(NaturalNews) "My veterinarian made me do it! I love my veterinarian so much, that I do exactly what he/she tells me to do. I hear all the alternative practitioners warning about the potential side effects and how vaccination is not a simple thing but is a true medical procedure with risks and benefits just like all medical procedures. But I'm scared because I've heard that it can have dangerous, life threatening consequences, not just for my pets but for my kids and me, too. I'm just so afraid not to get those booster shots, that I get the reminders for in the mail, all the time. It seems all we ever get are scare tactics thrown at us if we raise any objections to these vaccines. We're just told about how risky and unconscionable it is to NOT vaccinate. The ultimate blow being when my vet tells me, I won't be able to bring my pet back to the clinic unless I vaccinate and boost regularly. What if I have an emergency, then what?"
Sound familiar? What are we supposed to do in the face of such tactics? For those of us who dare to recommend caution about vaccination, especially annual boosters and/or even the appropriate time an initial puppy or kitten series is administered, you'd think we were turning our backs on mom and her apple pie!
How did this procedure become so embedded as being a good thing in our subconscious minds and consequently, how did we allow this fear programming to work so effectively? It's really easy, as it's been packaged and sold to us, like everything else we buy, and it's one of Madison Avenue's greatest advertising campaigns, ever. That is why people line themselves, their kids, and their pets up to receive them, like cattle.
Dr. Mark Sircus writes passionately, "The
vaccine controversy seems to be a never-ending one. It is obvious from how pediatricians write that they are 100 percent sure that they are absolutely and undeniably right. If one studies the question hard enough it becomes evident that they are terribly wrong. To test that, all you have to do is present some hard evidence to your pediatrician and see how hard he or she hits the ceiling or bounces up against a wall. Confronting an oncologist or a pediatrician with solid information against something they adamantly promote immediately dissolves their smiles and empathetic nods, and they get downright mean. Their dark side surfaces and you can see they are not to be trusted with your children's lives."
We certainly know that this is true of most (but not all) veterinarians, as well. However, having said that, in veterinary medicine as opposed to pediatrics, there has been a universal shift to fewer vaccinations in
pets as advocated by veterinary organizations such as AAHA, AAFP, and U.S. veterinary schools.
It is important to mention that one must be cautious when going to a new veterinarian (especially for an emergency) whose vaccine policy is not known by you. Their belief system can be so profound, that once your pet is taken from your control, you want to be assured that a vaccine is not given automatically. Often times, the first thing a new vet will do with a pet whose vaccination history is unknown is simply vaccinate your sick or injured pet straight away, and you will not learn of this until you see your bill! Make it clear in your chart, that this is not the time to vaccinate your pet, just as it states in the vaccine inserts. Also, make it clear that you do not want topical flea products administered without your permission at this critical time either.
OK, you have researched the risks, your eyes are wide open, now what? Your vet or doctor is either about to vaccinate, or you've made the appointment to do it, or they did it and you just found out they did, and you want to know what you can do NOW to prevent your pet, your child or yourself from having negative reactions!
For most pets, in most states, the rabies vaccine is a legal requirement. Airlines demand it. There is not much you can do about that. There are similar requirements for a variety of
vaccines for children entering school. Or if you have immigrated to the USA from another country, it is now mandated that you must have vaccines for legal purposes, such as green card, etc. (Note: You can request titer blood tests and some doctors and veterinarians are receptive today to this idea.)
Here are some suggestions on how to prevent the potentially deadly adverse effects from injectable vaccines, as well as intra-nasal. Please be aware that vaccine reactions often do not happen immediately. Plan ahead, if you can and be prepared! These precautions can be used for people and pets but do clear their use with your doctor or veterinarian who will, hopefully, be open to alternative treatments. If he or she is not, consider making a switch to someone who is. Remember, your doctor or veterinarian works for you. They are not God! This is a personal service contract, and you have every right to go elsewhere until you find someone whose knowledge and experience is a "fit" with your own.
The following is not intended as medical or veterinary advice but strictly offered for informational purposes:
One hour before vaccination: Take yourself or administer to your child or pet a dose of a powerful Omega 3 supplement, preferably one that is from an alternative source of marine lipids, to fish
oil, such as New Zealand, greenlip mussel oil. This bi-valve mollusk is known to be a rich source of 33 essential fatty acids; 18 of which are Omega 3. The best scenario would be an Omega 3, marine lipid, that is cold-extracted and certified to be free of mercury and pollutants. If the product contains antioxidants with a high ORAC value, and/or is used as its natural preservative, all the better.?Sources for quality greenlip mussel supplements are available online.
