Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Gates Foundation introduces trendy new bracelets as ridiculous marketing ploy to push more vaccines

By Ethan A. Huff, October 17 2013
(NaturalNews) In an effort to make getting vaccinated seem more hip to people living in developing countries, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has reportedly funneled $100,000 into a new campaign that uses small rubber bracelets as a ploy to increase vaccination rates. As reported by, the pink and blue silicon bracelets have been trendily designed to remind children and their parents when it is time to get vaccinated, using a cheap fashion icon as a tool of persuasion. Created...

Vitamin C proven to cure over 30 major diseases

By Jonathan Landsman, October 17 2013
(NaturalNews) Over 75 years of medical research and clinical practice reveals, overwhelmingly, that vitamin C has the power to ignite the 'self-healing response'. I know what you're thinking - if vitamin C is so good for us - why haven't you been told about this curative nutrient? Well, the answer will soon become painfully obvious. Medical students receive little nutritional training - only 2 hours in 4 years! Vitamin C therapy for a host of chronic diseases has been systematically ignored by...

Anthocyanin-rich foods you should be eating

By Sandeep Godiyal, October 17 2013
(NaturalNews) Anthocyanin is a plant compound that acts as an effective antioxidant within the human body. It is also a color pigment that gives many fruits and berries a blue, red or dark purple hue and is found in a wide assortment of healthy foods. Several foods that contain anthocyanins are listed below. EggplantThe eggplant has been known to be referred to as "brain food," and anthocyanin actually plays a part in this, because the compound helps protect the fats (lipids) found in brain cell...

Half of all Americans on disability aren't really disabled; The system is 'gamed'

By Jonathan Benson, October 17 2013
(NaturalNews) Proponents of the massive American welfare state insist that, without the availability of gratuitous government assistant programs, potentially millions of low-income or injured people would go hungry or end up homeless. But a recent investigation by CBS News' 60 Minutes reveals that many of the people on government assistant programs are neither impoverished nor disabled, and that the system is being fraudulently "gamed" at the taxpayers' expense. Entitled "Disability, USA," the...

Five great weight loss foods

By Yanjun, October 17 2013
(NaturalNews) While diets can't be perfect, it is still possible to lose weight by eating the right kinds of foods. A combination of good foods can actually be the key to losing stubborn excess weight quickly and naturally. Weight Loss Foods It would be wise to consider incorporating the following foods into a weight loss diet regimen.

1. Pistachios

Meat consumption is often decreased in weight loss diets. To substitute for protein and fats, dieters can replace meat with healthier nuts...

Mexico City moves to decriminalize marijuana

By PF Louis, October 17 2013
(NaturalNews) Irony of ironies. In the late 1930s, former prohibition bureaucrat Henry J. Anslinger took over the newly formed Bureau of Narcotics in Washington, DC, to create the case against cannabis and hemp. Only he constantly and zealously used the Mexican slang term "marijuana" for his fear mongering lies instead of "hemp" or "cannabis," which was commonly prescribed medicinally by American Medical Association (AMA) doctors. This enabled him to push through the Marijuana Tax Act after...

Woman overcomes arthritis with raw foods, is no longer trapped in a system of medications

By Antonia, October 17 2013
(NaturalNews) Kes Cardoso used to have debilitating arthritis that rendered her unable to go outside, especially if it was raining. These days, she starts her mornings with a run. Cardoso says, "I can't wait to leave the house and jog." She hardly believes she can finally utter such words. In 2011, she relied on pain killers and sleep medications to manage her arthritis. Doctor visits were routine and often involved steroid injections to help control her knee pain, a lifestyle that led to frustrations...

Forget your meds? Statin drugs found to cause memory impairment

By Ethan A. Huff, October 17 2013
(NaturalNews) If you take statin drugs for high cholesterol and suffer from frequent forgetfulness or amnesia, you could be a victim of statin-induced memory impairment. New research published in the open-access journal PLOS One reveals that pravastatin (Pravachol), a common statin drug used to reduce levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in the blood, impairs cognitive ability and memory recognition. Researchers from the University of Bristol in the UK tested the effects of both...

