Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Measles fear mongering by mainstream media reaches absurd level

By Ethan A. Huff, February 12 2015
(NaturalNews) The corporate media machine is really showing its true (malevolent) colors with this latest measles outbreak delirium, openly announcing to the world that it hates personal freedom and individual choice, and would like for nothing more than federal and state governments to start rounding up and punishing those who choose not to vaccinate as if they're terrorists. Headlines and op-ed rants are replete with calls for "anti-vaxxers" to be prosecuted, thrown in prison, have their children...

Three proven ways to lose that stubborn belly fat

By Michael Ravensthorpe, January 29 2015
(NaturalNews) Everyone knows that being overweight can increase our risk of serious health problems. However, most people don't realize that not all fat distribution is equal. Accumulating fat under our arms and thighs, for instance, is more of a cosmetic concern than a cause for significant medical alarm. Yes, we are better off without it and should endeavor to remove it, but fat in these areas is more likely to make us feel bloated rather than send us to the emergency room in the immediate future...

Scientists set Doomsday Clock to three minutes to midnight amid fears of global nuclear war

By J. D. Heyes, February 12 2015
(NaturalNews) The end of the world has not yet arrived -- an obvious statement driven home by the fact that you're currently alive and well and reading this article (for which I and Natural News are eternally grateful). But we're getting close to that moment. Dangerously close. Two minutes closer, to be precise. That's according to the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists' "Doomsday Clock," which was reset recently by the magazine's staff in response to what they perceive as worsening socioeconomic...

Super-rich elites fly hundreds of private jets to Davos economic forum where 'global warming' was a topic

By J. D. Heyes, February 12 2015
(NaturalNews) If there is one thing that you can count on when you combine a global meeting of the world's uber-rich and the subject of "global warming," it is hypocrisy. Because only an elitist billionaire who lives in a bubble would take a private jet to a meeting where he and scores of other billionaires admonish the rest of humanity for flying in jets (even jets they share with dozens of other passengers -- a much more efficient way to fly). But that's what happened recently at the Davos...

Why your genes don't have the final word on your health

By Derek Henry, February 12 2015
(NaturalNews) We have learned a lot over the years when it comes to genetics and how they affect our health. The previous dogma that still holds strong is that we have but little opportunity to express our genes in a different way, so we are bound to our history and will suffer the consequences if we are genetically inferior. However, recent research is showing that genetics play a much smaller factor in our health than previously believed and are simply a predisposition to particular illnesses...

20 creative ways to get to 10K steps per day

By Mike Bundrant, February 12 2015
(NaturalNews) How active is your lifestyle, and is there a reliable way for you to measure it? One method is to count steps using a pedometer. If you research[PDF] step counting, you'll soon find that lifestyle activity levels are generally categorized as follows: • Less than 5,000 steps per day may be used as a "sedentary lifestyle index." • 5,000-7,499 steps per day is considered "low active." • 7,500-9,999 steps per day is considered "somewhat active." &bull...

The Health Ranger explains Innovation Decentralization and the Structure of Grassroots, Open-Source Revolutions

By Mike Adams, February 11 2015
(NaturalNews) As most Natural News readers know by now, we're less than two weeks away from the launch of the Food Rising grow system technology that produces food without electricity, at very little cost, with almost no effort. ( I've put countless hours into designing the 3D parts for this system, and huge dollars into testing 3D printers to test print designs that the public can reliably reproduce. This has been a resource-intensive project from the start, but it's well worth...

The Brian Williams mainstream media lesson: Lie and get six months' suspension; tell the truth and get blackballed for life

By Mike Adams, February 11 2015
(NaturalNews) Media Research Center President Brent Bozell issued the following statement Tuesday night in reaction to NBC's decision to suspend Nightly News anchor Brian Williams without pay for six months: [1] NBC's lead anchor is exposed as a serial liar who attempts to deceive even when he's apologizing for his lies. And for that he gets a suspension? One month, two months, six months, six years. Who cares? NBC has decided that news presented by a dishonest superstar is preferable to news...