Continue with the Omega 3, marine lipid, supplementation regularly to prevent inflammatory flare ups, which may occur at any time.?
Take a dose of additional antioxidants, such as curcumin and quercetin in particular, because they have been found to block the ability of vaccine adjuvants to trigger a long-term immune reaction.
Immediately before vaccination (or as close as possible): Take a calcium supplement. It needs to contact the mucous membranes of the mouth, so hold it under your tongue or give to pets by mouth; even a tiny bit of a calcium tablet will work.
After an injectable vaccination: Apply a cold or ice pack to the injection site. This will inhibit blood flow to the area and keep the vaccine ingredients from spreading into the blood and surrounding tissues. This is especially important for vaccines that contain adjuvants. Take your own pack with you, as the nurse or doctor will look at you as if you are insane, and we want it applied immediately.
Take a dose of homeopathic Thuja Occidentalis 30C, immediately after vaccination (or at least within 2 hours), and then every 12 hours for a total of 3 doses (more is not necessary and may negate the benefits). Homeopathy is able to head off many adverse vaccine effects, including those that may appear months or many years later. Thuja is available at health food stores that carry homeopathic remedies, compounding pharmacies, and several excellent homeopathic sources can be found online.
Additionally, board-certified neurosurgeon, Dr. Russell Blaylock, discussed his list of suggestions on "How to Reduce the Toxic Effects of the Influenza A/H1N1 Vaccine." These excellent suggestions apply to any vaccine, and most could also be used for pets, with dosing based on their weight as a percentage of 150 pounds (the "average human" weight).
Dr. Blaylock recommends, in addition to what is suggested above, the following: Again, Omega 3 marine lipids and high ORAC value antioxidants are critically important, as are the flavonoids-- namely curcumin, quercetin, ferulic acid and ellagic acid, particularly in a mixture-- thought to be excellent choices to prevent vaccine reactions. The curcumin and quercetin in particular have been found to block the ability of the adjuvants to trigger a long-term immune reaction. If you take it an hour before the vaccination, it should help dampen the immune reactions, suggests Dr. Blaylock.
Vitamin E, in a natural form that is high in gamma-E, may help dampen the immune reactions and may also reduce several of the inflammatory cytokines. (Note: Kiwifruit seed oil is an excellent source of all the natural forms of vitamin E and is second only to avocado oil. However, dogs and cats have been discovered to be allergic to avocado and, therefore, avocado oil is not recommended for pets.)
An important ingredient on the list is Vitamin C, at a dose of 1000 mg., taken four times a day between meals. It is a very potent anti-inflammatory and should be taken in a buffered form, not as ascorbic acid, suggests Dr. Blaylock. If your pet experiences diarrhea, cut back on the dose to bowel tolerance or begin at a dose your veterinarian recommends.
Astaxanthin, may be helpful, as it is an anti-inflammatory. According to Dr. Blaylock, fatal reactions to vaccines in aboriginal and African children occurred in those who were deficient in carotinoids, like
astaxanthin. It may be good protection against the toxic effects of vaccines. Likewise, it was found that children who were deficient in zinc had a high mortality rate.
Zinc may be protective against vaccine toxicity. (Do not use zinc mixed with copper, however, as copper is a major trigger of free-radical generation, according to Dr. Blaylock).
Insure that you avoid all immune-stimulating supplements, such as mushroom extracts, whey protein and beta-glucan.
Take a whole food, organic, excipient-free, source of multivitamins and minerals daily; one that does not contain added iron. This multivitamin-mineral suggestion is made in order to ensure that your body, or that of your pet's body, has plenty of B vitamins and selenium. Selenium, according to Dr. Blaylock, is very important for fighting viral infections, and it may reduce the inflammatory response to vaccines.
Magnesium citrate/malate (500 mg. of elemental magnesium) two capsules, three times a day. Check dose with your veterinarian prior to administration. (Note: Magnesium chloride, bath flakes, gels, lotions and oils are excellent topical choices, for people and pets. The bath flakes, however, make the most sense for pets, but various suppliers that offer these products can assist with pet dosages)
Additionally, Vitamin D3 is very important for people, which is the only 'vitamin' the body can manufacture from sunlight (UVB). It is a neural hormone, not really a vitamin, states Dr. Blaylock, and helps if you are over-reacting immunologically, by cooling down the reaction. Similarly, if you are under-reacting, it may help to boost your immune response. In addition, it also protects against microorganism invasion. Vitamin D3 cannot be synthesized by pets; their skin does not make the conversion. A short course of extra Vitamin D3 for pets is generally regarded to be safe, but, because it can be extremely toxic in overdose, use caution and consult with a veterinarian, well-versed in clinical nutrition. This is sage advice before making any changes in your pet's routine. (Note: People and pets from colder climates are particularly deficient in Vitamin D3, so they will almost certainly require supplementation. Simple blood tests will afford accuracy in dosing.)
