are beginning to develop gestational diabetes during their pregnancy, usually around the 24th week. The American Diabetes Association estimates that 18 percent of hospital pregnancies are affected by gestational diabetes. This means that a woman is unable to make and...
 | 11/19/2013 - Just about everyone could stand to benefit from eating foods that are rich in vitamin D. But some might be wondering which foods really pack in the nutrients that they need. Take the time to research some of the ways you can incorporate vitamin D into a diet soon. If you do, you will increase the density...
 | 11/14/2013 - Although researchers are becoming increasingly aware of just how important vitamin D is to human health, deficiency and insufficiency remain common, according to a global survey conducted by Dutch researchers and published in The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in 2010.
 | 10/29/2013 - In another finding extolling its benefits, new research indicates that reversing vitamin D deficiency in women has a substantially positive effect on treating depression.
Results of the study, which were presented in late June at the Endocrine Society's 94th Annual Meeting in Houston, indicated that...
 | 10/24/2013 - A diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease is a significant fear for the vast majority of adults over the age of 50, as this memory-robbing illness continues to strike aging Americans at an ever increasing rate. The cost to care for Alzheimer's patients could eventually topple our failing medical insurance...
 | 10/11/2013 - New research has shown that magnesium is so important for the proper use of vitamin D in your body, it can actually boost vitamin D's protection from fatal heart disease and colon cancer by nearly 500 percent, and from overall death by over 100 percent. Importantly, this also means that those with low...
 | 10/6/2013 - Diabetics' risk of developing heart disease or suffering a fatal heart attack are nearly doubled due to the devastating effect of insulin dysfunction and high blood glucose levels. Experts estimate that as many as one in three Americans will be affected by diabetes through the year 2050, a strong indicator...
 | 10/5/2013 - Vitamin D supplementation may be as effective at treating high blood pressure as certain prescription drugs, research has shown. If this is true, then millions of people may be able to reduce their risk of heart disease and stroke through the safe and simple means of getting more sunlight or taking...
 | 10/3/2013 - New evidence has emerged that vitamin D deficiency might not only be a cause of rheumatoid arthritis but also worsen the severity of the disease.
In a study published in the journal Nutrients in June, researchers from the University of Saskatchewan evaluated the vitamin D status in 116 patients at...
 | 9/25/2013 - Autoimmune diseases are created by the immune system's overworking where it's not needed. So the host, one's body organs, blood or nervous system are attacked by the immune system instead of foreign invaders.
In other words, white T-cells begin attacking healthy cells to create several potential...
 | 9/18/2013 - Taking vitamin D in quantities higher than what the federal government officially recommends could help you avoid developing lung cancer, according to the findings of a new study recently published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. A team of researchers from several esteemed academic institutions...
 | 9/14/2013 - The power of the sun for health and healing are far reaching. Optimal times to store up on the sun's health benefits are between 10am and 3pm. Overwhelming research shows that sunlight improves mood, athletic performance, blood pressure, immunity and bone health while helping to prevent cancers, heart...
 | 9/11/2013 - For years, the medical establishment has recommended that aging folks supplement with calcium to maintain strong bones and avoid developing osteoporosis. And more recently, science has revealed vitamin D as a necessary nutrient co-factor in the proper absorption of calcium. But millions of people are...
 | 9/11/2013 - New cases of bladder cancer are slowly rising in the U.S., as the disease will be diagnosed in 75,000 new cases this year. Bladder cancer will kill 15,000 people this year, and the incidence is three times more prevalent in men than women. As with many forms of cancer, the disease is the result of poor...
 | 9/7/2013 - Vitamin D deficiency is a major cause of breast cancer among women, according to a recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The study, authored by a team of scientists from various organizations, reports that women in Saudi Arabia who have low vitamin D levels have six times...
 | 8/30/2013 - Vitamin D has been in the spotlight for a number of years with evidence stacking up that the majority of all chronic, degenerative diseases are worsened by low levels of vitamin D. Research recently published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism evaluated nearly 2000 people aged 55...
 | 8/25/2013 - Now there's evidence that stress, fatigue, and depression are connected to low serum levels of vitamin D, in addition to known immunity, illness and disease issues.