Entire national media calling on doctors to violate fundamental medical ethics in push for vaccines

By Ethan A. Huff, February 9 2015
(NaturalNews) Like the infamous brownshirts who marched lockstep in obedience to their beloved dictator, nearly every major mainstream media outlet today is simultaneously and savagely ripping at those who choose not to vaccinate, calling for free-thinking parents to be jailed, have their children taken from them, and be forcibly injected with whatever vaccines the state deems necessary. But this unified affront to medical freedom has one common and baleful theme that needs to be recognized by...

Gallup CEO warns that he may 'suddenly disappear' for telling truth about unemployment rate

By J. D. Heyes, February 11 2015
(NaturalNews) Was it hyperbole or was he serious? It's hard to say, but the head of one of the country's premier polling services just made a startling statement for simply being honest about the Obama Administration's employment numbers. Specifically, he is afraid that he could "suddenly disappear" for telling what he believes is the truth -- that the administration is dramatically fudging its unemployment figures in a bid to make the president look better. Here's what started it all. In...

General Mills caves to Food Babe's BHT petition in less than 24 hours

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, February 11 2015
(NaturalNews) Big Food is surrendering to consumer demands faster than ever before. Food corporations are removing chemical after chemical from their food products, as the clean food movement pushes forward with diligence. Leaders of the clean food movement, like Vani Hari, "the Food Babe," are now exposing food products left and right, undressing the industry, speaking out about the dangers of mass-producing unnecessary chemicals in food products, as consumers are poisoned day after day, year after...

Arizona cardiologist responds to critics regarding measles and vaccines

By Natural News Editors, February 3 2015
(NaturalNews) I recently did an interview which was aired on NBC Phoenix.[1] I was asked my opinion on vaccinations in response to the current measles outbreaks that have occurred at Disneyland in California. My reply[2] has generated quite a bit of anger in thousands of people. (Story byDr. Jack Wolfson, republished from There has also been a tremendous amount of support to my comments and opinions. In short, The Society Against Injecting Our Kids With...

The Food Babe Way book review: Breakthrough guide exposes harmful factory food ingredients that are still poisoning our children

By Mike Adams, February 10 2015
(NaturalNews) A hard-hitting new book just being launched today blows the whistle on toxic ingredients in the food supply. It's so compelling that Big Food and Big Biotech corporations hired armies of negative P.R. trolls to try to crush the book even before it was published. Ever wonder what's so dangerous about this book that they're desperately trying to make sure you never read it? You're about to find out. The book is called The Food Babe Way, and as you no doubt guessed by now, it's authored...

Science proves vaccines cause disease - nutrition is the key to a long, healthy life

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, February 2 2015
(NaturalNews) The struggle continues into the future: humans versus germs. In the fight against the unseen pathogens, modern medicine thinks it now has the upper hand -- an arsenal of vaccines in its quiver. We are now led to believe that our bodies are incapable of defending themselves on their own. We are told that we are born with a deficiency in vaccines and we need whatever health authorities require. It doesn't matter how many vaccines are added to the CDC's recommended list; we are to always...

Read food labels before eating food? What about vaccine ingredients?

By S. D. Wells, January 26 2015
(NaturalNews) If you are one of those people who reads most labels on food products before you purchase and eat them, then you are scanning for additives and ingredients that either you are allergic to, are genetically modified, are processed, are dead or are simply not what you prefer to consume. You flip that product over and find that list, and you know most of the dangers, the carcinogens, the "repeat offenders" of health detriment which you've read about and researched, at least a little, but...

Toxic Home Syndrome causes heart disease, cancer - how polluted is your home?

By Jennifer Lilley, February 10 2015
(NaturalNews) Many people may enjoy a well-balanced diet and engage in physical activity to stay in shape, but the truth is, that might not be enough to remain healthy. It turns out that simply going about routine activities in the household may jeopardize health; something called Toxic Home Syndrome is to blame. Quite simply, this refers to air pollution that occurs in one's home, and it happens as people tend to common tasks as basic as doing the laundry or cooking dinner. As bad air continues...

Doctor accused of medical fraud, overprescribing pain meds, leading to five deaths

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, February 10 2015
(NaturalNews) It's not uncommon for criminals to show up in the medical field. The insurance system by itself encourages doctors to use criminal and unethical behavior to make a living. Doctors care less about the quality of care they are giving. They want to see as many patients as possible so they can collect all that they can from the insurance system. If a doctor knows a patient has federal Medicare or state Medicaid, then they automatically know that they can run extra tests on the patient,...

