Kale news, articles and information:
 | 2/12/2016 - McDonald's has jumped onto the superfood bandwagon, and has added healthy and popular vegetable kale into some of its menu items. The move comes as part of an attempt to reinvent the McDonald's image – but some health experts are saying that the new nutrient-enhanced meals are actually on the...
 | 1/23/2016 - On January 17, Michael Ruhlman published an article in The Washington Post, where he attempted to demonstrate the ignorance of American consumers in regard to nutritional matters and healthy eating. The hook for his shabby argument was, as the title suggested, that no food, not even kale, is healthy.
 | 6/8/2015 - When you hear about collard greens, you might instantly think of Southern soul food, and it is true that collard greens have been a staple of the Southern diet for many generations. Used in side dishes, soups, stews, and sauteed with onions and rich (and genuine) butter, recipes starring this savory...
 | 5/13/2015 - Not too long ago, McDonald's ran a commercial showing a close-up of a burger while the voiceover declared, "This is not Greek yogurt, nor will that ever be kale." The ad mocked those who enjoy a healthy lifestyle; such people were told to "avert their eyes" from the burger. "You can't get juiciness...
 | 5/7/2015 - Kale has become increasingly popular in recent times as more people not only discover its delicious flavor but also learn more about the many health benefits it can bring. And more evidence shows that one of these benefits is a reduced risk of cancer development.
Cancer remains a serious threat to...
 | 12/17/2014 - One of the most powerful life-giving substances on the planet is chlorophyll. This is the pigment that gives green foods their color. Chlorophyll is the major player in the photosynthetic process which allows plants to obtain energy from light by converting the sun's rays into chemical energy. Dark...
 | 12/1/2014 - Whenever you are asked that question and begin to have any doubts, it's time to take a closer look at protein profiles from raw vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds and eggs as compared to common meats like hamburger, chicken, steak, lamb, turkey, pork, fish and shrimp.
Start with kale, spinach, Brussels...
 | 11/16/2013 - The health benefits of kale have been getting more and more attention as of late, especially due to the interest in kale chips as being a healthy snack. However, beyond just improving your general health, it can also improve your sex life, and it does so in a few different ways.
Kale is a superfood...
 | 11/7/2013 - Kale is a form of wild cabbage with purple or green leaves and was one of the commonest green vegetables in Europe until the latter part of the Middle Ages. It grows well into winter, and some growers even claim that it tastes sweeter when subjected to frost. Cooked kale is a popular addition to potato...
 | 9/4/2013 - There is a great deal to be said for kale. Kale is recognized as one of the most nutrient rich foods on the planet. The benefits of kale are multitudinous; it possesses antioxidant properties and beneficial phytochemicals and also serves as an anti-inflammatory agent. When consumed on a regular basis,...
 | 8/25/2013 - Lutein and Zeaxanthin are a group of carotenoids that are responsible for giving plants their yellow and red-orange pigment. In humans, the two substances play important roles in vision, eye pigmentation, and may even help prevent atherosclerosis and cancer, according to some studies.
 | 8/3/2013 - Kale is actually an earlier form of the cruciferous cabbage family. In addition to its high level of nutrients, now its carotenoid content is associated with mood elevation.
Actually, Mother Jones health editor Tom Philpott reported on a late 2012 Harvard study that associated high carotenoid consumption...
 | 7/24/2012 - Snacking is often associated with unhealthy foods. The easiest foods to snack on are those that come out of a bag or box, and most foods that come prepackaged are heavily processed and full of unhealthy additives.
There are some foods that are easy to prepare, delicious to eat, and have significant...
 | 5/27/2012 - While there's no official definition of the term superfood, the generally implied idea is a fruit or vegetable that is particularly nutritious and beneficial to your overall health and wellness, with high phytonutrient content. By that definition, kale should have a spot in the top ten. If you want...
| 7/30/2010 - Foods that have an incredible array of health benefits that go well beyond just their nutrient value are considered `super-foods.` Kale is widely regarded as one of the world's most powerful superfoods. It is a member of the Brassica family of vegetables that includes cabbage, collards, and Brussels...
Concept-related articles:Cancer:Broccoli:Cauliflower:Vegetables:Cancer research:Diet:Sprouts:Cancers:Cabbage:Health:Cruciferous vegetables:Proteins:Research:Recipes:Recipe:Salad:
Concepts related to Kale
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TV.NaturalNews.com is
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CounterThink Cartoons are
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The Consumer Wellness Center is
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help children and expectant mothers around the world.
Food Investigations is
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in the food supply.
Webseed.com offers
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The Honest Food Guide is
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truth about what foods we should really be eating.
HealingFoodReference.com offers
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medicines that prevent or treat diseases and health conditions.
HerbReference.com is
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foods) and their health benefits. Lists diseases, foods, herbs and more.