Five warning signs of dementia

By Yanjun, October 17 2013
(NaturalNews) Changes in an individual's walking, chewing, sleeping and how they feel can be early indications of dementia. Dementia is the ongoing loss of cognitive skills due to brain cells being destroyed. Symptoms include memory loss, changes in personality, personal hygiene neglect and trouble socializing. The most common cause is Alzheimer's, but a stroke, Parkinson's, substance abuse, severe head injuries or other health related conditions can also trigger dementia. Long before the obvious...

President of Ecuador says Obama rhetoric sounds a lot like Nazi Germany

By J. D. Heyes, October 17 2013
(NaturalNews) The way President Obama says that "America is exceptional" strikes Ecuador's president as, well, just a little too spooky for his liking. In a wide-ranging interview with RT Spanish, President Rafael Correa said that's the way Hitler and his Nazi regime spoke about Germany "before and during World War II." When Obama recently said the U.S. was "exceptional" because America stands up not only for its own "narrow self-interest, but for the interests of all," Correa said, "Does not...

NSA chief admits counterterrorism successes were vastly exaggerated to sell 'benefits' of spying on Americans

By J. D. Heyes, October 17 2013
(NaturalNews) It was a startling admission that in another era would have sent shockwaves through the nation's capital and caused heads to roll, arrest warrants to be issued and been the subject of countless news broadcasts for days. Earlier this month, the head of the National Security Agency admitted to lawmakers that officials have put out figures vastly overstating the number of counterterrorism successes linked to the government's warrantless bulk collection of Americans' phone records, putting...

Easy back exercises you can do on the job or in your dorm room

By Sarka-Jonae Miller, October 17 2013
(NaturalNews) Whether you're a student on your way to entering the real world or you're already a working stiff, you probably have a hard time fitting exercising into your schedule. If you're like most people, you also sit most of the day with poor posture, which leads to weak back muscles and, eventually, injuries. Around four in five people experience back pain at some time during their lives, and many of those end up missing work, school or social activities while healing up. Save yourself future...

Physicists invent real light saber, just like the ones used in Star Wars

By J. D. Heyes, October 17 2013
(NaturalNews) Since its debut in 1977, George Lucas' Star Wars series has been as visionary as it has been successful. One of the most memorable of the movie's technological creations is the "light saber," which characters Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader used to battle enemies and each other. Now, apparently, that technological marvel is close to reality, albeit accidentally, thanks to American physicists. Per the Guardian newspaper: Wannabe Jedi Knights rejoice, for scientists have discovered...

Article updated with new message from the Health Ranger

By Mike Adams, October 16 2013
(NaturalNews) The article which originally appeared here has been removed because it is no longer aligned with the science-based investigative mission of Natural News. In late 2013 / early 2014, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of Natural News, transitioned from outspoken activist to environmental scientist. He now runs the Natural News Forensic Food Lab, conducting world-class food science research and publishing scientific papers on food contaminants and nutritional analytics. Through...

Sickening, pathetic Walmart says allowing mass theft and hoarding by EBT cardholders was 'the right thing to do'

By Mike Adams, October 16 2013
(NaturalNews) It is the ultimate example of sickening, pathetic political correctness. In the aftermath of the EBT cardholder ransacking of Walmart stores in Louisiana last Saturday, where the stores shelves were wiped clean in a food stamp "rampage" that cost the retailer untold thousands of dollars, "shoppers left with up to eight carts of food and then went back for more," reports ABC News. Effectively, EBT cardholders transformed into "spontaneous hoarders" who monopolized the entire supply...

Mainstream media turns on Obamacare, liberals suddenly screaming mad about rate shock, disaster

By Mike Adams, October 16 2013
(NaturalNews) The mainstream media loves Obamacare. They love it so much that when the disastrous launch of the system was evident to anyone with an IQ above room temperature, the media tried to cover it up for over a week, repeating the ridiculous White House spin that claimed the site was only crashing "because it was so popular." (Yes, people who call themselves "journalists" actually bought into this hoax.) When that excuse crashed and burned, the media tried to say the glitches...

Black women targeted with eugenics drug, a deadly carcinogen offered as a 'contraceptive'

By Ethan A. Huff, October 16 2013
(NaturalNews) It has been on the U.S. drug market since the early 1990s, and population control organizations like Planned Parenthood continue to push it heavily on black women and other ethnic minorities as a form of contraception. But the injectable contraceptive drug Depo-Provera, manufactured by Pfizer, has an extensive track record of causing serious harm to women, including its tendency to trigger the development of cancer. Most people are unaware of this and many of the other long-term...