Top 3 things that show vaccines are flawed and antiquated

By Derek Henry, February 10 2015
(NaturalNews) Sometimes we just refuse to see the writing on the wall. It's not because we are bad people, but rather, we just can't stand to allow our ego to be bruised. When this stance is taken, it becomes very difficult to admit any weakness or wrongdoing even though evidence and logic may suggest otherwise. We have plenty of manufactured evidence on why vaccines work and really need to be forced on anyone who doesn't comply, but have we really looked at other pieces of evidence that may suggest...

Hyperlearning webinar teaches how to read and absorb information 300% faster than normal speeds

By Jonathan Benson, February 10 2015
(NaturalNews) Information today moves at lightning speed. We are constantly being bombarded with news headlines, Twitter "tweets," email updates, Facebook statuses and other digital life blips that may at times expand our knowledge and provide fresh insight into the ways of the world, but that can also trigger information overload -- and increasingly so as information transfer continues to accelerate. One solution is to just tune out all the noise and reorient our lives around the simple things...

Improve your sleep with these 5 easy tips

By PF Louis, February 10 2015
(NaturalNews) Sleep consumes around one-third of our lives. At least it should if you wish to be healthy with a strong immune system. But sleep is not just time in bed. The quality of sleep is very important. Studies at Mt. Sinai Hospital in Miami Beach, Florida, and Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida, used brain wave analysis to determine the five stages of sleep and their relative importance. The five stages cycle through every one to two hours, not over the eight or so hours...

How turmeric kills cancer and how to optimize curcumin absorption

By Michael Edwards, February 10 2015
(NaturalNews) Turmeric is a bright yellow root with a tan skin that is typically used in Middle Eastern, Northern African, and Southeast Asian cuisine. Turmeric is one of the main ingredients in curry spice blends, and it makes a great addition to soups, meats, salads, stir-frys, and more. It's a very versatile herb that enhances the flavor of a great many dishes. Curcuminoids are the beneficial compounds within turmeric. Specifically, curcumin, one of these specific compounds, is considered to...

Study finds that chemotherapy treatment being forced on Connecticut girl will increase her risk of death more than 10-fold

By Ethan A. Huff, February 10 2015
(NaturalNews) In case you missed it, the Connecticut Supreme Court recently ruled that a 17-year-old girl diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma must undergo chemotherapy treatments against her will, a blatant violation of medical freedom and personal choice. And these treatments, according to the medical literature, won't even help her, and will probably cause her to suffer miserably before dying an early death. Cassandra "C." made national headlines when she rejected the standard "care" protocol...

Researchers attempt to find the equation for happiness

By Raw Michelle, February 10 2015
(NaturalNews) It's no secret that happiness is beneficial to health, and now researchers from the University College London are attempting to delve deeper, seeking to actually calculate what makes people experience the feel-good emotion from one moment to the next. According to the researchers, pinpointing these moments, and learning what drives them, may have applications in clinical settings when it comes to helping those with mood disorders. They also suggest that better understandings of happiness...

How the corrupt US justice system benefits the Medical Mafia by punishing competitors

By Ethan A. Huff, February 10 2015
(NaturalNews) A good man is currently being persecuted by the venal U.S. justice system and faces up to 37 years in federal prison, for the alleged "crime" of helping people purify their own water for just pennies a day. Daniel Smith is the latest victim of the corporate "justice" machine, which ran his business into the ground, terrorized his family and basically destroyed his entire life, all for selling acidified sodium chlorite, also known as MMS -- a mineral supplement -- to willing customers...

Why does Big Food put harmful chemicals in cereal in America but not Europe?

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, February 5 2015
(NaturalNews) The U.S. has a unique system in place for regulating food chemicals. It's been around since 1958, providing loopholes for companies to sneak through. Initially designed to provide oversight, this system has instead become a gateway for welcoming an explosion of food chemicals, all disguised under one name. In 1958, President Eisenhower signed the Food Additives Amendment. This law gave the FDA power to lump food ingredients under the approval term "generally recognized as safe" ...