The more up-to-date integrative or holistic MDs and naturopaths recognize 25-hydroxy-vitamin D or 25(OH)D3 test serum level should be...
 | 8/12/2013 - Low levels of vitamin D may increase a person's risk of developing type 1 diabetes, according to a study conducted by researchers from Harvard School of Public Health and published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.
In contrast to type 2 diabetes, which typically occurs when the body becomes...
 | 8/1/2013 - It seems the most studied and tested vitamin these days is vitamin D. Never mind that it is considered by many to not be a true vitamin. Some consider it more of a prohormone, which is an interglandular hormone precursor.
Others consider it a prehormone that can be converted into a hormone. A few...
 | 7/25/2013 12:00:49 AM - The cure for some of the most common and debilitating health conditions today may be as elemental as simply correcting a nutrient deficiency that plagues millions of Westerners: Vitamin D deficiency. Here are eight common diseases that have been scientifically linked to a chronic lack of vitamin D:
 | 7/24/2013 - Breast cancer strikes more than one-quarter of a million women in the U.S. each year, taking the lives of nearly 40,000 annually. While age, lifestyle, diet and physical activity all play a significant role in development of the disease, an estimated 15 percent of women fall victim due to genetic susceptibility....
 | 7/14/2013 - Increased blood levels of vitamin D may help both prevent and treat Crohn's disease, an incurable, often debilitating gastrointestinal disorder, research has shown.
Crohn's disease is a form of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which afflicts between 10 and 20 percent of the U.S. population at some...
 | 7/11/2013 - High blood pressure or hypertension is a primary contributing factor in the development of cardiovascular disease and death from a heart attack. Heart disease is the leading killer of men and women in industrialized countries, yet millions have no idea they have elevated blood pressure readings that...
 | 7/7/2013 - Increased exposure to sunlight may help alleviate the depression and fatigue associated with multiple sclerosis (MS), and may even reduce the overall level of disability caused by the disease, research suggests.
Prior research has linked both vitamin D deficiency and lower levels of unprotected sun...
 | 7/6/2013 - Along with obesity, poor physical fitness may also be a significant risk factor for vitamin D deficiency, according to a study conducted by Spanish researchers and published recently in QJM: An International Journal of Medicine.
The study was conducted on 470 European males and 536 females between...
 | 7/3/2013 - Low levels of vitamin D increase your risk for developing diabetes and related medical conditions such as heart disease, research has shown.
Two studies into the link between vitamin D and diabetes were presented at the 2010 meeting of the Endocrine Society. In the first, researchers from Johns Hopkins...
 | 7/2/2013 - Alzheimer's disease is characterized by a loss of short-term memory, cognition and thought processes that define a person's personality, and new cases are exploding exponentially. Though allopathic physicians and researchers maintain there is no known cause or treatment for the ultimately fatal illness,...
 | 6/28/2013 - Are you vitamin D deficient? Most people, living in the "modern" (indoor) world are deficient in this "sunshine" vitamin - which is actually an essential hormone for every facet of your life. In fact, a low vitamin D level in your blood is directly connected to a higher incidence of cancer, osteoporosis,...
 | 6/19/2013 - A preliminary review of individual reports strongly suggest that high-dose vitamin D may be one of the most effective treatment yet discovered for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
IBS, also known as spastic colon, is a common disease with no known cause or cure. The disease is characterized by alternating...
 | 6/10/2013 - A growing body of research suggests that not only may vitamin D deficiency be a risk factor for rheumatoid arthritis, it may also make rheumatoid arthritis patients significantly more susceptible to cardiovascular disease.