Five year update on the guy who cured his stage IV prostate cancer with baking soda

By Paul Fassa, October 16 2013
(NaturalNews) The guy is Vernon Johnston, and his story was first reported as a Natural News citizen journalism article in 2009. That was around one year after being informed he was cancer-free from stage IV prostate cancer that had metastasized into the bone matter of his pelvic area in June of 2008. Now here it is, over five years later, and apparently Vernon's still going strong, according to his website reports, videos and announcements. The last known blog posting from Vernon was in August...

How Big Pharma hides vaccine dangers from parents

By Jonathan Benson, October 16 2013
(NaturalNews) Vaccine advocates are notorious for making lofty and outrageous claims about the "proven" safety of vaccines, which they say is reinforced by an extensive track record of rigorous safety testing. But the truth of the matter is that the vaccine industry has taken great pains to make sure that only favorable, pre-determined studies conducted using compromised research criteria make it for public consumption, a massive industry sleight of hand that continues to shroud the truth about vaccines...

'Captain Phillips' movie starring Tom Hanks is a total lie, say crew members

By PF Louis, October 16 2013
(NaturalNews) The mainstream media and cinema have ways of making real life heroes out of those who never really were heroes in real life. A current example is a movie getting rave reviews, Captain Phillips, in which Tom Hanks portrays real life Captain Richard Philips as dedicated, calm and courageous during a hijacking by Somalian pirates in dangerous waters off the coast of Somalia in 2009. Captain Phillips' real life charge, container cargo ship Maersk Alabama, was the first USA cargo ship...

California Costco recalls 40,000 pounds of salmonella-contaminated cooked chicken products

By Bri Jackson, October 16 2013
(NaturalNews) A San Francisco Costco store has recalled 40,000 pounds of cooked rotisserie chicken products due to confirmed Salmonella Heidelberg contamination. Salmonella Heidelberg is an antibiotic-resistant strain that poses a life-threatening risk to those with weakened immune systems, including the elderly, kids and people with cancer or HIV. At least one cooked rotisserie chicken tested positive for the salmonella bacteria, leading the store to issue a recall for 8,730 rotisserie chickens...

A government that sends riot police to block veterans from visiting a war memorial is an illegitimate, immoral government

By J. D. Heyes, October 16 2013
(NaturalNews) The president of the United States has his priorities mixed up. And what's more, he ought to be ashamed of himself. That isn't a Democrat or Republican criticism. It is a statement of fact regarding any American president who would allow illegal aliens the "right" to protest on a taxpayer-bought-and-paid-for National Mall he ordered closed to American citizens - who also happen to be veterans of World War II - at the risk of being arrested by uniformed Secret Service officers in...

Resveratrol lowers caloric intake to aid weight management and extend natural lifespan

By John Phillip, October 16 2013
(NaturalNews) Nutritional researchers are continually examining naturally occurring compounds to determine their potential impact on human health. A number of nutrients have been found to provide critical antioxidant and anti-inflammatory support for cellular metabolism and lower disease risk for most chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer and dementia. Resveratrol sits high atop a short list of protective chemicals, as it has repeatedly demonstrated superior effectiveness...

Could your gluten intolerance be the result of a mineral deficiency?

By Ethan A. Huff, September 30 2013
(NaturalNews) If you are one of the millions of Americans who suffers from either gluten intolerance or gluten sensitivity, it may be that you are actually deficient in certain trace minerals rather than allergic to wheat. A growing number of doctors with an understanding of the fact that many of today's foods are lacking in vital nutrients are discovering that their gluten-averting patients experience dramatic health improvements when they get their mineral levels back up to par. One such mineral...

Study shows that walking can lower breast cancer risk in women by at least 14 percent

By John Phillip, October 16 2013
(NaturalNews) As the incidence of breast cancer in American women continues to escalate at an unacceptable rate, millions of unsuspecting individuals remain fully unaware that they are able to dramatically mitigate the risk of this devastating illness by making any number of small lifestyle changes that could potentially save them from an early demise. The American Cancer Society provides statistics that show more than a quarter of a million women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year, and...