Mainstream media denounces intellectual diversity, pushes extremist bigotry as 'science'

By J. D. Heyes, February 10 2015
(NaturalNews) The most trusted name in news -- isn't. You may have heard the story about NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams, who recently admitted that he lied, repeatedly and for years, about being in a helicopter that came under fire in the early days of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. It didn't happen. You may have also heard that Williams, while covering Hurricane Katrina, said he saw a dead body float by in the post-hurricane flooding from his French Quarter hotel window. Well, that...

Zero U.S. measles deaths in 10 years, but over 100 measles vaccine deaths reported

By Natural News Editors, February 3 2015
(NaturalNews) With the measles and measles vaccine debate reaching a near frenzy on the Internet, it is always nice to throw some cold hard facts on the firestorm currently raging in the measles debate. (Story by Brian Shilhavy, republished from So here are some easily verifiable facts regarding deaths associated with measles in the United States for the past 10 years, and deaths associated with measles vaccines during the same 10 year period. First, the Centers for Disease...

Vaccine controversy shows why we need markets, not mandates

By Natural News Editors, February 9 2015
(NaturalNews) If I were still a practicing ob-gyn and one of my patients said she was not going to vaccinate her child, I might try to persuade her to change her mind. But, if I were unsuccessful, I would respect her decision. I certainly would not lobby the government to pass a law mandating that children be vaccinated even if the children's parents object. Sadly, the recent panic over the outbreak of measles has led many Americans, including some self-styled libertarians, to call for giving government...

American Medical Association opposes mandatory vaccines: medical ethics statement

By Mike Adams, February 10 2015
(NaturalNews) According to the "Informed Consent" section of the AMA Code of Medical Ethics posted at the American Medical Association website, the AMA is fundamentally and unambiguously opposed to mandatory vaccine programs in America. Read the AMA's Code of Medical Ethics statement here. A mandatory vaccination policy -- forced vaccination of unwilling recipients -- is, by definition, a medical intervention carried out without the consent of the patient or the patient's parents. This directly...

If vaccines are mandated today, what next medical transgression will the government demand of you tomorrow?

By Mike Adams, February 9 2015
(NaturalNews) Almost everything in the Western medical system today is based on coercion and the threat of force. The very foundation of Obamacare is that it forces people to buy an insurance product many of them never wanted or needed. And if you don't buy this product, you get financially punished, fined for refusing to obediently follow the government's demands. And how is this financial punishment justified by the lying Obamacare architects who said the law was only passed because of "the...

Dr. Julie Gerberding oversaw historic mumps vaccine fraud cover-up

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, February 2 2015
(NaturalNews) We would like to think that vaccines are created for the general well-being of the public, but sometimes they just aren't effective enough to pass safety standards. What's worse is that head vaccine officials are willing to falsify data and lie about vaccine efficacy only to bypass safety review so they can ultimately control the marketplace. This corrupt culture does whatever it takes to pass its products through the approval process, putting people's lives at stake in the process...

Americans take to hiding cash as trust in government and banks deteriorate

By Daniel Barker, February 9 2015
(NaturalNews) In the face of an uncertain future, it appears that more Americans than ever are keeping at least some of their savings in the form of cash. And among those who have cash savings, more than half are choosing not to store their finances in bank vaults or safety deposit boxes, but rather in secret locations around the home. At least that's the case according to a recent survey conducted by American Express, which found that 29 percent of Americans are now saving cash and coins, and...

Police across America now deploying radar devices that see inside your home

By J. D. Heyes, February 9 2015
(NaturalNews) As I have often written, the Digital Age is replete with technology that can, and has, been used as a double-edged sword, on one hand providing humanity with immeasurable benefits but on the other robbing it of dignity, liberty and basic protection from those who seek to rule. The latest example of the harm being done to civil liberties in the Digital Age comes in the form of surveillance technology now being employed by dozens of federal agencies and police departments that enables...

Dr. Tyrone Hayes explains how chemical companies use scientific fraud to sell GMOs and poison

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, January 19 2015
(NaturalNews) Dr. Tyrone Hayes, one of the most important scientists to expose the dangers of Syngenta's pesticide atrazine, was recently interviewed by the environmentalist blog TreeHugger. Dr. Hayes uncovered how the industry behind genetically modified organisms is also the industry that pushes agrochemicals. He talked about how scientists are trapped into silence and corruption, overpowered by the influence of the GMO-agrochemical industry. Dr. Tyrone Hayes once worked with Syngenta and quickly...

