Healthcare news, articles and information:
 | 11/17/2016 - As President Obama prepares to step down in January, he will leave behind one of the most harmful legacies imaginable: Unaffordable healthcare for much of the nation, which is bitterly ironic, given that the "Affordable" Care Act, a.k.a. Obamacare, was supposed to lower premiums and other out-of-pocket...
 | 11/12/2016 - Cold, hard reality continues to confront Obamacare and all its economically illiterate dictates. Right now, the stock market in the healthcare sector is beginning to show signs of greater problems to come. For instance, healthcare services company HCA Holdings Inc. took a major hit November 7th, after...
 | 10/31/2016 - Often lost in the debates over reform to the United States' broken healthcare system is a subtle but critical point: Providing people with health insurance coverage is not the same thing as providing them with access to healthcare.
This issue has come to the forefront in the debate over the merits...
 | 10/25/2016 - Slowly but surely, the authoritarians are taking over countries that used to be democracies and republics, imposing their own set of behavior and rules on people who used to be free and able to make life choices of their own.
The United Kingdom is one such place, where socialist healthcare bureaucrats...
 | 10/19/2016 - My Personal Introduction to Conventional Cancer Treatment Began in 1995
The surgeon pointed his pen at a large tumor on the CAT scan and began to explain the procedure for removing the colon cancer. He then paused for a moment and said to my wife, "This isn't your biggest problem." He then began to...
 | 10/12/2016 - Corruption and greed have been longstanding issues within the healthcare industry. Kickbacks and rewards for doctors, along with industry monopolies, have contributed significantly to this problem. Many people avoid going to the doctor until it's nearly too late because they are afraid they will go...
 | 10/7/2016 8:53:48 AM - The immense and ever-growing financial burden of healthcare in the United States today is a direct consequence of insurance company dominance over the industry, says the author of a new book on America's broken healthcare system. And the only way to fix it, she says, is to return to the way things were...
 | 9/25/2016 - For those who monitor the tech world, it's not a surprise that gadget giant Apple would like to branch out into the medical industry. For that matter, Apple boss Tim Cook, the company's CEO, has even said he's got "massive interest" in health.
But the idea begs some questions, like, how does Apple...
 | 9/21/2016 - Public health insurance, also known as the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare, continues to prove less than ideal when it comes to quality healthcare coverage. Patients insured through private healthcare companies have longer lifespans compared to those on programs like Obamacare, according to a new study.
 | 9/19/2016 - The ongoing "war on drugs," combined with changes in the way opioids are prescribed and tracked, was supposed to arrest a growing addiction to those medications among Americans. But a new report concludes that those rule changes may actually be having the opposite effect.
The report from the Substance...
 | 8/23/2016 - One of the most massive political scandals ever perpetuated on the American people was President Barack Obama's healthcare "reform" law – one of the most onerous, under-performing and destructive pieces of legislation ever to be codified in U.S. statutes.
One of the biggest lies of all is that...
 | 8/19/2016 - Healthcare providers are increasingly unable to survive unforeseen costs associated with Obamacare. In June, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas announced its plan to significantly increase health insurance rates, hitting the pocketbooks of some 600,000 residents.
Now, healthcare insurer Aetna has announced...
 | 6/14/2016 - The logic behind what actually constitutes a human right has become increasingly blurred, particularly in the wake of the Obama administration's sweeping directive to force all U.S. school districts to comply with what the Feds deem "transgender bathroom rights."
As a result, restrooms across the...
 | 5/30/2016 - Diabetes and the medical costs attached thereto have skyrocketed across the world, according to the largest study ever conducted to measure global diabetes levels. The type 2 diabetes epidemic in the United States is largely fueled by the introduction of processed foods into the food supply. While these...
 | 5/19/2016 - A new study has revealed that more than 33,000 people have died needlessly in the past decade, as a result of poor care following a heart attack under government-run healthcare in the UK.
The study analyzed almost 400,000 cases of non-ST elevation heart attacks, in 247 hospitals across England and...
 | 5/16/2016 - In Switzerland, health insurance plans are on the cusp of covering homeopathy, herbal medicine, acupuncture, holistic care and traditional Chinese medicine. In 2009, two-thirds of the Swiss spoke out in favor of incorporating these important and long suppressed healthcare strategies into their healthcare...
 | 5/12/2016 - There is an old expression that goes, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink." That essentially means you can show someone how to do something, but you can't make them do it.