Prescription drugs showing up in drinking water along East Coast of USA

By J. D. Heyes, October 16 2013
(NaturalNews) While their amounts might seem miniscule, the effects of drugs, chemicals and other undesirable elements that you drink every day when you grab a glass of tap water can take their toll over time. That's according to several experts who have addressed the issue of pollutants in our ground water for decades. One of the latest to do so was Dr. Jim Erban, director of the Tufts Cancer Center. According to a recent story in WickedLocal, a Cape Cod-area newspaper: Tired of hearing about...

Spice for life - Health benefits of cinnamon

By Yanjun, October 16 2013
(NaturalNews) Cinnamon has so many uses. For most people, it's a condiment for milk or oatmeal or is used in potpourri. The best thing about cinnamon is that it's easily available everywhere. Do you know that cinnamon has numerous health benefits? Do you know where it comes from? Considering their health benefits, some might think it comes straight from heaven! Cinnamon is actually a bark of a specific type of tree that belongs to one family of trees. So, there's no such thing as plain cinnamon,...

Healthy food and drink choices that can treat, cure type-2 diabetes

By Jonathan Benson, October 16 2013
(NaturalNews) The average diabetic is more than likely used to hearing all about the types of things he or she should not be eating and drinking. But how often are diabetics advised about what they can, and should, be eating and drinking, particularly as these foods pertain to treating and even reversing diabetes? There are a number of foods and beverages that can actually help cure type-2 diabetes, if only the mainstream medical system understood and was willing to share this critical knowledge...

Exercise found to treat chronic disease conditions better than drugs, with no toxicity

By J. D. Heyes, October 16 2013
(NaturalNews) Readers of our site have no doubt heard for years that regular exercise leads to healthier minds and bodies, but new research indicates that physical exercise on a routine basis is just as effective as prescription medications in treating chronic, sometimes deadly, diseases - and without all of the associated drug toxicities. According to a study published recently in the British Medical Journal, scientists from the London School of Economics, Harvard Medical School and Stanford...

Surprising facts about carrots

By Sandeep Godiyal, October 16 2013
(NaturalNews) Daucus carota subsp. sativus, commonly known as the carrot, is a vegetable that is naturally healthy, sweet and delicious. These taproots are filled with a lot of compounds that are good for the health, such as antioxidants, vitamin A, minerals and beta-carotenes. These crunchy roots are a common favorite among a lot of people who love vegetables. Carrots are cultivated all over the world for their taproots. The plant is known to be biennial in nature and starts bearing flowers once...

The missing diet soda case

By S. D. Wells, October 16 2013
(NaturalNews) The other day, I was standing in line at the grocery store behind a woman who stacked up three 12-packs of diet soda on the conveyor belt, including Dr. Pepper, Diet Pepsi and one other brand. I bet you money that, if you hid this woman's soda from her after she got home, she would have a panic attack and have to run back out to the store immediately to restock. She could be drinking up to four or five a day, as most people believe this is okay; in fact, some are brainwashed to believe...

Food security for your family has never been more affordable: Non-hybrid seed vaults now available at Natural News

By Mike Adams, October 15 2013
(NaturalNews) The crash of the EBT food stamp system on Saturday got a lot of people thinking about food security. How will you supplement your food supply when the unexpected occurs? A power grid failure, government financial default, social chaos or even a natural disaster could cause you to be cut off from grocery stores. Storing food for emergencies is a smart solution, but it's only a temporary solution. Sooner or later, your stored food will run out and you'll need to GROW your food to survive...

Worse than EBT food stamp system crash is inevitable; here's why

By Mike Adams, October 15 2013
(NaturalNews) Thank you to all those who shared and supported our feature article from yesterday about the EBT card recipient ransacking of Wal-Mart stores in Louisiana. With stories like that, Natural News has gained a reputation for stating things that everyone is thinking but few have the courage to print. I also want to thank James Wesley Rawles over at for his important comment on the story, where he stated, "Keep in mind: A nationwide grid power failure would also mean a...