GMO labeling legislation introduced in Minnesota has massive public support

By Kristina Martin, February 9 2015
(NaturalNews) In the dead of winter, the Minnesota State Legislature isn't letting the snow keep them from reintroducing legislation to label GMOs. At the end of January, HF 351 and SF 335 were proposed in both the House and the Senate. While the state has proposed legislation that would disclose the presence of GMO ingredients to consumers by January of 2017, support for GMO labeling in the state has grown at a fantastic rate. After seeing the Oregon initiative to label GMOs defeated by a mere 812...

How to maintain hygiene and save your life in a water shortage emergency

By J. D. Heyes, February 9 2015
(NaturalNews) When "things" are normal and everything is calm, it's easy to take the modern conveniences of life for granted and think little about a time when they won't be available. But in today's crazy world, where we are one natural disaster, one cyber attack or one major nuclear terrorist incident away from chaos, it makes sense to think about what you might have to do to be prepared for such contingencies now, before stuff happens. In that vein, water is the substance of life, and you should...

Home detox - homemade all natural house cleaners

By Kali Sinclair, February 9 2015
(NaturalNews) So, you've decided to get healthy. You're going all the way. You've cleaned up your diet. You're exercising regularly. What's left to do? You need to detox. But first, take a good hard look at the chemicals you use on a daily basis and get rid of them. Dump the toxic shampoo, conditioner, shaving cream, after shave or perfume, soap, lotion, make-up - whatever it is you put on your body and pretend your skin doesn't soak right up like a sponge. Come on; face it. Whatever we put on...

Health basics: What is Inflammation?

By S. D. Wells, February 9 2015
(NaturalNews) The standard definition of inflammation is a localized physical condition in which part of the body becomes reddened, swollen, hot and often painful, especially as a reaction to injury or infection. Can consuming the wrong food be considered an injury? It most certainly can, and it happens to be the most common form of self-inflicted bodily injury today, whether applied voluntarily or involuntarily. It all starts with education or lack thereof regarding foods that contain chemicals...

New Obama executive order says government can detain and forcibly treat you for "severe acute respiratory syndromes"

By Jonathan Benson, February 9 2015
(NaturalNews) An executive order recently signed by Barack Obama expands the list of illnesses, confirmed or suspected, that the federal government can use as an excuse to illegally detain and quarantine you against your will. As reported by the Alliance for Natural Health USA (ANH-USA), individuals confirmed or suspected of having "severe acute respiratory syndromes" that may be transmissible to others can now be detained, isolated or quarantined, and possibly even forced to take drugs or vaccines...

Rice found with dangerously high arsenic levels

By Joel Edwards, February 9 2015
(NaturalNews) Arsenic is a naturally occurring, toxic element found in the earth. It is found in over 200 different minerals. There are two main types of arsenic: organic and inorganic. Organic arsenic compounds are primarily found in marine life, but they are also sometimes found in terrestrial life forms. Exposure to arsenic from organic sources is widely considered to be less toxic than exposure to inorganic arsenic. Where Does All This Arsenic Come From?The majority of arsenic that we are...

Funds secured to donate over 140 Food Rising grow systems to U.S. schools; shipments begin March 2nd

By Mike Adams, February 9 2015
(NaturalNews) I'm happy to announce that we've already raised enough funds to donate over 140 Food Rising grow systems ( to U.S. schools. Funds have been pledged from the following sources: Sponsoring 100 grow systems is Living Fuel (, a top superfood and plant-based protein formulator and retailer. Sponsoring 15 grow systems is Organic Lifestyle Magazine (, a publisher of health-related news and practical advice columns...

Tired of being called a nut job by the mainstream media? Discover dignified health freedom and nutritional wisdom in the alternative media

By Mike Adams, February 8 2015
(NaturalNews) The mainstream media can't figure out why it keeps losing readers and viewers. Maybe it's because they keep calling health-conscious consumers "whackos" and "kooks." In their latest example of alienating readers, mainstream media outlets like USA Today, Washington Post, and the New York Times have resorted to condemning all health-conscious consumers as nut jobs and kooks and conspiracy theorists... all because they want to avoid fluoride, pesticides, toxic heavy metals or...