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that occurs when the body's...
 | 6/7/2013 - Supplementation with vitamin D and calcium may be a simple, inexpensive way to significantly reduce many symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
PCOS is characterized by the formation of numerous small cysts on the edges of the ovaries. It is one of the most common hormonal disorders in women....
 | 6/5/2013 - Confirming what health professionals have long suspected, a new study published in the journal PLOS Medicine provides some of the strongest evidence yet that obesity is indeed a cause of vitamin D deficiency.
The large study was a collaborative effort between U.S. and European researchers, and was...
 | 6/4/2013 - As the temperature outside rises, cubical dwellers start to dream of pristine, sandy beaches and begin carefully plotting how many vacation days they can afford this year. Many others plan a last ditch effort to lose some weight before they have to wear a bathing suit in front of friends and family....
 | 4/27/2013 - New research recently presented at a joint meeting of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Experimental Biology confirms a little-known benefit of eating mushrooms - higher vitamin D levels. As relayed by, researchers from Boston University (BU) found that...
 | 4/26/2013 - The most recent study that supports an association of mental health and vitamin D was conducted in Amsterdam, Netherlands. It's focus was chronic depression.
It was entitled "The association between low vitamin D and depressive disorders," was published in the April 9, 2013 edition of the journal...
 | 4/2/2013 - Two new studies out of Germany add to an ever-growing body of evidence showing that optimal vitamin D levels are crucial for good health. Based on the findings, people who are low or deficient in vitamin D are much more likely than others to develop cardiovascular disease, respiratory illness, and cancer,...
 | 4/1/2013 - A Shanghai study entitled "Calcium plus vitamin D supplementation facilitated Fat loss in overweight and obese college students with very-low calcium consumption: a randomized controlled trial" was posted in Unbound Medline PubMed on January 8, 2013.
Keep in mind the phrase "very-low calcium consumption."...
 | 3/29/2013 - With antibiotic resistant tuberculosis superbugs on the rise around the world, natural remedies are increasingly important to combat the spread of this serious disease. Consuming adequate levels of vitamin D is crucial not only for a healthy immune system, but also to trigger production of antimicrobial...
 | 3/26/2013 - A new study by Canadian researchers has found that some depression may be linked to a vitamin D deficiency.
"A systematic review and meta-analysis of 14 studies with a total of 31,424 participants revealed an association between vitamin D levels and depression," said a summary of the study, from...
 | 3/26/2013 - Researchers believe that vitamin D3 acts to protect an aging brain and boost overall memory and cognitive function. This is thought to be done by increasing levels of protective antioxidants, increasing key hormones and suppressing a hyperactive immune system that can inflame the neurological circuitry....
 | 3/24/2013 - Mounting research shows that huge numbers of people are deficient in vitamin D - and that a deficiency of that vitamin could be linked to all sorts of health problems, many of them serious. But could taking vitamin D supplements benefit people who appear to be healthy? The answer is a resounding "yes."
 | 3/23/2013 - Extra weight on your child might mean even greater risk for health complications than originally thought. According to a recent study appearing in the journal Pediatrics, it may also mean your child is deficient in one of the most important "vitamins" to overall human health and vital functioning --...
 | 3/18/2013 - The form of vitamin D that's credited to ridding the population of rickets by "fortifying" processed milk and bread is D2. But lately, the UK has been reporting a bit of an upsurge with rickets.
Furthermore, research over the past two decades shows that vitamin D is important for resisting many other...
 | 3/4/2013 - Here is a summary of the Japanese study linking low vitamin D to insulin resistance excerpted from and sourced below:
A meta-analysis involving a Japanese working population (n=494), aged 20-68 years, found a correlation between calcium levels, low vitamin D status and insulin resistance...
 | 2/25/2013 - More evidence from a new study shows that lower vitamin D levels could be more hazardous to women because it leads to a higher risk of breast cancer.
The latest research, conducted by scientists at the Westmead Breast Cancer Institute, Westmead Hospital, in New South Wales, Australia, followed 214...
 | 2/24/2013 - It appears that vitamin D3 undergoes more testing than any other vitamin, even though it isn't a vitamin. It's a hormonal precursor that activates several different metabolic functions throughout the body.
