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New study proves that chlorine dioxide (MMS) blocks SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins from binding with human receptors

September 10, 2021 -

A paper published in the journal Annals of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutics explains how MMS blocks the spike proteins associated with SARS-CoV-2 that are said to bind with human receptors such as Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2), allowing disease to form.

"Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) is a powerful disinfectant that is known to inactivate both viruses and bacteria," the study's abstract reveals.

The stated purpose of the study was to see if chlorine ...

MSN exaggerates MMS risks with false headline but downplays COVID-19 vaccine dangers

April 29, 2021 -

The article reports on Mark Grenon and his sons, Jonathan, Jordan and Joseph, who sold MMS to customers through their Genesis Church II, even after a court ordered that sales be halted. When Jonathan and Jordan Grenon were arrested in July, federal agents raided their home and found 10,000 pounds of sodium chlorite powder and thousands of bottles of MMS.

Meanwhile, Mark and Joseph Grenon are in Colombia, where they were detained this summer. They are ...

Chlorine dioxide proven to kill hospital superbugs, including MRSA

July 26, 2023 - MMS (miracle mineral supplement), as ClO2 is also called, to an MRSA solution for different time periods ranging from 30 seconds all the way to 30 minutes. The lowest concentration was 0.5 ppm for 30 seconds all the way up to 5 ppm for 30 minutes.

In all of the experiments, the ClO2 solution at all concentrations effectively inhibited the growth of MRSA by 99.99 percent.

"In these in vitro experiments, the efficacy of chlorine dioxide against MRSA has been shown ...

BREAKING: U.S. Marshals raid church and arrest sons of Mark Grenon – Genesis 2 Church – in Florida over MMS supplement, violating First Amendment rights of religious expression

July 08, 2020 - MMS, computers and other items, utterly violating the sanctuary status of the Church and committing acts of theft against an active church.

Here's the full interview with Mark Grenon from earlier today:

If a corrupt FDA can initiate such acts of terrorism against a church in Florida, what sort of destructive acts will other churches across the USA face next?

The Genesis 2 Church has a prolific video channel on where you can learn ...

BREAKING: U.S. Marshals raid church and arrest sons of Mark Grenon – Genesis 2 Church – in Florida over MMS supplement, violating First Amendment rights of religious expression

July 08, 2020 - MMS, computers and other items, utterly violating the sanctuary status of the Church and committing acts of theft against an active church.

Here's the full interview with Mark Grenon from earlier today:

If a corrupt FDA can initiate such acts of terrorism against a church in Florida, what sort of destructive acts will other churches across the USA face next?

The Genesis 2 Church has a prolific video channel on where you can learn ...

Red Cross caught giving illegals maps and tips about how to cross southern border undetected

March 15, 2023 - MMS [miracle mineral solution] in treating malaria, even though the safe and natural solution is a powerfully effective remedy that can help save more lives?)American Red Cross sits on board of FEMA's Food and Shelter program, which sends millions of taxpayer dollars to groups promoting illegal immigration

Commenting on the revelations, Arizona Sheriff Mark Lamb told the media that it is interesting which things the Red Cross did not instruct women to bring – things ...

Marien Barrientos tells Kerri Rivera: Chlorine dioxide helps COVID patients heal and recover – Brighteon.TV

June 28, 2022 -

On the June 23 episode of "Champions with Kerri Rivera" on Brighteon.TV, Barrientos told the host that she learned about chlorine dioxide 16 years ago when her mother, who was a heavy smoker, suffered chronic coughing.

Barrientos related that her mother had a chance meeting with Jim Humble, who discovered the benefits of using chlorine dioxide through his master mineral solution (MMS). Humble advised her mother to take a few drops of chlorine dioxide and said that ...

Here’s what you need to know about chlorine dioxide (ClO2), the “universal antidote”

April 21, 2022 - MMS), blocks SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins from binding to receptors such as Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2).

"Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) is a powerful disinfectant that is known to inactivate both viruses and bacteria," that study's abstract explained.

Since the beginning of the plandemic, the corporate-controlled media has attacked ClO2 as "snake oil," even though it helped many to stay healthy and alive rather than die from the Fauci Flu.

The author ...

Mark Grenon continues his healing, preaching missions from Bogota prison – Brighteon.TV

March 03, 2022 -

Locked in La Picota, a penitentiary in Bogota, Colombia, for dubious charges of "conspiring to defraud consumers by manufacturing and distributing a misbranded drug (Miracle Mineral Solution, or MMS)," for almost 20 months now, Grenon still managed to publish three books and continued to preach the Gospel to inmates, guards and whoever cared to listen. (Related: Medical political prisoner Mark Grenon reveals the truth behind chlorine dioxide and COVID-19 – Brighteon....

Antibiotic-resistant genetic material found in biosludge spread on American farms, putting pathogenic genes on our food

January 18, 2022 - MMS – or to dispense a solution of it straight into sewer systems.

