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NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden warns that Bitcoin transactions aren’t as anonymous as people think

August 02, 2024 -

In his keynote speech at the recent Bitcoin 2024 conference in Nashville, which he gave from his exile in Russia, he said that most of the transactions made using Bitcoin are fully exposed, even though they are not made public. He said that because all of the transactions that take place on the network are permanent, it is possible for them to be publicly verified.

Moreover, he pointed out that legacy exchanges typically share their users’ information ...

NSA launches AI security center to protect the U.S. from AI-powered cyberattacks

October 04, 2023 -

The NSA noted that the new center signals the government's desire to confront heightened fears that foreign adversaries will strengthen their abilities to crack AI operators' systems, manipulate their models or even steal their intellectual property. (Related: Cybersecurity expert successfully builds PROPAGANDA MACHINE that can mass produce AI-generated DISINFORMATION.)

This comes as the U.S. government increases its use of algorithms and other information technology ...

NSA director says US involved in offensive cyberwar ops against Russia

June 07, 2022 -

Gen. Paul Nakasone told the UK's Sky News: "We've conducted a series of operations across the full spectrum: offensive, defensive, [and] information operations." That includes "offensive hacking operations," he said.

His comments mark the first-ever public acknowledgment of U.S. cyber warfare operations and suggest, as many have suspected for quite some time, that the Pentagon has much deeper involvement in Ukraine, as does the U.S. intelligence community, against Russia ...

NSA spying on Americans with impunity, now targeting Fox News host Tucker Carlson for exposing govt. corruption

July 01, 2021 -

In addition to "Tucker Carlson Tonight," which airs on Fox News's terrestrial station, he also hosts "Tucker Carlson Today" and "Tucker Carlson Originals," the former of which is a long-form interview session with a top newsmaker and the latter of which is an in-depth investigative journalism program offering insights into some of today's most underreported stories.

In sum, Carlson is dominating Fox News because he's effective at exposing the stinking, fetid, corruptive ...

NSA goes to war with FBI over illegal spying on Americans

June 24, 2021 -

This issue underscores the importance of the Fourth Amendment and the dangers of mass surveillance programs being initiated under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). The two biggest violators of the Fourth Amendment are seeing the abuses play out in real time. Some of the agents in the NSA are fighting to preserve American’s rights, as the issue of warrant-less surveillance takes center focus.FBI violates FISA rules, illegally surveils thousands of ...

FASCIST INCEST: Ex-NSA chief joins board of OpenAI to expand tentacles of military-industrial complex

June 18, 2024 -

Before leaving the NSA, Nakasone wrote an op-ed advocating for the renewal of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). That key provision is what the U.S. government uses as an excuse to illegally spy on Americans without a warrant whenever they communicate with non-citizens in a foreign country.

To put it plainly, Nakasone is a nightmare for the Constitution that Trump, in pandering to his followers and worshippers, claims to respect and ...

New FISA bill includes “vast” expansion of surveillance powers, forcing U.S. businesses to “become NSA spies”

April 19, 2024 -

Under the new law, any communications service in the United States could become a pawn of the National Security Agency (NSA), which continues to rapidly expand its national surveillance grid to track everyday Americans.

Section 702 of the FISA renewal bill states that any company hosting any form of communication service, i.e., a business that provides customer Wi-Fi, will be forced to surrender surveillance data to the NSA on demand.

"Buried in ...

This ‘everyone’s a spy’ insanity will lead to a ‘free speech bloodbath’ if the American people let it: ‘terrifying’ new FISA bill will solidify America becoming a full-scale police state

April 18, 2024 -

(Article by Stefan Stanford republished from

Warning within that story that what we were witnessing was a kind of 'Robin Hood effect,' a time when 'outlaws' have more honor than government, and that in such times, paradigms come crashing down, we see more evidence of our public servants in Washington DC quite literally waging war upon the American people in a must read series of tweets from Elizabeth Goitein, Co-director of the left-leaning Liberty ...

Tell your representatives to vote NO on massive expansion of domestic surveillance state – U.S. businesses to be forced to serve as NSA spies

April 15, 2024 -

While everyone has been focused on the Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Gaza wars, the U.S. Congress is actively working towards turning the country into a full-fledge surveillance state.

The legislation in question, which is buried deeply within Section 702 of the reauthorization bill (RISAA) currently before the House, is described as "the biggest expansion of domestic surveillance since the Patriot Act."

Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) called the bill "terrifying," promising ...

After cooperating with Feds at Twitter, Jack Dorsey invokes JFK call to destroy CIA, FBI, NSA

May 26, 2023 -

(Article by Allum Bokhari republished from

“Splinter the CIA, NSA, and FBI into a thousand pieces and scatter them into the winds,” said Dorsey on Twitter, echoing a quote from President John F. Kennedy, who famously called for the CIA to meet the same fate.

As if to underscore the point, Dorsey also tweeted a link to a portrait of JFK.

Splinter the CIA, NSA, and FBI into a thousand pieces and scatter them into the winds. https://t....

SPY GRID: More than 10k federal employees have access to NSA surveillance databases on American citizens, DOJ Inspector General reveals

May 02, 2023 -

That database contains the electronic data on all Americans, including emails, text messages, social media posts, instant messages, direct messages, phone calls, geolocation identifiers, purchases made using electronic funds, banking records, and "any keystroke any American person puts into any electronic device for any reason."

This is a scary list, to be fair. The idea that a government databank holds every single datapoint from every single American is creepy enough, ...

FBI admits collusion with CIA and NSA to spy on Americans

January 13, 2023 -

Revised in 2021 under President Joe Biden's administration, the 906-page rule book authored during the Trump administration included a decade-old leak showcasing the FBI's collusion with the CIA and NSA on probes that involved surveillance without court orders against people not accused of any crimes.

The acronyms CIA and NSA are unredacted in section 20.2 of the rewritten rulebook, while the full details of the section remain hidden from public view....

Trump Derangement Syndrome: Former CIA, NSA director Michael Hayden suggests Trump should be EXECUTED if guilty of ‘espionage’

August 16, 2022 -

In a tweet on Thursday, Michael Beschloss, a historian and contributor on the far-left whack job network MSNBC recalled two Americans who were executed for sharing nuclear secrets with foreign governments.

“Rosenbergs were convicted for giving U.S. nuclear secrets to Moscow, and were executed June 1953,” he said in his tweet, as reports broke that former President Donald Trump is being suspected of having committed violations of the Espionage Act by taking classified ...

NSA planned to hijack Google Play and place spyware on Android phones

May 30, 2015 - NSA planned to hijack Google Play and place spyware on Android phones

Saturday, May 30, 2015 by: Daniel BarkerTags: NSA, Google Play, hacking

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