It is the same with facts and truth: You can present someone with knowledge but you can't force them...
 | 4/20/2016 - Michigan's Detroit-area healthcare system is entangled in a web of corruption, industry collusion, medical malpractice and under-the-table ownership exchanges that allow it to be absolved from accountability.
Home to cancer fraudster Dr. Farid Fata, who was sentenced to 45 years in prison for an...
 | 4/13/2016 - Doctors are starting to find out that homeopathy can improve patient outcomes. Dr. Helen Beaumont, from the Faculty of Homeopathy, points out that homeopathy provides more affordable treatments tailored to the individual patient. She claims that by adopting homeopathic practices and training, the entire...
 | 4/7/2016 - Whether it is due to dramatic government overreach via massive laws like Obamacare, with its incentive-killing regulations, or there simply being too much greed in the world, the U.S. healthcare system is dying. And while that may be a good thing for some people, the dying process is costing us billions...
 | 4/7/2016 - At a recent campaign event for her mother, Chelsea Clinton demonstrated why tens of millions of Americans are showing up at primaries and caucuses and casting ballots for the political outsiders.
In response to a question about Obamacare, literally President Obama's signature piece of legislation,...
 | 4/5/2016 - Natural News has regularly covered the chronically flawed Affordable Care Act, from the lies the president and the law's supporters told the American people in order to justify passing it, to the epic failures of each Obamacare pillar.
With that said, then, it should not come as a surprise to many...
 | 4/2/2016 - A Texas based healthcare company has been accused of expediting the deaths of hospice patients via drug overdoses in order to increase profits, according to a report by NBC 5. Brad Harris, 34, founded Novus Health Care Services, Inc. in July 2012, state records show. The company is based in Frisco.
 | 4/1/2016 - The health insurance industry that exists today is a failing business model, mainly because it compensates an often vicious, deadly model of healthcare. Check out Pharma Death Clock to get an idea of the full scope of the problem.
The system also detaches people from true health responsibility, allowing...
 | 3/26/2016 - As some presidential candidates in the United States run around telling supporters that they can provide "free healthcare" under a socialized medical scheme, one of the countries that essentially founded the concept is struggling to keep their system afloat.
As reported by Britain's Daily Mail, what...
 | 3/24/2016 - Not that it will really matter to most of her supporters, but something Democrat frontrunner Hillary Clinton just said about her only rival for her party's nomination, U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, is as comical as it is untrue.
Granted, both candidates are in a heated political battle, though...
 | 3/3/2016 - If you want to be a healthcare worker, or keep your current job as one, then you better be OK with getting the flu vaccine each year; that's according to a relatively new requirement now being mandated in many states across the U.S.
Hospital employees are being forced to receive annual flu shots...
 | 2/13/2016 - Researchers from the Stanford University School of Medicine and the National Bureau of Economic Research have uncovered the path toward more affordable healthcare. The path doesn't consist of new government mandates, taxes and consolidated government insurance plans. The path toward healthcare prosperity...
 | 2/4/2016 - At an early age, most people are taught to completely trust the modern healthcare system. From the endless rounds of childhood vaccines to cold and flu medications, today's conventional approach to treating disease rarely gets questioned by anyone.
But, the 'non-questioning' mindset tends to ignore...
 | 1/31/2016 - The S.1203 bill has been quick to draw criticism from a variety of groups due to its controversial attempt to mandate vaccinations for all veterans that wish to receive medical services from the Veterans Administration (VA).(1)
It has long been suggested that veterans who seek medical...
 | 1/11/2016 - The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has just released figures indicating that, of those people who signed up for Obamacare in the latest enrollment period, 87 percent will receive financial assistance to lower their monthly premiums.
