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Vaccine makers could FINALLY lose liability protections, subjecting them to lawsuits for their injurious products

25 days ago -

If the bill passes into law, it would be the first time in over three decades that vaccine makers would be held liable for injuries resulting from vaccines listed on the Center’s for Disease Control (CDC) childhood immunization schedule.Vaccine makers' 35-year immunity shield could be axed

For 35 years, the Childhood Vaccine Injury Act allowed injurious vaccines to remain on the market, with the manufacturers immune to prosecution ...

All recombinant vaccines and adjuvants – not just COVID-19 vaccines – are now implicated in DNA contamination scandal

5 days ago -

Plasmids, which are used in the manufacturing process for vaccines, carry genetic material that can inadvertently enter the human body through vaccination. Plasmids can disrupt cellular functions or contribute to the development of antibiotic resistance. These fragments have the potential to integrate into the DNA of vaccinated individuals, potentially disrupting the function of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. One troubling aspect is the inclusion of sequences from ...

Slovak government report recommends BANNING dangerous mRNA vaccines

6 days ago - vaccines alter our DNA or if we are being microchipped?"

"You cannot fight against unscientific facts. Kotlar's ideas continue to find support in the government coalition, while they have no support in the world's scientific circles."Despite Dolinkova's comments, Kotlar's findings enjoyed the full support of Fico. "You all know that I personally have always been against vaccination with experimental vaccinations against COVID-19," he wrote in an address to ...

BIGGEST VACCINE LIE: Imagine if doctors said, “The only way vitamin C works is if everyone takes it” – because that’s what they say about vaccines

7 days ago -

The entire purpose of getting a vaccine is to create immunity to a specific virus or infectious disease, but then, all the doctors and “disease experts” remind everyone over and over that the only way they work is if at least 80 or 90 percent of the population gets them. Come again?

Now imagine if we were all told that about vitamin C, that it’s completely useless if 9 out of 10 Americans don’t take any. Who would even believe that vitamin C helps boost immunity and ...

Argentine vaccine study claiming “55 undeclared chemical elements” in COVID jabs riddled with errors and misleading information, says Health Ranger

10 days ago - vaccine?")Not all earth elements are dangerous – it just depends on how they're combined to produce other chemicals

The study's architects identified 11 heavy metals, including chromium, arsenic, nickel, aluminum, cobalt and copper, that are considered to be "systemic toxicants," meaning they can cause cancer and / or organ damage, even at very low levels. They also found a number of rare earth minerals hiding inside COVID jabs, these including things like lanthanum, ...

Deaths in Western Australia increased SEVENFOLD after COVID-19 vaccine rollout

11 days ago - vaccines.)

"What happens when someone receives billions of these SV40 fragments in a single shot? What happens when these contaminated shots are administered multiple times as they have been to millions of Australians, including Australian children?"Port Hedland Council suspends mRNA injections from Pfizer and Moderna

According to the Daily Expose, the Oct. 11 meeting sought to bring forward a motion to immediately suspend the use of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines ...

People shouldn’t be FORCED to take vaccines, Elon Musk tells Tucker Carlson

12 days ago -

He made this remark during a recent interview with former Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson, reiterating that vaccines deserve "caution" and "scrutiny." Musk touched on vaccines in the context of a potential repeal of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 (CDA). Repeal of the CDA's aforementioned statute would make tech platforms such as X, which Musk owns, liable for published content.

"That doesn't mean that vaccines should not have ...

The CHD-touted science paper claiming “55 undeclared chemical elements” were found in COVID vaccines is a HOAX … and must be retracted … here’s why (UPDATED)

12 days ago -

The alternative media / alternative health is abuzz today with claims that "55 undeclared chemical elements" were found in COVID vaccines, according to a pre-print research paper that claims to have conducted ICP-MS analysis of vaccines.

Children's Health Defense covered this paper in this article on their website.

The paper is a hoax.

ICP-MS instruments don't detect chemicals. I own two of these instruments and have run them for over a decade, ...

Japanese scientists find ABORTION DRUGS in the VACCINES pushed on them by Bill Gates, now warn they may charge him with crimes against humanity

13 days ago - vaccine expert Dr. Fukushima, and rolling out a new mRNA death jab that self-replicates forever inside the human body. This is sure genocide by dirty vaccines, and right in the face of the scientists who discovered abortion drugs in the last massive batches of mRNA kill stabs.Japanese medical establishment now calling for all mRNA vaccines to be taken off the world markets

Over 30,000 Japanese citizens in Tokyo took to the streets in late September ...