NBC News anchor Brian Williams admits fabricating war story

By J. D. Heyes, February 8 2015
(NaturalNews) NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams is in hot water with the public and with network executives after timidly admitting that an incident he said happened more than a decade ago during the early days of the U.S. invasion of Iraq was fabricated. In an exclusive report by Stars and Stripes, a historic publication focused on coverage of the U.S. military, Williams admitted that he was not aboard a military helicopter that was struck by enemy fire and forced to land during the 2003...

Survey: How many globalists avoid eating GMOs, drinking tap water and getting injected with vaccines?

By S. D. Wells, January 26 2015
(NaturalNews) A globalist, in general terms, might be defined as someone who advocates planning of economic and foreign policy in relation to developments throughout the world. Most will claim their efforts are "for the greater good" or to "feed a starving world" -- or something to that effect -- but do they really "care," or are they only in it for the money (and control), with a publicized plan that they would NEVER and don't ever engage themselves? That's the question. A question of ethics and...

Vaccine push following Disneyland measles outbreak is Mickey Mouse science

By Ethan A. Huff, January 23 2015
(NaturalNews) All aboard the propaganda train with the mainstream media as your conductor. The destination: Fantasyland. Scare reports continue to spill across the web about the Disneyland measles outbreak, urging the public to get vaccinated immediately in order to make it all go away. But this latest psy-op is just another lame attempt to push vaccinations, this time with Mickey Mouse science as backing. One report by a CBS affiliate in Baltimore, Maryland, for instance, attempts to scare people...

Company that botched Obamacare website hired to build IRS Obamacare tax program

By Jonathan Benson, February 8 2015
(NaturalNews) After throwing away hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars building what amounted to be a completely non-functional Obamacare website, Montreal, Canada-based CGI Federal has now been awarded a contract with the Internal Revenue Service to build a platform for processing its new Obamacare tax program, according to the latest reports. The IRS has agreed to pay CGI $4.5 million to provide "critical functions" and "management support" for the new Obamacare tax program, which will fine...

McDonald's french fries found to contain Silly Putty ingredient and petroleum chemical

By Jennifer Lilley, February 8 2015
(NaturalNews) Grant Imahara, host of the eye-opening show Mythbusters, was at it again. This time, he didn't set out to get involved with crash test dummies or explosives. Instead, he recently focused on a specific food -- which it can hardly be called -- at McDonald's: french fries. Imahara went directly to the fast food chain's processing plant in the potato-loving state, where he thankfully learned that the fries' first ingredient are indeed spuds. However, the ingredients that followed are...

Three words to remove from your language to make way for greater health, wealth and relationship success

By Lance Johnson, February 8 2015
(NaturalNews) How can your health be sabotaged by your own language? How is your ability to heal influenced by the meanings of the very words you speak? Are the meanings and feelings you're breathing and speaking to life being projected upon you? Do the negative connotations in your language set you on a course that ultimately restricts you from your true desires? How does the etymology of words affect our success in staying healthy? Etymology is simply the study of the origin of words and the...

Make sure you do these four things before the dollar collapses

By J. D. Heyes, February 8 2015
(NaturalNews) Here at Natural News, we have been doing quite a bit of reporting on what we view are deteriorating economic and financial conditions -- not just in the United States, but all around the world. Our goal in focusing on key events taking place in the global economy and advising you of them is to make sure that we are doing everything possible to help our readers prepare for any economic/financial emergency like a stock market crash, the collapse of our currency, etc. Along those lines...

Did U.S. airstrike in Syria kill 50 civilians? Desperate effort to cover up the truth

By J. D. Heyes, February 8 2015
(NaturalNews) Foreign policy hawks have criticized the Obama Administration for doing too little too late to stop the spread of violent Islamist extremism in Iraq and Syria in the wake of the departure of U.S. forces, violence committed by, and in the name of, an organization known as ISIL, or ISIS. In response to that group's invasion and capture of large swaths of both countries, and as its fighters encroached on and threatened Baghdad last summer, the White House eventually did approve limited...

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