This figure has jumped from 80 percent during the...
 | 12/30/2015 - Most of us are fully aware that America's healthcare system is a complete disaster, and has only worsened following the implementation of Obamacare. Bestselling investigative journalist Donald L. Barlett breaks down this scenario in his book, Critical Condition: How Health Care in America Became Big...
 | 12/27/2015 - Touted by American progressives as a gold standard of care that the U.S. should utilize and that Obamacare sought to mimic in many ways, the top physician for Britain's National Health Service (NHS) has claimed it is "not fit for the future," and without major changes, the system may have to abandon...
 | 12/4/2015 - CEOs of private health insurance companies didn't know what to expect after the Affordable Care Act became law in 2010. Some insurance CEOs feared the new government rules would restrict their ability to stay in business, ultimately bankrupting the private health insurance sector, to usher in an all-out...
 | 11/17/2015 - Among other things, Republicans managed to widen their House majority and take control of the Senate on the promise that they would "repeal and replace" Obamacare. And while most GOP members of Congress still claim to believe that ought to be done, it looks as though they still don't have the numbers...
 | 10/25/2015 - The faults will remain in any system, even after the government redistributes who pays for those faults. In a way, when the government redistributes the costs of a broken system, their programs only legitimize the core faults within that system.
For example, if the government determines that pharmaceutical...
 | 9/24/2015 5:23:01 PM - A major health care group headed up by a big Democratic donor will pay $118 million in order to settle false claims and allegations of fraud that were leveled against the company by whistleblowers, the Washington Free Beacon reports.
In an announcement, the Department of Justice said that the Florida-based...
 | 6/17/2015 - In recent days, the California Senate, long dominated by the party of the extreme Left (like the rest of California government) voted to send more taxpayer money down yet another rabbit hole because they seem incapable of not throwing good money after bad.
Not satisfied with ruining the state's finances...
 | 5/27/2015 - A disillusioned British physician has launched a scathing attack on the country's healthcare system, calling it "criminal" and "venal" and claiming that doctors who treat patients privately resemble the "greedy preying on the needy."
Dr. John Dean, a cardiac specialist, called private health care...
 | 4/30/2015 - Freedom in today's America is mostly an illusion, especially as it pertains to healthcare. The medical industry is now so completely mired in corruption that people are dying left and right from government-approved drugs, vaccines, and surgeries that are speciously considered to be "safe and effective,"...
 | 3/17/2015 - In May of 2009, a consumer noticed black specks in the bottom of a bottle of Infants' Tylenol, which were found to be nickel and chromium particles.
McNeil Consumer Healthcare, of Fort Washington, Pennsylvania, a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson, pled guilty to charges of selling contaminated medicines...
 | 12/26/2014 - For President Obama to say that he in no way tried to trick Americans into supporting his signature healthcare law -- the Affordable Care Act, a.k.a. Obamacare -- is perhaps the greatest political lie ever told in the history of the country.
That is, if you believe what one Jonathan Gruber, the MIT...
 | 11/18/2014 - A growing number of doctors in the US are refusing to participate in the Affordable Care Act exchanges. By May 2014, the American Action Forum estimated that a total of 214,524 doctors were refusing to accept Obamacare health insurance plans. The Kaiser Family Foundation lists 893,851 active professional...
 | 9/12/2014 - As West Africa's Ebola epidemic continues to worsen, local healthcare systems are being completely overwhelmed. In Liberia, the World Health Organization (WHO) reports, there is not a single bed available for any more patients.
The WHO reports that more than 4,200 cases of Ebola have been confirmed...
 | 8/10/2014 - The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' "Healthy People 2020" initiative states a goal of vaccinating 90% of the nation's healthcare workers with the influenza vaccine annually by 2020,[1] a goal well underway. A separate DHHS goal aims to vaccinate 80% of all U.S. employees annually with...
 | 7/10/2014 - The price of centralized healthcare extends far beyond just the costs of providing medical services, as a new study published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) reveals outrageous levels of fraud and corruption that are costing taxpayers billions of dollars. According to data compiled as part of a...
 | 7/5/2014 - A recently released report by a noted think tank has ranked the United States dead last in the quality of its healthcare system as compared to 10 other Western, industrialized countries, which the group says is the same place the U.S. has occupied in four previous studies.
