Apple cider vinegar news, articles and information:
| 9/6/2015 - Fewer natural substances get more positive press from newspapers, magazines and social media sites than apple cider vinegar and honey. Even taken alone, each brings some amazing health benefits to the body. Apple cider vinegar is great for digestive health, for instance, and can be used topically to...
| 3/18/2015 - Historical evidence credits ancient Babylonians (5,000 B.C.) with creating vinegar or "sour wine" stemming from the French origin "vin airgre." The benefits were not overlooked by the Father of Medicine, Hippocrates, who historically used apple cider vinegar (ACV), or cider vinegar, to treat wounds...
| 2/16/2015 - When purchasing apple cider vinegar (ACV), people are typically urged to buy something organic that also states "mother" on the label. No, it's not some indication of a family-made recipe, but rather a vital component that makes ACV so effective; mother of vinegar, or "the mother," is what gives the...
| 1/8/2015 - Since the beginning of recorded history, apple cider vinegar has been used as an effective medicine to remedy a wide variety of ailments. The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, for instance, was known to treat his patients with apple cider vinegar and honey for serious digestive conditions. Christopher...
| 12/17/2014 - A sinus infection, or sinusitis, is an inflammation of the lining of the sinuses that often leads to persistent runny noses, headaches, fevers and facial pains. According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology, more than 37 million Americans -- almost 12 percent of the United States population --...
| 11/26/2014 - A sore throat, or inflammation of the pharynx and fauces, is a common medical condition that affects most people at some point in their lives. It is usually a symptom of a viral or bacterial infection, such as the common cold, though some cases can be caused by a swollen tonsil or enlarged glands in...
| 11/10/2014 - Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has been touted as great all-around remedy that boosts overall health and appearance, making it an ideal household staple. It helps balance the body's system so that optimal health is reflected both by internal and outward improvements; everything from sunburn relief to a healthier...
| 9/3/2014 - Acid reflux can go from mild to chronic in a very short period of time. There are medications than can help manage the symptoms of acid reflux, such as antacids. However, they aren't necessary, because there are many natural remedies that are simple and easy to use. The following remedies can be used...
| 6/4/2014 - With estimates that the body has 10 times more bacteria than cells (approximately 10 trillion), it becomes pretty clear that maintaining a proper bacterial balance is vital for long-term health. An important factor in that balance is plenty of probiotics (good bacteria) in order to keep the optimal...
| 6/2/2014 - You'll be hard-pressed to find an all-natural product in the selection of over-the-counter acne treatments available on the market. These cleansers, creams, toners and spot applications contain countless chemicals that are harsh on the skin and can have harmful side effects to your health. And
| 9/27/2013 - Apple cider vinegar has been used in folk medicine for hundreds of years. Apple cider vinegar has also been utilized to treat allergies, acne, flu, pets, and dermatitis. Apple cider elevates pH levels, increasing alkalinity in the body. It is anti-bacterial, antiseptic, anti-viral, and anti-fungal....
| 9/11/2013 - A pilot study on the effect that apple cider vinegar (ACV) has on gastric emptying rate revealed glycemic control problems with type 1 diabetics, but it is otherwise effective in reducing levels of postprandial glucose and insulin among healthy people. However, Swedish researchers Joanna Hiebowicz,...
| 9/10/2013 - For thousands of years, vinegar has been used for weight loss. It is said that taking a few teaspoons of vinegar before meals can reduce appetite and cravings while stimulating metabolism. What about apple cider vinegar? Without healthy eating and enough physical activity, apple cider vinegar can not...
| 8/5/2013 - Apple cider vinegar is often looked upon by natural wellness enthusiasts as a panacea for all good things. Taking a tablespoon or two of it every day is said to cure everything from gout to allergies and more. It's said that it is important that the apple cider vinegar you take be organic and have the...
| 11/29/2012 - Shimmery, vibrant and soft-bodied hair is something that everyone strives for. Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a wonderful and surprisingly effective way to lay the foundation needed for this. After all, what is healthy hair that doesn't also have the signature sheen and light reflective ability that we...
| 6/12/2012 - You may not think of apple cider vinegar as something that is a boon to your overall health, but it can be, and here are 10 ways you can use it to help pave the way to a better you.
See the infographic at:
1. Balance your inner ecosystem: The body constantly strives...
| 5/3/2012 12:27:31 PM - If time is a teacher, one thing we know is that apple cider vinegar is good stuff. The Babylonians used it as a tonic in 5000 B.C. so its been around for a while. It was also used in ancient Egypt (3000 B.C.) and by Samurai warriors in Japan (1200 B.C.), so it's grandfathered in - doesn't need a double-blind...
| 10/1/2011 - Vinegar is a traditional folk remedy long valued for its many health benefits. Recent research shows at least three ways in which the traditional healers were on the right track at least when it comes to weight loss. A 2006 review article in the "Medscape Journal of Medicine" concludes vinegar may have...
| 2/21/2011 - The terms heartburn, acid reflux, and GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) describe a chronic condition that is both painful and expensive - costing our economy as much as $10 billion annually in medical care costs and lost productivity. Standard interventions of medication and surgery also include...
| 3/17/2010 - Lyme disease is an infection in the blood that is spread by tick bites. The disease was named for the town of Old Lyme, Connecticut, where the disease was first reported in 1975. The Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria cause Lyme disease and the disease is also known as Borreliosis because of this. Apple...
| 8/25/2009 - The cleansing properties of apple cider vinegar have been utilized for centuries. Eastern medicine teaches us that apple cider vinegar can help stimulate circulation and aid detoxification in the liver. Ancient cultures often used apple cider vinegar to purify the blood. Today we are exposed to more...
| 7/28/2009 - We are a society deeply familiar with joint pain. Nearly 50 million adults in the United States have been diagnosed with arthritis or a similar rheumatic condition, and countless others experience general joint pain on a regular basis. Conventional medicine offers minimal relief for joint pain, but...
| 6/13/2009 - We've all heard the claims about achieving weight loss with the help of apple cider vinegar. Some sources imply apple cider vinegar is some kind of magical substance that burns fat, but of course most of us are bright enough to see through that facade. But the claims make you wonder: can apple cider...
| 1/28/2009 - It often takes years for someone to realize candida is the mystery illness behind symptoms like fatigue, poor memory, sugar cravings and yeast infections. Fortunately, once you identify candida as the problem, it can often be treated swiftly without a prescription. Natural methods are actually far superior...
Concept-related articles:Vitamins:Minerals:Doctors:Honey:Healing:Vinegar:Apple:Natural:Drinking:Skin:Liver:Body:Taste:People:Heal:Allergies:
Concepts related to Apple cider vinegar
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fitness, recipes, natural remedies and much more.
CounterThink Cartoons are
free to view and download. They cover topics like health, environment and freedom.
The Consumer Wellness Center is
a non-profit organization offering nutrition education grants to programs that
help children and expectant mothers around the world.
Food Investigations is
a series of mini-documentaries exposing the truth about dangerous ingredients
in the food supply. offers
alternative health programs, documentaries and more.
The Honest Food Guide is
a free, downloadable public health and nutrition chart that dares to tell the
truth about what foods we should really be eating. offers
a free online reference database of healing foods, phytonutrients and plant-based
medicines that prevent or treat diseases and health conditions. is
a free, online reference library that lists medicinal herbs and their health
benefits. is
a free online reference database of phytonutrients (natural medicines found in
foods) and their health benefits. Lists diseases, foods, herbs and more.