Bonding calcium into bone is only one of many others. It's always mentioned in mainstream medicine's...
 | 2/22/2013 - It's amazing how many different meta-analysis papers and epidemiological studies keep popping up associating vitamin D3 with lower disease occurrences for heart disease, breast cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and Type II or onset adult diabetes.
An earlier Japanese meta-analysis "...found a correlation...
 | 2/13/2013 - The most comprehensive epidemiological review ever conducted on the association between vitamin D and mortality has revealed that low vitamin D levels are directly linked to early death from heart disease and other causes. Published in the journal Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis Vascular, Biology, the...
 | 2/9/2013 - Though the mainstream sunscreen and skin care industries have a rather long way to go in correcting certain misinformation propaganda of decades gone by, the market may soon experience at least a slight shift in direction. Initial reports out of Australia indicate that researchers there say a new vitamin...
 | 2/6/2013 - Over the past several years, Natural News has covered research from around the world that shows a lack of vitamin D is somehow associated with breast cancer. Now comes yet another piece to the puzzle. A study by researchers from the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine concludes that...
 | 2/5/2013 - Vitamin D deficiency is prevalent in many Western nations today, and is responsible for causing an epidemic of illness that touches nearly every aspect of human health. Even proper eyesight is contingent on adequate vitamin D intake, it turns out, as illustrated by a recent study that found a definitive...
 | 2/5/2013 - Every year around this time, health authorities and the media drum up mass hysteria about influenza for the purpose of scaring people into getting flu shots. Without flu shots, we are all repeatedly told, the public has a high risk of serious illness and even death. But as most NaturalNews readers already...
 | 1/29/2013 - Vitamin D supplementation may be able to slow or even halt the progression of the most dangerous variety of breast cancer, according to a study conducted by researchers from Saint Louis University and IRBLleida, Spain, and published in The Journal of Cell Biology. In addition, the researchers isolated...
 | 1/28/2013 - Occasionally, the laboratory efforts of research scientists contracted by Big Pharma produce side effect findings that are of interest to those of us who focus on natural preventative and healing remedies.
It appears that such an event occurred when the research team inadvertently reported vitamin...
 | 1/23/2013 - Research just published in The Journal of Cell Biology reveals two important discoveries about one of the most aggressive and difficult to treat forms of breast cancer. Investigators led by Susana Gonzalo, Ph.D., assistant professor of biochemistry and molecular biology at Saint Louis University , have...
 | 1/22/2013 - Obese women are more likely to give birth to children with low blood levels of vitamin D that women of healthy weight, according to a study conducted by researchers from Northwestern University and published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.
Vitamin D is produced naturally...
 | 1/15/2013 - Vitamin D has been hailed for its unique ability to dramatically lower the risk of many forms of cancer, and has been shown to lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke and dementia. As these chronic diseases combine to be the leading causes of death for the vast majority of adults, it likely...
 | 1/10/2013 - Working out and want to build stronger muscles without dangerous steroids? Getting older and worried you are losing muscle strength? New research just published in the January edition of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, the journal of the American College of Sports Medicine, concludes there...
 | 1/9/2013 - Low levels of vitamin D may be to blame for some cases of chronic sleepiness, according to a pair of recent studies by researchers from Louisiana State University.
Vitamin D is produced naturally by the body upon exposure to the ultraviolet radiation in sunlight. It is known to play an important...
 | 1/5/2013 - Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic, degenerative disease of the nerves in the brain and spine. The disease causes the body to attack an insulating substance around nerve cells called myelin. When the myelin is damaged, the function of the nerves deteriorate, resulting in muscle weakness, imbalance or loss...
 | 12/28/2012 - One of the major drawbacks of winter is the effect cold, dry weather has on your skin. The good news is, research shows that upping your vitamin D intake could actually help mitigate that problem and keep your skin looking and feeling better.
One recent study by the Johnson and Johnson Skin Research...
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