According to the report...
 | 7/4/2014 - Our founding fathers gave their lives for independence. The reason the world loves and hates us is because of our independence. Today, we have a rogue president passing unconstitutional laws in order to force us to be dependent upon a medical system that is as faulty as his insurance website.
 | 7/3/2014 - After spending more than $250 million on a healthcare exchange website that has since been abandoned due to systematic failure, the state of Oregon is now handing out cash bonuses to the employees responsible for the debacle. According to, government contractors who agree to stick around...
 | 6/24/2014 - According to the Los Angeles Times, a recent analysis of cost data projections by the Department of Health and Human Services regarding government expenditures related to Obamacare found that initial costs for the program were billions of dollars higher than projected.
It should be noted that, within...
 | 6/16/2014 - A just-released report by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) revealed that the dearth of patient care for our nation's veterans is more widespread -- and shocking -- than initially thought.
The report, which was based on an audit of nearly half of the VA's 1,700 medical centers, clinics and...
 | 3/15/2014 - Step one: Tell the American people that they will all enjoy affordable healthcare coverage, regardless of pre-existing conditions or whether or not they work for a corporation, big government or themselves.
Step two: Promise the American people that you will end a senseless, dragged-out war that...
 | 3/7/2014 - Thirty-year-old John Verrier died in a NYC emergency waiting room on January 19 after waiting eight hours for hospital care due to a rash, reported ABC News. Reports confirm that his named was called at least three times over the facility's PA system since his 10 p.m. arrival, yet hospital staff failed...
 | 3/2/2014 - If the failings of Obamacare haven't been bad enough, especially in terms of losing more of your privacy, now healthcare organizations are increasingly coming under hack attacks that phish for, and steal, personal information.
A new study recently published found that networks and medical devices...
 | 2/24/2014 - The Obama administration has told the country repeatedly that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is making progress in fixing the myriad of problems with the federal Obamacare website,, but despite those assurances, a number of problems and glitches remain.
As reported...
 | 2/6/2014 - One of Obamacare's "selling points" - and yes, there were many - was that the cost of healthcare would come down. That is, the cost of actual care that Americans would have to pay out-of-pocket, as well as the prices that people pay for healthcare delivery.
As you are aware, especially if you're...
 | 2/5/2014 11:05:48 AM - Despite the Affordable Care Act's promise of controlling healthcare costs, the prices of many drugs are quietly skyrocketing - doubling, tripling and, in some cases, even quadrupling in price - but for some reason, no one seems to know why.
There has been some speculation as to why Big Pharma is...
 | 1/16/2014 - There are so many details packed into the government's takeover of one-sixth of the U.S. economy - otherwise known as Obamacare - that nary a week goes by when Americans don't learn something new about the massive, 2,700-page law.
What's more, because of the law's expansive regulations, President...
 | 11/12/2013 - If you want to see where the American healthcare system is headed under the Marxist Obama, cast your eyes to South America.
At one time, Venezuela's healthcare system was fully functional and more than able to meet the needs of the country. But thanks to heavy-handed, top-down authoritarianism of...
 | 10/25/2013 - The pieces of the puzzle on Obamacare are finally coming together. Yesterday it was revealed during congressional testimony that the website contains a hidden disclaimer which reads, "You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communication or data transmitting or stored...
 | 10/23/2013 - When HHS launched, it disastrously crashed. When Obama gave out the 800 number to call because the website didn't work, it also crashed. The Spanish language version of has completely crashed, too, and according to reports, ZERO people have successfully enrolled in the...
 | 10/21/2013 - More than two weeks after the hoax launch of the fake "shell" website which did not function, the Obama administration has announced plans to bring in real programmers and attempt to build an online federal health exchange site that actually functions.
A widely publicized HHS blog...
 | 10/16/2013 - The mainstream media loves Obamacare. They love it so much that when the disastrous launch of the system was evident to anyone with an IQ above room temperature, the media tried to cover it up for over a week, repeating the ridiculous White House spin that claimed the site was only crashing...
 | 10/13/2013 - Alex Jones posed a question to me during an appearance on his live radio show Friday. The question was whether those of us opposed to Obamacare should stop trying to politically defund the project and simply stand back and let the thing self-destruct on its own. Now that has been exposed...
 | 10/11/2013 - The mainstream media is reluctantly coming around to the reality that the Obamacare exchange is fatally broken. At the same time, the media is also pushing a new story that claims mid-November is the "new deadline" for fixing what they call "Obamacare glitches." See Reuters for an example.