Call for Obama to fire Sebelius over 'disastrous' Obamacare rollout

By J. D. Heyes, October 15 2013
(NaturalNews) Despite the fact that her department had years to prepare for the official roll-out of Obamacare, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius blew it - big time. And yet, there has been stony silence from the White House - where Sebelius' boss resides - over the manner in which she botched her job. Because of the huge implications that a negative roll-out would mean for President Obama's signature legislative accomplishment, Sebelius should have been camped out in the...

How governments crush academic dissent on topics like GMOs, pesticides and toxicity of chemicals

By J. D. Heyes, October 15 2013
(NaturalNews) With increasing frequency, legitimate scientific data is being squelched in favor of junk science created out of whole cloth by co-opted "researchers" who have become addicted to corporate and government money - funding that always comes with a predetermined set of "conclusions" that said researchers must agree with in order to continue on the dole. That's unfortunate, because not only do such antics tarnish the field of science, but they also deny the general public access to important...

After years of suppression, scientists finally admit copper destroys norovirus (and so does silver)

By Rebecca Winters, October 15 2013
(NaturalNews) The highly infectious norovirus, or stomach flu bug, causes a very common illness, affecting hundreds of millions of people who come into contact with it through contaminated food, water, surfaces or other people every year. Now, scientists have discovered that copper and its more than 300 different alloys don't just fight norovirus - copper destroys it. Simulating contamination via touch, researchers found that norovirus could not survive on any dry surface containing more than...

Sea cucumber extract kills 95 percent of breast cancer cells and shrinks lung tumors

By Ethan Evers, October 15 2013
(NaturalNews) A new study has shown that sea cucumber extract kills up to 95 percent of breast cancer cells, 90 percent of melanoma cells, 95 percent of liver cancer cells and 88 percent of lung cancer cells in vitro. The extract also stimulates the immune system against cancer and impedes key processes required for metastasis. While the science behind this is very new to Western medicine, the sea cucumber has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries. Sea cucumber extracts potently kill multiple...

Missing patient found dead in hospital stairwell two weeks later

By PF Louis, October 15 2013
(NaturalNews) By now, the news of that woman found dead in a San Francisco hospital stairwell after being missing for two weeks has had its day and maybe even worn out its news "legs." But the questions raised have legs of their own. The questions concerning how it happened open a can of worms regarding hospital care issues that may make you think twice before checking into any hospital. The San Francisco General Hospital incidentJust in case you missed it, here's a summary of that incident...

Medical licenses no longer required to perform abortions in California

By Jonathan Benson, October 15 2013
(NaturalNews) In-the-womb infanticide just got a whole lot easier in California, where Governor Jerry Brown recently signed into law Assembly Bill No. 154, an amendment to the state's Health and Safety Code that allows unlicensed clinicians to perform abortions. According to KCRA 3 News in Sacramento, AB 154 will allow physician assistants, nurse practitioners and nurse midwives, none of whom have been trained according to licensed standards, to murder unborn babies during the first trimester at...

Milk myths and facts: Some food for thought

By Nanditha Ram, October 15 2013
(NaturalNews) If you want to increase your calcium intake, then drink milk. If you want to prevent osteoporosis and reduce the risk of fractures, then drink milk. Right? Research is telling us that we couldn't be more wrong. Milk is mostly hype and hardly healthy. At least, not the milk we drink today, which is vastly different from what our ancestors used to drink. Time was when waking up to a glass of milk or drinking some before bed time was considered a healthy habit. That rule no longer holds...

Scientists go to war with each other over toxicity of BPA

By Ethan A. Huff, October 15 2013
(NaturalNews) Now that the truth about the toxicity of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) like bisphenol-A (BPA) is finally gaining real traction in mainstream scientific circles, scientists partial to the chemical industry are starting to lash out more aggressively against proposals to better regulate these ubiquitous poisons, not to mention against those making such proposals. And among those who support such regulatory reform are the more honest and progressive segments of the scientific community...

Top inflammatory foods to avoid eating

By Sandeep Godiyal, October 15 2013
(NaturalNews) When it comes to health, preventing disease is far better than treating it. Recent research confirms that inflammation is a leading cause of illness and disease in adults. Experts now agree that eliminating or limiting exposure to the following seven foods can decrease inflammation and lead to better health. Banish the sweet toothThe obvious problem with eating too many sugary foods is weight gain. Bad enough as this is, excess sugar also leads to a variety of other health issues...

