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IRS contractor sentenced to 5 YEARS IN PRISON for illegally leaking tax records of Trump

January 31, 2024 -

U.S. District Judge Ana Reyes of the D.C. District Court handed down the sentence to Charles Littlejohn, 38, on Jan. 29. He had entered a guilty plea in October, and had appeared before Reyes for his sentencing hearing. Aside from jail time, the federal judge also fined Littlejohn $5,000.

The erstwhile IRS contractor made headlines by leaking Trump's tax records to the New York Times (NYT). The former president wasn't the only one victimized in the scheme, as ...

IRS consultant charged with leaking Trump’s tax returns to media

October 04, 2023 - irst place, which is certainly a point not to be missed in this saga.

The latest news about Trump's run for the presidency in 2024 can be found at

Sources for this article include:

This site is part of the Natural News Network © 2022 All Rights Reserved. Privacy | Terms All content posted on this site is commentary or opinion and is protected under Free Speech. Truth ...

IRS stops processing pandemic-era tax breaks, citing RAMPANT FRAUD

September 22, 2023 - irst place.

Per ZeroHedge, the ERC was put in place during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic to encourage small business to retain their employees on payroll. The program offered a refundable tax credit for businesses that paid employees while being shut down due to lockdowns and other pandemic restrictions. Claimants are required to adhere to the ERC's "precise requirements" before being granted the tax breaks, however.

The IRS has received ...

IRS loading up on .40-caliber submachine guns – WHY?

September 01, 2023 -

For at least the past decade, the IRS has been arming itself to the teeth. At the end of 2017, the IRS had 4,487 firearms and 5,062,006 rounds of ammunition in its weapons cache. One can imagine that six years later, there is a lot more where that came from.

Forbes reported on the IRS' weapons and ammo stockpiling spree on Aug. 8, 2022, noting that fake president Joe Biden's Schumer-Manchin tax bill, more popularly known as the Inflation ...

IRS “Whistleblower X” says he was threatened by agency for bringing Biden family crimes to light

July 23, 2023 -

In his opening statement, Whistleblower X, who described himself as a "gay Democrat," explained that he has been working for the IRS since 2010, this after working as an external auditor at Ernst & Young.

"His IRS career included work on tax and money laundering investigations and as a health care fraud coordinator and a public information officer," reported Townhall. "Subsequently, 'X' became part of the International Tax and Financial Crimes Group based ...

IRS looks the other way while left-wing eco-terrorist groups use fundraising to hire ‘mobs’ to shut down U.S. senators’ events

June 15, 2023 -

As noted by Frontpage Magazine columnist Daniel Greenfield, the tax agency is looking the other way as eco-terrorist groups hire "rent-a-mobs" to shut down certain events they don't like using donated funds.

He writes:

Some leftist groups beat around the bush about what they stand for and what they do.

Not ‘Climate Defiance’ which is running a fundraiser to ‘Make Complicit Climate Cowards’ Lives F____g Miserable’.

The ecoterrorist group which boasts of ...

IRS whistleblower who revealed how DOJ slow-walked Hunter Biden tax probe TESTIFIES before Congress

May 31, 2023 - irst time.

Shapley first took over the high-profile investigation back in January 2020, but immediately noticed how the Justice Department irregularly handled the probe. Every deviation from the normal processes seemed to always benefit the presidential son each and every time. Shapley eventually decided to blow the whistle, having had enough after a heated meeting with federal prosecutors back in October 2022.

"It just got to that point where that ...

IRS, EPA and other non-law enforcement agencies spending BILLIONS on guns and ammo… what are they planning to do?

May 04, 2023 -

Since 2006, a whopping 76 "rank-and-file agencies" that exist outside "traditional law enforcement entities" or the Department of Defense (DOD) have spent an astounding $3.7 billion on "guns, ammunition, and military-style equipment," the report states.

The other non-law enforcement agencies that are doing this include the National Institutes of Health (NIH), formerly headed up by Francis Collins; NASA; and the Small Business Administration (SBA).

While the purchasing ...

IRS looking to hire army of new armed agents spanning all 50 states

May 01, 2023 -

And it's not one that will make Americans feel warm and fuzzy inside.

The Criminal Investigation (CI) division of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has posted job openings for special agents who can carry guns and make arrests in all 50 states. The CI division is responsible for investigating financial crimes, money laundering, tax-related identity theft, and terrorist financing, FOX Business reported this week.

Special agents within the division are authorized ...

IRS hiring spree is biggest expansion of the police state in American history

August 26, 2022 -

(Article by David Harsanyi republished from

The average American has less reason to be concerned about cops with guns—although the IRS is looking for special agents who can “carry a firearm and be willing to use deadly force, if necessary”—than they do bureaucrats armed with pens who are authorized to sift through their lives. If you pay your taxes, you have nothing to worry about, Democrats claim. But most law-abiding citizens know they have ...