 | 10/10/2013 - If I had told you one month ago that ten days into the launch of Obamacare not a single person could be confirmed to have successfully enrolled, you would have called me a lunatic. And yet, here we are, tens days into the launch, and guess what? The White House cannot produce a single person who has...
 | 10/9/2013 - The online Obamacare exchange system has just performed a system-wide password reset. This is a sign that a critical failure has occurred behind the scenes: either a security breach has stolen passwords, or passwords have been lost. So now everyone is being required to create a new password, reports...
 | 9/15/2013 8:25:29 PM - A recent article in USA Today tells the story of a local, independent medical practitioner who, after 27 years of private practice, was forced to accept a buy-out by Bon Secours St. Francis Health System in South Carolina. "I didn't want to be bought. I wanted my independence," Dr. Carolyn Fields told...
 | 7/19/2013 - Two new pieces of legislation have been introduced before Congress that, if passed, will expand coverage options for individuals with either Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) or Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs). According to a recent Action Alert issued by the Alliance for Natural Health - USA (ANH-USA),...
 | 3/6/2013 - This past fall, I worked with about 150 healthcare workers in 26 states who were required to get a flu shot to keep their job. I'm happy to report that the vast majority were successful. But I gained some disturbing insights from this national perspective regarding flu shots that have implications for...
 | 2/24/2013 - Every state legislator in the U.S. takes an oath to uphold their state and federal Constitutions. However, in the real world, those oaths can apparently be meaningless. Last year, I wrote about state laws that allow children to consent to vaccines and other medical treatments.[1] These laws clearly...
 | 2/20/2013 - A new report from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office paints a bleak economic picture for the country in the near-term: Spending on Social Security and government-provided healthcare will consume a staggering $3.2 trillion a year by 2023, or just slightly less than all federal outlays in fiscal...
 | 2/18/2013 - If you think pharmaceutical drugs, vaccines, and various other instruments of modern Western medicine are responsible for improving quality of life and increasing the average lifespan in America, think again. A report recently issued by the National Research Council (NRC) and the Institute of Medicine...
 | 1/18/2013 - The NHS (National Health Service) in the UK has often been lauded as a shining beacon of healthcare to the world. However, the practices and attitudes in the NHS are a stark warning for citizens of countries who are being asked to part with their hard earned money to fund such schemes.
The NHS was...
 | 1/4/2013 - A clever opponent attacks precisely where its enemy is most vulnerable, but don't expect it to just stop there. In what may soon become the newest, most fatal consequence in the marriage of conventional medicine and irresponsible, narcissistic technology, an emerging family of drug-resistant bacteria,...
 | 10/22/2012 - An increasing number of younger people are experiencing strokes these days, according to a new study published in the journal of the American Academy of Neurology (AAN). And while the overall stroke incidence rate has somewhat declined among all age groups based on the figures, the average age of stroke...
 | 10/15/2012 - The noose is rapidly closing in on the collective neck of health freedom in America, as illustrated by a new state mandate in Colorado that unconstitutionally forces hospital employees to submit to flu vaccinations or else lose their jobs. As reported by CBS 4 News in Denver, workers at hospitals across...
 | 9/7/2012 - The Canadian province of British Columbia has become the first in that nation to mandate that all healthcare workers get vaccinated yearly for influenza, or else be forced to wear face masks every time they work, according to CBC News. Despite the fact that flu vaccines have never even been proven to...
 | 8/30/2012 - The rising rate of Cesarean births has become a serious problem with the C-section rate over 32 percent in the United States, which is more than double the rate recommended by the World Health Organization. The rise can be attributed to the willingness of doctors to perform the surgery as well as the...
 | 6/22/2012 - The economic situation in Greece is only continuing to worsen, as reports indicate that hospitals and care centers throughout the nation are running completely out of medicines, and many healthcare workers are now voluntarily providing care services without pay.
Strapped with spiraling debt, the...
 | 4/17/2012 - Before the U.S. Supreme Court even decides whether or not the administration's healthcare reform law, known as Obamacare, is even constitutional, the White House is already gearing up the enforcement apparatus: The Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
According to The Hill, a Washington, D.C. newspaper...
 | 11/20/2011 - The US healthcare system is a mess, as both health insurance and medical treatment costs continue to soar exponentially year after year. But one way some companies are helping to address this dire situation is to begin penalizing workers that represent the biggest drain on the system (smokers and the...
 | 10/16/2011 - Two doctors from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard's teaching hospital, have taken an unusual step for the medical profession. These courageous physicians are speaking out about today's healthcare system which emphasizes money over individualized patient care.