Dr. Blaylock recommends, that following vaccination, it will help to keep the immune reaction under control if: Children get 5,000 units of Vitamin D3 per day for two weeks after the vaccine and then 2,000 units per day thereafter; Adults get 20,000 units of Vitamin D3 per day, after the vaccine for two weeks, then 10,000 units a day thereafter; And with that, adults should take 500-1000 mg. of calcium per day and children under the age of 12 years should take 250 mg. a day, as Vitamin D3 works more efficiently in the presence of calcium.
Please consult with your own health practitioner before embarking on these or any other changes to your own regime, or that of your children, or your pets. Every individual is unique, and should be treated accordingly by their own medical and/or veterinary practitioner. Medicine for people and/or pets should never be one size fits all!
Do, insure that you avoid all mercury-containing seafood or any other sources of mercury, as this heavy metal is a very powerful inducer of autoimmunity, and is known to make people more susceptible to viral infections. Mercury has been found in many vaccines.
For pets, avoid tuna, salmon, and other predatory, carnivore
fish and fish oils from these sources. One does not know the age of the fish when they are caught and because the older the fish, the more mercury it is likely to contain.
Many, feel comfortable with molecular distillation of fish oils, insofar as they think the heavy metals and toxins have been removed by this high heat, process, but quantum physicians and homeopaths know that the original essence or "memory" of those metals and pollutants, cannot be boiled away and are still "imprinted" in the oily substance that remains. Also, the true value of the marine lipid is lost in this high heat process. The remaining Omega 3 values, for the two that survive, namely EPA and DHA, have been artificially raised in the process. It might be fair to say that the higher mg. values, reported by fish oil supplement makers, are not necessarily better. This is not the way they occur in cold water fish, when they are raw.
There are also provocative ecological and environmental reasons to avoid menhaden fish and krill oil supplements. From a health standpoint alone, if one only considers the exhaust from the fishing boats trolling the waterways, which damages and pollutes the lungs of these small fish, such as smog effects our own, it might be prudent to not ingest these fish or their oil, as well.
Be sure, at all costs, to avoid those oils that significantly suppress immunity and increase inflammation - such as corn, safflower, sunflower, soybean, canola and peanut oils. These oils are extremely high in omega 6 and are, therefore, pro-inflammatory.
Drink very concentrated white tea at least four times a day. In fact, all tea is antioxidant-- green, black, and red. Tea helps to prevent abnormal immune reactions. (but do not offer this to your pets! It would be way too stimulating for them. Although, Chamomile , when diluted, is enjoyed by some cats.
Do consider mixing some organic parsley and celery in a blender with a little purified water, blend, strain, and drink 8 ounces of this mixture twice a day. Dr. Blaylock suggests that parsley is very high in a flavonoid called apigenin and that celery is high in luteolin. Both are very potent in inhibiting autoimmune diseases, particularly the apigenin, so go ahead and plant some parsley in your garden now and grow some organic catnip for your indoor cats. You might even try wheat or barley grass for your indoor cats and dogs, too!
Do keep a positive mind set about the informed choices you make for yourself, your children, and your pets.
About the author:Celeste Yarnall, is an author/blogger and holistic heath care advocate for both people and pets and specializes in anti-aging modalities. She is the author of 4 books on holistic health care for dogs and cats. Her latest book is entitled, The Complete Guide to Holistic Cat Care, an illustrated guide, co-authored with Jean Hofve, DVM. Holistic Cat Care is the first anti-aging book written for pets and won the 2010 CWA Muse Medallion Award. Celeste and her husband Nazim Artist have created the Art of Wellness Collection, which combines various holistic modalities and life coaching services for people and pets with fine art, which includes an all natural glaze on Nazim?s paintings that cleans the air of mold, fungus, bacteria and odors. They live and work in Los Angeles, CA with their 3 Tonkinese Cats.
Celeste can be reached through her website, She can be followed at her Art of Wellness Collection blog at