Psychiatrist news, articles and information:
 | 7/9/2015 - Claiming that she has wanted to die ever since childhood, a 24-year-old Belgian woman thinks that suicide is the only answer. This summer, she is getting help from her psychiatrist. The suicidal Belgian woman is about to receive, in her mind, the ultimate treatment for her psychological condition.
 | 8/9/2014 - This summer at a hospital in the Philadelphia area, a psychiatric patient drew a handgun and shot his caseworker in the face, killing her. Psychiatrist Lee Silverman ducked behind his desk, grabbed his pistol and emptied the chamber at patient Richard Plotts, striking him several times.
Two other...
 | 8/2/2013 2:49:11 AM - Many vaguely understand that the American Psychiatric Association (APA) keeps making up diseases as they continue developing new issues of their DSM or Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
Recently, a founding father of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), announced...
 | 5/8/2013 - An Oregon psychiatrist who deliberately sabotaged mountain biking trails near his home in Ashland has been sentenced to 30 days in jail and is now prohibited from using National Forest trails for at least two years, according to new reports. In an ironic role reversal, 57-year-old Jackson Tyler Dempsey...
| 5/7/2013 - These days, we are witnessing an acceleration in the use of psychiatry to target Americans, to label them as dangerous, to take away guns they own, to blame gun violence in the US on mentally ill people.
It's a winning strategy, because most Americans don't have a clue about the way psychiatry actually...
 | 3/19/2013 1:39:37 PM - There have been recent calls for a national Mental Health Registry, and then additional calls to link such a registry to gun licensing. In the dreadful wake of Newtown, both the left and the right and the current US federal administration are demanding that we tighten mental health statutes to make...
| 2/24/2013 - Nightmares, out-of-control aggressive behavior, extreme sadness and passivity, confusion, hallucinations, mania, brain damage, suicide, homicide---these are just a few central effects of psychiatric drugs.
Read the staggering statistics reported by Robert Whitaker, the author of Mad in America: "The...
 | 1/21/2013 - Most Americans operate under the assumption that your thoughts are your own private business and that they cannot be used against you to forfeit your rights and freedoms. It's only actions that matter when it comes to being judged, right? Merely thinking something doesn't mean you're going to act on...
 | 1/16/2013 - Almost any profession trading services for money can be loosely compared to prostitution, but the field of psychiatry is especially rich with similarities. Here are five. Can you think of others?
1. Prostitutes are controlled by human trafficking cartels. Psychiatrists are controlled by drug...
 | 1/15/2013 - It's a done deal.
Governor Cuomo, along with Democrat and Republican legislators, is ramming through a bill to restrict gun ownership, re-classify weapons in order to ban them -- and, in a far-reaching move, create psychiatrists as cops who must report patients to law-enforcement, in order to keep...
 | 12/18/2012 - As California continues to drown in red ink, it's worth noting how the state got into such fiscal dire straits in the first place, as a lesson about how not to run a government.
In a move that smacked of blatant political favoritism, one-term Gov. Gray Davis, who nine years ago became the first U.S....
 | 12/13/2012 - The industry of modern psychiatry has officially gone insane. Virtually every emotion experienced by a human being -- sadness, grief, anxiety, frustration, impatience, excitement -- is now being classified as a "mental disorder" demanding chemical treatment (with prescription medications, of course).
| 9/3/2012 - The medical cartel, one of a handful of evolving super-cartels that strive for more power every day, is rife with so much fraud it's astounding. In the psychiatric arena, for example, an open secret has been bleeding out into public consciousness for the past ten years.
 | 8/8/2012 - Newly uncovered documents have revealed that James Holmes, the man who is being accused of murdering 12 people in cold blood and injuring 58 others at a midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises in Aurora, Colorado, on July 20, had apparently been seeing a psychiatrist prior to the tragic massacre....
 | 2/26/2012 - The information in this article comes from my personal experience as a licensed mental health counselor. One of my missions as a member of the mental health underground, a secret society of rogue mental health types, was to infiltrate the massive system created by the managed care industry.
I was...
 | 3/22/2007 - ( Growing public scrutiny over people being drugged for normal behavior in addition increasing international warnings on the deadly side effects of psychiatric drugs has forced one of the leading architects of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), psychiatry's billing...
 | 10/20/2006 - A London psychiatrist is before a medical tribunal facing allegations of breaching Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association guidelines by rushing patients into sex-change operations and suggesting they pay for the surgery by working as escorts.
Russel Reid, who was also accused of...
 | 6/13/2006 - Disease mongering has reached a new level of ridiculousness with the widely-reported announcement that millions of American now have undiagnosed Road Rage Disorder, also sometimes called Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED). Desperate to scrounge up new diseases that can be treated with high-profit...
 | 5/18/2006 - As reveals, in 2005, Massachusetts General Hospital conducted an 8-week trial study that recruited children as young as four years old to be drugged and monitored, including having their blood drawn, to see if their tiny four-year-old bodies would tolerate a powerful psychotropic...
 | 4/10/2006 - In June 2001, a jury in Wyoming determined that the antidepressant drug Paxil caused a man to kill his wife, daughter and granddaughter before killing himself. The jury awarded the surviving family $8 million in damages, according to American Medical Publishing's Prescription Medicines, Side Effects...
| See all 52 psychiatrist feature articles.Concept-related articles:Antidepressants:Prozac:Suicide:Depression:Drugs:Behavior:Man:Reports:Mental:President:House:The brain:Placebo:Mood:Brain:Patients:
Concepts related to Psychiatrist
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