IRS whistleblower says Inflation Reduction Act will target middle-income taxpayers

August 19, 2022 -

William Henck, who previously worked as a lawyer for the IRS until 2017, was terminated for allegedly revealing sensitive information to the media about how the IRS failed to identify a multi-billion-dollar corporate tax credit scheme that involved black liquor.

Black liquor is a source of energy from burning pulp byproducts. Gasification of black liquor has the potential to achieve higher overall energy efficiency compared with those of conventional ...

IRS spending millions on weapons, ammunition, gear to weaponize agency against taxpayers

August 19, 2022 -

Earlier this week, our dementia president, Joe Biden, signed a massive new spending bill that is misnamed the "Inflation Reduction Act," which not only raises hundreds of billions in new taxes but it also spends lavishly on "green new deal" priorities while expanding the size and power of the federal government.

Included in that funding: A huge down payment on the hiring of some 87,000 new IRS staff and agents over the next decade as the agency prepares to shake ...

IRS buying up massive amounts of ammunition while Biden regime tries to shut down CIVILIAN ammo supply chain

June 20, 2022 - irst place. That popular saying from Thomas Jefferson about how "the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants" cuts to the heart of the Second Amendment and everything for which it stands.

"We need to start by eliminating the IRS and the central banks / Federal Reserve, and after that the ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms)," wrote someone at The Western Journal.

"The real question is, why ...

IRS denies tax exemption to Texas religious group because prayer supports the Republican party

July 06, 2021 - irst Liberty Institute. The Plano, Texas-based public-interest law firm, which specializes in religious freedom litigation, is appealing Martin's decision on behalf of Christians Engaged.Following the Bible is supporting Republicans

In his letter, Martin stated that the group's activities are meant to teach members on "national issues that are central to their belief in the Bible as the inerrant Word of God."

He specifically pointed out that the group educated ...

IRS colluded with Clinton Foundation to cheat taxpayers out of $2.5 billion

October 13, 2020 -

As revealed on the Thomas Paine Podcast – listen here – a federal judge has pegged the IRS for illicit conduct in sheltering the Clinton Foundation from having to pay as much as $2.5 billion in unpaid federal back taxes.

In what the podcast describes as “a rare overture,” the judge in the case has sided with pro-se litigants and Clinton whistleblowers John Moynihan and Larry Doyle, allowing their case against the Clinton Foundation to proceed. Meanwhile, the ...

IRS evacuates all its offices over coronavirus

March 31, 2020 - irst time that the agency has allowed employees without a telework agreement to work at home. Before this, only those with such an agreement could do so, with the agency leaving it up to supervisors to decide on who could take on such agreements. In addition, the agency also allowed front-line employees to limit in-person contact through April 30.

Despite the order, not all IRS employees will be working at home. Employees who have to come include those ...

IRS gives satanic temple tax-exempt status — but blocked conservative and pro-America groups for years

April 29, 2019 -

(Article by Jim Hoft republished from

For years the IRS blocked tax-exempt status for conservative groups.This directly impacted the 2012 presidential election.

The IRS Conservative Targeting Scandal involved:

Now this…

The IRS gave the Satanic Temple tax-exempt status.

Via Chicks on the Right:

Well guys, the Satanic Temple ...

Your private financial records are not safe with the IRS or any government agency, Trump tax leak reveals

July 18, 2024 -

The 38-year-old pleaded guilty in October to one count of unauthorized disclosures of income tax returns; his plea agreement admitted to stealing not only the returns of Trump but also the tax data of “thousands of the nation’s wealthiest people.” He was also behind the leaks of tax records from Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk to ProPublica. He was sentenced to five years behind bars.

Littlejohn was able to access this information while working for a consulting firm that contracted ...

GOP demands weaponization of IRS to target Palestine freedom activists

May 16, 2024 -

The same Republican politicians who once screamed and howled over the IRS being weaponized by Democrats against conservatives are now doing the exact same thing against the non-profit groups behind the protests.

Fifteen Republican senators have ordered the IRS to investigate whether the non-profit groups identified have in any way violated their tax-exempt status by supporting Hamas, a designated terrorist group.

One of the senators, Republican Joni ...

Despite pledge to audit elites, new 80k+-strong Biden IRS legion targets middle class

April 09, 2024 -

(Article by Ben Bartee republished from

Peruse the following letter, dated August 2022, from the Secretary of Treasury, infamous floppy-titted wildebeest Janet Yellen, to IRS Commissioner Rettig:

These crucial investments have been a focus of the Biden Administration since the President’s first day in office, and I was heartened to see the legislation pass the Senate this weekend.

Notwithstanding the changes that arose ...

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