In an article just published...
| 9/29/2011 - To anyone who naively thought that President Barack Obama was being genuine and honest when he defended his so-called health reform measure against criticism, and that it would eventually lead to government rationing, take comfort in knowing that at least you weren't alone. But you were wrong.
 | 9/22/2011 - Following swine flu emergency declarations in 11 states, Washington D.C., American Samoa and the entire U.S. in 2009, hospitals around the country began implementing new flu vaccine mandates for their employees. Healthcare workers who worked for decades without getting vaccinated were suddenly faced...
 | 8/11/2011 - The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has dispensed more than $240 million in taxpayer-funded grants to six states and a multi-state consortium to facilitate the creation of "Obamacare" health insurance exchanges. However two states and counting -- Oklahoma and, more recently, Kansas...
| 7/23/2011 - The Greek philosopher, Socrates, famously said, "Know thyself." These two words could be the starting point on a road rarely traveled in the American healthcare system - replacing collective application of science with one that embraces the uniqueness of individual health.
If we have learned anything...
| 6/2/2011 - Clearly, conventional medicine has failed to provide adequate healthcare for its customers. But what choices do we have? The NaturalNews Talk Hour presents Integrative Medicine - Discover Natural Healthcare Solutions with our special guest Leigh Erin Connealy, M.D. Free yourself from dis-ease - naturally.
 | 9/10/2010 - Forget the U.S. Constitution. Forget basic human rights. Forget the fact that research shows flu shots don't work most of the time ( A group of the nation's leading infectious disease experts are demanding forced vaccinations for all healthcare...
| 5/28/2010 - Mainstream medicine has a huge new growth industry underway -- the "medicalization" of the human condition. That's the conclusion of a study headed by Brandeis University sociologist Peter Conrad that was just published in the journal Social Science and Medicine. The report, the first study of its kind,...
| 3/14/2010 - The U.S. healthcare system loses between $505 and $850 billion a year to mistakes, inefficiency and fraud, according to a report by Thomson Reuters. This amounts to one-third of all national healthcare spending.
"America's healthcare system is indeed hemorrhaging billions of dollars," the report...
| 2/18/2010 - This week's NaturalNews Talk Hour presents Dr. Lawrence Palevsky. board certified pediatrician specializing in children's health and illness. This show will be discussing "Holistic Healthcare for Children – The ABC's of Safe and Sound Medicine". This will be special evening focused on dissolving unnecessary...
| 7/30/2009 - Mrs. Bouchard seemed upset.
"I can't afford health care as yet."
The new health reform bill
Made her sickly and ill
"But I'd rather have cancer than debt!"
What's really in Obama's health care reform bill? Almost no one knows, and here's why: It's 1,017 pages long and written in an alien form...
| 3/20/2009 - The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, or DSHEA, is a decent law. It says supplements are to be treated as food, not drugs, which only makes sense. Supplements are safe and natural food substances. As such, they can't be patented.
This, of course, really irritates the pharmaceutical...
 | 7/3/2008 - The following is a transcript of Health Ranger Report #16, entitled The Politics of National Health Care Reform, which is available free of charge as an MP3 download at:
Have you ever wondered who is going to win the presidency in the United States and...
 | 1/22/2007 - Mental health patients in UK trusts are routinely prescribed medications in excess of the highest recommended dose, and most patients are not granted proper access to consultations with pharmacy staff, according to a new report by the Healthcare Commission.
The Commission -- a healthcare system watchdog...
| 9/21/2006 - A new study by The Commonwealth Fund's Commission on a High Performance Health System shows that the U.S. healthcare system ranks far below those of nearly two dozen other industrialized nations.
The study examined 37 national indicators of health outcomes, access, equity, quality and efficiency,...
 | 4/21/2005 - Defenders of organized medicine are fond of saying that the United States has the best healthcare in the world, but I challenge that. I don't think we have the best healthcare in the world, I think we have the most expensive healthcare in the world. In fact, in terms of results for dollars spent, I...
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