NO LOGIC: Top 5 toxic ingredients we’re told are BAD in FOOD and other products but GOOD in VACCINES

14 days ago -

Big Food reminds us all the time to watch out for mercury in fish, especially pregnant women and for infants, but did you know there is 100 times the “warning” amount in multidose influenza vaccines than that in the fish the EPA cautions consumers about? That’s right, tens of millions of Americans get injected every year, including pregnant women and their newborn babies, with 100 times the mercury that they are warned by the EPA might be in some tuna or salmon they eat....

Pfizer, CDC withheld evidence that COVID-19 vaccines increased the risk of myocarditis in children

17 days ago -

Confidential Pfizer documents leaked by Project Veritas show that Big Pharma had "evidence that suggests patients who received a (COVID-19) vaccine are at an increased risk of myocarditis." (Related: Fatality rate spikes to 9.6% for individuals diagnosed with myocarditis or pericarditis after taking the COVID vaccine.)

Meanwhile, heavily redacted CDC documents obtained by the Children's Health Defense (CHD) via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request ...

Japan to introduce self-amplifying mRNA COVID-19 vaccine with a 90% adverse event rate, and the U.S. is next in line

18 days ago -

In clinical trials, a near 90 percent adverse event rate was recorded after the first dose. These adverse events were disregarded, however, as Japan approved the jab. The United States is also looking to approve these jabs in the coming years.World’s first self-amplifying mRNA vaccine will be released in Japan

ARCT-154 became the world’s first self-amplifying mRNA COVID-19 vaccine after receiving approval from Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare ...

The COVID “vaccine” is an intentional effort at world genocide

24 days ago -

(Article republished from

Never before have there been children, young adults, athletes in their prime, entertainers, dropping dead “cause unknown” following vaccination.

Of course, the cause is known.  The leading doctors and medical scientists of our time–which excludes health agency bureaucrats, such as Fauci, who serve as marketing agents for Big Pharma and corrupt, politicized state medical boards and HMOs–have explained why and how the mRNA ...

DECEPTION: Health authorities in Maine hid the fact that MMR vaccines caused lone case of MEASLES in the state

25 days ago - vaccine hesitancy, with fake news network CNN blaming low vaccination rates for "recent measles outbreaks." Meanwhile, USA Today stressed that the best way to prevent measles is for children and babies as young as 12 months to get the MMR injection.

Almost two weeks after the testing, the Maine CDC announced on May 16, 2023 that the child didn't have an infectious strain of measles. But the announcement failed to state that the child's rash was vaccine related....

Pharma giants proclaim “Golden Age of Vaccines” where SYRINGES replace conventional medicine

a month ago -

Barron's published a report about the proclamation, which explains how some Big Pharma companies are developing new vaccines to treat other health issues. The industry raked in record profits from manufacturing Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines in the last few years. Drug companies were able to deliver these injections to the public in roughly a year, a fraction of the time earlier vaccines typically take.

The report stated that Pfizer and Moderna ...

‘The anti-fluoride people are like the ‘anti-vaccine people’: New York Town announces water de-fluoridation against pressure

a month ago - vaccine people.”

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CONFIRMED: The vaccine industry is deliberately CAUSING measles outbreaks

a month ago -

The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) obtained documents showing that the strain in circulation was "consistent with vaccine strain," this according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Since the so-called "outbreak" was caused by the shots, it is no longer accurate to call what happened an "outbreak." Instead, it is another prominent example of vaccine damage gone wild.

It all began on May 5, 2023, when the Maine CDC ...

Manufacturers of vaccines, the most dangerous “medicine” on earth, may finally lose their “immunity” to lawsuits thanks to HR 9828

a month ago -

Vaccine manufacturers have had a liability shield since 1986, when the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was put in place, so nobody could sue these bioweapon-making scientists for injuries and deaths caused by their medical WMDs.

Then, that vaccine injury non-liability luxury was even more solidified in 2005 with the PREP Act, that granted Big Pharma absolute immunity from lawsuits for products that were declared for use for “public health ...

VACCINE WEAPONS: Israel pauses war in Gaza to inoculate children with “provocation poliomyelitis” – further crippling and depopulating the region

August 28, 2024 -

The Israeli military has either restricted, destroyed or militarily cut off aid to the Gaza strip. The territory's healthcare system has been devastated, with only about a third of its hospitals and 40 percent of primary healthcare facilities currently operational.

Now, Israel is maniacally agreeing to pause the war in Gaza so that their forces can deliver tens of thousands of live polio vaccines to the children of Gaza. These inoculations inevitably spread vaccine-derived ...

Vaccine advocate Peter Hotez calls for use of police, military against ‘anti-vaccine aggression’

July 31, 2024 -

(Article by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. republished from

During an interview July 5 at the Simposio Internacional de Actualización en Pediatría (International Symposium of Pediatric Updates) in Cartagena, Colombia, Hotez suggested organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and NATO should target “anti-vaccine aggression.”

Hotez said:

I’ve said the same with — I met ...

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