Mangosteen's phytochemical components

By Willow Tohi, October 15 2013
(NaturalNews) Indonesia's "Queen of Fruits," Garcinia mangostana L., or purple mangosteen, is a popular superfood both in its natural form and as a botanical dietary supplement. The fruit of a tropical evergreen tree, mangosteen is about the size of a tangerine with white flesh that is sweet, tangy, and slightly fibrous like a peach, and highly perishable. The dark reddish-purple rind is hard, so it is usually not eaten but it does have several healthful constituents, which are extracted and included...

Reiki: A natural approach that supports healing

By Dawn Fleming, October 15 2013
(NaturalNews) What is the mysterious energy technique called Reiki? Oprah and Dr. Oz both have raved about the benefits of receiving a Reiki treatment. Reiki can accelerate the healing process of the body, mind and emotions. Reiki helps to release stress and creates balance. Maybe you just feel tired and rundown, but your blood counts all indicate that you are healthy, or, emotionally, you feel stuck in a rut, going nowhere. Reiki helps to restore the energy that supports your health and well-being...

Research shows marijuana can be effectively used to treat multiple sclerosis

By Jonathan Benson, October 15 2013
(NaturalNews) Israeli researchers have once again confirmed the healing potential of marijuana (cannabis), a natural, medicinal plant loaded with dozens of disease-fighting cannabinoids and other beneficial compounds. A recent announcement by American Friends of Tel Aviv University (AFTAU) explains the findings of a new study published in the Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology (JNP), which demonstrates the ability of marijuana to fight multiple sclerosis (MS) without triggering harmful side effects...

Five great ways to fortify energy supply to your body

By Yanjun, October 15 2013
(NaturalNews) Most people today lead busy lives and often require quick energy fixes to fight off fatigue during the day. Energy drinks and bars can bring temporary relief. Experts, however, have raised concerns about the harmful food chemicals, such as caffeine, sugar, and other stimulants, that they contain. Harmful Chemicals Crash the BodyThere are energy drinks in the past that have been associated with adverse effects. Recent analysis has shown that fatigue slows down the immune system, making...

Researchers say marital satisfaction is based on this specific gene: Are you a victim of bad relationship genetics?

By Mike Bundrant, October 15 2013
(NaturalNews) As the trend to attribute everything to physiology and genetics rages on, researchers from UC Berkeley and Northwestern University claim that genes are what determine satisfaction in your marriage. Specifically, the 5-HTTLPR gene, which you received from both parents, is said to be the cause of marital bliss or discord. Scientists studied 156 couples over a 13-year period and surveyed them to assess how happy their marriage was. Study participants with two short 5-HTTLPR alleles...

FDA finally joins ban of three arsenic drugs used in poultry and pigs

By Ethan A. Huff, October 15 2013
(NaturalNews) After years of careless neglect that prompted threats of a lawsuit by environmental and human rights advocacy groups, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has reluctantly agreed to nullify approval for three of the four arsenical drugs currently being used in conventional animal feed. But The New York Times (NYT) reports that the agency ultimately decided to withdraw approval for the drugs, not out of a concern for public safety, but because of a petition by the drugs' manufacturers...

Why did the FDA ever allow toxic arsenic to be fed to chickens in the first place?

By Jonathan Benson, October 14 2013
(NaturalNews) All this talk lately about the withdrawal of some arsenic drugs from the lineup of conventional animal feed additives has made quite an impression on the conscious public. It might seem, upon first glance, that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is finally inching towards common sense rather than business as usual by ordering that these harmful chemicals be removed or that industrial farms are starting to clean up their acts and employ more sustainable animal-rearing methods...

Doctors and patients lose trust as drug companies are fined over $11 billion for criminal wrongdoing

By Sue Woledge, October 14 2013
(NaturalNews) Pharmaceutical companies have racked up over $11 billion in fines over the last three years for many cases of criminal misconduct. Twenty-six pharmaceutical companies around the world, including eight of the ten largest companies, have been charged and fined for various criminal behaviors, including withholding safety data for new drug approval applications and promoting drug uses beyond the conditions they have been approved to treat. According to two papers published in the New...

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