"I had elbow bone infection, was swollen badly. Cured it without antibiotics, using MMS and DMSO to penetrate to the bone. Cured in a day," another commenter explained.

"2005 Chinese scientific document as I remember was showing that ClO2 was 5x better in destroying SARS in sewer than usual chlorine pool water treatment. The most potent agent against bacteria and viruses. Forget about ...

Following the herd: Genesis II Church titled Quacks for trying to save lives

December 19, 2021 - MMS

The Grenons and thousands of others call chlorine dioxide a ‘miracle cure’ while the government calls it toxic bleach. They want you to think the Grenons are advising people to guzzle commercial Clorox, which is actually sodium hypochlorite. MMS is chlorine dioxide (ClO2) and has a different mechanism of action on the body.

“Chlorine dioxide has far different mechanisms of action,” explains influencer Jordan Sather, who has written and defended MMS, ...

Chlorine dioxide approved as COVID-19 treatment in Bolivia – BrighteonTV

September 14, 2021 -

Bolivians are now ingesting chlorine dioxide, known by its advocates as Miracle Mineral Solutions, to treat COVID-19. This chemical was approved by the senate as a treatment for the disease that has affected people from around the globe.

In the Bolivian City of Cochabamba, the provincial government has approved its use, and many believe that the substance can help treat COVID. Pharmacies are selling chlorine dioxide and it is made available for the prevention and healing ...

Petition and PRAY for the release of Mark and Joseph Grenon, who were arrested for selling “Miracle Mineral Solution” as a coronavirus cure

August 23, 2020 - MMS, which is legal in Bolivia.

Claiming that MMS has divine healing powers, the Grenons have continued to produce and sell it in violation of the state's orders, for which they now face up to 17 years in prison if convicted of all charges.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says that people who consume MMS end up ingesting bleach, as the concoction supposedly transforms into bleach upon consumption, claims the same FDA that says ...

Better than meds: Study finds cabbage juice contains compounds that promote stomach health and treat peptic ulcers

August 10, 2020 - MMS) stimulates the production of protective mucous. It's also equipped with potent antioxidant abilities that combat tissue-damaging oxidative stress.

According to experts, MMS can support stomach healing after exposure to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs. NSAIDs are also major contributors to peptic ulcers as these medications have been found to damage the stomach lining.

Glutamine, on the other hand, is a natural antacid that is ...

Autism expert Kerri Rivera explains mechanism behind chlorine dioxide

July 05, 2020 - MMS for short.

“I started researching and [found that] it destroys viruses, bacteria, candida, parasites, reduces overall body inflammation, and neutralizes heavy metals, so I’m all in, [because] that’s what autism is,” Rivera said, adding that she then prepared a dose, which she then gave to her son.

What happened next was nothing short of a breakthrough.

“I gave it to my son and on that same first day – I started with a full dose – he said things ...

FDA, FTC hit Alex Jones (InfoWars) with warnings over coronavirus claims related to silver products… is it time to challenge the FDA’s speech tyranny?

April 11, 2020 -

In just the last two days, both InfoWars (Free Speech Systems, LLC) and Genesis II Church of Health and Healing have been hit with strong warning letters that demand they stop making coronavirus treatment claims for their products. In the case of InfoWars, the products are silver-based consumer health products such as toothpaste and mouthwash. For Genesis II Church of Health, the product is "MMS" (chlorine dioxide).

In both cases, the FDA has teamed up with the ...

The ten most dangerous threats to humanity that must be defeated for us to live as free, conscious beings – part two

December 05, 2019 - MMS, ginger herb, essential oils and a long list of natural medicines can very easily defeat superbugs, but those are precisely the medicines which are criminalized, censored or maliciously attacked by the pharma-controlled media. Thus, the next superbug pandemic could quite literally kill billions of people while the cures for the infections are growing at our feet, yet are outlawed by pharma-controlled legislators who function as little more than obedient drug whores ...

Pharma-influenced media repeatedly attacks Miracle Mineral Solution as “toxic bleach” but never mentions how chemotherapy is derived from mustard gas

July 07, 2019 -

Writer Alon Mwesigwa repeatedly insinuates in his article that New Jersey pastor Robert Baldwin is somehow taking advantage of vulnerable Ugandans simply by giving them MMS, an innocuous mineral supplement that, despite being a constant target of the health police, is successfully used by millions of people all around the world.

Many claim that MMS is powerfully effective against not just malaria, but also HIV, AIDS, and even cancer. It's also inexpensive ...

It’s true: Government kidnaps children and separates them from their mothers… learn the truth about “medical kidnapping” and forced vaccinations, chemotherapy

June 29, 2018 - MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement). As we reported at the time, Garland County law enforcement officials determined that the man's possession of MMS warranted a police raid on the home, during which all seven of he and his wife's home-schooled children were taken into custody for no good reason.

For more news on police state abuses like this that typically fly under the radar of the mainstream news outlets, visit whose parents ...

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